July 31, 2006

Detailed Timeline.... July 1 - 31, 2006.... the start of the long road of the assassination of Aruba - Dutch "justice"

The Natalee Holloway Timeline
of her vanishment while in Aruba
detailing persons, places, organizations,
deliberate & accidental actions & in-actions,
events & supposed events, witnesses,
known suspects, outright lies,
corruptions, and crimes


On 7-1 FOX News reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to "Andie”)

Kimberly: Aruban officials have locked up the man called, Carlos the Columbian, for lying about what he saw on the beach the night Natalee disappeared. Joining us in Miami is Jossy Mansur, editor of EL DIARO, who spoke exclusively to the alleged eye witness. Welcome to the program, Jossy, great to have you with us.

Jossy: Thank you...glad to be here.

Kimberly: Alright...well, congratulations on the exclusive. It seems you may have exposed someone, who has less than pure motives in this case. What can you tell us on the latest on Carlos the Columbian?

Jossy: Well, what we know is that they have been holding him in custody for over two months, and that we hear from an official source that the last week or so he confessed to the Police that he has been lying from the beginning...so they put him in jail.

Kimberly: Did you believe him in the beginning, Jossy?

Jossy: I did. And I still believe that part of his story maybe true, because it does fit into the overall picture of the case.

Kimberly: Tell me what you think is still credible.

Jossy: You know, what I think is credible is the way that he says that if there was a crime committed the disposal of the body, because we all have been breaking our heads(?) about the boat...that a boat was used to dispose of the body. But he claims that he saw this suspect swim out to the ocean with the body, dragging it along...leaving it and coming back. So that part of it may, may have made me believe that he was telling the truth.

Kimberly: You know you bring up a great point, because when I was in Aruba we actually went out a little bit in the water, and you can walk out there quite a distance into the water...and I was thinking to myself, gosh, you wouldn't even need a boat right here to launch at the shore to dispose of a body. You could walk it out a good distance.

Jossy: That is true, and then you can swim another good distance before you hit the currents that become very strong and go in the directions of the coasts of Central America.

Kimberly: Now, do you actually think that he saw something...he made up other facts, you know embellished a little bit, but somethings he might have actually seen by being there that night?

Jossy: I do. I do believe part of the story, and I still do. And I can't imagine why he would come out at the end and say that he was lying all the time.

Kimberly: Well, now the chief prosecutor initially found the story to be believable. Do you know if this has changed?

Jossy: Well, she believes the prosecutor, Karin Janssen, did believe the story, as did the Police, about investigating the case. They acted on it. They went to the spot that he indicated...they went with divers...they dove into the waters of a good distance, and they did find some evidence of some kind of weights that were used to weigh down some kind of body or other article.

Kimberly: So, now at this point, though, does the prosecution's office say we believe a little bit of what you say, Carlos, but we don't believe you with respect to the rest of the details?

Jossy: No, I think they don't believe him at all, because he has come out and admitted to the Police that were interrogating him that he was lying.

Kimberly: Alright. Well, that is unfortunate. Alright, well what about...can you tell us anything about any kind of theory of date-rape drug being used?

Jossy: Well, you know, that in Aruba it is public knowledge that in certain bars and nightclubs that if you slip a bartender or an assistant bartender, a 20 dollar bill that he will put something in the drinks of unsuspecting girls, YES.

Kimberly: And this happens at Carlos and Charlies?

Jossy: This happens in many other places. I don't know if it happens there, because I am not a witness to it, but that is public knowledge...public talk in Aruba.

Kimberly: Alright...last question before I have to let you go...is it your belief tonight that Natalee Holloway was drugged?

Jossy: I am convinced of that. Yes, ma'm.

Kimberly: Alright, Jossy...as always, thank you so much. And joining now in Birmingham is Natalee's mother, Beth Holloway-Twitty, and on the phone is her father, Dave Holloway. Pleasure to have you both with us tonight on this 4th of July weekend...Beth, you just heard this latest information from Jossy Mansur...real brief before we move on to other areas, do you find this to be somewhat surprising that Carlos the Columbian perhaps was making alot of this up?

Beth H-T: Well, it is really hard for us to have any kind of judgment on it, Kimberly. I mean, you know, he speaks no English, and we haven't had a chance to interview him. You know, it is just hard to tell as Jossy said, I think that some parts of it could be true, and we just can't make any judgment on the information that he gave.

Kimberly: Alright, and I will go to Dave real quick...the video that we just showed you on our show, have you seen this before? Have you ever seen Carlos the Columbian?

Dave H: No, I am not familiar with him. He indicated early on that he had some forensic evidence, and apparently he did not produce that. So I pretty much dismissed him as a witness.

Kimberly: Alright, Beth lets go to the timeline here, because what I think is important is you have provided us with an exclusive new photograph of Natalee on the night she disappeared. For our viewers, if you can briefly recap sorta of the timeframe that evening when she was seen on tape and the photograph that we've shown tonight.

Beth H-T: Well, Kimberly, I think what we have...we have a picture of Natalee where she is very much in control. This is just within a couple of hours before Joran van der Sloot took her from Carlos and Charlies', and it doesn't set with a Natalee completely in control just right, you know, just a couple of hours before to where we have Natalee to where she is completely out of control. She has no control of her actions. I mean they even have her falling in and out of, you know, coming in and out of consciousness in the car at 12:30...as early as 12:30 when they are leaving Carlos and Charlies', so it just goes with something that I think that we have all been suspicious of all along...that Joran slipped a drug into that last drink that she had. There is no way that she could go from how she appears here to completely out of control just a few...just a couple of hours later.

Kimberly: And Dave do you share those same sentiments and believe that some type of intoxicant or drug was put into one of her drinks?

Dave H: I do believe that...yes.

Kimberly: Now the photos that we showed on the split screen there...one shows the video from the casino...then on the top left hand corner, you have it right there in front of you...is the photo you have given us, Beth, where she appears to be smiling...relaxed with her friend. Beth, does this information match up what her friends have said about her demeanor that evening?

Beth H-T: Natalee was never out of control, and you know something else that is really striking is that you won't find a photo of Natalee where she is not with her friends. She is so...was so with her group, and it just amazes me how, you know, how the van der Sloot's...how he was able to get her out of Carlos and Charlies'. She had to be in an altered state of mind for him to have gotten her away from her group so quickly from where (not sure). was taken.

Kimberly: Ok, Dave, before we have to go, do you pretty much put your hope and faith in the civil decision here in New York?

Dave H: Kimberly, I believe that is going to be our last shot. You know, I have told your producer that I spoke with the assistant prosecutor early on. She resigned from the case within two months of Natalee's disappearance. One of the reasons she resigned was, because she could not get the Aruban Police to follow up on her directions. When you can't get the Police to follow up on your own directions, there is problems.

Kimberly: That's a problem. Alright, well, Beth and Dave thank you so much, and we will continue to stay on this case. And for the public out there watching, if you have any information on the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, please call the number on your screen...and remember there is a 1 million dollar reward for the safe return of Natalee and the 250 thousand dollar reward for anyone with information on her disappearance.


On 7-2 ART WOOD stated to “C-band radio”:
(audio can be heard here)
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Heli”)

Dana Pretzer:

I used the term murder of Natalee Holloway. It's my pleasure to have one of the Investigators here, Art Wood

Tell us about yourself Art.


Retired US Secret Service agent, I live in Ocala Florida. I have become very close with Dave and Beth Holloway over the last year. This case I'm emotionally attached to it, I know it very well


I'm emotionally attached to the case, I've shared e-mails with Dave. As a LE officer and victim's rights advocate, it just drives me crazy, we get ulcers and lose our hair, we want to do what we can to help, but this case has gone so many different directions and these poor people, if I had half the strength of Dave and Beth Holloway-Twitty had I'd be a better person


What got me into this case, like all of you I watched the start of this case and was shocked at the lack of Police work. The 3 kids the main suspects in this case, were the last people seen with Natalee yet the LE proceeded to arrest the two black security guards

I started e-mailing Jossy Mansur, and Jossy's 3 sons went to same college as me Weiland(?) Jesuit College. He invited me over there as a guest of the newspaper to be an investigative consultant. When I left Florida in June last year I expected to be gone about 2 weeks but turns out I didn't come back until September


Basic Police work errors that were so glaring in this investigation. I want to start with you Art with the MSM in particular, Fox News in the last few days, the reports coming out regarding this witness or not witness is this person credible, is there anything to Carlos?


First of all Carlos is a Columbian, he's a male about 40, maybe 40 to 45 years old and at one time he had a work permit to work in Aruba but that expired and he didn't get it extended. At the time this happened he was an illegal. Basically, Carlos contacted Jossy through an intermediary and he was trying to claim the reward. Jossy told Dave and Beth about Carlos and contacted me and basically after consulting with Dave and Beth it was decided that I would talk to Carlos and see if there was any validity I flew down there in April and interviewed Carlos and actually on two occasions. Basically I didn't believe his story at all, I told Jossy there were too many holes in his story. I thought it was 1005 bogus, he was just trying to claim the reward.

Before leaving Aruba, I told Carlos that I would turn the info over the ALE, which I did, I made sure that Karin got that information and let them determine if there was validity to is. I advised Dave and Beth I found it not true, I left Aruba and the authorities picked him up and believed his story for awhile, they held him in protective custody for 6 weeks and now he's recanted his story.


We as LE or members of the media or people who talk to people for a living. You can see contradictions, physical actions, body language, different things that you can soon tell when you interview a witness whether they're a glory grabber or they actually have something


LE officers involved in criminal investigations develop not just an instinct, they develop a whole persona to tell if somebody is lying or not. It comes with experiences but it comes with 100's of interrogations you're involved with. This guy's story didn't make any sense to me at all. I was using an interpreter but I could tell he was lying, I knew that he was. As a Police officer instinctively you just know when they're lying.

I've told Dave, I'm 100% sure he was lying and turns out he was.


You know when somebody is lying. One of the questions that came up, was the co-operation of the Aruban authorities, we'll get into the competence, how did they treat you?


I developed a relationship with a Police officer which I thought was beneficial to the investigation. There were aspects to this case where there were people in Aruba that I did not and do not trust. I believe this case was sabotaged from within. There are too many things to get into, but I've come to the conclusion along with info I've shared with Dave and Beth that it was sabotaged from within. I think it was professionally sabotaged.

At one point in the summer, one high ranking Police officer came to me and asked, told me that Natalee was being held in a residence in Aruba. They took me and Eduardo Mansur to this house and I said why me and Eduardo. He said we want you to do some surveillance and I said why, why don’t the Police just go in there. He said there was somebody in the investigation he didn't even trust. Later that night I told Eduardo, this is wrong, something is wrong either these people want to put us in danger. As a matter of fact after just after checking this house I took some people and we went into the house and searched it and ta,ked to the people in there. It was a strange situation.


Is this case still being investigated from the private side. Are you still working on this


I have never given up on this case, I believe it can be solved. There are too many ppl involved in the cover-up. There's couple of things that could happen to solve the case.. The family of Natalee needs to put pressure on the US attorney in Birmingham to push the FBI to conduct an investigation after ALE close the case. We have a treaty that allows the FBI to pursue a violation of civil rights of an American citizen there. I believe it could be solved that way, more than likely the case would be solved if somebody would talk. There are at least 5 people in the disappearance and cover-up and if they talked it could be solved.

People aren't doing searches but we have allies there who are trying to solve this. Jossy has been allied and absolutely critical in trying to find the answers here. The largest newspaper is actively involved in searching for the truth and the Aruban people should be proud of that.


I've Had Jossy on the show several times and I will not let this go from my end. Believe me if you need any assistance please let me know.

My next question here, as far as credible witnesses. We hear about
witnesses, really you mention 5 people. There are still some credible witnesses out there that haven't been spoken to or questioned the right way. I talk about an investigation as a puzzle and you put it together, right now this puzzle in Aruba is spread out around the island.


As a matter of fact, about a month ago they had somebody in Holland, the poker dealer from the Excelsior, where Joran and Natalee met. That poker dealer was one of Joran's friends and even though he's not in custody he was somebody I had discovered in June of last year that should be pursued. I had requested ALE to go to Holland talk to him and pursue this lead. The fact is that he was dealing poker that night that Joran met Natalee and other casino employees said he was very nervous about the film of Natalee and Joran at the poker table.


We've all seen the video on the news where Paulus said he never met her, but I've sure seen a video where he was sitting there at that poker table


It sure looks like Paulus at the table, I wouldn't count that so much as evidence. We know that Joran was there, that's clear and he admits being there. Joran says that he came to that table after Paul went home. If that is Paul at that table, then that is extremely important, that tells that both of them are lying.


Initially it may not be direct evidence, but it certainly is evidence as far as obstruction of the case and possible corruption in Aruba that is leading to this misinformation.

Let's get to the question of the belt. I'm looking at pictures and it sure looks like the one in the pictures with Joran. Jossy mentioned that some of the evidence is missing


I could tell you that we were led to believe early on, approximately June 1 is when Dave talked to Dennis Jacobs and he was led to believe that the boys had been interviewed on the 30th and 31st and he was going to take another run at them. No statements from these suspects show up in any files until after they're arrested on June 9. On June 10 the family is told this is not a missing person's case it's a murder investigation. They were led to believe somebody confessed. Somebody in the government released that info and that they were being lead to the body. If it did happen, it was covered up. I think it would be hard to cover up if they..the chief of Police at the time was van der Straten who was best friends with Paul and he eventually resigned from the case. He interviewed Joran on the 9th of June and claims to have told, people were told by him that Joran had confessed and they were going to lead to the body, but only part of that interview was presented to the case.

Joran claimed Deepak had raped and killed Natalee and buried her by the fisherman's hut. It was a short interview in the report, so it seems pages and pages of the interview are missing. There are lot of interrogations that we have questions

Jacobs was a drug officer, he'd never been involved in a missing person case. There's a lot of strange behaviors in this case, he may have sabotaged the case, I'd like to know


The physical evidence, the belt...


There are reasons I searched for the belt. Some people saw a vehicle that night, they lead me to this area and believe it or not, it's an area where it's the first thing I came to. Dave saw a Police car with the trunk open on June 2...when he tried to approach the cop sped away.

I talked to Dave back in Meridian and he gave me a description.... I was kicking around in the sand and a belt popped up so I put it in my car. I asked the cops if they wanted it and they said bring it in in the morning. I went back and hooked up with Eduardo, we were going to interview some people, later I was making a mental note to take the belt to the Police. I kept thinking I saw that belt before, so I want to the newspaper and started looking at file photos and I find that picture of Joran choking somebody with the belt.

It's a distinctive belt .... it has some kind of striations, brown leather, very wide, good thick leather belt and amazingly it's a real long belt. when I took it to the Police, the lead investigator at that time, one of the chief people was a guy was Tromp, I gave it personally to him, he took a statement from me, he said wow this is identical, this is important. I later find out they did nothing with it, didn't sent to Holland, they determined the belt is too old, in the sand long time.

Let me tell you something, for them to say it was too old and wouldn't fit Joran. I said nobody said Joran wore this belt, it was a prop in the photo, he's choking a kid in the photo .... They missed the point, so actually I had gone through an attorney to get the belt back, I was going to send to a lab myself. We don't know what happened to the belt, I suggested they send to Holland, there could be blood, DNA, anything there. You just don't know.

With enhancement you could tell for sure if it was the same belt. If there's a striation mark they could enhance it and it would be possible to have it's own fingerprint.


We solve a case four different ways, a confession, physical evidence, statements from witnesses

They just blew it


that's just one example. There are many others. I had that belt late in July and I had been in Aruba for about 2 months, I'd never seen the Police get excited about anything. The searches that were going on after June 3 were being conducted by volunteers by friends of H/T and TES. I never saw the Police participate in any searches, the day I pulled that belt in, we organized a search and I had a guy with a professional dog team Fred Golba, and Fred organized this search to take place after 6:30 pm. it was hot and he wanted his dogs to be able to work optimally in cooler temperatures.

There were cops crawling all over, they all showed up, everybody showed up, this is a first. So they try to tell me the belt isn't significant but they're acting differently.


The fourth way is help form the public. Question from e-mail: Art, Jossy has said that he knows that Joran took Natalee to his apartment. How does he know that, did they search the apartment and find evidence that she had been there. What can you say about the searches


First of all they did search of Joran's apartment, which is a garage apartment on the van der Sloot property. He had his own apartment, he could sneak in and out. They didn't search the main house, we were led to believe by a leak from the Police that evidence was found there. Jossy had reason to believe that possible DNA evidence was found in the apartment. It has never come out that it was true, you would think that would have been turned over to both sides, but it never has.

As far as other searches where evidence was found, we were lead to believe that blood was found in the Kalpoe car. The Police stated on world television that blood was found and was send to Holland. When the report came back it was stated that it was cleaning fluid and chocolate. I don't know of any test, any initial test whether luminol or other chemical which would show a positive for cleaning...it's elementary Police work, you know from crime scene searches. There are very few substances that show up as blood that isn't.

So we really were disappointed in that test but that's one of those things I can't accuse anybody but think about, it could easily be something that was substituted.

Another question: Joran and his history, in your investigation before, what did you find out about his kid, what kind of kid was he, what kind of history. Any problem with LE in the past, there was an allegation about other females


Professionals that have testified in this case and talk about him say he's a sociopath. I haven't met him but he definitely has problems. IF you see the interview with Greta he said he never went to any psychologist but he told the Police he was under care of one at school. His father said he was being treated for anger management and stealing from his family


I watched that interview, I was screaming at the tv with questions I had. I could get that kid to talk in 15 minutes


He told his father that he was at one casino when then later, when they went there he wasn't there, I was at the Radisson instead of the .. anyway that was the night after Natalee disappeared. He tells the authorities that he had a tennis match and then he went to the casino. He's at a poker tournament at the Radisson, what happens is Greta ask why did you tell your father you were at this casino when you were elsewhere

He said because we put the car there. The truth is you're not going to walk...Deepak wasn't with him, she caught him in an absolute bold faced lie and didn't follow up on it. He told his father and his father told the Police, but when they checked at the casino, nobody had seen him.

We had reason to believe, the first week in June one of the kids told Dave that Joran and his father borrowed a friend's boat that night, that's what I would have questioned him about


I watched that discussion because I don't call it an interview.
Seeing the video of Bo serving Joran in New York, the intimidation factor, asking where did you bury her, playing the mental games. I'm sure Bo is a true professional, he got his emotions...


I think he's a homicide detective


Those types of things sometimes work. Do you think they did that on purpose, do you think you say hello sir...may I have a second of your time..


I'm sure that Bo had the same feelings you and I do, would have liked to take a shot at the kid. I would love to have a chance to get inside his head. you can see this kid is a professional liar. I knew that he wasn't at the Radisson, at the hotel he claimed to be...the Wyndham..this is the night that Beth and Jug arrive in Aruba, early morning hours of May 30/31. They're trying to find their daughter, they get to the house, the father answers the door... he's not home 2 a.m.

Beth and Jug stand there with a cop, Paul gets on the phone with his son, he's at the Wyndham playing poker. They get in the car to go to the Wyndham, he's not there. They go there and nobody has seen him there. When they get back to the house he's in the driveway with Deepak Kalpoe. Anyway, Greta asks him why did you tell him you were at the Wyndam.....We know that Deepak worked until 11:30 at the internet cafe and that he later claims to have gone to the Radisson where Joran is supposedly gambling. The Wyndham and the Radisson are quite far apart, you wouldn't park you car at one to go to the other ....

Greta had him in a bold face lie and Greta didn't follow up


Here we have a case where it was just corruption, bungled, covered up, what could we have done to make it better. We could probably name a lot


I want to bring to your attention, this might help people to understand. You have to understand that the day after she disappeared Joran and the Kalpoes told Beth and the Police that they had dropped Natalee of at the "Holiday Inn" and that when the got out she stumbled and fell on the sidewalk and one of the security guard helped her\
When they told that story, that day the 1st of June, Beth and the Police officers including the chief, Van der Straten have viewed the film at the "Holiday Inn" and they know the boys have lied because they show she wasn't dropped off. She didn't fall and hurt herself and the Kalpoes car does not enter the film area, so they know that these 3 suspects have lied. The chief of Police and you have 3 people who were seen with this American girl and they were seen with her in their car and these 3 teenagers have all told you the chief that they dropped her off at the Holiday In.. Wouldn't you focus on those 3 kids. Guess what? They went after two black security guards and arrested them on June 5. Why would you arrests these two security guards, when you know that the people that pointed you to them were lying.

What I'm trying to say to the listeners, if you don't believe there's a cover-up in Aruba, you only have to look at the orchestrated arrest of these security guards. If you know they were lying about dropping her off, why arrest the security guards.

That is the biggest seed to play that I would like to plant in your listeners' heads. I interviewed this Boeti guy, this drug dealer on the beach who claims he sold drugs to Natalee. I interviewed him 5 times early on, I've told Beth and Dave..I came away that he'd been coached. Every time Boeti told me he saw these security guards going in and out of Natalee's room. He said he was interviewed by Police several times but there are no Police reports.

Turns out Boeti is the brother in law of Gerold Dompig. guess what,, you've got a narcotics Investigator in Aruba working as the chief Investigator on the Natalee disappearance, what better way to justify the arrest of the two black security guards than to have a drug dealer to say he saw the guards going in and out of Natalee's room.


All these people want are answers, some closure. This craziness just continues on and on. A few more e-mail questions.


There are professional officers on Aruba who are good, they were never assigned to this case. I'm talking about homicide detectives, but they were never assigned.


You juts pinned that tail on the donkey.


I want your listeners to know I think highly of many officers in Aruba, but they were never allowed to work on this case.


Another e-mail. The gardener witness, did he take lie detector, where is he now. Could it have been [true]


It could have been Freddy in the car, his identification of Satish was not that important, he saw 3 guys..both of the brothers claims they were already home and Joran claimed to have been dropped at the beach.

Carlos the gardener in his early 20's I found him honest and sincere. I believe him, I'm very sure Carlos was telling the truth. He wasn't looking for a reward, he didn't want to involve the Police in this at all. I found Carlos, he told me this is through an interpreter too, he said "I saw them searching by the fisherman's hut, big search party Police and everybody, I was driving to work and I wasn’t thinking go there, ...Carlos wasn't found until August, he told his employer in the first week of June about seeing the boys, Carlos was very sincere, he's still on the island I think he would be an excellent witness. He couldn't identify Satish, the person in the back seat ducked.

It could have been Freddy. I've seen a lot of interviews, one of those interviews talks about the fact Paul had gotten attorneys for these kids the first week in June before they were even arrested. He got an attorney for Freddy, who wasn't even arrested until September. That tells you a lot, and Freddy is one of the 5 people I mentioned earlier.

I found it incredible that Carlos was from Columbia. The Dutch and Arubaans didn't think much of him because he was Columbian. He was very sincere in my opinion


One more question, can you explain why the Kalpoes and Joran have not been charged with an adduction, sexual molestation because there are some admissions, even drugging her coming in and out of consciousness


Unfortunately, regarding the evidence, unless there was some way to find her body...I do believe she was given a date-rape drug, unless one of the suspects talks there is no evidence to use in Court to convince a jury. I also think she may have been run over with the car.

In the statements, if you recall the boys were being transported from Oranjestad to another town, they were secretly recorded. During that conversation they're very careful what they say but Deepak said if they ever find the girl you're going to jail for 20 years.

One of the things Joran said in the conversation, he tells Deepak don’t the Police like to know your brother ran a girl over with the [car]. That blew my mind, that's like saying be careful what you say about me or I'll tell the Police what really happened.

Recall the story I told you earlier, they said Natalee fell out of the car, we know that's a lie. Why would you say she fell out of the car unless you were covering yourself. This girl may have tried to jump out of the vehicle and was run over. We were led to believe Deepak was driving the car, in the statement they said Deepak parked the car behind C&C.


It's contradiction after contradiction that you and other LE people would jump on. I would be strung up if I didn't ask you about the Chicago video


The videos of the paper bag, plastic bag. I would love experts to look at that video, like the FBI. I can't see to where I believe it's anything related to this case. I'd like to see computer enhancement, to see when they were shot and what they exactly show.


Art you're a true professional, you've got a heart of gold. You and I are on the same page here


Some of your listeners may misunderstand this, somebody in the news media has painted me as a soldier of fortune. I have never been paid for my services in this case, Jossy Mansur helped with some of the expenses ,and I appreciate that. But I've received no payment and billed nobody.

Beth paid my airfare..no Jossy paid that airfare when I came to Aruba in April to talk to Carlos.


On 7-3 PATRICK HURLEY reported:

Why I Believe Joran van der Sloot Is STILL Guilty!
By Patrick Hurley

A year has passed. I continue to be in touch with the Dave and Robin Holloway as they grieve over their missing daughter. Meanwhile, the last person to see her alive is happy and well and enjoying his college life in Holland and having the time of his life.

Many of you are tired of the story. Many of you think this is old news. Many of you have your children safely tucked in their beds at night. So, I do not care what many of you think. I know if it were my daughter, this story would never end. Until they find Natalee, I will be here to remind all of you that the story is still there.

I continue to believe that Joran van der Sloot is guilty concerning the disappearance of this wonderful young girl. Here are my reasons:

1. He lied at the time of her disappearance. From the very beginning, Joran never came clean as to what happened the night Natalee got into the car with him. From his made up story about the security guards, giving him and his pals ten days to clean up the evidence, to the mythical trip to the lighthouse; it was all fabricated.

2. He continues to lie in his recent interviews. Satish did not pick him up from the beach as Joran claimed which means if it was not Satish or Deepak who picked him up according to phone and computer records, how did he get home? There are other details he continues to polish and edit even though his timeline remains incredulous.

3. He has been arrogant about Beth Twitty since the first night he met her. When a grieving mother arrives at your house and asks where her missing daughter is, an innocent person would be humble and helpful. Not Joran the Arrogant. His reaction to her upon being asked about the whereabouts of Natalee? "How should I KNOW?" A little defensive there, Joran? Isn't it remarkable that innocent people do not get defensive...

4. He never offered to help look for Natalee. Even in the ten days when he was not a suspect and with all the information he COULD have given to Police as to her whereabouts, he never moved his irresponsible butt one inch towards a search party. That is not only beyond belief, it is disgusting.

5. He and his family refused to let Police search their property or his apartment. If a young man has nothing to hide, he would cooperate fully with the authorities. If a young man has a crime to hide, he would not. Do the math.

6. He continues to hint that it was Deepak who raped and murdered Natalee Holloway. Doesn't this sound a LITTLE like OJ hinting it was the Columbian drug lords who killed Nicole Brown Simpson. Or Robert Blake HINTING that while he was in the restaurant for fifteen minutes someone happened along and saw the wife he abhorred in a car and blew her away. Don't you love HINTS? Very clever ruses, huh?

Of course, there is no physical or circumstantial evidence that Joran did anything wrong due to three facts:

1. Joran stalled the investigation for ten days while the car was being thoroughly cleaned and evidence was destroyed.

2. The Dutch and Aruban authorities, beyond nabbing a marijuana dealer caught IN THE ACT, were about as proficient in solving a murder as Ashlee Simpson was in carrying a tune on, "Saturday Night Live."

3. The Dutch government had (and HAS) little interest in solving this case.

So, the Joran supporters cackle and wink as they proclaim his innocence. Many of us have heard this, "my guy is INNOCENT" crap before. We saw them carrying signs and, "I LOVE you" placards at previous trials concerning victims Laci Peterson, Nicole Brown Simpson and Bonnie Bakeley. If Scott Peterson had said he was at a golf course on Christmas eve he would be on the first tee today. If there had been more than ONE caucasiAn juror, OJ might have been convicted. (Isn't it funny that the LAPD never searched for any OTHER suspects in that case?) If the mother who accused Michael Jackson of molesting her son had not been a welfare thief, he would be serving Jesus Juice to his fellow inmates.

It does not come down to whether you commit a crime; it is all about timing, location, how much clout you have with authorities and luck. Joran was 4 for 4 here. Even something obvious has to be proven in a court of law. But, if you go to sleep at night and there is no snow on the ground and you wake up and the ground is covered with snow you could make a REASONABLE assumption that it snowed during the night.

I am making a REASONABLE assumption here that Joran van der Sloot had something to do with the disappearance and death of Natalee Holloway. I believe he also knows where her body is and how it got there. Just because the law cannot prove anything to nail this little punk does not mean that someone with an I.Q. higher than a cantaloupe cannot see through the clever Dutch boy. We are not fooled by all the diversions of his followers trying to put the focus on her parents, her mistakes that night, the donation process, people who want to assist in finding her or those who have written in support of the family.

None of us were the one who lured her into a car, made her disappear, lied about it, continues to lie about it, threw the Police off the trail, did not assist in any of the search, stonewalled attempts to search his property and hints even today that it was SOMEONE ELSE.

To paraphrase Deep Throat in, "All the President's Men," when he said, "Follow the money."

"Follow the lies." When you do you will find one person at the end of that trail....

Joran van der Sloot.

Not Beth Twitty, not Joe Mammana, not a mythical donation fund, not a Toyota Tundra, not Dave Holloway, not writers all over the world trying to help a grieving family...

Joran van der Sloot.

One of these days, someone is going to look out their window and see the snow falling and we are going to nail this guy. Count on it.


About the author: Pat Hurley has won three Emmy awards for writing, hosting and producing television shows. He resides in Southern California.

Email: coolhumor@sbcglobal.net


On 7-4 the ST. MAARTEN “The Daily Herald” reported:

Enemies of the State

Three robberies at Mullet Bay in broad daylight within a matter of hours last weekend, two of them of a violent nature in which the victims were hurt, have raised renewed concern about the crime situation on the island. The fact that visitors were targeted in all three cases makes it worse, because of the disastrous effect such incidents can have on St. Maarten’s tourism economy, especially if they become a pattern.

The issue of adequate security in tourist-sensitive areas is nothing new. Because the Central Government’s Police force is hampered by a structural shortage of personnel and resources, the Soualiga Patrol financed by the Island Territory was established with members of the Voluntary Corps to help fill the void, as a type of tourism Police. The patrol appears to be doing a good job, but its activities are mostly concentrated in Philipsburg and directed at the cruise passengers who frequent the area. The incidents of last weekend suggest that the area between Beacon Hill and the Lowlands, particularly Mullet Bay, requires more attention.

That it is possible was proven during the recent visit of a US aircraft carrier, when an extra effort as made to provide security in areas where large numbers of sailors could be found. While the Sonesta Maho and Caravanserai hotels have their own security, their guests and many other tourists can be found all over the area and have seemingly become favored targets for robbers.

The fact that after committing their crimes the persons involved can quickly cross the nearby border into the French side does not exactly help. Contrary to what some may believe, law enforcement authorities of the two sides do in fact work together and their respective Police can go after criminals if they cross the border, but the need to inform their colleagues may give the criminals just the little extra time they need to get away. While it may seem a lot, a 24-hour Police motor patrol that stays in that particular area appears to have become an absolute necessity. It may cost a bit more manpower than periodic patrols, but considering the impact such tourist crimes can have on the livelihood of the entire population, it seems a worthwhile investment. Perhaps the Soualiga Patrol can also expand its focus to include this area for patrols on foot and quads that can drive over the beach and golf course to be able to provide more protection and have a better chance of catching the culprits should a crime occur.
Just as important is that society as a whole, including family and friends of people who may be involved in these crimes, cooperates with Police to stop them. Their actions jeopardize the future of “The Friendly Island” and cannot be tolerated. They are, simply put, enemies of the state and should be treated as such.


On 7-5 ARUBAAN's news-source "Aruba Tradewinds Times" reported:

Tourism down 15.2 percent in the first quarter of 2006

Tourism Down, Occupancy Rate Still High

ORANJESTAD-The amount of stay-over arrivals fell by 15.2 percent in the first quarter of 2006 in comparison to the same period in 2005. A total of 170,338 stay-over arrivals were welcomed on the island in the first quarter of this year compared to 200,868 arrivals in the first quarter of 2005, that is 30,530 stay-over arrivals less.

The amount of stay-over arrivals for January, February and March 2006 are of 55,590 visitors (-15.8 percent), 55,716 visitors (-11.06 percent) and 59,032 visitors
(-18.2 percent) respectively. The average hotel occupancy rate for January, February and March 2006 stood at 83.1 percent (-2.8 percentage points), 87.8 percent (-1.7 percentage point) and 82.9 percent (-6.0 percentage points) respectively.

The U.S. (Aruba's main generating market) accounts for 74.8 percent of the total amount of stay-over arrivals in the first quarter of 2006. Aruba received 127,392 stay-over arrivals from the U.S. in the first quarter of this year compared to 154,863 Americans in the same period last year, a decline of 17.7 percent.

The decline in U.S. arrivals is mainly attributed to the loss of charter flights due to the fierce competition from scheduled carriers that are offering cheaper fares and the closure of hotels on the island for renovation. The bad press surrounding the disappearance of Natalee Holloway also plays an important but diminishing role in the continuous decline of U.S. arrivals.

Arrivals from Canada are up 6.7 percent in the first quarter of 2006. A total 8,608 Canadians were welcomed in the first quarter of this year compared to 8,068 Canadians in the same period last year. Canada has become Aruba's 4th most important generating market with a market share of 5.1 percent from the total amount of stay-over arrivals in the first quarter of this year.

South American markets did overall well in the first quarter of 2006. The Argentine market is up 71.8 percent to 804 stay-over arrivals, the Peruvian market is up 120.5 percent to 247 arrivals and the Brazilian market is up 17.4 percent to 1,733 arrivals. The Venezuelan and Colombian markets both declined by 20.4 percent and 19.3 percent respectively. A total of 8,971 Venezuelans and 1,709 Colombians arrived in the first quarter of 2006 compared to 11,266 Venezuelans and 2,118 Colombians that arrived in the same period last year.

The decline in arrivals from both Venezuela and Colombia is attributed to Easter Weekend which fell in March last year, and April of this year. During Easter Weekend thousands of Venezuelans and Colombians arrive in Aruba to spend their holidays.

Most European generating markets registered a decline in the first 3 months of 2006. The Dutch market fell by 2.8 percent to 9,058 Dutch arrivals in the first quarter of 2006 compared to 9,315 Dutch arrivals in the same period last year. The Belgian market is down 24.8 percent to 372 arrivals, the German market is down 28.6 percent to 636 arrivals and the British market is down 19.5 percent to 676 arrivals. The decline in European arrivals is mainly attributed to the lack of airlift from the old continent.

On 7-5 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Almost 15 percent less tourists in the first quarter

ARUBA – In the monthly bulletin of April that the Central Bank of Aruba (CBA) published recently is stated that in the first quarter of 2006, 14.7 percent less tourists visited Aruba than in 2005.

CBA does not have recent figures on the amount of money the tourists have spent. The last figures that Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA) had published were in January of 2005. When CBA published her April bulletin, ATA didn’t have the figures on arriving tourists and the number of staying over tourists for February, March and April yet.

The data in the financial bulletin of April came from the Immigration administration and the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). The Bank concluded that the number of tourists as well as the room occupancy in the hotels had dropped. The number of cruise tourists in April of 2006 had dropped with 12.9 percent compared to same month last year and 17.1 percent less cruise ships had called on the port of Aruba. The number of tourists that came to Aruba via air dropped with 14.7 percent. This percentage is the result of the difference between the first quarter of 2006 and the same period in 2005. The Bank indicated further that the average room occupancy in hotels dropped to 81.3 percent compared with April of 2005.

As part of financial developments, the Bank reported an increase of money of 32 million florins to an amount of 2474.1 million florins. The increase is attributed to an increase of the number of loans by businesses and mortgages of 1.4 percent (13.6 million florins). Consumer credits decreased with 0.2 percent, which is equal to more or less 1 million florins.

**NOTE** ARUBAN tourism in the most recent 5 years had been growing at about a 5% to 15% yearly rate, so the decline of 14.7% is further amplified by being down approximately a 20% to 30% difference from the most recent 5 years growth rate

On 7-5 a BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 5-kilometer “Run for Natalee” on August 12, 2006 at 9:00 AM is announced
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “lousw”)


Light tomorrow with to-day!

- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Dear participant,

Your participation in this endeavor is essential in making it a worthwhile effort. I can only hope that you are aware of the Natalee Holloway disappearance. It was around this time last year that she was preparing to make the, now infamous, senior trip to Aruba. It is hard to believe that it has been a whole year, and yet, America still has no answers on the whereabouts of our young daughter. In the meantime, her adamantly devoted family fights to maintain their spot on our televisions, financial backing for the fight for answers and the protection of our children traveling abroad, and finally, still attempting to go about their daily routine without their daughter. All of this is more than any of us would want to endure or purchase. However, we can help.

Whether you are a runner, volunteer, or just wish to donate to our run, you can make a difference. I have no affiliation to the family nor the case, I am simply a resident of the city of Birmingham. I am young mother. But, I feel like I can do something to help this family because, like everyone, I have had days when I needed someone and did not know where to start...I hate the thought of this family feeling that way everyday for an entire year. They need your help and I need your help making this happen.

Remember...giving of yourself for no other reason than that it just feels good is the most contagious, most rewarding, and the most beneficial.

Ashley M. Cockrell
Race Director

[sidebar] Your participation will benefit the family of Natalee Holloway as they continue the search for answers, as well as, the International Safe Travels Foundation.

Running for answers...running for justice...running for Natalee

On 7-5 “Freedom of Blog” identity “MF” posted:

Dompig is Next.

According to Local media, the next person to leave the ALE is Gerold Dompig. This might even be in effect before the High commissioner's leave in January 2007.

The ALE has been having a lot of problems lately, leaks and politics have split the corps in different groups with the Police union one of the major players against the government and the Minister of Justice.

The ALE has been working with a huge budget for overtime because of lack of Police, but some, specially those who are screaming today, have abused of this budget.

(there are also rumors that ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG is/will attend medical school)

On 7-5 ARUBAAN's news-source “Bon Dia” reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Slogger”; probable translation via online language translator)

the month here can wait for sentencia in caso of damage pear huicio of family van der sloot come across

oranjestad – first cu otra month, or as the month here can wait for the sentencia of corte of cuacao in the caso of damage of pear huicio of family van der sloot contra ministerio publico. come across

week happen Friday, in oranan (early/orange-light?) of morning, while cu tratamento of the casonan penal was take lugar in one sitting-room, in one another sitting-room one judge of curacao was deal the caso di damage pear huicio of family van der sloot contra ministerio publico

General idea: Early Friday morning, they were taking testimony on the criminal case in one room, while in another a judge of Curacao was dealing with the damage suit of the family VDS versus the public ministery.

good morning aruba can owing to constata cu while cu mr. paul van der sloot was defendiendo one cliente in one caso penal, his advocate mr. swaen was deal the caso di damage pear huicio in one another sitting-room. the senora dim r. Van der sloot also was present y at dado instant past owing to bandona the sitting-room where his casa was ocupa is defende one client, for atende the caso of his family

in one interview cu good morning aruba owing to haci cu advocate mr. swaen, past owing to confirma cu tratamento of the caso did take lugar. in first instant mr. vand der sloot not was present but after past owing to arrive. come across

mr. swaen owing to splica cu fiscal majoor mr. jansen owing to present cu one cantidad of documento encuanto the caso holloway y owing to bias cu still the caso do not cla because have one witness new cu owing to present one desaroyo new. come across.

judge of his near owing to expresa cu the do not desea of keep more y owing to dicidi cu is close tratamento of the caso. the motibo cu cada times the caso of damage pear huicio was wordo postpone was just for her raport cu mr. jansen owing to bias judge cu the will present. judge was desea of achieve the raport for asima evalua if genuinely have one caso penal still andando contra joran van der sloot. come across

mr. swaen owing to bias cu the caso of damage pear huicio tam ace bien on the form con the family van der sloot owing to wordo deal for qutoridad cual owing to perhudica mr. Van der sloot cu carera com judge y also the enormous presion cu the family van der sloot owing to live inside for enough month. come across

judge owing to informa the partidonan cu first cu 1 of august or as the month here the month dicta sentencia on the demanda of family van der sloot contra ministerio publico. come across

On 7-5 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

MEP-majority holds out; AVP-motion didn’t make it

ARUBA – During an unexpected public debate on Tuesday, the Parliament defeated the motion of the AVP to revoke the controversial measurement package. The AVP, MPA, and RED supported the motion, but that was not enough, because all the 11 MEP-members in Parliament voted against the motion.

The Parliamentary parties were notified late on Monday evening that the public meeting that was adjourned on May 10th would resume on Tuesday morning. During the entire day and evening the Parliament members debated a subject that concerns the entire community for some time already. After his motion was rejected, Mike Eman (AVP) indicated that during the handling of the Finance-budget this coming Thursday, his party will present an amendment, adducing that by economizing on other items, the necessity for the measurements does no longer apply and that these can be revoked.

The AVP has hoped that the parliamentary party-leader Adi Thysen would have supported her motion, and as a former union-executive would have considered the consequences for the already declining purchasing power of the consumer. But all Thysen did was request a suspension, so that the MEP could deliberate upon the motion internally. Eman was not sure whether his motion would get a majority, but he was of the opinion that he had to propose the motion. “It is the responsibility of a delegate of the people to do what you have to do.”

Eman emphasized that the motion was not meant to disapprove the policy of the government, but to have the government revoke the measurements. This motion was not to cause the cabinet, but the measurements to fall. Thysen indicated after the internal deliberation that the government cannot continue financially without these revenue increasing measurements.

All the opposition parties criticized the way the meeting was announced. They said that according to the Code of Order for the Parliament, a public meeting must be announced four days in advance and not one evening.

On 7-5 ARUBAAN's news-source “Bon Dia” reported:

Den caso Holloway

Supuesto testigo nobo a admiti cu el a gaña riba Joran van der Sloot

ORANJESTAD – E supuesto testigo Colombiano cu a presenta na warda di Polis pa duna declaracion den caso Holloway, a resulta di ta un gañado.

Ta asina cu e Colombiano a declara cu el a mira Joran van der Sloot viola Nataly Holloway, mate y despues a mare cu cable na un bloki y a bente den laman.

Esaki a trece un desaroyo nobo den e caso Holloway caminda un team a bay busea pa mira na e lugar unda e testigo a indica si por tin algo. E team a haya un pida cable pero nada mas.

Investigacion cu Bon Dia Aruba a haci ta mustra cu tur loke e supuesto testigo a declara ta mentira.

Bon Dia Aruba por a compronde cu e supuesto testigo mes a admiti na Polis cu el a inventa e declaracion aki.

Ley ta stipula cu por persigui un persona cu a duna declaracion falso contra un otro. E pregunta grandi den e caso aki ta, pakico no a persigui e supuesto testigo aki. Ta obvio cu e persona aki simplemente kier a hinca Joran van der Sloot, den un mal imagen sin realisa e consecuencianan di esaki. Bon Dia Aruba por a compronde cu te ainda no tin un decision tuma si ta bay persigui e supuesto testigo aki, kende actualmente ta den libertad.


On 7-6 “Freedom of Blog” identity “Trixie” posted:

News From the Aruba Court Regarding PVDS's
I don't know if this has been posted elsewhere. This thread can be deleted if it has.

Can someone translate the article? I believe it says the judge has once again postponed for 1 month a decision on the monetary damages that should be awarded to Paulus.....Is that correct and if so, how long can Karin J. keep getting an extention? TIA



On 7-7 the “Scared Monkeys blog" reported:

In Aruba, Some one Accusing the Government of Hiding Some thing and Protecting Someone? Say it Isn’t So

After thirteen long months in Aruba of calculated lies, questionable investigations, suspect interrogations and a concerted effort to conceal something with regards to the Natalee Holloway investigation we hear the following comments:

“… PDR finds it very strange that the Government announces in a letter dated May 18, 2006 that it was looking for documents and since then nothing else has been heard. Is the Government hiding something? Is the Government protecting somebody”?
Of course they are not referring to the Natalee Holloway investigation; however, it sure shows a pattern of behavior doesn’t it? People within the Aruban government are accusing its own Government of the very thing many are presently accusing Aruba of with the Natalee Holloway disappearance. What are you hiding? Who are you protecting?

(A. M. Digital, click on article to enlarge)

Just another aspect of Aruban goings-on that the NY Civil Court Judge should take a look at when making her final ruling as to jurisdiction. Is it really possible for the Holloway/Twitty family to get a fair trail in this atmosphere, climate or culture.

On 7-7 the “Cayman Net News” reported:

Cayman Islands may pay for US citizens' passports

With less than six months to go before the much-feared Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) kicks in, Caribbean tourism officials have decided to reimburse passport costs to some US travelers.

The Cayman Islands is a member of the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), which recently took the decision ahead of the 1 January 2007 date for US citizens to have passports ready for returning to the US.

American visitors to this country account for 40.5 percent of the guests who come here and they are the second most dependent on those travelers in the region, only behind Jamaica, which counts for 58.4 percent.

Other Caribbean countries likely to suffer economically if the new CTO measures fail are the British Virgin Islands (32.2 percent), the Bahamas (21.7), and St Kitts and Nevis (20.4).

Also expected to feel the blow from the fallout will be Aruba (18.2 percent), St Vincent and the Grenadines (14), Grenada (13.8) and the Dominican Republic (12.7).

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is expressing serious concerns over the Bahamas and the Dominican Republic whose tourism revenue represents 90 percent of their service exports, respectively.

Antigua and Barbuda's economy relies directly and indirectly from tourism with over 75 percent of its GDP coming from the hospitality sector.

Caribbean tourism researchers stated that total visitor exports earnings in the region are estimated at US$20.7 million. They also concluded that the Caribbean is the most dependent region on tourism.

Tourism has created 2.4 million jobs globally since 2004 and is responsible for one in five employees, according to experts in the field.

The WHTI dictates that Americans traveling back from the Caribbean by air and sea must be in possession of a passport. Currently, about 20 percent of Americans do not possess a passport.

To protect the loss of 188,300 jobs and US$2.6 million expected from a possible no-show of the millions of Americans without passports, the CTO has reacted with urgency, according to its management.

Secretary General of the CTO, Vincent vanderpool-Wallace, said that a two-prong attack has been devised to protect some of the region's economy from collapsing.

"We recommend for travelers trolling on websites looking for vacations to use those sites to educate themselves on the passport requirement. Rather than using en masse advertising to tell the people, we're going through specific sites to direct our audience.

"The second initiative we have launched is paying Americans for the passport," he said. It would cost about US$400 to pay for a family of four.

In defending his organization's decision to reimburse US citizens who obtain a passport to travel to the Caribbean, Mr. vanderpool-Wallace said:

"We would rather pay some small sum of money for their passport through some private sector sites than allow the tourists to stay closer home or within," he said.

He said he does not see any security issue with the new deal and the reimbursement would be made only to those who use their passport for the first time in the Caribbean.

US State Department spokesperson, Joe Mancini, welcomed the CTO plan as a "positive development in line with the Western Hemisphere Initiative".

There has been no immediate comment from the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism on the latest CTO position.

After the conclusion of last month's Caribbean Hotel Industry Conference in New York, which discussed the passport issue, Director of Tourism Pilar Bush said the Islands would benefit from an extension to the 1 January 2007 passport deadline.

Ms Bush said the Islands would go further to educate the American visitor on the importance of having a passport to travel to the Caribbean and other parts of the world.

"The extension of this deadline will benefit the Cayman Islands, but it will not allow us to stop educating our US guests on the need for a passport as the requirement will come, it is just a matter of when," she said.

Berthia Parle, outgoing President of the CHA, said she submitted a position paper to the Department of Homeland Security explaining the negative impact the US passport rules will have on the region.

She said it could spark social unrest and other imbalances in the region and beyond, according to e-Turbo News.

"We must protect our hard-earned investments and the livelihood of the thousands who depend on us for survival, whether our industry is threatened by the Western Hemisphere Initiative and other detrimental policies," she said.


On 7-8 ART WOOD stated to the “C-Band Talk Network”:
(audio available when you click here)
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Sleuth”)

C-Band Talk Network (Dana Pretzer)
Art Wood Part 2 Of Our Discussion On the Holloway case.
Saturday, July 8, 2006

PRE-SHOW Questions from Callers:

Caller #1- Where comment that blood in K2 vehicle came from - what is the proof?

Caller #2- Ask about ATM withdrawals that Paulus supposedly made?

Caller #3- When Jossy was on, he commented about a 7-year-old boy at painted rocks area - did not add up as painting was a year ago - ask Art about the painted rock.

Caller #4- You are doing a great job, we appreciate what you are doing.

Caller #5- There was the letter asking that KJ and Dompig be replaced - what is the follow-up. (Dana will ask Art's thoughts about Dompig leaving the Police force).

Caller #6- Plastic bag in video #24 - does he know if it was retrieved and what the contents were?

Caller #7- Asked about the 8 1/2 minute phone call between Joran and Deepak - could have that been a video transmission.

PRETZER: Asked about comments on Dompig’s' departure

Art: Current chief is retiring, there is bitter feelings, some have let him down. When Art was there to interview Carlos, there was word that Dompig was going to be fired. So unknown if it is actually retirement or if he was fired.

PRETZER: Analysts with experience are flabbergasted with lack of professionalism, etc. in investigation.

Art: They have some fine Police officers there, but thinks [case] was sabotaged from within, was done on purpose. Look to who is remaining on the case to figure it out.

PRETZER: is this a case where a fresh group of Investigators could get some answers?

Art: Evidence destroyed or misplaced or no longer can be obtained for the case . Under Aruban law, you can't even talk to them, new LE could not re-interview without the prosecutor and judges agreeing. If FBI could interview they could bring out a different resolve. Once Aruba closes this case I believe the FBI has jurisdiction and can investigate. At least 5 involved in this case, it just takes one to talk.

PRETZER: When can FBI come in and investigate?

Art: US has treaty with all kinds of countries, share information. Once case is closed, the FBI can conduct an investigation if there is a violation of the civil rights . Treaty requires that you share the evidence and allow access to the witnesses. It would require the state department and attorney general to be conducive to require the FBI to conduct this investigation.

PRETZER: How difficult would it be for a fulltime private Investigator like yourself or whoever to go there and work on this case in Aruba and fulltime and take the evidence to the Police department that is needed for an arrest and conviction?

Art: Believes they have the right suspects, they were the last to be seen with Natalee. Follow the lies and solve the crime. A private Investigator doesn't have access to the evidence. What the Aruban authorities have is not going to be shared with a private Investigator, I can tell you that. You can do this work from the internet as easily as in Aruba - it is all right there - the statements, etc. are all right there - the statements of these kids, the statements of witnesses . Would really like the FBI to take a look at the case. Knows an FBI agent that threw his hands up at the interviews of one of these suspects by the lead Investigator in this case, and that should tell you a lot .

PRETZER: What about the ATM withdrawal?

Art: There is absolutely no way to know if Paulus made a withdrawal or not. On May 30, Paulus told Beth, Jug and friends (at least 5 people) that he picked up Joran at 4 am - Beth has this written in her diary. When his statement was transcribed it comes back as 10 pm the night of the 29th. Paulus's statement has always been that he and Joran went to poker tournament. He was losing at about 8 pm, turned his hand to Joran and went home. Joran called between 9:30 and 10:00 and Paulus picked up at McDonalds. Beth has recorded all people, phone numbers, everything about the case. All (Beth, Jug, friends hear 4 am). Also at blackjack there is a player that looks like Paulus - that is totally contrary to every statement he has given. If it is him that is the first big lie that we know he has told.

PRETZER: As lying by a witness is considered an obstruction, why didn't this dictate charges against Joran and K2?

Art: It should have dictated charges - they lied and there is no reason to fabricate the lie unless they know what happened. Evidence involves the lies that they tell. If you've ever read the statements of these kids when they are in the back of the patrol car (June) They all know what happened to her.

PRETZER: Any proof of blood in the back of the Kalpoe vehicle?

Art: Somewhere around the 8th - 11th of June, one of the assistant chief's announced that blood had been found - samples were to be sent to Holland and to the FBI. Art has a friend in the Police force who said there was blood found. Blood in headliner and fabric, but report from Holland says chocolate and cleaning fluid. Unknown if FBI identified, but report said not blood. Don't know of any substances that show up as blood except a few where you can get a false reading (Clorox bleach will give false reading in luminol test) . Police officer was told by forensics that there was blood in that car. If listeners believe that there was a sabotage of the case from within, there are only a few that could have sabotaged. Jan van der Straten was involved from the beginning, Beth wanted to see him from the time she got there. Ends up as Paulus' best friend, has said "how can I do this to my best friend's son"

One of the problems Art has with the case is the statements. All appear to be incomplete, all appear to take the focus off Joran. Statements taken by Dennis Jacobs are incomplete. Van der Straten, Dennis Jacobs and possibly Dompig sabotaged. Joran confessed June 9, transcriptions done June 13 incomplete. It wasn't a professional investigation or witness statement, that is for sure. When Dave and Art were there in October they saw van der Straten meeting with Dennis Jacobs and Dompig - why as he was no longer involved in the case. They talked to Police office (the pregnant one at desk job) and she indicated he comes in a couple of times a week.

PRETZER: Jossy, TES asked about the painted rocks. Visibility Team was painting supposedly because they found a 7-year-old boy. What are the painted rocks about, and was that plastic bag ever analyzed?

Art: Don't know, have looked at painted rocks and bag video. Also natural bridge area. A 7-year-old child was found in the dunes, I believe was found prior to Natalee's disappearance. Person says he took video June 10-11 of 2005. Video could be critical piece of evidence. Have talked to Dave to talk to his FBI sources about this. Is about 50 yards from dunes where Art found the belt, also area where Dave say the Police car on June 2 where they slammed the trunk without talking to him . Dave and Art met with the Prime Minister and the assistant prosecutor who quit the case Analyses (?) Flanagan - they were impressed with her, but she quit the case. They met with her for hours late at night (she had the permission of the attorney general). They explained that they wanted the prosecution team replaced. She told them that she saw the testimony of Koen Gottenbos who she said concocted a story that he had a tennis match with Joran at the tennis club. Was found to be a lie, she wanted re-interviewed but Police and KJ resisted him being re-interviewed. Word by students was that they borrowed Koen family boat on May 30. Also had solid evidence from friends of the Gottenbos' , that Koen was ready to crack. He was afraid of being arrested, slept with mother as afraid. They went to Dompig to try to get interviewed. Koen's father who got a lawyer and Koen was not interviewed.

PRETZER: Complicity from the top right across the board - will heads ever roll?

Art: I kinda doubt it. Politically it is real difficult for Arubaans to push for the truth as it will make their administration look bad, but they will have to live with it. If you have friends in high places in Aruba you can get things done (example of illegal work permits). Aruban citizenry deserves better than what they have. The Police department deserves a better reputation than what the 3 Police officers are giving them. If there are any Aruban citizens there that are listening, it must come from within. Talk to Bernadino who is retiring - he says he is disgusted with the ways things are going - he knows a lot about why it failed.

PRETZER: Asked about the 8 1/2 minute cell call.

Art: Not sure the 4 am call ever happened. Knows that the cell phone records were never turned over to Beth, Dave or their attorneys. Art saw the cell log of Deepak, Satish and Joran of the night of May 30. Only 4-5 calls. Koen G has a little brother that was interviewed also - when they asked him about his cell phone he says it was stolen at school on May 29, 2005.

PRETZER: Data from Natalee's computer - was it ever analyzed?

Art: Not that he is aware of. No laptop with her, shared computer with her mother and brother Matt. She had cell phone that she left in her room. Joran accessed porn site (under his password anyway) at 4 am. He told Police it takes him a case of beer to get tipsy. We are not talking about a cub scout here.

PRETZER: FBI agent in lobby of Holiday Inn?

Art: Not that he has heard. There have been a lot of rumors in innuendos.

PRETZER: Date rape drug by others?

Art: Girl as juvenile came forward and identified two others date-raped by this group. Police took statements. One girl told an acquaintance that she changed her statement (Sept 2005) after harassment by Dennis Jacobs. Art was to meet with the girl through her attorney on two occasions and she chickened out. Attorney representing the girl told Art she was date-raped by Joran and his friends.

PRETZER: About bones being found. Any truth?

Art: A number of bones were turned in to Police in Aruba. When followed up, they did not turn in bones to medical examiner. One LE took upon himself to take to clinic where Dr said was a donkey bone. Saw picture in Venezuela paper where reported to be a human bone with fingers attached, was sent to Caracas where they said was a mannequin. Jossy and Art are amazed as it was human.

On 7-8 “AXcess News.com” reported:

Bogus E-mail Scams on the Rise, IRS Warns

(AXcess News) Washington - Following a recent increase in scam e-mails, the Internal Revenue Service reminded taxpayers to be on the lookout for bogus e-mails claiming to be from the tax agency.

The IRS saw an increase in complaints in recent weeks about these e-mails, which are designed to trick the recipients into disclosing personal and financial information that could be used to steal the recipients' identity and financial assets.

"The IRS does not send out unsolicited e-mails asking for personal information," said IRS commissioner Mark W. Everson. "Don't be taken in by these criminals."
The IRS has seen a recent increase in these scams. Since November, 99 different scams have been identified, with 20 of those coming in June - the most since 40 were identified in March during the height of the filing season.

Many of these schemes originate outside the United States. To date, investigations by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration have identified sites hosting more than two dozen IRS-related phishing scams. These scam Web sites have been located in many different countries, including Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, China, England, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, Singapore and Slovakia, as well as the United States.

The current scams claim to come from the IRS, tell recipients that they are due a federal tax refund, and direct them to a Web site that appears to be a genuine IRS site. The bogus sites contain forms or interactive Web pages similar to IRS forms or Web pages but which have been modified to request detailed personal and financial information from the e-mail recipients. In addition, e-mail addresses ending with ".edu" - involving users in the education community - currently seem to be heavily targeted.
The IRS does not send out unsolicited e-mails or ask for detailed personal information via e-mail. Additionally, the IRS never asks people for the PIN numbers, passwords or similar secret access information for their credit card, bank or other financial accounts.
Tricking consumers into disclosing their personal and financial information, such as secret access data or credit card or bank account numbers, is fraudulent activity which can result in identity theft. Such schemes perpetrated through the Internet are called "phishing" for information.

The information fraudulently obtained is then used to steal the taxpayer's identity and financial assets. Typically, identity thieves use someone's personal data to empty the victim's financial accounts, run up charges on the victim's existing credit cards, apply for new loans, credit cards, services or benefits in the victim’s name and even file fraudulent tax returns.

When the IRS learns of new schemes involving use of the IRS name or logo, it issues consumer alerts warning taxpayers about the schemes.
The IRS also has established an electronic mailbox for taxpayers to send information about suspicious e-mails they receive which claim to come from the IRS. Taxpayers should send the information to: phishing@irs.gov.

More than 7,000 bogus emails have been forwarded to the IRS, with nearly 1,300 forwarded in June alone.

The IRS's mail box allows taxpayers to send copies of possibly fraudulent e-mails involving misuse of the IRS name and logo to the IRS for investigation. Instructions on how to properly submit one of these communications to the IRS may be found on this Web site. Enter the term "phishing" in the search box in the upper right hand corner. Then open the article titled "How to Protect Yourself from Suspicious E-Mails" and scroll through it until you find the instructions. Following these instructions helps ensure that the bogus e-mails relayed by taxpayers retain critical elements found in the original e-mail. The IRS can use the information, URLs and links in the bogus e-mails to trace the hosting Web sites and alert authorities to help shut down these fraudulent sites.
However, due to the volume the mailbox receives, the IRS cannot acknowledge receipt or reply to taxpayers who submit their bogus e-mails. The phishing@irs.gov mailbox is only for suspicious e-mails and not for general taxpayer contact or inquiries.

For information on preventing or handling the aftermath of identity theft, visit the Federal Trade Commission's consumer (http://www.consumer.gov/idtheft/index.html) and OnGuardOnLine (http://onguardonline.gov/index.html) Web sites. Click on "Topics" to find the identity theft and phishing areas on OnGuardOnLine.

For information on identity theft prevention and victim assistance in relation to tax administration, visit the IRS Identity Theft Web page on the IRS.gov Web site. Enter the term "identity theft" in the search box in the upper right hand corner.

For schemes other than phishing, please report the fraudulent misuse of the IRS name, logo, forms or other IRS property by calling the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration's toll-free hotline at 1-800-366-4484.

Source: IRS


On 7-10 “Philly.com” reported:


IT WAS AS if Shilie Turner had just evaporated.

For more than a month in the winter of 1993, the 17-year-old star athlete's whereabouts were a mystery murkier than the dust she left behind breaking track records at William Penn High School.

Detectives went door-to-door interviewing the girl's acquaintances and retraced her last known path. Search dogs sniffed fruitlessly through abandoned houses hunting for her. Tearful relatives and friends held vigils and went on television to plead for her safe return.

Stymied, Police Det. Frank Martin turned to an unusual source for help.

Valerie Morrison was a psychic whose typical clients were love-torn romantics, regular Joes with legal or money troubles and grief-stricken relatives of the recently deceased.
At Shilie's rowhouse in West Philadelphia, Vivian King took Morrison to her daughter's bedroom for a private chat, while Martin waited downstairs.

Within minutes, a blood-curdling scream interrupted Martin's bored vigil. King stampeded down the staircase, shoving Morrison in front of her and commanding them to leave the house.

A few weeks later, Police found Turner's frozen corpse beneath brush in Fairmount Park, and King confessed to murdering her daughter. Sentenced to 10 to 20 years in prison, she was released from prison in June 2004.

Morrison takes credit for cracking the case, saying Shilie's spirit spoke through her to implicate King. But Martin - a skeptic before he took Morrison to see King - remains doubtful, saying a dog-walker found the body and detectives already suspected King killed Shilie.

Still, he admits the psychic had some effect on King, whose demeanor changed from friendly to frightened after meeting Morrison.

In many Police squad rooms, the mere mention of psychics draws belly laughs from seasoned detectives who see clairvoyance as new-age nonsense and an unacceptable substitute for hard evidence.

But some victims' families, anxious for answers, are turning increasingly to psychics, whose business and believability have been boosted by a flurry of psychic-friendly TV shows like "Psychic Detectives," "Medium" and "Crossing Over with John Edward." Morrison's involvement in the Turner case will be featured on Court TV's "Psychic Detectives" on July 26.

Some crime victims' advocacy groups warn that psychics are predatory scam artists who offer hope - with a price tag - when relatives are vulnerable and desperate for good news, or at least closure.

But two local seers say law-enforcement authorities regularly call on them to assist pro bono on cold cases and tough ongoing investigations.

"A predator would take money - I don't charge [in criminal cases] except for my expenses," said Elizabeth Joyce, a Chalfont psychic who has worked with authorities in Montgomery and Bucks counties.

"I am born with a gift, a natural gift like what Barbra Streisand and Frank Sinatra have. If I can help, why not?"


Valerie Morrison says she was 5 years old, playing in water, when she had her first psychic experience.

Her mother, who had just finished ironing clothes nearby, pulled the iron's cord out of the wall sharply enough that the cord's prongs detached, protruding from the outlet.

With wet hands, Morrison scurried to retrieve the prongs, a well-meaning but dangerous decision that sent her flying.

"The fireman who resuscitated me had a black halo around him that no one else could see - I was frightened and repelled back from him," Morrison recalled. "He said, 'Don't be afraid,' and I said, 'No, you be afraid.' "

A week later, the firefighter died in a fire, she said.

The incident hardly surprised Morrison and her family. Her grandfather, a miner, was "the biggest psychic I ever knew," Morrison said.

As an adult, Morrison became a nurse whose uncanny psychic abilities were well-known among friends and colleagues, she said.

She turned her readings into a business more than 30 years ago, greeting clients in the first floor of her Roxborough home packed with a dizzying blend of angels, medieval swords and shields, and religious bric-a-brac.

Her first foray into psychic sleuthing came after her daughter was raped while walking to work. Sensing the attack, Morrison said, she begged her daughter to stay home. But the woman went and was so savagely attacked that doctors weren't sure she'd survive.
As her daughter recovered in the hospital, Morrison felt the rapist would attack again, and she alerted Police, who found the thug when and where the psychic directed them, she said.

Likewise, Elizabeth Joyce had a personal tie to the first crime she foresaw.

Her father worked for Exxon for almost 50 years, so when she heard that Exxon executive Sidney J. Reso had gone missing in 1992, she got a "psychic headache" and a vision "in my third eye," she said.

She saw Reso's abduction unfold in that third eye and sensed that he was wounded in the shoulder and held in a storage unit, she said. She felt when he died and where he was buried, she said, adding that she alerted FBI Investigators about her visions.

Reso's body was found buried in the New Jersey Pinelands, and his abductors were jailed. Joyce declined to identify the FBI agents she contacted; the FBI doesn't comment on specific cases.

Both Morrison and Joyce can ramble off a list of prophecies they claim came true.
Morrison claims she predicted President Reagan's attempted assassination, gave the FBI an accurate profile of serial killer David "Son of Sam" Berkowitz and correctly predicted in 1975 that then-Mayor Frank Rizzo would suffer injuries fleeing a blast.
Joyce predicted in 1997 that "a dark-haired woman named Monica will upset the Clinton administration in early 1998.

"I know what happened to JonBenet, Natalee Holloway, Chandra Levy, Elizabeth Smart, O.J. Simpson, Robert Blake," Joyce added. "I didn't concentrate or ask for these visions; they come to me like a tidal wave, like a tsunami."

(For the record, Joyce says: JonBenet Ramsey's mother's spurned lover killed the baby beauty queen as retribution for his rejection; Holloway was killed and thrown from a boat when she fought back against men who abducted her to sell her into sex slavery; Chandra Levy was kidnapped and killed by a random thug, not Rep. Gary Condit; she knew Smart was abducted and alive long before the girl was found; and Simpson and Blake are guilty in their spouses' slayings.)

Some followers are reverential in their respect for psychics.

"I believe that they have the power to literally talk with the dead," said Sophia Fleming of Germantown, who has consulted several psychics about her son Adam Hammer's 2004 murder.

Although Adam's homicide remains unsolved, Fleming is adamant that psychics provided critical clues that have helped move authorities closer to collaring his killer. For example, Morrison told her that "J.J." killed her 17-year-old son and "David knows." Fleming has identified people in the community who could be J.J. and David, but Police have made no arrests.

Morrison attributes her lack of psychic specifics to the nature of visions and spirit-channeling: "It's like tuning into a radio station - sometimes it comes in loud and clear, other times you just catch bits and pieces."

Despite the lack of details, Fleming's devotion doesn't waver.

"There are some phonies out there - you can tell when they don't make sense to you," said Fleming, who believes she saw her son's ghost in a storefront window and an angel in the sky when Adam reached heaven. "When psychics don't talk about my kids, then I know they're phony, because my kids are the most important thing to me."

One Montgomery County Police chief credited Morrison with helping him crack one homicide and several other crimes in the 1980s.

"As a direct result of her input, we were able to expand our investigation," said Carmine Pettine, Plymouth Township Police chief, who declined to discuss specifics. "The data obtained from her proved to be accurate and brought successful conclusions to those investigations."


When Danielle Imbo vanished with her sometime-beau Richard Petrone in February 2005, Police and the press weren't the only ones tying up John Ottobre's phone line.
"In the very beginning, we had maybe 10 or 20 psychics calling us, unsolicited," said Ottobre, Imbo's brother. "We listened to them at first, because you want to believe the good stuff and not the bad stuff, and there was a little of both."

It didn't take long for skepticism to set in.

"We had the same psychic tell us one thing, and then six months later tell us something totally different," said Ottobre, of Cherry Hill.

The couple - both dedicated, single parents who relatives said would never willingly disappear - vanished after meeting friends at a South Street nightclub.

Some psychic scenarios: The couple crashed their pickup into the river and died; Imbo was left for dead in a crate in a shipyard by shady thugs avenging some undefined misdeeds by Petrone; Imbo is alive and oblivious as a Jane Doe in a hospital somewhere; and Petrone has returned secretly to his hometown and is working unnoticed in a Camden shipyard.

A psychic who claimed she knew the couple's whereabouts prompted a massive search by the Mount Laurel Police, which deployed dogs, divers, helicopters and officers on foot, Ottobre said. "They gave up after she changed the location like six times," Ottobre said.

With such conflicting predictions, "it's hard to put any weight into what they say," Ottobre said. "If you know where they are, take me by the hand and take me there, but anything less than that, don't bother me."

Scientific evidence of psychic success in cracking criminal cases is scant.

In a 1993 study, almost two-thirds of the nation's 50 largest Police departments said they didn't use psychics. None said the information provided by psychics was more useful than that from other sources, and some complained that psychics' predictions even hindered investigations, according to the study by Mark Durm, a psychology professor at Athens State University in Alabama.

Marc Klaas has firsthand experience with Durm's findings.

The Californian became a nationally known victims' advocate after a convicted sex offender kidnapped, molested and killed his daughter Polly in 1993. Before her body was found, authorities acting on a psychic's tip spent hours fruitlessly searching an innocent man's property, Klaas said. After Polly was found, another psychic wrongly boasted on a national TV show that she had solved Polly's case, he added.

Psychics' successes are rare and result from nothing more than good luck and intuition, Klaas contended.

"Psychic detectives do not possess supernatural insight, they do not converse with the missing or the dead, they never bring children home," Klaas writes on his KlaasKids Foundation Web site, which is dedicated to fighting crimes against children. "However, their rambling predictions may have filled in enough gaps to pad their resumes and claim the reward."

Many psychics make predictions that aren't unlikely, Klaas added. For example, declaring that a missing person from California can be found "in the hills" is hardly prophetic because much of that region's geography is hilly, he said.

Predictions often interfere with Police probes, distracting and diverting Police to chase phantom leads, he added.

Even psychics can offer little proof of their prophetic prowess.

"Nobody wants to admit they worked with a psychic," Joyce said.


Finding Shilie was as easy as lying on her bed, Morrison said.

Within seconds, Morrison recalled, she got the tingly, trancelike feeling that overcomes her when a spirit arrives.

" 'Tell them what you did to me, Mommy!' " Morrison said she told King that frigid day in January 1993. During that vision, Morrison added, she saw Shilie lying dead near trees and water in Fairmount Park, the victim of a violent fight with her mother.

King paled and panicked, Morrison recalled, prompting her to boot the psychic and the surprised detective out of her row house.

The incident didn't change Martin's mind about psychics supernaturally solving crimes.
"We were at a point in the investigation where we had reached a dead end," he said. "I was a skeptic, but I was hoping Miss King would believe in psychics more than I did. I was hoping for a spontaneous admission."

A former top-ranking city Police official agreed: "Morrison was used to rattle the suspect. Martin was probably very shrewd to bring her in on a case that had stalled."
Martin's doubts intensified when Morrison billed the Police department $650 for two hours of work on the case, he said. Morrison vehemently denies that she charged anything for the case.

Still, Morrison said she can still remember the clammy desperation and profound sadness that overcame her when Shilie's spirit entered her.

And she plans to continue helping to fight crime when she can.

"They have every right to be skeptical, just as much as people have a right to believe in me," she said. "But my grandfather used to say, 'If the fruit is good on the tree, it will last. If it is not, it will rot.' I've been around for 30 years, and I think that's pretty good."


On 7-11 DUTCH news-sourced “Hasibokos” reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “gagirl“)

Interview with a close friend of Joran van der Sloot (Friday):

Hasibokos.com received a transcript of an interview with a friend of Joran van der Sloot conducted by a local radio station in Aruba. The interview was conducted in Papiamentu, but just as we have been doing so far, we translated this into English. The friend of Joran wanted to remain anonymous so to make things easier we'll call her (yes it’s a girl) F (riend) in the following translation.

F. has known Joran almost 7 years now. When she was asked about her reaction on the arrest of Joran, she said that she was shocked when she heard about his arrest. According to F., Joran is very bright, good scholar, popular, good athlete and has a great personality. F. said that Joran practices soccer and tennis and was very good at those sports and had already been accepted by 7 colleges in the United States. F. told the reporter that she also knew the mother of Joran, Anita van der Sloot, because she was tutored by her at school. According to F. Paul van der Sloot was rarely at home as he was working a lot.

Jorans behavior:
F. was asked about Jorans behavior on court and she stated that she never saw Joran loose his composure on the tennis court. She was also asked about Jorans reaction when he would loose tennis matches, and she said that Joran would be very disappointed as anyone would be, but he would never burst out and start screaming or show violent behavior. According to F. at those times Joran would just pull himself back a spend time by himself and reflect.

Previous relationships:
F. was asked about Jorans preview relationships and she said that a few years ago Joran had a steady girlfriend but after a while she broke it off (allegedly because she fell in love with another guy). Joran was devastated at the time and just as he would do after disappointments on the tennis court, he would spend time alone and distance himself from everyone and reflect.

While partying:
With regard to Jorans demeanor during parties, F. explained that even though Joran was only 17, he went out and partied and consume some alcohol as most 17-year-olds do. But she added that she never saw him drunk or wasted. According to F., Joran would never use drugs and she never saw him even smoke cigarette.

And closing....
F. was asked at the end of the interview what her thoughts were about the developments in this case. F, stated that the only thing Joran might have done wrong was to change his story a few times and not tell the truth from the start, but she stated that the it’s likely that a 17-year-old would not know exactly how to act in certain situations.. F. believes that even if something bad did happened to Natalee, Joran had no direct contribution in that. Hasibokos.com !

On 7-11 the “Scared Monkeys blog" reported:

Ritz Carlton to Aruba … No Incentives … No Deal. Who Calls the shots in Aruba?

Something seems very fishy is Aruba. Check out why The Ritz Carlton claims they are going back on their deal. They claim the Aruban government made promises and are not keeping them. Import duty exemptions. This shocks who?

The Ritz Carlton has informed the Aruban government that they are going back to their original plan for a high rise resort. The Ritz Carlton stated that the Aruban government has promised them incentives in granting them an exemption in paying import duties on building materials for the project. The Aruban government states that such an incentive is not legally possible because such a law was abolished in 2003.

Who promised who what? Just remember Aruba, internet search engines can be very interesting.

(A. M. Digital, click on article to enlarge)

A couple questions come to mind when reading this story between The Ritz Carlton and the Aruban Government.

1. Who runs the show in Aruba as to what is and is not allowed to be built on the island? It would almost appear that the developers and foreign entity have more power to dictate what is built, when, where and how.

2. If a law was abolished in 2003 to provide incentives to developers in waiving import taxes, how could anything have been promised to The Ritz Carlton? Or is this a convenient way for the Ritz Carlton to back out of a previously existing deal and for the Aruban government to save face for what might be the real reason?

Could it be that the Ritz see the present tourism trend in Aruba and is not willing to commit the funds that they stated they would. They claimed they would opt away from the high-rise so not to interfere with wind patters for wind surfing. So much for that idea.Of course why would the Ritz hold to a deal, especially since import taxes have been increased by the Aruban government that would eat into the Ritz’ bottom line.
Take a good look at this post from Aruba.com forum from November 2005 . Google can be so unforgiving. This post of a newspaper article clearly states the deal has been made and tax incentives have been granted by the Aruban government. So who is not telling the truth? It would appear that Aruba did offer exemptions to the Ritz Carlton to make the deal. So who is fibbing?

ORANJESTAD-It is official and approved, Ritz Carlton will be operational in Aruba in 2008. This comes after 3 years of negotiations between Bazarian International Financial Associates the representatives of Ritz Carlton and the government of Aruba. The government of Aruba granted Ritz Carlton attractive incentives that include exemption of import duties.

I guess the Ritz is rethinking that “most expensive project” in its history that was entered into back in November 2005 when the Aruban tourism was in full spin mode regarding its tourism numbers. Who in their right mind would invest this type of money into the teeth of a dwindling Aruban economy, coupled with an increased import tax? It is obvious that a tax incentive deal was made and someone wanted out of it.

Ritz Carlton will construct a 200 million US dollar hotel in Aruba in what is the most expensive project in the history of the luxury hotel chain. The Ritz property will be low-rise and consists out of 250 rooms.

On an even more bizarre note, check out the area where the Ritz Carlton was going to build. Look familiar? Right next door to the Marriott Hotel where Joran van der Sloot claimed he and Natalee Holloway got out of the car and walked up the beach to the fisherman's huts.


What are the odds that this would be the same place? One just can’t make this stuff up. This is also the area of the infamous white bag from the Aru-bay videos. Maybe while excavating on this footprint they will find Joran’s shoes … or Natalee Holloway.
Compare this area to this link which shows the road traveled by the red pickup from the Aru-bay videos.

Below is the area to the left of the Marriott facing it from the ocean where Joran van der Sloot claims he was dropped off with Natalee Holloway. The future site of the Ritz Carlton.


Now compare the map to one where all of the above information fits into play.

On 7-11 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Central Bank positive about Tourism fund bill

ARUBA – There should be a Tourism fund that pays for the promotion of Aruba abroad. The proceeds of the room tax should go to the fund, which should operate independently from the national budget. The AVP submitted a draft national ordinance to Parliament in January of 2004. In a letter to the chairman of Parliament, Mervin Wyatt-Ras (MEP), the Central Bank of Aruba (CBA) now backs the considerations of the initiators.

AVP-leader Mike Eman is very pleased with this positive advice of the CBA. He says that the AVP-party had submitted the initiative national ordinance to Parliament on January 13th, 2004. He hopes that with the support of the CBA, the legislation procedure will go faster.

The purpose of this National Ordinance Tourism fund is to make the payments that the National Government does to the tourist promotions in foreign countries, independently from the treasury problems.

Furthermore, the CBA indicated in her advise that, considering the meaning of the tourist industry for the economy of Aruba and the fact that this industry is very vulnerable for the extreme shocks and economic fluctuations, also the CBA is of the opinion that the promotion of Aruba as tourist destination abroad, may not be hindered by problems of liquidity of the National Government.

“That’s exactly what’s happening now”, said Eman. “The tourism has been doing a little better in the past months. The number of visitors has been dropping with a worrisome average of 15 percent in the past months. Nevertheless, we noticed in the budget that the amount for tourism promotion was lowered with 5 million florins. The money that was budgeted for promotions in 2005 was 33 million florins and the one in 2006, only 28 million florins. The reason for this is the bad financial situation of the treasury, and that’s exactly what we want to avoid with the Tourism fund. The promotion of tourism is way too important to be threatened by financial scarcity by the government.”

Once this national ordinance is passed, there will be a separate fund that is independent from the government treasury. The Tourism-minister will use this fund to pay the pursuers of the promotion policy in the USA, Europe, and Latin America, without being impeded by the problems of liquidity by the rest of the government.
The tourism fund will be nurtured by the proceeds of the hotel room tax, which means that the proceeds of the tourist sector will be used directly for the promotion of the tourism.

On 7-11 the “AP” reported:

House votes to rein in online gambling

By NANCY ZUCKERBROD, Associated Press Writer Tue Jul 11, 6:25 PM ET
WASHINGTON - The House voted Tuesday to forbid the use of credit cards to settle online bets, an effort to halt mushrooming interest in Internet gambling.
Opponents said it wouldn't work and decried exceptions for state-run lotteries and a horse racing industry that has powerful patrons in Congress.

The vote was 317-93.

"The House has acted very strongly on this measure," said Rep. Bob Goodlatte (news, bio, voting record), R-Va, one of the bill's lead sponsors. "I think that should send a strong signal that we need for the Senate to act."

Senate leaders have not identified the bill as a top priority, but the bill's main champion in that chamber, Arizona Republican Jon Kyl, said Tuesday he would pursue it aggressively.

The legislation would clarify and update current law to spell out that most gambling is illegal online and would prohibit most payment forms from being used to settle online wagers.

The measure also would empower law enforcement authorities to work with Internet providers to block access to gambling Web sites.

Supporters say Internet betting can create problem gamblers.

"The Internet is addictive for many people anyway, and online gambling can be doubly addictive," said Rep. John Duncan (news, bio, voting record) Jr., R-Tenn.

Critics argued that regulating the $12 billion industry and collecting taxes on it would be more effective than outlawing it. They say policing the Internet is impossible.

"Prohibition as a general principal is a bad principal, because it doesn't work," said Rep. Ron Paul (news, bio, voting record), R-Texas.

The American Gaming Association, the industry's largest lobby, opposed online gambling in the past but recently softened its stance and backed a study of the feasibility of regulating it.

The Internet gambling industry is headquartered almost entirely outside the United States, although about half of its customers live in the U.S.

The bill's sponsors successfully beat back an amendment to strip out the exemptions for the horse racing industry and state lotteries.

Rep. Shelley Berkley (news, bio, voting record), D-Nev., sponsored the failed amendment. She said it was unfair to allow online lotteries and Internet betting on horse racing to flourish while cracking down on other kinds of sports betting, casino games and card games like poker.

Goodlatte called that "a poison pill" aimed at defeating the overall legislation.
If the horse provision were stricken from the bill, there's a good chance the measure would run into objections in the Senate from Majority Whip Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and others from racing states.

Under the provision concerning horse racing, betting operators would not be prohibited from any activity allowed under the Interstate Horseracing Act. That law was written in the 1970s to set up rules for interstate betting on racing. The industry successfully lobbied for legislation several years ago to clarify that Internet betting on horse racing is allowed.

Greg Avioli, chief executive officer of the National Thoroughbred Racing Association, acknowledged the bill would likely move Internet gamblers away from banned sites toward horseracing sites.

However, he said the racing industry did not get a new carve out, but Congress recognized existing federal law.

The Justice Department has taken a different view on the legality of Internet betting on horse races.

In a World Trade Organization case involving Antigua, the department said online betting on horse racing remains illegal under the 1961 Wire Act despite the existence of the more recently passed, and updated, Interstate Horseracing Act.

The department hasn't actively enforced its stance, though it recently indicated in a congressional hearing that it was considering taking action on the issue.

Congress has considered banning online gambling in the past.

In 2000, disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff led a fierce campaign against a similar bill on behalf of an online lottery company. Supporters of the bill brought up that history Tuesday and suggested that a vote for the bill was a way to make a statement against Abramoff's influence.

Opponents of the latest bill argued that the current lottery exemption wasn't in the bill in 2000, and, if it had been, Abramoff's client might have supported the bill.


On 7-12 the DUTCH news-sourced “AD.nl” reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to "Scared Monkeys" blog and “Debbie”)

Sijthoff buy rights book Joran van der Sloot

AMSTERDAM - publisher Sijthoff has bought the exclusive rights for a book concerning the disappearance of American Natalee Holloway based on depositions of the Dutch suspect Joran van der Sloot.

Journalist Zvezdana Vukojevic will write the book that is coming out next spring.

Holloway disappeared more than a year ago on Aruba. van der Sloot was jailed for awhile, because the Police force, thought that he had something to do with the disappearance . It is still not clear what has happened with the American tourist.

In the book van der Sloot , who studies nowadays in the Netherlands, tells about his life before he met Holloway, the time in the prison and the interrogations of the Police force. He will also gives his vision about the missing and writes the foreword of the book.



On 7-13 the “Aruban Boycott Blogspot” reported:


Michelle's Note: These photos were approved
by the family to be shown to the public.


Pictures provided by Faith and Blonde
By Meri, Aruban Boycott Contributor

As many of you know, there was some video shot on the Island of Aruba by an man who does not use his real name when communicating his information. One of the tapes is "missing" and there have been attempts to retrieve the missing tape but many of us have seen still photos of the tapes that are in the public domain.

The still photos that I am going to refer to here are those of a blue, plastic bag (like a large trash bag). Inside of this bag there appears to be the body of a female. With some manipulation and a "paint program", someone has managed to rotate and move around the pictures and has been able to point out facial features of the alleged "body in the bag". I have seen these pictures as have Beth and Dave and this is definitely something that MUST be investigated further.

These photos need to be enhanced and viewed by a qualified lab with the equipment to say one way or the other if the bag does indeed contain a human body and if that body is Natalee Holloway. The FBI lab at Quantico could do a proper investigation and as both Beth and Dave have stated many times," Everything should be ruled in or out" chief Dompig, in his much discussed proclamation to "48 Hours" stated that Natalee had been buried temporarily and than reburied so that may have been a clue that someone removed her body from one location and moved it to another which means that there is a possibility that the "Body in the Bag" could actually be Natalee Holloway.

In some of the still photos there appears to be several vehicles located in the rocky area near the beach where the bag was removed from and there are also several men present. Some look like Security workers and some are simply standing around observing the scene. This is also the spot where the rocks were painted white (yet another unexplained mystery).

I know that the photos have been sent to various people and that some believe that the bag contains a body and some don't. I believe that it is possible and that it should be further investigated. If nothing else, I have learned that anything is possible on Aruba and that the Island is the bearer of many secrets so this may be an important clue as to whether or not Natalee died and that the claims of Natalee simply vanishing into thin air as some would have us believe, are false...just as so much of the information coming from the ALE has been false.

If Aruba won't tell the truth about Natalee Holloway then this grassroots movement is obligated to do all that it can to find the truth. If you live on Aruba or know anything about the veracity of these photos please contact this blog so that the information can be passed along to the proper authorities. You can remain anonymous, if requested.

The important thing is to find out all that we can about what happened to Natalee and no piece of information is too small. Remember, "Everything must be ruled in or out". When one is dealing with a cover-up of the magnitude that is taking place on Aruba we have to consider everything relevant and important until proven otherwise.
If you can, please help us do that.

On 7-13 the ARUBAAN's news-source "Aruba Tradewinds Times" reported:

There is barely visible promtion of Aruba in the US

Once There Were Many Visible Aruba Billboards And TV Advertisements

ORANJESTAD-Arubaans who have recently travelled to the US to spend their vacation remarked that they have seen little to no promotion of the island in that country. They have seen visible promotion from other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean who are offering attractive special deals to US travellers. Mainly Jamaica, St. Maarten, Barbados, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic are often seen.

Arubaans are concerned that not much is being done to promote the island in the US which is the island's main generating market. US arrivals to Aruba fell by 17.7 percent in the first quarter of 2006 according to the statistics released by Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA). Most other destinations in the Caribbean are experiencing robust growth in tourists arrivals from the US this year.

According to Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association (AHATA) an amount of $13 million is required to aggressively promote and polish the image of the island in the US. Both ATA and AHATA have approached the Ministry of Tourism to have the extra money allocated. Nevertheless ATA and AHATA are trying their utmost with the means that they have to promote Aruba.

Aruba's Marketing and PR machine is known to be one of the most aggressive amongst Caribbean destinations promoting themselves in the US market. Not only is Aruba known to promote itself aggressively, AHATA, ATA and partners also do so very effectively. Many Caribbean destinations look up to Aruba as the island often comes with new creative and effective marketing techniques that ultimately lead to substantial
growth in US travellers. The only obstacle now is additional funding from the government.

On 7-13 the DUTCH news-sourced "Expatica" reported:

Rights bought for Natalee Holloway book

Dutch publisher Sijthoff has bought the exclusive rights for a book about the disappearance of US teenager Natalee Holloway on the autonomous Dutch island of Aruba last year. Journalist Zvezdana Vukojevic has based the book on statements made by the main suspect, Dutch teen Joran van der Sloot. It will be published in 2007.


On 7-14 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Development tourism calls for action

ARUBA – Andy Lee, commissioner for opposition party AVP and member of the permanent Parliamentary Committee for Tourism is of the opinion that the developments in the tourism are alarming and that it is time to reverse this negative development.

Lee indicated that the tourism in Aruba is the best indicator for economic growth, since the economy relies on the tourist sector. The number of visitors to Aruba had dropped since August of 2005, compared to the year before. In February and March of this year, the number of stay over tourists dropped with respectively 11.1 and 18.2 percent, compared with same months last year. Also the room occupancy in the hotels continues to drop and also the spending done by tourists during their vacation. It seems like this tendency is continuing and the developments that the airport noted, confirm this.

“A consistent decrease in the export of tourism will lead to a decline of our economic situation in 2006. So, it’s time to take actions. Our challenge is now to proof that we can reverse this trend. The problems with the tourism are attributed to the economic- and tourist policy pursued in the past years. The economic return has to be realized by the growth of the number of tourists that spend less, or by fewer tourists that will spend more. The economic- and tourist policy has to aim for this development and this way realize more revenue from the tourism”, said Lee.

Lee is of the opinion that the current trend is a clear signal to the minister of Tourism, to buckle down and work on the promotion of Aruba. He says that MEP must accept the responsibility and must support the necessary changes in the 2006 budget. This is the only way the economic interests of Aruba can be protected and guaranteed.

On 7-14 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

KvK: ‘It is important to consider the big picture’

ARUBA – “The debate on the import taxes was not lawful, but this delay in dealing with the bill also has its advantages. It is therefore possible to listen to those instances that support the changes of the import taxes”, says the committee of the Chamber of Commerce (KvK).

It’s not about instances like the Social Economic Council that according to the rules of good government should have been consulted. The KvK has asked the Parliament to listen to those instances that represent the interests of the employees, the employers, and the consumers. “The debate about the import taxes, as done in Parliament, is not lawful. The law does not lay down a debate, but a National-decision. A bill for a national ordinance must be handled immediately in Parliament and must be ratified by means of a National-decision. The fact is that the debate took place one month after and that was certainly not immediately.

The KvK also indicates that the delay in the handling of the national ordinance makes it practically impossible to consider the import taxes as an isolated fact, because the minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Nilo Swaen (MEP) has announced the introduction of the Company Sales Tax (BBO) per January 1st, 2007. The BBO is based on a model that was introduced about 10 years ago in St. Maarten. There is no import tax in addition to the BBO in St. Maarten though. “We need a national dialogue between the government and organizations of employers and employees on the economic direction of our country. Discussing the aspects separately is not sufficient, but we must consider the big picture. The government is inclined to focus only on the revenue, without considering the economic consequences on the total economy in the coming years”, said the KvK.

On 7-14 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Audit Office investigates business trips

ARUBA – The General Audit Office in Aruba is investigating the business trips of parliamentarians. Late June, chairman of Parliament Mervin Wyatt-Ras (MEP) received a letter from the chairman of the Audit Office with the request to cooperate with this investigation. The Audit Office wants to see all the methods used for calculating the amount of the allowance. Chairman Hubert Toppenberg also requested inspection of all the requests that were made in this field, in reports and payments. With ‘methods’, the Audit Office means all the regulations, description of procedures, guidelines, and instructions used to calculate the amount of the daily allowances, representation- and equipment costs. RED is pleased with this investigation. Party-leader Rudy Lampe indicated during a press conference that the allowances that the parliamentarians receive are extravagant.“ Aruba is coping with a big financial deficit and the parliamentarians continue to submit expense accounts and cash in.” The investigation is in line with a motion of the RED that was passed last week. RED is of the opinion that it is about time to cross out all the unnecessary privileges of parliamentarians.

On 7-14 the “AP” reported:

Starwood to convert U.S. Virgin Islands resort to time shares

The Westin St. John Resort & Villas in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands is getting a new look courtesy of Starwood Vacation Ownership.

Starwood, the Orlando-based division of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. that sells and manages time shares, says it will convert 186 existing hotel rooms in seven buildings into 94 two- and three-bedroom villas.

Construction of the first phase, which includes 54 villas, will begin in July with an expected occupancy in late 2007. The second phase, the remaining 40 villas, will begin work shortly thereafter. Sales of the new units will also begin in July.

The time share company says there is an increasing demand for luxury vacation ownership properties in the Caribbean, which is the reason for doubling the size of its vacation ownership units in St. John.

The property currently has 92 studio, one-, two- and three-bedroom villas, with the conversion bringing the total to 186 time share properties and sharing the resorts amenities.

There are eight other Westin-branded vacation ownership resorts either completed or in the development process in the Caribbean, including the recently announced Westin Aruba Resort & Spa and Harborside Resort at Atlantis, adjacent to the acclaimed Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island, The Bahamas.
Starwood Hotels & Resorts owns or manages approximately 850 properties in more than 95 countries with 145,000 employees.

On 7-14 DAVE HOLLOWAY stated to the “C-Band Talk Network“:
(Audio available when you click here )
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Heli”)

I haven't taken time to proofread, please bear with me on that for tonight


I came across an interesting piece of info about our old friend, somebody I like to call the Baghdad Bob of Aruba...Julia Renfro. It's on the BFN site.... there's a statement here of Omar Francis Kelly... I can't, hopefully somebody can call in about the authenticity of the document.

It says Julia was paid by ALE to give the statement against Jug Twitty...hopefully somebody from BFN can call in and we can discuss this.

I cannot comment on the authenticity, I would be surprised if it wasn't authentic, otherwise it wouldn't have been posted. If you're able to access the net and go to BFN, it's under the heading of "Julia Renfro Statement".

There's some explosive info in this statement, that should be discussed. Two of the big forums I can tell you about, BFN and Scared Monkeys are where you can get this


I heard you were looking for people on blogs supporting Natalee and her family


Yes, I get e-mails all the time


I'm a member of a blog, BFN you probably have had ppl call in before about that. We're doing our best to make a difference.


That's important, we have to do what's right to help the family, to get answers. These types of blogs and mailing lists is a good start because ppl listen, there's a lot of garbage out there too


We have a bunch of caring ppl who really want to make a difference.


Call in and promote your blog, whether you're a member, owner, not just on Holloway-Twitty list...

You're on the air


About the document If you remember vanity Fair, it came out that she was holding her baby, it isn't in this statement is it. I think we should talk about that, I think she has a personal agenda, she's somebody who needs..


Jokingly, I nicknamed her the Baghad Bob or Aruba seeks ago, all of the clear info that was comiang out was contradicted by Mrs. Renfro, turned into Aruba was such a beatufil palce tc. and she was attacking the family and it's just worng.


She attacked the family from the beginning. What prompted her to contact Jug at the HI and offer her services, she's not a journalist, if you've looked at her paper it's full of ads for porn, massage parlours, that type of things. She promotes sex and porn, that type of thing on the island, so what prompted her, who prompted her She's very good friends with Anita


Did she see stars and think she could get a lot of publicity for herself, be complicit in the case, definitely a lot of questions out there.


I hope to hear from more monkeys tonight


You can read the statement for yourself, I can't comment on the absolute authenticity of the document. I assume the people at BFN would not post it if it wasn't authenticated. It certainly shows that Julia has some ulterior motives on this case.

I had Julia on the show one time, it was interesting interview but it turned sour near the end or middle where she started to question the motives of the family and I had to put a stop to it, I wanted to talk about ARuba itself. Is it safe to go to, should somebody plan to go there, are there problems. I was hoping she would be an objective reporter and it turned out to be an attack agaisnt the family so she hasn't been back on this show again.

There are hundreds and hundreds and thousand of people who go to the BFN and Scared Monkeys, Boycott Aruba.

As long as it doesn't get too wild or far out, it's a healthy thing to have discussions this way. It's much better than what you hear on tv or read in the newspapers, those are so edited for content. When we do blogs and shows like mine and give the opporutnity for people to talk and not edit them or restrict them. I won't let a caller ramble on like some do ...

I'm waiting for more calls to come in...I'll read part of this statement

It seems that Julia was paid by ALE to give a statement against Jug Twitty.

(reads statement posted on BFN)

Laughs, the Police paid for a statement? Am I reading this right, am I ready to fall off of my chair, This is totally whacked out, bizarre. Can I attest to the authenticity, no I can't. I'm not sure where it came from however it is fascinating to see it and see how twisted and bizarre this whole island of Aruba and this whole case, how terrible the Twitty family were treated. This is just garbage, there's no explanation for it. I'm beyond words.


The authenticity, I'd like to know where it came from.
You asked about going to aruba, I go there every year for the last 14 years. Absolutely no problem I read some of these blogs, I cannot believe what ppl are saying People have never been there


You have to, let me counter that. When we see all the mainstream media press about Aruba, the negatitivy, the strange stuff on the internet and television, the talk about pronography and drugs and drinks, I for one until Twitty I didn't know about Aruba, but you have to admit that the strangeness and i call it bizarreness that came forward during the case does put a black mark on ARuba

I've asked many times, would it be ok for me and my family to go there today and be safe there. You can go to any city in the world and there are safe and unsafe parts but ....


Let me tell you, I travel alone, I've been going for 14 years every year I go for 0ne month, I have never felt unsafe in Aruba at any time, they are the most caring loving ppl you ever want to meet


Those that try to label the whole island as a problem that's wrong


That's where I have a problem on these sites


You're entitled to your opinion, I won't cut you off I don't see that a lot


.... some want to drop a bomb on Aruba on Scared Monkeys...


How does that help the H/T to get answers


It's like calling Julia Baghdad Bob of Aruba, and that's not right. It falls back into sensationalism which is what the media did. It's great to get an audience but it's not true


Her information has not been accurrate


You don't know that


I've spoken to her


Let me ask, I would never..I feel so badly that this young lady has disappeared, but if you look at it anybody who works]ed for the Holloway family has become an enemy...why is that. They've had TJ Ward, he fell off the face of the earth, they had attorneys in ARuba...they're not their attorneys anymore, Charles Croes they amde him the biggest mongrel in the world,...Julia became their eneml


I don't know if I agree with you there. Julia has put out misinformation...maybe calling her Baghad Bob maybe isn't fair. Julia told me on my proglram that the case would be solved withina couple of weeks. Is hse just pssing on infom the bottom line is across the board on the case, my show is about victim's rights, not personal attacks on people, as far as dropping a bomb on aruba that's ridiculous.

Whether it's the Twittys or Kesses, we don't get enough coverage for these ppl so they get the answers they deserve. We hear about the rights for the accused ....


I'm not a novice to this, my husband was in LE for 30 years. I don't have a problem I don't know who's guilty, but the island is not guilty. I'm so tired of the put downs of Aruba


The system on the island blew it..if things had been done right in those first 9 days, maybe is the key word,

I'm going to stick to Baghad Bob of Aruba. Hi you're on the air

Julia Renfro has given pieces of misinformation out quite a bit. No ifs, ands or buts about that. It's something that can't be excused, I don't think. Now dropping a bomb on Aruba, I've read the blogs, they're monitored pretty closely, moderated if anything too whacky or crazy comes on it's removed. I haven't read them all I'll be honest..

I don't think it's that important or crazy for ppl to say that blowing up the island, there should have been a competent and complete investigation from Day 1. We need to set aside that stuff, the Julia Renfros and those ppl who are spinning this the wrong way, Julia I know you listen to this show, call in you're welcome to. Just stop it and if this statement is authentic then there's a HUGE problem out there.


Caller where are you calling from


I'm calling from India, I am visitor to Aruba. I have found people very wonderful and very kind I can't believe that my wonderful friend Julia would lie, I find her the kindest soul I've ever met, I find it offensive that someone would criticize this lovely lady


You're calling from India


I received a call from a friend who asked me to call you Dana, I understand that you're canadian citizen and..... I wanted to verify she's lovely woman


If you're calling from India it's costing you a mint, thank you bye bye

Looks like the area code is 616 on here. It could have been a legitimate call, we'll put on all your calls as long as you're respectful.

We are questioning the statement on the BFN page.


Hi Dana, how come Julia didn't mention in this statement that she was holding a baby?


Yeah, you know, did you hear the last call.

The lady called in, could be legitimate... she was calling but it said area code 616 to say Julia is beyond reproach. I'm hopin that somebody now obviously they're not going to call in and say we got this statement from wherever. I don't disagree with posting it if it's authentic, but this stuff shouldn't be coming out, if the investigation was done properly this document should never be out here. it's another nail in the coffin of this investigation.


Who has ever heard of getting paid for a statement


Freaking unbelievable. What blog or website


Scared Monkeys and my own website. It's ArubaSilence.com


I don't want to discredit any caller from India to back up Julia. Bub Bye man. I love doing this type of programming.

I even cut off my favourite Ray Charles song to take that call .... You're on the air


Dana, I just dialed up I'm on BFN and I think you're being very kind calling her Bagdad BOb, everybody knew she was being paid by the government.

My complaint about Julia is that she presents herself as a journalist


That isn't so


tO APPEAR as a commentator on FNC and then being paid by the Police and I hope it's fully investigated by the family.


I hope so too. DOesn't it make you scratch your head when Fox News keeps having people like Julia on there when she's so discredited herself.

We're having problem on the phone line. It's amazing that Fox has these kinds of people on, there are other contacts that you can make. Julia has discredited herself many times


I hope you checked your e-mail, I sent you Q'
I hope the document is true, when you look at it, it looks like


I'm thinking same thing, I'm going to comment tha tif it's authentic, why is it being leaked, another way to show how crappy their investigation is


If there's any question on it, why is it being posted.


I'm sure the authenticiity was confired before it was posted, if it's true, then John Q Kelly or whoever should be raising holy hell over this


I don't believe it couldn't happen, but I don't believe her walking in to a Police station and taking money then documenting it...she's not that dumb.


You can call in from India if you like if you disagree with what we're saying.

We'd like you to promote your blog, mailing list or forum on this case or any other case

This document just looks too dopey, if this happenend and I hope it did happen becuase it's another nail in the coffin of the incompetent


I'm from Scared Monkeys, your caller from India is from Michigan. i don't know why Julia inserted herself into this, she has no credentials.

I post on Scared Monkeys and I do read other blogs, I don't know where she gets off making some of the statements she does. It's okey to trash the Twittys, the millions that Beth Twitty has gotten, I think it's jealousy over money. Who knows


Are they star crossed, does she think this is her ticket to fame


I never heard of Julia Renfro before, I barely heard of Aruba before...these people make such strange statements they never back up.. Joe Tacopina and ppl like that


This is about getting answers the family deserves and putting an end to this living nightmare that keeps chugging on.


Thank you for your show and that person from India had a very bad accent.


I'm not one to criticize someone's accent, but it seemed, granted I have call display, I log the calls but the last one was from area code 616. You'd think I'd have had a crackly line or whatever, but hey if you're listening in India nd you think Julia is the Edward R Murrow of Aruban journalists and broadcaster you have a right to call in.

I had Julia on the program, talked to her on the phone, you have to wonder.

I'm getting some e-mail here, let's see:

"who is Patrick Murphy .."

Most importantly is it authentic and if it is, that's a big problem.

Some other info about one caller, sent to me about Julia, she said on national tv,....she said she spoke to Beth and Beth told her Natalee called her and said she was in love with somebody in Aruba ...... she said she had a reliable source that Natalee was living on another island.

Can everyone be right when it comes to this type of stuff. I've broadcast stuff where I've gone back and said I was wrong, but when it's consistently misinformation there's definitely a problem.

The lady that called from India was Julia Renfro's mother... (laughs) ... welcome to a talk show that goes across the world on the internet.. what time is it in India right now? I'm not at all sure that call was authentic (laughs)

Dave Holloway:

Hi Dana


thanks for calling in.


We're in the middle of this litigation you know


This case is over a year /ld, I've described it as a parent's absolute worse nightmare. Di you think when Natalee got in the plane, you weren't always in favour of it,


I'm from the old school and I initially didn't think it was a good idea to go to a foreign country, it's a right of passage for that school so I accepted it. We were sitting on the patio that weekend and got that call

You always sit around and watch tv and see it happen to somebody else, it's been tough for all of us


What can we do as media beside keeping the story alive ... this case has been bizarre as far as the bumbling of the investigation, but what can we do to get the answers


You said it right about the investigation, every day goes on you do n't want to believe that what happened, happened, then you look at the investigation, I was thinking something was wrong all along,, as things go on you come to your senses and I realize we're not in the US, a different philosophy, a small island and that reality is hitting home. We just keep fighting for answers ... Natalee went on that island expecting to have a good time and come home to go to school


It's a tragedy, not only has your family lost but society has lost with Natalee's disappearance.

I know there's litigation, I had Art Wood on my program, Art made a good point, I asked him about the investigation and basic Investigation 101 was not followed, could there be a proper investigation. He mentioned that the US government could demand that the FBI go in and investigate about Natalee's civil rights being violated


I really don't know much info about that, I know that charges can be brought up all the way up to May 30 of next year. We're involved in this litigation but we don't know what the answer will be about jurisdiction. After May 30 of next year, we'll have to see

I think Aruba thought that this thing would go away, I've got news for them I told the lead detective I left the island, he asked me How long are you going to continue pursuing this. I told him I'm 46 years old I'll live to be in my 80's so that's your answer.

You don't give up on your kids, they understood that in america we look after our kids. On the island they make comments that if that was somebody in Aruba they would have quit a long time ago. I'm not from Aruba, I'm from america and we don't give up on our kids.


God bless you and we won't stop here either until we get some answers.

You're on the air


Dana, it's Dave Holloway again, Let me tell you something


Just hold on a second, just a minute. Talks to Dave privately (we get to listen to music)




What are the odds that a lot of ppl were paid for statements in this case? Is that what you asked?




I think it's entirely possible, and we'll probably see more, it's weird but I think it's authentic.

I't just another stack of garbage that's coming out, it's too bad because a proper investigation, this type of statement should never be released, they shouldn't be selling them to the media, leaking them to the media but it's good for us to find out the garbage that was going on there. It's definitely a problem to see that witnesses were being paid to give statements, it's a never ending prob with this investigation.


Hi Dana, caller made a point about bombing Aruba and clearly it's hyperbole ... the defamation that they've perpetrated agaisnt Natalee and her family has been sick


The difference is nobody would bomb Aruba, but the family has been definitely degraded and defamed.


One thing that bothered me, I read a comment on a very derogatory blog


Aruba is not going to get bombed


....(bad bad connection) Inaudible


If you're in India and whatever time it is, please call.


From BFN....(can't hear her)


I'd like to stop doing a show on Holloway case, but I won't until they get answers

Dave said he's 46 and he intends to live into his 80's and he won't quit until then


Your show is breaking up very badly Dana.


Try the MP3 feed. It means there's a ton of people listening. We want to make sure, there's only so much bandwidth. I fund this myself ... try the other feed, I apologize.

I think that statement on the BFN site is probably very authentic and that puts a whole new twist on this case.


On 7-18 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Petition demands attention for tourism promotion

AVP wants to establish a tourism fund as soon as possible in order to fill the beaches again with tourists.

ARUBA – The Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association (Ahata), our entrepreneurs, and some airline companies are currently conducting a petition amongst the members. In that petition, the signers urgently appeal to the government to immediately make money available for the promotion of the tourism. Soon as all partners have seen the petition, it will be given to the government.

The Aruba Marketing Retreat took place in New York recently. The businesses and organizations in the tourism field that took part in the retreat expressed their concern about the lack of money for a big promotion campaign. They are of the opinion that the negative publicity of last year after the disappearance of Natalee Holloway had hurt the tourism bad. A big campaign would contribute to a recovery. The government has cut the budget and made it impossible to start such campaign. Representatives of Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA) indicated during the meeting that the available budget is lower than the amount budgeted by the advertisement bureau that performs the promotion for Aruba.

Another point of concern is that the competing destinations in the region have actually increased their promotion budget. Besides, the campaigns that Aruba has conducted in the past years are not modernized.

In the petition, the government is specifically asked to make an amount of 13 million dollars available to give the promotion of Aruba a big impulse and prevent a further decline. They emphasize the importance of this by indicating that 85 percent of the jobs in Aruba have to do with the tourism.

All the businesses that have to do with the tourism are approached with the request to sign the petition and once this is done, the petition with the signatures will be given to the government.


On 7-19 JORGE PEQUERA wrote in the AHATA periodical newsletter detailing tourism promotional attempts by ARUBA:

Upcoming Events:
The following are leisure tradeshows and events this fall in the Northeast that members are invited to attend. We will send events for the rest of the USA and Canada to everyone next week.

Funjet Showcase Tyson's Corner VA August.21
Funjet Showcase Buffalo, NY August.24

GOGO Appreciation Dinners South Jersey September.12
Somerset Bridal Showcase Somerset NJ September.17
Funjet/CTO Tradeshow Arlington, VA September.19
Funjet/CTO Tradeshow Baltimore, MD September.20
Long Island CTO Meeting Long Island, NY September.27
National Tradeshows Peabody, MA September.25
National Tradeshows Manchester, NH September.26
National Tradeshows Windsor Locks, CT September.27
National Tradeshows Seekonk, MA September.28
Garden State Bridal Event Location TBA September.27

Upcoming Meet Aruba Events:
HSMAI World Quest Seattle, WA August.4
ASAE Boston, MA August.19-22
Incentive Works Toronto, ON August.22-23
Affordable Meetings Washington, DC September. 6-7
The Motivation Show Chicago, IL September.26-28
IMPAC Toronto, ON October.3
LIMRA New York,NY October.29-31


On 7-20 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Debt runs up to 1.9 dollars

ARUBA – From the 2005 annual report of the Bank that was presented to the media this morning is concluded that the Central Bank of Aruba is concerned about the developments of the balance on the current account of the government. According to the Bank, there is instability in the economy and the financing deficit of last year was much higher than budgeted. “Due to small-scale and the unilateral economy, the risks of the continuing deficits become higher and higher.”

In order to cover the financial needs, the government borrowed 378 million florins. About half of this was used for the refinancing of the matured loans, which caused the outstanding debts of the government to increase to 1.862 milliard florins, about 46 percent of the estimated gross national product of 2005.

Ignoring the oil sector and the free zone, the balance of the current account of the economy of December 2005 shows a deficit of 309 million florins. Last year’s budget assumed a deficit of 81 million florins, which means that a considerable deficit is observed for four consecutive years. This deficit was 233 million florins in 2002, 346 in 2003, and 237 in 2004.

According to the Bank, the public- as well as the private sectors are constantly spending more money on imports that what is exported. “No economy can maintain continuous large deficits on the current account on the long term”, warns the Bank.

The government resorted to supplemental financing during the last part of the year. The high expenses and loans of the government led to more money in the economy. Together with the big demand on banking credits, these handlings had a negative effect on the balance of payments and the international reserve position of Aruba.

Certain budgeted revenues did not realize, which caused the financing deficit to be higher than budgeted. A reason for this was that the planned environment tax was not introduced, and the citizens didn’t need to pay for garbage pick up yet. Another draw back was that the profit tax yielded less money than was anticipated. The deficit on the AZV was also not taken into account in the budget. The deficit grew fast since the expenses were not adjusted to the diminished revenue.

The government spent 94 percent of her revenue on current matters, like salaries, AZV, pension premiums, interest, goods, and services. The current expenses were therefore higher than the total tax revenue. The Bank advises the government to adjust the pattern of spending. Soon, the government will have to keep the increase of the salaries under control; reduce the expenses for goods and services; and continue with the plans to change the pension scheme for civil servants.

On 7-24 TIM MILLER, LARRY GARRISON, and experienced F.B.I. criminal profiler CLINT VAN ZANDT stated to the “C-Band Talk Network”
(audio available when you click here)
(Thank You and Hat Tip to "Heli”)

Dana Pretzer - Tim Miller, Texas EquuSearch
July 20, 2006


** I've not proofread tonight, forgive any typos or other minor errors

Dana Pretzer
July 20, 2006


If you watch cable tv news or internet, you name it, forums Scared Monkeys, you'll know that there's a group of people that make it their priority to help victims the same we do on this program to recover people, loved. These people work their butts off, spend their money and if there's a way we can help them with more money

Tim how are you sir, welcome to the program. Haven't had you on ... How did you get into this, it isn't the type of hobby that Joe Public does like in the wood shop carving or painting...


I was in construction business, a general contractor, my business was going good, we moved into a new house, in 1984 .... the next day my daugters' mother came home for lunch...Laura was talking on the phone ....... she went to meet her boyfriend but she never made it home ....

The Police told us Laura was a runaway ... I begged the Police to do something but in those days there were no search teams.

(Continues to tell story, believe we've all heard it before)

Our searches have found 58 people that are deceased. There is one thing worse than having a dead loved one, or missed loved one is to know they're dead out there somewhere and not being able to say goodbye.

We've become very close to these families. The best case scenarios is when we find people alive, I've been able to hand back 3 children to their parents who'd been abducted.

(continues with more anecdotes)


You took your own tragedy and lack of answers (lost satellite signal)


.... we never received a grant in our life, we've tried to be self sufficient, we get donations, we have fund raisers. We never, ever ask for money from a family member, we've never asked for money from LE, we won't accept money from family members. Somehow or another, God has always blessed us to keep our doors open, to make it to the next search. I get religion into it, but before we start a search we always start with a prayer...

I'm only the founder of TES, God is our leader and that's why we have the success we have....

(more anecdotes about various searches)


We've got about 10 minutes left, so I should ask you about the Holloway case, I'd get shot by some of my listeners if I didn't. Anybody who followed the case knows how hard you and your crew worked and all the roadblocks you ran into.

Will natalee be found?
What can we do as media and audience to help get you back to Aruba to continue on to search?
Are there places that you wanted to search that you weren't able to search in the quest to find Natalee?


First off, Beth and Dave and I talk all the time, we're very close. I took 21 people to Aruba vrom 26 states, we took the best of the best, we had a tremendous amount of roadblocks from the government

I am just so sure that Natalee is out in that water, 3 to 5 miles out. I truly believe they put her in that fish trap, crab trap. She's in 800 to 1,000 of water. We were going to go back in may with a florida and Louissiana organization. We had magnatometer, we had a boat rented from Curacao, I truly think natalee is findable, Natalee is not alive ... but at the last moment the funding didn't come through, it was going to be a 50,000 thing, Natalee is findable out in that water.

The neat thing that happened, I got e-mail from karen, she was looking forward to us coming over, there was new info that Natalee is probably out there in that water, the equipmetn is something they didn't have, she was looking forward to working together with us. We were disappointed we didnt' go


when did you get tha tfrom her


First week of May. We were planning to go on May 15 but the funding fell through We had already paid for some plane tickets. I guess it just wasn't the right time but I think Natalee is findable I encourage ppl to send in $5,00....Natalee needs to be in Birmingham, her parents need to have a funeral fo rher, they deserve to have a headstone to put flowers on.

This is a high profile case, Beth and Dave are just real people and that's their real daughter. I'm choked up right now, I truly feel in my heart that Natalee is findable but right now it's lack of funding. If she's in that fish trap she's findable and there will be body parts in there. It's only funding that's keeping us from that.

I have a neat relationsip with Karin, but it fell apart. We're kind of used to those things, but we pick up the pieces and keep trying. i think it's going to happen for Natalee. We did everything off the coast of Aruba that we could, so now we have the equipment available to us to go to 1,000 feet. I'm looking forward to the day we can go back


We're looking forward, as the family you don't have complete closure, you know that yourself as the father of a murdered daughter. Tim, did the Aruban gov't obstruct you, did they put restrictions


A lot of restrictions, they made our life miserable. They turned the foucs around on what we were doing wrong, they hurt our feelings. We considered the source it was ...we found the place where Natalee was temporarily buried in but then they said we were destroying their turtle eggs.

I had two meetings with Dompig, but he didn't return my calls after that. JVBD tried to ahve me arrested, he said I threatened him I just wanted to search his well..he screamed at us and we feared for our own safety. PVD went absolutely berserk and he went to the Prosecutor and tried to get us arrested.

A lot of time was wasted, but again it was something.. we have to go back there, we have to clear that water out there, and I'm optimistic that we can bring Natalee homea nd if we don't ....we know she's not there, but it's not been cleared. Dave and I were down there in October, we actually found the boat that took her out there and those ppl actually put there house up for sale right after that and went back to Holland.

I think we can find Natalee; Dave and Beth have both expected the fact Natalee is dead.


Hopefully we can help to get some donations to come your way.

Larry how are you?

Larry Garrison:

Fine, how are you and yes, I'm a character. Stephanie GOod wrote with me the book with Dave Holloway.

(gives his resume ... )


How did you get involved with the Holloway case


I had a personal loss around the same time as the Holloways. I was speaking to Thomas Nelson Publishing about doing another book and while I was having a lunch with David XXX in Beverley Hills, he brought up the Holloway case and ironically that afternoon someone had mentioned that they knew Dave Holloway and from there I contacted Dave and it really changed my life.

Dave happens to be one of the most spiritual persons I've every met, he's sincere, has nothing bad to say about anybody and we kind of went over a business relationship. We became very dear friends and about the time we made the deal with Nelson, Stephanie who is an incredible person, worked with me is an attorney, an author and also my sister which I normally don't tell people. Stephanie, Dave and I bonded together and went out to find the truth about what happened.


That's the whole thing, what I've been focusing on with my program the last few weeks, THE TRUTH. wE can speculate, look at what we've seen in MSM and the bungling and bumbling and misinformation and the answers that haven't been obtained and the plain crap that has come out of Aruba. Where do you think things went wrong, this is a case where a daughter goes on a final school trip and it turns into a living hell for everyone.


You made quite a few statements, I'd like answer but I'd like to answer in a different fashion. Everybody out there knows the truth. There are two sides to every story then the truth. If you look at Scared Monkeys, that site has been right on since the beginning working with Dave and I, how can anyone say that these three boys were not involved with this horrendous happening, crime, whatever you want to call it.

I was instrumental in bringing Joran to New York. I wanted to get the truth out as a journalist, that's all I wanted, answers for Beth and Dave and Stephanie mentioned while we were sitting with Dave in Nashville: Don't you think it would be great to communicate with deepak and Joran. I never thought that they would be the way they were, as greedy as they were. How do you change your story so many times and be innocent Innocent of something that happened, they must have knowledge.

the American public knows that, if you look at Scared Monkeys, ... you tell me Joran didn't come to NY to capitalize, tell me then that the civil suit that's being decided upon right now. I hope the Judge is listening or someone who knows the Judge to bring it to her attention, if he can come to NY to do business in hope to capitalize, then this should stay in New York and the truth should come out


It's all about the truth, so far this has been nothing but lies and admitted lies. I've been in LE long time and you as a journalist and me as a broadcaster we know human nature, people want to protect themselves. ... But we're talking about a serious crime, about a family, society that has lost in this case, an island that has a black mark on it because of the bungling and misinformation.

Do you think this case will ever be solved


Yes, Natalee has become a symbol of evberybody's child. Somebody, somewhere will wind up eventually rolling over on the people involved. You can keep it a secret as long as you want, but eventually Aruba is going to ge tthe message that there is som uch corruption in Aruba, the only way they can save themselves is to turn around and tell the truth. It's never, ever too late to tell the truth, whether it brings Natalee back or not, I think that Dave and Beth have the right to know the truth and isntead of coming to NY and paying me for tourism for their image, why don't they go to the people who stalled the investigation in the beginning. That's what went wrong, take 10 days to search the cars, it was ridiculous

I must tell you that I personally have spoken to Deepak and Joran and all I can tell you there were so many inconsistencies in the things they told me, the things I saw, it was devastating, frustrating. All I wanted was the truth, I honestly didn't expect to get it but I hoped that it would come out. Anyone listening to this, anyone listening from Aruba, tell me why Satish has never spoken out, who is protecting him. Why are there ppl like Julia Renfro saying one thing then another, then covering it up

Julia was the one who leaked on the internet that Joran was coming to New York. I had journalists calling me because they heard about that. That was shameful, she's presently friends with Anita, things like that, ppl don't need.


The public's fascination or interest with these high profile cases. ... Where does this come from as far as the public's fascination. Talk about how the media has been handling these kinds of cases ...


I'm walking a fine line here ... I've been asked by the publisher to wait until closer to the release date of the book It's obvious there's a rating factor..I'm known as the bad boy of journalism, I like to tell the truth ..... nobody owns me... there will be things that rock people.

Natalee became a symbol of what could happen to any child in the world. Stephanie and I were inundated with missing children, we've become involved with other stories ...

Beth and Dave have not given up and will not give up. Stephanie got a quote from Dave, when he was in Aruba he told them he'd never give up and believe me as a journalist I can promise you this, I can tell Aruba this, it will never end until the truth comes out and I promise that as a journalist, it will not go away. There are people from Aruba who are contacting us on a daily basis,

You could never have a fair trial in Aruba, too many people who are fighting for their lives.


What can Aruba do now?


They can, which is the smartest thing, is turn around and say they screwed up, we were trying to protect people, we made a mistake, it's never too late. Here's what really happened, this is what we are going to do We are going to clean up our act so Americans will come back. WOuld you send your kids there?


No, absolutely not. As a parent, it was a strange coincidence but as I'm talking about this story on the air for months, my own daughter who was graduating was ready for a trip to Paris with her highschool and I was sitting here as a Police officer and a broadcaster who has all the experts and guests and thinking to myself, God do I sent her, it's a last hoorah for her as a highschool student Dave told me he was never in favour of the trip, but what was he going to do.

As a journalist, when somebody comes to you and says things, for example Dave and don't know if it should be part of the book, too personal...how do you handle that


You don't do what mainstream journalists do. You don't make your decsions, you have to use your intuition, more importanat you say it like it is. If the person is not telling the truth, it's not you on the line it's them. You mentioned about your daughter .... (personal anecdotes about Larry's daughter )

Right now, anyone listening there's still hope. When I sign books I put "pray for Natalee" and wherever she may be I hope that there's justice and that the truth comes out.


... it's the truth that matters. The media and the message we're getting out whether it's a book or my program of Greta or whoever, the message that we can get out to people...how do you protect your child if you send them on a trip like this. I'm curious about MSM and the sound bytes, are they doing a good job right now as far as the Holloway case goes or it bleeds, it leads...


The media is only interested when there's something .. OH My God...there will be a frenzy when NY decides or Aruba decides to step up to the plate. It was part of my job and Stephanie, not only to do the book, we didn't do it for money but to make a difference, and honestly what we're hoping for right now is that somehow, someway something comes out to keep it alive. All we did for the last year is work our butts of so the world doesn't forget Natalee. That's why I;m doing this tonight, everybody shoudl write a letter to their congressman, let Aruba know that so long as they don't solve this, we won't get there.

Of course, Dave and Beth have a reward out there, anybody can come in and quietly come in, nobody has to know who they are, if they saw this, Dave and Beth would step up to the plate.


Larry, thank you for coming on the show tonight.

Mr. vanZandt is a 25 year veteran of the FBI ... you name it this guy has been involved as far as an Investigator goes. As a fellow Investigator I'm in awe of him

Tell us a little bit about yourself, you've worked on some pretty important cases.


(life story ... blah blah )


I know the Holloway family, I know Dave, I know Beth very well. NBC sent me down to Aruba, so I was down there. I had a chance to meet Art Wood and Art and I worked for a couple of weeks together. I interviewed one of the Kalpoes one on one. I went in and found him told him who I was and asked to talk. He said my lawyer told me not to talk, but for 45 minutes he and I talked. It gave me an insight into this guy's head. I find it hard to believe that there's somebody other than J2K's that could of had anything todo. Could they have left her on the beach and somebody else grabbed her, maybe she was taken up by aliens.


I've had e-mails like that


4 or 5 months ago I was on Dr Phil's show, Beth and myself but the premise of Dr Phil at the time was to suggest that Natalee had been kidnapped and taken away as a sex slave and she was now on some Caribbean island. I remember just before we went on I was told that was going to be his premise. I'm sitting with Beth, she was shaking, it was cold but it was more than cold, I said Beth are you ok, it's just so cold, I put my arm around her, I could tell she was thin, you're not eating..I'm so caught up in this all the time. I told her this isn't going to help Natalee. You're going to go out and Phil is going to suggest that she's held as a sex slave, is that within the realm of possiblity. Don't get sucked into something like this, She said I just got to believe...I told her don't hold on to a false belief.

that's the challenge for so many parents. We don't know the rest of the story, you leave the emotional porchlight on until you know what happened.


The answers, I don't like the term closure, I like the term answer and being able to say goodbye. I want to ask you is the Aruban drug aspect of this investigation, date-rape drugs. Just how safe or dangerous is Aruba


When I was down I was at Carlos & Charlie's, I was a fly on the wall, I found a seat on the side and watched. There were a lot of young people 16, 17 18, the band is playing loud, they're dancing back and forth, pretty soon one of the employees gets up and gets a squeeze bottle of booze and everybody dancing by gets a shot of booze. I started counting and as a young woman she would get 3 seconds of booze and a man would get it for 1 second. They were putting a lot of booze into you as you dance by...like in the case of Natlee she's there, she's drinking more of her own volition than every in her life, it's so easy for somebody to put Ruhipnol in your rink, they guide you out take you in a car and for those who survive those and go to Police, they tell about it.... then the Police in many islands say it's a real shame, we'll help try to identify your offender, you're not going to be able to take your place back, you'll have to stay here for a few days, fly back and forth a few times, the message is there...pack up go back home, count yourself lucky to be alive, one happy alive...wait for the next boat load of victims to come in


The powers are more interested in the tourist dollar than a competent investigation. You would think that with all the negative publicity thrust on Aruba, they would do whatever they could even admit mistakes, say the screwed up, but it just doesn't seem to happen


You find it out quickly, years ago there was a shootout, an FBI agent was shot and killed by other FBI agents; when it broke the media came forward and said it's an ongoing investigation and there aren't any comments. If you do something wrong, you should tell the truth and let the truth be your defense. The FBI has been burned like that over the years and it happened to the ALE, they tried to cover up intentionally. Something happened in Aruban somewhere between being inept and being corrupt.

I think that type of investigation was so much above them and the potential for corruption is so great, it's been challenged, we want answers, Beth does and whether they will ever get them, this whole case becomes colder by the day.


On 7-21 identity “Deetch” of the “Aruba Dirty Police” blogspot” reported:

BFN Drops a Bomb on Aruba and Dennis Jacobs

New blog:


"Hang him, that's it.""Then we're done"
"That will not give Natalee back."

Anita van der sloot on CBS Early Show.

Your definitive statement, spoken with confidence and knowledge confirms Natalee's death at the hands of your son, Joran van der sloot.

"How they acted toward my family and friends is not the normal way a family acts when their daughter is missing." You may be right Joran, because you would be uniquely positioned to know. And your father agreed, no doubt he has his own experience with victims.

"There was an immediate recognition that this was not simply a teen who wandered off." U.S. Congressman Spencer Bachus.

"Paulus van der sloot, the father of Joran who was detained yesterday in the case, is being held under suspicion of complicity to pre-meditated murder, complicity to kidnapping and murder and kidnapping."

Complicity to kidnapping suggests Paulus was aware of a crime while Natalee was alive.

"On 6/22 the Police again questined PVDS and arrested him as a suspect for "reasonable suspicion of murder, manslaughter or intentional containment with the dead as consequence.

When he was arrested suspect P.Sloot said, "these officers are all my friends."

If you run you pay, if you stay you pay. The talk about compensation for Paul van der sloot now a laughable joke. Like he hasn't been compensated enough? Who do you think has paid for the defense of the van der sloots? CnC's, the Excelsior and the Dirty Police. The same money pool paying for Steve Croes, Joe Tacopina and the security guards. Which line item is this expense recorded? Throw that under VAN DER SLOOT.
The same Paul van der sloot who found it necessary to explain to his son and the Kalpoe's the meaning of "no body, no crime." No body, referenced a dead Natalee and "no crime" implying nothing to be accountable for.

Yeah, I say that all the time to my son too.

"Additionally, it cannot be overstated that were this matter to remain in this court JVS and PVS lack the ability to implead any of the casinos, bars or hotels in Aruba as third party defendants for their potential lack of security or negligent provision of alcohol."

Having friends like the judges John Kuiperdal and Rik Smid virtually grant you a pass. Were these guys with you Paulus when you raped the girls?

"A judge finds sufficient evidence to hold suspect Nick John,30 and Abraham Jones,28 on suspicion of murder and kidnapping in the Holloway case, according to defense attorneys." CBS News, Associated Press

What evidence? Karin Janssen brought what in front of a judge who found the evidence sufficient? To hold 2 innocent men?

The Paul van der sloot who did nothing to help find Natalee or demand his son do the same, then went to the Prosecutor, his friend, Karin Janssen to press charges against Tim Miller when he asked if he could search his well.

Jan van der straaten threatened to do nothing if Beth didn't back off. He feels he's worked hard, but not for Natalee. And he was the chief of Police.

He has a job on another island.

And Dennis Jacobs? What's in it for him? His job. Whoever holds the fate of this position is the one pulling the strings in Aruba.

Does it connect to Holland? The only Police officer to implicate Joran van der sloot, Gerold Dompig doesn't have a job anymore. Either does Steve Cohen, who's last public appearance on the Rita Cosby show, promised to look at the casino tape picture showing Paulus talking with Natalee, and promised to get back with an explaination.

He never made it back on the air.

Dompig was the one who heard Joran's confession, who told Rudy Croes he was being led to "the body." Dompig also said "the three are guilty as hell" thereby implying a van der sloot guilt. Dompig also revealed the closest thing to confirming Natalee's death, even though he called it an overdose. The bizareness of him coming out in public and stating where Natalee was buried.

If you're the Gottenbos or Von Cromvoirt family, both picking up established businesses and leaving them behind, after their son's, we think, were brought in for questioning. Koen Gottenbos was allowed to let his father speak for him. As if one more year would allow him to better explain how he participated in crimes against girls?

For 2 innocent boys, we are supposed to think 2 businesses and 2 families with nice houses in Aruba just evacuated their life for innocence?

And even if the boys were in involved in a serious crime, why uproot so dramatically?

Maybe if it was more than the son, it was the father's who were running. We've seen an Aruban/Dutch father run before, Paul van der sloot. 3 sweating men, head of households acting more nervous than anything I've ever seen.

Whatever it is, the consensus in Aruba is that the truth is fatal.

Just one girl, just one teenager? How about one life, a precious life. Aruba and the racist Dutch always throw in "American girl" no doubt to feed their hate, their jealousy as somehow it lessons the value.

Natalee was not the first victim. She was one of many victims. The truth about what happened to her is not an isolated incident. The complicit either allowed the savagery to exist or participated in the raping of women, then the threats if they spoke up.

The complicit includes members of the government and the Police Department. The predators are not the kids, but their parents. Gottenbos, Van cromvoirt, Van der sloot, Van der straaten, Croes, Oduber.

No shame in giving up your business but the fear of being exposed, as an adult, father, as someone who rapes girls the ages of their sons, well that's the end. The suicide.

The reason Aruba can accept the current decline in revenue is because the truth will be a fatal blow to Aruba. Hell on earth.

While I believe Paulus is the very definition of a scumbag, that doesn't mean he enjoys wasting money. How else to explain how Joran seemed to spend money freely in large sums? Where did this money come from?

Aruba wouldn't risk it's economy on three uneducated loser kids?

But to uproot whole families, business owners who flee Aruba and claim their teenage son's are innocent? It just doesn't add up. Gottenbos and van cromfort, no doubt with doting airhead wives complicit or fooled in denial over their own families depravity.

The dark corners of the Dutch male cowardly mind, probably answered yes to the question of would you rape a beautiful girl who wouldn't otherwise give you the time of day if you could get away with it.

Men know, more than anything else, sex is the great temptation. The apple in the Garden of Eden. Just what is the role of a Narcotics cop in a place where drugs flow like water. Success is not measured by the elimination of drugs but the revenue derived from it. Take morality out of it and it's good business.

But to condone the drugging of another person for rape is a savagery that even the complicit know cannot be rationalized.

So they run, they bully and threaten.

But they didn't realize that they have nothing to leverage anymore. When you're Natalee's parents and you have nothing left to lose, you can't be bullied. And since millions of us feel the same way about Natalee we won't let them off, ever.

Our own politicians can't face the truth here. Spencer Bacchus no more talkative than Karin Janssen but both have said something.

The word premeditated in the charges from early on. Premeditated implies Natalee was targeted, as were the others. Aruba sells it's island as a place to come and be unbound for a time from the day to day gind and then blames the same people they lure for being so carefree.

They ask you to trust them and then blame you for trusting them. The self conscious guilt is all over these cowards.

If there is one person singularly responsible for why Aruba can talk about Natalee's death but not tell us how they know and why they have no evidence, it's Dennis Jacobs.

Dennis Jacobs is responsible for evidence. Standing in front of Joran and the Kalpoe's on that night, listening to their "story" he took it as evidence and arrested the security guards. I mean, really, uh okay Joran thanks for the tip?

Just imagine that scene. He's just not that stupid, but he is that corrupt. And Karin Janssen went along with it, but she is that stupid.

But keeping it close to home, I want an answer from Spencer Bacchus. Did he believe Arlene Schippers who said Natalee just "vanished." The same Schippers who accused Beth of lying but in fact was lying herself, the same Schippers who's cousin Guido Wever was arrested for "heavy battery."

Spencer Baccchus is a fool, a disgrace and a soulless man. How he could sit through that meeting and make the statement he did and then just remain silent is inexplicable.

This from the definitive case on Aruba and Natalee. It's 68 pages of "FBI quality" writing. Delivered by BFN it's a bomb if you can stomach reading it without getting angry. An amazing document.


On 7-21 “Inside Edition” reported:

Van der Sloot Back in Aruba with a New Companion

(photo) http://www.insideedition.com/lib/images/specialreports/297/072106-joran1.jpg
(caption) Caught in photos, Joran van der Sloot's back in Aruba with a new blonde.

(photo) http://www.insideedition.com/lib/images/specialreports/297/072106-joran2.jpg
(caption) van der Sloot and his new friend strolled along the beach together.

(photo) http://www.insideedition.com/lib/images/specialreports/297/072106-joran3.jpg
(caption) Walking together, the pair were also joined, at times, by a group of friends.

"My dad had come out to the beach and said, 'Celeste, you're not gonna believe who's at the pool with a young blonde girl,'" Celeste Prince tells INSIDE EDITION.

The young man captured on camera by Celeste, a vacationer in Aruba, was none other than Joran van der Sloot. van der Sloot was a one-time suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, but has never been charged.

Van der Sloot was captured in photos with a shapely, bikini-clad blonde. They stood, arms around each other, at the beach. The pictures were taken at the Marriott Aruba Resort, the same hotel near which van der Sloot supposedly last saw Natalee.

"It was a little creepy and definitely gave me chills," says Celeste.

Van der Sloot's reappearance in Aruba is a shocker. As far as anyone knew, he was still back in the Netherlands, where he attends college. He'd left Aruba after being arrested and questioned, but was never charged in the mysterious case. van der Sloot maintains his innocence.

Las Vegas resident, Celeste Prince was on a family vacation on the Caribbean island when she saw the Dutch teenager with his new friend. Celeste described to INSIDE EDITION what the new couple was up to while enjoying the sun and sand in Aruba. "He was arm in arm with her. Kissing her, holding her hand. They were taking walks down the beach together, like no one else was around." Celeste continued, saying, "I was tempted to go grab her and ask her if she knew who she was walking around with."

Instead, Celeste grabbed her camera. Other beachgoers did the same. And it seemed that Celeste's feelings about the happy couple was echoed by many of her fellow hotel guests. She tells INSIDE EDITION, "Everyone I was there with, other hotel guests, we were all kind of appalled." Despite Celeste's feelings, it appeared that van der Sloot was anything but uncomfortable with the attention. Celeste says, "He definitely noticed that people were watching him and taking pictures but he didn't seem fazed."

When not alone together, Celeste says the two enjoyed time with a group of friends.
The Marriott Aruba Resort told INSIDE EDITION:

"We have seen him on our property and on our beach. He did not register here as a guest. Unfortunately, the Marriott can not take any responsibility for him being here. He was a guest of one of our guests as long as someone does not misbehave, there is nothing we can do."

Natalee's mother, Beth Holloway-Twitty talked with INSIDE EDITION's Jim Moret about van der Sloot's return to Aruba:

"It's terrible," she said. "Whether this young girl is an Aruban girl, a Dutch girl, an American girl, it doesn't matter and it's very sad that he would be allowed to just engage in his behaviors again."


On 7-23 the ARUBAAN's news-source “Caribbean Net News” reported:

Eastern Caribbean nations benefiting from economic growth in the US and UK

BASSETERRE, St Kitts: Most of the Eastern Caribbean islands are benefiting from good economic conditions in the United States and the United Kingdom, according to the Washington-based International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The IMF which recently announced that St Kitts and Nevis realized a real growth rate in excess of 6 percent in 2004 and almost four percent in 2005, in a statement issued this week said near-term growth prospects in most of the Eastern Caribbean’s countries “remain strong” as their economies are “buoyed” by tourism from the United States and the United Kingdom.

The IMF said a high level of construction activity in the Eastern Caribbean also is improving the region's economy.

IMF official David Robinson, who is heading a staff mission by his organization to the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union countries in July and August, said his visit will focus on the “economic prospects, opportunities, and challenges” facing that currency union. The six countries in that group are Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Robinson said growth in the region has been strong, largely due to a recovery in tourism, and increased construction activity in preparation for the 2007 Cricket World Cup, which will be played in a number of countries in the Caribbean region.

The IMF official said that while “inflationary pressures” in the Eastern Caribbean have emerged due to the strong economic activity and higher world oil prices, inflation in the region has remained in the low single digits.

Robinson said the economic growth would help the region take advantage of new opportunities provided by what is called the Caribbean Single Market and Economy, which is designed to enhance the region’s competitiveness by providing for the free movement of goods and services, labor and capital in the Caribbean.

In addition, Robinson said the region needs to take advantage of the “increasing globalization of the world economy, as well as to adjust to the further decline of trade preferences for bananas and sugar.” However, sustaining gro7th “once the impetus dissipates from the construction boom ahead of the Cricket World Cup will be key to maintaining and further improving living standards” in the region, Robinson said.

“Recent economic outcomes have been strong - growth for the ECCU region accelerated in 2005 to about 4½ percent, largely due to a recovery in tourism, and increased construction activity ahead of the 2007 Cricket World Cup,” said Robinson.

On 7-23 PATRICK HURLEY wrote:

Why Natalee Holloway Will Always Be With Me

To many of you, Natalee Holloway was just an irritating name for a missing person who drove the media to make millions of dollars as they manipulated her disappearance. To some of you, she was a representation of how pretty young Caucasian women get overexposed in the news to the detriment of minorities. And, to a few of you, Natalee is not worth any sympathy because she hurt Aruba's tourism business and cast a negative light on the van der Sloot and the Kalpoe families. One thing is certain; her case has brought international attention and has sparked strong passions among millions of people out there.

I have emotions about Natalee, too. My feelings are varied depending on which aspect of the case you are talking about.

I am extremely angry at the Aruba authorities who deliberately covered up the facts of this case from the very beginning. When Dave Holloway walked into the office of Dennis Jacobs, the chief of Police, and asked about his daughter the response was, "How much money do you have?" As Dave stood there stunned at the callousness of that opening salvo more gibberish followed, "Go down to Carlos and Charlies and have a beer. She will show up eventually. They always do. Just be careful with your drink."

This is how Aruba initially handled a grieving father who was shaken to the core because his child had vanished off the face of the earth. It was a shameful response that revealed the tip of the corrupt legal iceberg Natalee's family and friends were about to encounter in the upcoming year. Had I been Dave Holloway I would have gone over, picked up Dennis Jacobs by both collars and slammed his pathetic essence up against the wall and said, "My daughter is MISSING jerkweed! Don't tell me to go have a Bud Light. Don't sit there smugly and ask about my financial portfolio. Get off your lazy butt and let's get to work or you will find your job MISSING when I get done with you!" It is obvious that if it had been Mr. Jacob's daughter, he would not have strolled over to Carlos and Charlie's and tipped a few as he relaxed with his friends waiting for HER to show up...

I am disgusted with Paulus and Joran van der Sloot . They keep screaming, "Victim!" when they are as far removed from that concept as a vicious tiger is sinking his teeth into a helpless fawn. Their excuses, alibis, explanations, refusals to help, arrogance, self-pity, contradictions and cowardice are outrageous and nauseate me. How dare they sit back and blame the Holloways and Twittys when it was JORAN who last saw a girl who is now dead and gone forever! If I came home from high school and my dad asked me, "The Police were just here looking for a girl were you with her?" If my answer was, "Oh, yeah, but I left her on the beach and came home. I never saw her after that. It was three o'clock in the morning and she was drunk out of her mind so I got away from her." MY father would have knocked me clear across the room for TWO reasons; the weak excuse I gave him about my alibi and for being with her in the first place at that hour. Paulus will never be, "The Father of the Year" for the way he coddles his irresponsible son. Allowing a 17 year-old boy to roam casinos, pick up girls left and right at all hours of the night and day and covering his gambling losses while hiding all this from the naive wife and mother is a recipe for disaster. Joran grew up learning how to lie and get his way. That is pathetic parenting, folks. It is no surprise to me that when Joran was FINALLY arrested, Paulus sweated like an agnostic in a piper cub in an electrical storm. Instead of being upright and helpful like a mature adult, he ducked out of a televised interview, ran like a deer caught in the headlights of a Peterbilt whenever cameras were around, refused to let the Police search his property and poured legal advice into the young minds of three boys who were desperate to cover their tracks for a crime of which they were INNOCENT? "No body, no case" says it all for the cretin who realized far too late that he should never have been a father to anyone, much less a violent-prone punk like Joran, in the first place.

Finally, I am permanently saddened for two parents who never deserved to lose their daughter on that horrific night in May. This week I took my daughter to a car dealership and bought her a 2001 Rav4 because she had been in a serious accident three weeks ago totaling her vehicle. When she called me that afternoon and I heard the fear in her voice, "Dad, I've been in an accident," my heart stopped. A guy ran a red light and she hit him broadside. Fortunately, because she was in a Rav4 she was not injured seriously. She is my only child and I love her more than I have ever loved anyone. She is my baby. She is in college like Natalee would have been had she lived. My heart goes out to Dave and Beth because I am a dad who loves my daughter and I can only partially relate to the pain they will feel forever. I know if it were my child, I would never stop looking and hoping and their quest for closure is as dank and dark as the actions of the ones who took Natalee away from her life that night. No amount of writing or feeling can comfort the soul of a parent who goes to sleep every night and wakes up every morning with that sickening feeling of loss. I do not wish that pain on anyone even those who glibly set up websites laughing, cackling and misrepresenting the motivations of these two people who spent their time, energies, emotions, finances and concerns on a child from the first moment of her existence to that final graduation night. And, in one swift span of two hours, she is gone forever. Forever. How does a mother or a father cope with that loss? The answer is basic. They don't. They never do. I know there are thousands of parents out there who have lost a child but, that does not make the hurt more palpable.

The Natalee Holloway case is not a media event. It is not a competition of one website pitted against another. It is not about money or politics or even a boycott. It is about a human being with a soul who meant so much to her family and friends and is no longer with them to enjoy, to laugh with, to experience passages like her wedding, the birth of her first child and hundreds of reunions and holidays with those who celebrate their existence with her.

I went in and said good morning to my daughter today and told her I loved her. I know that at any time or moment, she could be taken away from me. It could be another auto accident or a plane crash. Or, it could be because she trusts someone late one night and believes they will act responsible with her best interests in mind. I pray that if my daughter ever encounters someone who is socio-pathic and does harm to her that the authorities will do something that Aruba and the Dutch government deliberately failed to do; make certain there is justice for the person who not only ended my daughter's dreams in life, but ended mine for her, as well.

Because I am a father, I will forever lift up Dave and Robin Holloway and Beth Twitty to God in the hope that He will grant them comfort, inner peace and eventually the joy of reliving warm memories of a wonderful daughter who was a gift from God for eighteen years.

I will also pray that someday Joran and Paulus will miraculously develop a conscience and come forward and tell the world what really happened that night to Natalee Holloway. Ephesians 4:15 states, "But speaking the truth in love we are to grow up in all aspects in Him." To these two individuals I say, it is time to speak the truth and be adults of conscience. Come out of the darkness and into the light. You will only find your peace when you acknowledge your ways and bring comfort to the innocent who need you to reveal the secrets of your deeds.

That honesty, if it ever happens, would finally put my emotions to rest and bring a smile of final relief to my heart.

About the author:
Pat Hurley has won three Emmy awards for writing, hosting and producing television shows. He resides in Southern California.

Email: coolhumor@sbcglobal.net


On 7-24 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Fewer passengers in second quarter

ARUBA – Compared to the second quarter of last year, 5 percent less people traveled via the airport of Aruba, but the number of flights increased with 11 percent.
Compared with last year, the drop in passengers in the first six months of this year was 9 percent and the number of flights increased with 4 percent. The number of passengers from the US dropped with 11.5 percent and from Europe with 11.5 percent. The number of passengers from Colombia increased with 14.3 percent and from the Neth.Antilles with 9.6 percent.

Aruba Airport Authority (AAA) indicated that the increase of the number of flights is especially attributed to the increasing number of private-planes via General Aviation. Compared with the second quarter of 2005, the number of private airplanes increased with 74 percent.

Other reasons for the increased number of flights are that Arkefly increased her flights from Amsterdam, Continental from La Guardia, and Avianca and DAE that also increased their number of flights. Also the launching of Tiara is noticeable in the figures.
Airline Company JetBlue announced that effective September 16th, it will start daily flights from New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport. AAA hopes that with this airlink, more tourists will come to Aruba this fall.


On 7-25 FOX News GRETA VAN SUSTEREN reported in her “Gretawire blog,” “By the way, I also get asked many, many times about the Natalee Holloway case. I wish I had some information to tell you, but matters seem bleak in the criminal investigation. The judge in New York City still must decide the motion in the civil case filed there — whether the civil case will stay in NYC or get thrown out. That decision should come any day (it was argued in the New York court in May.) As for Beth, I stay in touch with her. She still has no information. I did confirm that Joran van der Sloot has a book deal in Holland.”

On 7-26 the “PR Newswire” reported:

Federal Jury Convicts Former Danvers Resident of Tax Fraud Charge, Reports U.S. Attorney

BOSTON, July 25 /PRNewswire/ -- A former resident of Danvers, Massachusetts was found guilty late yesterday by a jury on a federal charge of filing a false income tax return for the 1999 tax year.

United States Attorney Michael J. Sullivan; Assistant Attorney General Eileen J. O'Connor for the Department of Justice's Tax Division; and Douglas A. Bricker, Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation, announced that NADINE J. GRIFFIN, age 45, a former resident of Danvers, Massachusetts, now residing in New Hampshire, was convicted by a trial jury sitting before U.S. District Court Judge William G. Young of one count of filing a false income tax return for the 1999 tax year.

Evidence presented during the seven-day trial proved that GRIFFIN failed to report gross sales earned in 1999 as a salesperson for Global Prosperity, an organization that was in the business of selling a 12-part audiotape series and tickets to offshore seminars, both of which were sold through a network of salespersons. The offshore seminars were held in such places as Aruba and Cancun, Mexico. At the seminars vendors promoted and marketed fraudulent tax schemes.
The evidence also showed that GRIFFIN was one of Global's top salespersons. As a salesperson for Global Prosperity, GRIFFIN sold the audiotape, which retailed for $1,250 per series, as well as the tickets to the offshore seminars, which ranged in price from $6,250 per ticket to $18,750 per ticket. In the 1999 tax year, GRIFFIN failed to report in excess of $170,000 she made in gross sales from the tapes and tickets.

Having convicted GRIFFIN of filing a false income tax return for 1999, the jury was unable to reach a unanimous verdict concerning whether GRIFFIN filed a false income tax return for 1998. The U.S. Department of Justice is considering whether to retry the case for the 1998 false tax return. No decision has been made at this time.

Judge Young scheduled sentencing for October 25, 2006. GRIFFIN faces a maximum sentence of 3 years in prison.

Several individuals associated with Global Prosperity have been convicted of tax related charges. In February 2003, Margo Jordan, a Global Prosperity retailer from Wilton, Maine, pleaded guilty to a charge of income tax evasion. In July 2004, Global co-founder Daniel P. Andersen, formerly of Leominster, Massachusetts, pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiring to defraud the Internal Revenue Service. In April 2005, Dwayne Robare, formerly of Leominster, Massachusetts, pleaded guilty to a charge of income tax evasion for the 2000 tax year.

The case was investigated by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation. It is being prosecuted by Trial Attorneys Christopher J. Maietta and John N. Kane of the U.S. Department of Justice's Tax Division.

SOURCE: U.S. Attorney


On 7-27 ARUBAAN's news-source “Diario” reported:

Innocent 16 yr old female raped by man and then by schoolmates

Word has come to the paper that a group of males student aged from the same school as the victim had been loitering around.

This crime is considered to be punishable and condemning by law.

The innocent 16 yr old Virgin was accosted by many from within her own class and school.

This was a forced act of violence against this child and she was raped anally and vaginally.

What makes this crime more sickening is that many of the male students used their cameras on their cellphones to record the act.

By midday the photos were circulated to other males via cellphones.

The family of the girl wishing to protect her is not wanting to go to the polis in order to protect her identity further and prevent her from being marked as a raped female within the community. She has been thru a horrific ordeal and they don’t wish to upset her more. They will seek professional help for her but are fearing to go to the polis.

the photos continue to be distributed via MMS now more than ever Diario has found out.

The family upon learning this has decided the girl will not return to school in august and instead they are looking to send her off the island with other family abroad.

Diario is supplicating to the family to protect the girl and press charges anonymously so that these group will not get away with this crime so that they may be brought to justice and not have a chance to do this to another female.

The author of the article states he cannot believe what is happening to the islands youth today. He says the government and the judicial branches of Aruba must take a firm stance against this behavior, and prosecute these thugs.

In another case he sites that a roaming group of youngsters have terrorized an entire area in Cas Palamos. In that case polis did nothing to disband this disruptive group of young males.

In yet another case last night polis did stop a group of youngsters who were out of control after leaving a concert for the band called of the highway in area of Boegoereio. while awaiting the arrival of more polis to the scene the youths scattered in different direction.

Diario is asking that the photos circulating in JPG form via MMs cellular co be removed from airwaves. If not they risk falling as accomplices to the actions of these rapists.

On 7-27 “Sports Fan Magazine” reported:

The Sports Curmudgeon

Poker is everywhere. You can catch it on ESPN and several other networks. You can play it in casinos. You can read about it in newspapers and magazines. The government is trying to crack down it. Poker would seem to “have arrived”. Now come the clinchers…

A suit has been filed in Federal court by the players claiming that the “owners” – in this case the event organizers – are using monopolistic tactics to deprive the players of their rights and rightful earnings. To get really into the fastest portion of the mainstream, the poker players need someone like Donald Fehr – or better yet, Marvin Miller – to take up their cause and champion their efforts. The stage is set for the inaugural labor/management litigation in the world of poker; that’s what you need to go big time. Better yet, maybe someone needs to make a movie about the oppression of professional poker players. I can just see Patrick O’Brien as Fightin’ Father Flannigan leading the bedraggled players out of the casinos to fight for their survival…

As if that were not enough, the Federal case against the CEO of BetOnSports.com and the Washington State law banning Internet poker has taken on a planetary dimension. The country of Aruba and Barbuda has petitioned the World Trade Organization to establish a panel to determine if certain US laws restricting Internet gambling violate international trade agreements. Evidently a series of “consultations” with the US could not resolve the issues here so the WTO has been brought into the matter and according to an AP report, the WTO has set up a panel to look into the matter.

On 7-27 FOX News reported:

TRANSCRIPT: FOX News' Roger Ailes Speaks at TCA Press Tour

Following is a transcript of an appearance by FOX News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes before the Television Critics Association in Pasadena, Calif., on July 24, 2006:

ROGER AILES: Good afternoon. I understand you've been locked in here for three weeks, so I'm going to try to get you through this as quickly as I can. I got an e-mail from a guy in Guantanamo and he said, "We got to get these prisoners out of there," so we'll do our best.
FOX News is doing pretty well. We overtook CNN at the end of 2001. We haven't lost a day to them for almost 60 months now. Since 2002, our cable news marketplace share has increased from 38 percent to 54 percent. Our primetime has made three or four adjustments over the ten years. Our competition, MSNBC and CNN have cancelled 54 shows against us in that time. We're now seen in 80 countries. Ad sales has increased and continues to; over the last five years, cumulative growth over 30 percent a year.

QUESTION: For Mr. Ailes and for Mr. Smith, I'm over here on your right in the third row. Could both of you talk about how FOX News was able to own the Natalee Holloway story and sort of what the process was and the resources that you devoted and how you decided to spend so much time on it?
ROGER AILES: Well, I can start by saying that Greta van Susteren, who is exceptional at these kind of stories, particularly crime, legal stories, that sort of thing, did exceptional work. I mean, she went down there and really dug it out. She was able to take the victim's mother to the accused's house to sit down with the parents. That was just good street reporting. And more and more, when we broke the developments along the way on that story, people began to turn to us. But I give a lot of credit again to our journalists and to Greta.
Shep, do you have anything quick to add on that?
SHEPARD SMITH: Well, I mean, you can spin that story however you want from the critics, but the truth of the matter is the reporters from our channel -- and I wasn't one of them -- but those who went down there, and Greta included, broke details of that story all along the way. Just as we break stories in the Middle East, we break stories in the United Nations, and we break stories all across the United States. That was another victory for us.
ROGER AILES: I was going to say one other thing on that story, and that is that there was a lot of talk about "Well, you just single out one girl. Girls get killed all the time." And -- but we saw that partially as a family story, as a parents' story. Every parents' worst nightmare is a kid goes off for spring break or some graduation party and disappears. And so it became a kind of symbolic story for all parents, really.
QUESTION: Did you ever second-guess that -- or did you -- were there internal discussions that, "Okay, we're spending all this time on a missing girl in Aruba"? Now Shep is in Israel, but that's because the Middle East has exploded.
ROGER AILES: Well, but Iraq hasn't been in the news too much. It was in again today. What happens in the news -- and I think the point of your question is a good one. Do we tend to chase one story? And the answer is yes. Everybody does pretty much the same thing. The agenda shifts. You try to keep everybody up on all the stories, but when there's a new -- well, some people do breaking news more than others in terms of alerting the public to breaking news, but sometimes there really is breaking news, and you go back to that story. On the other hand, we tend to follow a story until a new story comes along and supplants it. I wouldn't deny that. 24-hour news started that.

On 7-27 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

KvK warns for tax evasion

ARUBA –With the introduction of the Business Sales Tax (BBO), businesses that so far have been evaded the taxes, should also be taxed. The Chamber of Commerce (KvK) is afraid that the BBO would only exert pressure on businesses that the revenue service already knows and that cannot or will not hide themselves.

KvK emphasizes that the ultimate buyer of a product or service in some countries that maintain a value added tax system (VAT), will only pay the tax once. All the links in the chain (retailer, wholesaler, and importer) can ask the revenue service for restitution for the VAT they paid to their supplier. They will have to indicate though, who the supplier of the services or products is.

The system that will be introduced on January 1st, 2007 in Aruba does not have this possibility and it’s going to have a cumulative effect. The sales tax was introduced in St. Maarten in 1997 and Aruba is using this as an example. At the same time, KvK pointed out the big difference between Aruba and the situation in St. Maarten.

When the sales tax was introduced in the Windward Islands, there was no import tax at all. This tax is being introduced in Aruba only seven months after the increase of the import tax on a great deal of products, which already caused the inflation to increase. KvK fears that the combination of these two taxes would have unacceptable price increases as consequence with a negative effect on the buying power of the citizen and on the competitiveness of the hotel sector and the trade and industry.

The KvK is of the opinion that one of the possibilities to limit these extravagant increases is to partly or completely do away with the import taxes. But why were the import tax increased so shortly before the introduction of the BBO and to then turn around and lower them again? And to what level will they be lowered? To the level before the increase on June 1st, 2006 or to that level plus the 30 million florins that the government intended to rake in with this?

KvK says that the answer on that is important for defining the percentage of the BBO. Another possibility to neutralize the effects of the BBO is to lower the income- and profit tax.

On 7-27 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Parliamentary inquiry Radisson still not certain

ARUBA – The preparations of the parliamentary inquiry on the renovation of the Radisson Hotel are currently being worked on. Documents are being requested and information is being gathered. AVP-parliamentarian Otmar Oduber doesn’t venture to say yet whether the inquiry will continue or not. The Audit Office more or less agrees with AVP’s position that it is about a passing through station.

In a letter that the Audit Office wrote to the Parliament they indicate that they have still not received an official request from Parliament yet to make an inquiry on the renovation of the Radisson. The Audit Office emphasizes furthermore that a forensic accountant had already investigated the renovation project years ago on behalf of the inquest. This investigation didn’t proof that the authorities or civil servants of the National Government of Aruba had committed an offence.

The Central Accountants Service (CAD) has also investigated the project structure of the renovation already and concluded that much attention was paid to the monitoring of the progress, quality, and costs of the project.

The Audit Office gathers from this that establishing the renovation project offers the necessary guarantee for a lawful, suitable, and integer execution.

Considering their busy program and their shortage in people to do the inquiry, the Audit Office advices the Parliament to formulate a possible problem definition of the desired investigation. The Audit Office says that they would need 20 Investigators to do all the work that the Members of Parliament are proposing in addition to the lawfulness investigation on the overdue yearly accounts.


On 7-28 the ARUBAAN's news-source "Aruba Tradewinds Times" reported:

Aruba is too dependent on US travellers
Aftermath Holloway Case And 9-11 Should Be A Lesson For Diversity

ORANJESTAD-The disappearance of the American teenager Natalee Holloway after a night out on May 30th last year and the media circus with much incorrect information that followed has had serious negative consequences for Aruba's tourism industry according to the Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Nilo Swaen. Many people now have a wrong impression of Aruba and a perception of the island as being unsafe.

A total of 10 suspects were detained and later released by authorities. The Governors of the American states of Georgia and Alabama have issued a travel boycott to Aruba due to the wrong handling of the case by local authorities according to them. The good thing is that both Aruban and Dutch authorities are still working on the case in the hope to solve the mystery says Swaen.

Aruba experienced a tourism boom in 2004 that continued in the first 6 months of 2005. The robust growth came to an abrupt halt in August and a sharp decline in arrivals is noted in the months that followed to this day. The economy of Aruba is beginning to feel the effects of the sharp decline in arrivals and will expand this year at a much lower rate than anticipated by the Central Bank.

The attacks of September 11th on the U.S. also showed a similar condition. Prior to the attacks moderate growth was registered, after the attacks an abrupt sharp decline in arrivals was noted that ultimately triggered Aruba's first economic recession in 2002 since 1985.

The U.S. is Aruba's main generating market for over 30 years, it is responsible for 75 percent of all visitors to the island. Aruba's great dependency on the U.S. market has proven to be a great risk for the economy that is for the most part dependent on tourism. In order to spread the risk, Aruba is presently working together with the World Bank to diversify the economy says Swaen.

In addition, the island has to attract more European and Latin American visitors. It is very difficult to attract Europeans to Aruba, they often view Aruba as too Americanized for their taste and expensive in comparison to cheaper destinations in the region like the Dominican Republic and Cuba.

Latin Americans are not difficult to attract, though short term expansion and contraction of the economies, and political instability at times often change their travel patterns.

It is very difficult to find other means of income to support the economy of such a small island says Swaen. For nearly 2 decades Aruba has focused mainly on the tourism industry. Aruba can diversify its economy by developing itself as the educational center of the Caribbean for foreign students and or by developing itself as the regional health and research center. The present tourism infrastructure of Aruba is adequate for the development of both sectors.

On 7-28 the ARUBAAN's news-source "Aruba Tradewinds Times" reported:

Airport profit surge despite flat growth in 2005

Aruba’s Big Airport Is Profitable

ORANJESTAD-Queen Beatrix International Airport made more profit during 2005 despite processing the same amount of passengers as it did in 2004. Ruben Trapenberg spokesperson for the airport says that a profit of $4.5 million was achieved during 2005 in comparison to $800,000 in 2004. The high profit at the airport is attributed to the cut in operational costs and the good financial management by Schiphol Group.

The number of passengers processed at the airport in the first 6 month of 2006 fell by 8.9 percent in comparison to the same period in 2005. The fall in passengers has certainly affected operations at the airport negatively says Trapenberg. The management of the airport has therefore been more cautious in spending money.

On 7-28 HONOLULU, HAWAII CBS TV channel “KGBM” 9 reported:

Protecting Hawaii Visitors From Crime
Imagine going on vacation and winding up a victim of a horrible crime.

Rape and robbery are just some of the topics being discussed at this year's Visitor Crime Awareness Conference.

Hundreds from around nation gathered at the Hawaii Convention Center today to talk about how to keep tourists safe in paradise.

The Visitor Aloha Society of Hawaii says crime in Hawaii has gone down over the past few years. But there is still potential for new problems.

It happened in Aruba, when one crime turned their economy upside down.

"Aruba has lost about 30 percent of their tourism because of the Natalee Holloway case, so think what kind of impact it would have on Hawaii if, God forbid, we had that type of problem," said the conference's keynote speaker Dr. Peter Tarlow.

Experts say more crimes against visitors will ultimately lead to a lower visitor count and less money into our economy. Some suggested putting more Police on patrol and having easier access to security.

On 7-28 the “International Safe Travel Foundation” reported:


PALM SPRINGS, Ca. – July 28, 2006 – The International SAFE TRAVELS Foundation has received another prestigious endorsement. The nationwide safety awareness campaign created by Beth Holloway Twitty known as SAFE TRAVELS was endorsed in a resolution passed by the Executive Committee of the National Association of School Resource Officers during their annual conference in held Palm Springs, California. The resolution states in part “NASRO hereby supports and endorses the International SAFE TRAVELS Foundation in its efforts to educate students in order to help them avoid risks associated with international travel.”

“Her message was very well received here,” according to NASRO president Phil Bailey, who continued saying that officers from all over the country had commented on her presentation that told her daughter Natalee’s story and gave information about travel safety. The one thousand uniformed officers in attendance for Twitty’s safety message gave her a standing ovation at the opening of her program and again at the end.

“You could hear a pin drop in there,” remarked Officer Brian Woods of Birmingham, Alabama. Woods, the resource officer from Natalee Holloway’s high school, was featured in Twitty’s presentation.

NASRO is a nonprofit organization for school-based law enforcement officers, school administrators, and school security and safety professionals working together as partners to protect students, faculty and staff. The 9,000 member organization is focused on its solid commitment to the youth of the United States.

Twitty shares their commitment to youth. “I want students to prepare themselves before they embark on international trips by gathering information about their destination,” Twitty said. “The safetravelsfoundation.org website can help them do this.” NASRO members will refer students to the International SAFE TRAVELS Foundation website for safety information prior to specific school vacation times such as Christmas and spring break.

The Safe Travels Foundation is a US tax-exempt, charitable organization qualified under Section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code established to inform and educate the public to help them travel more safely as they travel internationally.

HYPERLINK "http://www.safetravelsfoundation.org


On 7-29 FOX News reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to "Heli”)

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, HOST: Caught on camera--Joran van der Sloot seen frolicking with a beautiful young blond on the very same beach he says he last saw Natalee Holloway alive.

GUILFOYLE: Natalee Holloway disappeared over one year ago from the Island of Aruba. She was last seen on the beach near the fisherman's huts area, left there by prime suspect Joran van der Sloot.
Just days ago, van der Sloot was back on the same beach with a new blonde haired female friend. What was he doing there, and who was he with?

Joining us on the phone from Aruba is Julia Renfro with Aruba Today.
Julia, thanks for joining me tonight, and what do you know about this new mystery blonde who was with van der Sloot?

JULIA RENFRO, (the transplanted AMERICAN in ARUBA who moved to ARUBA 17+ years ago and owns an interest in many ARUBA businesses including an ARUBAAN's news-source): Well, all we really know is she is a friend of Joran's and they were hanging out on the beach together just as many young people do on the beaches here in Aruba. As for the details of where she is from and what her name is, none of that has been revealed in any of the local media.

GUILFOYLE: Alright, well, a few months ago, there were a few arrests. People are wondering--we get alot of emails--about what the latest is in the case? Any new developments or suspects? Where does the investigation stand?

RENFRO: Well, the suspects that have been detained in this case so far are still suspects. As we know there are not really many details that have been revealed by the local authorities as to why they remain suspects or what evidence they have against these nine men.

But what we do know is the local authorities are still continuing to investigate this case. As of most recently the lead prosecutor on this case has traveled to Holland to work with the Dutch Forensic Institute on some materials she has. We can only know where it is going to go from there.

GUILFOYLE: Alright, Julia. Anything else you can tell us before we go--you have fifteen seconds--about these photos? It looks like two young people in potential love or some kind of relationship.

RENFRO: Well, all we know is they were hanging out on the beach together recently here in Aruba. Joran is here on vacation--his summer vacation--from Holland where he is going to school, and--and pretty much that is about it. That is all that has been revealed here locally on Aruba.

GUILFOYLE: Alright, well, Julia, thank you for joining us.
Joining us now from Birmingham is Natalee's mother, Beth Twitty. Beth, thanks for being with us tonight.
How did these pictures make you feel?

BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY, MISSING GIRL‘S MOTHER: Well, Kimberly, it looks like he is right back in the "Holiday Inn" area--right in the heart of the tourist section. It just amazes me that--it just amazes me. There just seems to be no repercussions for Joran and no responsibility. It looks like he is back in action again.

GUILFOYLE: Well, you know, some people--we have alot of emails and calls about this case. Some people are saying, “Look, this is a guy.” I guess he is entitled to go out and try and meet other women and do that type of thing. I guess what is unsettling is it is in the same area--a location where your daughter disappeared. Does it surprise you that he is in this location?

BETH: You know, on one hand it does, Kimberly, that he would just be so bold to go right back in the same position where, you know, he was with Natalee.

Then, on the other hand, it doesn't surprise me because that seems to be how the--the citizens there just don't seem to feel that Joran is the one who has caused all of this damage for their Island. I mean, they seem to feel as though Natalee is the perpetrator instead of looking at the suspects.

GUIFOYLE : You recently got a letter from the Aruban tourist division. What did it say?

BETH: Well, I think they are in major damage control now and they are seeking out why they are not getting repeat tourists coming back to their Island, and I think the answer is pretty clear. You know, when you--tourists expect to have Police access. You expect to file a report and have action taken. None of that is going to happen in Aruba.

GUILFOYLE: Now, Beth, what about John Q Kelly, your attorney? Has he still been in contact with the Aruban office of prosecutors?

BETH: You know, I don't think Karin Janssen has been taking any calls lately and I think as far as his thinking goes, there is no activity going on as far as an investigation right now. There is just nothing.

GUILFOYLE: Alright, real quick. How long till we know about the civil case; the outcome?

BETH: Oh, Kimberly, I hope it is this week. I mean we are just so hopeful. It is our only chance. I mean, can you imagine having this heard in an Aruban court? We are so hanging on to the hope that the judge will say, "Yes" that we can have it heard here in the United States.

GUILFOYLE: Alright. Beth, please keep us posted, and thank you.
BETH: Thank you, Kimberly.

On 7-29 the ARUBAAN's news-source “Caribbean Net News” reported:

US DEA to establish permanent presence in Suriname

PARAMARIBO, Suriname: Over the weekend two officers of the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will arrive in Suriname to establish a permanent presence of the agency sources at the US embassy in Paramaribo told Caribbean Net News. A third DEA agent is expected very soon.

Outgoing US ambassador Marsha Barnes on Tuesday signed an agreement with Justice Minister Chandrikapersad Santokhi to increases the cooperation between Suriname and the DEA. The treaty further regulates the permanent presence of the DEA in the CARICOM member state.

The DEA mission aims to assist local law enforcement units in fighting the drug trade and dismantling organized crime in this part of the Caribbean region, said minister Santokhi.

At the signing ceremony Prosecutor General Subhas Punwasi told reporters on Tuesday that the DEA officers won’t have any jurisdiction in Suriname. Their presence is simply to give technical and institutional assistance and provide training for local Police units in the fight against transnational drug trafficking, trafficking in persons and other related crimes.

Asked whether the Suriname DEA office will also cover Guyana since there is an increased drug trade between the two neighboring countries, Barnes said that for now the Trinidad DEA office will continue covering activities in Guyana. “Currently the DEA office in Trinidad is covering Guyana, but if that will change I don’t know,” said the ambassador.

According to Justice Minister Santokhi, the local activities of the DEA should result in a significant decline in the importation and transit of cocaine through Suriname. In pointing out the significance of the cooperation between the US and Suriname regarding fighting crime, Ambassador Barnes expressed satisfaction over the successes of the local Police over the last years. Because of the seriousness, violent and transnational nature of drug trafficking “no nation alone could fight this,” said the diplomat.

In comparison with 2004, the Suriname Police have seized twice as much cocaine in 2005, while several criminal organisations were busted. In 2005, the authorities seized 1,507 kilograms of cocaine and arrested 734 people for drug-related offenses, while stiff sentences were passed down to traffickers.


On 7-30 JOSSY MANSUR stated to the “C-Band Talk Network”:
(audio available when you click here)
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Heli”)


If you caught Fox News last night and the show the Line Up with Kimberly Guilfoyle, you will have heard an interview with Julia Renfro talking about the lead prosecutor. In fact I will use part of her quote here, it says, "The local authorities are continuing to investigate this case, and most recently the lead prosecutor on the case has traveled to Holland to work with the Dutch Forensic Institute on some materials she has, and we can only know where it's going to go from there"

I thought I would give Managing Editor of Diario, Jossy Mansur, a guest on my show several times now talking about the Holloway case, a call--just to see what he has to say--and see if he has any updates on the Holloway case. Jossy how are you?


Pretty good, thank you.


Nice to hear from you. You heard the comments, I read them to you off-air. What can you tell us about the Holloway investigation, and is there any substance to this comment that Karin Janssen has gone to Holland to the Dutch Forensic Institute?


That is completely incorrect, that is not true. Karin Janssen is on vacation. We consulted today with the District Attorney, the Attorney General, so she is not working with any kind of forensic institute in Holland. She's just on vacation.

By the way, so are all the Police officers that are on the case. They are all on vacation, so there's nothing going on with the case the past few days and weeks--Nothing.


And that's sad news because it should still be investigated, but nothing is going on. I wonder where, and it's hard for you to comment on somebody else's comment, but why would this be broadcast last night on a reputable show on Fox News?


I have absolutely no idea, but she is completely wrong in all her comments because, for one thing, Karin Janssen traveled because it's summer--all the kids are on vacation. She took advantage of the timing and she went to Holland on vacation. We confirmed this with the Attorney General today. We spoke to her.

And another thing that we found out is that all the members of the investigative team are on vacation, and as soon as they come back--which should be in early August--they will sit down again, review the whole case from the beginning, and see what they're going to do and where they'll take it from there.


You know--and again it's one bizarre circumstance after the next--and I guess the misinformation that comes out of Aruba in some cases on this case--it must be so frustrating for the Holloway family. What can we look forward to, or what do you think is going to happen here, Jossy, in August, September? Do you think we'll ever get an answer in this case?


You know, I hope we will. I think the new lead Investigator, Richardson, is very serious in his work. Dompig also wanted a solution to this case but he left prematurely and now we're working with Richardson on the case and I think when he comes back with his team they will take it forward. I don't know how far or on what basis because, remember, one thing that I always mentioned, all materials collected as evidence--even from Joran's apartment--they were all sent to Holland--and here we are a year-and-something beyond that, and we still haven't heard anything about what the tests show or the kind of exams they put all this material through and what was the result. We don't know.


And there's absolutely more questions that need answers rather than the misinformation that's coming out.

Jossy, I thank you, this was very short notice and I appreciate you coming on the show. You're welcome on here anytime.


Okay, thank you then.


Jossy Mansur, Managing Editor of Diario, there you go. I wanted to give you an update as far as the Holloway investigation goes, and you know, Fox News what are you thinking? What are you thinking?


On 7-31 when a “Gretawire” blog emailer asked FOX News GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, “What's going on with the Holloway case? Are they any closer to finding out the truth or what?,” FOX News GRETA VAN SUSTEREN answered, “I am in frequent touch with Natalee's mother, her lawyer, Joran's lawyer and many others in this case and sadly there is nothing new.”


My photo
The Natalee Holloway Timeline Detailing Persons, Outright Lies, & Natalee's Known Kidnapping, Rape, Murder, & Corpse Disposal Suspects in Aruba . . . . http://nataleetimelinedetails.blogspot.com/