October 31, 2006

Detailed Timeline.... October 1 - 31, 2006.... the start of the long road of the assassination of Aruba - Dutch "justice"

The Natalee Holloway Timeline
of her vanishment while in Aruba
detailing persons, places, organizations,
deliberate & accidental actions & in-actions,
events & supposed events, witnesses,
known suspects, outright lies,
corruptions, and crimes


On 10-1 DAVE HOLLOWAY stated to the “C-Band Talk Network”:
(audio available when you click here)

DANA PRETZER, HOST: In May 2005 Natalee Holloway went with a school group to Aruba.
October 1, 2006, Dave Holloway, Beth Holloway-Twitty, the family, the world is wanting to know what happened to Natalee Holloway?
If you could imagine--and you heard some of the calls that came in before we started the interview with Dave here in a minute--The thought and the feeling of a--of a parent or loved one or a family member, and I’ve had a ton of them on my program over the years--when you don't have answers about your child or your loved one that‘s missing----How stressful can that be?
Well, it’s been a little bit now since we’ve heard any news, really, in the media about Natalee Holloway. Recently Beth Holloway-Twitty traveled Netherlands and was on TV there. There's been talk of a “cold case” squad or a new bunch of investigators coming to Aruba from the Netherlands to take over the case and re-investigate it, hopefully.
I thought I’d would bring Dave Holloway, Natalee’s Dad, on the air tonight and ask him some of your questions, and maybe we can get an update and see what’s happening as far as this case
Dave, how are you?

DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE’s FATHER: Doing good, Dana. Thanks.

PRETZER: Nice to have you on the air.
I want to, and I pray everyday, that I'm going to have you on the air sometime, and we can talk about some “closure.“ I hate to use that term, but, a “finality,” where you finally do get some answers.
But we're going to also keep working everyday to make sure that you get the help you need so you can finally get those answers.
I thought what I would do, Dave, is just get right to those questions. We only have a limited amount of time. What you can answer, you can; what you can’t, you can’t. I know my audience would appreciate that. Is that okay with you?

HOLLOWAY: That‘s fine.

I’m going to start--very first question comes from “Anna” in Alabama. “Anna“ is a sweetheart, calls the show all the time--very knowledgeable and very supportive for your family.
Dave, The question is, Can they put to rest this rumor that Natalee was involved with some blue-eyed Dutch boy?
I think this is Aruban propaganda and do not believe in more than the 83 hours that she was on the island that she had time to do all these things.
I was surprised in April when ABC carried this story.
For me, it just reeks of Julia Renfro and her minions.
What about that, Dave?

HOLLOWAY: Total propaganda.
You know, They even brought the annual in the first week, and said, “Look, see here she had this Lynyrd Skynard song that all these seniors--put a song out there, and the title was a---or ah, the lyrics went something like, ‘if I left here, would you remember me tomorrow?’”


HOLLOWAY: You know, a lot of that stuff trying to protect tourism aspect of it.
You know, when I even get asked not to go search because it would disrupt the tourism
--Where are the priorities?!--and I saw that “first hand.“

PRETZER: Absolutely, and that takes me to my next question; Criminal statistics in Aruba are skewed every day when we see commentary coming from the Aruban government, yet, internet blogs like Scared Monkeys dot com post the true statistics that in Aruba the murder rate is as high per population--or higher than some places in the United States.
Scared Monkeys also has the statements that have been transcribed into English from the suspects and the witnesses in this case.
Very clear, very poignant, and I guess it’s a two-part question, Dave: What are your thoughts about the true facts coming out of Aruba? And what more can we do as far as getting the people across the world--and the Netherlands in particular and the United States--to read these statements and see what, really, was said?

HOLLOWAY: Well, you know, It's a matter of getting them out and letting people see what kind of investigation was conducted in Aruba.
Some of these statements coming out and the drop in tourism, I think, was a deciding factor in allowing the Dutch to come in and start the investigation thing.
That’s the only reason, because, when we got on the island, I think, pretty much, the case was swept under the table and if it hadn't been for the news media and everyone’s support that’s, exactly, what would have happened, and it would have been--ahhh--
you know--just “one of those things.”
And, that's happened before in the past--I understand that another girl went missing about a year before Natalee disappeared, and that was confirmed by one of the police officers in a recent search that we had going on about a month, a month-and-a-half ago.
They indicated that another girl went missing on the island about a year ago, and they didn’t--weren‘t able to spend a whole lot of time on that case, and, they were still “looking into it,” as well.

PRETZER: If you’re just tuning in--Dave Holloway is here giving us an update as far as the investigation regarding his missing daughter in Aruba.
Larry Garrison, your buddy and mine, Dave, came out here a while back
--I’m not sure if you can comment on this, or not--
saying that there is a--and I hate to use that term “Deep Throat”--but, a person that has came forward with information about the disappearance of Natalee.
Can you update us any further on that?

HOLLOWAY: Well, Dana, I’ve got to keep in mind that there's a lot of supporters out here supporting us, but I know there’s other people out there that are looking at it from the defense side of view and I wouldn’t not be surprised if Joran and Deepak and some of his other people that’s looking into this case may be tuning in to this conversation.
So, I'll just have to leave it at that.
I did speak with Larry about it.
There is someone who is coming forward with some information, and I know some people in Aruba are, certainly, nervous about it.

PRETZER: Okay. Yeah.
Those individuals do listen--and their minions of a--of a--of--I call them the “evil side”--do listen, too.
Another question, sir--Could you, please confirm if a telephone call was received the night Natalee disappeared and picked-up by voice mail on Jug and Beth’s phone?
Was the call from Natalee? That comes from a fellow named “nomad.”

HOLLOWAY: Well, Beth would be the one to best answer that. But in my conversations with her--
Natalee did not make a telephone call from Aruba back to the U.S.
That did not happen.

PRETZER: Tim Miller, from “Texas EquuSearch,“ has been on my program several times, and he mentioned that he would love to go back to Aruba.
He believes that he can find Natalee in the deep water, although it‘s a funding issue.
Can you update us on that, Dave?

HOLLOWAY: Yeah. He and I have talked about that in the past.
And it is a funding issue, of course.
You know, we're trying to look and make sure that is a, you know, viable place to search.
We're hoping that when the Dutch investigators come in that, maybe, that’s the direction we should head--or, maybe--maybe it’s not.
So, I’m hopeful that they will steer everyone in the right direction--more so than what the Arubans have done.

PRETZER: Okay. Right. Exactly.
We might as well get right into the Dutch investigators, and I have several questions, and I’ll try and paraphrase them, Dave, if that’s okay with you, in about three parts?


PRETZER: When will the investigators arrive in the island?
Where would you like to see them search if there are further searches being done, and will the investigators be able to question the suspects like the suspects were questioned previously?--despite the ruling of the judge who released them “without prejudice.“

HOLLOWAY: I met with a homicide detective about a month ago that was an associate of some of the investigators who were going to take over the case.
He indicated that a, you know, “the same playing field.”
In other words--They'll just step right in where the Arubans left off and continue the, I guess, “the game,” so to speak--but a--No--they will not be able to question----they will not be able to start all over as if it was a brand new investigation.
All they are doing is coming in as cold case detectives, looking at the case, and then trying to see if there are some other areas that might have been missed and looking at it from a different perspective.
Secondly--About 3 weeks ago, I received a call from the FBI that indicated it was official that they are taking over.
Thirdly--When are they going to arrive on the island? I can tell you this:
They kind of operate like the FBI operates--You’re not going to know when they are there----what they are doing--and, anything like that.

PRETZER: Good. Good, and, you know, to, maybe, finally get some answers for you--that is what needs to be done. I know the public may not like to hear that. This is something they can do--they can come in and do their job uninhibited.
Will they be working in conjunction with the FBI, or will the FBI be assisting, Dave?

HOLLOWAY: That’s another question I asked of them, and they would not comment. So, you know, I would imagine that the Holland police if they wanted to use the FBI, or, anyone else, I think, when it was first announced through Scared Monkeys and through some of these blogs--the Interpol was also going to be involved, as well. So, anything outside of Aruba, that there needs to be investigated--information, or material, or whatever--if it's in the United States, obviously, the FBI will handle that portion, but they’re not going to tell us--or anyone--about what they're investigating, or, who they‘re investigating, or, anything like that.
I would imagine that--I got the idea after speaking with him, that it's kind of “lights out”--they’re not going to talk about the investigation, or, what they‘re doing.

PRETZER: And we just have to have the faith that they will be doing a thorough, complete investigation--Certainly, something which wasn't done the first time.
The next question is a good one. It comes from a--I erased the name--I’m sorry to whomever asked the question.
Will the Dutch investigators be merely turning their findings into the same prosecutor and the same judges in Aruba, or, will there be a new prosecutor looking at their findings?

HOLLOWAY: Good question.
If you are a Dutch National--and you commit a felony, anywhere, in the world, you can be tried in Holland.
Therefore, Joran and/or his dad----charges could be brought in the Netherlands.
As far as Deepak and Satish, I think, charges would be brought in Aruba for them.

PRETZER: Is Joran back in Aruba, or, is he still in the Netherlands? I haven’t heard much of him, lately.

HOLLOWAY: You know I'm not real sure. There was a rumor that that he went back to Aruba when Beth went to Holland, so, I don’t know what’s up there.
It really doesn't matter where he goes, or whatever--I’m sure he'll be closely watched now that the Dutch are involved in the case.

PRETZER: Is there a point in time where the cold case detectives can start re-interrogating the suspects?

HOLLOWAY: I wish that they could.
As I’d indicated earlier, they are just picking up where the Arubans left off.
You know, Joran had indicated that he would be willing to talk to me or Beth or anyone else, but then we turned the tables on him and said, “Well, why don’t you go talk to the police because they still want to talk to you?,”
and, of course, he refused.
You know, and it’s like this, Dana; If I was--He professes that he’s innocent.
If I did that I would co-operate fully with the police. In fact, if he’s afraid of the Arubans--which he said they didn’t treat him right--Hey--
Whatever opportunity to go to the Dutch and say, “Hey. Ask me whatever you want to ask me. Your time is my time,” and they would do that, that would be great, but, guess what? They’re not going to do that, and neither is Deepak and neither is Satish.

PRETZER: Yes. Exactly. They're pulling an “OJ.” He was going to solve his case, too.
Cell phone and computer records from all are involved. Are you aware that those are still being saved for investigation?

HOLLOWAY: We're not sure. The Dutch will have to look into it. If you read the statements from the website you will see where this case went awry. Joran was brought in on May 31, I haven't seen Joran's statement. I read Deepak and Satish’s and the police asked them if Joran got out at the fisherman's hut. In Satish statement he was asked “Did you drop Natalee at the fisherman's hut?,” and he said the Holiday Inn. Why did they ask that question. It didn't come out of the blue, so, apparently, Joran made that statement.
Did he tell the truth that they got off at the fishermen's hut?
That's a blatant lie.
The next morning when Beth went to Dennis Jacobs, low and behold, Joran's statement was ripped up on the desk. I came later in the afternoon and we questioned him about the boys having anything to do with it. Jacobs said they had nothing to do with it.
We asked if there were any discrepancies in the statement, and he said “No, no. They had nothing to do with it.”
You kind of wonder why they ever asked the security guards when they had those discrepancies in the statement.
You read all those statements--As mentioned there are a lot of areas where there's no follow up questions.

PRETZER: They should have followed up right away.
Recently Beth was in The Netherlands. Is your family planning on other media appearances in Holland?

HOLLOWAY: I commend her for going to Holland. She was invited by one of the radio personalities there and we've always been available to the news media. When they call we're available. We're not the ones chasing the media. When somebody asks, I make a decision.
It wears on you. I wonder if I can go another day, then I look at Natalee's picture and it tears at me

PRETZER: You have incredible strength. How you haven't ended up in a loony bin, it's beyond me.
One of my callers talked about you searching the landfill, and since then the holes that you've searched are filled in.
Where would you like a search to be conducted?

HOLLOWAY: Certainly the garbage area was disappointing. We didn't get very good co-operation. We dug some holes. It was very adverse conditions. A lot of us got sick over it.
We need a very good clue.
If you can tell us where the haystack is we can find the needle.
You have to have a general idea where to search.

PRETZER: Ever spoken to Lt Roy Tromp“ What were your instincts about him?

HOLLOWAY: I may have talked with him in one of the meetings. I'm not real sure. I do remember Dennis Jacobs, Gerold Dompig.

PRETZER: What, if anything, would you like Natalee's supporters to do?
What more can we do?
I mentioned Scared Monkeys, Blogs For Natalee. Those people have gone above and beyond. They keep it alive. On the internet the millions of people that read these blogs--all you need is one tip to come your way.

HOLLOWAY: What everyone is doing so far is phenomenal. The internet presence has been great. We're going to pursue that avenue more next month.
Those statements being on Scared Monkeys and Blogs For Natalee--pass them on to your friends and everybody will see what we've been through.

PRETZER: Stephanie Good and Larry Garrison have gone above and beyond to help you with this cause and we can only do what we can do, and hopefully there will be that one tip that will benefit you.
Rumors that the Kalpoe's are filing suit to clear their names. That's one of those goofy things.

HOLLOWAY: I haven't heard anything about filing suit against Aruba. I know there's talk about a talk show host being involved in some negotiations with Deepak. We'll have to wait and see.

PRETZER: The Dutch should go online to see the statements comparing them with the videos. The difference in the statements.
You talk about the statement torn up on the desk, the police car conversations, the inconsistencies everywhere.
What would you, if the Aruban investigators and the Dutch came to you and said, “what would you like us to do?” Go over five things you'd ask them that the initial investigation didn't.

HOLLOWAY: If you could change some things--I'd want for them to be able to interview and be involved with the case when it first happened.
I think what needs to be done is some of these people who put together a lot of info, chain of events, probably going to put that together in form of a report to the Dutch and tell them there's another side to this that the police don't know about, like police involvement.
There are police who turned their heads the other way. My gut instinct is there are too many things that happened in this investigation. It's not coincidence.
There are good police in this investigation, but after the first 10 days it's pretty difficult even for the Dutch to figure it out.
The searches, some of the sand dune searches and even the pond were not done in a true professional manner that someone else could have done. I'd like those searches done again.

PRETZER: I think we're on the right track as far as asking the questions. It's getting the co-operation from Holland and Aruba.

HOLLOWAY: I've seen published reports about minimum a month to complete. It could be a short time or it could never be solved.
Why did they turn it over to Holland? This thing goes deep.

PRETZER: Aruba blew it times 10 from the get go. They made themselves look inept and corrupt. I would do what I could and spend what I had to get a conclusion to this case.
I do believe there's a conclusion to this case, just to bring the interest back to the island.
That island is not everything that it's cracked up to be. It's just downright dangerous.

HOLLOWAY: I published this book and did a lot of investigation on the internet. When she went missing I punched up “Aruba” and saw a lot of good things. And later I punched it in and came up with mafia; 50 % of the assets on that island are associated with the mafia.
Is it good for Aruba? I'm not going to that area but big business saw the downturn in tourism and they want answers.
Money talks and you know what else walks, and that's why Holland is coming.
They want to get back to business and tourism, and I would too.
They need to clean things up and as long as we have supporters that talk with their back pockets that's the way it's going to be.


RED, “SCARED MONKEYS BLOG” CO-FOUNDER: ( in progress ) ....I hear the ridiculous story about why wasn't Jug not there.
How many family members do you know dig for their own child?
We're not going to touch the surface of the lack of co-operation we were given when we were there.
I was stricken for over 3 months with an ailment after the fact. When we were there, we wanted to find her in the worst way, but there was a part of me, I said to myself, “What in God's name is going to happen if we found her--this man is going to collapse.”

PRETZER: Mind boggling. Hollywood couldn't even write it. It never should have happened.
Let's hope there's an ending. It won't be a happy ending.

RED: Something has to happen. I can say for a fact, I'm a little stunned; How can you do a cold case investigation without bringing people back in?
Those statements are a joke, a farce.
It's a joke of what was this investigation.
The idea that these people are not going to be really interrogated by professionals.
This was a scam from day 1. It makes no sense.
I almost--we talk about the media; this is where the flaw is. They should be on this now. They wasted time over the course of the past 15 months of bringing Dave and Beth on their shows with nothing to talk about other than ratings. Right now they have the ability to put stuff on TV, to get ratings for this stuff. Put them on. They can actually, there's information in these statements that the mainstream media are derelict in their duty in what they can provide the American people for information in these statements.
Beth referenced this stuff on Holland TV.
7 or 8,000 people from Holland came over and took a look. You're going to get a percentage that want to leave nasty comments, but by and large the Dutch people who watched the show who came over and read for hours, they would comment and were bewildered, they never knew.
As you know from being a police officer, being in the media yourself, information is everything and the fact that people do not know what these people really said and the media doesn't care to enlighten them and put their spin on everything--It borders on being criminal.

PRETZER: I've heard the transcript from Greta. Some of the questions again are the same dopey questions they're asking. It's good they're keeping it alive though.

RED: At this point they're not keeping the story alive. I would say it's the opposite. I've met Greta. I've talked to her. She knows who Scared Monkeys is. I find it fascinating that whether it's FOX, MSNBC, CNN, any of these shows have either Beth or Dave on and they want ratings. It's a shock to us all but they're not in it to help but to sell ads.
We always believed at Scared Monkeys if it was a win-win situation, great. “America’s Most Wanted” needs the ratings but they do a phenomenal job they're a win-win proposition. These other people--I'm sorry--they have the ability to get info out there that people are unaware of--They refuse to
What they've gone through, Beth and Dave, is totally unconscionable.


On 10-2 the “Scared Monkeys blog" reported:

Please Pray for Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch … Presently in Hospital

I have just been notified by Texas EquuSearch that Tim Miller is in the hospital for a heart procedure today. Tim had initially complained of chest pains when admitted to the hospital; however, tests have come back negative for a heart attack.

Routine procedures are being done today to check the status of stents of his previous heart stent procedures. I spoke with Tim early this morning while he was at the hospital.

Please pray for Tim. This man does far too much good for others. This time Tim needs our help and prayers.

We will forward all your well wishes, prayers and comments to Tim. We ask to please not call. We will update Tim’s condition when available.

God Bless … and a speedy recovery … get well soon.

On 10-2 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

WILLEMSTAD - Beth Holloway, the mother American teenager Natalee Holloway, who disappeared the previous year on 30 May. The publicity search continues. This week she told them for the first time in a Dutch talk show the tale. That happened in the programme Jensen! On RTL 5..30 Sep, 2006.


On 10-3 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Police: “We do provide statistics.”

The police do indeed provide criminal statistics each year regarding Aruba, according to police chief Ronny Bernadina, reacting to statements from the Ministry of Justice.

ORANJESTAD – The Aruba Police Corps (KPA) publishes figures every year regarding all calls that come in asking for police assistance. Statements that the police rarely offer any statistics are therefore completely unjust, police chief Ronny Bernadina wrote in response to the statement made by a Justice coworker earlier in the Amigoe.

In a press release Bernadina announced that, “The KPA has learned that an article was recently published in one of the local papers saying the police rarely provide any crime statistics.” The police chief alludes to the declarations made by Silvio Lopez, employed by the Ministry of Justice. Lopez said the police are often asked for figures, but that they are rarely able to provide them. The Ministry therefore used statistics provided by the District Attorney (OM) in an advertisement that claimed the criminality on Aruba was dropping. The advertisement was placed in various newspapers. After the KPA was informed of the ad, discussions followed, as the statistics used in the advertisement were lower than what the police have recorded.

Bernadina confirmed the difference in the numbers between the OM and the police. He agrees with the OM’s explanation that the police are involved with far more incidents than are eventually reported and registered with the OM. Every year the police corps publishes a summary which includes figures for crimes and petty offenses. The results are widely dispersed among the various government ministries and regulatory bodies. International organizations like Interpol, also receive copies. Even the National Library gets a copy, which students can use for their projects and studies, according to Bernadina.

This year KPA produced a mid year report in June, but these figures are only available for internal use.

On 10-3 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Police seek help to solve rape.

KRALENDIJK – The child welfare and vice police are asking anyone with information about the rape that occurred early Sunday morning behind the Freewieler building on the Kaya Gobernador to contact them.

A woman, en route from Karels Bar to her boat in the Harbour Village Marina, was accosted by an unknown man on Sunday. He pulled her behind the building where he forced her to have sex.

The suspect is a male with brown skin and straight hair. The woman was dressed in a black skirt with black and white diagonally striped blouse. The suspect must have followed the victim for some time before striking.

Anyone who saw or heard anything is asked to immediately contact the police at any of the following numbers: 911, 717-8000, 717-3556. Or just stop by the police station.


On 10-4 “Blogs For Natalee” identity “WorldJOURNIER” reported:

ARUBA "ReMax" Home Sale Listings Surge 67%

Hi All.... A documented observation....

In the 10-3-06 "Aruba Today" http://www.arubatoday.com were listed
25 advertisements for ARUBA homes that only one real estate company, "ReMax," is trying to sell.

On May 30, 2006 "Aruba Today" listed 15 advertisements for ARUBA homes that "ReMax" was trying to sell.

That is an increase, in only 4 months, of 67% more ARUBA homes that "ReMax" is trying to sell.

....In ARUBA's current economic environment, is "ReMax" advertising more, or, is it a "home seller's market," or, are people who own ARUBAN homes trying to get off a "sinking-ship" ?....


On 10-5 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

New shopping mall a threat for the city.

The new shopping mall Paseo Herencia, across from the Holiday Inn, will open its doors in February next year. It will house fifty shops, six movie theaters, and various bars and restaurants.

ORANJESTAD – The new shopping mall Paseo Herencia will definitely lead to a drop in sales in the inner city, says Audrey Croes-Lacle, president of Mambo, the shop owners’ union of Caya Betico Croes. After its completion in February 2007, the paseo will house some fifty shops and restaurants. The popular Café Bahia is moving to the new location, and many shops from the central business district are opening second stores inside the mall.

Paseo Herencia is comprised of eight buildings constructed around a central courtyard with a fountain and swimming pool. In a few weeks the project developers, Heritage Development, will celebrate when they finish setting the highest point on the movie theater complex, which will hold six theaters. Expectations are that the parking garage, the first on Aruba, will be finished in January. The garage is three stories high and offers space for over 300 cars. The women’s synchronized swim team will practice in the swimming pool, which will also be used for other shows. Furthermore the project developer wants to use the courtyard to organize activities throughout the year, like concerts, poetry and writing presentations, and kids’ activities.

Expectations are that Paseo Herencia will attract tourists from the big hotels located across the street from the shopping mall, as well as residents from Palm Beach to Westpunt. According to Mambo president Croes-Lacle the ramifications of the mall for Oranjestad will therefore be unusually severe. “Paseo will become a real hot-spot. Not only the shopkeepers in the Caya Betico Croes will notice their sales dropping, but every shopping center and store in the inner city.”

Croes-Lacle is the owner of Maggies and has decided to open a branch in the new shopping mall as well. She doesn’t rule out that the new branch might eventually become more important than the one on Mainstreet. “The entire central business district is dealing with three problems that keep getting worse. It’s unreachable due to the traffic; there aren’t enough parking spots; and we have a lot of nuisance from the homeless. In the long run I’m not ruling out the possibility of downsizing the Maggies in the Caya Betico Croes.”

The popular bar and dancing spot Café Bahia has already decided to move their business to the Paseo Herencia. A number of other businesses, like Iguana Joe’s Caribbean Bar & Grill, currently located downtown, are opening second branches in the new shopping mall. Croes-Lacle finds it logical that other businesses will also leave the town center. “As a shop owner I also don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. Instead of the government sitting down with us to work on the downtown’s problems together, they’re sitting back on their own island.”

As president of the shop owners’ union Mambo, she would really like to speak with the government about Oranjestad’s business district, and what type of roll it will have in the future. “Let’s get the private and public sectors together and start brainstorming. I think, for example, that we need to take a new direction with the downtown area. It needs to be more oriented towards entertainment, and not just shopping.” Croes-Lacle mentions the Monument Bureau’s plans for a walking tour along the historic buildings. Another example is moving the market stalls selling souvenirs along the harbor. “That’s not working anyway. It would be better if they made a new square for this type of business in the Caya Betico Croes, in the lot where the burned out shop La Linda was. Then you’ll get tourists back on Mainstreet and it will provide a better atmosphere.”

On 10-5 the “Scared Monkeys blog" reported:

Arubaans Brace Yourself … New Shopping Mall Near Hotel Resorts … Could this be the Beginning of All-Inclusives?

Could this be the beginning of the end for the normal tourism way of life on Aruba? Not for tourists, we are referring to the Aruban people and shop owners. The new shopping mall Paseo Herencia to be built near the Holiday Inn will draw tourists away from the shops of down town Oranjestad. Is this the beginning of an “all-inclusive” look to Aruba to separate the tourists from the Aruba people in an attempt to bring safety to tourists? People do find safety in “all-inclusive” thus the reason why Jamaica is so popular. (All-inclusive would be defined as a separate property that only guests would be allowed).
The local shop owners in Aruba are not happy. Why would they be? Tourists will be funneled away from locally owned shops to the high end ones near their hotels rather than downtown. What does one think will happen to the downtown area? It will turn into a ghost town.

However, if this is an attempt to separate tourists from the nonsense that goes on in bars like Carlos n’ Charlies Aruba is making another colossal mistake. The Café Bahia is supposed to move into the new mall. Mark our words … if the same conduct that local Aruban boys do at these night clubs is brought to a club that is in the heart of the tourism area, you will have problems beyond your wildest dreams. Tourists stay close to their hotels because they want to feel safe and secure. They do not do this so that they have to worry about the exact problem as to why Natalee Holloway is missing. Aruba, you do realize that you are one tourist altercation away from being Haiti.

What ever the case … removing business from the downtown area to the tourist areas would appear to be the first step in the creation of “all-inclusive” resorts. In our opinion, after bringing justice for Natalee Holloway this would have to be the next logical step in order to attract tourism. Aruba has to show and prove to the tourists that they care about safety. Perception is everything and Aruba must prove to all that they are serious about safety and the investigation of crimes.

On 10-5 the TALLADEGA, FLORIDA “Daily Home.com” reported:

Women's Summit features Beth Twitty, others

Denise Sinclair

Beth Holloway-Twitty, the mother of Natalee Holloway who disappeared on her senior class trip to Aruba in 2005, is one of the speakers at the Women’s Economic and Empowerment Summit in Sylacauga Oct. 7.

The summit will feature female leaders from state government and the media.
The second annual summit is a ministry of the newly-formed Life of Destiny International Church in Childersburg. Church pastor Ivan Harris said the summit is going to cover a variety of subjects applicable to women’s lives. These include economic issues, marriage and family topics, health and domestic violence.

In addition to Holloway-Twitty, the lineup includes Alabama First Lady Patsy Riley; NBC 13 news anchor Gina Redmond; WTTO Channel 21 personality Tara Gray; Mrs. America 2005 Julie Love Templeton; Paije Frazier radio host for “Look, Hope and Expect;” Trudy Phillips, former executive director of the Central Alabama Women’s Business Center; Dr. Kim Clay of Imani Health Group in Atlanta; and Kathleen Wells, director of the Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

The summit will be held at New Hope Life Center in Sylacauga at 521 Old Fayetteville Road.

Also, female-owned businesses may register for vendor booths at the summit.

Tickets are $25, with a $5 discount to those who bring non-perishable canned goods.
The summit begins at 7:30 a.m. with late registration. Registration includes breakfast and an empowerment luncheon.

Redmond will be the morning moderator, while Gray is the afternoon moderator. The panelists will speak on various topics with question and answer sessions to follow. Also on the schedule is a fall fashion s how sponsored by Cato’s, Shu Fetish and Curves. The event is scheduled to run until about 4 p.m., Harris said.

Harris said this event is an effort to really try to empower communities through individuals.

Last year’s inaugural summit was held in Shelby County and attracted a crowd of about 250 women.

For more information on the summit, call (256) 404-8270 or 245-1229 or contact lifeofdestinyint@yahoo.com.

About Denise Sinclair
Denise Sinclair is a staff writer for The Daily Home

Contact Denise Sinclair
Phone: 256-249-4311
E-mail: dsinclair@dailyhome.com


On 10-6 ARUBAAN's news-source "Aruba Tradewinds Times" reported:

US couple drowned at Baby Beach

Drama At Baby Beach

SEROE COLORADO-A US couple that arrived on Aruba to spend their much deserved vacation died tragically at Baby beach.

According to eyewitnesses, at first the male companion was having trouble while snorkelling. The female companion who noticed that her partner was in difficulty immediately jumped into the water to rescue him. Eventually both were having problems in the water while locals tried to rescue them.

Locals managed to bring the two bodies ashore and immediately performed CPR while paramedics and police were called. The doctor that arrived on the scene pronounced the couple dead. The heroism of the female to save her male companion eventually resulted in her death.

On behalf of Aruba Tradewinds we extend our most sincere condolences to the families and friends of the deceased.

On 10-6 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Aggressive KLM passenger faces jail time

ORANJESTAD – A Dutch tourist who was verbally abusive en route to Aruba aboard an airplane may receive 6 months of jail time. The OM (District Attorney) asked for this sentence to set an example and to clarify the boundaries of good manners in Aruba. The judge called this a “unique case” and will study the case. The decision follows in 2 weeks.

On June 29 A.J.L. was flying to Aruba with his girlfriend for vacation. About 3 hours before landing he began to act aggressively. The flight crew, passengers, and captain all made statements to the police. L. made numerous sexually suggestive comments towards the crew. He also grabbed several flight attendants preventing them from doing their work. According to the purser on the flight the crew felt threatened. The man was also physically aggressive, punching cabinets with his fist. He yelled and was bothering the other passengers.

The purser stated that other passengers felt uncomfortable and some even decided to find seats elsewhere aboard the plane. When it became clear the situation might escalate, the captain was warned. He personally came back and decided to issue a written warning to the aggressive man. A letter was placed on L.’s chair telling him to stay seated. L. paid no attention to it. After that the “fasten seatbelts” warning came on. But L. also ignored that, continuing with his threats and bothering the other passengers aboard the plane. Not until 20 minutes before landing did he finally calm down some.


L.’s girlfriend also made a statement. She said her friend is a “pain patient” (someone with chronic pain) and receives medicine to control this. During the flight he first had a beer, followed by cognac. After his first glass of cognac L. got a stomachache but he still kept drinking. The combination of medicine and alcohol appears to have been a bad mix because L. became frustrated when at some point the flight attendant wouldn’t serve him any more alcohol.

After the KLM plane landed at Reina Beatrix Airport, L. was taken off first and detained. During the summons the police noticed the passenger smelled of alcohol and slurred his words. During his detention the man again became aggressive.

The OM is charging L. with violent behavior aboard a plane and disturbing the peace and public safety upon his arrival in Aruba. According to the justice officer L. remained so aggressive, even after being taken off the plane, that other passengers waiting in line at customs had to move aside for him. “The OM on Aruba has never experienced an incident like this before,” the justice minister said. L. was on vacation and has since returned to Holland. “The penalty the OM is asking for should therefore primarily be viewed as a warning to everyone flying to Aruba. Everyone needs to behave themselves aboard an airplane,” said the officer of justice. They’re seeking a jail term of 6 months.


BETH is scheduled to be a speaker for the “Crystal Cathedral Women’s Ministry” “International Women's Conference on Possibility Thinking” on October 14, 2006. (the conference is October 13 and 14)

The International Women's Conference on Possibility Thinking is designed to strengthen, encourage and enhance the spiritual, inspirational, professional and personal growth of women everywhere.

This event will be the best thing you do for yourself all year!

Allow us to give you tools to help you Be Challenged, Be Courageous and Be Confident:
Inspiring speakers who fill you with hope, vision and laughter.
Partners who stand ready to pray with you.
New friendships found among women from many parts of the world.

Call 714-544-5679 or Register Now Online
Price includes 2 lunches, 1 dinner, 1 breakfast, all Materials and Day Extraordinaire.

Mark your calendar for UCI Women's Health Day on Friday, October 13.


On 10-8 the “Scared Monkeys blog" reported, “Just wanted to let you all know ... I have been speaking with Tim Miller the last couple of days and he is feeling much better. Each day that goes by he feels much better. Sometimes I guess the stress just mounts and Lord knows Tim deals with a lot of that.

He said to me that he wanted me to relay a thank you to the many who wished him a get well and blessings when he was in the hospital.”


On 10-9 the “National Sexual Predator Information Center” reported:

Come to Our October 12 Banquet

The National Sexual Predator Information Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that is dedicated to the enforcement of absconders from sexual predator registries across the US.

Our Oct. 12th Banquet features speakers Beth Holloway Twitty (mother of Natalie Holloway) and Rick Segall of America’s Most Wanted. Seat and table sponsorships available now at $125 per person or $1,250 per table. Corporate sponsorships available as well. For further information call 1-866-755-1133. All donations are tax deductible.


On 10-10 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Agreement between Holland and the small islands near

WILLEMSTAD/DEN HAAG – Expectations are that tomorrow, at the end of the mini-conference between the Netherlands and the small Antillean islands, signatures will be placed on the final declaration. Yesterday, at the beginning of the two day conference, a conceptual final declaration was discussed. The major points enjoy broad support, with only some ‘little words’ still causing issues.

The concept-final declaration Mini-conference October 10 – 11 2006, by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (BZK) in line with earlier discussions, states that a budget and departmental analysis will be undertaken. The underlying point was made that after the needed political changes, the three small islands will handle as much as possible on a local level.

The financial analysis and examination of the different branches will provide more insight into the financial means of the small islands. Quick scans will be taken of the departments of education, health, and social security. These were started at the request of the work group Directe/Nieuwe Banden. (Direct/New Ties.)

In the new political structure Holland will provide oversight regarding the observance of the financial norms of the three small islands. Regarding currency choice more research is needed. It’s also being studied whether Holland’s tax service will take over the collection and control of the local taxes. If the concept declaration is signed in its current form, a new investigation will study the possibility of receiving a UPG-status.

The Dutch-Antillean legislation will remain in force on the three islands. Gradually this legislation will be replaced by the Dutch legislation. Taking into account the make up of the population of the three islands, the large distance from Holland, and the insulated nature, certain changes will be made in the Dutch legislation. Further analysis will shed light on which particular points need to be adjusted in the legislation.

In the concept it also says that citizens of the three islands who are Dutch from the moment that the islands receive a representative position within the Dutch state system, receive voting rights for the Second Chamber. There will also be a provision to allow for participation in the First Chamber.

In the new political concept Holland is responsible for the legal issues on Bonaire, Saba, and St. Eustatius. The Public Justice Department of the Netherlands’ Antilles and Aruba will remain (under a new name) in control of jurisprudence.

On 10-10 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported another ARUBA tourists safety issue:

Joint approach drug addiction

Despite public sentiment that the number of addicts has gone up, the Drug Interdiction and Coordination Bureau is pleased with the addiction care on Aruba, among other things with the arrival of the drugs information center CIAD.

ORANJESTAD – The government is working on a comprehensive approach to the drug addiction problem. It needs to end with the little islands inside and outside the government, according to Minister Booshi Wever of Healthcare (MEP). The Drug Interdiction and Coordination Bureau has therefore launched a round of talks regarding the issues having to do with drug addiction.

The talks should eventually lead to a management plan that all the involved parties of the government and institutions can commit to. Therein the entire chain of addiction care, like prevention, repression, housing, treatment, and rehabilitation need to be taken into account. According to Rosita Otterspeer of the Coordination Bureau the conferences are also meant to shed further light on the number of addicts in Aruba. “We don’t know exactly how many there are and what they’re addicted to. That investigation is starting now. With those figures we can later get out priorities straight and further build up the management plan. The results will provide the basis to see if we are offering the proper addiction care.”

Otterspeer understands the media commotion and the feelings of the populace that the addiction problem keeps getting bigger and it seems as if no one is doing anything about it.

Still according to her it’s questionable whether all the homeless in the inner city are addicts. “We notice ourselves that it often involves people who are homeless due to economic problems, so for example can’t afford a roof over their heads. There are also many with psychological problems or it involves older people.” Therefore, according to her, other institutions who deal with psychiatric patients and take in senior citizens also need to play a roll to solve this problem.


The Coordination Bureau is also working on further professionalizing the addiction care on the island. Ten years ago the first relief house was opened and was run almost exclusively by volunteers. Since then the care has been further professionalized but according to the Coordination Bureau some businesses are ‘still in diapers’. Employees have therefore traveled to Curacao to see how they deal with addicts there. Aside from that, at the end of October a school will be opened in San Nicolas where people working in the addict care profession can receive training and education. “Courses and training will be given, on LBO, Mavo, and even MBO levels,” according to Otterspeer.

At the moment the area of addiction care is having a hard time finding qualified personnel. Aside from that the government has placed a hiring freeze on personnel so there are too few hands to perform the needed work. Minister Weever is going to examine this issue in the parliament to see if it might be possible to solve the personnel shortage.

Another problem is the waiting lists for the treatment and rehabilitation of addicts. The Centro Dakota has a waiting list of dozens of people. Otterspeer says this is because no differentiation is made between addicts. “There’s been a commission started now to screen the waiting lists. The first screening indicates there are a large number of chronic addicts who are clogging the works.” Chronic addicts are now being removed and the Coordination Bureau is going to look if there are other means to help them. According to Otterspeer that’s the way to deal with addictions: every problem should be individually examined and solved uniquely. “You can’t take a program out of the closet or from overseas, adjust it to here and think the problems will be solved. It doesn’t work that way. You’ll need to get in individual contact with each addict, talk to them, and together search for a solution.”

Nevertheless the Coordination Bureau is not dissatisfied with the addiction care of the past ten years. Since the first treatment home various other treatment homes have opened, also for alcoholics. Therefore the number of addicts in the central shelters rose from 20 to about 500. Otterspeer calls that positive because before that the addiction problem was deeply hidden within the community. “Nobody talked about it because of the shame, it was something the Arubaan kept inside their home. Now, in either case, we know who and where they are, and their family comes to us for help. That’s a big change, and one for the better.”

On 10-10 “The Raw Story” reported:

Lack of support means no elections for Dutch "paedophile party"

dpa German Press Agency

Published: Tuesday October 10, 2006
Amsterdam- A Dutch political party generally known as the "paedophile party" will not participate in the November elections as it failed to collect the requisite signatures by the deadline Tuesday. The Party of Brotherly Love, Freedom and Diversity (PNVD) said late Monday it had not managed the 570 signatures. It was not made public how many signatures the party did manage to gather.

Last week PNVD Norbert de Jonge regretted the lack of support.

"I think we can say that we will not participate. For that reason no one will be able to see how large our support really is, and that's a pity," De Jonge said.

In July a court in The Hague denied a private application to ban the PNVD brought by a foundation that conducts research into paedophilia.

The party advocates allowing all over the age of 16 to participate in pornographic films. Young people would be allowed to have sex from the age of 12, four years lower than the current age of consent.

Polls ahead of the November 22 elections show the Christian Democrats (CDA) of Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende slowly edging ahead of its main rival, the Labour Party (PvdA) under Wouter Bos.


On 10-11 the Central Bank of Aruba reported:

In June 2006, the number of stay-over visitors and their nights spent on the island fell by 8.8 percent and 6.2 percent, respectively, compared to the corresponding month in 2005. Available data for the first six months of 2006 show that stay-over tourists and their nights spent on the island decreased by 10.3 percent and 7.5 percent, respectively. Figures on tourist arrivals and nights spent on the island for July and August 2006 are not yet available.

* The publications of the Central Bank van Aruba are also available on its website www.cbaruba.org.

[page] 2

According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the average occupancy rate of the hotels contracted by 3.1 percentage points to 80.6 percent in August 2006, compared to the corresponding month a year earlier.

Data published by the Cruise Tourism Authority show that the number of cruise passengers increased by 21.5 percent in August 2006, when compared to the corresponding month of 2005.

In contrast, the number of ship calls decreased by 14.2 percent.

In August 2006, the consumer price index was 4.2 percent higher than in the corresponding month a year earlier. The annual average inflation rate accelerated to 4.1 percent in August 2006, up from 3.1 percent a year earlier. This inflation rate is 0.2 percentage point higher than the annual average inflation rate for the United States in the corresponding period.

On 10-11 ARUBAAN's news-source “Tradewinds Times” reported about another ARUBA tourists safety issue:

Aruba to sign international anti drug treaty

The War Against Drugs Continues

ORANJESTAD-An Aruban delegation lead by the Minister of Justice, Rudy Croes, is presently attending a conference for the international fight against drugs in the city of Paramaribo, capital of Surinam. An international anti drug treaty will be signed tomorrow by 13 countries that include Aruba, the United States, Surinam, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Colombia and Venezuela.

The treaty is for a joint cooperation between participating countries in the fight against drug trade and international crime. The countries to sign the treaty have to agree on exchanging information on drug-criminals and transportation. There will be a permanent exchange of information in regard to the production, consumption, and transportation of drugs among the participating countries.

There is the intention to have joint operations to spot drug traffickers and to dismantle illegal landing strips for aircrafts. Participating countries are obliged to develop and execute policies, including drug prevention programs, in so to lower the consumption of drugs. In addition participating countries must enforce new laws against money laundering.

Aruba will sign the international anti drugs treaty tomorrow. By doing so Aruba promises to exchange information on drug criminals and enforce new laws against money laundering.

On 10-11 the “Scared Monkeys blog" reported:

Scared Monkeys Radio - Dana Pretzer Inaugural Show

The inaugural Dana Pretzer Show is going to be Thursday Evening, 9:00 to 10:00 PM Eastern Time. We are thrilled to have for our initial show the following guests live from The National Sexual Predator Information Center Fundraiser:

Beth Holloway Twitty
Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch
Patricia Kilpatrick, Kansas State Representative
Rick Segall of America’s Most Wanted

We also hope to have a couple of surprise guests as well so stay tuned.

The show will be streamed live over the internet, and if you happen to miss it, then you can download the podcast of the show shortly afterwards from this site.

On 10-11 ARUBAAN's news-source reported yet another ARUBA tourists safety issue:

Aruba signs international anti-drug declaration

Aruba will sign an international declaration tomorrow and by doing so, promises to exchange information on drug criminality and legislation against money laundering.

ARUBA – A delegation directed by Justice-minister Rudy Croes (MEP) attended an international conference about drug control in Surinam today. Aruba, together with 12 other countries, including the United States and international organizations like the European Union, will sign the so-called ‘Treaty of Paramaribo’ tomorrow for a common approach of drug dealings and drug criminalities.

There was a tripartite deliberation today between the ministers of Justice of Surinam, the Neth.Antilles, and Aruba. This deliberation was a continuation on the earlier settled memorandum of understanding in January of this year, in which countries have agreed to exchange drug criminals and drug transportation data. The countries have also agreed to have their employees do work placement in foreign countries as part of knowledge exchange.

The Treaty of Paramaribo is a continuation on the earlier concluded international treaties and protocols in order to control drug criminality and drug addiction. The countries and instances that signed the treaty are Surinam, Colombia, Venezuela, France, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Interpol and United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The participating countries commit themselves to a further collaboration, especially between security- and police organizations that deal with drug control. The countries have to make sure they have a direct communication connection with each other. The countries also have to dispose of a way to permanently exchange information on the production, consumption, and transportation of drugs. The countries that do not have facilities, like digital databanks, must acquire these on short term.

The idea is also to establish more common operations, especially for the tracing of drug smugglers and to dismantle illegal landing-strips for airplanes. The participating countries also have to have legislation that controls money laundering and can attach assets that were acquired with drug money. The countries also have to establish strategies with priorities that must gear to strategies of other countries. It is necessary to harmonize the legislation, investigation, and gathering of evidence in regard to drug criminality. The countries also have to develop and pursue a policy that lowers the drug use and develop special prevention programs for this.

At the congress today, DEA and the Randstad Zuid department of the Dutch criminality control team presented their vision on drug control. The Justice-ministers will sign the treaty tomorrow. It is not known yet which steps the Aruban government is going to take in regard to the commitments in the treaty.


On 10-13 ARUBAAN's news-source “Amigoe.com” reported:

Central Bank: Less tourist stays, less overnight stays hotels

ORANJESTAD - the number of tourists continues decrease, that according to the Central Bank of Aruba (CBA). The most recent figures are of June. From that it appears that the number of tourists decreased by 8.8 percent. The number of overnight stays decreased by 10.3 percent.

On 10-13 “Freedom of blog” identity “MF” wrote:

David Kock confirms information.

The news on FOB a couple of weeks ago has been confirmed yesterday by David Kock, lawyer for the Kalpoe Brothers.

Deepak and Satish Kalpoe will go to court on November 1, 2006. This to ask the judge to remove his clients as suspects in the Natalee Holloway case. According to Kock, he will ask the judge to close the case on his clients.

There are two different positive scenarios that could come out of that. The first one is that the judge orders the brothers to present in court and the case is presented by the Prosecutors and here the judge will decide to toss it or not, or whether the Kalpoes are guilty or not.

The other one is that the judge orders the Prosecutor office to close the case on the Kalpoe brothers, if they have no evidence or proof against them. If they want to continue the investigation on other people, it's up to them, but no longer on the Kalpoes.

If the judge rules against his clients, which he does not believe will be the case, it is very difficult to know what the judge may decide, but he thinks that the following is more possible.

He can order the investigation to continue on his clients but can put a deadline on the case against them. And if there is no case by that date, his clients will be cleared.


On 10-14 the “Scared Monkeys blog" reported:

CENTRALE BANK VAN ARUBA: Summary of the monthly bulletin of the Central Bank van Aruba

More terrible economic and tourism reporting out of Aruba. The tourism numbers continue to decrease. The June 2006 numbers follow the patter of tourism decline since the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The continued loss of tourism for 2006 is rather significant in the fact that they will now be compared to 2005 when there was also a loss of tourism on a monthly basis. The fact that tourism is now compared to a negative number and still decreases on a monthly basis, just compounds the plight faced by Aruba.

In June 2006, the number of stay-over visitors and their nights spent on the island fell by 8.8 percent and 6.2 percent, respectively, compared to the corresponding month in 2005. Available data for the first six months of 2006 show that stay-over tourists and their nights spent on the island decreased by 10.3 percent and 7.5 percent, respectively. Figures on tourist arrivals and nights spent on the island for July and August 2006 are not yet available.
According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the average occupancy rate of the hotels contracted by 3.1 percentage points to 80.6 percent in August 2006, compared to the corresponding month a year earlier.
Data published by the Cruise Tourism Authority show that the number of cruise passengers increased by 21.5 percent in August 2006, when compared to the corresponding month of 2005. In contrast, the number of ship calls decreased by 14.2 percent. (Central Bank of Aruba)

On 10-14 “Amigoe.com” reported:

Preference for preservation of Joint Court

The young talented poetess Rosabelle Illes opened the symposium about the future of the judicial organization in Aruba and the Neth.Antilles with the appropriate poem Lady Justice.

ARUBA – A majority of the representatives of politics and the Bar that were present at the symposium ‘The development of the current magistrature within the Caribbean part of the Royal Dutch Kingdom’ appeared to be advocates of the preservation of the Joint Court of Justice.

The symposium took place in the Aruba Resort last Friday afternoon. Its purpose was the exchanging of thoughts on the subject. The District Attorney (DA) of the High Court, Jan Fokkens, and Luis de Lannoy, presiding judge of the Joint Court of Justice of the Neth.Antilles and Aruba gave their point of view and opinion on the subject.

Also the future of the Court is under dispute with the disintegration of the Neth.Antilles. On behalf of the government, Justice-minister Rudy Croes (MEP) had indicated earlier being an advocate of an own Court in Aruba. However, De Lannoy’s point of view for the preservation of the Joint Court received most approbation.

Prime Minister Nelson Oduber (MEP), who was also present, is of the opinion that a split up of the judicial system must be avoided. “In a conversation with the High Court some time ago it already appeared that the High Court as organization can no longer do cassations when the judicial system is split up.”

DA Fokkens emphasized that again in his point of view yesterday afternoon. “Splitting up the judicial system in several courts means that the legislation will diverge in such way that the High Court can no longer oversee this and can therefore no longer function in the current manner as highest judicial power for the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.”

On 10-14 ARUBAAN's news-source “Amigoe.com” reported:

Bush signs the control on internet gaming bill

CURACAO/WASHINGTON – President Bush has signed the UIGE Act today. With this Act, the United States can start controlling the internet gaming, and banks and credit card companies are prohibited to transfer money to internet companies that are engaged in gaming.

According to some people, the Unlawful Internet Gaming Enforcement Act can yet be favourable for countries in the Caribbean. The British press agency Reuters reports that online casino-operators in London are massively pulling out, but companies in Costa Rica, Antigua, and Curacao can yet reap profit from the Act.

There are several internet gaming companies active in Curacao. They will soon experience the consequences of the American Act, said lawyer Karel Frielink of the Curacao online gaming industry earlier. But on the long run, the damage will be better than anticipated, because those that want to gamble will find a way to get around the ban.

Reuters reports that contrary to earlier reports, Antigua and Costa Rica do not fear the US-Act at all. Worse still, they can profit from the fact that British companies are closing their doors out of fear of being extradited.

Caribbean islands have fewer drastic extradition treaties. However, more important than extradition is the fact that a person that violates the new law will be arrested when entering the US. Antigua guesses that the Americans are handling against the World Trade Organization principles and are taking ‘protectionist and discriminative’ measures.

Bodog.com in Costa Rica of multi-millionaire Calvin Ayre has confidence that her business is established in such a manner that she does not have to fear. Frielink in Curacao told this paper earlier that Asia is an important growth market. “Thus it is important to offer those games that are popular there.” He is still afraid that it is not going to be easy to have the transactions of Asian banks go via American bank, which is mostly the case now. “Banks in New York have pressured the local banks in the past not to meddle with online gambling.”

Reuter says that there are approximately 2700 gaming websites worldwide. About 170 of these have announced that they will keep out American gamblers. The worldwide turnover of internet gaming is by now 12 million dollars, of which 30 to 50 percent come from the United States.


On 10-16 “Freedom of Blog” identity “MF” reported:

There is no time limit in the Natalee Case.

The President of the Common Court of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba said that the courts has not much to do with the way the Prosecutors office works. They only handle the cases in the court.

He said that the Natalee case is not a reason to judge any of the members of court. He refers to Paulus v/d Sloot, he said that these things can happen, where a person who is linked to the court of Justice can be involved in an investigation and that judges have to be flown in to make sure that there is impartiality.

You can not blame the prosecutor's office either. You can not say either that this case has tainted the image of the Prosecutor's office or the Court. He made it clear that when the case happened, Paulus van der Sloot was not a member of the Court and never was, but just was a judge in training.

The only thing that could be done, to make sure you have a impartial view from the public is to send people from Curacao that have no knowledge of who mr. V/D Sloot was, and so where the judges of instructions that were sent to Aruba.

After the American media and others in the world invaded the Judicial System last year, he said that when this issue is over, that they would brainstorm on this matter and with everybody that was involved. There could be things that must be straighten up and some things to learn in the Dutch system. But it's not the time yet, since the case is still open.

At the same time, he said that this case is not attached to a time limit. Law gives a case two year to close a case, ONLY WHEN THERE IS A PERSON IN DETENTION. If the person is still in preventive detention when that 2 year period passes, he either has to be released or his case brought to court. (This 2-year period could have been given to Joran if he was still in jail, reason I think that Arlene said that this time limit would be applied to Joran when he was in preventive detention.)

He thinks that it is a could thing that the case has no time-limit giving everybody a good chance and time to investigate the case better, now that the KLPD is also involved. Time must be given to the police and the prosecutors office so they can do their job and then a Judge of instruction will decide or not to continue with a court case.


On 10-17 the "Crystal Cathedral Ministries 'Hour of Power'" reported:
(click HERE for the video)

Coming up on the Hour of Power:
(for October 22, 2006)

Join Drs. Schuller I & II and be incredibly inspired by outstanding music, exceptional messages, and these outstanding interview guests.

Special Guests: Beth Twitty, whose faith remains strong in her search for daughter Natalee Holloway, will share deeply from a mother's heart.

Music by famed Chinese erhu player, Ma Xiaohui.

Get the TV Listings for your area


On 10-18 ARUBA airport authority reported:

ORANJESTAD - The number of passengers that arrived at the International airport Reina Beatrix on Aruba in the third quarter decreased by 4.3% compared to the same period in 2005, this was reported by the Aruba Airport Authority. On the positive side is that September 2006 was the first month since August 2005 to show an increase in the number of passengers to arrive in a month.

The number of passengers from the USA decreased in the third quarter with 3.9% to 230,667. Venezuela, the second largest market for Aruba decreased by 24.3% compared to the same quarter in 2005. On the plus side were the positive effects from the increased number of flights from the Colombian carrier Aviance.

The Antilles, especially Curacao, grew during the third quarter with 26%. Especially the new regional carriers Tiara Air and Insel Air produced extra growth from that regional market.

On 10-18 ARUBAAN's news-source “Amigoe.com” reported:

Government position still not univocal

The speakers at the symposium on the future of the Joint Court of Justice: (from left to right) Luciano Milliard, municipal law professor at the University of Aruba; Luis de Lannoy, Presiding judge of the Joint Court; Millie Schwengle, President of the Bar Association; Jan Fokkens, district attorney of the High Court; Hubert Maduro, member of the Round Table Conference Committee.

ARUBA – “That the government chooses for an Aruban Court of Justice is not absolutely said yet, but how the administration of justice is going to be, is for the Aruban government to decide, and not the Netherlands or the Joint Court”, said Huber Maduro, member of the Round Table conference Committee (RTC) at the symposium on the future of the Joint Court of Justice for the Neth.Antilles and Aruba.

In his argument, Maduro reacted on the speeches of Luis de Lannoy, presiding judge of the Joint Court, and Jan Fokkens, district attorney of the High Court that pleaded for the preservation of the current Court after the Antilles cease to exist in its current political form next year. De Lannoy said that the five Antillean islands and also the Netherlands have already made up their minds and that Aruba is the only one that still has doubts.
However, the Aruban government has not decided yet, because they are not sure yet how the administration of justice is going to be on the other islands, said Maduro. He says that all that was said up till now at the recent agreement between the Netherlands, Bonaire, Statia, and Saba, is that the Netherlands will play a part in the administration of justice of the three islands, but they didn’t say how. The negotiations on the real interpretation of the administration of justice in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom still have to start, said Maduro.


Maduro emphasizes that making sure that Aruba has a good and independent administration of justice is a business of Aruba and that it falls under the responsibility of the minister of Justice. “The impression was given in the discussions on the future of the Court that the minister has nothing to say, worse still, that he has to get out of the picture. But it is up to the Aruban government to decide what is going to happen with the judicial organization. After all, it has to do with the autonomy of the country and it has to be dealt with very carefully.”

Maduro is of the opinion that the organization of the legal system is only a matter of elaborating, whether it is a virtual court, two courts, or other variations. “Aruba has chosen for the most practical way in 1986, which was taking part in the Joint Court. The current discussions are different though.” According to him, the Joint Court emphasizes the own internal autonomy, or how the organization of the Court can operate as optimal and independent as possible. The Justice-minister argues for an own Court, the autonomy of Aruba, explains Maduro.

The government agrees that we must avoid the splitting up of the administration of justice in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom, but there is no consensus yet within the Aruban government whether Aruba continues to take part in the Joint Court or wants something else. In view of the coming negotiations with the islands and the Netherlands, the government is currently busy to determine her position. The members of the preparatory-committee RTC are thinking of making the administration of justice a kingdom-matter. They are already talking about a ‘Kingdom Court’. Such court is yet a step further than what De Lannoy wants with the Joint Court and the laying down of its authorities in a state law.

The Natalee Holloway-case is still in the back of the Aruban government’s mind when it comes to taking a position on the future judicial system. According to a source inside the committee, the government has not yet forgotten the criticism that it received on its own judiciary at that time. If the Aruban administration of justice becomes a matter of the kingdom, the accusations that the judges are not independent will then relate to the judiciary of the entire Kingdom and no longer just to Aruba, says the source.


On 10-19 ARUBAAN's news-source “Diario” reported:”

Dutch Investigators for the Natalee Case have already gone to Holland

ORANJESTAD (AAN); The Dutch Investigators that came back in the Natalee case, were on Aruba and already departed to Holland.

As it is already known, there is a group of investigators in the Natalee case that has not yet seen the light of day (solution) is still under investigation. Recently, as was accorded by the governments of Aruba and Holland, in relation to this case of disappeared young American... which is not in the dark like many think.

The case remains open but lacks points or clarity after 13 months about what happened to Natalee. This since the beginning of the case over 1 yr ago.

Everything about this case remains unclear despite the fact that there have been various detentions, interrogations, searches, even to the point of special F16 jets flying and searching the island, and the Atlantic Ocean in order to assist Aruba in this investigation.

Many special searches done by Americans apart from ours failed to find any dead body in the search for Natalee Holloway.

As far as per the Diario newspaper reports that have stated they have compiled documents from the FBI and other local and other teams specializing in the recovery were handed to the Holland investigators for review.

In short this serves to notify all that the investigation continues in secrecy and is not exclusive to those who have more information regarding the mysterious disappearance in the case of Natalee Holloway.

**NOTE** NATALEE vanished in ARUBA nearly 17 months ago, not the 13 months the article claims.

On 10-19 the “Scared Monkeys” blog reported:

Joint Court of Justice for the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba … Oxymoron?

The battle for the future of the Joint Court of Justice for the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba rages on. The power struggle, autonomy and who will play what roll is at question. One thing is for certain as outsiders look on; Aruba still do not get it. These days to reference justice and Aruba in the same sentence makes ones eyes role. Justice is supposed to be blind, not purposely bias and playing favorites.

The Natalee Holloway-case is still in the back of the Aruban government’s mind when it comes to taking a position on the future judicial system. According to a source inside the committee, the government has not yet forgotten the criticism that it received on its own judiciary at that time. If the Aruban administration of justice becomes a matter of the kingdom, the accusations that the judges are not independent will then relate to the judiciary of the entire Kingdom and no longer just to Aruba, says the source. (Amigoe)

In the back of your mind? If any of these government officials had a clue it would be forefront in your mind and something that you would wish to correct immediately. This is not past tense, the criticism that Aruba and its judicial system received is in the present. If you do not think so take a look at your last reported tourism numbers. This decline is a direct result that tourists want no part of a country where if “something bad happens” they are powerless and at the mercy of local government and judicial cronyism. That is the fact. People understand that crimes do occur, what people do not understand and will not tolerate occurs when justice is not provided to said crimes. Until Aruba figures that out and makes a conscience decision to do something about it and right the wrong their tourism will never be the same.

(article then quotes the above October 18, 2006 “Amigoe.com” article, “Government position still not univocal”)


On 10-20 “Prensa Latina” reported:

Venezuela Busts Drug Lord

Caracas, Oct 18 (Prensa Latina) Drug dealer Jorge Fernandez Borges, wanted by Colombia, was arrested by the Venezuelan police as part of a joint detaining offensive that has included another six heads of the Atlantic Cartel so far.

Captain Jose Sanchez of Zulia state, where Borges was arrested, told local press the intelligence operation had being carried out for a month, in coordination with Colombia s Department of Security.

The work with Colombia has proven to be particularly effective as, though Venezuela is neither a drug producing country nor a large consumer, its territory is used as a stopover to take drugs from Colombia to the US and Europe.

Fernandez Borge, nicknamed "Kike," trafficked in drugs to Europe, Aruba, and Curacao, and is sought by the US for drug trafficking and Colombia for federal crimes, where he is expected to be soon deported.

On 10-20 ARUBAAN's news-source “Amigoe.com” reported:

Conflict on permission to contract a 50 million dollar loan

Visit Nicol aï hangs by a thread

The new Dutch minister for Governmental Renewal and Kingdom Relations, Atzo Nicolaï paid Aruba a first acquaintance visit in August, and if it is up to Prime Minister Nelson Oduber, it was also his last.

ARUBA – The relationship between the Netherlands and Aruba is currently so bad that the visit of the Dutch minister Atzo Nicolaï that is planned for this coming Monday will possibly be cancelled. “If the Netherlands does not change her position on Aruba’s loans, then there is no need for Nicolaï to come back here”, says premier Nelson Oduber (MEP) to the Amigoe.

During Nicolai’s visit, the parties were supposed to further negotiate the collaboration between Aruba and the other kingdom islands on judicial and financial matters. But according to Oduber, Aruba has lost confidence in the Netherlands, now that this country has made the island’s financial loans conditional. It is so, that Aruba can no longer take out loans just like that. Article 29 of the Charter for the Kingdom of the Netherlands prescribes that for the contracting and guaranteeing of loans outside the Kingdom, Aruba needs the approval of the Federal Government or the National Council of Ministers, which is made up of the council of ministers of the Netherlands, supplemented with the ministers Plenipotentiary of Aruba and the Neth.Antilles.


Aruba now wants to borrow 50 million dollars from the Deutsche Bank, but this bank doesn’t want to complete the transaction as long as the Federal Government does not approve the loan. The Netherlands’s condition for this is that article 29 should not only apply to foreign loans, but to all loans that Aruba contracts. In addition, the Netherlands wants the guarantee that the Aruban government does not touch the reserves of the Central Bank of Aruba (CBA). The Oduber-cabinet says that by doing this, The Hague is in breach of the Statute.

“I have an unpleasant feeling about this and that is a shame”, says Oduber. Aruba and the Netherlands were according to him, on the right path in the negotiations concerning the new political relations within the Kingdom. “We were willing to collaborate in the field of police and foreigners policy, but I have the feeling now that there is a catch and perhaps more.”


Oduber says that at this moment, there is no zest to continue negotiating. The continuation of the negotiations and the visit of Nicolaï depend on the results of the deliberation of the Dutch minister with the permanent House-committee Netherlands-Antillean and Aruban Affairs (NAAZ). This committee of the Lower House met with the minister on the political developments of the Neth.Antilles yesterday, and also Aruba was brought up.

Besides, not only the negotiations concerning the new relations within the Kingdom were deferred, but also other talks, in which Aruba was willing to collaborate more with the Netherlands. “We will now wait and see. If the Netherlands continues to hold on to her position, we will then wait till after the elections of November 22nd. In that case, Nicolaï can better stay in the Netherlands and run campaign and hope that the VVD gets back in the government”, said Oduber.


AVP-leader Mike Eman indicated that he can understand why the Netherlands makes a reservation with regard to the loans. “The foreign loans are increasing, the integrity of the authorities is under dispute and the government clashes with institutions, like the General Audit Office, the Central Bank, and her own Accountants’ service. Several government organizations denied this institution access when it wanted to conduct audits.”

He also says that the Advisory Council disagreed with more than 50 percent of the new legislation, but that the Oduber-cabinet has still enforced the new laws. “We can understand that the Dutch-cabinet doesn’t want to approve the loans, at least until it is clear what the government is going to do about her high spending.”


The Aruban government is of the opinion that the Dutch government is violating the Statute by making the contracting of loans outside the Kingdom conditional. The Federal Government can do this, because the Statute states that actions can be taken in three cases: when contracting a loan affects the international position of the entire Kingdom; when due to the loan, the country in question gets in a subordinate position of a foreign power; and when a loan violates the sound government of the applicant country.

The Dutch minister of Finance, Gerrit Zalm (VVD) has used this last reason for attaching a condition to the loans that Aruba wants to contract. But the Aruban government is of the opinion that this is not correct, because Zalm could have only done that if he has perception of the current government finances of Aruba and the prognoses, which he doesn’t have, according to the spokesperson of the Oduber government. Besides, the Netherlands has comparatively a bigger debt than Aruba, respectively 60 and 46 percent of the government budget.

On 10-20 ARUBAAN's news-source “Amigoe.com” reported:

Nicolaï makes an appeal to Curacao and St. Maarten

CURACAO/THE HAGUE – “Seize that opportunity! The proposals are real.”

Minister Atzo Nicolaï (VVD) of Kingdom Relations made this appeal to Curacao and St. Maarten today, during a normal general deliberation with the permanent committee Neth. Antillean and Aruban Affairs (NAAZ) in the Lower House. He does this on the eve of his bilateral deliberation with the big islands.

The minister is of the opinion that ‘we have got ourselves in a spiral of blame and being driven from pillar to post’. He realizes that the chance to get down to business during his visit is perhaps slim. “It is possibly a normal progress report that has to be followed by many steps.” He is yet very positive. “I’ll go there in good spirits. If by any chance everything gets accelerated, we will seize the chances.” Nicolaï indicated that he has also received positive political signals via the media. Thus for as far as he is concerned, all the scenarios are open, even though he also says that he doesn’t want to arouse hopes.

PvdA-Parliamentarian Klaas de Vries suggested conducting a new referendum in St. Maarten and asking the population if perhaps they want to become a public body like the three small islands. “It might also be good for Curacao, you never know”, added Lower House member Wim van Fessen (CDA).


Besides the bottlenecks between the Netherlands on this side and St. Maarten and Curacao on the other side and even between the two islands themselves, there is another hurdle to take: Aruba, said the minister. “There are still very big problems there.” The guarantees in the field of maintenance of law and order and finance are rock-hard and Aruba also plays a part in this in the background, said the minister. Aruba must consider only one Public Prosecution for all the six islands.

“We definitely have to scale-up in order to increase the distance and improve the way through.”

His comment on the official deliberation of the technical committee in the Netherlands this week and that the Antilliaans Dagblad described as ‘fiasco’ this morning was: “I can easily join Minister Roland Duncan of Constitutional Affairs in the Neth.Antilles in his statement: ‘How can a technical deliberation to settle an agenda fail?’”

Nicolaï leaves for the Antilles this Sunday and returns to the Netherlands on Wednesday.


The agreement that the three small islands Bonaire, Saba, and Statia had reached was also discussed during the general deliberation. Together, the Netherlands and the K3 are going to set up a phase-plan, with the Neth.Antilles as observer. The plan that has to be ready before January 1st, must also contain ‘an approach on how to come to a benefits level’, says the minister.

In connection with the principle of equality, parliamentarian Stef Blok (VVD) asked the minister whether it would legal to deviate from the Dutch benefits level. Nicolaï’s answer was that the issue is covered in the legal advice of the Council of State. The quality of education and culture will be the same as in the Netherlands, because the islands become part of the Dutch government. The social benefits will be adjusted to the local living standards, however. “By no chance, they will become anything like the Dutch level. I have told the islands this and they do not expect this either. A different amount of money is needed on those islands in order to live on welfare level.
A lot has to be considered in order to decide on a certain amount of money.”

Nicolaï is very pleased with the politicians of the three small islands. “They have managed to get over their own shadow. The people do not care about the political discussions, as long as everything is fixed right. The other islands should start thinking like that.

On 10-20 ARUBAAN's news-source “Diario” reported in an editorial by JOSSY MANSUR:
(Thank You ad Hat Tip to “lagadishi brabo”)

Too much tolerance from the Dutch government is fomenting a dangerous situation from Armed Resistance Groups.

Oranjestad ( AAN) -- What many people were fearing and were hoping that the Dutch Kingdom would be the guarantee for the stability and security of Aruba and would prevent any negative development in the direction of any uprising of indivuals or armed resistance groups, is now being confronted slowly with the thread on the horizon.

Informations that are circulating in certain circles of the community is giving indication of very dangerous and threatening development of people or resistance groups, who would like to up-rise against the actual MEP administration government and the armed militance of MEP.


We Love You and miss you dearly.

HERE is a video of photos of NATALEE when she was younger

The "Crystal Cathedral Ministries 'Hour of Power'" reported:
(click HERE for part 1 of the video, HERE for part 2)

Beth Twitty - Hour of Power Interview

by Lydia Rose Proenza

Beth Twitty (BT) is the mother of Natalee Holloway, the young woman who disappeared in Aruba during her Senior Class trip in 2005. This interview with Robert H. Schuller (RHS) took place at the Crystal Cathedral on Sunday, October 15, 2006.

REVEREND ROBERT H. SCHULLER Sr.: Now my guest today is Beth Twitty. You all know her because her name became a household word. Beth Twitty--it was over a year ago when her daughter went missing. Her daughter is Natalee Holloway and this church prayed for them, and we are still praying for Beth Twitty. It’s very appropriate that she is with us on our prayer Sunday.

Today I’m anxious for her to tell us how she is turning scars into stars--Turning her hurt into a halo by creating a new foundation that can help a lot of people and protect them when they travel. But let her tell us about that. She and her husband, Jug Twitty, live in Alabama with her son Matt.

Please give a warm and wonderful welcome with me to Beth Twitty.

Hello Beth. In May, a year ago...tell where you’re at today, summarize that in your own ways.

BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: Well it has been a long journey. And when we think back to how we began...and you know Dr. Schuller, on the first day of Natalee’s disappearance that our community--they wanted to be connected in prayer immediately. The Mountain Brook Community Church opened their doors, a church that we had never attended, and had daily prayer services for Natalee. And that was where they could go and give comfort to us by asking God to bring peace to our family, and for answers and justice and it spread from our community and throughout the nation. And when I think back on, you know, from that moment to where we began to receive just thousands of cards and letters from persons all over the world. And in the cards they would send us precious and thoughtful little gifts. I mean, I received rosary beads, Mass cards, prayer cards, crosses and pictures of entire families that, you know, were praying for us.

RHS: So, you when you went to Aruba, what we saw on the news was that you expected and hoped to find her?

BT: Yes.

RHS: That has never happened?

BT: No, it has not. It has not. That was what was hard in the journey, to come to the realization that we might not--we might not find Natalee--we might not. And it took a while for me to come to that. I am at peace with that now, but my quest for answers continues.

RHS: And you didn’t have success in finding answers to those important questions in Aruba, and I hear you went to the Netherlands?

BT: I did and it was absolutely a wonderful move for me. I was delighted to have the invitation. I went to Amsterdam, and they were just so genuinely concerned. They were very attentive; they were just--just absolutely wonderful. And they seem, as I do, they would like answers also. And my hopes are that Holland will be instrumental in helping me that--get to the answers.

RHS: Well I know they’ll do what they can. The Prime Minister has been here, he’s a dear friend of mine, and the [“Hour of“] “Power” people in the country watch this every Sunday morning. They are very strong supporters of our positive approach here.
Tell me, you had an experience at a little church? I think it was a Catholic church, or, tell us about that? It’s very beautiful.

BT: Well, that first week we were in Aruba searching was just so--very difficult. And, I just can’t even describe what we were going through blindly navigating a foreign country. I think that I had been awake for so many days and nights that they were blending together. And it think it was on about the fifth morning and I knew that I could not make it anymore. And I think when you are in a situation like I was, I was fortunate to be able to draw upon my foundation of faith.

My mother, who’s here with us today, I mean, there were three words that she raised us with...“God is good.” And I knew what I had to do. I knew that I needed to seek Him out. I’d been praying, but I knew I needed to pray harder and louder, and I made my way...to a…a cab driver picked me up on about the fifth morning at 5 AM that morning, and he took me to a…on a gravel road. As he was slowing down, I noticed there was a line of large, white, beautiful crosses. And he pulled over and he asked me to get out of the cab, and I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. As I was approaching the first cross, but, when I got there, I stood there for just a moment. Then I fell to my knees clenching a photo of Natalee and just begging God to give her back. And I got up and I made my way to the next cross, and the next one, and the next one, and I repeated the same plea.

RHS: On your knees?

BT: On my knees, and taking the ground from Aruba and rubbing it across her picture, begging God to give her back. And then I think it was when I got to about the sixth cross, that I received--I received an answer from God, and it came in the form of just a complete and overwhelming peace. And the burden that I was carrying not being able to provide or care for Natalee was truly lifted from my shoulders. And I truly felt the weight lift at that moment, and I knew in that instant--I knew in that instant----that God is with Natalee. And so I think at that point, at that sixth cross in the early morning hours, I think I came to an acceptance (trust is how I looked at it) that God is as proud of Natalee as I am. So if He trusted me to place her in my presence to care for her and nurture her, then when she was not in my presence, that I must trust Him that He will care and provide for Natalee since I can not longer do that with her in my presence. So, I think that was just such a turning point in this journey.

RHS: I thought when I saw you close up on TV, that I saw Jesus in your eyes, and I still do. So He has been your Savior and so today when people ask you where do you think Natalee is, what’s your answer?

BT: Oh, she’s with God.

RHS: That’s wonderful.

BT: Dr. Schuller, Natalee’s faith too was so strong, and I just wanted to share with you that Natalee’s Bible study leader told me Natalee had been in her Bible Study class for four years, and, her senior year was with Donna Green’s ministry, Natalee was the only one that achieved 100% in Bible verse memory.

RHS: Wow!

BT: So she had a very strong faith.

RHS: Wow! And now you’ve started a new foundation to try to help others and we have a short video with no audio, so will you comment as the video is shown now on the screen? You can see it here.

(start video)

BT: Okay. Well we have a foundation we’ve established, it’s “International Safe Travels Foundation.” And what we want to do is to invite travelers of all ages to visit our website to begin to familiarize themselves with the destination that they will be visiting. And they can print this information. It’s pertinent, critical infrastructure information of the country that you might be visiting so you can be proactive should you find yourself in a crisis situation, instead of reactive as we were.

(end video)

You know, when we began it was so difficult for us that first week into Natalee’s disappearance because it’s hard to know who to turn to and where to get help from. And along with our foundation, which we are excited about, a university is working in conjunction with the “Safe Travels Foundation.” And they are developing a curriculum and they are delving into the legal and safety issues for persons traveling internationally.

RHS: Wow. Thank her for that. Thank you.

RHS: I see Jesus Christ in your eyes. Your eyes are beautiful. There’s a spirit that comes through it. And it’s more than you, its not just Beth Twitty. Two people are looking at me: Jesus is looking at me through your glazed eyes, and He’s smiling, He’s proud of you. It’s beautiful. Now, there was a song that meant a great deal to you during that time. You want to tell us about it?

BT: Well, I think when persons find themselves faced with such a crisis that--I think that we tend to draw upon our foundation. My foundation is a foundation of faith and then I think of this hymn, it brings me back to a time in my life where there was just peace. My mother who is here with me today sang in our church choir and is still singing in our church choir. She’s been singing there for many, many years, along with her brother, who is no longer with us. And I grew up listening to them sing these hymns and there is a special feeling in my heart for this hymn is my uncle was singing this hymn as a solo in the choir, but it didn’t remain a solo very long. His daughter, Cara, joined him for a duet as a surprise. And, you know, this hymn, just like I said; it’s just been very special in our family for many, many years. And I think that’s what I did; I went back in my mind to a place that there was peace and drew upon that foundation.

RHS: Wow. And the name of the song is, “I walked..

BT: ...Because He Lives.”

RHS: Because He Lives, so true. Beth Twitty, may God who knows you better than I do, who knows where you’re hurting today and can’t even share it. May God bless you where you need it most and leave His fingerprints all over your heart. Amen.

BT: Amen. Thank you so much. Wow.

On 10-21 FOX News reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “andie”)

MEGYN KENDALL, GUEST HOST: Breaking news in the Natalee Holloway investigation
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Andie”)

(”Andie” missed her first line, so she started from where she picked up transcribing here)

KENDALL: van der Sloot and the two Kalpoe brothers are headed back to court again. Tell us why?

JULIA RENFRO, (the transplanted AMERICAN in ARUBA who moved to ARUBA 17+ years ago and owns an interest in many ARUBA businesses including an ARUBAAN's news-source): Yes, Megyn. We are under the understanding that all three of these main suspects are going to ask the court system as early as November the 1st to clear their names from the case as they are all stating that nothing new has been introduced into the case against them for over a year.

KENDALL: And what are the chances that that will actually happen? Our viewers will probably remember that Joran's father did this successfully. What are the chances it will happen for these three?

RENFRO: Right. Well, it is a little bit different situation for these three, obviously, because--especially for Joran--who Is the last known to be seen with Natalee Holloway.

The situation we are in right now is since the new Dutch authorities have been asked to help with, or actually take over the case--and namely the KLPD--and they are currently investigating and going through all the statements, and any type of suspicions or what they might call evidence.
And with that we believe the Prosecutor will present that to the judge as it is impossible to release these three main suspects because the Dutch authorities are currently working on the case.

KENDALL: Not yet over, and these three guys are still technically in the “hot seat.”
Now, I mean, Julia, what is the legal significance, if you know, of it?
Like, if they are declared "officially cleared" is there something that they can do then that they can't do now?

RENFRO: No, it could very well just be for self-feeling, or maybe to get permits to stay on the island longer, or, really, we are not familiar with the details of why they would want to do this because, actually, after two years--which would be June 2007--all three of them will be released as suspects in this case, and that doesn‘t mean that if they find some evidence against any one of these three boys that they would be re-introduced as suspects.

KENDALL: And let me ask you this; we all know that Joran van der Sloot is out of the country now going to college, but what about the two Kalpoe brothers? Are they out and about on the Island of Aruba? Living their lives normally?

RENFRO: Yes. I am not sure about "normally" you know. They're still suspects in the case, and, you know, it probably feels pretty bad for them. I actually don't know but they are working and the younger of the two is still in school. So, yes, they are out and about.

KENDALL: Got it. Interesting. Well, we will be watching to see what happens at this hearing in November. Julia, thanks so much for the update.

RENFRO: You are welcome.


On 10-22 FOX News reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Andie”)
(VIDEO click here , or here)

MEGYN KENDALL, GUEST HOST: Welcome back to the LINE UP. I am Megyn Kendall...in for Kimberly Guilfoyle. Last night we reported that Joran van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers are headed back to court again. All three suspects want their names cleared in the Natalee Holloway Investigation, but will it actually happen?
Well, joining us live now on the phone is the attorney representing Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, David Kock. David, thanks for being with us.
What is the point of going into court on this November 1st hearing and trying to get their names cleared?

DAVID KOCK, LAWYER FOR THE SUSPECTS KALPOE‘S: (on the phone) You know, that was the date that was set by the judge because it has been some time now that we already solicited the judge to instruct the DA either to proceed with the case and set the date for the trial, or to dismiss the case. Because these people cannot be held in that situation--not knowing what is happening. We’re about 17 months later and there are really no new developments in the case.

KENDALL: But what’s the point, I mean, if they get some sort of official declaration that they are no longer suspects in the case? What does it do for them? Does it change their rights? What’s happening down there in Aruba, at all?

KOCK: Yes, well, they can finally close the book on this issue and go on and of course there will be other consequences if somebody is investigated while no case is. This thing is hanging like a sword on top of their head, and it’s not going away.

KENDALL: It doesn’t look like any charges are pending anytime soon from what we’ve heard. Let me ask you this; We’ve reported on the show last night that the Dutch authorities have taken over the investigation of this case. Why would the judge clear Deepak and Satish Kalpoe and Joran van der Sloot for that matter, now, when fresh authorities are taking another look at this?

KOCK: You know, it was very funny because we submitted our request some time ago and then all of a sudden Dutch Police are being involved. To us it’s more of a reaction from the Aruba DA maybe to tell or pretend towards the judge that there is still something going on because we were suppose to have a hearing already the end of July-August. I think based on this new Dutch investigation the judge wanted to give them some leeway and I think that’s why the date was set November 1st. Like, November 1st you have to come up with something because we can’t keep going on like this.

KENDALL: Interesting. Well, we are obviously keeping our eyes posted on this case that has had our country riveted on this, like you said, 17 months now. David, thank you for the update.

You, too. Joining us now on the phone from Meridian, Miss. is Natalee Holloway’s father, Dave Holloway. Dave, thanks so much for being with us.
You know, let me ask you the same question that I just finished up with David. Do you believe that these suspects might officially be cleared on November 1st when the Dutch authorities are taking a fresh look at it and hopefully the investigation is in a way starting a new?

DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY’S FATHER: (on the phone) He mentioned something about “funny that things happen.” It is very coincidental that they are setting dates to get dismissed just when the Dutch are coming in and investigating. It is quite coincidental. A lot of things have been coincidental in this case, by the way.

KENDALL: At this point I’ve got to imagine you have next to no, or no, faith in the Aruba courts. What do you expect to happen, Dave? What do you think this money is on?

HOLLOWAY: Well, I would hope that they would not allow for them to be freed. But if I was banking on it, based on what’s happened in the past, it’s a possibility that they will be released.

KENDALL: Dave, is anything happening as far as you know in the case? As I just mentioned, and as you know, the United States has been riveted to Natalee’s disappearance for over a year and a half now. There were nightly updates on the case for so long but now it’s has fallen by the way side a bit in terms of the public eye. Are you still on this case day to day in terms of leads in the investigation, or, not so much anymore?

HOLLOWAY: Oh, it stays on your mind every day. You are always constantly thinking, “What happened?”. You know your daughter went to Aruba for a four-day vacation and, all of a sudden, she disappears and no one seems to know what happened. You know, a lot of circumstantial evidence is surrounding these three suspects and you know it’s just sad that this court date comes up on November 1st and it will be a sad day if they are all dismissed.

KENDALL: Dave I know you believe they had something to do with Natalee’s disappearance. What do you think happened?

HOLLOWAY: You know, there are a lot of different theories out there Megyn. You know, I just really don’t know because I don’t have all the investigative material that the police have. There are a lot of theories that these three suspects are directly involved and you know of course there is some other theories out there, and I would be remiss to give that out.

KENDALL: Well, hopefully time will tell Dave. Thank you so much.

HOLLOWAY: Thank you.

KENDALL: We’re praying you get some answers.

On 10-22 “SFgate.com” reported:

Consider [Bart] Schwartz's role in helping the parents of teenager Natalee Holloway, frustrated in their efforts to sue Joran van der Sloot, the boy last seen with their daughter before she disappeared in Aruba.

Their lawyer, Jerome Katz, got a tip one night that van der Sloot planned to fly to New York for a media interview. By the next morning, Schwartz had an investigator in the first-class cabin, one row in front of van der Sloot. The investigator served van der Sloot with papers as soon as the wheels touched down in New York.

Schwartz "pulled it off. He did it lawfully, he did ethically, he did it right," said Katz, a partner with Chadbourne & Parke who has hired Schwartz at least a dozen times in the past decade.

On 10-22 the “Scared Monkeys” blog reported:

Caribbean Internet Gaming thumbing their nose at US Law

So much for the Caribbean countries respecting the new internet gaming law passed in the US. I guess they feel it does not pertain to them, Briton in Curacao continues firmly with internet gaming.

CURACAO/LONDON – Despite the American’s ban on internet gaming, the Briton Alistair Assheton continues firmly with offering online gaming and casinos.
As the Amigoe reported last Friday, the American president George Bush signed the Unlawful Internet Gaming Enforcement Act (UIGE Act) that prohibits banks and credit card companies to transfer money to internet companies that are involved with gambling.

Assheton said in the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph: “This is certainly a big disappointment for the sector. But internet is still going strong and so is gambling; people still want to do both. The question is more how than if.”

When he was asked on how he thinks to collect the payments of American residents, which is in breach with the American law, he said: “There are ways”, and with that he refers to the fact that many gamblers have a foreign account.
The Daily Telegraph reports that in Curacao, Assheton belongs to a growing group of entrepreneurs in the Caribbean that are determined to continue firmly with accepting bets from the US. As director in a management team buy-out of his former mother company Leisure & Gaming, he bought all US-activities for the symbolic amount of one dollar. The company says that with this transaction, it had saved 6 million dollars (costs in connection with the closing of the company), and also 300 jobs in Curacao, Antigua, and Costa Rica. These three countries are the most popular ones in the online gaming industry. “He says that he is not afraid of being arrested and that he hopes that he can continue accepting US bets, because he thinks that he is outside the jurisdiction of the United States”, reports The Daily Telegraph.

At least two internet gaming companies sold their American activities for the symbolic amount of one dollar last week. One of them was sold to Alistair Assheton, who is operating from Curacao for some years already. The Daily Telegraph reported this in England. Several big concerns withdrew from the American market, like PartyGaming, Empire Online, and 888. Sportingbet sold her activities for one dollar to Jazette Enterprises, a vehicle for a management buy-out with establishments in Costa Rica.

According to the British press agency Reuters that is closely following the developments around the anti-internet gaming act, there are approximately 2700 gaming websites worldwide. About 170 of these have indicated that they are planning to keep out American bets. The worldwide turnover of internet gaming is 12 milliard dollars by now, of which one-third to 50 percent come from the United States. How much comes from Curacao is not known. The new act makes the transfer of money from American banks and credit card companies to internet gaming companies, illegal, even though they are established in foreign countries and have a permit to do this in those countries. (Amigoe)


On 10-23 the “Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association” (AHATA) reported that AMERICAN, SCOTT WIGGINS, is leaving ARUBA:

Scott Wiggins - end of an era

By Jorge Pesquera

AHATA headquarters - Our dear colleague Scott Wiggins has announced his resignation from AHATA in order to focus his energies on running the family owned hotel “La Tourelle” in Ithaca New York. Over the past 16 years Scott has made an enormous contribution to Aruba’s destination marketing and image building efforts. It would be fair to say that he has been the driver of the bus keeping the key players moving in the right direction. Although we expect to maintain a relationship throughout the end of next year (relative to coop advertising) we wanted to share the news officially with our members, thank Scott for giving us ample time for a proper transition and wishing him much success in this next chapter in his distinguished career. An evaluation of North American marketing strategies is underway as well as a search for Scott’s replacement.


On 10-23 the “Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association” (AHATA) reported:

Labor crisis presented to Tourism Committee of Parliament

By Editorial Team

AHATA headquarters - On October 13 AHATA’s Labor Task Force made a presentation to the Tourism Committee of Parliament regarding the ongoing labor and work permit crisis. The main message to the Committee was that Aruba is not able to sustain its reputation as a desirable travel destination under the current conditions. Another 5,000 employees will be required when all the approved projects open their doors. The ability to fulfill contractual obligations to manage a “world class” product is seriously impaired. AHATA’s Task Force was pleased with the receptiveness of the committee and looks forward to tangible solutions and a dialogue at the highest levels.

On 10-23 the “Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association” (AHATA) reported:

AHATA urges bigger marketing investment

By Editorial Team

AHATA headquarters - AHATA continues to press the issue of tourism marketing funding. In a year when the destination should be redoubling its spending in media to rebuild its tarnished image, there seems to be no resolution to this challenge. Competition in the region is exploding with thousands of rooms being added in destinations like the Riviera Maya, Dominican Republic, Turks and Caicos, and Cuba.

On 10-23 ARUBAAN's news-source “Amigoe.com” reported:

Oduber still met with Nicolai

ARUBA – The Dutch minister of Kingdom Relations Atzo Nicolaï (VVD) visits Aruba today. Despite all the tension between the Netherlands and Aruba, a meeting with amongst others premier Nelson Oduber (MEP) was on the agenda. “It took a lot of effort, but I am pleased that the two are talking again:, said Rens Knecht, Representative of the Netherlands in Aruba.

Oduber indicated last week that if the Netherlands does not change her position regarding the financial borrowing of Aruba, there is no need for Nicolai to come again to Aruba. However, the two met and talked this afternoon. Also minister Nilo Swaen (MEP) of Finance and Economic Affairs took part in the conversations.

Nicolaï met with Governor Fredis Refunjol before he met with Oduber. Depending on the results of the conversation with premier Oduber, Nicolai will go back to Curacao this evening. The relation between the Netherlands and Aruba is on edge, since Aruba wanted to borrow 50 million dollars from the Deutsche Bank. However, the bank has refused to give the loan after the Netherlands had lodged an objection. The Netherlands wants the conditions in article 29 of the Charter for the Kingdom of the Netherlands to apply for all loans that Aruba takes. At this moment, those conditions only apply to loans taken outside the Kingdom. Oduber stopped all negotiations due to the Netherlands’s position; also the negotiations about more collaboration between the kingdom islands after the Neth.Antilles disintegrate.


On 10-24 ARUBAAN's news-source “Amigoe.com” reported about another ARUBA tourists safety issue:

Tuberculosis in the hospital

ARUBA – A case of tuberculosis (tbc) was detected in the Horacio Oduber Hospital (HOH). The patient in question was in the Medium Care ward of the hospital for two weeks mid October.

Hospital spokesperson Bob Harms said that the patient has been isolated, in order to prevent further contamination. The HOH has also contacted all the patients that were in the same ward of the hospital during that period and are possibly infected. They were asked to report at the Infectious Diseases Service, so that they can be tested for tbc. Also the nurses and other employees of the hospital that were in the vicinity of the patient are being tested.

Tbc is a contagious infection disease, caused by the mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is being spread by particles in the air coming from the coughing or sneezing of a patient. Most of the time, tbc starts in the lungs, but can spread to other organs. Harms explained that Aruba runs a high risk of getting tbc cases on the island. “Colombia, Venezuela, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic are risk countries. It is impossible to test everybody for tbc that comes to Aruba from these countries. The HOH does therefore an internal medical check, which revealed open tbc”, said Harms.

This is the second time this year that tbc was detected in the HOH. The first time was in July.


Harms also indicated that the Meticilline Resistente Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) bacterium is around. He immediately emphasized that this bacteria has nothing to do with tbc. MRSA was detected in the Intensive Care Unit last week. The patients that were in ICU, had to be quarantined. The unit was immediately closed and disinfected. The persons that have been in contact with these patients were also treated.

MRSA is a bacterium that is insensitive to most saleable antibiotic. This disease is therefore difficult to control. MRSA infection is dangerous for people with serious low resistance. MRSA is a big threat for a hospital.

On 10-24 ARUBAAN's news-source “Amigoe.com” reported:

Budget standard for Aruban government

The media awaited the Dutch minister of Kingdom Relations, Atzo Nicolaï (VVD), and premier Nelson Oduber (MEP) at the end of the deliberation that would reinforce the relations between both countries. Photo: Sharina Henriquez

ARUBA – Aruba will soon establish a budget-standard via a National Ordinance; an Aruban act. That is one of the results of Monday’s conversation between premier Nelson Oduber and the Dutch minister of Kingdom Relations, Atzo Nicolaï. “It was a stiff conversation”, said Nicolaï, “but the relationship between both countries is restored.”

There will be an extra Federal Council of Ministers next week Friday to discuss the matter about the financial loans of Aruba. Oduber says that the Netherlands has understood that the local loans of Aruba are the island’s own responsibility and not that of the kingdom’s government. Oduber indicated being willing to see together about the financial situation of Aruba. “We were already planning a standard for the revenues and expenses of the government. This will be settled in the 2007-2008 budgets.”

The visit of Nicolaï to Aruba was kind of iffy last week, because Oduber was enraged at the conditions that the Netherlands stipulated for the financial loans. The premier threatened to stop all negotiations; also the ones on more collaboration between the kingdom islands after the Neth.Antilles disintegrate Thanks to the mediation of the Representation of the Netherlands in Aruba, the two ministers still met. The media was outside waiting for them after the meeting. They only told the media about the problem with the financial loans of Aruba. Whether Aruba will continue negotiating on the collaboration with the other islands, was not clear. Aruba will still be observer at next week’s meeting between Curacao and St. Maarten.


On 10-25 DUTCH news “SBS” channel 6 journalist PETER R. de VRIES reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Rammstein”)

Show staff starts investigation Natalee Holloway

People working for our show are currently busy with a closer investigation into the disappearance of the American Natalee Holloway on Aruba. The 18 year old girl disappeared without a trace at the end of May 2005 after a night in a club/discotheque. She was staying on the island while on a 5 day vacation with a group of students from her school.

Natalee was last seen when she left the club/discotheque after closing time with three boys in a car that was driving to the beach. The three friends were arrested a little over a week later after it was proven that they had lied about what they had done with the girl. First they told the police that they dropped Natalee off at her hotel. But soon this story was found to be incorrect.

The three boys - Joran van der Sloot and the brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe - were released in time due to insufficient evidence. Also Joran's father, judge in training Paul van der Sloot, was held in prison for some time. Besides these suspects the police in Aruba and in the Netherlands arrested several potential suspects. But they too had to be released due to insufficient evidence.

In the US especially this case has been big news but in the Netherlands the case has also been covered extensively. But this did not lead to new and substantial leads.

People who know more about the case are asked to contact our show. All tips will be handled confidentially.


On 10-27 ARUBAAN's news-source “Amigoe.com” reported:

Swaen: ‘Financial reputation of Aruba at stake’

Minister Nicolaï is looking for alternatives, so that Aruba can still borrow money.

ORANJESTAD – The reputation and name of Aruba on the international financial market
is at stake, says minister Nilo Swaen (MEP) of Finance and Economic Affairs, as a result
of the conditions that the Netherlands had laid down for borrowing money abroad.

These statements are in the report of the meeting between the Aruban and Dutch
government of last Monday. The Aruban ministers that attended this meeting were
Premier Nelson Oduber, Finance-minister Swaen, Justice-minister Rudy Croes (MEP)
and minister Plenipotentiary Frido Croes (MEP), and the Dutch minister for
Governmental Renewal and Kingdom Relations, Atzo Nicolaï (VVD).

It appears that Nicolaï is looking for alternatives, now that according to him, Aruba can not
agree with the conditions, namely that the Federal Minister Council must also approve the
local loans. As Amigoe reported earlier, the minister wants to include a Dutch expert in the
Aruban committee Public Finances that amongst others is working on the budget standard.

This committee will have to report to the Federal Council of Ministers and the federal
government will also have to monitor the recommendations, said Nicolaï. He continues
saying that the budget standards of the kingdom countries must be laid down in a statute

Swaen indicated in a reaction that in the past five years, the Netherlands has never
mentioned that there are stipulations with borrowing money in foreign countries. Aruba
participates in the international financial market and is being monitored by the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) and Fitch Ratings. According to the minister, Aruba has better ratings
this year compared to last year.

According to the minister, there was a quick scan and the idea based on this is, that
Dutch experts work together with Aruban civil servants in order to make corrections.
When necessary, Aruba has always cooperated with the Netherlands. The two countries
should not be treating each other like this, said the minister.

With regard to the committee Public Finances, Swaen indicates that the government is
already planning to suggest the Parliament to establish a budget standard via a national
ordinance and not via a statute law. However, for official reasons, he cannot agree with
reporting the progress of the committee to the Federal Council of Ministers, because it
is an internal matter.
He finally points out that when other interests are at stake, and with that he means the
negotiations regarding more collaboration with the other islands, they should discussed
it openly. There is no longer a mutual trust, concluded Swaen.

Nicolaï said on Wednesday during the press conference in Curacao, that Aruba does
not play a part in the governmental deliberation that takes place in The Hague next
week Wednesday. Minister Plenipotentiary Croes will basically attend this meeting
as observer.

The following persons were present at the conversations for Aruba: Prime Minister
Nelson Oduber, Finance-minister Swaen, Justice-minister Rudy Croes, minister
Plenipotentiary Frido Croes, and the (official) employees Peter Davidse, Erwin Croes
and Bano Lopez. For the Netherlands were present: minister Nicolaï, Representative of
the Netherlands in Aruba Rens Knegt, and a press officer of minister Nicolaï.

On 10-27 ARUBAAN's news-source “Amigoe.com” reported:

Nicolaï in St. Maarten: ‘Three important issues

WILLEMSTAD/PHILIPSBURG – After a meeting with the permanent committee for
constitutional matters of the Island Council of St. Maarten yesterday that lasted three
hours, the minister of Kingdom Relations Atzo Nicolaï (VVD) had to establish that there
was indeed clarity, but that what St. Maarten is concerned, there are still three important
issues that impede an agreement.

“The three issues that we are currently concentrating on are the organization of the
Public Prosecutor, the police, and when the Netherlands is willing to start with the purging
of the debt.” The Netherlands and St. Maarten are united on a joint Court, the importance
of one Central Bank for Curacao and St. Maarten, and conditions for financial supervision.

“We have established that we agree on many issues. There are still the three that we will
have to discuss heavily in the near future.” As laid down in the document Partners in the
Kingdom, the Netherlands strives for one Public Prosecutor, one police corps for the entire
Caribbean part of the Kingdom. With regard to the debt, the Netherlands wants to solve the
debt problem only when the new political structure becomes a fact, while St. Maarten wants
that before then.

On 10-27 ARUBAAN's news-source “Amigoe.com” reported:

The Netherlands promised Aruba millions of

ORANJESTAD -- The Netherlands has promised Aruba about 260 million florins.
Frendsel Giel, director of Aruban Investment Bank (AIB) is of the opinion that the
Netherlands can better deposit this amount in the Aruban Development Fund (FDA)

“There is currently no overview of the expenses. Besides, it’s now a matter of
destruction of capital.”

Aruba and the Netherlands entered an agreement, the so-called Aruba-deal in 2002. The
FDA was established with this agreement. It was furthermore agreed that under the
condition that Aruba balances her budget, the Netherlands will pay another 270 million
florins in activities that concern the Kingdom and Aruba, like money for the Coastguard,
special investigation, tax judges, interest subsidies on old Dutch loans to Aruba, and
current obligations regarding government projects.

Of this amount, also 120 millions is reserved to purge Aruba’s debts to the Netherlands.

To determine that balancing, the definition of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is
maintained and Aruba must produce an annual statement of accounts approved by the
Central Accountants’ Service.
The agreement was also that if for three consecutive years, Aruba has not complied with
the conditions of balancing the budget, there would be political deliberations between both
countries. That has meanwhile happened and the decision was to deposit 15 million florins
of the reserved amount for the debt restructuring into the FDA for the purpose of
maintenance of law and order.


AIB-director Giel is of the opinion that the Netherlands must also deposit the rest of the
amount into the FDA. “The Netherlands has promised that amount, so why don’t they give
it to us, so we can invest it and collect interest for example. Nothing is currently done with
the money; it’s a matter of destruction of capital. A lot less can be bought with 120 million
Dutch guilders after 6 years.”

Giel realizes that Aruba must first do something regarding the balancing of the budget.
“FDA has proofed itself as an independent and reliable entity. The money is managed well
and as soon as the government complies with the conditions, the money will be released.”

The Netherlands should be clear about how much money was spent in the past years on
the other activities, like the earlier mentioned coastguard and maintenance of law and
order. “And what is left of the 150 millions? The Netherlands has never informed Aruba of
the state of affairs. Aruba also doesn’t know what the investments have yielded.”

The 2005-2006 Federal-budget of the ministry of Finance in the Netherlands is stated that
10.4 million euro is reserved for debt restructuring of Aruba. It also states that this amount
will be transferred to the next budget year, since Aruba has not yet complied with the
conditions of balancing the budget. But this amount is no longer specifically mentioned in
the 2007 Federal-budget.

On 10-27 FOX News GRETA VAN SUSTEREN reported on her “Gretawire” blog, “I continue to get many e-mails about the Natalee Holloway investigation. I make calls often about this unsolved mystery, but so far nothing new. As soon as there is something new, I promise we will bring that to you ASAP. I speak to Beth often.”


On 10-29 Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK and SATISH KALPOE's lawyer DAVID KOCK stated to “Scared Monkey‘s Radio” talk radio:
(audio available HERE)
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Heli”)

Dana Pretzer and David Kock, Attorney for Deepak and Satish Kalpoe.
October 29, 2006



This case has been in the media for some time now. Many of us including the person I have on the phone would like to get some answers to conclude this case. Everybody would like to have a competent investigation done. On November 1, D & S Kalpoe will be going to Court to ask that they no longer be considered suspects.

On the line I have David Kock. Again, I apologize my intention is not to put you on the spot, it's a difficult case with all the worldwide attention that's been given to it.

Probably everyone would like to have it concluded and get answers


My client also wants this case to be over one way or the other. From the authorities there are no conclusions, they are trying to force one, they don't want it to keep going on like this.


Some say it's been bungled from the beginning. As a defense attorney, some would say it's a perfect case, that you expected this would go to a murder charge. What are you thoughts


It's always very easy to say what could have been done better. If you have a small island you can compare to a small town in America, you might say in retrospect it could have been done better. AT a certain moment the whole case was given over to Holland and none of those have been able to come up with any answers.

It's always easy to finger point, but that's always after the fact that it becomes much easier.


What happens on November 1


We find nothing is happening in this case, we want it to move on. We are asking the Judge to tell the DA bring us to trial or dismiss the case. We cannot be for so many months doing nothing. Last time they are going to have a show on Dutch tv 9,000 kms from here, what are they going to find out there. It seems that whenever we start saying you have to do something, finish this they come up with some other thing.


The timing of the Nov 1 appearance and the fact that a cold case squad from Holland was reinvestigating the case has come up, comment if you're successful in court, how does that affect the cold case detectives


... I must say it was somewhere in July that we submitted this request, and once again the Judge because of the high profile of this case, because everybody is looking he decided not to make a decision but wait 3.5 more months to see if the DA can put the case together or not.

It's not that we put the date to November 1, it's been something put over for 3.5 months. We see once again some activity is taking place.

If we're successful, the Judge will say take it to trial, or he will say dismiss the case.
It would not affect any Court case, but of course for the record my clients would not be suspects, which also means the investigative authorities cannot compel them to come in for questioning. They can't force anything on them.


In North America we've scratched our heads about your law. One question, if you're successful, your clients couldn't be forced to come in for questions, Could they volunteer with your assistance to come in as witnesses


Possible, we'd have to evaluate at the time. Of course, it's not something that an ex suspect is going to be doing voluntarily


It's human nature to protect yourself, but in the court of public opinion and court of law, it helps if you're not directly involved to come forward and help and it's appreciated


My clients have given very many statements to the police answering all the questions, of course you cannot deny that in the first few, 2 days, they told the story that the other suspect wanted them to tell. They were thoroughly interrogated and answered everything. It's not that they are hiding something and prefer not to talk.


We're discussing the November 1 court appearance to determine whether his clients will be suspects.

On November 1, will there be a petition to the court for financial compensation


No, that is not going to be a request. We're asking to take it to trial or dismiss it, no financial compensation


Cold case talking to your clients?


No, no, they haven't been approached. Last time that my clients answered police questions was a year ago. In the meantime they haven't been approached by the Dutch, not by the FBI or anybody.


What do you make of Joran first saying that Deepak picked him up then Satish. Did your clients pick him up


No, not at all. They said they did not, that hasn't changed. You know that's one of the discrepancies, but they never indicated that they picked him up. It's a matter of elimination, you confront them and the story changes


Joran's lawyer, Tacopina has claimed that after Deepak was released he sent a friend a message that Satish did pick him up


No, when they say things and don't present the proof then you can't take that as fact


Deepak was in the car running when they left C&C any explanation for that.


That has not been the story of my client. I don't know where that comes from


I talked about the court of public opinion. I don't know how important that is to your guys, obviously this last period of time this has turned their lives upside down. What are their thoughts about finally being able to get on with their lives?


that's what they would prefer right now. I think basically it's one of the reasons we are doing what we're doing on November 1.

We could just wait and after so much time the statute of limitations would expire, but if there's no activity of the prosecuting authority the Court says you must release those suspects. We are taking the active position to try to have something happen. Either a trial or dismiss this case. Everybody has looked at it, the Dutch, the Arubans and we have to dismiss the case.


Is there an appeal process? Charges are filed let's say and you take this to Court. Can you appeal the process as far as show cause or preliminary hearing. Can you take the DA to Court and tell her show the evidence


There's a procedure like that, but that's not what we're doing. Once the Summons goes out for the court date, you can appeal that, but we're not in that phase. We're going after the DA to either do your thing or get off the pot, you cannot keep this thing alive artificially. Something has to happen.


If it was your daughter, and the last 3 guys were arrested and lied about their involvement, wouldn't you think they were guilty? Joran said to Fox I don't blame them for that, I was if I was looking from the outside, I'd have something to do with it, that just doesn't make sense either. Joran has said many times your clients are lying.

I think, we should get some kind of an answer from your clients as far as it's a he said he said, Joran is blaming your clients ..


I hope it comes out eventually, I mean look to set the record straight, my clients do not owe the public anything. This is not something they have an obligation for, they want it to come to an end. If you are the 3 persons who were alone with this girl, everybody will look at that.

If two of the guys say I don't have any answers, they don't have the answers. In the States you have cases like that, look at OJ Simpson.


It doesn't mean they're not guilty. It's one of those things. Our system is a pretty good system, but when a family has a missing loved one and they don't get the answers they hope to get.... Hopefully all parties can sit down and decide they'll do the right thing.

David you're a stand up guy, I hope you come on with me again and update us.

Are you prepared to take it to trial?


Yes, we were the ones who wanted to go to trial or dismiss it.


You don't represent Joran van der Sloot at all, do you?


No, no, no. that would be a very big conflict of interest.


On 10-30 “Freedom of Blog” identity “MF” reported:

Last week a team of ALE accompanied documents on a KLM flight en route to the Netherlands. The total package: 210 KG of documentation. How much if nay is related to the Natalee case we can just assume so. But one thing for sure: it is nothing compared to the 1 KG of documentation the Twitts and Monkeys have in their possession.

What could those other hundreds of pages be?

(210 KG is 462 pounds)

On 10-30 the “Aruban Boycott Blogspot” reported:


This is an interesting article about an American tourist who was slipped GHB in her drink while vacationing in Bermuda just weeks ago. Luckily for her, she had friends who knew what was going on, and took care of the situation. Bermuda is now in the middle of damage control...not wanting to be associated with Aruba. They want to be considered SAFE.


Even Bermuda is not immune to this epidemic

(Source)--A warning about the dangers of date rape drugs was issued last night as it emerged that a woman had a narrow escape after her drink was apparently spiked. An American tourist rescued by friends who feared her drink had been laced at a Hamilton city bar.

Despite only drinking half, she was left with no control over her body – and her limbs "felt like lead"

Penny Dill, executive director at the Women's Resource Centre, yesterday urged women to be on their guard and warned – "It could happen again." She added: "Watch your drink, do not accept drinks from people you don't know. Even if you do know them, be extremely careful."

The tourist, in her 20s and now back in the US after visiting friends in Bermuda on vacation, had the lucky escape at about 1.30 a.m. on Saturday. Ms. Dill said the woman was with friends when she was approached by a man who started off a conversation by asking "inappropriate questions" about her love life.

He offered to buy her a drink and she refused, however, bar staff still poured one. As the young tourist picked up the drink, she was bumped by another man on the other side of her. Ms Dill said this was believed to be moment when the drug was slipped into the drink.

Luckily, the tourist was with a friend who saw her get bumped then cornered by the two men. After having barely half the drink, her male friend asked if she had taken the drink from the suspect. Fearing it had been spiked, he took it from her and told her not to have any more.

That may have saved her from serious harm.

In a warning email circulated across the Island yesterday, Ms. Dill said that by the time the woman arrived home she had "no control over her muscles". She added: "She could not walk or move her arms or even hold a phone to her ear. Her limbs felt like lead. "She was lucky because she had friends around to help her." A female friend had to help her to the bathroom, as she was unable to go without help, although the woman did not feel like vomiting.

Some 12 hours after leaving the bar, the tourist went to hospital where a urine sample was taken. Doctors said she had the symptoms of date rape drug Rohypnol and sent the sample away for confirmation. Police were informed, Ms Dill added.

Several suspected drug rape cases have already been reported to the WRC. But Ms. Dill said the weekend incident was the first time (First time my ass!) somebody seems to have seen a drink getting spiked, followed by doctors indicating that a victim had been drugged. "This is the first concrete example," she said. (Why? Because the rest were victims and went home not knowing what happened to them.)

"Other people have suspected. They have had a bit to drink and found themselves waking up in a strange situation and they don't know how they got there. "Because they can't remember anything they have been reluctant to come forward. They come to us for counselling but can't go to Police because – what can they tell them?"

She said the scale of the date rape drug problem in Bermuda was hard to gauge, with three suspected cases reported so far this year. Ms Dill called on women to watch their drinks and to have "buddy systems" when out with pals. "If your friend is drunk, stay with them," she stated. "Do not let them be taken out of the door by somebody they do not know.

"Women need to look out for each other because somebody might not just be drunk."

Commenting on the incident involving the tourist, Police said last night that specific allegations had been made relating to the reported use of "foreign substances". A spokesman said: "We are investigating a report of a woman who made a specific complaint that a foreign substance was introduced to her. We are in the process of conducting interviews.

"Bermuda Police Service is carrying out a full investigation into the incident surrounding that case." He added: "We want the public to be safe, however, we do not want to create a state of alarm until we have all the facts."

Echoing the safety advice of the resource centre, he said women should travel with a "buddy", never take drinks from strangers and never leave drinks unattended.

On 10-30 ARUBAAN's news-source “Amigoe.com” reported:

Lawsuit against the Netherlands

ORANJESTAD – If by this Friday the Netherlands does not change her position regarding the foreign loans, the Aruban government will take them to court. The relations between the countries got this worse that Aruba will not be present at the governmental deliberations on the new political relations within the Kingdom this Wednesday.

Premier Nelson Oduber already announced last week that if the Netherlands continues to stand by the conditions regarding the foreign loans, he would lodge an internal appeal.

The government’s position is now, that if the Federal Council of Ministers does not approve the 50 million dollars loan of the Deutsch Bank, Aruba will go to court and also claim compensation for the damages caused by canceling the loan.

‘The Netherlands has made us autonomous in 1954 and Aruba alone at the Round Table Conference in 1983. And now in 2006, the Netherlands wants to colonize us again”, said Oduber. Last week Monday, Minister Atzo Nicolaï invited Aruba to attend the governmental deliberation on the new relations within the Kingdom as observer. This two-day deliberation starts Wednesday in The Hague. The Minister Plenipotentiary was going to do this at first, but he has meanwhile cancelled.

On 10-30 ARUBAAN's news-source “Amigoe.com” reported another ARUBA drugs related issue:

Man caught with 5 kilos drugs

ORANJESTAD – Customs officials have run in a man yesterday that tried to smuggle 5 kilos cocaine on a flight to the Netherlands. The 61-year old S.A.H. had put the drugs in 13 packages that he taped on his belly, buttocks, and thighs. H. was discovered when a sniffle dog started to bark on him during the passengers control in the departure hall. The man was handed over to the organized crime department. H. declared that he was in Aruba on vacation and that he was talked into smuggling the drugs.


On 10-31 the “Trinidad Guardian” reported:

What did Caricom get in return?

Guest Editorial

Co-operation among countries in this era of terrorism is a vital need if countries are to anticipate and thwart the efforts of those who would order the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent people.

Whatever the ideological rationalisation of such attacks by whoever the protagonists, and there are many aggressors in the international politico-military world, people often far removed from the decisions of leaders don’t deserve to die in the horrible conditions caused by terrorist attacks.

All of this is to say that it was good to see Caricom countries entering into arrangements with their major trading and assistance partner to the North to hand over information that could stop a bomb blast. And it must be said, from what has been released about the information to be given to Washington, there is nothing that is unnecessarily invasive of individual privacy.

However, interaction in international affairs is about the self-interest of the actors in international politics. In that context, while it is clear what the US will gain from the information pact, it is less clear what Caricom hopes to gain for its co-operation with the US.

And this is particularly missing at a time when Caricom, as a group of countries, is literally pleading for the US to reconsider the damage that will be done to land-based tourism in the Caribbean as a result of the requirement that, from January 2007, all American tourists flying into the region must have passports.

This requirement is clearly meant to damage the financial interests of Caribbean states, many of which depend on tourism to put bread on people’s plates, as they compete with the attractions of Mexico, Canada and cruise ship tourism in the Caribbean.

For some unexplainable reason, the passport requirement law does not become effective for cruise ships or tourists heading to Mexico or Canada until June 2009.
At this time, about 50 per cent of the Americans who now come to the Caribbean for vacations do not now have passports. Moreover, it will cost an American family of four, US$600 to acquire passports and it could take a couple months for the travel documents to be processed.

Countries such as Jamaica, Aruba, Antigua, the Bahamas and several others which get 60 per cent and upwards of their land-based visitors from the US market will be hit a devastating blow as US citizens take the easier options for their vacations.
The anticipated losses will run into billions of US dollars annually for the tourism-oriented economies of the region.

While this may have little immediate resonance in Trinidad, it is always useful to remember that if our neighbours are poorer, T&T’s manufacturing and financial sectors will be affected.

Put more graphically, the eastern and northern Caribbean countries can only pay for the manufactured goods, financial, engineering and other kinds of services they purchase from T&T with the dollars they earn from tourism.

US Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff made it clear that the requirement for the passport will not be revisited. The question must be to our leaders: What did they seek, if anything, in return from Washington for the co-operation against terrorism? Is it that they are incapable of hard-nosed negotiations when it comes to engagement with countries such as the US?

But the US must also consider that its actions in hindering Caribbean states from engaging in fair trade in tourism and related industries only opens the doors for all kinds of other possibilities.


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The Natalee Holloway Timeline Detailing Persons, Outright Lies, & Natalee's Known Kidnapping, Rape, Murder, & Corpse Disposal Suspects in Aruba . . . . http://nataleetimelinedetails.blogspot.com/