December 31, 2006

Detailed Timeline.... December 1 - 31, 2006.... the start of the long road of the assassination of Aruba - Dutch "justice"

The Natalee Holloway Timeline
of her vanishment while in Aruba
detailing persons, places, organizations,
deliberate & accidental actions & in-actions,
events & supposed events, witnesses,
known suspects, outright lies,
corruptions, and crimes


On 12-1 “Scrux” identity “Jon” reported:

Joran and Guido Relationship Revealed?

I've confirmed to my personal satisfaction, it is true that in court yesterday, it was revealed that Guido Wever told police there was an intimate relationship between himself and Joran.

I assume this information was introduced by the prosecutor or Kalpoe attorney, as I don't see how it can possibly benefit Joran. Joran may be bisexual, but he's clearly not exclusively homosexual: It's well established that he has been sexually active with females, and he's admitted that he was hoping to have sex with Natalee. So Joran's lawyer can't argue, as Guido's lawyer did, that his client wouldn't have raped Natalee because he is gay.

And this information is potentially significant, as it makes Guido a more plausible body disposal accomplice. Despite the fact that Guido was working in the vicinity of the Marriott beach that night, as a croupier in the HI casino, the problem I always had with Guido as such an accomplice, is that Guido didn't seem to have a close enough relationship with Joran, that he would be Joran's first choice of someone he would trust with knowledge that could send him to prison. But if they were lovers that changes the dynamic considerably, no longer would it be so likely that Joran would have instead called his father or Freddy.

The crucial question would then be the timeline. What time did Guido get off work?

2:00 or 2:30: Fits the timeline perfectly.

3:00: Workable, but a bit complicated. Joran and Guido would have 33 minutes to dispose of Natalee before Joran logged onto his computer at home, plenty of time to remove her from the beach and drive her to a dumpster. However Joran called Deepak at 2:26, and TMed "I'm home" to Deepak from his cell phone at 3:15. So assuming he called Deepak after Natalee died, he'd have needed to wait for 20-30 minutes outside the casino. Then he and Guido would probably have actually still been out disappearing Natalee, when he TMed Deepak to tell him he was home. And luckily for him he would have just happened to be using the same cell tower as his home when he did so.

3:30: Guido is innocent.

The rumored time is 3:00, but I can't find a transcript or news article where this is stated.

On 12-1 PETER R. DE VRIES stated to “Inside Edition” (video here)

On 12-1 GRETA VAN SUSTEREN wrote in her “Gretawire” blog:

As for the court appearance in Aruba yesterday, I would love to have seen the "power presentation" put on by the prosecutor to persuade the judge to keep the Kalpoe brothers as suspects. The judge will rule in the next few weeks... I can't imagine what the prosecutor presented and I so wish that they did not do these things in secret.

On 12-1 ARUBAAN's news-source “Diario” reported:


ORANJESTAD(AAN): Diahuebs DIARIO a entrevista abogado di Deepak y Satish Kalpoe, esta David Kock, despues cu el a bay corte.

E abogado a splica cu for di Augustus el a bay corte pa pidi huez pa pidi Ministerio Publico pa termina e investigacion cu nan ta hasi contra su clientenan, den e caso di desaparicion di Natalee Holloway.

Esaki por sosode na dos manera, uno ta cu huez ta bisa Ministerio Publico cu tal dia nan mester entama e caso contra nan, pa un huez dicidi por fin si nan ta culpable of no culpable.

E otro manera ta cu e huez ta bisa Ministerio Publico cu el a ripara cu nan no tin caso y cu Ministerio Publico mester stop di investiga nan. Despues cu esaki a wordo pidi, huez comisario a duna Ministerio Publico te cu dia prome di November pa nan hasi esaki.

Despues cu 1 di November e abogado a tuma contacto cu huez comisario pa wak kico su decision ta. E huez Comisario, mirando cu e mester a bin for di Corsow, a pone Diahuebs 30 di November pa trata e peticion.

Diahuebs durante e caso, Ministerio Publico a purba di splica con leu nan ta cu nan investigacion, unda cu nan a trece dilanti diferente pida evidencia cu nan tin entre otro combersacionnan scucha via tap y preguntanan cu nan tin.

Segun abogado Kock e presentacion di e fiscal a mustra cu sigur contra su clientenan practicamente no tin ningun evidencia clave. Otro cos ta cu e preguntanan cu Ministerio Publico tin ainda den e caso aki, no tin nada di haber cu Satish y Deepak Kalpoe.

Kock a sigui bisa cu Ministerio Publico ta papia die 3 sospechosonan, como si fuera nan ta mara na otro. Huez Comisario a scucha tur e partidonan, inclusive abogado Carlo representando Joran van der Sloot, pasobra e casonan a wordo trata hunto.

El a bisa cu mas lihe posibel a ta bay tuma decision pa cu e peticion aki. DIARIO a bisa e abogado cu su clientenan mes a declara cu nan tabata cu e hoben Mericano y quizas ta pesey nan ta wordo considera sospechoso ainda.
Abogado Kock a bisa e ora ey cu esey ta berdad, pero na dado momento nan a laga Natalee su so cu Joran.

Nan declaracion ta consistente. E simpel echo cu Deepak y Satish a duna e hoben Mericano un lift te na cierto momento, no ta un delito. E dossier no ta mustra tampoco un envolvimento mas leu cu esey.

Segun e abogado, su clientenan no ta mind pa bin un caso contra nan, loke nan kier ta pa yega un final na henter e asunto aki. Ministerio Publico ta keda para ariba cu nan ta investiga, pero e investigacion no ta bayendo niun caminda.

DIARIO a puntra mr Kock con hopi e caso aki a afecta su clientenan. Segun e abogado e caso aki a afecta su clientenan masha hopi mes. Su clientenan no tin bida normal mas aki na Aruba.

Nan tin problema cu permiso y unda cu nan bay un dede ta wordo punta riba nan. Financieramente e caso aki tabata catastrofico pa nan, unda cu entre otro nan mama a perde trabao.

Pesey nan kier pa esaki yega na su fin. E abogado ta trahando tambe riba e asunto di e problema cu nan tin di haya permiso.

On 12-1 ARUBAAN's news-source “” reported:

A meeting with the governor today
Chaotic demonstration against bbo

(PHOTO) Protesters broke through the barriers that the police have put up to prevent the people from getting too close to the entrance of the Government office.

(PHOTO) Minister Nilo Swaen (MEP) of Finance accepts the petition with almost 11.000 signatures from Marlon Pieters, the organizer of the protest action against the bbo.

ORANJESTAD – The manifestation against the introduction of the new taxation on the turnover of businesses in Aruba went very chaotic yesterday. The police had put up barriers to prevent the protesters from getting too close to the entrance of the Government office. But these barriers were broken. The police had trouble keeping the protestors away from the entrance, but they managed. Despite the difficulties, organizer Marlon Pieters is pleased with the turnout. An estimate of 700 people took part.

Pieters is also pleased with the almost 11.000 people that signed the petition against the sales tax. “The emotions were hot, and that was also bad for me, because I am also a police officer. But we managed to give the government the petition and that’s what we came for.”

The protestors all dressed in black, holding posters imaging crying people with texts ‘No more, how much more can the people endure?’ gathered at 15:00 at the Juliana School and the protest march, accompanied by sad music started at 16:30. This made it look more like a funeral than a manifestation.

The protestors were complaining about not being able to survive with the income they have. Everything in the supermarkets is very expensive. 100 Florins won’t buy you the necessities any longer. Aruba is becoming the same as the many Latin American countries that have also introduced such tax: no longer a place to live, says a young woman from Guatemala that immigrated to Aruba.

The protestors arrived at the government office, but the barriers kept them about 15 meters from the entrance to the building. But led by AVP-leader Mike Eman they pushed the barriers and shouted ‘Let’s go inside’. All of this to the dissatisfaction of Marlon Pieters that was trying to keep the people calm. But due to the big masses of people, he fell and people almost stepped over him. He managed to jump up fast and for a moment he was afraid that the people would manage to go inside the building. Pieters and Andin Bikker, who supported the manifestation as leader of PDR had to have the gift of the gab in order to calm the people. Bikker doesn’t think that the government will mind the manifestation. “The bbo will be introduced. This action won’t stop that. But this is the last chance that the government gets to postpone the bbo, before the unions paralyze Aruba. The government will have to assume her responsibility, when it comes to this. We have done our best as political parties.”

Finance-minister Nilo Swaen (MEP) came out under police protection to accept the petition from Pieters. He said that he will give a reaction on the petition. That’s all Pieters wanted, hand over the petition. But that was apparently not enough for Eman. He demanded that Nelson Oduber comes out also. He gave him one hour to do so, and when after an hour the premier didn’t, he incited the people to stay where they are until the government come with a reaction.

Of the 700 people only 100 were still present around 19:30. The police and Pieters tried to convince Eman to terminate the manifestation and send the people home. But he was still not satisfied and demanded this time a conversation with the governor. He received a confirmation from the governor that he will meet with a delegation the next day at 10:00.

He then put an end to the manifestation, but some people refused to go home.

Minister Swaen will have a conversation with the unions about bbo on Monday. The unions didn’t take part in the manifestation. They are considering a national strike.

On 12-1 FOX News reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Andie”)

BILL O‘REILLY, HOST: I DON'T THINK ARUBA EVER WANTED TO SOLVE THIS CRIME...ever. I think the authorities were in the tank from the very beginning, and NOW we have evidence that Joran van der Sloot, who I BELIEVE DID THIS...his lawyer apparently spoke out of "school."(= not sure ?)

GERALDO RIVERA, JOURNALIST: We have no states between us (= not sure?) on this issue. NOW comes Peter De Vries, who is often called the Mike Wallace of Holland. He does this 80 minute documentary that involves alot of filming of interviews with hidden cameras.

AND HE GOT ANTONIO CARLO, Joran's original Aruban attorney to ADMIT THAT HE HAD A CLANDESTINE SECRET MEETING WITH THE PROSECUTOR, KARIN JANSSEN...Janssen, who is the original prosecutor in the case.

Peter alleges that that meeting was Joran's counsel...clearing his conscience and saying to the prosecutor, that I believe my client was somehow responsible for this...for her disappearance.

Everyone denies that bottom line...that it was a "conscience clearing meeting", although it is fairly well established by now, THAT THERE WAS A RELATIVELY UNPRECEDENTED MEETING BETWEEN THE DEFENSE ATTORNEY AND THE PROSECUTOR for some reason...Peter suggesting that...

BILL: Nobody knows...




BILL: Here is the "smoking gun," and this is WHY I WILL NEVER GO TO ARUBA...unless I am on assignment and have to go there. This is WHY.

There is a house on the grounds of the van der Sloot estate in Aruba...a house, where authorities NOW BELIEVE NATALEE HOLLOWAY that little house, where Joran took his girlfriends to have sex.

ORIGINALLY, THEY HAD A SEARCH WARRANT to go through the house and look at everything. When the police arrived...ON THE SPOT, they changed the search warrant...THAT'S TRUE...IT IS ON THE RECORD. THEY WERE SAYING, WE DON'T WANT THIS SOLVED, because of the man's father... because of van der Sloot's father. THAT IS THE SMOKING GUN, GERALDO. I will give you the last word on it.

GERALDO: Well, if indeed that is true, and I don't know it to be true; but it adds to a PATTERN of at least "MALIGNANT INACTION" in a case, where they NEVER EVEN CONDUCTED A THOROUGH INVESTIGATION, UNTIL BETH TWITTY WENT DOWN THERE AND "RAISED HELL"...

BILL: ...and DEMANDED...



That is the key to this whole thing...that search warrant WAS CHANGED ON THE SPOT, and that SHOWED TO ME THEY DON'T WANT TO SOLVE THIS.

GERALDO: Well, I certainly would like to have some forensic evidence.

BILL: and I ought go down there on assignment.

GERALDO: Ah, yeah...


BILL: We will kick some serious butt...alright.

GERALDO: Lets do it!

On 12-1 JOSSY MANSUR stated to DANA PRETZER on the “Scared Monkeys Radio Show”
(audio available here ; MANSUR comments start about 42 minutes into the show)
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “rohn” who provided the following summary of MANSUR’s interview statements)

O'Reilly says that he thinks that Aruba doesn't want to solve the case.

Jossy says that the search warrant was changed on the premises and instead of searching the whole house, they limited the search to Joran's apartment. Jossy doesn't know who the judge was on site, but that Ben was at the gate of the VDS residence when the posse arrived. Jossy not sure why he was there, but thinks it's strange because Ben is an employee of the prosecution. Ben had no business being there unless he was a very close friend.

Jossy agrees with O'Reilly, because if they wanted to solve the case the gov't would have put pressure on the cops. Dompig told Jossy that the three suspects admitted "that they did have have sex with this girl" when she was going in and out of consciousess. This is a fact. This has been confirmed to Jossy. I have a video of Dompig confirming this fact. There also have sufficient evidence to prosecute the suspects on the basis of kidnapping and rape. Why they didn't prosecute is a mystery to Jossy.

The three suspects made a court appearance to change their status. Judge Smid originally refused that petition. Now they are trying again based on the passage of time and that the prosecution hasn't brought any case against them. They are expecting the ruling to come down by next week.

Dana asked Kock a question as to whether if the K's were not suspects, would they be witnesses to help solve the case and Kock said he couldn't rule that out. Asks if Jossy has heard anything from Dutch review. Jossy says no. Haven't heard anything about the DUtch investigation or anything about an investigation continuing in Aruba. Apparenly they are still studying the documents in Holland.

Following the court case there was a meeting between Jans(s)en and the police investigators but don't know what happened.

On Carlo question. Jossy says she has not heard that Jans(s)en publicly confirm or deny that and he thought she would have. Jossy says if he had to pick one of the two to believe he would pick Jans(s)en.

Jossy believes that de Vries will follow up. Diario helped by providing some of the documents, but did not help the investigation. We know the answers but just don't have any proof.

Criticism of de Vries by U.S. lawyers that de Vries was just doing this for money. Jossy says this is crazy, de Vries doesn't have to do any particular show for money.

Joran and Guido. There is a statement to the effect that J and G had more of a friendship kind of relationship. That statement came from (he thinks) Guido himself to the police.

I have a videotape of a conversation with Dompig that he said specifically that they were back on the case they were studying the tape again and they have the goods to bring these guys back based on the fact that the boys had molested this girl as she came in and out of consciousness and they were going to present some kind of case that would get these guys eight years and were going to present it case within two or three months

Aruba tourism. Jossy says it has affected tourism more than the gov't will admit. The gov says it's down 1.9% Jossy says it's down 13 to 18 %. If this trend continues and if the government doesn't take the step of pushing the investigation forward then Aruba is going to suffer for that.

Photoshop picture. Jossy has no knowledge of the photo as he hasn't seen it as he hasn't surfed the net for some time.

Where this is headed. Janssen is leaving in Aruba in early January. Her replacement is here already, he thinks. Can't be sure if she's there or not because there are other problems in Aruba with protests and public demonstrations against the government. The prosecution will have two or three more months to present the case after the new prosecutor takes over and they'd better present it.


“Blogs For Natalee” identity “ChicagoOutfit” reported:

Second Murder in 10 Days on Aruba, 'One Happy Island'

Read about it tomorrow how a 16 year old boy was murdered outside of Carlos & Charlies last night!

A longtime resident of Aruba told me the following with regards to the incident last night... [Saturday, December 2, 2006]

"There was no shooting. So, I guess, he was hit and punched and he died. C&C gets very very very busy on weekends. So, a lot of people dont bother going in. They just stand outside the bar, hangout, drink and do drugs and then start fights....Well, that's exactly what happened last night and a young boy lost his life. Well, this is the 2nd murder in 10 days on the one happy island..."

In response to the Aruba activists that will undoubtedly have something to say;
My offer from a couple of weeks ago stands. Find me a town in the United States with 100 thousand residents that has murder and collusion on the scale that we see in Aruba. From alleged political assasinations, to the epicenter of narco traffic and money laundering in the Caribbean, ARUBA covers the entire spectrum of criminal activity.

I can accept crime but I do not accept the collusion and the insistance to sell Aruba as a crime free tourist destination. IT IS NOT.

On 12-2 the “AP” reported:

Feds: Pa. Philanthropist Skipped Taxes

PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Federal prosecutors contend a businessman known for pledging money to help track down criminals has pocketed $3.2 million of income over the past several years while not paying federal taxes since 2000.

Court papers allege Joe Mammana diverted millions from his Yardley egg farm into his personal checking account and four other business accounts to avoid income taxes.

Mammana has been "lining his pockets and accumulating luxury cars and a luxury house with the proceeds of his business, all while refusing to report this illicit income to the IRS," the U.S. Attorney's Office said in court papers Friday.

The court filing requested Mammana be kept in custody while awaiting trial on recent gun charges. U.S. Magistrate L. Felipe Restrepo granted the request, denying bail because he said Mammana was a flight risk.

Mammana was arrested on Thursday, the day after authorities found a loaded handgun in his home during a search for evidence of possible mail and wire fraud, according to an arrest warrant.

He has a lengthy criminal record that includes convictions for aggravated assault, larceny and narcotics violations.

The felon-turned-philanthropist has offered reward money in numerous high-profile cases, including the disappearance of Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway in Aruba last year and the death of Julie Popovich, whose skeletal remains were found Sept. 1 near an Ohio reservoir.

Mammana is embroiled in a lawsuit with an Ohio crime-stoppers group that alleged he reneged on the reward offered in the Popovich slaying. The head of the group, Kevin Miles, is also suing Mammana, saying someone with a baseball bat attacked him and told him to drop the lawsuit.

Mammana said he had nothing to do with the attack.


On 12-3 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY, JOSSY MANSUR stated to “Fox News”:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Andie”)
(segment 1 video here 6m 5s)


WHAT THEY SAID MAY TURN THE ENTIRE CASE AROUND! Dutch crime reporter, Peter De Vries conducted the investigation. I asked him about his conversation with van der Sloot's first attorney, Antonio Carlo. Listen to this:

PETER: Well, we taped Carlo visit in his office, and we recorded that with candid camera, and it at first he tries to deny that there had been a meeting with the head prosecutor.


But after awhile, he realized what we knew, and then he got very uncomfortable and admitted there had been a meeting, and that he had written letters with the head prosecutor; and he panicked, and he was very uncomfortable with this.

KIMBERLY: How did Antonio Carlo describe WHY he met Karin Janssen?

PETER: Well, he didn't want to tell us very much about it, but what we found out that there was a secret meeting; and that is highly unusual, because the head prosecutor is not allowed to have talks with...during an investigation with the lawyer or attorney.

So, that's very strange. And, also, Karin Janssen, wrote us a fax...the fax, in which she admitted that the meeting took place. So IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DENY THAT THERE WAS A MEETING.

KIMBERLY: And what was divulged during these meetings?

PETER: Well, in the meeting Mr. Carlo said that he had to "clear his conscience," and that Joran van der Sloot played a major part in the disappearance of NATALEE HOLLOWAY. THERE IS NO DOUBT AT ALL THAT HE SAID THAT.

KIMBERLY: Did he go into any other details in terms of what that means: "played a major part in the disappearance of NATALEE HOLLOWAY."?

PETER: Nah, well, he then stated to the head prosecutor that it was up to the police and the justice to get the full proof of this...and that he wanted to clear his conscience and that, yah, they had to do the work.

KIMBERLY: And how many letters were exchanged back and forth between them, and what information was in those letters?

PETER: Well, the head prosecutor wrote him a letter, and she asked for more details. And then Mr. Carlo got scared, because his tape was certainly on paper, and he didn't expect that, because it was a secret meeting. And when Karin Janssen put it on paper, he realized it wasn't no longer a secret.

So then he wrote a letter back and denied that he had said something like that.

KIMBERLY: NOW, have any of the ARUBAN OR DUTCH OFFICIALS CONTACTED YOU about this important information?


KIMBERLY: And what do the investigators make of this?


KIMBERLY: WOW! Now, you know, of course, Joran's current attorney, JOE TACOPINA, said that this is making up facts, you are fabricating facts, there was no such meeting.


KIMBERLY: Alright, well, Peter, thank you very much for joining me tonight and talking about these new developments.

PETER: OK, you are welcome.

(KIMBERLY had the following running on the bottom of the screen for a number of times during the show: FORMER ARUBA POLICE CHIEF SAYS JORAN AND THE KALPOES GUILTY.)



Joining us on the phone from Aruba is Jossy Mansur, editor of EL-DIARO newspaper. Jossy, thanks for being with me tonight. I have got to ask you what did the former POLICE CHIEF SAY TO YOU ABOUT JORAN VAN DER SLOOT AND THE KALPOE BROTHERS INVOLVEMENT IN NATALEE'S DISAPPEARANCE?

JOSSY: He has definitely CONFIRMED that they have admitted to the police of having molest the girl, while she was going in and out of consciousness, but among other things, that he said.

KIMBERLY: And how long was this conversation and who specifically did you speak to?

JOSSY: I SPOKE TO GEROLD DOMPIG. The conversation took place in my office for about an hour, AND I HAVE IT ALL ON VIDEO TAPE.


JOSSY: BECAUSE AT THE DIARO, WE USUALLY DO THAT WITH PEOPLE WE DON'T TRUST, to begin with, or to have DOCUMENTED PROOF of whatever we are going to publish in the future.

KIMBERLY: Alright, well, there are many people, WHO DOUBT THAT YOU HAVE THIS TAPE, and what in fact is contained in the video tape. Do you have a transcript of this?

JOSSY: You know, many people doubt many things that I say, but after I publish the TRUTH, everyone becomes quiet. They go into a profound silence. BUT WE HAVE THE PROOF...I HAVE THE TAPE...THE VIDEO TAPE. WE HAVE VARIOUS COPIES OF IT MADE.

KIMBERLY: OK, and you claim to have a fact, that links the boys to NATALEE'S DISAPPEARANCE. Do you have that for us, so that you can read a portion of that?

JOSSY: I can read a portion for you. For example: when I asked him about the case, he said, well, you know, we cannot go, because we do not have a BODY, but you have a model kind (= not sure?), and on the basis of their own DECLARATIONS...I am quoting him on verbatim (= not sure?) NOW, AND THEY SAID, LOOK (not sure) , they fingered her, and they did alot of things to her, according to their OWN DECLARATIONS, and we have an article in our (not sure) code that provided 8 year samples (= not sure?) for that.

And if you do that to a girl, who is not conscience, they THEMSELVES SAID that out on different locations in the car. That means if you do that to a person, who cannot defend herself, it is 8 years. He told me this verbatim...I am quoting from the tape.

KIMBERLY: AND what else did he tell you?


(video here from this point, forward)


KIMBERLY: Did you ask him why he didn't do anything with this information, or why a case was not presented by the prosecutor?

JOSSY: No, because I thought they would proceed on the basis of A MODEL CRIME, because he CONFIRMED THAT THESE THREE SUSPECTS ADMITTED IT TO THE POLICE.

KIMBERLY: ALRIGHT. Jossy, have you presented this case to the new police chief or to the prosecutor's office? WHO ELSE HAS THE INFORMATION?



KIMBERLY: Alright, Jossy Mansur, thank you for being on with me tonight.



New information it encouraging to you, and what do you make of it?

BETH: Well, I think so many things have happened just within the last seven days, and, of course, it is encouraging. And, Kimberly, we have known all along that there were persons, or a person, who was involved, in (not sure) our efforts every step of the way...AND NOW, you know, it just really gives us this affirmation that this was happening...we weren't imagining this.

There were personnel that were involved in just taking barriers in front of us during this entire investigation. And it is unfolding of who they actually were.

KIMBERLY: And talk to me about this, what specifically do you think? Do you think there was a coverup, a conspiracy here that occurred in terms of derailing the investigation?

BETH: Well, I think there are two things that, you know, from Mr. De Vries' show that were pretty significant.

AND ONE was the meeting of Antonio Carlo with Karin Janssen, the prosecuting attorney.

THEN THE SECOND one, was we knew that the search warrant was issued for the entire van der Sloot residence, including the grounds, the primary residence, and PLUS his show, revealed that there were personnel from the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, who were involved in blocking that search, so that the CSI TEAM WAS NOT ABLE TO COME INTO THE AREAS THAT THEY WANTED TO SEARCH AND COLLECT EVIDENCE.



KIMBERLY: Are you aware of what areas in particular were searched at the van der Sloot's home?

BETH: The only area that they were allowed to search was Joran's apartment and not the grounds, not the primary residence; so we had always known that the court said there were areas of, you know, interest all around the property.

KIMBERLY: AND there have been some different theories in this case. ONE THEORY that has been floated about is that perhaps she was taken to the that area.

BUT THERE IS ANOTHER THEORY that suggests that perhaps she was never in that area at all. What do you know about that?

BETH: Well, I think what Mr. De Vries was coming to was during one of Joran's initial statements to the police, he said that he stated that they took Natalee to the van der Sloot residence. And I, I think, that once he read that, and it just really raised a red flag that this should never have happened.

And something else that we had to take into account was there were four different VERSIONS OF WHAT JORAN TOLD THE POLICE OF HOW HE GOT HOME FROM THE BEACH THAT NIGHT. AND HE HAD FOUR DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF HOW HE MADE THIS ONE TRIP HOME. Typically, it did not happen.

KIMBERLY: Alright, well, Beth, we are going to have you stand by, because we are going to come back to you later in the show. In fact, right after the break.




(video here from this point, forward)


STILL with us here in New York is Beth Twitty, and JOINING us former prosecutor, Lis Wiehl, and criminal defense attorney, Brian Wice.

Thanks for joining us, Lis and Brian. Lis, I am going to start with you. What's your reaction to Joran's defense attorney reaching out to the chief prosecutor?

LIS: Well, it is a big are right! But the problem is the prosecutor...what can you really do with this? Anything that the lawyer says to the prosecutor it has got to be covered by attorney client privilege.

The only thing that can wave that is if the client says, ok, lawyer, you can say whatever you want to the prosecutor and use it. Which, OF COURSE, HE IS NOT GOING TO DO.

Or if the lawyer reasonably believes he has got to prevent a future crime, but whatever happened to Natalee was not a future crime, it was something that was in the past. So I don't really that the prosecutor can do all that much with whatever the lawyer says.

KIMBERLY: ALRIGHT, well, lets go to Brian and get your take on this new development.

BRIAN: Kimberly, I think Lis is absolutely right. I don't know alot about criminal law, (laughing) but certainly I think if there is any semblance of civility to the law in Aruba, that Pauly Shore has a better shot at winning an Emmy than this testimony to ever seeing the inside of a courtroom.

Absent, an absolute waver by Joran, there is no way that any of this testimony is ever heard by any judge...let alone any jury. And to the extent that this lawyer happened to find himself with the prosecutor to make this kind of admission...Kimberly, it is like Johnny Cochran came back from the dead...had cocktails with Marcia Clark...and said, you know, OJ really was guilty, Marsh.

KIMBERLY: Alright, well, let me go to Beth on this. To me, it seems that this does raise issues that the case perhaps wasn't handled right...once again, something confirming what you knew, by the authorities in Aruba.

BUT IT ALSO, suggests perhaps that maybe people did not follow up on leads that they should have, or that others had information that they didn't pursue. I mean, how does it make you feel about the prosecutor's office?

BETH: You know, when we think back to so many things that have transpired over the course of the investigation, Kimberly, it just sheds alot of sheds light of why the prosecutor, you know, would not communicate with the family, like she should have.

There are so many things NOW, that I realize THAT MAYBE NOTHING WILL BE DONE...maybe none of these individuals will be brought to task, and THAT IS A REAL SHAME.

They abused (= not sure?) their responsibility to do this, and when I think about Karin Janssen and her meetings with us...and how she treated us...if anything, like I said, it just gives us the vindication of the affirmation to know that we were right...that they were involved...and obstruction of justice, and protecting suspects, AND THEY NEVER WERE GOING TO PURSUE THOSE INDIVIDUALS...NEVER.

KIMBERLY: Yeah, Lis, the problem here, as a former prosecutor, and you are a former are supposed to inform the family, keep them updated, let them know about new developments...give them some kind of information to make them feel that they are participatory, that they are not out of the loop on these things...and if there is nothing to cover up or hide, then why not be forthcoming?

LIS: Well, Kimberly, you are absolutely right! And the other point that you are making here is that even if you don't think the evidence is going to see the light of a courtroom, because I really don't think unless there was a waver that it would still tell the family of the victim: hey, this is what he said. This is what we are going after. This is what we know...this is what we are trying to seek.

I am not sure that I understand not divulging that to the family of the victim, because you are all on the same side on that. And whether or not the evidence actually makes it to court is a whole different story, but you still would tell the victim...the victim's family what's going on.

KIMBERLY: WELL, IT SEEMS TO ME, Brian, that at least it sounds like THE DUTCH AUTHORITIES are being a little bit more forthcoming, and that they are trying to get to the bottom of it; and solve the case to find whoever is reponsible and hold them to justice.

BRIAN: YEAH, KIMBERLY, I THINK YOU ARE RIGHT. Just like Beth said, something about this investigation smacks of the expression, "amateur hour." And the fact that the authorities are FINALLY BRINGING THIS TO LIGHT, even though it ultimately may not see the inside of a courtroom, certainly tells me that they are doing better than they have in the past.

But certainly, if I am Antonio Carlo, I am thinking that I need to be considering what I am going to be doing...after my career as a lawyer is over, because I think that his career can be measured in hours and probably in minutes, Kimberly.

KIMBERLY: YEAH, well, I think what he was doing is that he wasn't thinking about billable hours, or about being an attorney. His quote is he did this to "clear his conscience." So whether you believe him or not...he had alot to lose by coming forward with the information, SO THAT IS SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT TONIGHT.

ALRIGHT, BETH, LIS, AND BRIAN...stand by, because we are going to be coming back to you, Beth, as well, after the break.

KIMBERLY: WE HAD A CALLER JUST SECONDS AGO. JOE TACOPINA is the attorney for Joran van der Sloot. He has been watching the breaking developments on the Holloway case and is here to react.

Joe, thanks for joining me tonight. What is your reaction?

JOE: Well, Kimberly, I wasn't watching breaking developments...Kimberly, what I was watching was a bunch of fiction and fantasy, and more...MORE MISFACTS and mistrues and misstatements of facts in this case.

And, Kimberly, I call in out of respect and friendship for YOU. I don't pay any (I apologize, but I simply could not understand exactly what he was saying here.)

He is an individual, who has made this case (not sure). He stands out there...he has fabricated evidence in this case. He has been sited by the Aruban courts as having fabricated false evidence, published it...he is someone, who I know think is now on the verge of senile. I am not worried about Jossy Mansur. He has 0 credibility.



I have spoken to Antonio over the last several days...he said nothing of the sort...he obviously believes in Joran...he still represents Aruba. As a matter of fact, HE WAS IN COURT JUST LAST THURSDAY ON THE 30TH OF NOVEMBER...WITH KARIN JANSSEN, DISCUSSING THE CLOSING BEFORE A JUDGE...DISCUSSING THE CLOSING OF THIS CASE AGAINST JORAN ONCE AND FOR ALL!


WHAT THIS IS, KIMBERLY, IS JUST ANOTHER SAD EPISODE IN THIS TRAGEDY, where people misstate truth and fact, starting out with that DR. PHIL tape that was doctored, starting out with the false confessions that everyone heard were made from the jail cells by Joran and the Kalpoe brothers, which proved to be false...including the false affadavit that was submitted by Beth Holloway in her lawsuit against Joran in New someone who claimed Joran was a sexual predator.

We got an affadavit from that person, who said they never said such thing, and the affadavit submitted before the court was false. In a lawsuit, that we got the threat (= not sure?) , Kimberly...SO when we start talking about evidence in this case, lets talk about evidence.




JOE: (laughing) (Sorry, but I simply could not keep up with his dialogue.) ...before a case goes to trial...I mean, they can't follow the case!

IF HE HAD ANY REAL EVIDENCE, this guy is a "buffoon"! (screaming) He has been saying there is a (not sure), he is the one, who said there is a jogger, he is the one who said there was a gardner!

He is has led the police in Aruba on more wild goose chases than any single individual!


JOE: CHIEF DOMPIG...WELL, I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE RECORD IS ON CHIEF DOMPIG IS, EXCEPT THAT HE GOT FIRED! The last thing I heard about Chief Dompig, Kimberly, was that he got fired, because he went on National TV in the United States, and said that he doesn't believe that Joran or the Kalpoes brothers for that matter are killers, AND that he believes that Natalee overdosed and killed herself, based on excessive narcotics consumption, and he got fired!


JOE: (screaming...Joe was talking so rapidly here...I do not have a clue, as to what he said next.) THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ANYTHING ELSE, KIMBERLY, (seemingly rude and out of opinion as transcriptionist), but we talk about it as if it were fact!



JOE: You got it.

KIMBERLY: Joe, thanks for joining me tonight. (such grace under pressure)


On 12-4 ARUBAAN’s news-source “Diario” reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to the “Scared Monkeys” blog)

Police reports show: Joran van der Sloot’s lawyer asked Joran “almost in tears” to tell the truth

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Recently an investigative reporter in Holland made some revelations in Natalee Holloway’s case during a special program on television, in which reportedly Joran van der Sloot’s lawyer spoke with Prosecutor Janssen and gave the prosecutor indications that Joran van der Sloot knows much more about Natalee’s case.

This show has made a huge impact in Holland, United States, Antilles and Aruba, because no one was aware of the alleged non formal conversation between van der Sloot’s lawyer and the main prosecutor Janssen, to indicate to the prosecutor that Joran knows much more than he has declared to authorities.

Van der Sloot’s lawyer in Aruba, Mr. Carlo has denied that he had any non official conversation with prosecutor Janssen, and that his client knows more than what he declared to the police.

DIARIO’s investigative team published some parts of the police report made by a Dutch police officer during the investigation, which was an interrogation between the officer and van der Sloot:

“The suspect (Joran van der Sloot) said, as I (”I” is the Dutch officer) heard, that he (van der Sloot) asked his mother to contact by phone his witness Zedan Arambatzis, to find out what he told the police”.

“The suspect said that his lawyer Carlo, in confidence, also heard the declaration of Zedan Arambatzis and that the next day, the lawyer asked Joran van der Sloot, ‘almost in tears‘ to tell the truth.”

“The suspect said that his lawyer Carlo informed him (van der Sloot) that the witness Zedan Arambatzis told about the Fishermens hut”.

“Van der Sloot declared that based on this information, he decided to tell the truth, which was that he left Natalee alone at the Fishermens hut”.

Analyzing what was reported during the interrogation made by a special team of Dutch police officers, who were in Aruba specially to help solve the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, any investigator would remark and ask the following questions:

1. Why did van der Sloot ask his mother to call Zedan Arambatzis to ask the witness what he told the police;

2. What did Zedan tell van der Sloot’s mother?

3. Was van der Sloot’s mother interrogated based on this information, which the police put on paper?

4. On which date, Joran asked his mother to go find out what Zedan Arambatzis told the police and when did the mother call the witness, and what did this witness declare to Joran’s mother, and who in turn told her son what the witness declared;

5. Why would the lawyer ask the suspect Joran, “almost in tears” to tell the truth?

6. What is the “truth” that is being mentioned in this case?

7. And about the supposedly “truth” that Joran himself told later that he left Natalee at the Fishermens hut;

8. If that was true, then there was no wrong doing or something so extraordinary that the lawyer, supposedly asked van der Sloot “almost in tears” to tell the truth!

9. Regarding what the lawyer heard about the declarations of Zedan in confidence, it is open to ask; where did he hear this story ‘in confidence’ and who else knows about this; and how can a lawyer be told about this ‘in confidence’ with Joran being his client and how much more information ‘in confidence’ was kept a secret and to this day Aruba’s people still pay for something that they played no part in?

These are just some observations in the most controversial case that Aruba and the Dutch Kingdom has ever encountered, but slowly has been coming together.

On 12-4 the “AP” reported another tourists safety-related issue:

Virus Sickens Hundreds Aboard Cruise Ship

MIAMI (Dec. 4) -- More than 380 passengers and crew aboard the world's largest cruise ship were sickened by a virus during a seven-day Caribbean cruise, cruise officials said Sunday.

Norovirus sickened 338 passengers and 46 crew members about the Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas, and they were treated with over-the-counter medication, the Miami-based company said.

The ship, which had roughly 3,800 passengers and 1,300 crew members, returned Sunday as scheduled to the Port of Miami. Crew members sanitized frequently touched surfaces such as railings, door handles and elevator buttons after the short-lived outbreak began, officials said.

A guest previously exposed to norovirus likely brought it on board Nov. 26, the company said.

Noroviruses, characterized by stomach flu-like symptoms, affect about 23 million Americans annually, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.

An outbreak struck more than 700 passengers and crew members aboard a trans-Atlantic cruise last month on the Carnival Cruise Lines' Liberty.

The Freedom of the Seas, which was christened in May, can carry more than 4,000 people aboard its 15 passenger decks.


On 12-5 ARUBAAN’s news-source “Diario” reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to the “Scared Monkeys” blog)



I gave indications to the criminal defense lawyer in the U.S., Tacopina, that if he continues his campaign to offend, slander and defame, he is going to get the surprises of his life when the truth of his client’s participation in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway becomes known. And it is coming out at a much faster pace than I expected, thanks to DIARIO and lately De Vries, who’se popular program in Holland made revelations that had remained hidden and have now come out into the light. Tacopina at once wanted to belittle him with a string of lies about his program and, worse yet, about the man himself. A ’street style’ that will not prosper!

I don’t know who Tacopina thinks that he is, nor why he supposes that his personal attacks and his attempts to belittle others in a futile attempt to save his client, are going to produce some positive effect. Two nights ago, in the popular Lineup program on Fox, he went so far as to say that I am becoming senile, among other uncalled for comments. Well, well, well. I hope that when Tacopina reaches my age (if God favors him with that), he will be as senile as I am, because my faculties are intact, and my disposition to do battle also! I am not going to debate the personality of that idiot because my level of education will not permit it. But, I must bring to his attention that his terror tactics based on slander and defamation are not the adequate road an attorney must take to obtain his goal. For a person always threatening others with the courts for slander, he’s very loose with his expressions!

If his goal is to save his criminal client by painting him as an angel, he’s wasting his time. What his client did with the girl is indescribable! And I am not referring here to murder because the evidence to prove that hasn’t surfaced yet, but I am referring to the moral crime he committed and admitted to during interrogations by the investigative team. And to reaffirm that in order to dispel all possible doubts, I have the categoric declaration of the lead investigator in the case.

That this revelation made Tacopina lose control is a fact that all who heard him on that program can testify to. He acted like a spoiled brat whose pacifier was yanked from his mouth. His voice was full of anger and despair, but with those emotional outbursts he is not going to change the reality of the case: his client, Joran van der Sloot, committed a moral crime against Natalee! This is categoric.

Now, my question to the people conducting this case is: how come Joran is in Holland, studying comfortably, while Natalee is no longer here? How come Joran has to “continue with his life”, when Natalee’s life came to such a premature and unjust end? How come the authorities did not produce the expected results in a case that is not difficult to solve in the sense that there is a moral crime admitted to? Why was it necessary for new revelations to come from Holland in order to make the case again as hot as an iron?

Three persons damaged the name of Aruba internationally, and to top it all, all three of them happen to be all three happen to be foreigners. Not one of them is an Aruban! They threw a negative light on our with their uncontrolled action during one night in May. One of them is the criminal client of Tacopina! No matter what Tacopina says, his client will not escape the long arm of the Law, because he himself admitted , and described in detail, his moral crime. I don’t understand why, in spite of this admission, Joran and his cronies are free to walk around as if they haven’t broken one single cup. And there are two of them who are even thinking of going to court in the U.S. for money! What do they want, a reward for what they did? A payment for having so badly damaged the name of Aruba?

Tacopina assured that the case will never come to court. Well, Tacopina must be as bad in practicing chiromancy as he is removed from the truth as a lawyer in this case. The case will and must be brought to Court to put an end to this sordid affair, so that we can begin to reinstate the good name of our island, and principally to give the Holloways some measure of peace after all they have suffered with the disappearance of their daughter who came to Aruba and disappeared while in the company of the three suspects.

The three of them own the answer that all of us who in good faith are lending a hand for justice to prevail, are searching for and will find, much to the frustration of Tacopina! Let him continue to live out his ‘delirium tremens’, while we continue to pursue the case and are going to prove how deeply involved his client is with what happened to the girl who had her whole life before her, and disappeared while in Aruba and in the company of the three foreign suspects.

On 12-5 DANA PRETZER provided the following audio daily comment concerning lawyer JOSEPH TACOPINA’s slanderous rant on FOX News on December 3, 2006

On 12-5 “Freedom of Blog” identity “MF” reported, “Well, it's official now: Dompig has finally retired from the ALE and was his last day. Today was also the sworn in ceremony of the new Chief of Police de Witte. Dompig will be having a new carreer as a security consultant for private companies and will also manage his security guard company.”

On 12-5 the ST. MAARTEN “Daily Herald” reported:

Aruban man goes berserk, threatens neighbours’ lives with guns

PHILIPSBURG--About seven heavily armed members of the Arrest Team swooped down on an armed man on Grapefruit Road #44, Sunday afternoon around 2:40pm, disarmed him of his two weapons, pressed him to the floor in his yard, cuffed him, and hauled him off to jail.

The man was later identified by police spokesman Inspector Johan “Janchi” Leonard as R.S.B. (39) of Aruba. Police have meanwhile confiscated seven marijuana trees, nine rounds of ammunition for a 12 gauge shot gun, and eight rounds of ammunition for a 22 calibre pistol, two flares, a nail gun and several machetes.

Neighbours said the man was brandishing at least two weapons (one believed to be a shotgun and the other a nail gun) and threatening to kill his neighbours who were left with no choice but to call for police assistance. No shot gun was found.

The first response team arrived and, with the assistance of Deputy Police Chief Commissioner Richard Panneflek, tried to negotiate a peaceful surrender but the suspect did not cooperate. This prompted Panneflek to order the immediate dispatching of the Arrest Team to the scene.

This was the last resort, police said, as even attempts by one of the suspect’s brothers to calm him down resulted in the suspect threatening to chop him up with a machete.

On arrival, the A-Team encircled the building and, with the officers establishing tactical positions and having the suspect in sight, they ordered him several times to throw down his weapons and walk out with his hands raised above his head, but the suspect (probably under the influence of alcohol) was determined to stand his ground.

From the bedroom of his neighbour’s house, still under construction, the suspect could be seen hiding behind an old sofa in the yard in front of his door with one large weapon in his hand and another stuck in his waist.

Before long he was restrained by the A-Team members wearing masks and bullet proof vests and carrying machine guns. After they drove away, another group of officers in police uniform and wearing bullet proof vests conducted a search of the property and uncovered several marijuana plants, as well as machetes and other items, which were confiscated.

But what triggered the 40-year-old man’s behaviour Sunday is a mystery even his mother – who arrived on the scene from her house nearby after he had been taken away – could not understand.

She said to her knowledge, her son had never displayed this form of violence. According to her, he does drink and curse but once he is sobered up, he never remembers any of his actions and is in fact then, a nice normal person.

The neighbours, though, have a slightly different story to tell than the mother’s. They said the constant loud music has been a problem but they have dealt with it. They also said the suspect constructed a wooden structure on the concrete fence they had built, without prior authorization, and when asked about it had cursed.

“We have called for police assistance in the past,” the neighbour and her husband said, “but they have not showed up until today.” The neighbours are convinced that things should not have gotten this much out of control and said that as far as they could tell, the suspect seemed to be angry about their painting, and having satellite dishes and internet antennas on their own roof.

The husband said, “He told me he will shoot down the dishes and antenna and then shoot me, and he complained that we started painting because we saw him painting.”

He also said that a friend, who had been in his house when the suspect was in the yard with the guns making his threats, had gone by a window to try to talk to him, and he pointed his gun at the man and called the husband’s name threatening to shoot. This friend ducked and screamed out to the suspect saying he was not G., the husband, and had begged the suspect not to shoot.


On 12-6 ARUBAAN’s news-source “Diario” reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to the “Scared Monkeys” blog)

The Natalee Case...Dutch official report shows


Oranjestad (AAN) As promised to the peoples of Aruba and the U.S.A., DIARIO will continue with its investigation on the missing girl, Natalee Holloway, and will publish legitimate documents accompanied by analysis and questions that sooner or later will bring out the truth.

Today, the investigative team of DIARIO is publishing part of an official report given by a Dutch police officer who came to Aruba to interrogate Joran van der Sloot among others.

The Dutch police officer states that Joran van Der Sloot is aware of the possibility that exists that one day the American authorities will ask for his extradition due to the fact that the missing girl (Natalee) is an American Citizen. Joran's reaction was that he began to laugh!!!

Now Joran began to laugh because he was afraid or because he felt reassured because he was told beforehand that "no body, no crime"?

From this same official report one can deduct that Joran again throws the ball in Deepak Kalpoe's corner, because he tells the Dutch officer that if they interrogate Deepak in the same manner that they interrogated Joran, then Deepak for sure will tell the truth. Which truth? How come the Dutch police officer did not ask van der Sloot about which truth he was referring to?

Joran also said that if some weeks before they had interrogated him in the aforementioned manner, then the truth would have come out much faster!

Again the question remains: to what truth is Joran referring to? The supposed truth that he left Natalee behind all alone on the beach? That is the truth that he so heavily sustained during so many weeks with his mouth closed, turn all sorts of story around, remain without speaking, become fresh with the police interrogators, come every time with a different story to contradict other stories, and that show that he had been lying from the beginning?

The question now is: what is Joran referring to with this 'different form of interrogation'?

How come they did not continue with this 'different form of interrogation' of the suspects, to determine what happened to Natalee and where Natalee is?

The culminating part of this procesvebaal (official report) is that when the police officer mentioned the ollowing: "I, De Ruiter, mentioned to van der Sloot that there was no interest in lying to him about this fact (he is referring to the declaration of Freddy Zedan Arambatzis) because the importance of the declaration made by the witness Zedan Arambatzis, was directed towards the fact that Joran had already on the 30th of May told Freddy the story about the Holliday Inn and that Joran told Freddy also that "they" went into panic when Natalee remained "passed out"!

Everyone can read today what was put black on white "Dat ze" went into panic, and the "Ze" here in Dutch hows that more than one person was involved in that part about entering into panic, because "ze" is plural.

There is nowhere in this official report that Joran hurriedly contradicted the Dutch police when reference was made to "They" entered into panic and said that there were no other people involved!!!

Seeing that the Dutch officer himself mentions that "they" entered into panic, according to the declaration of Freddy Zedan, then there were more than one person involved and everyone can reach his own conclusion that Freddy Zedan knows those who he himself referred to as "they", or in Papiamento "nan". "They" went into panic when Natalee remained passed out!!! This means that more than one person was present when Natalee remained passed out and where are these people who were with Natalee when she remained passed out? On the beach like "they" want the police and everyone else to believe, or elsewhere? Do they who belong to the group referred to as "they" realize now that the circle is slowly closing around "them"? For those who understand what this means, few words are necessary!

The strange part is that Joran declared to the Dutch policeman based on his questions, that he had recently spoken to the witness Freddy Zedan Arambatzis, and that during that conversation, Joran asked Freddy why he mentioned the date of 30 May, and van der Sloot told the policeman that he (Freddy) just mentioned a date and that the witness in truth heard the story from van der Sloot himself the day after Natalee

Here's another point in the investigation that proves very controversial and even questions severely the fact that a suspect in police custody or is under investigation, even has the possibility and facility to speak to one of the witnesses, that is Freddy Zedan Arambatzis.

In which part of the world can a suspect under police investigation for the disappearance of someone, get the possibility to speak to a witness who is his friend?

On which day did Joran speak with Freddy, where and who gave Joran (while in police custody) the great privilege to speak to a witness who can declare in his favor?

Reading the expositions of the Dutch police officer, who mentioned extradition to Joran, sources in the U.S. are indicating that they are waiting for the opportune moment to ask for the extradition of Joran van der Sloot, the brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, Freddy Arambatzis, and other names that have not yet been made public.

Preparations can be under way to petition internationally for an order of arrest via the Interpol for those who the U.S. wants to extradite because, as those sources say, they will get them any part of the world and will bring them to justice; in Aruba they won't get as many years in prison like in the U.S.

On 12-6 “Blogs For Natalee” Identity “WorldJOURNIER” reported:

author/publisher using NATALEE's Good Name

Hi All.... An author--a DUTCH author, no less----IMHO, a SCUM-BAGGIOUS-MAXIMUS named MARION PAUW and her SCUM-BAGGIOUS-MAXIMUS publisher----has a new fiction book recently put out entitled "Drift" that is using NATALEE ANN HOLLOWAY's Good Name without permission in its following BS advertising; "Drift, a Dutch thriller by Marion Pauw based on the Natalee Holloway case"

I also found the following creepy animation on "YouTube"

The video advert is only a creepy computer graphic showing under the ocean, then treading the ocean top--not even worth a play.

May I recommend that we, all,
(especially our DUTCH colleagues)
pro-actively contact and complain and boycott the
SCUM-BAGGIOUS-MAXIMUS publisher's products
until the use of
NATALEE’s Good Name

I have already been in contact with NATALEE's Loved Ones directly about this

Please feel free to spread the word to your family & friends for them to also contact the publisher and complain and boycott its books & all other products.

The SCUM-BAGGIOUS-MAXIMUS publishers, "Ambo Anthos Publishers,"
is part of the "Been Vosch & Keuning Publishers Group"
with "AA" Internet address at
(there is a button to choose English),
and the "AA" email is,

Ambo Anthos
Herengracht 499
1017 BT Amsterdam
tel. 020-5245411
fax 020-4200422

and, as far as I can tell so far, this "author" gives the same email address,

May I also recommend to all "YouTube" members (registration is Free) that you "Flag as Inappropriate" the advert video (the "Flag as Inappropriate" link is below the computer graphic)

On 12-6 the “Aruba Dirty Police” blog reported:

Dompig: "They did have sex with Natalee"


Dompig: "They did ‘have sex’ with Natalee"

Eighteen months after the disappearance of Natalee Holloway on May 30, 2005 in Aruba , officials have failed to prosecute any of the suspects involved with the crimes committed against Natalee.

Against the backdrop of the prosecutor’s failure to charge any suspects in this case, a sordid tale of corruption, cover up, and collusion is revealed through altered statements going uncontested by the ALE , statements that appear to be missing from the case file, missing portions of suspect police statements, and missing, lost or destroyed evidence.

Recent reports of a meeting between former chief of police, Gerold Dompig and Diario Newspaper Editor, Jossy Mansur reveal startling information, and make us again question why these criminals have not been prosecuted.

JOSSY MANSUR TO DANA PRETZER: I have a video tape of Gerald Dompig that they do have sufficient material to bring these boys in on kidnapping and rape. Which would be 8 years imprisonment.

According to Gerold Dompig, the three boys admitted "that they did ‘have sex with’ this girl when she was going in and out of consciousness”. This is a fact.

What happened to these missing statements? Where is the missing evidence?

Were these things intentionally removed from the case file in order to avoid going forward with a prosecution?

If their own Police Chief was saying there was sufficient material to charge and prosecute these criminals – why did the prosecutor fail to do so? This list of missing items from the case file makes us come to the obvious conclusion that there has been a concerted effort to avoid such a prosecution. Was this at the hands of law enforcement? The prosecutor’s office? The judges? Or a combination of all three?




Deepak Kalpoe claims in his official statement of June 10, 2005 that he vacuumed his vehicle prior to picking up Joran van der Sloot on Sunday May 29, 2005. He remembers telling interrogators that his vehicle was very clean because he had vacuumed his car the prior evening. This would imply Deepak spoke to authorities on May 30, 2005. Where is Deepak's official statement of May 30, 2005?

On July 12, 2005 Anita stated in a Joe Scarborough interview that Joran was picked up from school by police on Monday, May 30, 2005. Where is Joran's official statement of May 30, 2005?

On June 29, 2005 in a secretly recorded conversation in a police van, Satish Kalpoe tells Joran he told police about the ‘choller’ in his first police statement. We’ve seen the statement from Satish given on 5/31/05 – this would indicate his first statement was given prior to that. Where is Satish’s official statement of May 30, 2005?

02. MAY 31, 2005 - JORAN VAN DER SLOOT

Paulus van der Sloots's official statment of June 23, 2005 confirms that a statement was taken from Joran on May 31, 2005 and that statement was signed.


On June 10, 2005 two official Aruban representatives released statements to the media that one of the suspects admitted the "something bad happened" to Natalee Holloway, she was confirmed dead, the location of her body was known, and authorities/family were being led to the scene by the suspect who made the admission.


The June 18, 2005 Witness Statement of Paulus van der Sloot is incomplete - at least one page is missing.


In October, 2005 Aruban authorities approached Dave Holloway and informed him that Koen Gottenbos could possibly be the key to solving the case. Nevertheless, Koen was never interrogated again in spite of the promises of Gerold Dompig. The assistant prosecutor, Amalin Flanegin, quit because she believed that Koen lied when he was interrogated in the initial stages of the investigation, and Dompig refused bring him in again. A meeting that took place between Koen's father and the investigators could possibly reveal an explanation.


Steve Croes was detained for ten days under suspicion of "murder and kidnapping as well as being an accessory to murder". Croes admitted he lied when he supported Joran, Deepak and Satish's fabricated declaration that Natalee was dropped off at the Holiday Inn.


Freddy was questioned as a witness in the initial stages of the investigation, after which Anita van der Sloot telephoned him to find out what he told police. Freddy was later detained when Deepak and Satish were arrested for a second time. Deepak and Satish implied in the leaked police vehicle recording that Freddy is aware of the truth regarding what happened to Natalee Holloway, and Jossy Mansur confirmed. Reportedly, Freddy was told by Joran that Natalee was missing on May 30, 2005 – prior to her family arriving on the island and making contact with the suspects.


Michael Dompig, son of Gerold Dompig, was detained regarding information he claimed to have that pertained to Geoffrey van Cromvoirt involvement with Natalee Holloway. Michael also made Dave Holloway aware of possible activity on the Gottenbos boat at the time Natalee disappeared.


Lorenzo van Rijn was questioned in the initial stages of the investigation in connection to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Why?


Guido Wever was questioned three time by Aruban authorities and twice by Dutch investigators in the initial stages of the Natalee Holloway investigation. At the end of May, 2006 he was detained for six days under suspicion of "murder, heavy battery and kidnapping".



It has been rumored since the initial stages of this investigation that Paulus van der Sloot made two ATM withdrawals sometime between 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM on the morning that Natalee Holloway went missing. Were these records ever obtained by Aruban officials?


Karin Janssen claimed that communication and internet records were allowing a clear picture to emerge surrounding the activities of the morning that Natalee Holloway went missing, and she was centering her case around these records. These records clearly showed Joran in the vicinity of the high rise hotels when he made two calls to Deepak’s phone – thus refuting his claims of being home at the time of the second call. Were these records ever presented to a judge?


Was the fabric which appeared to match Natalee Holloway's blouse sent to Holland for forensic testing? Where is this fabric today?


In the area of his search Art Wood found a black belt which appears to be the same belt in Joran possession in an image on his website. A forensic report has never been revealed and the belt was never returned to Art Wood despite his requests.


In Deepak Kalpoe's official statement of June 9, 2005 he admitted when confronted by interrogators, that he did indeed write a note to his friend, John Charles Croes, in which he claimed that Natalee Holloway had initiated sexually activity with him. Where is this evidence of communication between John Charles Croes and Deepak Kalpoe?


(a) Excelsior Hotel

The security camera recordings of the Excelsior Casino would verify both Joran and Paulus movements as related to time as well as any interaction either of them may have had with Natalee Holloway on the evening of May 29, 2005.

(b) McDonald's Parking Lot

After leaving the Excelsior Casino on May 29, 2006 Joran states to Greta that his father picked him up at MacDonalds at 11:00 pm, and Paulus confirms this pick up. However, Beth and other witnesses present that first night claim Paulus originally stated that he pick up Joran at McDonald at 4:00 AM on the morning of May 30, 2005. Beth requested on June 5, 2006 that authorities check security cameras at the McDonald parking lot. Did Aruban authorities act on this information?

(c) Carlos 'N Charlies'

The security cameras at Carlos 'N Charlies would reveal time frame, Natalee's condition as well as Joran, Deepak, Satish and Natalee's actions and interactions throughout the 45 minute interval. If such cameras exist – did Aruban authorities view them to confirm or refute the suspects’ claims?

(d) Holiday Inn Entrance/Lobby

The security guards were detained although it had already been revealed by Beth Twitty that Natalee had not return via the entrance/lobby which would imply that a security guard could not have approached her. Was this footage kept from the judge of instruction who extended the detention of these innocent men?

(e) Racquet Ball Club

Joran claims in his official statement that he played tennis prior to going to the Wyndham Casino on the afternoon of May 30, 2005 while have a friend back up this alibi. Art Wood discovered that Joran never played tennis that afternoon. Was video footage available for authorities to have disputed this claim made by Joran?

(f) Wyndham Casino/Radisson Casino

Paulus van der Sloot calls Joran from his cell and then announced to the Twitty group that Joran was gambling at the Wyndham, yet Joran claimed that he had just left the Radisson and was still in the parking lot when his father made that call. Was this video footage ever viewed by authorities who could then have questioned Paulus on why he chose to lead them and the victim’s family on a wild goose chase that night?


The bloody mattress that was located in the Grapefield Beach area was found on June 5, 2005 and determined the same day that the blood was not human. Why was the DNA determined so quickly, yet the fabric from Deepak Kalpoe's vehicle required forensic testing done in Holland to determine that the stains were not human?


The stained fabric from Deepak's vehicle was identified as human DNA by the Aruban Prime Minister, the prosecutor as well as the FBI prior to being sent away for testing. However, the findings of the forensic testing that was conducted in both Holland and the FBI laboratory in Quantico, Virginia revealed that the stains were cleaning fluid. How could human DNA tested in the field morph into cleaning fluid?


Early in the investigation Beth Twitty was informed by Aruban police investigators that blood was found inside one of Joran's tennis shoes that he had worn on the morning of May 30, 2005. Beth was assured by investigators that the blood would be forensically tested. However, the findings have not been revealed.


Early in the investigation a bone was found on the beach and then turned over to Aruban authorities. When the finder later inquired about it, she was informed that the only person on the island who could determine the DNA was on vacation. Eventually the ALE announced that the bone was not human, that it belonged to a donkey. Reports conflict whether the bone was sent to Holland for forensic testing.


A tourist found a bone with flesh to the north of the Fisherman's Hut that appeared to be human. It was turned it over to High Commissioner, Ronnie Bernadina. Reports conflict whether the bone was then sent to the Rijks Laboratorium in Holland for forensic testing. Nobody from the Aruban investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway has responded to queries.



FBI obtained a declaration from a fisherman regarding a large fish trap and a knife that were stolen in a break-in at the Fisherman's Huts the morning that Natalee Holloway went missing. Chief Dompig claims no knife was in the ‘official’ report made to Aruban authorities. Why would Dompig claim an obvious falsehood?


At 2:30 AM on the morning of May 31, 2005 .... Alberto Groeneveld and Claudio Eldrige observed Deepak Kalpoe's vehicle inside the fence of the van der Sloot property. These men told Natalee’s family that they climbed the fence and recording the tag (license) number. At this particular time Joran claim to be at the Radisson Casino - that he was gambling while Deepak waited. As of June 23, 2005, investigators had not take official witness statements from Alberto Groeneveld and Caudio Elridge. Have these witness statements ever been taken?


On the morning of May 30, 2005 Marriot Beach fishermen did not observed anyone near the Fisherman's Huts. However, at approximately 3:00 AM they did observe a jeep-type vehicle in the area close to the beach. Was this statement ever presented before a judge to refute Joran’s claims of having left Natalee at that beach?


In the area of the Holiday Inn on the morning of May 30, 2005 a hotel worker observed and reported three men placing a body in a white pickup truck. A short time later authorities were overheard on a police frequency issuing a bulletin to stop a rented white Toyota pickup. The hotel worker's report should be in the Natalee Holloway case file.


Shortly after 3:00 AM on the morning of May 31, 2005 Deepak Kalpoe was observed by a neighbor cleaning his vehicle. "Ants" were the reason given by Deepak. The neighbor retained an attorney. Is this witness statement in the case file?


TJ Ward, a private investigator hired by Natalee's family, found a witness who claimed to have observed Deepak Kalpoe's vehicle driving around the pond near the Racquet Club for a few days following the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Was Deepak ever questioned about his activities?


The landfill witness, Junior, came forward to Aruban authorities on June 3, 2005 and claimed to have observed a body being placed in the landfill on June 1, 2005. He also recorded the licence (tag) number of the white pickup vehicle involved. ALE claims that the landfill was searched in the area specified to no avail. Two months later Junior approached Natalee's family with the same story. Are both of Junior's statements and the recorded tag number in the Natalee Holloway case file? Whose white pickup truck was this? Was it the same truck seen near the Holiday Inn?

This victim and her family have thus far been denied justice. They deserve a competent investigation, and a just prosecution.

We will not let up until this is achieved.

Natalee’s Freebirds

On 12-6 the “Aruba Dirty Police” blog reported:

Dutch provide tax haven for multi-nationals and super-rich

Amsterdam - The Netherlands has allowed itself (that to me sounds like intent!) to become a tax haven for thousands of foreign companies, whose real presence is often little more than an Amsterdam postbox number. While the results are clearly beneficial to the treasury, the potential damage to the country's international standing is great. (Who is in charge of checks and balances in the international financial market? Is there not an international tax police? Who is to blame?)

During the course of 2006, the number of foreign companies establishing a financial presence on Dutch soil rose by 50 per cent over the previous year - or by about 1,600 new companies. A recent study by the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (known by its Dutch abbreviation SOMO) found that more than 20,000 multinationals and rich individuals were registered in the Netherlands for tax purposes. It added that the potential for money-laundering was large. (Joe M...are you out there?)

Apart from the Dutch Treasury, which benefits to the tune of 1.2 billion euros (1.5 billion dollars) a year, 132 trust companies and their employees earn considerable sums through the provision of financial services. In 2002, the last year for which figures are available, some 3.6 trillion euros - eight times the Dutch gross domestic product in that year - flowed through the country. SOMO researcher Michiel van Dijk predicted the rising trend in 'mailbox companies' would continue.

A tax change comes into effect next year that cuts tax on income from interest to a mere 5 per cent, as opposed to standard corporation tax at around 30 per cent. Multinationals would thus have an even stronger incentive to conduct their loans to their subsidiaries under the Dutch tax dispensation, charging market rates of interest and paying minimum tax on the proceeds. Developing countries were among the losers, Van Dijk said. 'The problem is the availability of the data. We lack the data needed to quantify tax losses to developing countries.' He said the Central Bank had agreed to try to make the data available in the future. (Umm...I don't understand that one...they lack the data needed to quantify tax losses for other countries? However, they have the figures on what the bad guys took? Is this another way of saying, "oh sorry...yeah, your country got screwed, but we don't know how much you really lost anyway, so there's nothing we can do. Bye bye.")

According to the SOMO report, the problem lies partly in the bilateral tax treaties with many other countries concluded by the Dutch government. 'This is a form of aggressive tax competition that is at the cost of other countries rich and poor,' says Francis Weyzig, one of the authors. 'The main conclusion of this report is very simple: the Netherlands is a tax haven,' the authors say.

Apart from depleting the tax base of other - often poorer - countries, the rerouting of capital flows is often a realistic option only for large multinationals, who thus gain an unfair advantage over their smaller competitors. The report notes that many of the trails from the Enron scandal in the United States and the Parmalat scandal in Italy ran through Dutch 'mailbox companies.' And it points out that well-known companies like Ikea, Airbus manufacturer EADS and Mittal Steel, have their headquarters in the Netherlands, despite being run from outside the country. (I know there are people out there with IKEA items...start writing letters!)

EADS, a flagship company for the French and German governments, is a case in point. The company website provides a string of telephone numbers and contact details in France, Germany, the United States, Britain and Spain, but not one in the Netherlands, even though the company is headquartered in Amsterdam. However, the companies avoiding taxation in the world's poorer countries are more obscure. 'Secret bank accounts and offshore trusts in tax havens provide wealthy elites and companies with the means to escape their tax obligations,' the report says. The researchers estimate that half the cash and liquid assets held by the rich of Latin America is held in tax havens. The figure for the Middle East is a staggering 70 per cent.

On 12-6 ARUBAAN’s news-source “” reported:

National strike forthcoming

ORANJESTAD – The government has till Tuesday to come with a reaction, said the Sindicato di Union (cooperation of unions, SdU). The SdU will otherwise call a national strike, said chairman Rudy Geerman.

SdU also deliberated with employers’ organization Aruba Trade and Industry Association (ATIA) about their support if the unions go to strike.

There was a conversation between the unions and three members of the minister council last Monday. Geerman says that SdU had requested a meeting with the entire council of ministers, but only premier Nelson Oduber, minister Nilo Swaen of Finance and Economic Affairs, and minister Booshi Wever of Public health, Environment, and Immigration showed up. At that deliberation, the unions declared themselves against the turnover tax (bbo) and especially against the cumulative model that the government has chosen. “We are not against the shifting of the direct taxation to indirect, as the government views the bbo. We have no problem with the intention to introduce a turnover tax. We have a problem with the system’, said Geerman.

Besides, the unions are wondering why the government has chosen for this complicated way to generate revenue. “You first let people pay bbo and then you give it back by means of decreasing the income tax. Why so difficult when there are easier alternatives?”

According to the unions, a better alternative is to introduce a tax that especially tourists would pay, for example a horeca-tax. Furthermore, Valero also has to start paying tax. That would yield enough, so that the local population does no longer have to be extra taxed.

Minister Swaen indicated in a reaction that the unions did not criticize the bbo as regards content. They only had other options.

“They didn’t indicate what is wrong with the bbo and what the alternatives are. We really listen to arguments concerning contents and have adjusted certain matter due to that, like laying the fiscal unit down in an act, expanding the exemptions and mentioning the bbo on the invoices (this was prohibited in an earlier bill, editor).”

Swaen says that the unions have not shown that their alternatives are better than the bbo. They should have substantiated their alternatives with calculations and other proofs. That’s what the DEZ did with the bbo. The figures are from CBS and also computed based on their models.

Geerman says that not only the unions, but also the Social Economic Council (SER), the Advisory Council, and the Central Bank are negative about the current bbo-concept. But the minister rejects this criticism.

The minister said that the government will come with a reaction on the advices of the SER and the Advisory Council this week. He also confirms that SdU wants the government to give a reaction no later than Wednesday. But the minister is not so sure about a reaction on what. The SdU has not demanded anything, so we will wait.

On 12-6 ARUBAAN’s news-source “” reported:

Government: SER-advice is tendentious

ORANJESTAD – The government does not have a good word to say about the advice of the Social Economic Council (SER) on the turnover tax. The SER is the consultative- and advisory body of the social partners. The SER advised the government to wait with introducing the bbo till all the adjustments and supplements are processed.

Prime Minister Nelson Oduber had let the SER have it in a response. Oduber indicated that SER’s arguments against the introduction of the bbo are of such calibre that a sound discussion is not possible. He says that the advice is given with the purpose to postpone the introduction of the bbo. This would unilaterally close the door for a balanced public opinion.

SER’s advice is of November 21st. The SER expresses, arguments, and concludes the introduction of the bbo. The introductory remarks of Chairman Henk Bijen and secretary Ben Marapin explain that the government had not asked the SER for advice, but “considering the far-reaching social economical consequences (…), the SER has decided to advise the government on the bbo on her own initiative.” Instead of shifting the direct taxes to indirect taxes, like the government is striving for, the SER supports the idea of having the tourism pay more tax and Valero start paying taxes. The cumulative character of the bbo disturbs the production process to the disadvantage of the local producers, importers, and the smaller supermarkets. It will also lead to a relatively higher pressure on the lower incomes, and restricts the possibilities to come to a further shifting of direct to indirect taxes.

The government’s basic principle that the population should not suffer a loss of buying power due to the bbo brings complex buying power recovery measures along. These would have negative effects on the economy, says the SER. The government’s objectives (for raking in more money, editor) can be better achieved by taking supplemental tax measures on the services rendered to the tourists. In order to prevent painful adjustments after the introduction of the several measures, it is necessary to wait with the introduction (…) until there is a coherent and consistent package of tax measures, is the advice of the SER.

Social partners: ‘Under no circumstances introduce the bbo’

Representatives of the unions and the employers have decided on Tuesday to do everything possible to prevent the government from introducing the bbo. An action committee is currently busy listing the means that can be put in for that. The several unions and employers’ organizations were supposed to continue deliberating today.


On 12-7 “Blogs For Natalee” identity “Robin” reported:

Also, just heard from a good source that it was ruled a couple of hours ago that Joran, Deepak and Satish will remain suspects.

On 12-7 the “Scared Monkeys” blog reported:

UPDATE: According to Mickey John, one of the two security guards initially arrested in Aruba in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, he is no longer considered a suspect. It appears that Abraham Jones was not in Court so there is no known status on his ruling.

On 12-7 DAVE HOLLOWAY stated to the “Scared Monkeys Radio” audio HERE

On 12-7 FOX News reported:
(video here)


GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: There is news out of Aruba tonight; news involving the 3 suspects: Joran, Deepak, and Satish.

Hours ago, the 3 main suspects in the Natalee Holloway's disappearance got some bad news. A live report from Aruba next.

Eighteen months after she disappeared in Aruba while on a class trip, there are still no answers into what happened to Natalee Holloway, and now, the 3 main suspects are seeking to have their names cleared.
They went to court two weeks ago, and tonight, there is a decision by the judge.
Joining us from Aruba is Jossy Mansur, managing editor of “Diario.”
Jossy, what did the judge decide?
Is he going to clear the names of the three, or not?

The 3 will remain as suspects for the duration of --or rather-- the remainder of the time that they have-- that’s two years.

VAN SUSTEREN: So that means as of May 29th or 30th they automatically are no longer “suspects“ --but until that point-- remain “suspects” ?

MANSUR: No, they are--they are “suspects“...

VAN SUSTEREN: I mean, they are “suspects” until May.

MANSUR: Until May. They will remain a suspect until May.
They presented no arguments to the contrary to the judge, not him to convince him they should be taken off or released as “suspects.”

VAN SUSTEREN: Jossy, what difference does it make whether they’re labeled "suspect,” or not “suspect“ ?

MANSUR: Only procedures in the law, because if they are "suspects," they can be picked up at anytime without much formality or procedures of the law.
If they were taken out or--or--or released as “suspects," then, they would have to--to go through a whole "rig-a-more-roll" [he actually said “rig-a-mah-roo”] of procedures with regards to the law.
They would have to ask them to come at their leisure, or whatever, but in this case --as “suspects”-- they can be picked up, at any time, for further questioning.

VAN SUSTEREN: Alright. Only 30 seconds left Jossy. We gotta’ go.
Do you--do you really think that any of these three are going to be picked up as “suspects“ ?

MANSUR: I, I imagine so; yes, because, the case should come before the court at anytime now.

VAN SUSTEREN: Alright, Jossy, I don’t --but a, you know-- I --maybe you are more optimistic than I am on this investigation. At least from this distance, it doesn't seem like it’s a very active one, Jossy.

MANSUR: Well, it isn't, but a--they still keep working on it, and we--we‘re--we’re discovering many things in their declarations to the authorities that we’re publishing every day now.

VAN SUSTEREN: Alright, Jossy, well, we’ll a--we’ll be waiting for the resolution. Thank you, Jossy.

MANSUR: You are welcome.


On 12-8 ARUBAAN’s news-source “Diario” reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “PITA”)

Taped Conversation

ORANJESTAD(AAN) In the investigation as to the disappearance of the American girl, Natalee Holloway, there are matters that anyone with two cents of brains can tell that those who were interrogated know more than they have said so far, and the investigation itself is one filled with controversy.

Today, the investigative team of DIARIO is reproducing some parts of a police report that was made and in which the peoples of Aruba and the United States and Holland, where there is the greatest interest for the solution of this case, we can see quite clearly how the suspects themselves contradict each other, point fingers at each other, and raise the suspicions on themselves when they give all indications that something bad happened to Natalee.

A police report made up with regards to the conversation secretly recorded in the back of a police car when the three suspects, Joran van der Sloot, Deepak and Satish Kalpoe were being transported to KIA, amongst other things, the following stands out:

Deepak says to Joran: “You can fix everything at once, you know."

Joran tells Deepak: "Like what?"

Joran tells Deepak: "You too can fix everything."

Joran to Deepak: "What do you mean make thing well, how make things well?"

Deepak to Joran: “You have to just tell the truth.”

DIARIO: Here again the same three suspects throw the ball into each other's laps, and everyone who has followed this case closely, can deduct that the suspects are giving all indications, or at least create the affirmative impression, that they know very well what happened to Natalee Holloway.

DIARIO: Further on in the conversation, Joran, who in different other declarations, tells the police that he believes that Deepak raped and murdered and then buried the victim by the Fisherman's hut, on other occasions defends Deepak, like when he said that Deepak could never do such a thing, but in this taped conversation he says that he would laugh if they find the girl alive.

Joran to Deepak: “I will laugh if they find the girl alive, fuck you!"

Joran tells the Kalpoe brothers: I know very well that you two are scared.”

Joran tells the brothers Kalpoe: “That is, if you did something to the girl and if they find the girl, we'll see."

Satish tells Joran: "I am not afraid.”

Satish tells Joran: “Why should I be scared?”

Deepak tells Joran: “I want them to find the girl.”

Deepak tells Joran: “You went and said shit about me, that I buried the girl by the Fishermens hut”

Joran tells Deepak: "Who said anything about burying. I didn't say anything about burying."

Deepak tells Joran: "You declared that."

DIARIO: After a lot of accusations between the suspects, where each one accuses the other, Joran tells the Kalpoe brothers the following:

"If they find the girl, then they will see the shit."

DIARIO: What shit is he referring to here, if the police find Natalee?

Later, Joran tells the Kalpoe brothers: "You called via the telephone, to say that I have the jackpot. You said that on the phone, that I have the fucking jackpot, did you forget that the phone was being tapped?"

DIARIO: What do they mean with the 'jackpot' and the 'shit' that the police will find if they locate Natalee?

Further on, Deepak tells Joran:

“You will get 15 years (in prison) if they find the girl."

DIARIO: Why would you tell your friend with whom you went out so frequently and everywhere, that when the police find the missing girl, they will give Joran 15 years in jail? It's only when someone does something very bad that he can get 15 years of imprisonment, and that is why Deepak says to Joran that he will get 15 years in jail! Anyone would say: under there, there is broken glass and it has sharp edges!

Stay with us, because there is a lot more in the police reports that describe in the minutest and very repugnant details of what was done to different girls by some of the suspects. The DIARIO investigation has now reached the point of NO RETURN!

On 12-8 ARUBAAN’s news-source “” reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “PearlinUSA”)

The Public Prosecution Service has got criticism on late supplying warrants.
Photograph: Elsbeth baker

ORANJESTAD - the Public Prosecution Service (OM) has been criticised by the Court in first construction concerning the fact that "Public Prosecution Service is for the court the point and can for this reason action of our to expect" are always more often too late supplied at criminal matters warrants, thus the judge that Thursday tried the criminal cases.

On 12-8 FOX News GRETA VAN SUSTEREN reported in her “Gretawire” blog, “If you missed Thursday night's show, Joran van der Sloot and the two Kalpoe brothers will remain suspects per a court ruling in Aruba.”

On 12-8 the “Scared Monkeys” blog reported:

Aruba, Maybe You can use South Africa as an Example … Hint: Rape is one of the worst offenses

It would appear the courts in South Africa seem to think rape is a terrible offense. They seem to thing that gang rape is even worse. A particular Caribbean island might want to read this article and rethink their position. What does one think going in and out of consciousness mean?

An East London High Court judge sentenced a gang rapist to life imprisonment, describing the “arrogant” attack at knife-point as “one of the worst offenses”. Life sentences were handed down in the gang rape.

What message does that send to the world, especially since we are hosting the 2010 World Cup.”

Compare and contrast the attitude of this case vs. the disappearance and what many believe from suspect statements as the assault of Natalee Holloway.

The 25-year-old victim – on holiday from England – was walking along the beach between Bonza Bay and Gonubie on March 23 when she was attacked by Monde Jack, 22, and a 15-year-old youth. A third man watched.

Handing down sentence, Judge Themba Sangoni told Jack: “Rape is one of the worst offenses, especially when it is committed by a large number of people … particularly if a knife is used to subdue a victim.

“There is a stigma to it and it undermines women.

“From the evidence brought forward there was an element of premeditation because you followed the complainant for a while.” (The Dispatch)

Here is the entire “The Dispatch” article:

Life sentence for gang-rape of English tourist on beach

Judge describes the knifepoint attack near Gonubie as ‘one of the worst offences’

Court Reporter

AN EAST London High Court judge yesterday sentenced a gang rapist to life imprisonment, describing the “arrogant” attack at knife-point as “one of the worst offences”.

The 25-year-old victim – on holiday from England – was walking along the beach between Bonza Bay and Gonubie on March 23 when she was attacked by Monde Jack, 22, and a 15-year-old youth. A third man watched.

Handing down sentence, Judge Themba Sangoni told Jack: “Rape is one of the worst offences, especially when it is committed by a large number of people ... particularly if a knife is used to subdue a victim.

“There is a stigma to it and it undermines women.

“From the evidence brought forward there was an element of premeditation because you followed the complainant for a while.”

And, he added, as they carried out their attack in broad daylight, it was clear that they had acted “with arrogance”.

The prosecutor, advocate Glenn Turner, asked for the life sentence saying it was “serious gang rape”.

He said the psychological damage caused to the victim would take a long time to heal, “unlike an open wound that will heal quickly”.

In addition, the attack put South Africa in a poor light internationally, he said.

“The woman lives in England. Walks on a South African beach. She gets gang-raped. What message does that send to the world, especially since we are hosting the 2010 World Cup.”

Jack and the teenager were convicted in November in separate trials of raping and robbing the East London-born victim. She positively identified both her attackers in court.

Jack pleaded guilty, but the youth denied the charges.

Sangoni said the court had not found any evidence sufficiently substantial or compelling to impose a lighter sentence. Rather, the aggravating factors forced him to impose the mandatory life sentence.

He said Jack had unnecessarily lengthened the case by lying about his age – trying to make out he was 20, which necessitated a probation officer’s report.

The report submitted to the court yesterday mentioned that Jack claimed he had taken Mandrax before committing the offences but that was never mentioned during the trial, he noted.

“Your cooperation with the police could be a good argument but maybe you might have been under pressure to hand yourself over,” said Sangoni. “For rape, you must (get) a life sentence and for robbery, 15 years’ imprisonment. The sentences will run concurrently.”

The youthful Jack, in a red jersey, sat with his left hand on his mouth and a worried look throughout the proceedings.

As sentence was passed, he gestured towards his sobbing mother and said: “I did it, mom … let me suffer for it.”

His mother left the court weeping, and sobbed all the way along the corridor until she left the building.

Jack’s teenage accomplice will be sentenced on February 15 in Grahamstown High Court after a probation officer’s report has been submitted.

On 12-8 the LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM “London Globe” reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “IWABWU”)

From the December 18, 2006 print edition of the Globe ~

World's Biggest Mysteries SOLVED!

Natalee Buried UNDER CEMENT!

Sorry, I don't have a scanner.

Natalee is in the middle of the cover, along with what appear to be a swimming pool. Red arrow points to cement apron.

Highlights from page 8-9 ~

Natalee Holloway was murdered behind the walls of prime suspect Joran van der Sloot's parents' Aruba compound - where her corpse was secretly buried under freshly poured concrete!

That's the bombshell new theory from investigators probing the pretty teen's disappearance....

In a startling revelation, former agent Wood says he discovered that, shortly after Natalee disappeared, concrete was poured around the property's pool area.

"I find the timing very suspicious," he says. "It's a strange coincidence this work was carried out so soon after Natalee vanished and when the property could have been the subject of a search. She could be under that concrete."

Investigators believe Joran lured Natalee...They suspect her body was then hidden in the lush gardens before burial.

...Joe Tacopina about the secret meeting are "a flat-out lie."

He also denied that Natalee could be buried on the van der Sloot property and that cement was poured....

Lots of other new tidbits to think about.

Article mentions "possibility that the Arubans have identified a crime scene."

Anyone else get the Globe?

The inside has what looks like the common air shot of the compound. There is also one shot that looks like from inside the property from one end of the pool, looking at the little gray shed/doghouse building. Neighbor's house can be seen in the background. An open red door and cloths line.

On 12-8 the “Central Bank of Aruba” reported:


December 8, 2006

The Central Bank van Aruba (the Bank) mentions in its Bulletin of the second quarter of 2006 that available information indicates a weakening in current business conditions in the second quarter of 2006. Indicative hereof is that the Partial Economic Activity Index (PEAI), as published by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), showed a 2.0 percent decline in the volume of business activities, compared to the corresponding quarter a year earlier.

The Bank’s Business Perception Survey confirmed this development. Compared to
previous surveys, a decline in the optimism for the coming months has also been noticed. The performance in business conditions is affected by an ongoing weak performance in the tourism sector, as indicated by the numbers of stay-over visitors and nights spent on the island, which declined by 5 percent and 4 percent, respectively. This weakening in the tourism sector was, however, not as profound as in the previous three quarters. Still, gross tourism receipts decreased by 4 percent, while the average hotel occupancy rate recorded a 6.3 percentage points decline to 74.4 percent.

Inflationary pressures remained unabated in the second quarter of 2006. The quarterly
average inflation rate remained high at 3.9 percent, mainly because of a further increase in tariffs for water and electricity, as well as in gasoline and food prices. Measured on a 12-month basis, the inflation rate reached 4 percent, up from 3 percent a year earlier. This is slightly higher than the inflation in the United States of America, our major trading partner, which recorded a rate of 3.8 percent during the corresponding period. When excluding the energy-related components, the inflation rate rose by 0.3 percentage point to 2.1 percent, compared to a year earlier.

Transactions in the external sector produced a rebound of the overall balance of payments, i.e., from a deficit of Afl. 63 million in the second quarter of 2005 to an Afl. 15 million surplus in the quarter under review. The oil and free-zone sectors contributed, on balance, Afl. 25 million positively to the net international reserves. In contrast, the transactions of the rest of the economy resulted in a net outflow of funds to abroad of Afl. 10 million.

Consequently, the net international reserves of the monetary sector reached Afl. 649 million at the end of June 2006, which is Afl. 6 million or 1 percent higher than a year earlier. In the quarter under review, government’s financial deficit (including the change in unmet financing requirements) declined to Afl. 10 million, down from Afl. 81 million in the corresponding quarter of 2005. This improvement reflected mainly a decrease in payment arrears to government-related institutions (including the AZV) and suppliers of goods and services of, respectively, Afl. 29 million and Afl. 9 million. However, total government debt surged by Afl. 119 million (7 percent) to Afl. 1,882 million, compared to the second quarter of 2005, reflecting increases in both domestic and foreign debt of Afl. 69 million (7 percent) and Afl. 50 million (6 percent), respectively. The debt-to-GDP (GDP 2005) ratio rose by 3 percentage points to 47 percent.

* The publications of the Central Bank van Aruba are also available on its website
J.E. Irausquin Boulevard 8 P.O. Box 18 Oranjestad Aruba Tel. nr.: (297) 525-2100 Fax nr.: (297) 525-2101
E-mail: Website:

Page 2

This issue of the Quarterly Bulletin contains also three articles. The first article “The turnover tax (BBO) and its macroeconomic implications” analyses in detail the assumptions and macroeconomic implications surrounding the BBO, while the second article “Introduction of the turnover tax system (BBO) in Aruba” is a presentation held by the Bank on November 23, 2006 regarding its view on the introduction of the turnover tax (BBO) as of January 1, 2007. The third article “Recent developments in the Aruban real sector, and the outlook” describes some trends in the real sector of Aruba between 2001-2005, and provides a brief outlook of the short-term future, including the factors that may affect the economic outcome of Aruba.

The Bulletin of the second quarter of 2006 is available as from today on the website of the Bank:


On 12-9 FOX News reported:

Aruba Investigation

'The Lineup' takes you behind the scenes and uncovers new evidence into what happened the night Natalee Holloway disappeared. Is there an island-wide conspiracy to protect Joran van der Sloot and cover up what really happened to the Alabama teen? Go inside the Aruba investigation, this weekend!

FOX News, “The Lineup” Sat. & Sun., 12-9 & 10, 9:00 PM, 12:00 AM®

On 12-10 CNNHN reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Andie”)

GLEN BECK, HOST: How does Natalee Holloway’s disappearance affect me? How does--what am I am supposed to?--I am living in Cleveland, and I don't know anything about Natalee Holloway.

I don't know who she is. I don't know the family. I don't...

NANCY GRACE: Are you serious? How does this affect you?

BECK: Yeah, how does this affect me?

GRACE: may be living in Cleveland, but you are still an AMERICAN, right?

BECK: (meaning, yes)

GRACE: And this girl and her family got "ride roughshod" by the Aruban government and the Aruban police. And maybe I am different from you, but they were done very, very badly.

And they had given up on seeking the truth, and what is this Mom supposed to do? Go home twiddling her thumbs, and try to forget somebody killed her daughter?!!

BECK: Here's what---No, no, no...and I am not saying that. Here's what...

GRACE: I called for a boycott on Aruba! And guess what? Tourism went up! Alright...people didn't you hear me?; BOYCOTT!

BECK: (laughing) I have to tell you. I saw the worst advertising campaign I have ever seen. It was during that episode with Natalee Holloway. This is horrible.

I am going into the Lincoln Tunnel, and right before the Lincoln Tunnel, there is this giant billboard, and it was for Aruba, and it said, "your last glimpse of sunlight--come to Aruba."

And I thought...

GRACE: You mean, before you die?

BECK: No, it was before you go into the tunnel, but with that case going was your last...


GRACE: ...before you Aruba...

BECK: Oh, I know, I know it! Exactly what it screamed at me! It was there for about a month after that.

GRACE: You know, that thing, since you brought it up. People always ask me, "Why does Natalee's Mom go on TV all the time?"

Well, sadly, you just do...(pause)… you just do! She is trying so hard, and, to me, covering not only Beth but the other parents and families of missing loved ones who reach out to TV to get the word out about their missing and seeking help from the public. (amended here, due to help from PearlinUSA)

BECK: Don't get me wrong, I feel---I feel the compassion. I watch her, and I -- I think to myself, “What would you do?”

How do you---this is what I got from her. As I was watching her, I thought to myself, “My gosh, hey, I am not sending my kids down to Aruba. I don't think I would send my kids anywhere.”


BECK: But the other thing was, I spent alot of time during that thinking, “How would--how would--how would I possibly go on as a Dad?” Something happens to my child. I've got four children. I don't know how I would go on; I really don't.

GRACE: You would endure, and I learned, immediately--not immediately after Keith's murder, but in the years that followed--that--that the key is to endure and …(pause)… not to let people or circumstances chip away at you, so lose a little bit more of what you believe in.

On 12-9 FOX News reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Andie”)

KIMBERLY: WELCOME TO THE LINEUP! I AM KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE. They are the three main suspects in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway:
1. Joran van der Sloot,
2. and Deepak,
3. and Satish Kalpoe.

A court just ruled not to release them from the ongoing investigation into the missing Alabama teen. Lets go to straight to Aruba, where we are joined by Julia Renfro, Editor and Chief of ARUBA TODAY.

Julia, thanks for being with me. And what did the Aruban judge rule in this case of Joran van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers?

JULIA: Hi, Kimberly. An announcement was made earlier this week. The Kalpoe brothers; and, also, we don't have exact information on Joran van der Sloot, but they will remain under suspicion in the case of missing Alabama teenager, Natalee Holloway.

It is unclear whether new evidence has been brought forward, although...we are understanding, based on what the lawyers have told us is that the prosecutor has asked that they remain under suspicion, as "she" is still under investigation and needs for them to be available...for interviews in the future.

KIMBERLY: Julia, you have been on top of this case from the beginning. Does this come as a surprise to you that they still remain under suspicion, and the prosecutor is not willing to release them?

JULIA: Actually, did not feel that they would be released, although the lawyers of these three young men came forward a little bit less than two weeks ago, and they asked for the judge...a judge from a nearing Island, release the boys based on no new evidence has been presented in basically more than a year and ahalf.

And they basically said, "well, either charge us, or release us." And the prosecutor, of course, fought, and the judge sided with her...and said, "no, no we are sorry, but we are still continuing to further this investigation."

KIMBERLY: Julia, do you believe that? Do you assess that there is renewed vigor to try and solve this case, now that the Dutch are being involved in it?

JULIA: Well, you know...the Dutch...the Dutch investigators were...have been actually involved all along. But they actually took over the case a little over two months ago, and it is possible that they been able to uncover or discover new information, which has obviously not been released to anybody at this time. what we said, like what I said earlier is...some of our investigators...


JULIA: ...spoke with the lawyers, and the lawyers said, "you know, basically the prosecution has not brought anything to the table in the last year and ahalf...against their clients."

KIMBERLY: Right, well, we can expect their defense attorneys to say that. Absolutely! But, Julia, we will check back with you later about this case. Thank you!

And in moments, we are going to speak with Natalee's Mother to get her reaction to the latest information and details learned n "our exclusive LINEUP investigation."

And, now, from Aruba to Raleigh, NC...

CONTINUED ________________


(Kimberly had this running across the bottom of the screen: Aruban reporter finally breaks his silence on Holloway case.)

KIMBERLY: (not sure) uncovered new information that may prove the main suspects in the Natalee Holloway case should be behind bars...find out why they are not, and who maybe helping them. That is next!

...a journalist, who's soul responsibility is the Natalee Holloway case. His work may turn the entire case upside down!


(not sure) Natalee Holloway deepens...did Joran van der Sloot have anything to do with the disappearance of Alabama teen? Do cops know enough to lock him up right now?

OUR LINEUP INVESTIGATIVE UNIT HAS HIT THE STREETS IN ARUBA, gathering exclusive evidence that could blow the case wide open!

The LINEUP INVESTIGATIVE UNIT is going deep inside the NATALEE HOLLOWAY investigation this weekend with the people, who know it best. But first, here is a look back at the case:

(video of the Natalee Holloway investigation playing in the background)

1. The search for Alabama teen, Natalee has baffled investigators and kept the Nation riveted for the past year and ahalf.
2. May 24th, 2005...18 year old Natalee Holloway graduated from Alabama high school. Nothing but hopes for the future, and the whole world ahead of her.
3. She and her classmates go on an annual senior vacation to sunny Aruba.
4. On the last night of the trip, Natalee and her friends spend the night partying in a local hot spot, Carlos' n Charlie's.
5. Then, tragedy strikes! Natalee's friends see her get into a car outside of the nightclub, and she is never seen again!
6. And her family and friends still do not have any answers.
7. Now, new allegations emerge! Evidence that Antonio Carlo, the former lawyer for prime suspect, Joran van der Sloot, may have had a secret meeting with prosecutor, Karin Janssen. At this meeting, Carlo "allegedly" told her that his client, Joran, had something to do with Natalee's disappearance...
8. And it was up to Aruban police to prove it!
9. Months later a Dutch crime reporter confronted Carlo with a hidden camera...
10. And the lawyer admitted meeting with Janssen.
11. With these latest developments, the spotlight is once again on the young man, who has never been far from the center of this story...and has never removed the cloud of suspicion.
12. Does Joran van der Sloot hold the key to solving the mystery?


KIMBERLY: AND NOW A FEW WORDS FROM ONE OF THE LEADING NEWSPAPERS IN ARUBA, and after 18 months of investigating Natalee Holloway's disappearance, he is finally breaking his silence...EXCLUSIVELY ON THE LINEUP!


(video of reporter being shown, as he points to the different declarations in the investigation...also, the following is audio from the video of this reporter speaking to the camera)

ARUBAN REPORTER: What we have here is the police documents of Paul van der Sloot, we have Satish, we have Joran, we have Deepak...we have several declarations of the, suspects, witnesses, etc...etc.

And OVER HERE, WE HAVE OUR INVESTIGATION. At this point, we cannot give details about our investigation, because we are at a point, of what we call, "point of no return."

If we will give you this information, and we will be on the will first, jeopardize our investigation, and it might put people that are involved in this investigation in trouble, and we do not want to do that.

(not sure) everybody is talking about Joran all the time, and they are blaming him for everything. OK, we don't know whether Joran did harm to the girl...yes or no. We cannot say that, but in several documents, you will see that people...give statements to the police, and "they are talking about they went into panic."

And when you are talking about "they"...that is more than one person. So the question is: was Joran with Deepak?
with Satish?
with other people at that time...when something happened to Natalee, and "they panicked."

AND WHY DID THEY PANIC? So that is the big question. "They" is more than one person. (firmly said)

So, it is not only Joran. So if they think pointing on him...other people might be involved.

And the declaration of one of the witnesses said to the police, "they panicked." What still, up to now, nobody was asking, "who are they, who else was over there?"

Satish is more in the background, but the main players, according to the documents that we have, and I am referring only to those documents right between Deepak and Joran.

And at that moment, Deepak is blaming Joran van der Sloot, because we have here (pointing to a visible document) you can see that Deepak is telling Joran: "if they find the girl, you will get 15 years."

And, in Aruba, according to Dutch law, if you get 15 years in prison...he is referring to "prison" must have done something really bad...over here. "They will give you 15 years, if they find the girl" why would they give you 15 years if they find the girl? something really bad happened.


KIMBERLY: And joining us, live in Atlanta, is Beth Holloway Twitty. (Beth looked great...rested.) Beth, thanks for being with me tonight. This story is still going. This case, I think, remains very much in the forefront of an investigation.

Beth, what is your reaction to this interview we just showed? This reporter has finally broken his silence, and he reveals, at least, to me...some very startling information.

(Kimberly had this running across the screen: there is evidence of Joran and Kalpoes involvement.)

BETH: Well, Kimberly, we are grateful for it...the involvement. And it seems like things have really been taken up a notch over the last couple of months. And, you know, it seems like more and more persons have become involved; and, you know, with the Netherlands involvement...and other persons on the Island that really have a vested interest in finding a resolution, so we just think that maybe it is just around the corner, Kimberly.

KIMBERLY: At what point, Beth, when you were in Aruba, did you feel that there might be a "coverup"...where people were not being forthright with their information?

BETH: You know, I think early as within the first days of giving a statement, in a police station, I saw torn statements on one of the detective's desks. And it had Joran van der Sloot's name throughout the statement...I always go back to that in my mind, and it would just be one example of numerous things that seemed very suspicious at the time. You know, why was his statement torn on the day he gave it to the police?

KIMBERLY: That is unbelievable...I can just picture that. What do you think NOW in terms of the fact that the last two months, the Dutch have really taken terms they are spear heading the investigation. Do you think they are going to solve the case?

BETH: Well, it really looks like they are headed for that. And, you know, they had very limited jurisdictional reign over her case, this past summer of '05, and it looks like NOW that they have been given more authority over her case.

And, like I said, I think they have really taken it up a notch, and now with the suspects NOT BEING RELEASED, I think it is all adding up to...hopefully...something coming out as far as evidence, and what they have on these suspects.

KIMBERLY: Beth, the information we have just heard made reference to: "they panicked."

What do you think happened?

BETH: You know, Kimberly, I don't know, but know, if it was something...a "panic mode." I mean, why wasn't a hospital involved? Why wasn't there medical personnel? YOU KNOW, WHERE IS SHE? WHAT HAPPENED?

If it is simply a matter of an accident and they panicking...NO, you know, it doesn't lead to "coverup" and "disposal" and "lies after lie after lie"...that just doesn't happen...that is not by accident.

KIMBERLY: Alright, Beth, we are going to have alot more on this tomorrow night in the rest of our investigation. Thanks for joining me.

And if you have any information on what happened to Natalee Holloway, please call the FBI at the number on your screen.







On 12-10 FOX News reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Andie”)
(video here)

Kimberly's guests were:
1. Jossy Mansur, Editor and Chief of the Aruban newspaper, EL-DIARIO, on the phone
2. Tito Lacle, investigative reporter, on the phone
3. Peter De Vries, Dutch investigative reporter, interviewed by phone
4. Beth Holloway Twitty, in a studio
5. Dave Holloway, on the phone

Kim had quite a few "headlines" on the bottom of the screen, which I have made note of for the record:












(Now for the transcript)__________


KIMBERLY: Welcome to the LINE UP! I am KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE. Now to our top story! He is a former Aruban Police Chief in charge of the NATALEE HOLLOWAY case. What he says about prime suspect, JORAN VAN DER SLOOT AND DEEPAK AND SATISH KALPOE. ..and the mystery surrounding Natalee's disappearance is shocking, and we have it exclusively.

Lets first go to JOSSY MANSUR, Editor of EL-DIARIO newspaper, who joins us on the phone. Jossy, thanks for being with me tonight.

JOSSY: Sure.

KIMBERLY: So tell me, what's behind this investigation: this report that you are doing?

JOSSY: What's behind it? We are intent on finding the answer of what happened to Natalee. And we are using every means of our disposal to do so.

KIMBERLY: Do you believe firmly tonight that there is a coverup in this investigation?

JOSSY: There has to be, and with all the evidences we have been uncovering or discovering and all this (not sure) of the official police reports...I mean, there has to be. How come these suspects are set free?

KIMBERLY: Ok, let me ask you, why do you think there have been no charges of sexual assault, because it seems even that the Chief then, DOMPIG, believed that a sexual assault occurred, and that there was sufficient evidence to prove it.

JOSSY: He doesn't only believes it...he confirms it. And he confirms it on the basis of all the declarations that the suspects made to the police under interrogation.

KIMBERLY: But why do you think these charges haven't been brought? The Dutch are now involved and in charge of this investigation...spearheading it for the last two months. If they know, if they have the report, and the information to prove this, why at least haven't those charges been brought?

JOSSY: Well, that is the 64 thousand dollar question we have all been asking ourselves all this time. Why? Because if it has been proven through their own admissions, and confirmed and reconfirmed by the lead investigator at that time...why haven't they been arrested on sexual assault?

KIMBERLY: That is very puzzling. More information you have provided is with is this exclusive video tape. Tell me about that.

JOSSY: The video tape was made, because I had a conversation, and I wanted a record...definite confirmed record of what was going on with this investigation. And I got the confirmation on the things that we suspected from the beginning, and that was of a sexual assault case. And that they were dedicating themselves to the murder...possible murder case, instead of dedicating themselves to this.

And then GEROLD DOMPIG was a good officer...a very well trained man...confirms that they have on the basis of the admissions of the three suspects, sufficient proof to charge them with sexual assault and go for an eight year period of inprisonment.

KIMBERLY: Alright. Well, Jossy, I am going to ask you to stand by, because we are going to take a look at your meeting with Chief Dompig.



TRANSLATOR FOR THE LINE UP (translating Gerold Dompig's voice on tape):
We are stuggling with this...personally, I think, yes, but not at once, because we are going in another direction. And now it is really...since we do not have a body, we have decided to gather with the FBI and the people from HOLLAND, also...that we will look at the the whole.

Sometimes you have to stand still...sit still...observe...just go read, and we have begun to read everything...just And at a certain point, we have decided to go in another direction.

No, no...the same group, but in the direction of another crime, because, you see, there is no body. So you do not have a murder case, but you have a moral crime, and on the basis of their own declarations. Say, let us say, if it is not rape, they fingered her...they did alot of things to her, according to their own declarations.

And we have an article in our penal code that provides an eight year sentence for that. If you do that to a girl, who cannot, who is not conscience...they themselves said that she passed out on different occasions in the car...that means if you do that to a person, who cannot defend herself, it is eight years. That is what I think...that it went out of hand, because the girl passed out on different occasions. They got scared. They dumped her.

No, and that is my focus. The focus is something...let us has more of a basis, because we already have the declarations of all three of on it, and because of which the case has become important. Interesting, when Kalpoe (not sure) by saying that they dropped her, you know, they are still there at the (not sure) path...that is for us, something credible. Lets say, a witness...valuable...very credible. And that in the whole story is gives us more proof in a direction that the Kalpoe brothers are lying.

That means, that we can say, hey, their declarations are what they can not say, ok, that means then, we are in a corner before the judge, because he is an unreliable suspect. That means that if we can get that, then all three...finished.

If you do not do that, then the third of September, he will walk. Once that opening, for us to begin with the Kalpoes, put more pressure, and I think in the interrogation tactic that we used on Joran lately, if we put that on the Kalpoes...they will break. Yes, because Joran is alot stronger. The Kalpoes are weak and have not received the pressure of interrogation, compared with Joran. Because the boys are very, because you follow how they are...go to them when you are searching in a certain direction, you can see their reaction...see if they go into panic or not. And we have observed that as soon as we are busy with anything "on the sea"...they go into panic.


KIMBERLY: Alright, Jossy, this is "powerful evidence" that we have just shown right now on our show...THAT WE OBTAINED FROM YOU. Do you have plans to give this evidence...this exclusive tape to the Dutch investigators and to the prosecutors?

JOSSY: Well, if they contact me, and they want a copy of it, SURE. It is public.

KIMBERLY: But don't you think it is your civic duty to turn it over? This could be helpful in solving this case and in bringing justice for this case.

JOSSY: No, because it is just a declaration of the lead investigator to me. I wouldn't think that they would consider THIS as evidence...only as a confirmation of what they have.

KIMBERLY: BUT NEVERTHELESS, that can corroborate some information that they have, and it could LEAD to following some other leads or some other interviews in this case. I think it could be very helpful.

JOSSY: Well, of course...if they want a copy of the tape, it is at their disposal anytime.

KIMBERLY: Alright, Jossy, I want to thank you for joining me tonight and for giving us that exclusive video tape! THANKS SO MUCH!


KIMBERLY: And joining us now in Aruba is investigative journalist, TITO LACLE. Tito, great to have you back on the program, and now high ranking changes are coming in Aruba. Tell me what are those changes, and when do you think they are going to happen?

TITO: Well, Kimberly, first of all we have no way of knowing exactly. All we know is that the Attorney General is planning on retiring...we understand sometime next year. And that may bring some changes to the entire investigation with new fresh blood coming in...(not sure of the following>) if there was a case with other changes during a case with police chiefs changing hands . Each person coming in with a different view.

We just had a change with the Police of Chief Commissioner, and he is Dutch. He has a different view on things. On that side also, we may get some interesting new developments , if it happens early next year.

KIMBERLY: And, also an Aruban judge last week said that there is enough evidence to hold the suspects for another three months. Are you surprised by that, and what do you think that evidence is?

TITO: I have no idea what this new evidence is, because we have not seen any new development the last couple of months. I would even go as far as saying in the last four or five months.

"Surprised?" NOT AT ALL. We have been seeing this coming from day one. There is this thing that the keep saying that they have new things on these people. I spoke to Mickey John, the security guard that was let go. He has been in this case from the beginning. (not sure) that the Kalpoes seem to have something that they are holding from us, but I was definitely not surprised.

KIMBERLY: Alright, Tito, thanks for joining us tonight. And here is a look of what is coming up in the rest of this hour:



KIMBERLY: A leading Dutch investigative journalist has revealed startling information connecting prime suspect, JORAN VAN DER SLOOT to Natalee's disappearance. PETER DE VRIES released a documentary about the case last month. We had a chance to talk to him earlier about what he had learned. Take a listen:
(video here from this point, forward)

PETER: I think it is not a crime in the way of murder in the first degree or so, but I think some kind of accident happened. Natalee passed out. Maybe Joran panicked and didn't know what to do, and what is going to happen next. And then they wanted to get rid of the body...something like that. At least that is what the police are thinking.

KIMBERLY: Alright, KARIN JANSSEN, was also involved in a Dutch program about this case, but she left out some key points, you say. What were they?

PETER: Ya, that was the shoes...of Joran. It never was asked to the tv audience, "did anybody see the shoes of Joran?" "And can you help us to find it?"
So that is very strange...that is one of the clues in this case. Where are the shoes of Joran?

KIMBERLY: Why do you think she would leave that out?

PETER: I...I don't know...I really don't know. I wish I could get the answer. I don't understand it at all. It is question number one I should say. And, well, she forgot it, if you believe that.

KIMBERLY: Well. Alright, what about KARIN JANSSEN'S relationship with the District Attorney, FERNANDO CROES?

PETER: Ya, well, that relation is very bad...very bad, and it is a public secret. Everybody on the Island knows that. They don't talk to each other, and they certainly don't listen to each other, and FERNANDO CROES is blaming KARIN JANSSEN that she didn't arrest JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , when they find out he was lying about what he was doing that night. He told that he dropped Natalee at the hotel. That was a lie. He was telling that he was picked up by Deepak in his car. That was a lie, and why wasn't he arrested? This is what FERNANDO CROES is saying, and I think he is right at that point.

KIMBERLY: So Mr. Croes believes that there was sufficient evidence and information to arrest JORAN VAN DER SLOOT right away, and crucial time was lost?

PETER: Of course, and that is what everybody is thinking. That is what I am thinking. I have been investigating murder crimes all my life, and, ya, I don't understand this.

KIMBERLY: OK, and what about PAUL VAN DER SLOOT? How do you think he complicated this investigation?

PETER: Well, he complicated it, according to the police, because of his job. He knew what was going on. He knew what was in the files, and he knew what they were going to investigate. So the police are thinking that he talked, or that he informed his son about all of this; because he had access to him, himself, or by the attorney, Mr. Carlo.

KIMBERLY: OK, and, Peter, anything else that you want to add that you think is important so far in this investigation?

PETER: Ya, well, what is very important is JORAN VAN DER SLOOT lied several times, and he can't explain why he did that. And that is very strange, because if nothing happened, if you really don't know what happened to Natalee, you don't have to lie. It's that.


KIMBERLY: And the leading ARUBAN JOURNALIST COVERING THE HOLLOWAY CASE finally breakis his silence. Here is Part II of his indepth look into the circumstances surrounding the HOLLOWAY INVESTIGATION:


ARUBAN JOURNALIST: He admitted to the police that he had, in a way, a kind of sexual contact with her in the car. And according to Dutch law, if a person...a victim...can become, as stated, at this moment, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or a combination of that...that person cannot take (not sure) for him or for herself.

So if you are doing that with a person, you can be in trouble. You can get the maximum of eight years for that. And you don't have to be a lawyer to know that. Any policeman in Aruba can tell you that.

And, in here says, you can see also, that JORAN says that Natalee asked him to go with Joran to Joran's house. And after I told Natalee she came home with me (reading from the documents on his desk) to my house, and we will bring her back later to the Holiday Inn.

Plus, minus 1:15, we left Carlos' n Charlie's, and we went outside. So at 1:15 that night, that is when everything started. So, according to Joran, Natalee asked him if she can go with him to his house. And, suddenly, you want the girl to go, and the girl wants to go with you to your house.

And after that, you went to your house, you change your version, nobody wants to go in...etc...etc...etc. And in his statements, you can see over here, it is in Dutch...that Natalee is asking him to go to see sharks. Well, you know this already, that even finding a building here at night time in Aruba is something difficult. It is not only in Aruba, it is any place in the world. And to go to look at sharks at night is something that is really...really strange.

Young people that come out of a bar, normally go to the beach, go swimming, go to another place where they can go on partying. And looking at sharks at night is a really strange story. Somebody has to hide something, because otherwise, you wouldn't change your version so many times. And why would a group of young people, who are supposed to be very good friends, at a certain point, turn against each other?

And also, about the story of going to the is saying, we went to the Lighthouse; and the other one is saying, oh,we never went to the Lighthouse... and so on and so on.

And also, the way that they handled this whole case, nobody...any youngster in Aruba...arrested by the police in a case like this, would crack within 24 hours. But in this case, everybody is getting the impression that the Aruban police didn't get all the way to do the investigation like they normally do, and to finish it like they normally do.

So that is the impression what most of the people have in Aruba. And the big question is WHY. Is it a coverup? Is there something to hide? Nobody knows yet, but after awhile (not sure).



And immediately following NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S DISAPPEARANCE, her parents flew straight to Aruba to find their daughter. 18 months later, Natalee is still missing, but her family has never faltered in their quest to find answers.

And joining us now with reactions to the latest details in the investigation, in Atlanta, is Natalee's mother, BETH TWITTY. And on the phone is Natalee's father, DAVE HOLLOWAY. Pleasure to have you both with me tonight. You are both to be commended for doing this for your daughter and never giving up. And we sent one of our investigative reporters...producers down to Aruba, George, that you both know to get this information. Beth, what is your reaction to this second part?

BETH: Well, you know, Kimberly, what I am hearing is just a real turning is a real turning point, and a drive for the investigation. I am hearing, you know, listening to Jossy Mansur, who has been terrific all along. I am hearing this other private investigator. It is like more persons are really becoming involved and committed to questioning, as to why...why we are not...why these select persons in the Justice Department are not following their own policies and procedures, and going forward and (not sure) these charges against the suspects.

We know now that they have the sexual assault charges, and, you know, we are not asking for special treatment, Kimberly. We are just asking for these persons, who have the power to proceed forward with the charges against the suspects...that they know they have the sexual assault charges that they could bring against. If we are not asking for anything more than they would do for any other citizen on the Island of Aruba, and that is to do the right thing...follow the rules.

KIMBERLY: Yeah, you are asking them to do their job...the job that they swore an oath to seek find out what happened in this case, and you are still waiting, but you are not giving up.

Alright, I am going to go Dave Holloway now. Dave, when you first, and I have spoken to you before about this. When you first went to Aruba, you did have this sorta of uneasy feeling that perhaps something was amiss...that they weren't going through the steps of this investigation like the should have...that there might be kinda of a coverup.

DAVE: Yes, Kimberly. There were a number of things that I saw in the beginning that first when we met with the detective, he indicated that he had already spoken with the three suspects. And they didn't have anything...he told us that they didn't have anything to do with her disappearance.

Then you get into later on, they arrest the security guards...for whatever reason, and then nine days later, they finally arrest these kids. Stop and think about this:
You've got a 17 year old kid, who has essentially the run of the Island. He is able to gamble, drink, and drive, while all underage; and he also gambles with his father, which really sets a good example for the police department. They take no action in no situations. What do you think they are going to do when we report that Natalee is missing?

KIMBERLY: And you actually had contact with PAUL VAN DER SLOOT? Tell me about that, because you sorta began to suspect that he was helping his son out...covering up for him in the beginning.

DAVE: Well, his son had unfettered access to any and all visitors, and we noticed that he was going to the prison quite often, and after a long day of searching, I went by there and tried to make an appointment. Then the next day I met with Paulus, and his statement was: well, I can understand your situation, but you've got to understand mine. I will do anything to protect my son.

KIMBERLY: Yeah, and it seems believable...a parent would do something that maybe they wouldn't ordinarily think possible to protect a child in need, but Beth, lets talk about charges in this case. It seems to me that alot of people are saying that with some kind of sexual assault that took place, perhaps while your daughter was in an unconscious state or passed out, and that is a crime in Aruba. Why do you think that no charges have been brought to date, at least for that?

BETH: I don't know, Kimberly, because the prosecuting attorney spoke with us over a year ago, and they could bring about the sexual assault charges against, especially one of the main suspects, in Natalee's case.

So now what we are looking for is we entrusted American tourists to their Island...all we are asking them...we are not asking for special treatment...just follow policies and procedures, and to do the right thing.

KIMBERLY: Beth, tonight, do you really feel that you are getting one step closer, because it seems like they are not letting the case go in Aruba, since the Dutch are involved?

BETH: Yeah, I think really what's happening is, Kimberly, is what I am hearing tonight from, you know, men there, who are dedicated from this private investigator to Peter De Jossy Mansur, who know the policies and procedures...who know the rules that they have to follow, and I think they are going to follow this through.

KIMBERLY: Alright, Dave and Beth, I want to thank you both so much for being on the program with me. Thanks alot.

DAVE: Thank you.


On 12-11 ARUBAAN’s news-source “Diario” reported:

Encuanto cu Natalee kier a bay wak tribon den marduga. NO MESTER “READ BETWEEN THE LINES” PERO “READ BETWEEN THE ‘LIES’”

ORANJESTAD (AAN) --- Mas y mas informacionnan ta sigui sali riba e caso di Natalee Holloway, di cual te awe autoridadnan policial no a logra ainda pa saca afor kico a pasa cune y unda e lo por ta.

Mescos cu tin diferente sospechoso, tambe tin diferente declaracion, tanto controversial como declaracionnan cu ta lanta tur sorto di sospecho den direccion di mas cu un persona.

Te cu recien, mayoria atencion tabata dirigi riba e sospechoso principal Joran van der Sloot, siendo cu ora sinta analisa e caso riba su mes y sigur sinta analisa un monton di procesverbaal traha riba sospechosonan, declaracion di diferente testigo, documento di investigacion, raport etc etc, un cos ta sobre sali; e gañamento formal y sistematico.

Loke mas ta sobre sali ta, cu normalmente ora diferente sospechoso ta haci declaracionnan contradictorio, controversial, ‘supuestamente’ sin pia sin cabes, etc, investigadornan tin cu trata na loke na ingles ta wordo yama, ‘Read between the lines’ pa trata na saca afo un linea di indicacion y un pista di kico lo por a pasa y kende lo ta esnan cu tabata envolvi y te den ki grado.

Lamentablemente, keto bay tin hopi critica riba publicidad cu e caso aki ta sigui haya.

E critica ta bin principalmente di esnan cu no kier compronde y menos realiza cu mientras e caso di Natalee Holloway no keda soluciona, e ta sigui ta un problema grandi pa Aruba y den e contexto amplio di e palabra pasobra manera cu e caso a wordo trata for di e prome dia te awe, e impresion internacional a wordo crea cu tabata y ainda lo tin tapamento pa e berdad no sali na claridad di dia.

Den diferente declaracion haci door di Joran van der Sloot (segun documentonan cu team investigador di DIARIO a logra haya) mencion ta wordo haci encuanto cu Natalee den oranan laat di marduga, riba e dia cu e tabata den compania di e te awe tres sospechosonan, lo tabata kier a bay wak tribon!!!

Cualkier adulto cu haya e informacion aki, lo puntra su mes; ta ken lo kier bay wak tribon den oranan laat di marduga mientras bo ta di vakantie na Aruba anto pa colmo riba e ultimo anochi di bo vakantie?

Natalee tabata amante di pisca of di bida marino of tabata practica e deporte di piscamento riba entre otro tribon?

Natalee tabata un persona conoci como protector di tribon of tabata traha part time cu Discovery Channel?

Ki dia hende a haya di tende cu un persona hoben cu tabata den su anochi di diverticion, supuestamente tabata tin e deseo ferviente di bay wak tribon na costanan di Aruba, si den dia cla mes bo no ta wak tribon?

Ta Joran tabata persisti cu Natalee tabata insisti cu e kier a bay wak tribon, despues cu manera e mes a bisa den su declaracion, cu Natalee a pidi Joran pa bay cu Joran na su cas.

Ta dificil pa kere y menos compronde cu un mucha muher hoben, di cual te con leu ta conoci na Aruba, cu e no a bin Aruba pa bay wak tribon, tabata insisti cu e kier a bay wak tribon na costanan di Aruba, mientras cu e tabata sinta riba e stoel patras den auto cu Joran y tabata vrij cu Joran; e ta dos deseo extremadamente leu di otro y dificil pa cualkier hende cu dos placa di sinti kere e storia ey.

Un teenager of un grupo di hoben cu caba di sali di cualkier lugar nocturno, ta busca sea un otro lugar cu ta keda habri te den oranan laat di mainta pa sigui trip of ta busca moda pa bay trip banda di laman, bay organiza un fiesta priva na hotel of na un cas priva y tin di nan cu ta busca coy loco pa haci manera bay pusta auto, landa sunu na laman etc etc.

Cuanto hoben no a muri hoga na Merca despues di a sali trip den grupo pasobra nan a bay reta otro pa mustra cu nan tin balentia pa landa cruza un riew?

Ki dia hende a tende cu muchanan hoben cu a caba di trip tabata tin e deseo ferviente pa bay wak tribon den oranan laat di marduga?

Ey ta caminda cu den caso di desaparicion di Natalee, for di e declaracionnan descabeya y controversial haci door di e sospechosonan mes, investigadornan no mester solamente read between the lines pero mas bien mester read between the ‘lies’.

Mescos cu tin e dicho; A otro perro con ese weso; den e caso aki e ta bira ‘A otro Tiburon con ese anzuelo.

Pa loke ta trata esnan cu ta sigui pretende cu Natalee ta na bida y cu tur e sospechosonan ta inocente y cu tur otro medio di comunicacion ta mal ekiboca riba e caso; Mare esey ta berdad, Mare tur hende tabata tin e impresion robes!

Ohala cu na DIARIO tambe tur hende ta mal ekiboca y cu Natalee ta bibo y cu e por bolbe tardi of tempran cerca su sernan keri y tur sospechoso ta inocente y cu nan tambe por sigui cu nan bida normal, pero mientras ningun hende sa kico a pasa cu Natalee y no sa unda e ta, e investigacion ta sigui y DIARIO no ta hala un paso atras.

Redactor Vale Hart

On 12-11 “Freedom of Blog” identity “MF” reported, “THE UNNAMED INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER IS VALE HART.”

** this is in reference to who identity “MF” claims is the un-named person who appeared on film during the FOX News reports of December 9 & 10, 2006 discussing the ARUBA police NATALEE case investigations and his and/or apparently ”Diario’s” NATALEE case investigations.

On 12-11 the “Scared Monkeys” blog reported:

More Lessons for Aruba, Rape of tourist in South Africa sparks boycott

Aruba, think there are not consequences to not properly investigating and prosecuting crimes? Sometimes there are consequences to the fact that a crime is even committed. Jossy Mansur of Diario has indicated many times that the suspect statements indicate a sexual assault as Natalee Holloway was going “in and out of consciousness”.

Dompig confirmed that there is a sexual assault, he not only believes it, he confirmed it. That is a great question we have all been asking ourselves, why have their not been arrests on sexual assault? (Jossy Mansur, The Line Up )
Maybe Aruba better learn a lesson from South Africa for travel tour operators are calling for a boycott due to the gang rape of a French tourist. They have at least arrested suspects in this case, what have you done Aruba?

International tour operators are threatening to “pull the plug” on Durban following the gang rape of a French tourist.

Quoting Alan Vels, the chairman of the Federated Hospitality Association of South Africa - East Coast (Fedhasa), a KwaZulu-Natal newspaper reported that one international tour operator had already cancelled tours to the city.

He told the newspaper that he was putting together a file of correspondence to give to the eThekwini municipality showing numerous tour operators stating their intention to remove Durban from their tours unless crime was attended to. (Sun Times)

The incident against the 26 year old official of a European swimming team attending the International Paralympic Committee’s Swimming World Championships was particularly heinous.

The 26-year old French national had decided to go for a walk with the Belgium swimming coach on Tuesday night when they were attacked near the city’s beach front paddling pools. The Belgian, a man, was allegedly held down while she was gang raped.

On 12-11 the “AP” reported another tourists safety-related issue:

Norovirus suspected aboard 2 cruise ships with sick passengers

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — More than 210 people came down with a gastrointestinal illness aboard two Caribbean cruises that ended in South Florida today.
Royal Caribbean officials delayed the scheduled departure this afternoon of the Freedom of the Seas from the Port of Miami for additional sanitizing after norovirus sickened passengers and crew aboard the world's largest cruise ship for the second consecutive week. About 110 passengers and crew became ill this week during a seven-day Caribbean cruise — more than 380 did the week before.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control recommended holding the ship in port. The agency will oversee the repeated cleaning of "high-touch" surfaces such as door handles, railings and elevator buttons. Two additional doctors and 45 more cleaning staff will board the Freedom of the Seas for its next Caribbean voyage from Miami, now scheduled to begin Tuesday.

The Sun Princess, operated by Princess Cruises, is also undergoing a thorough cleaning after docking at Port Everglades today. About 100 passengers and crew members became sick during its ten-day Caribbean voyage.

On 12-11 the “Scared Monkeys” blog reported another tourists safety-related issue:

Royal Caribbean “Freedom of the Seas” Sick Again with Norovirus

What’s worse than one outbreak of the norovirus on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship? How about a second out break aboard the same ship on consecutive cruises? Correction … this is actually the third consecutive cruise that someone became ill. That is exactly what happened on Monday when the Royal Caribbean “Freedom of the Seas” was held in port for extensive cleaning. The question that needs to be asked is why can’t Royal Caribbean provide a clean and healthy environment for its passengers and crew? Two outbreaks of the norovirus on two consecutive cruises. That is unacceptable. At what point are cruise lines going to change their policies & procedures when dealing with the norovirus, rather than just acting after the fact?

More than 380 passengers and crew members aboard Royal Caribbean’s Freedom of the Seas were sickened by norovirus during a Nov. 26-Dec. 3 Caribbean cruise. The ship was cleaned before its next cruise, but 97 passengers and 11 crew members became sick with the same illness last week, officials at the Miami-based cruise line said. (AP)

2 more ships hit by virus. Two ‘’sick ships'’ returned to South Florida ports Sunday, prompting a federal health agency to dock one vessel for two days.

Two cruise ships returned to South Florida ports Sunday morning with passengers sick with norovirus. One of them, a Royal Caribbean ship, will not sail for 48 hours after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a ‘’no sail'’ recommendation.

The CDC issued the advisory — a rare occurrence, according to a CDC spokesman — for the Freedom of the Seas, the world’s largest cruise ship, when the vessel returned to the Port of Miami with sick passengers on its third consecutive cruise. (Miami Herald)

On 12-11 JOSSY MANSUR and TIM MILLER stated to the “Scared Monkeys Radio” (audio here)
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “rohn” for the following summary; personal comments exorcized)

Jossy hasn't heard from Dompig. He hasn't heard from Janssen either.

Considers the tape to be confirmation that the three boys molested Natalee when she was going in and out of consciousness. Jossy figures that the investigators were gung ho and Dompig was dead set on solving it, but Jossy believes that the pressure came from above perhaps from Holland (via Paul's brother -- perhaps. He's not saying this is so, he's just saying it).

He doesn't know if Paulus got paid money and Jossy says we have no way of knowing whether the money was paid or the matter was appealed. Jossy says that very few people would have a way of knowing if the money was paid.

Dana asked him about JoeT. Dana says that JoeT is weird because he always issues threats to sue people for slamming his client, but makes all sorts of personally insulting comments against others.

Jossy is saying the fact that Joran molested Natalee is an admitted fact. Jossy says that Dompig's plan was to charge the boys with sexual assault and get the eight years and then get them for the murder.

Jossy is planning to follow up and he wants the whole tape to be out there because of the "confirmation" contained on it. De Vries says he has every intention of continuing the investigation to the end, that's what he told Jossy.

Jossy says everything indicates that the body was in the ocean. Dompig said that whenever the searches were going on land, the boys were laughing and giddy, but whenever they searched in the water, the boys got nervous. Jossy figures that it's possible that the story of Natalee wanting to see sharks was meant to cover anything of Natalee's being found in the ocean.

Then they talked about the salt pan and when Kalpoe lied about dropping her off, he was at the salt pan. Again Jossy says they never went to the beach. Joran says that they never dropped Natalee off at the apartment and Satish says: Yes we did drop you there.

Jossy says the case is coming to court within the next three months. Janssen has guaranteed the case is coming to court and it will be against the three suspects.

He doesn't know if Carlo's law firm is representing the government, but Jossy believes the government uses other lawyers for its litigation.

The Gardener. In the early stages of the investigation, was Joran being followed? Jossy says he wasn't following Joran. Jossy defends the parade of witnesses he presented. Sometimes, he says witnesses are out of bounds, sometimes not. The gardener's story has never "been disproven legally."

Dana wants to know if the contents of the tape when they all come out will break the case wide open. Jossy says it will help and that the boys will be re-arrested and be taken to court.

Then he spoke with Tim Miller from EquuSearch.

Tim says that this info is overdue. It's really Aruba versus Aruba. Tim says that there was corruption and a cover up and the problem for Aruba, who wants the case to go away, is that the case is not going to go away. Tim says they can go back to search if they could get $150,000.00 to do the search. It sounds like a lot of money, but it's not. He believes that with the equipment and the information he got from Dompig, he's very optimistic Natalee can be found.

(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Heli” for the following transcription of the JOSSY MANSUR interview)

If you've been following the Natalee Holloway disappearance, the information that has happened here in the last couple of weeks we would say is probably as ground breaking and as earth shattering as we've heard in a long time and one of the men behind this information, and thank heavens for him, Jossy Mansur the Managing Editor of Diario. Welcome back to the show Jossy


Thank you


Nice to have you back. You first mentioned the tape on my program when I last spoke to you, you were on The LineUp program with Kimberley Guilfoyle and brought forward the tape. It's, for the lack of a better term, something that this case has needed, a good jumpstart for a long time.

My first question to you and I have lots for you, and I appreciate your time this evening sir, is what made you bring forward the tape at this time?


You know, I had to bring it forward because the case was snagging, not much was being done on it and since we have very important information on the tape, I said, well, it's about time for me to bring it to the attention of the aruban people and the American people so that they know exactly what happened to Natalee, at least in the sense of the model crime committed against her and certified confirmed by the lead investigator at that time


Have you heard from Gerold Dompig since this tape has been released?


No, not at all.


Do you expect to hear from him?


No, I don't think. He no longer belongs to the police force. I don't even know if he's still in Aruba. I know he set up a security business now, he's going to dedicate himself to offering security services etc but I'm not aware of his presence here.


Have you heard from the prosecution team?


Nothing whatsoever, no.


It's interesting Jossy that since you've brought this tape forward some of the lawyers involved who were quite vocal in the news media have all of a sudden become very quiet in the news media. And I'm curious your thoughts on that


I've noticed that also, even here in Aruba, especially the lawyer for Joran and the two lawyers for the Kalpoe brothers,

The way to explain is now we have a direct confirmation of what we knew from the beginning but couldn't confirm and that is that these three suspects molested this girl according to our laws, they committed a moral crime against her because she was not conscious, she was going in and out of consciousness and if someone is not conscious how can she consent? Impossible, so whatever they did to her and they did at lot because they admitted it to police, to the interrogators, without her will because she wasn't conscious.


I don't think coverup is too strong a word in this case, as a matter of fact I think it's an accurrate word and one of the questions that came up for me to ask you Jossy is who would have the power in Aruba to orchestrate something like this, or was it a group effort or is this just bad investigation?


It's not a bad investigation per se, because the people investigating the crime at that time were very gung ho, they wanted to solve this case. Dompig was dead set on solving it but something happened in the meantime, I mean I believe, now this is just an opinion, I believe that the pressure came from above, perhaps even from Holland because let's not forget Paul van der Sloot has a very political and powerful brother in Holland.

Marcus van der Sloot belonged to the VVD (?) party, I mean they handled defense and police work, so there could be, I'm not saying, I'm not accusing this man of anything, but I'm saying the possibility exists that the influence could have come from Holland to try to save this kid by whatever means possible.


Speaking of Paulus van der Sloot, who was found no longer to be a suspect in this case and he was awarded money from the Court as far as compensation goes. Do you know Jossy, was he ever paid that money or was there any sort of appeal process made on that?


We have no way of knowing that, no. I haven't heard anything about an appeal by the Prosecution and I have absolutely no way of knowing, I think very few people have a way of knowing whether they paid him off, whatever the Judge awarded him. I think it was about 25,000 gilders, about $12,000


Something like that. American civil attorney Joe Tacopina lost his mind in my opinion here a few weeks back on this same LineUp program and to quote your editorial "he acted like a spoiled brat whose pacifier was yanked from his mouth. His voice was full of anger and despair but with those emotional outbursts he's not going to change the reality of the case. His client, Joran van der Sloot committed a moral crime against Natalee. I think that nails it exactly Jossy.

I asked you last time a little bit last time about Joe Tacopina, I'm going to ask you again. A lawyer who always issues threats of wanting to sue people yet comes forward and makes some disparaging comments, very unprofessional comments about yourself and others, you've been in this business a long time and I'm sure it didn't bother you that much, but Joran van der Sloot is studying and walking the streets right now and Natalee Holloway isn't. Is this fair?


No, it isn't. I've always held that position and I'll always hold it until we have the solution to the case, noit isn't. I don't think this case should be (inaudible) while Natalee is not there, especially now that we have the re-confirmation that Joran van der Sloot molested her in the car and committed a moral crime against her. That is a fact, that is no speculation, no deduction, a FACT.


When, and if, and we hope that it does happen that Karin Janssen or whoever the prosecuting attorney may be at that time, charges these boys with a case, is it possible for them to be charged with rape and later with homicide if it is proven?


Of course it is, I mean on the tape, it wasn't said on the The LineUp, but on the tape Gerold Dompig says to me directly "Listen, we're going to get them for this because we have the proof and the admissions of the three suspects, we're going to get them for this moral crime for a period of about 8 years, then we will go for the larger or the bigger picture which is murder, so there's nothing in the law that says that because you bring a charge against them for rape,for a moral crime that you cannot go (inaudible) for them at a later date. Of course you can


One of the questions that's come up here recently Jossy is the de Vries program and I know I asked you last time when you were on my show, but I'll ask you again because that's come up, as far as de Vries if he's planning any follow-up and are you planning any follow-up as far as more parts of the tape that weren't shown on Fox News?


Of course I am, I want the whole tape to be shown. There is a lot of information on that that hasn't come out before with the confirmation as positively as it is on the tape by the lead investigator. That's as far as the tape is concerned.

I think Mr. de Vries in Holland who has a very good program, he's a very popular man in Holland, he's done this kind of work all his life so I don't see why people should be making disparaging remarks about him too which were made.

But anyway, de Vries has every intention of continuing investigation in this case to the end, that he told us directly.


Has Fox News contacted you about airing more of your video?


No, not yet but I'm sure they will


There are other sources also on the internet, Scared Monkeys and other places too that would be glad to put that whole video up on the internet for people to see.

I'm curious Jossy, with Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway, have you heard from them since this all has happened?


I haven't heard from them, but I'm aware of everything they're doing. I admire Beth and Dave very much. They are fighting for the recuperation of their daughter or whatever is left of her if that is the case and I think they are very steadfast and very firm in their intentions and will continue to do this. I haven't had any personal contact with them for a couple of weeks now but I'm very well up to date as to everything they're doing.


I'm sure they're very thankful for everything that you've done too and we all are Jossy. .

A question that's come up, and this may be just speculation on your part. Is there anything in the tape or any indication that's come to you as far as where Natalee's body may be? Is it dumped in the ocean or what kind of information might you have?


Everything indicates the ocean. On the tape Gerold Dompig says it very specifically they were observing these kids all the time and whenever searches were going on on the land, they were laughing, they were happy whatever in the observation of the police, but whenever there was searches going on on the ocean, they went into panic and there's another point here to be made which is also a deduction that we do about the sharks.

I mean, Joran says that Natalee asked him to take her to see sharks together. This guy had all this thing planned, that's another one of his big, big lies and coverups because I believe that what he was saying is that in case anything of Natalee appeared in the ocean, remains or whatever, they would have an excuse: a wave sucked her into the ocean and a shark got to her. You understand what I'm telling you?




It's possible, I'm not saying that's a fact but why else would he mention this?


I'll say something that is a fact, that Natalee did run into sharks, and they are the Kalpoe brothers and Joran van der Sloot.

If you're just tuning in, Jossy Mansur, Managing Editor of Diario is with me here now, in fact maybe I just discredited sharks a little bit by making a comparison.

One of the quotes from your tape Jossy from Gerold Dompig, and I'm reading here, it says:

"interesting, when the Kalpoe boy, when Kalpoe lied by they dropped her no they were still at the salt pan, that is for us something credible"

Salt pan is a flat expanse of ground with salt and other minerals. Is Dompig talking about that open area in front of the Racquet Club or what does he mean on your tape when he's talking about the salt pan?


He doesn't specify, there are no specifics involved in that but we are very certain by now that these three suspects when they had Natalee in the car, they drove around with her, they never went to the beach. That's another lie that these people invented to cover themselves up.

They took Natalee to his apartment or to the house of Paul van der Sloot. I mean that has been admitted to in a confrontation that was organized by the police between Joran, Satish and Deepak. Satish and Joran had different versions of it. Joran claims they never left him they never dropped him off at his apartment. Satish says Uh Uh we did drop you there. We have a contradiction there but I believe from the beginning and I believe this very, very strongly that they never took her to the beach directly from Carlos & Charlie's, they took her to the apartment or the house of Paul van der Sloot


Joe Tacopina has said very clearly on news media shows all across the United States and North America that he believes this case will never come to Court. I'm curious about your thoughts on that Jossy.


(Inaudible) I don't know where he gets his information from. Of course this case is coming to Court and I think it's coming to Court in the next 3 months. Karin Janssen guaranteed that this case is going to Court and they will make charges, present charges against these 3 suspects.


If you're just tuning in, Jossy Mansur, Managing Editor of Diario is here with me and we're talking more about breaking news that has come from Aruba in regards to the search for Natalee Holloway.

A question here Jossy, Is there any way for you to check or maybe you know if Antonio Carlo's law firm is representing the government of Aruba in any legal dealings. Is there a conflict there?


I have no knowledge there. The lawyers for the government of Aruba (inaudible) I haven't heard of cases where Antonio Carlo or his law office is involved for the government. They use other lawyers for their cases in court.


Another question that's come in, again if you have questions for Jossy Mansur you can try and e-mail them to me and we'll get to them as quick as we can.

It says "in the very early stages of Natalee's investigation (inaudible) Jossy you were interviewed and you were speaking about the gardener witness. I recall in this interview Jossy said something that he'd been having Joran followed for several days. I did not understand what Jossy meant by that and nothing else was ever mentioned about it. Could you ask Jossy what he was referring to in the early Stages of the interviews with Fox. Was he having Joran followed and what came of that?


Who was having Joran followed? We weren't having Joran followed


Or was Joran being followed by someone? The e-mailer is asking I guess thinking that you had said that you were having Joran van der Sloot followed.


No, no absolutely not. We never had anyone followed. We do this kind of work out of a journalistic point of view. We investigated it from a journalist's point of view, not as a policeman. We don't follow people and see what they're doing or what they're up to. We investigate the case, we try to bring up witnesses, and that's another thing that Joe Tacopina said that I found very uncalled for.

That we brought in this witness and that witness and the other witness. People have to understand this, no: every single clue that comes in, every single hint that we get, we follow. Sometimes we get witnesses that don't work out, that are just out of bounce with this case or out of contact with this case but sometimes we get some witnesses that are really very powerful, like the gardener for example.

The gardener's story or his version of what happened has never been disqualified, not even in Court. He's steadfast with what he said, that he did see the three suspects by the racquet club early that morning, about 03:00 in the morning. That has never been disproven legally


If you were to make a prediction, and maybe this is an unfair question for me to ask you, if you were to make a prediction on this case and I know you mentioned 3 months here in the last little while, what do you think will happen and will the contents of you tape when they come out break this case wide open?


I think it will help break it open because there's no way of hiding from this truth anymore, the fact that the lead investigator has confirmed without any question or doubt. I think the case will be broken, I think the guilty parties will be re-arrested and I think the case will come to Court and we'll see what happens once that (inaudible)


Jossy Mansur, Managing Editor of Diario, it's always a pleasure to have you on the show. We'll stay in touch, have you on again. Keep your chin up, you're doing good work, it's appreciated by everyone out here. Thanks Jossy.


Thank you.

On 12-11 the “Aruba Boycott Blogspot” reported:

Justice Jacob “Bob” Wit

Jacob “Bob” Wit was the judge present at the van der Sloot property on June 15, 2005 who reduced the scope of that search to only the apartment occupied by Joran van der Sloot. His actions that day lead us to wonder why he would risk his career by aiding his good friend, Paulus. Why did Justice Wit wait for the prosecutor at the van der Sloot home to limit her search areas? Why didn’t he simply make that ruling from the bench in the courtroom? Why did he feel the need to do that from the van der Sloot home?

Justice Wit is a judge for the Caribbean Court of Justice. As such, he has a stringent Code of Ethics he must follow at all times – both in and outside the courtroom, as you will read below.

What could his relationship with Paulus van der Sloot have provided this judge in order for him to put his career on the line?

This is a short list of the Code of Ethics Justice Wit obviously violated. We wonder if the Caribbean Court of Justice is aware of Justice Wit’s actions?


This code was violated by Wit as seen by his presence at the van der Sloot home prior to the searchers arriving. Both Ben (Voc)King and Paulus van der Sloot are members of the legal profession.

1.3 A judge shall avoid close personal association with individual members of the legal profession, particularly those who practice in the judge’s court, where such association might reasonably give rise to the suspicion or appearance of favoritism or partiality.

Justice Wit used not his home, but that of a suspect in a criminal investigation as a meeting place for himself, said suspect, and a prosecution official.

1.4 A judge shall avoid the use of the judge’s residence by a member of the legal profession to receive clients or other members of the legal profession in circumstances that might reasonably give rise to the suspicion or appearance of impropriety on the part of the judge.

Was there any official reason given, in writing, for Wit’s verbal order at the van der Sloot home for curbing the areas of the search? Or did he merely do this to help his friend Paulus?

1.9 A judge shall not allow the judge’s family, social or other relationships improperly to influence the judge’s judicial conduct and judgment as a judge.

Was the mere presence of Justice Wit at the van der Sloot property enough to dissuade Karin Janssen from arguing the merits of her search warrant granted by the Joint Court? Did Wit use the prestige of his office to intimidate the searchers?

1.10 A judge shall not use or lend the prestige of the judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge, a member of the judge’s family or of anyone else, nor shall a judge permit others to convey the impression that anyone is in a special position improperly to influence the judge in the performance of judicial duties.


Justice Wit’s conduct here was certainly not above reproach – as even the acting Chief of Police was distraught at the limits set by Wit on their search of the van der Sloot property.

3.1 A judge shall ensure that his or her conduct is above reproach in the view of reasonable, fair-minded and informed persons.

Wit’s actions assured that not only would justice not be done, but failed to even attempt to create the appearance of justice.

3.2 The behavior and conduct of a judge must reaffirm the people’s faith in the integrity of the judiciary. Justice must not merely be done but must also be seen to be done.

How could Justice Wit ever again require others to uphold this Code of Ethics, when he himself ignored them to aid his friend and colleague, Paulus van der Sloot?

3.3 A judge, in addition to observing personally the standards of this Code, shall encourage and support their observance by others.


By reducing the scope of the search of the property of his friend and colleague, Justice Wit blatantly disregarded all thoughts of bias, favour, and prejudice.

4.1 A judge shall perform his or her judicial duties without favour, bias or prejudice.

Not only did Justice Wit lose the confidence of the public with his curtailing of the search, he lost the confidence of the Aruban prosecutor, and law enforcement – as evidenced by the public statements made by Chief Dompig in October 2005.

4.2 A judge shall ensure that his or her conduct, both in and out of court, maintains and enhances the confidence of the public, the legal profession and litigants in the impartiality of the judge and of the judiciary.

Justice Wit should have disqualified and excused himself from making any rulings in this case, as his actions showed he was clearly unable to decide any matters in this case impartially.

4.5 A judge shall disqualify himself or herself from participating in any proceedings in which the judge is unable to decide the matter impartially or in which a reasonable, fair-minded and informed person might believe that the judge is unable to decide the matter impartially.

Paulus van der Sloot, being an attorney and a substitute Judge, continues to be a member of the same fraternal body as Justice Wit. This fact alone should have caused Justice Wit to disqualify himself from making any decisions in this case. They both served on the Joint Court at the same time.

4.5.1 A judge must be sensitive to the fact that fraternal bodies are shrouded in mystery and clothed with a perception of secrecy and of providing unconditional assistance to members in times of need, trouble and distress. Persons who are not members of such bodies are likely to conclude that a litigant, belonging to the same fraternal body as a judge, enjoys an unfair advantage. In such circumstances, it would be appropriate for a judge to disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding in which the impartiality of the judge might reasonably be questioned.

There has been no transparency regarding Justice Wit’s decision to limit the scope of the search. Quite the contrary. His actions even took the Prosecutor by surprise, as this decision by Wit was only made known to Janssen the day of the search, when she arrived to execute the warrant.

4.5.2 A judge should therefore recognize that transparency assists in combating corruption and suspicions, and he or she should encourage judicial colleagues and the court staff to assist in promoting the intrinsic merits of transparent conduct and infusing public confidence in the role, functions and operations of the court.

4.6 A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in any proceedings in which there might be a reasonable perception of a lack of impartiality of the judge including, but not limited to, instances where:

Did Justice Wit become aware that evidence could very well have been obtained through the forensic search of the van der Sloot home and property? Is that the reason he tied the hands of the Prosecutor?

4.6.1 The judge has actual bias or prejudice concerning a party or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceedings;


Did Justice Wit have discussions with Paulus van der Sloot, unbeknownst to the Prosecutor and law enforcement officials, that led him to understand the involvement of his friend in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway?

5.7 Without authority of law and notice to, and consent of, the parties and an opportunity to respond, a judge shall not engage independent, personal investigation of the facts of a case before him or her.


7.1 Institutions and procedures for the implementation of this Code shall provide a publicly credible means for considering and determining complaints against judges. This is to be pursued without prejudice or hindrance to the universally recognized and hallowed principle of judicial independence.

7.2 By the very nature of their judicial office, judges are not, except in accordance with the law, accountable for their decisions to any organ or entity within the jurisdiction of the Caribbean Court of Justice or elsewhere, but are accountable for their conduct to institutions that are specifically established to implement and administer this Code.

7.3 The implementation of this Code shall take into account the legitimate needs of a judge, by reason of the nature of the judicial office, to be afforded protection from vexatious or unsubstantiated accusations and due process of law in the resolution of complaints against the judge.

We can’t help but wonder what the Caribbean Court of Justice would have to say about Justice Wit’s actions in the Holloway case.

Has the institution charged with implementing this Code been made aware of Justice Wit’s conduct?

Perhaps they should be…

We will not let up until this victim and her family receive justice.

-Natalee’s Freebirds

On 12-11 the “Aruba Dirty Police” blog reported:

Diplomatic Immunity for the Van der sloots


Department of Justice official and Dutch Judges drastically limited the search of the van der Sloot property as a favor to Joran van der Sloot’s father.

Despite what Aruban government officials led the U.S. media to believe, there was never a full search made of the van der Sloot property in order to find evidence in the case of missing Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway.

Dompig: That is correct. The fact is that we as a law enforcement agency always try to get the maximum. Meaning that we want to search as much places as possible. We were not granted, by the judge, a search warrant for the complete house, we only received the warrant for the apartment.

Reporter: But what about after Paul van der Sloot was arrested, couldn’t you get a warrant to search the house then?

Dompig: It was also denied, we were a bit disappointed with that. The judge was coming from another island I must point out. He said we didn’t make a good enough case to get a warrant.

10-9-05 Big Story Dompig no search warrant

Although a warrant for a search was originally requested and granted to the prosecutor, officers were blocked from searching the main residence and grounds by Justice Department official Ben King (Voking) and Dutch Judge Bob Witt, who were waiting at the van der Sloot’s premises when the search team arrived.


VAN SUSTEREN: What about the search of the van der Sloot property? Was that ever done, and was, you know--including, sort of, the cabana area where Joran lives?

DE VRIES: Well, the search in the home address of the family van der Sloot was very strange because the search warrant was made by head prosecutor Karin Janssen, and contained an allowance to search the whole address, “Montanja nineteen.”
So, the gardens, the buildings--everything.

But, when the police was on the spot, another high-ranking employee of the Justice office--it was Mr. Bob Witt--reduced the search warrant to only the room of Joran--and that was very strange.

11/28/06 Robert Jensen show

PRdVries: Yes the police missed several changes to do things right: when they wanted to search the house the door was opened by Mr. Ben King, an assistant of the Procurements Gen. office.: the highest justice-office on the island and a friend of the family who wanted to support the VdSloots in these difficult times… So clearly the search of the house hadn’t been a surprise to the VdSloots. And the police had a warrant for the complete estate but a judge - Bob Wit - who was at the house as well said only Jorans room could be searched. These are things a Dutch crime-reporter is of course totally astonished about.

Justice Department official Ben King, who later admitted to the media that he was a close friend of Paulus van der Sloot, claimed he was on vacation and therefore not acting on behalf of the Justice department. It was King who personally informed the search team they could only search the small apartment of Joran van der Sloot, located in the back yard of the property just behind the main residence, when they arrived.

Also present at the van der Sloot residence was Dutch Judge Bob Witt from Curacao, who was one judge presiding over the case. It should be noted that Paulus van der Sloot was a Dutch judge-in-training at the time of Natalee Holloway’s disappearance.

Although Joran van der Sloot was arrested on June 9, 2005 the Aruba Prosecutor Karin Janssen did not execute a search of the van der Sloot residence until nearly a week later on June 15th with members of her office, the Aruba Police department, and Dutch forensics specialists from Holland in tow.

The search itself of the van der Sloot apartment looks now to be nothing more than a “mock raid” for media consumption purposes. The search lasted only four hours and was conducted in the middle of the day, quite a contrast to the early morning raid the same Prosecutor ordered on the residences of two black security guards on June 5th.

The two security guards were arrested at 6:30 am and “perp walked” for the mainstream media who also got to witness their residences being ransacked. It was later proven both guards had alibis for the night Ms. Holloway and no evidence was found at either of their homes, which ultimately led to their release.

The fact that the van der Sloot residence and grounds were not searched was kept hidden from the media until mid-October when acting Police Chief Gerold Dompig revealed his department was denied a full search of the van der Sloot property on not one, but two occasions. In addition to being denied a full search on June 15th, a second request to search the main residence was flatly denied by a Dutch judge when Paulus van der Sloot was arrested on June 23rd.

Judicial rulings in the Natalee Holloway case have been riddled with questionable decisions, leading many to believe Paulus van der Sloot’s personal and professional connections to the Justice Department, Aruba Police Department, and the Dutch judges have deliberately tried to keep the case from being solved.

It now appears there has finally been a proper decision made in this case by Judge Rick Smid. The decision to retain three of Natalee's attackers as official suspects is the first positive step in a very long time.

Will Aruban officials take their cue from this Judge and finally do the right thing for Natalee Holloway?

We will not let up until this victim and her family receives justice.

Natalee's Freebirds

On 12-11 the HOUSTON, TEXAS “Houston Chronicle” reported:

Clinging to hope in hunt for lost

EquuSearch's work continues after authorities finally give up


Three hours after Raul Mendoza left to play cards at a friend's house, his 2005 Dodge Magnum was found on a moonlit east Houston street, abandoned. His cell phone was on the front seat. A bullet had pierced the driver's side window. His family feared the worst.

As news crews gathered outside the family's house to document Mendoza's disappearance last spring, someone mentioned Texas EquuSearch, the Dickinson-based volunteer group.

"They said they help search when someone's missing," Mendoza's sister, Janira Mendoza, said. "They came out, it was not even an hour."

Two days after the Mendoza family first contacted them, Texas EquuSearch volunteers located Raul Mendoza's body in Houston's Buffalo Bayou with the help of a "drone," a remote-controlled plane that can take aerial photographs. He had been robbed and slain.

The outcome, while tragic, was still a success of sorts for the Mendoza family.
"It gave us a lot of closure," Janira Mendoza said.

Few organizations have dedicated themselves to searching, to finding the missing of all ages, even after police have packed up their cars, as has Texas EquuSearch. And few groups garner as much thanks from families even when a search fails to bring someone home.

When a person disappears, a family's first call is to 911. But in a city such as Houston, where up to 8,500 people are reported missing each year, there's often a second call made right behind it, usually to EquuSearch, the volunteer group that has helped organize searches here and elsewhere for the past six years.

EquuSearch's volunteers have helped search for missing people in high-profile cases, traveling to Sri Lanka after the 2004 tsunami and to Aruba to help in the search for missing Alabama teen Natalee Holloway. They also search when the camera lights are not as bright, for people known only to family and friends.

Since the early 1990s, many Web sites and foundations have been created to post pictures and information about missing loved ones, particularly children.

After the 1995 disappearance and slaying of Friendswood's Laura Smither, the Laura Recovery Center, a group devoted primarily to educating the public about how to protect children and how to search once someone is missing, was organized.

40 searchers in a snap

What Tim Miller and others didn't anticipate is how EquuSearch would become the sorely needed bridge between families of the missing and law enforcement agencies forced to pour more resources into finding the people who can be located: crime suspects.

"I can snap my fingers and they can get 40 people there," said John Putnam, a major-crimes investigator with the Galveston County Sheriff's Department. "They're well-trained. If they find something, they mark the area and back off."

Why do they do it?

"How do you turn a person down? All you have to be is on the other end of the phone when a family says, 'Please help,' " Miller said.

"And it goes back to when Laura was missing ... I did not have a clue as to what to do."

Miller's 16-year-old daughter, Laura, disappeared while making a phone call at a convenience store in League City, south of Houston.

Her body was found 17 months later less than two miles away from the store.
After volunteering to search for others, Miller created a loose band of volunteers, whom he jokingly calls "hillbillies on horseback." Their use of horses prompted the name Texas EquuSearch.

"I thought I'd be doing three to four searches a year," Miller said.

Six years and at least 617 searches later, he knows better. The group does not keep records on exactly how many people they have found alive. But searches have turned up at least 59 bodies.

Leaning on the skills and talents of volunteers and donations from anyone who will help, Miller, who has a small construction business, has kept the organization going through the years despite the financial ups and downs that come with running a volunteer, nonprofit organization.

"I don't know how the doors have stayed open," said Miller, who draws a small salary, around $23,000, according to 2004 tax returns, as the group's leader.

In its first year, about $53,000 was donated, according to IRS returns. That number appears to have peaked in 2003 with about $97,000 in donations to offset the hours, hotel rooms and travel expenses accrued by volunteers. A person also can become a member for $25 a year.

"We started out just on horseback. I got my own boat and I'm a certified diver. Then we had some people with four-wheelers. One thing led to another. We got our sonar equipment, literally more resources than most law enforcement has," Miller said.

Police agencies familiar with EquuSearch don't argue with that.

'Educational experience'

Vicky Lyons, a special agent with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, worked with the group in October when EquuSearch volunteers, equipped with fishing sonar and boats, helped eliminate Lake Tenkiller near Tahlequah, Okla., as a possible location of the body of a university student missing since 2004.

"They were extremely helpful," Lyons said. "It was a very educational experience."

Although the student, Stephen Adams, has not been found, the work of volunteers in his case and others helps police refocus their searches after areas have been eliminated.
"They were able to do things that we didn't have resources to do," Lyons said.

Sgt. Stuart Harris heads the Houston Police Department's missing-person's division with a handful of staff and one office Internet connection so slow, he takes work home so he can use his faster personal Internet connection.

"We have absolutely nothing," Harris said. "Honestly, we're at the bottom of the pecking order. So we have to rely on organizations like EquuSearch, which has the resources, which has ATVs and brings horses out and additional personnel to do searches."

Sacrifice of volunteers

No family is asked to pay for a search and no one is turned down because they cannot donate something — anything from paper for fliers to bottled water for the searchers.
But Miller says searches are dependent on whether EquuSearch is able to gather enough people who can afford to take time off from their jobs and travel.

They do not find everyone.

Sadly, some turn out not to be missing, but people who disappeared before committing suicide. Many others are found after a call to the group but before a flier with the missing person's picture is even printed.

"You set things in motion that may find them," said Barbara Gibson, EquuSearch's administrator and only full-time employee.

• More information: The group's Web site is

On 12-11 ARUBAAN’s news-source “” reported another tourists safety-related issue:

Demonstration against bbo

(photo, with caption “Despite the bad weather, 250 teachers gathered at the Simar building this morning to demonstrate against the bbo.”)

(photo, with caption “Police officers gathered at their own clubhouse for a walkout of a few hours.”)

ORANJESTAD – Teachers, police officers, and custom personnel answered the appeal of Sindicatonan den Union (SdU) and the different employers’ organizations to go on strike for a few hours this morning. With this, they protest against the government’s plan to introduce a sales tax (bbo) next year.

Teachers started to walk in at the Simar (Sindicato di Maestronan di Aruba) building around 07:30. From the registration forms that were at Simar it turned out that many teachers of EOI and EPB have reported. When this paper went to press, the committee mentioned that 250 people have registered.

Simar announced on Sunday that her members will demonstrate till 09:30 and will go back to school afterwards. Only the members of FTA answered to SdU’s call to union members and non-members to massively come to Simar.

Members of the police union SPA (Sindicato di Polis di Aruba) gathered at their clubhouse Pova (Police Recreational Association Aruba). The committee says that there were not even 100 people there around 09:00, but SPA expected this number to go up. The union of customs personnel, the union of Elmar personnel and the employer’s association of water- and electricity company WEB met at 09:00.

The committee of Simar indicated this morning that it will not give in to intimidation. They said this in connection with an incident that happened at the home of Chairman Hugo van Varsseveld. Two stones were thrown through his window yesterday. Whether this strike will stop the government from introducing the bbo is not sure, but the demonstrators want to show that the government is busy taking measures under the protest of the population.


On 12-12 “Blogs For Natalee” identity “WorldJOURNIER” reported:

ARUBA "ReMax" Timeshares Sale Listings Surge

Hi All.... A documented observation....

In the December 11, 2006 "Aruba Today"....

....were listed 68 advertisements for ARUBA timeshares that only one real estate company, "ReMax," is trying to sell.

....On May 30, 2006 "Aruba Today" listed 49 advertisements for ARUBA timeshares that "ReMax" was trying to sell.

....That is an increase, in only 6+ months, of 39% more ARUBA timeshares that "ReMax" is trying to sell.

One question....In ARUBA's current economic environment, is "ReMax" advertising more, or, is it a "home seller's market," or, are people who own ARUBAN timeshares trying to get off a "sinking-ship" ?....

(seems like there was a very recent article about ARUBA timeshares. I will check)

**NOTE** See also "ARUBA "ReMax" Home Sale Listings Surge 67%"
available here

On 12-12 ARUBAAN’s news-source “” reported:

Central Bank: ‘Postpone the introduction of the bbo’

ORANJESTAD – The macro-economic effects of the introduction of the turnover tax (bbo) are too uncertain, and we won’t manage to calculate these effects before January 1st. The Central Bank of Aruba (CBA) is of the opinion that postponing the introduction is therefore the safest option.

In her 2006 second quarter report of December 8th, CBS says that the introduction of a system of indirect taxes should be part of a total revision of the tax system in Aruba. That revision must go along with the balancing of the government’s expenses and the maximizing of this. But that’s not the case now; the government is only busy with the generation of extra income and that would have serious negative consequences for the competition position of Aruba.

The cumulative effect would have a disturbing effect on the relations between businesses. Businesses would decide to do the import themselves, which would mean loss of turnover and jobs for importers and wholesalers.

Jobs will be lost in the tourist sector also. According to calculations of the ministry of Economic Affairs, the prices will increase with 3.7 percent for the tourists. This will have no effect on the spending, because that would only be 81 dollars.

The Bank is of the opinion that the consumption in the tourist sector will drop with approximately 3.1 percent in four years and that the investments will also drop with 1.5 percent as consequence to a decreasing consumption. This will lower the gross domestic product with 60 million florins, or 3 million florins less tax revenue for the government and a loss of approximately 600 jobs in the tourist sector.

According to the Central Bank, the assumptions of the ministry of Economic Affairs are unrealistic. The unions and individual employees will ask for higher salaries to compensate the price increased, says the Bank. Businesses will also anticipate on the turnover loss due to the bbo, by increasing their prices. It is almost inevitable, says the Bank. An additional inflation of approximately 5.3 percent is therefore a real anticipation. Considering the effects of the import tax decrease per January 2007, we still have to consider an extra inflation percentage of 4 percent.

On 12-12 the “Crime” reported:

Texas EquuSearch Expands Its Goals For Finding Missing Loved Ones

By David Lohr

December 12, 2006

DICKINSON, Texas. (Crime Library) — Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak with Tim Miller, who is the founder and leader of Dickinson-based search and recovery team Texas EquuSearch. You may remember reading about them in an exclusive Crime Library article Katherine Ramsland wrote last year. EquuSearch is made up of over 350 members and they have been active in over 600 missing persons searches. In recent years they received national publicity for their active participation in the disappearances of Tara Grinstead, Natalee Holloway and Renee Fox.

"I don't know how to say no. I can't do it," Tim said. "When a family calls us we know they are desperate and I do everything in my power to help them. I've been in their shoes and I know what it's like."

Tim has first-hand experience when it comes to the loss of a loved one. In 1984, his 16-year-old daughter Laura disappeared. Her body was found 17 months later in a field.Hers was the forth body recovered from the same field since April 1984. Two of those bodies have never been identified and are called Jane and Janet Doe.

"Before Laura disappeared I never realized how many missing persons were out there." It was that realization, along with his own desire for justice, which led Miller to form Texas EquuSearch. "I discovered we could do something to help families in similar situations."

During my conversation with Tim, I asked him if it still bothered him that Laura's killer has never been caught. His response is typical of his big heart and willingness to help others.

"Nothing is worse than having a murdered child, but I can live with that. If I had my choice, if her killer could be found or if Jane and Janet Doe could be identified, I would want to know who those girls are. There is a family out there searching for them right now. Every time the phone rings or there is a knock on the door they jump, wondering if it is their missing loved one. They've never been able to say goodbye. Never been able to put their lives back together. I've been blessed. I can visit Laura at the cemetery whenever I want and sit and talk with her."

EquuSearch has had successful results in over 100 cases to date, however Tim is not even close to being satisfied. Not yet anyway.

"Right now we have a goal. We eventually want to have 500,000 volunteers nationwide, so that wherever there is a missing person, we can have someone there helping the family. I know a lot of law enforcement agencies get a lot flack when it comes to unsolved crimes. What people don't understand is in larger cities, such as Houston, you'll have hundreds of cases each month and maybe seven officers who can work all those cases on a full time basis. It is not that they do not care, it has to do with the fact that they simply don't have the resources to thoroughly investigate each case.

Tim is always on the move and seldom has time to recuperate from one search to the next.

"Right now my presence is being requested in Florida, Arizona and Kansas to work cases in those states. I can't be everywhere at once and it can be difficult trying to explain that, especially if another case breaks. Breaking cases tend to take precedence, as there is a greater possibility of finding the person alive and in the end our goal is to do just that."

I also had a chance to speak with Barbara Gibson yesterday. Her official title with EquuSearch is "administrator," however her duties are tenfold. Not only does she assemble members for meetings and searches, she is also in charge of fund raising, hotel bookings, phone calls and so much more. She has an active role, in every case and she speaks with the family members of lost persons on a daily basis.

"This job can be really stressful and emotionally draining," Gibson said. "These are real people with real tears. Even though we don't know these people, we feel a connection to them. We attend every funeral and the grieving process affects all of us."

Since their involvement in the search for Natalee Holloway, they have had even more requests coming in, which has put a strain on their already tight budget.

"Our bills have doubled in this past year alone. We are getting called on more and more searches, but we are working on the same funding. It is a real struggle just to stay afloat. A typical search could cost well over $3,500 and we pay those expenses out of pocket. We never charge the police or the families. For what we do we need a budget of around two million dollars a year and we are nowhere close to that right now."

For the last few months I have been in regular contact with Texas EquuSearch in regards to the mysterious murder of Terressa Vanegas. During that time I have come to know Tim and Barbara on a personal level and I must say these are extraordinary people. I have nothing but the utmost respect for them. They devote their lives to finding lost loved ones not only in Texas, but all around the world. That being said, I urge you to please help Texas EquuSearch continue to serve families of missing persons this holiday season by making a donation in memory of someone special. If you are unable to donate, please consider becoming a volunteer. They need your support to continue to provide their services to families in need.

"The more resources we have, the more people we can help and that's truly what we are about. We can make a difference." - Tim Miller

If you would like to help, please visit:

Contact David Lohr at


On 12-13 internet service provider “America Online” reported:

AOL Reveals Top Searches for 2006

DULLES, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AOL today announced the year’s top searches based on topics in specific categories that received the highest volume of online queries on AOL Search ( and AOL Video Search (, including Paris Hilton, American Idol and Brad Pitt. The rise in online video this year unveiled a new wave of results dominated by music and entertainment.

"This annual list of top searches is always a fun way to look back at the year and see what sparked interest,” said Timothy Tuttle, Ph.D., Vice President, AOL® Video. “One of the biggest trends online in 2006 was video and millions of people turned to AOL to find everything from music videos and concerts, to TV, movies and sports highlights, to the most popular viral videos."

"By looking at the aggregation of search trends and patterns that emerged on AOL Search throughout the year we can develop a unique, collective snapshot of things, people and events that were top of mind or what consumers wanted to know more about," said Dariusz Paczuski, Vice President, AOL® Search.

“Weather” was the most popular word searched on AOL Search (, while AOL® Video Search was used most to find videos and information about things and people in the entertainment world, leading with the iPod (no. 1), 50 Cent (no. 2), BMW (no. 3), and Jessica Simpson (no. 4). Cars (no. 5) and movies (no. 6) were also popular on AOL Video Search, while the rest of the list was dominated by musical artists, including Ashlee Simpson (no. 7), Paris Hilton (no. 8), Chris Brown (no. 9) and Britney Spears (no. 10).

Other top searches ( on AOL Search during 2006 included:

Top News Stories & Topics: 1) Gas prices; 2) Steve Irwin; 3) Immigration; 4) Bird Flu; 5) Iraq; 6) Natalee Holloway; 7) Debra Lafave; 8) Rush Limbaugh; 9) Lebanon; 10) Hurricane Katrina.

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On 12-13 FOX News reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Heli”)
(video here)



Joran van der Sloot under fire from the law and the media. Joran's lawyer, Joe Tacopina has a surprising letter to the US Department of Justice. Why did Karin Janssen write to the US Department of Justice?

Joe Tacopina joins us from New York. Joe, I'm looking at this letter that Karin wrote and I guess it was written in October of this year year or last year?

Joe: Last year, yes.


I suppose the paragraph you're most interested in is the one where it says:

"It is also established the fact, up to now no remains have been found, there is no technical evidence of any crime and the three suspects that were last seen with Natalee do not indicate if they did something to her in spite of very detailed and intensive interrogations."

It goes on to say:

"None of the suspects indicate having had sexual intercourse with Natalee on an involuntary basis."


That's it Greta, you hit the nail on the head. That's the letter that comes after Joran is released from the holding facility in Aruba. That's important because what's happening again in this case is, we've been down this road before. We had that Dr Phil tape that was you know altered evidence that was held out there as the bastsion of credibility and something that was finally going to solve this case and Beth Twitty came on the air (inaudible) saying how the case is solved.

Well, it's happening again, on this network unfortunately, on the weekend Greta we had an individual named Jossy Mansur come on with this supposedly, as it was promoted on the show, shocking new evidence in December of 2006.

What it was Greta, was a tape of Chief Dompig, now disposed of Chief Dompig, talking about how these boys made admissions to him regarding, at least sexual assault of Natalee. It's another falsehood, it's another misstatement of fact and the reason it's a misstatement of fact is because that tape was taped Greta when Joran was still in jail in Aruba. This letter from Karin Janssen which disposes of that notion comes after Joran's release and again it says:

"notwithstanding the fact that the American media indicates otherwise, it should be established that none of the suspects have indicated having had sexual intercourse with Natalee against her will."

It's unfortunate that I'm in the unenviable position to have to do this again Greta, We have to reign it in, and that's why the case is in the state it's in today. These false leads, these false rumours and a guy like Jossy Mansur gets an audience, has the ability to come on here


That's a separate issue from a bungled investigation. But why, I mean let me jump ahead a little bit, recently your client and the other two wanted to be cleared as suspects under aruban law and Karin Janssen apparently did some powerpoint presentation to the Court and convinced the Judge to keep them as suspects and I guess they can until May. What's up with that? Was that powerpoint presentation, do you know what the content of that was?


Yeah, I spoke to Antonio Carlo about it, it was nothing new, it was more of the same: they were the last people seen with her, initial misstatements, lies that were made early on, but you know there was nothing new at all and most telling Karin Janssen didn't say in Court last week "Oh, by the way, Antonio Carlo, Joran's attorney made admissions to me". That didn't happen either Greta and it's another scenario where, again false reports are coming out regarding things that never happened in this case

It simply means that the investigation is still ongoing, and they have until May and they want to use up all their time to keep him under the umbrella of suspicion which is fine, but there's no evidence against Joran at all


So, the reason you wanted to come on tonight was because there are false statements put out there by others not here, that says that your client made admissions, and that Karin Janssen's subsequent letter to our Department of Justice says that's simply not true.


That's right and again, I'm taking issue with people who are getting air time like this individual who's providing false documents, forged documents in this case, this Jossy Mansur who seems to have the ear of some


Tell me that, forged documents,


We have here a document that, actually one of the ppl who followed this case very closely, especially your show, Diane Vaughan (?) forwarded it to us, which is a document from the Aruban paper Diario which is run by this individual named Jossy Mansur who has a personal vendetta with the van der Sloot family for a long time because Paulus extradited his family from Aruba for drug dealing.


You've got 30 seconds Joe, make it fast.


Here's what it is, he prints in his newspaper a forged police document that purports to have evidence against Joran. It's another scenario, and Karin Janssen and John Kelly had a discussion about this because John Kelly came on your show earlier this year and talked about how she was so upset with this individual. It's eventually got to stop, and that's why Greta this case is in the state it's in today.


Alright Joe, I don't know if that's the reason why, anyway let's just say it hasn't been solved that's for sure. We don't know what happened to Natalee.

On 12-13 ARUBAAN’s news-source “Tradewinds Times” reported:

Stay-over tourism up 0.9 percent in September 2006

First Monthly Increase In Stay-over Arrivals Since July 2005

ORANJESTAD-Aruba received 48,470 stay-over arrivals in September 2006 compared to 48,047 arrivals in September 2005, an increase of 0.9 percent. September 2006 is the first month to show growth in stay-over arrivals since July 2005, an indication that tourism is on a recovery path. Europe and South America are responsible for much of the growth in stay-over tourism during last September.

The number of nights spent on Aruba rose from 369,496 nights in September 2005 to 369,737 nights in September 2006, an increase of 0.1 percent. The average hotel occupancy rate was of 66.6 percent in September this year compared to 69.1 percent in September 2005, a decline of 2.5 percentage points.

A total of 518,580 stay-over arrivals were welcomed on the island in the first 9 months of this year compared to 564,836 arrivals in the same period last year, a decline of 8.2 percent.

Market Performance September 2006

North America

The U.S. remained the most important generating market for Aruba in September 2006, responsible for 61 percent of all arrivals. The island welcomed 29,457 Americans in September 2006 compared to 29,523 Americans in September of last year, a decline of 0.2 percent. A total of 370,123 Americans were welcomed in the first 9 months of 2006 compared to 414,661 Americans in the same period last year, a decline of 10.7 percent.

Stay-over arrivals from Canada fell by 7.2 percent in September 2006. Aruba welcomed 1,141 Canadians in September 2006 compared to 1,230 Canadians in September 2005. Nevertheless the Canadian market is up 3.1 percent to a total of 16,418 arrivals for the first 9 months of this year compared to the same period in 2005.

South America

Venezuela has remained traditionally the second most important generating market for September. A total 8,348 Venezuelans arrived on the island in September 2006 compared to 8,411 arrivals in September 2005, a decline of 0.8 percent. The Venezuelan market has declined by 4.6 percent to 44,185 arrivals in the first 9 months of 2006 compared to the same period last year.

The Argentine market is up by 55.4 percent to 331 arrivals in September 2006, the Brazilian market is up 86.1 percent to 696 arrivals, the Colombian market is up 17.6 percent to 735 arrivals, the Ecuadorian market is up 141 percent to 147 arrivals.


The Dutch market grew strong, 2,725 Dutchmen arrived last September compared to 2,464 Dutchmen in September 2005, an increase of 10.6 percent. The British market fell by 0.9 percent to 955 arrivals, the Spanish market is up 2 percent, the Italian market is down 1.3 percent, the German market is up 9.6 percent, Belgian market is up 2.5 percent, the Swiss market is up 63.1 percent, Swedish market is up 17.3 percent, Norwegian market is down 3.6 percent and the Finnish market is up 96.3 percent.


On 12-14 ARUBAAN’s news source “” reported another tourists safety-related issue:

First aid ward hospital on strike

Due to a short of qualified personnel, a great part of the Emergency Care personnel walked out for a few hours.

ORANJESTAD – The personnel of the Emergency Care (SHE) ward of the Horacio Oduber Hospital have walked out for a few hours this morning. More than 50 percent of the 25 employees have demonstrated, said Howard Maxwell, chairman of the Aruban professional group for nurses. Reason for the walkout is the nipping short of qualified personnel.

Acute reason for the protest action is the dismissal of an employee yesterday. “The employee’s residence permit was not extended. Another employee whose permit is not extended will also leave next week. It is impossible for us to fill these gaps”, said Maxwell. The personnel is already under pressure and this will be even worse in these coming holiday, because the number of accidents and traumas due to excessive alcohol consumption and fireworks will be more than normal. With these actions, Maxwell hopes to come to senses with the government regarding the immigration policy. Due to this policy, all the foreign specialists that the hospital had hired, cannot stay longer, said Maxwell. “We do understand the viewpoint of the government. They want Aruban citizens to fill the vacancies, but they need to be trained first and we need to get the chance to do this.” EPI graduates are according to Maxwell not qualified enough to give emergency care. “They need to be trained internally for this first. However, we do not have enough personnel to train these graduates. How can we train them qualitatively when more and more foreign personnel must leave?”

Besides, it’s not only nursing staff that must leave, says Maxwell and with this he refers to the case of medical specialist Jaramillo, whose permit was also not extended, because according to Public Health Department, there is no short of physicians at the emergency care ward. Jaramillo personally took legal proceedings against the government and lost the case.

It’s unfortunate that personnel, in which the hospital had invested for a few years, have to leave now, says Maxwell. “It takes a lot of time and effort to gain the confidence of the patients and build a relation with the medical specialists. Besides, they have put a lot of time in learning the language and the culture of the island.” The protest action of this morning was till 10:00. Only the patients that really needed emergency care were helped. Other patients were sent away. More actions might follow, said Maxwell. “We have already raised the matter with the government, the parliament, the court, international organizations, but with no result. We therefore decided to let the public decide. If the government does not comply with our demands, to make sure that we have enough personnel so that we can also train (local) people, more actions will follow.

On 12-14 the “National Enquirer” reported:


In a sensational new development in the Natalee Holloway mystery, Aruban police now believe the Alabama teen may have died at the home of prime suspect Joran van der Sloot.

And island officials protected him by refusing to let cops search the entire property, charges a Dutch investigator.

Noted crime reporter Peter De Vries also claims that Joran's attorney made a dramatic bid to "clear his conscience" - secretly telling prosecutors that his client DID play a leading role in Natalee's disappearance.

De Vries, host of a popular investigative TV show in Holland, focused on the murder of 18-year-old Natalee, who vanished on May 30, 2005, after leaving a nightclub with Joran and his pals Deepak and Satish Kalpoe. And his findings dispute the leading theory that she died on the beach after she and Joran were dropped off there in the early morning hours.

Pick up this week's ENQUIRER to read more details!

On 12-14 the FOX News scroll reported:




On 12-14 the “Scared Monkeys” blog reported:

Breaking - Kalpoes Sue Dr. Phil - Holloway Family and John Q Kelly Answer With Wrongful Death Suit

We are getting reports in that there has been a flurry of legal activity in the Natalee Holloway disappearance. This is all breaking rather quickly and we will update when we get solid information in.

First Satish and Deepak Kalpoe filed a lawsuit against Dr. Phil for playing the edited video tape created by investigator Jamie Skeeter. This is where Deepak allegedly said that they all had sex with Natalee “you would be surprised how simple it was”.

Then in a surprise move, John Q Kelly filed a suit on the behalf of Natalee Holloway’s family against Deepak and Satish Kalpoe for wrongful death in a California court.

“All we want is justice for our daughter,” Twitty said in a press release issued about the civil case. “There is no doubt in my mind that Deepak and Satish played a role in my daughter’s death and should be held accountable. It’s unconscionable that they have not been punished so far.”

Allegations against the Kalpoes, who are residents of the Caribbean island where Natalee Holloway was traveling on a class trip when she vanished without a trace, say the brothers caused her death by “intentionally, negligently, wantonly … unlawfully conducting themselves,” bringing about injuries that proved fatal. Foxnews

Again, the details are just coming in to us, so if you have any specific pertinent information, please leave it as a comment. As we get more information we will update the story as quickly as possible.

On 12-14 FOX News reported:

Wrongful Death, Defamation Lawsuits Filed in Natalee Holloway Case; Dr. Phil Named As Defendant

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Two lawsuits have been filed in the case of a college student who vanished in Aruba nearly two years ago, FOX News has learned.

A wrongful death lawsuit has been filed against brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, two of the young men last seen with Natalee Holloway, the Alabama teenager who disappeared in Aruba in May 2005.

The suit of Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court as a related case to a defamation lawsuit the Kalpoe brothers filed Wednesday against pop psychologist and talk show host Dr. Phil, CBS and Paramount, among others.

"All we want is justice for our daughter," Twitty said in a press release issued about the civil case. "There is no doubt in my mind that Deepak and Satish played a role in my daughter's death and should be held accountable. It's unconscionable that they have not been punished so far."

Allegations against the Kalpoes, who are residents of the Caribbean island where Natalee Holloway was traveling on a class trip when she vanished without a trace, say the brothers caused her death by "intentionally, negligently, wantonly ... unlawfully conducting themselves," bringing about injuries that proved fatal.

The Kalpoes' suit against Dr. Phil, whose real name is Phillip C. McGraw, maintains that an interview filmed with the brothers "was manipulated and later broadcast by the 'Dr. Phil' show as being accurate and which portrays Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe 'as engaging in criminal activity against Natalee Holloway and constitutes defamation per se.'"

Natalee Holloway was last seen alive with the Kalpoes and a Dutch teen, Joran van der Sloot, in a gray Honda early on the morning of May 30, 2005. The brothers and van der Sloot have all been arrested in connection with her murder and later released, but none have been brought to trial.

FOX News' Catherine Donaldson-Evans and Greta Van Susteren contributed to this report.

A pdf-formatted copy of the lawsuit complaint for damages for “wrongful death” filed by DAVE EDWARD HOLLOWAY and ELIZABETH ANN TWITTY versus Current Murder Suspects DEEPAK and SATISH KALPOE is available here. Their law firm is….

“The Kelly Group, PC”
516 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10036
Tel 212.704.0500
Fax 212.764.0900

With, apparently, JOHN Q. KELLY being DAVE HOLLOWAY and BETH TWITTY’s case lead lawyer (Tel 212.704.0500 Fax 212.764.0900)

A pdf-formatted copy of the lawsuit complaint for damages for “defamation of character” filed by Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE and Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE versus the “Dr. Phil” TV show is available here. One law firm that is representing the Current Murder Suspects KALPOE’s is….

“Cremer, Kopon, Shaunessy, & Spina, LLC”
180 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 3300
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Tel 312.726.3800
Fax 312.726.3818

….with, apparently, 30-year-old, 4-years-associate KRISTINA BECK, listed as an insurance coverage litigator, acting as the Current Murder Suspects KALPOE’s case lead lawyer (Tel 312.601.9688, Fax 312.726.3818,

(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Blogs For Natalee“ identity “Reno” for the following information) As was learned from lawsuit documents on December 14, 2006, when DAVE HOLLOWAY and BETH TWITTY filed in LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA a wrongful death lawsuit against the Current Murder Suspects KALPOE’s the HOLLOWAY-TWITTY lawsuit had been prepared and signed by their lawyer on October 30th, 2006. Based on that fact one has to assume the HOLLOWAY-TWITTY side was aware of the tolling agreement (the tolling agreement was an attempt to settle the matter between the Current Murder Suspects KALPOE’s and the “Dr. Phil” TV show without filing a lawsuit) flying around out there between the Current Murder Suspects KALPOE’s and Dr. Phil et al. Since they could not come to an agreement satisfactory to either side the Current Murder Suspects KALPOE’s filed their December 13, 2006 defamation lawsuit. But with the document in hand from October 30, 2006, the HOLLOWAY-TWITTY attorneys were ready file it’s wrongful death lawsuit and was waiting for the Current Murder Suspects KALPOE’s to file their lawsuit against Dr. Phil.

On 12-14 the “PR Newswire” reported:

Natalee Holloway's Parents File Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Arubans Deepak and Satish Kalpoe

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway,
parents of Natalee Holloway, the Alabama teen who went missing in Aruba
last year, filed a wrongful death lawsuit today in Superior Court of the
State of California, County of Los Angeles against brothers Deepak and
Satish Kalpoe, two of the last known people to be with Natalee alive before
her May 2005 disappearance.

"All we want is justice for our daughter. There is no doubt in my mind
that Deepak and Satish played a role in my daughter's death and should be
held accountable," Beth Twitty said. "It is unconscionable that they have
not been punished so far."

Allegations in the lawsuit against Deepak and Satish Kalpoe include
claims that they caused the death of Natalee Holloway by "intentionally,
negligently, wantonly ... unlawfully conducting themselves" to bring about
her fatal injuries. The wrongful death action was filed as a related case
to an action the Kalpoes filed against the "Dr. Phil Show," and others.

"Natalee's parents' attempt to get justice in Aruba have been
repeatedly frustrated -- which is why we welcome the opportunity to file
this civil case in Los Angeles," New York attorney John Q. Kelly, who
represents both Beth and Dave Holloway in this action, said. "By filing
this wrongful death suit, we hope to capitalize on the Kalpoe's decision to
utilize the California courts in a frivolous claim for compensation, and
give Natalee's parents the closure they need and deserve."

Natalee was last seen alive in a grey Honda with the Kalpoe brothers
and Joran van der Sloot on the morning of May 30, 2005 in Aruba during a
school trip. The Kalpoe brothers were both arrested and charged with her
murder, but have yet to be brought to trial by prosecutors in Aruba. Due to
their conflicting, and admittedly fabricated, accounts of what happened to
Natalee, as well as strong circumstantial evidence, the Kalpoe brothers
have remained two of the prime suspects in her disappearance and presumed

This past week an Aruban court denied the Kalpoe's request to be
cleared as suspects, and Aruban prosecuting attorney Karin Jansen recently
returned from Holland where a new team of Dutch investigators is reviewing
all evidence against the Kalpoes and others.

In a civil action such as this one, nine out of twelve jurors need to
conclude, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the Kalpoes were
responsible for Natalee's disappearance and death.

SOURCE The Kelly Group

On 12-14 FOX News SHEPERD SMITH reported (video here)

On 12-14 FOX News GRETA VAN SUSTEREN reported (video here)

On 12-14 JOSSY MANSUR stated to the “Scared Monkeys Radio
(audio here)
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Heli”)


(Complete, verbatim transcript later when Pretzer uploads the podcast of his show)


Jossy welcome back to my program. This has turned into quite a week. Before we get into the Tacopina interview last night, can you give me your comments on the lawsuits that were filed today


Kalpoe put in a lawusit against Dr Phil. They were mentioning 10 million dollars, I find it totally unreasonable and totally unjust.


Beth and Dave and their attorney Kelly filed their own lawsuit


They are doing something on Fox, they are counter suing for involuntary murder, or whatever they call, wrongful death of their daughter.


You wonder what kind of legal advice the Kalpoes are getting but I'm glad the Holloways have filed their own suits.

I've been corresponding with you since last night when Tacopina was on Greta's show. What made this man come on the air and attack you


He tries to sidetrack and pick a fight with me which he won't be able to do b/c we shoudn't deviate from the main issue. He's trying to take attention away from Natalee, instead of influencing Joran to tell the truth, Joran has influenced him to tell lies.

I've never seen a lawyer like him


A few weeks back on the lineup program when you aired the video of DOmpig, he called in and had a tantrum, a fit and was basically insulting. When he was on the air last night, he made some allegations of your newspaper printing forged documents, your family was exiled by Paul a judge in training, I'd like you to address those allegations


He came up with some family members of mine for drug dealing. He's living in the US and isn't aware... it's completely different, I'm not going to go into details on that, he wants to take away from the main issues in this case. His client committed a moral crime against Natalee, it's in all the reports I've seen. I'm not going to fall for his lawyer tricks, he's not going to intimidate me.


He's trying to bait you into a response.


I will correct his lies, I'm going to ask him to tell the truth on tv and instruct his client to tell the truth


I actually had to laugh at this one, it wasn't funny for you, Tacopina says you have a personal vendetta against the van der SLoots and Paulus extradited your family from Aruba. Could you comment on that or if you don't want to get into particulars. DOes Paul have that authority


He's a glorified clerk in the Justice Departmenet. That power lies with the government of Aruba The governor has to sign that, he doesn't have any power. I didn't even know he was involved in that, I don't know van der SLoot personally and I don't want to know them.. I have no personal vendettas against anyone.


In your last interview with me is your discussion about Paul having a brother in the government in the Netherlands I've been swamped with those who came to me and said that's not true. Can you go over that


We have been informed of that, and we will apologize if we are wrong, we were told he has a brother named Marco, he's in some kind of committee, his party also has helped the defense and police affairs of Holland. That's as far as I can tell you


Another serious allegation Tacopina made, was that your paper printed a forged document regarding this investigation. I found that quite concerning, can you comment


If he said that, if he thinks he has any kind of proof why doesn't he take us to court or Antonio take us to court. Blah blah on tv is one thing, if he thinks or is convinced that we forged a document, but I can tell you that 3 days after we published that the prosecution issued a statement confirming the validity of what was in that statement. That guy doesn't know that, I don't know how he's handling this case, maybe it's by remote control. He also said at one point that the tapes that I have with Dompig was made while Joran was in jail. How far off from the truth can you be, I asked Dompig in the interview, when are you going to arrest them..they can't be in jail .. he doesn't know the facts


The tape as important as it is has been mis- respresented in the media b/c the whole tape hasn't been shown. He went on to talk about a letter from Karin, the notion that there was no comment from these boys admitting that they had committed a moral crime against Natalee and it was sent to the Justice Department in the US, he used that to disprove the video


Wrong again, dead wrong. I spoke to Karin and she was very explicit, her words were taken out of context. This letter was sent b/c of the treaty between Aruba and US, she sent that letter for that purpose there is no indication, she didn't say there was no evidence or proof, she was very careful with her words, I would quote Karin on 30 June 2005 in Nova program in which she accused Paul of presenting obstacles in the case, obstruction in the case


When you look at this case, the question that keeps coming up, I'm looking at the picture on my pc, is the alleged picture of a person in the casino with Natalee that looks an awful lot like Paul. Has there been any update on this issue


There haven't been any change of opinion, people, including people in the casino say that is Paul.


DO you know in the investigation, whether the employees at C&C have been thoroughly investigated as far as any criminal convictions or history or anybody in the bar that hasn't come forward


I'm not aware of that, I can tell you we are talking to someone, some of the people who have been interrogated by the police. They're not afraid anymore to talk, I think we will get some answers from these people


One of my e-mailers says he's sick of hearing J2K's referred to as suspects when everybody knows they are murderers. What's your position .... there is a deadline coming up, do you see this case going to trial before the period is up as far as them being considered suspects.


I can confirm it that it will go to Court, contrary to Tacopina who is very wrong


Back to the forged document, let's talk a bit about that, I don't want you to, I'm not asking you to defend your paper. As a reporter, before you print something, is there a set of checks and balances you go through to confirm things


Of course we do, ... the people who signed it we confirmed with, we published something from Jan van der Stratten and he confirmed it.


When you spoke to Karin today, did she give you indication as to the status of the investigation, the cold case investigators coming in. Did she give you any hints?


No, Karin is a professional much to the contrary of Tacopina. SHe will not talk to me about it under any circumstances. Her contract is over Feb 1, she will be leaving soon afterward. She hinted to me this case will go to Court


She didn't comment about ANtonio paying her a visit?


Never publicly, but to Holland she did confirm


What has Antonio Carlo been doing


I imagine he feels very uncomforatble with the tape we have. What was shown on Fox was just a fraction of the tape, we have 50 minutes of exchange of information between the Chief and myself. He was very open and frank, he told me categorically that these boys admitted to committing a moral crime against this girl.

The fact is also in the documentation of Joran, on June 9 he repeated the girl was going in and out of consciousness


Joe menttioned that the investigation has been hindered by lies his clients have told, one statement says this, one says that. the physical evidence that may or may not be there, it's been a mess from the get go. Is it just sloppy investigation or is it a case where the higher ups have been involved to take away the heat


We are convinced that there is influence that came to the case from higher up, not only from Aruba, but from Holland. We are convinced it's there, we haven't been able so far to pinpoint it


ANy media outlet asked you to air the complete videotap of Dompig


I will send it to you and you can put it on the internet


I'd be happy to help you with that. Final words for those that are listening as far as Mr. Tacopina's attack


The provocation of Tacopina are falling on deaf ears. We have one commitment to investigate this as reporters to the end and we will get answers


This past week an aruban court denied Kalpoes to be released as suspects. Karin went to Holland where new investigators are still reviewing the case. What was she doing in Holland


I think she went for work, don't know if it's related to this case, she must have talked to someone in the Dutch team but we don't know exactly why she went to Holland.

On 12-14 JOHN Q. KELLY stated to FOX News:
(partial video here)


GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Tonight a “blockbuster” development in the Natalee Holloway case.

It might even have been a trap.

Did Natalee Holloway's parents set a trap, and is Dr Phil their bait ?

Murder Suspects Deepak and Satish Kalpoe just sued Dr Phil in a Los Angeles Court, but here's the twist: Natalee's parents have been lying low, waiting for this moment.
They did something within hours of the Kalpoes filing their lawsuit.
We're going to tell you what Natalee's parents did, and why.

Accusations are suddenly flying in the Natalee Holloway case.
Get this; It started with Deepak and Satish Kalpoe.
They just filed a "defamation" lawsuit in a California Court, and now, the "floodgates" are open.

Natalee Holloway's parents responding with a lawsuit of themselves against the Kalpoe brothers accusing them of Natalee's “wrongful death.“
John Q. Kelly, the lawyer for Natalee Holloway's parents, is in New York.
Welcome, John Q. Kelly.


VAN SUSTEREN: Very well. So, John, let’s a…. Give me a little history on this. Yesterday, what lawsuit was filed?

KELLY: Deepak and Satish Kalpoe filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court against the “Dr Phil Show” and other parties claiming “defamation, invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional stress.” The fact that they...

VAN SUSTEREN: What's--what has given rise to that? What was, sort of… What gave rise to that allegation?

KELLY: The genesis was the Jamie Skeeters tape recording of the interview with Deepak Kalpoe, and Deepak is claiming it was altered, it's putting him in a false light, and suggesting that he engaged in criminal activity and was in some way responsible for the murder and disposal of Natalee's body which, in fact, he claims is false. Now, the fact that they…

VAN SUSTEREN: Alright, I know that you’re a great lawyer…

KELLY: …Okay… Now that they brought this action in Superior Court there, they've expressly and implicitly consented to related actions being brought because of the same nucleus of operative facts.
We brought the “wrongful death“ action.
We are now alleging that they...

VAN SUSTEREN: Alright, Let me stop you right there…


VAN SUSTEREN: …Let me stop you right there.


VAN SUSTEREN: …As I started to say, and you cut me off, I started to say you're a great lawyer, you cut me off on that one...

KELLY: That will never happen again, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: …but, anyway… I understand that. I've taken… The next… Right away, you filed a lawsuit, quite a lengthy one--a “wrongful death,“ and, despite how good lawyer you are, I don't think you could have put together a lawsuit that quickly.
It’s almost like you were lying in “wait“; Waiting for this.

KELLY: Well, yeah, we were aware of the fact the Kalpoes were contemplating this this action.
You know, I had been in touch with the attorneys for Dr Phil --you know, Chip Babcock, Nancy Hamilton-- and spoken to them, knew this may be imminent, and it was prepared and waiting in the event they did file that.

VAN SUSTEREN: So you then quickly filed on behalf of a “wrongful death“ action.
Now, how do you get jurisdiction?
Is it the mere fact that they filed a lawsuit in California, sort of, "opens the door" ? Is that it?

KELLY: The fact that they filed it in Los Angeles Superior Court, and the allegations complained in their lawsuit are related to the allegations that we subsequently made, makes it a related case, and should be heard there.
They are expressly and implicitly consenting to the jurisdiction to sort of sort out these operative facts and decide who's right.

VAN SUSTEREN: Who are their lawyers? Are they American lawyers, or Aruban lawyers?

KELLY: It's my understanding they have a team of lawyers, both Aruban and Californian, and Illinois lawyers working on this.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did their American lawyers ever think that, perhaps, if they filed this that you were going to do exactly what you've done, and now open their two clients up to depositions, interrogatories, requests for admissions, all these sorts of things ---which are the last things in the world that, I suspect that, these two, truly, want to sit and answer?

KELLY: I... you know, I have to think that at some point, it may have crossed their mind it was a calculated risk they took; wondering if we'd respond with this--with a third party action related case.
You know, the Kalpoes, at some point, are going to have to make the decision if they want to come here and pursue their claim for monetary damages, and --at the same time-- defend our “wrongful death“ action.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, very few people want to sit and answer depositions, so, regardless of the situation, it seems extraordinary that they would want to, under these facts.
When you had the litigation against Joran van der Sloot in New York, that was not a “wrongful death“ action? Is that right?

KELLY: It was claims of "false imprisonment" and "assault" brought on behalf of the parents and, you know, that was a little different.
We grabbed him with personal service when he came to New York, but, he clearly didn't want to be there; {He} Wasn't contemplating bringing or defending litigation.

Here, the Kalpoes have taken the affirmative step of starting litigation in California, you know, using the California courts as a “sword“ to pursue compensation, and, you know, we don't want them to be able to use it as a shield also to prevent us from coming after them.
It's all “fair game” right now, as far as we see it.

VAN SUSTEREN: John, I guess, what’s sur… What also sort of stands out is that this is "wrongful death," which is sort of… I mean... I know both parents, truly, would like to believe their daughter is still alive, but I think they've both been very practical and thought it unrealistic after this much time.
But, it… Was that sort of a hard discussion with your clients? This time, “wrongful death“ ?

KELLY: Yes. I've had to have discussions with them, several times, about whether they want to go to the formal legal proceedings down in Alabama of having Natalee formally declared dead ----which wasn't necessary for purposes of this action---- and it's all just… I mean, the whole thing’s sad, Greta… Even the fact that, you know, Dr Phil, he’s... You know, no one's “gone to bat” for Beth more. He's expended a lot of resources, a lot of time, a lot of commitment trying to help Natalee and the family --I mean, Beth, Dave, and the family-- to find out what happened to Natalee and, you know...... “No 'good deed' goes unpunished” right now, and now he's at the wrong end of a lawsuit. It's too bad.

VAN SUSTEREN: Alright John. Standby. I want to ask you what Karin Janssen thinks about this and more. We're going to take a break, and coming up; The floodgates are open.
First, Dr Phil named in the lawsuit. Hours later, the Kalpoe brothers named in a lawsuit.
Will this lead to the answers to the mystery of what did happen to Natalee?
We're going to find out.


VAN SUSTEREN: Major development today in the Natalee Holloway investigation. We're back with John Q. Kelly.

John, I suspect that this case is not really about money, but rather, really, about Beth and Dave wanting to have you have an opportunity to get discovery from these two, get them under oath, at a deposition, and ask them questions.
Am I right, or am I wrong? Is that what this is all about?

KELLY: You're absolutely right Greta. That's what we want.
We want answers, and they want some resolution to what happened to their daughter.
That's what this has, always, been about.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did Karin… Karin Janssen was supposed to do that, or, at least, that was part of her job in the criminal investigation.
Have you run this past her? Have you discussed this case with her because it's sort of like…almost like… It’s almost telling Karin, you know, "We'll take over now."

KELLY: Well, I'd like to think we're still working in conjunction with her.
I talked to her a couple of times in the last two weeks.
I was following closely the... All the suspects' applications to be cleared as "Murder Suspects" down in Aruba, which was, ultimately, denied by the Judge.

I actually gave her a call yesterday; Explained to her exactly what the Kalpoe brothers had done up in Los Angeles, and also let her know the steps I was going to be taking today in filing the “wrongful death” action, and providing her copies of these things to keep her in “the loop,” and if there's anything she can assist us with, if there's anything that comes up here that assists in their investigation, we're more than happy to share it, and work together.

VAN SUSTEREN: How do you gauge the conversation you had with her?
I know there's been sort of a wide range of reaction you've gotten from her; From no phone calls, to talking quite chatty with you. What was this one?

KELLY: It was very constructive, pleasant, and informative.
I mean, yes, there have been hard times. I don't think we've ever been totally happy with what's been going down in Aruba, and I don't think Beth and Dave ever will be until they know what's happened to Natalee.
I think that would be natural with any parent and regardless of the kind of work they're doing down there.
They don't have answers yet and there's going to be times there will be rough patches, but, you know, I'm satisfied they're at least still working down there, and are committed to providing the answers to the family at some point. Doing the best they can under the circumstances. All we can do is keep pushing from up here.

VAN SUSTEREN: And Beth and Dave? I assume you've spoken in depth. I mean, now they’ve had… Now there's been this filing because I know you've been watching and you've been waiting. What was their reaction?

KELLY: Just guarded optimism, once again, that we might have the opportunity to get some answers as to what happened to Natalee, and get some measure of Justice.
They strongly believe, still, that the Kalpoe’s and the, you know, van der Sloot’s were the ones responsible for their daughter, or at least, have the answers of what happened to her.
They just see this as a travesty that these young men haven't been made to sit down and been 'taken to task,' and have to answer the ‘hard questions’ about what, really, happened that night.

VAN SUSTEREN: I think it will be very “telling” whether they suddenly, now that they've gotten your lawsuit and realize that, of course, they may win, it may get tossed out because it may be considered unrelated or whatever, but if this stays in California Court, whether they’ll "pull the plug" on theirs, and don't have to answer your questions, or not. That's a "red flag," to me.

KELLY: What? In terms of them not proceeding on the other case?

VAN SUSTEREN: Yes, because they don't… I mean, if all of a sudden I thought "Oh no. I'm going to be asked questions under oath. I'd better pull my lawsuit. That's the way out for me."

KELLY: You know, quite frankly, ((lightly smiles & laughs briefly)) with all due respect to Dr Phil, I don't like to see a lawsuit going ahead, but I hope it does. If they were committed to answering questions under oath and felt they had been wronged on their original action, they shouldn't have any problems sitting and answering questions, under oath, with regard to our actions also, but, you know… I'll be very curious to see what the Kalpoes' next step is. I'd welcome them here but, you know, we'll see.

VAN SUSTEREN: John, thank you.

Coming up a stunning new development; Now Natalee Holloway's parents are fighting back.
They want answers and they may have gotten a lucky break.


Natalee Holloway's parents got a break today, all because the Kalpoe brothers decided to sue Dr Phil.
You may recall that a suit they filed against Joran van der Sloot in a New York court was tossed out.
Now, this time, they have filed in a California Court, this time, against the Kalpoe brothers.
Will they get tossed out again?
Let's bring back the panel.
Woody, this is an interesting turn of events, because now these two will have to submit to depositions, if not with Beth and Dave Holloway, with Dr Phil.

WOODY VANN, ATTORNEY: Oh, absolutely, especially in the action they brought. They can't just bring the action and not expect to have it vigorously defended, and in the action against them you're going to expect the plaintiffs to want to, you know, do their own set of discovery, so, I would expect this would be quite a long and complicated discovery process.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know what I suspect? I suspect the Kalpoe brothers will pull out. When they realize, "The writing is on the wall.”
They're not going to want John Q. Kelly asking them questions, and they're not going to want the lawyers for Dr Phil asking them questions when they realize how deep the questions are, under oath, here in the United States.

VANN: Of course, my question is, “If they can dismiss their claim against Dr Phil, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the claim against them would be dismissed.” I guess that would be based on whatever the, you know, jurisdictional statutes are in California. It may be allowed to proceed because they‘ve already...

VAN SUSTEREN: They may be stuck, anyway.

VANN: I mean, they may be stuck, anyway, because they've already submitted themselves to jurisdiction.

VAN SUSTEREN: Jeanine, this is sort of a little bit of self-help, isn't it?

JEANINE PIRRO, ATTORNEY: I would say so, and, you know what I can't understand Greta? Is why the Kalpoe brothers would be so naive to think that they could probably make a lot of money by suing Dr Phil, and then expect that this would not create the jurisdiction for John Q. Kelly to come in and sue them along with --for-- Beth's family for "wrongful death" and it is an interesting question because, whether or not, they withdraw their claim, I believe that John's claim will continue to stand, and so, what you're going to have here, Greta, is a prosecution in the United States, in a civil setting, and your question was perfect when you asked whether or not Karin Janssen would, essentially, be kind of "stood up" by our, essentially, taking over the case.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, it's a great way. I mean, think of the brilliance of being able to get these answers because… I'd love to be a fly on the wall with the conversation when the Kalpoe brothers said, "This is what happens when you sue. It's called 'discovery.' They're going to be able to ask you questions. Do you want to do it?”
I mean, I wonder if--I wonder if the Kalpoe brothers, truly, "got 'it' " ?
Even if they had nothing to do with any of this, this is like their worse nightmare.

PIRRO: It is. They, totally, are exposed right now.
They may not be able to get out of it, even if they withdraw their complaint against Dr Phil and everyone else that they're suing, you know, for “defamation of character“ …
I mean… how much do you think they lost in terms of money? !
How much do they think they were going to win? !
What they did was expose themselves to, essentially, a criminal prosecution in a civil setting.
That's what's going to happen here.

TED WILLIAMS, RETIRED HOMICIDE DETECTIVE & ATTORNEY: You know, as much as I want Beth and her husband to find out what happened to Natalee, I'm of a different opinion; I don't think that they're going to be successful--meaning, Beth and them--coming to California in a State Court and being successfully getting involved in this litigation…

VAN SUSTEREN: I don’t think they care ! ... I don’t care if they ! ... They don't care if they win !
All they want ! … Look !, all they want to do is to get to discovery ! …

WILLIAMS: …But Greta…

VAN SUSTEREN: …If at the end they lose the “wrongful death” suit,

WILLIAMS: …this case…

VAN SUSTEREN: …but they've had a chance...

WILLIAMS: …Hey ! …

VAN SUSTEREN: …to put both of them under oath...

WILLIAMS: …not, not…

VAN SUSTEREN: …that's what they've been trying to get !

WILLIAMS: Well, If this was the way they wanted to do it, I think they should have stayed in this one, single case with the Kalpoe brothers having filed a lawsuit…

VAN SUSTEREN: They can do that, too !

WILLIAMS: Clearly, they've opened themselves up for discovery…

VAN SUSTEREN: They can do that, too !

WILLIAMS: …but what they're going to do in this case… is I guarantee the Kalpoe brothers are going to file a “motion to dismiss” …

VAN SUSTEREN: So what !!

WILLIAMS: …and they may very well be successful,...


WILLIAMS: ...but they may, still, have put… Opened themselves up for discovery.

PIRRO: No. No. You know why? By bringing this action in the state of California they have submitted themselves to the jurisdiction of the California Court, and for that purpose they now --the Holloway family-- can now come in and file this “wrongful death” lawsuit. I mean, this is a matter of…

WILLIAMS: Yeah, but, where is the.... Look, there's been no proven "wrongful death," and I don't know if California will support this.

VAN SUSTEREN: That's not the point, Ted ! They don't want to win !!

PIRRO: Right !!

VAN SUSTEREN: This is not about winning. This is about getting people, under oath, and discovery.

WILLIAMS: I don’t think you’re going to get discovery ! I don't think you're going to get to discovery ! You'll get your discovery through the Kalpoe brothers' case because they're the plaintiffs, and they will have to put some discovery in their case.

VAN SUSTEREN: Alright, well, let's let... let--let Woody be the Judge. Woody, what do you think?

VANN: The bottom line is, if they don't want...

VAN SUSTEREN: This is your "court house."

VANN: Okay, well, if they don't want to.... the bottom line is, if they don't want to proceed, they just won't proceed. They'll Dismiss... They'll Dismiss their claim against Dr Phil, and…

VAN SUSTEREN: But then the other claim may still be alive and the Holloway’s against them...

VANN: …and... and... and if they file “No Answer,” they get a “Default Judgment,” the Holloways get a big verdict for $100,000,000 against these two guys from Aruba, and, ‘who’ cares?!

VAN SUSTEREN: That is the one possibility.

PIRRO: It's about justice and closure. It's about justice and closure.

VAN SUSTEREN: And speaking of closure, I gotta’ go. Thanks for that one, Jeanine.
Panel, thank you

On 12-14 the “Central Bank of Aruba” reported:

Summary of the monthly bulletin of the Central Bank van Aruba for October 2006*

December 14, 2006

In October 2006, money supply shrank by Afl. 9.7 million or 0.4 percent to Afl. 2,463.6 million. This contraction was the result of an Afl. 8.3 million outflow of funds to abroad and an Afl. 1.4 million decrease in net domestic assets. Consequently, net foreign assets fell to Afl. 617.5 million at end-October 2006, which is Afl. 41.2 million or 6.3 percent less than in the corresponding month a year earlier.

The decline in net domestic assets was attributed to an Afl. 8.5 million decrease in noncredit related balance sheet items, which was largely offset by an Afl. 7.1 million rise in domestic credit. Net claims of the banking sector on the public sector went up by Afl. 7.3 million, due to a drawing down of bank balances by the government. In contrast, claims of the banking sector on the private sector fell slightly by Afl. 0.2 million, following a drop in consumer credit and housing mortgages of Afl. 3.3 million (0.6 percent) and Afl. 0.6 million (0.1 percent), respectively. On the other hand, loans to enterprises rose by Afl. 4.8 million (0.5 percent).

Changes in the money supply in October 2006:

In Afl. Million

1. Net foreign assets -8.3
2. Net domestic assets -1.4
a. Net claims on the public sector +7.3
b. Loans to enterprises +4.8
c. Consumer credit -3.3
d. Housing mortgages -0.6
e. Other claims by the banking sector -1.0
f. Non-credit-related balance sheet items -8.5
3. Net change in money supply -9.7

( “+”=increase / “-”=decrease)

In August 2006, the number of stay-over visitors and their nights spent on the island
declined by 0.9 percent and 0.8 percent, respectively, compared to the corresponding month in 2005. In the first eight months of 2006, stay-over visitors and total nights spent on the island shrank by 9 percent and 6.4 percent, respectively. According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the average occupancy rate of the hotels for October 2006 shows a contraction of 6.2 percentage points to 73.7 percent, compared to the corresponding month a year earlier. Figures on tourist arrivals and nights spent on the island for September and October 2006 are not yet available.

* The publications of the Central Bank van Aruba are also available on its website

Page 2

Data published by the Cruise Tourism Authority show that the number of cruise passengers and ship calls increased by 34.6 percent and 40.9 percent, respectively, in October 2006, when compared to the corresponding month of 2005.

In October 2006, the consumer price index rose by 1.8 percent compared to the
corresponding month a year earlier. The annual average inflation rate was 3.9 percent,
which is an acceleration of 0.6 percentage point compared to the corresponding period a year earlier. This inflation rate is 0.5 percentage point higher than the annual average
inflation rate for the United States in the corresponding period.


On 12-15 “Microsoft” reported that the #1 “Windows Live Spaces” search in its news category is “Natalee Holloway”

On 12-15 JOHN Q. KELLY stated to FOX News:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “BigFish”)

Martha MacCullum: Two new lawsuits have been filed in connection with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The parents of Natalee have filed a wrongful death suit against Satish and Deepak Kalpoe who are two former suspects. They were brought in twice to be questioned in that case. At the same time, the Kalpoe brothers, in fact, they did it first, said that talk show host Dr. Phil McGraw defamed them when he aired a secretly taped interview with Deepak. They are suing "good old Dr. Phil" for libel and slander in this case, now that Holloway has been missing since May of 2005, when she went, of course, on that graduation trip to Aruba.

Joining our A-List now is John Q. Kelly. He is the attorney for Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway. So let's see what everyone on our panel has to say about this. John, first of all, it was the Kalpoe brothers who sued first right?

JQK: They sued first and that's what enabled us to file our subsequent action out there.

MM: So, why is that? Why all of a sudden are Beth and Dave suing them?

JQK: Well because they have the opportunity and jurisdiction out there once the Kalpoe brothers elected to come in to California and start an action in the Superior Court out there that was expressly consonant to the jurisdiction out there. Once they're out there in the jurisdiction we were able to bring a wrongfull death lawsuit against them.

MM: So it's sort of because they brought this lawsuit against Dr. Phil, they sort of exist now in the California legal system

JQK: Yeah.

MM: And because of that, you're able to bring something against them.

JQK: That's correct. If they hadn't filed something, we would not have this capability right now.

MM: And how strong is this case for wrongful death that the Holloways have?

JQK: I think it's pretty good. A lot of very strong circumstantial evidence. suggesting the Kalpoe brothers, you know, they were the last ones known to be with her when she was alive. It was their car they were seen cleaning out the next day. They're the ones that fabricated the alibi, you know, incriminating statements both that they made to the detectives and Joran made to the detectives. And quite frankly, we want to take a lot of discovery and take a lot of sworn deposition testimony.

MM: But Joe, as John points out, it's circumstantial. We can't forget there's no body in this case.

Joe Peters: Absolutely. But sometimes the only redress and only justice really for the victim and the family is in the civil system particularly when you don't have what you need to reach muster on the criminal side. Look at O.J. Simpson. Acquitted on the criminal side but it was the cicil suit that brought the family at least some solace.

MM: Catherine, You covered so many cases and so many Homeland Security issues and yet this case seems to continue to speak to people in some way. People want to know what happened to that girl that night. As a reporter, what do you think it is that draws everybody to this girl and this story?

Catherine Herridge: Once in a while there is a story that is on fire and people identify with it or her or her family. In some way, I think in large part because her mother has been so out there I think a lot of women identify and I think that horrible feeling that when you've lost a child you need to have some kind of resolution. But it still astounds me how people have followed this story. I'm also astounded by the fact that the Kalpoe brothers would bring this action in California which makes me wonder whether they really do not understand how the legal system works here because we were so confused by the Aruban system. I'm not so sure they really understood this would open the door.

MM: Do you think they did John?

JQK: They've had plenty of attorneys working on, I'm sure they understood the possible consequences bringing the action here and uh....

MM: So what do they hope to get from Dr. Phil?

JQK: Money!

Herridge: A lot of money.

JQK: Yeah. That's what they're looking for. It's uh you know, I almost feel like the "border police" with these THREE guys. They want to get into the country to capitalize on their misdeeds. Right now, we're not going to let that happen. It's ashamed that's what's driving this case. They're looking for a payday from Dr. Phil.

MM: Do you think they have a case Joe?

Peters: I'm not sure that they have a case but I think it's a preemptive strike. If I sue you because I know you're going to come after me, then I can say you sued me Martha because I sued you first.

MM: Right. Catherine points out how strong a character Beth Holloway Twitty has been. John, when she brings this case, what does it do to her? Does it reinvigorate, you know, some hope that she will get some kind of justice if in fact what she thinks happened happened?

JQK: Well sure she and, you know, Dave the father, were on pins and needles. We knew for a while this was a possibility and we were really hoping we would have the opportunity to make another effort to get some answers. They want answers. They want to know what happened to their daughter. And I think when you were talking to Catherine before, what's so compelling about this case is that everybody knows, for example, that the Kalpoe brothers certainly or almost certainly know what happened to Natalee and we still can't find out. They have not been made to answer for her disappearance. They have answers. We can't get them. And it's not someone who just vanished with no explanation. These guys know what happened.

MM: Not a lot of evidence out there to prove that....

**NOTE** before reading the following transcriptions for JOSSY MANSUR’s statements in the 12-15 "Court TV" interview, Mr. MANSUR stated that he has a copy of a signed ARUBA Police PV statement given to ARUBAN Police Detectives by Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT admitting that he performed sexual acts on NATALEE while she was drifting in and out of un-consciousness.

Yet in none of the ARUBA Police PV statements that we have to date, is a signed statement by Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT.

On 12-15 JOSSY MANSUR stated to “Court TV”:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “PearlinUSA”)

Catherine Crier has Jossy on now .. Natalee's case made top of list of stories for year... on now

Catherine asked Jossy about the recent lawsuits. She asked Jossy about the Skeeters tape and Jossy said it was legitimate, that they did admit having sex .. Jossy said he has a statement signed by Joran where admits sexual conduct ... Catherine asked if any developments on the island and Jossy said not much here any more because now in Dutch hands, they took everything with them, all the documents and evidence and stuff .. and is in Holland hands now ... Catherine said if they have evidence of the sexual charges she feels they should go ahead and charge them with this ..

It was a relatively short interview with only Jossy ... take into account that due to the recent case filings the family members have been asked to not appear on shows right now.

Nice to see that enough votes got into the network to show that Natalee Holloway is absolutely still on the minds of many. For those that wonder why this case is different from other missing girls I guess I would have to say that in this one we know who she was with. That is a huge difference from most where the investigators have to try to find the identity of the last known to be with a missing person. It is hard to comprehend trained officers being unable to get anything more than lies from ones as young as the suspects in this case are. MO

We hear in Aruba a judge can't use suspects own statements made as evidence against them.
We hear in Aruba it is expected that you will lie.
We hear in Aruba you cannot be punished for lying.
We hear in Aruba that you can still be a suspect but the police can't talk to you without your permission.
We hear all things found like duct tape, hair, bones, clothing remnants, etc. all made into something to do with surfers or donkeys.
We hear undergarments and such found surely belong to tourists who are making out on their beaches.
We hear of crying witness with conscience wants to tell where body is ... only to never hear any more.
We hear of body found .. only to have someone higher than the higher speaking retract the statement.
We hear of weird rock paintings by guys in white scientific looking clothing in area where body found just to be told is a boy missing for 7 years or so .. nothing provided to verifiy this.
We hear of foam with teeth marks in it, cleaning compound/spray bottle, clothing items, etc. found only to hear a security company shirt .. and then nothing
We hear of car parts and other items taken from a suspect's home by search warrant.. never to hear more.
We hear of suspect after suspect being released from jail and allowed to leave the island. Prior to ending the investigation, making an arrest, having a trial.
We hear of a extradition order made to Holland only to hear a lawyer appears and suddenly no extradition, never to hear more.
We hear of 4 employees making statements of one with scratches on face of suspect friend only to be told the person is gay and wears makeup ... never to hear more.
We hear of a brother in law and son of a police Chief being questioned and never hear more.
We hear of blood and/or in-law relations of police Chief to suspects but never hear more.
We hear of Aruban spokesperson being relations of a suspect, then never to hear more.
We hear what boils down to nothing helpful to this case, we need competent action with results. MO

(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Heli”)

Catherine Crier Live with Jossy Mansur
December 15, 2006


The Kalpoe brothers have just filed a defamation lawsuit in Los Angeles against tv's Dr Phil over a tape made by his investigators. I bet you remember the tape, it sounded a bit like Deepak said they all had sex with Natalee. By filing the suit, the Holloways were able to file a wrongful death suit against the Kalpoes in LA.

There's a lot more to the story. Jossy Mansur is the Managing Editor of El Diario Newspaper in Aruba and he joins us on the phone. First Jossy, let me ask you about the lawsuit where the Kalpoes have sued Dr Phil. What sort of reaction when that tape came out, they talked to his investigator, actually let me play the little bit that got a lot of people believing they almost heard a confession, let's listen

(plays audiotape of Deepak and Skeeters)

Alright, "she did, you'd be surprised how easy it was" Of course the Kalpoes came back and said "you guys edited that tape "she did" you cut out what was said next and it's not in context. What sort of reaction when there seemed to be the claim they confessed?


Well they did confess it, we had the tape analyzed by some experts in Venezuela, it's a legitimate tape and they did admit to having sex but not only on the tape, they admitted to having sex with the girl when she was going in and out of consciousness in the car; it's black and white on the Proces Verbaal that was official Police Reports after interrogations signed by them. I have one signed by Joran van der Sloot in which he tells the police that they had sex with the girl and she was going in and out of consciousness in the car.


Well Jossy, when that came out I screamed on air, so what's the problem if you can't find the body and you can't prosecute a murder you can certainly go after them for rape, there's no question that is without consent, so why haven't we seen rape charges?


I don't know, but in the conversation I had with the Chief Investigator he re-confirmed everything and he said that they were going to re-arrest these suspects and they were going for the lesser of the two crimes between first degree murder and sexual assault, that they would be going for the sexual assault which carries a sentence here in Aruba of a maximum of 8 years, then they would have the time to go for the second one.


Is there a statute of limitations on the island on rape? I'm sure there is, there certainly is in the United States and if so, do you know what it is?


I think it's five (5) years


Okay, alright they better get a move on if they're going to do this. I also know the Holloway family has filed suit in Los Angeles because those two showed up to sue Dr Phil. I don't imagine that case will be sustainable, there's a jurisdiction question. Is there any development at all in the investigation on the island?


They're moving on with it


What does that mean?


It's in Holland now, it's not here anymore; what they're doing here now is just routine work on the case. The main work that's being done is in Holland because they took all the documents with them, all the videos and the audiotapes, they're all in Holland now.


Alright, we certainly hope they're continuing to pursue it because there are a lot of people who wonder if they're ever going to solve it . If they've got the rape allegations, they ought to go with that. Jossy Mansur, thank you very much.

On 12-15 ARUBAAN’s news-source “” reported:

Satish Kalpoe when he was released from KIA last year

ORANJESTAD – New legal clash broke out in the Natalee Holloway case. The parents of Natalee Holloway, Dave Holloway and Beth Twitty have entrusted the Los Angeles Superior Court with the administration of justice to charge the brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe with not specified damages.

They are being accused of “having deliberately and frivolously contributed to fatal injuries of their daughter”, states the claim. “All we want is justice for our daughter. I have no doubt that Deepak and Satish have played a part in the death of my daughter and must be held accountable. It is shameful that they have not been punished yet”, indicated Beth Twitty before the Associated Press last Thursday.

The claim came one day after the brothers have instituted a lawsuit against the American talk show Dr. Phil, private detective Jamie Skeeters, and CBS Distribution Group. The brothers say that a conversation between the two of them was secretly recorded and manipulated and so create false, accusatory, and slander declarations. The American newscast Fox News mentioned this last night.

On 12-15 “E-online” reported:

He usually focuses on relationship problems, but even Dr. Phil couldn't resist joining the media circus surrounding the Natalie Holloway case. And now it may cost him.

Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, teenage brothers who were once considered prime suspects in the 18-year-old's May 30, 2005, disappearance while vacationing in Aruba, is suing the Dr. Phil show, claiming they were defamed on national TV.

The lawsuit, filed Wednesday in Los Angeles Superior Court, accuses McGraw, along with private investigator Jamie Skeeters and the CBS Television Group, of committing libel and slander, invasion of privacy, emotional distress, fraud, deceit and civil conspiracy by editing and airing an interview between Skeeters and Deepak Kalpoe to suggest the brothers somehow committed a crime.

The show's producer, Paramount Studios, slammed the lawsuit. "We stand by the integrity of the Dr. Phil show, our editing process and the accuracy of the program that we aired. We will vigorously defend against these baseless claims."

The episode in question aired Sept. 15, 2005, on the nationally syndicated show, days after the brothers were released from custody by Aruban police. Holloway was last seen getting in a car with the siblings and Dutch teen Joran van der Sloot, but authorities said they lacked sufficient evidence to hold the teens, in part because investigators could not determine whether Holloway was dead or alive since her body had yet to be found.

The complaint states that Skeeter secretly videotaped an interview with Deepak Kalpoe and then aired the illicit recording on Dr. Phil—after cutting it in such a way as to "create false, incriminating and defamatory statements that the plaintiffs engaged in criminal activity against Natalee Holloway."

Per court documents, McGraw & Co. specifically implied that the siblings slipped Holloway a date-rape drug, forced her to have nonconsensual sex and then supposedly aided in killing her and hiding the body, allegations which the Kalpoes and van der Sloot have denied.

But Paramount disputes the charge. "Deepak Kalpoe’s statements, which aired on the Dr. Phil show, were his own words presented in a manner that the show believed accurately reflected the sum and substance of what he said in a recorded interview with Jamie Skeeters in Aruba."

The suit claims Deepak Kalpoe agreed to the sit-down with the P.I. in the assumption that Skeeter might help clear him and his brother. Skeeter allegedly told Kalpoe that the gruff McGraw was a "god" who could "influence a country" and help their case.

After months of searching for the missing young woman, Aruban investigators shifted their probe away from the brothers and van der Sloot to pursue other leads. The case remains unsolved.

A lawyer for the Kalpoes could not be reached for comment Friday. Their suit seeks unspecified general, special and punitive damages.

In a parting shot in its statement, Paramount says, "We also intend to discover who or what has motivated this lawsuit from the Kalpoe brothers, two of the primary suspects in Natalee’s disappearance and two of the last people seen driving away with her in their car."

Shortly after the Kalpoes took legal action against Dr. Phil, Holloway's parents fired back.

Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway filed a civil wrongful-death suit against the teens Thursday in Los Angeles Superior Court, accusing them of causing their daughter's death by "intentionally, negligently, wantonly...unlawfully conducting themselves" in a way that brought about fatal injuries.

"All we want is justice for our daughter. There is no doubt in my mind that Deepak and Satish played a role in my daughter's death and should be held accountable," Beth Twitty said. "It is unconscionable that they have not been punished so far."

On 12-15 “Freedom of Blog” Identity “MF” claimed that lawyer DAVID KOCK told "MF":

David Kock reacts to Holloway's counter suit.

He considers his case as being one compared to David vs. Goliath. They did not have to money to start this case and still do not have to money to do so. No one is sponsoring them as many in States were thinking. Aruba has nothing to do with this case. This case if from the Kalpoe brothers seeking justice.

He is very happy that the majority of people saw that there was an injustice done against two young men that had nothing to do with the disappearance of an American girl in Aruba and people in the States wanted to help.

He reacted to the Press articles as being something that only John Q. Kelly will say and laughed about them. He find this situation more like a Déja Vu, just like the case the one they started against Joran in New York, but he knows the case, he knows the facts and he has the documentation.

He considers the family's latest action as a desperate publicity stunt to seek attention and he know that this case filed against his clients is a way to help Dr. Phil's team. He knows that those two groups have been in contact for a long time, and worked together to countersuit the Kalpoes, in a way for them to back-off Dr. Phil.

Kock is not affraid of this case and will continue with it. This case that was just recently disclosed to the public, have been going on for many months already, they have been in contact with the Dr. Phil and the studio's lawyer and they know that they have a lost case. He has to proof that the tapes have been altered, edited and so they can make profit from it.

They also knew that when they were in the mediation process, where Dr. Phil's lawyers were trying to buy the case off, these lawyers were in constant contact with the Holloways. So, now after they sue Dr. Phil who thought that Aruba was behind this, the Holloways were asked to come to their rescue and scare them off.

American experts already declare that the Holloway family have no grounds for their suit and it's just a simply intent for publicity for both parties.

He acknowledges that the case will take a long time, first they have to go into the discovery part and he predicts it to be over by May or June of next year.

The words from a very confident man!

On 12-15 ARUBAAN’s news-source “Diario” reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “PearlinUSA”)


ORANJESTAD (AAN): Recientemente na Merca, dos caso relaciona cu desaparicion di Natalee Holloway a worde entama.

E prome ta un caso di difamacion cu e rumannan Kalpoe a entama contra Dr. Phil McGraw, die famoso show: “Dr Phil Show”.

Esaki debi na e echo cu segun e rumannan Kalpoe y tambe otro expertonan, Dr. Phil a manipula cierto partinan di un combersacion graba di Deepak Kalpoe, pa asina haci como si fuera Deepak tabata culpable di cierto actonan cu e hoben Mericano.

Inmediatamente reaccionando riba e caso aki, mama y tata di Natalee Holloway esta Beth Twitty y Dave Holloway a entama un caso contra e rumannan Kalpoe (“wrongfull death lawsuit”).

E caso cu Beth y Dave a entama a worde haci den Corte Superior di Los Angeles.

“Loke nos kier ta husticia pa nos yiu”, segun Beth Twitty. “No tin ningun duda den mi mente, cu Deepak y Satish a hunga un rol grandi den morto di mi yiu muher y nan mester para responsable pa esaki”.

“Ta incomprendible cu nan no a haya castigo ainda”, segun Twitty. Segun informacion e rumannan Kalpoe a busca abogadonan na Merca mes, pa entama e caso, pues nan abogadonan na Aruba no ta envolvi den e caso aki.

On 12-15 ARUBAAN’s news-source “Diario” reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “MF”)


ORANJESTAD (AAN) - Breaking news information that were on American TV yesterday showed that a legal case was brought against the suspects in the case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba.

Communication media and other sources on the Internet indicated that a legal case has been started against the Kalpoe brothers and Joran van der Sloot in connection with the disappearance and death of Natalee Holloway.

What apparently made the Americans mad, was the case that the Kalpoe brothers started against an American TV program, where Kalpoes are asking for punitive damages of around 10 millions dollars, while the family of Natalee Holloway still does not know what happened to their loved one that was last seen in company of Joran van der Sloot and the brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe.

In the States they believe that while Aruba treated the case in a very controversial and dubious way, where the suspects through their statements showed that they were simply lying, and now the Kalpoe brothers want to profit from the case, there was nothing left to start another case against them in the States.

Public opinion in the States shows that there was a lot of patience and understanding for the case in Aruba, even though there was a lot of pressure from the States, but it is difficult for the Americans to comprehend that they want to benefit financially out of this case where Natalee is still disappeared.

Joran van der Sloot would also have signed a deal in the Netherlands with a writer to publish a book, relating his involvement in the Natalee’s case and also there where there is a financial compensation is not welcomed by the Americans.

A legal case has been filed yesterday for the death of Natalee Holloway in Aruba, where the case will be handled in the state of California.

Additional to the three principal suspects, who are Joran van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe, names of other persons in Aruba would have been mentioned, like other friends of Joran van der Sloot.

On of the names mentioned was Freddy Zedan Arambatzis, and Joran van der Sloot’s father, but official confirmation could not have been obtained regarding this and others.

Now the American Justice will work on the penal case against the suspects in the case of Natalee and this is something totally different from the civil suit that the Holloway family files against Joran van der Sloot when he went to New York.

A penal case filing in America against the suspects in the Natalee Holloway case gets a radical and impressive course, because the legal case in the States will soon or later involve the extradition of the suspects.

Aruba, through an extradition treaty that the Dutch Kingdom has with the States, judicial authorities can ask for extradition of the suspects, will put the Dutch government in a difficult situation since the Governor of Aruba is the one that has to sign for this extradition, but in this must be first agreed upon by the Netherlands, because the main suspect is studying in the Netherlands.

On 12-15 FOX News reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Heli”)

Transcribed from videotape


A sudden break for Natalee's parents but it's turning into a courtroom drama. Deepak and Satish Kalpoe claim that the Dr Phil Show defamed them on television. Two days ago they filed a suit for libel in a California court.

Natalee's parents, lying in wait, filed a suit against the Kalpoe brothers. Natalee's wrongful death it claims, does either suit hold water.

Joining us Richard Freer, law professor at Emery University Law School. Nice to see you Rich.


Nice to be here Greta


Alright, let's take a look at these lawsuits. Lawsuit #1, Kalpoe brothers vs Dr Phil. Is that going to stay in the California Court?


I think it is, it seems they state a claim, there's certainly jurisdiction. Any Court has to have what's called personal jurisdiction which means you have to have power over the defendants. No question, Dr Phil and CBS have plenty of ties to the State of California


So that stays


That stays, it will be litigated.


Now, the one, the lying in wait one, Natalee Holloway's parents are waiting for the Kalpoes to file, they want to sue them so they can get them under oath for depositions. Is that going to stay?


I don't think so. They have sued in California and their jurisdictional theory is very interesting and I think it's very creative but I don't think it's going to work. Here's the theory: you can have this personal jurisdiction based upon consent and the idea is that the Kalpoe brothers by suing in California have consented to jurisdiction in California for any related claim. There is case law in California that says that you can have jurisdiction by consent in this way but, it's limited to the parties to the original case

For example, when the Kalpoes sued Dr Phil and CBS, Dr Phil and CBS have jurisdiction over the Kalpoes for any claims they might have against them, but there's no case that I know of that allows a third party, like the Holloways to come in and use that consent to jurisdiction. I don't think it's going to work.


So you don't think they'll get them under deposition, under oath?


I don't think so because to get to discovery and depositions where you get them to testify under oath, you have to have personal jurisdiction and I don't see it.


Will there be depositions on that particular issue though?


I don't think so, I think this is fairly clear as a legal matter that there's not going to be jurisdiction there. There is one other way they might try it and that is when the Kalpoes come to Los Angeles to litigate their case against Dr Phil, which will go forward, I think then the Holloways could have process served on the Kalpoes while they're in California


Lying in wait and then we go back to the New York


That is exactly like the New York situation.


And then we'll be talking about that. Rich, thank you


On 12-16 ARUBAAN’s news-source “Diario” reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “MF”)


The world makes strange turns and in every complicated case, strange and impressive developments has happened, from one day to another, till it's solved.

That is what the family of Natalee Holloway was waiting for too and this week the family had the unique opportunity to file a case against two of the three principal suspects in the Natalee Holloway's disappearance case, when the Kalpoe Brothers decided to commit an cardinal error when they filed a case in a California court, including against an American TV host.

In the civil suit that the family filed a few months ago against Joran van der Sloot, the court in the US rejected the demand of the Holloway family, because the court in New York had no jurisdiction to handle a case against Joran.

In this case it is different, because at the moment that the Kalpoe Brothers, Deepak and Satish, decided through their lawyers to file a case against Dr. Phil in the States in connection with a TV program, in which the Kalpoes think that they were slandered, they choose for themselves to follow the laws of the California State.

At the moment that the Kalpoes decided to follow the laws of the California State, Natalee Holloway's family got the chance to file a case against them in the same court, where they will now have to respond for their actions to the American Justice.

In the case that the Holloway family will ask for damages, the American court must decide if the Kalpoe brothers are guilty of the disappearance and death of Natalee Holloway.

After the civil suit, the penal case will automatically follow and according to information received from the States, not only are the Kalpoe brothers in the pipe line to be called to respond for their actions in an American court but also Joran van der Sloot, Paul van der Sloot, Freddy Zedan and other witnesses or accomplices will be called to appear in front a jury in the American court.

It is not known if the Kalpoe brothers voluntarily will go to the States for the court hearing or the American authorities have to request their presence, but the fact remains that they now voluntarily allowed themselves to follow the laws of the California court.

DIARIO once again repeats, that it hopes that indeed all the suspects in Aruba are innocent and the case will have a so called happy ending, so much wished for, but all the lies and all the schemes in Natalee's disappearance have made Aruba the victim, while others are now trying to gain financially out of this case.

On 12-16 FOX News reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Debbie”)

Kimberly: The mysterious disappearance of Alabama teen, Natalee Holloway has keep this nation riveted for more than a year. Now will newly released details in the investigation finally answer heartbreaking questions for the Holloway family. Here's a look back at the case:

(Video: The search for Alabama teen Natalee Holloway has baffled investigators and kept the nation riveted for the past year and a half. May 24, 2005, 18 year old Natalee Holloway graduates for her Alabama high school, nothing but hope for the future and a whole world ahead of her she and her classmates go on an annual senior vacation to sunny Aruba. On the last night of her trip Natalee and her friends spend the night partying at a local hot spot Carlos & Charlie's. Then tragedy strikes, Natalee's friends see her get into a car outside of the night club.. she is never seen again.)

Kimberly: And two new lawsuits have been filed in connection with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The parents of the missing Alabama teen have filed a wrongful death suit against Satish and Deepak Kalpoe, two former suspects in the case and at the same time the Kalpoe brothers say talk show host Dr. Phil McGraw defamed them when he aired a secretly taped interview with Deepak. They're suing Dr. Phil for libel and slander and we are back with the former Federal Prosecutor Georgia Goslee now and Criminal Defense Attorney Randy Kravis.

Kimberly: You guys can go union after this, I'm working you so much tonight. Coffee break after the show. Alright, so what do you make of this Georgia? Do you think they have any kind of case at all against Dr. Phil?

Georgia: Well, I (don't) really, when I think about it I'm not really sure that they have a case against Dr. Phil. First of all I think Dr. Phil has a certain level of integrity. I think he's a little too intelligent to knowingly participate or have someone as an agent participate in doctoring a tape to make it look like these guys made those comments, so just alone on that, I don't think he's the type of person based on what I know and see about him, I think he has a high level of integrity, and let alone from that, I just don't see any real evidence that they have. I mean file a lawsuit people do it everyday, to carry a burden of proof is another thing. From right now from what I see, I don't think it's going anywhere.

Kimberly: Alright, we're joined now on the phone by Joe Tacopina. Joe, we have to stop meeting like this and this time I want you to tell me how you really feel and don't be so shy.

Joe: Yeah, I heard, I heard my hysterics went over big.

Kimberly: Joe tell me what do you make of this case? I mean you were able to prevail in yours, getting it tossed out but what about this case?

Joe: You know, I don't know it's interesting Kimberly. I mean, fortunately we're not invited to this dance and Joran is not a party to this lawsuit, and I'll note there's a drastic difference in the lawsuit that was filed by the Holloway family that we got dismissed. Joran was not charged in that lawsuit, they didn't allege that he participated in the death of Natalee Holloway. It was a suit that talked about, you know, a kidnapping claim and an assault claim but certainly not participating in a death. In this instance, in the Kalpoe lawsuit they do allege these two individuals, the brothers caused her death and I think that's a drastic difference and you know, I don't know what evidence John has, certainly no harm, no foul. I mean obviously they want to go forward and try and get depositions and pursue evidence and look, they brought this lawsuit in New York, they submitted, I mean in California, they submitted themselves to the jurisdiction and now they sort of got what they asked for, they have litigation, so it will be interesting to see how it turns out.

Kimberly: Alright, Joe Tacopina being fair and balanced tonight. I like that. So basically you're saying it's a different lawsuit and the jurisdictional issues are overcome so they're kind of step ahead on this one don't you think?

Joe: Oh sure, I mean look it doesn't mean that they're going to get anywhere Kimberly, what it doesn't mean is that this lawsuit will actually go forward, it doesn't mean that they're ever going to take depositions, but what it does mean is that if the Kalpoe brothers truly want to pursue a claim against Dr. Phil, first that was in fact doctored, there's no question, the question is whether Dr. Phil knew or not because there were no admissions on the real tape, the one that was doctored had admissions on it but you know, if they really want to pursue that they're going to have to answer questions under oath by the Holloway family if the Judge allows it to be considered a companion case. I think what's going to wind up happening here now is they're probably going to walk away from that Dr. Phil lawsuit and you know they'll probably never get deposed in the United States.

Kimberly: Alright, Randy I'll give you the last word. What do you think of the merits?

Randy: I mean, you know it is hard to believe that Dr. Phil would knowingly do something like this , so it is questionable about whether the facts are true or not. But if they are, maybe there is a valid lawsuit.

Kimberly: Alright, so Randy's verdict is Dr. Phil is like a boy scout and he wouldn't do anything bad, bad, bad like that. Georgia, Randy and Joe, thank you so much.

On 12-16 ARUBAAN’s news-source “” reported:

No more actions against bbo for the time being

In a press conference, the representatives of the unions didn’t say anything about further actions against the introduction of the bbo yesterday.

OANJESTAD – Rudy Geerman, chair of the cooperative unions (SdU) indicated yesterday in a press conference that the unions will speak their members individually this weekend about the occurrences of last week and about possible pursue. He didn’t say anything about further plans against the government’s plans to introduce the bbo.
According to the spokesperson of Federacion di Trahadornan Aruba (Workers Federation, FTA) Anselmo Pontilius called a general meeting for this Monday. He says that last Monday, the government has seen what the consequences would be for the economy if they do not take the social partners seriously. “The harbour was closed and also four banks. That’s serious.” He also repeated that the unions are against changing the taxes from direct to indirect. He agrees with the government that this is a way to take on businesses that evade taxes and that not only the employees will add to the treasury.

Pontilius is also concerned that businesses will use the bbo to increase their prices. “We are not sure whether the government will do something about this, for example, supervise the prices.”

Serge Mansur, chairman of ATIA is not in favour of the government supervising the prices. “Leave that to the free market.” The trade and industry should not profit of the bbo by increasing their prices. “I anticipate that the prices will go up with 8 percent due to the bbo. Our organization is for ethical management and we are very serious about it.”

He emphasized that with the bbo, the tax department has not chosen easy controllable means. Mansur says that the tax director had told him that the department will need about 15 to 20 extra employees for the implementation of the bbo.


On 12-17 the “Aruba Boycott Blogspot” reported:
(“ABB” blog owner’s comments in red)


I guess Aruba isn't the only island with problems. Doesn't sound like these governments are doing their job by incarcerating criminals and protecting their "precious tourists and their millions of dollars". Get rid of the corruption, pay-offs, trafficking, racketeering, the forced prostitution...

Mmmm....yeahhhh. Sounds like paradise to me.

More US cities are catching wind of the impact of crime on tourism in Caribbean countries. Some American dailies as well as the US State Department have warned travelers about possible dangers they could encounter traveling to the region. Different types of accommodations are also susceptible to specific types of criminal behavior, according to warnings.

According to a Washington Post report, properties that offer a romantic and isolated get-away are sometimes easy targets for criminals because there is either little or no security. There have also been more small hotel and motel break-ins, and thieves have hit vacation rental spots, the report noted. Another trend reported is hotel room break-ins while guests are in them. Popular items for criminals to steal include techno gadgets such as cameras, cell phones, and lap tops. Tourists also often report that their cash, passports or credit cards have been stolen from them. In some cases, the victims have been raped or killed.

...A State Department spokesperson told the Washington Post, "We're not saying don't go to these islands. But don't expect because you're in a tropical, relaxed area that you're out of a danger zone. Take the same precautions that you would in other places."

Read entire article here

Travelers are warned

By Barry Williams, Guardian Staff Reporter

More US cities are catching wind of the impact of crime on tourism in Caribbean countries.

Some American dailies as well as the US State Department have warned travelers about possible dangers they could encounter traveling to the region. Different types of accommodations are also susceptible to specific types of criminal behavior, according to warnings.

According to a Washington Post report, properties that offer a romantic and isolated get-away are sometimes easy targets for criminals because there is either little or no security. There have also been more small hotel and motel break-ins, and thieves have hit vacation rental spots, the report noted. Another trend reported is hotel room break-ins while guests are in them.

Popular items for criminals to steal include techno gadgets such as cameras, cell phones, and lap tops. Tourists also often report that their cash, passports or credit cards have been stolen from them. In some cases, the victims have been raped or killed.
Although the latest U.S. State Department Consular information sheet did not include The Bahamas as one of the destinations for break-ins during the past year, travel blogs indicate that The Bahamas does rate high as a destination where tourists are vulnerable to criminal activity.

The Nassau Guardian was unable to reach tourism officials for comment, but the Nassau Tourism Development Board said recently that tourist safety has been one of the more important factors in its Downtown Nassau redevelopment initiative.

However, sources close to tourism who wish to remain unnamed told the Guardian that a large percentage of cruise tourists that do not leave ships docked in ports here have attributed their fears to crime.

Further, throughout the Caribbean there has been a noticeable increase in armed robberies, assaults, and burglaries reported against tourists. Dailies throughout the region, including the Trinidad Guardian and Bermuda's Royal Gazette, have been credited for their thorough coverage of crimes against tourists, while others are more hushed about reporting incidents that could impact the tourism industry negatively.
But the impact of crime on the tourism industry, and criminal violations committed against tourists has been a menacing and growing problem.

What indicates that the problem is becoming more serious is that tourists have more to worry about than "aggressive soliciting, muggings and purse snatchings," said the Washington Post, as more serious offenses are being committed.

There have been a number of isolated incidents throughout the region where tourists have been raped or even killed.

A State Department spokesperson told the Washington Post, "We're not saying don't go to these islands. But don't expect because you're in a tropical, relaxed area that you're out of a danger zone. Take the same precautions that you would in other places."


On 12-18 NBC reported:

Natalee Holloway's disappearance made worldwide headlines and Dr. Phil has been working diligently with the missing teen’s brave mother, Beth Twitty, to try and find answers.

Dr. Phil sits down with Beth again to talk about some very interesting developments in this story.

Beth explains what she’s been doing lately. “I’ve really been involved with a foundation that I’ve established, it’s the International Safe Travels Foundation, so I’ve been really busy with messages to high school and college students and Auburn University right now is working in conjunction with the foundation in developing a curriculum. They’re just delving into the legal and safety issues for the person who’s traveling internationally. The third thing that’s come about is the lawsuit that’s been filed,” she says.

Dr. Phil elaborates, “We’ve played footage of an interview with the older Kalpoe brother, Deepak, as it was gathered by Jamie Skeeters, and they’re now contesting what was said and have sued this show and made allegations against me and you about tampering with the tape. How do you feel about the fact that they’ve sued the show over that broadcast that you and I did that day?”

“The reason why they’re doing it is because there have been no repercussions,” Beth says. “They’ve never had to be accountable or responsible for any actions they’ve taken. No matter what they do, no matter how many lies that they generate, they just feel as if there’s nothing that’s going to happen to them.”

“Well, let’s look at the upside of our being sued by these suspects in the case. That has established a jurisdictional right for you to file a lawsuit against them for what?” Dr. Phil asks.

“With a wrongful death suit, it will allow the attorneys to pose these suspects and see if we can get to the inconsistencies in all of the statements,” Beth explains. “And that’s what we’ve asked for all along. We’ve just wanted somebody to hold their feet to the fire and get to the bottom of what happened, besides this litany of lies that they’ve just continued to generate.”

“When you step back and take the broad view of the fact that we took up Natalee’s cause when everybody was thinking this is old and cold, and we got sued for our troubles, how do you feel about that?” Dr. Phil asks.

“Oh, gosh, Dr. Phil, it just makes me sick. All you’ve tried to do from the beginning is just get to the bottom of it, get the answer,” she says.

“We stand by the integrity of that taped interview that was played on the show, and we stand by you continuing this investigation to find out what has happened to Natalee.”

Beth is grateful. “It is certainly not a talk show. It has just been action from you. Everything that you’ve done has just been the right step at the right time. And what I needed was what you provided, and that’s what keeps a path moving toward justice and toward answers,” she says.

“It is frustrating, but here’s what we know for sure: We know Natalee disappeared and is still missing. We know that you have an unfettered right to discuss it and talk about it, and we’re going to continue to talk about it and investigate it until we get answers and the guilty people are held accountable. And we’re not going to be intimidated by some ridiculous lawsuit,” Dr. Phil says.

“And I want you Dr. Phil, and John Kelly, and the team that you have, that’s who I want to find the answers because the Aruban government is not going to do anything,” Beth says.

“Well, you’ve got a great lawyer in John Kelly, so I know we’re all going to stay the course. And I’m sorry that we’re having to do it, but Natalee deserves nothing less,” Dr. Phil tells her.

(video here and here)

On 12-18 BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY stated to NBC’s “Dr. Phil” nationally syndicated TV show:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “Heli”; numerous spelling errors corrected, “Heli” personal opinions exorcised)

Dr Phil:

The Natalee Holloway case has made worldwide headlines and I have been working diligently with the missing teen's very brace mother, Beth Twitty, to try and find answers. I told her at the time, that I knew the headlines would change and people's attention would move off of this, but my commitment was I would not allow this to get old and cold and would stay the course no matter what obstacles were put in our way.

Take a look at our journey together so far

(plays video clips)

"Natalee Holloway disappeared Monday and missed her flight out of Aruba" -- unknown news source

"Within 6 hours after hearing that Natalee was missing I was headed for Aruba" -- Beth Twitty

"What started as a senior class trip to the island of Aruba has turned into a desperate search for a precious missing teen" -- Dr Phil

"Witnesses say these two brothers and 18 year old Joran van der Sloot were seen leaving the bar with Natalee Holloway" -- Susan Candiotti

"Finally after 10 days the police arrested Deepak and Satish Kalpoe and Joran van der Sloot" -- Beth Twitty

"Do you hold out hope against hope that Natalee will be found alive?" -- Dr Phil

"I don't even go there anymore, I'm just so wanting an answer" -- Beth Twitty

"You need to deal with the fact that Natalee might not come home" -- Dr Phil

"All 3 suspects in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway may be released tomorrow" -- unknown news source

"They asked me when I was leaving Aruba for good. I said I will not be living in Aruba but I will never, ever leave Aruba" -- Beth Twitty

"We need to tell these people we will never set foot on Aruban soil again until you stand up and do what you have to do for this young woman. If you're not going to treat Americans with dignity and respect, then you're not going to treat 'em at all" -- Dr Phil

"I will be contacting the governors of the other 49 states and urging them to join Alabama in this boycott." -- Governor Riley

"Dr Phil, you've been right along, you knew when it was time to step up for this boycott and you know when it's time to begin another search method for Natalee too." -- Beth Twitty

"Since the last time we were on the Dr Phil Show, I had a chance meeting of an attorney and I sought his help" -- Beth Twitty

"When I made my first trip to Aruba, I met with Deputy Chief Dompig and Karin Janssen the prosecutor down there. I spent a lot of time clearing the air" -- John Kelly

"Shortly after, a man by the name of Steve Cohen announced that the suspects would be re-interrogated" -- Beth Twitty

"The Aruba authorities raised expectations with absolutely no results" -- John Kelly

"What wound up happening was the interrogation of the suspects was absolutely nothing" -- Beth Twitty

"The last thing we want to do is be part of the emotional trauma that you've experienced up to this point." -- Steve Cohen

"Each official that has given us that false hope, you know a family doesn't need that, they need facts, they don't need false hopes" Beth Twitty

"This woman is sitting there with her daughter defiled, missing, whatever and she's wanting answers and getting political responses. This woman needs to bury her daughter or find her daughter." -- Dr Phil

(end of video clips)

I sat down recently with Beth again to talk about some very interesting developments in this story.

Beth tell me what's gone on since we talked last.


I've really been involved with a foundation that I've established, it's International Safe Travel s Foundation . I've been really busy with messages to high school and college students and Auburn University is working right now in conjunction with the Foundation in developing a curriculum. We're just delving into the legal and safety issues for persons traveling internationally.

The third thing that has come about is the lawsuit that has been filed.

Dr Phil:

We played footage of an interview with the older Kalpoe brother, Deepak as it was gathered by Jamie Skeeters and they're now contesting what was said and have sued this show and made allegations against me and you of tampering with the tape. How do you feel about the fact that they sued the show over that broadcast that you and I did then?


The reason they're doing it is because there have been no repercussions, they've never had to be accountable or responsible for any actions they've taken. No matter what they do, no matter how many lies they generate, they just feel as if there's nothing that's going to happen to them.

Dr Phil

Let's look at the upside of our being sued by these suspects in the case; that has established a jurisdictional right for you to file a lawsuit against them for what?


With the wrongful death (**there was a cut in the tape here, whatever Beth said was edited out) that will allow now the attorneys to depose these suspects and see if we can get to the inconsistencies in all of the statements. That's what we've asked for all along , we've just wanted somebody to hold their feet to the fire and get to the bottom of what happened besides all these litany of lies they just continue to generate.

Dr Phil:

When you step back and take a broad view of the fact that we took up Natalee's cause when everybody was thinking this is old and cold and we got sued for out troubles, how does that make you feel about that?


Oh gosh Dr Phil, it makes me sick. All that you've tried to do from the beginning is just get to the bottom of it, get the answers

Dr Phil:

We stand by the integrity of that taped interview that was played on the show and we stand by you continuing this investigation to find out what has happened to Natalee.


It's certainly not a talk show, it has just been action from you. Everything that you have done has been the right step at the right time and what I needed was what you provided and that's what keeps a path moving towards justice, towards answers.

Dr Phil:

It's frustrating, but here's what we know for sure. We know Natalee disappeared and is still missing, we know that you don't have answers and we know we have an unfettered right to discuss it and talk about it and we're going to continue to talk about it until we get answers and the guilty people are held accountable and we are not going to be intimidated by some ridiculous lawsuit.


And I want you Dr Phil, John Kelly and the team that you have, that's who I want to find the answers because the Aruban government is not going to do anything.

Dr Phil:

You've got a great lawyer in John Kelly so I know we're all going to continue to stay the course and I'm sorry that we're having to do it but Natalee deserves nothing less.


On 12-19 the “Aruba Boycott Blogspot” reported:
(“ABB” blog owner’s comments in red)



This post is so pathetic it makes me sick. Gee, I'd really love to spend my money going to somewhere where I have to police myself! And by the way, they consider vandalism worse than drug dealing! GO FIGURE!


Aruba Needs Your Help!! (No shit...)

Hi everyone, We have a bit of a problem (? a bit?) that needs your help. As we all know, petty crime has been on the increase in Aruba. We can do something about this but not without your help.

The obvious help is to protect your belongings. Don't be foolish tourists (you bad, bad tourists! It's all your fault because you are so foolish!) and leave items for other tourists and local criminals to take. Remember, although Aruba is safer than just about anywhere in our own country, petty crime does exist. Then there is the less obvious help.

As requested by the powers that be, we are compiling a list of any crimes that you have witnessed or been the victims of. I don't mean the stupid kid trying to sell you a joint. (Oh? Dealing drugs on the corner isn't a crime? Just an annoyance? I'm sure some father would love to know that his child is being offered drugs on the street!)

I mean vandalism, petty theft, and any categories I am missing that have occurred since the first of this year. (MURDER? RAPE? CORRUPTION? I find it absolutely distasteful that vandalism and petty theft are worse than drug dealers. WHY ON EARTH WOULD ANYONE WANT TO GO HERE???)

We want as many details as you remember. Location, action, were police called, did they respond in a timely manner, and anything else that you can think of. We are working closely with the authorities to maintain a safe Aruba as it has always been and continues to be relative to most places. We can be that much more effective at this with your feedback! (Love it...once it was "the safest", now it's "relative to most.")

We would like you to send an email to us with the aforementioned details. If you are uncomfortable sending it to people you don't know, you are welcome to pm me. I will sticky this post and close this thread so that all replies can be sent to us. thanks!!!!



On 12-20 the “Scared Monkey’s” blog reported:

Globe Reports Kalpoe Brothers “Ready To Crack”

(photo of the published, readable article with pictures here)

While we do not put our full faith and confidence in the Globe Magazine, they do have an interesting article on the recent developments in the Natalee Holloway disappearance. The Globe reports that Gerald Dompig is claiming that the Deepak and Satish Kalpoe are “on the brink of cracking in the face of the testimony of a credible secret witness.”

The Globe also is reporting that Dompig said in an interview with Jossy Mansur that the new investigative team from the Netherlands are “homing in on the Kalpoe Brothers.” He also goes on to state that they are now unable to withstand interrogation, declaring “If we put pressure on the two brothers, they will break.”

Jossy Mansur was a guest on The Dana Pretzer Show and discussed some of these same topics. To listen to the podcast, use these links Play in Popup | Download


On 12-21 the “Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association” (ahata) reported in its newsletter:


By Sanju Luidens - Daryanani

AHATA headquarters - AHATA has been involved in numerous meetings with the NGO’s & Unions over the past two weeks regarding the upcoming BBO Tax. The purpose of these meetings was to share opinions and establish our position on the BBO. Eventually these encounters led to a letter to the Queen by the NGO’s in which the group claimed that the Aruban Government, current and past, have fallen short in ensuring good governance as described in Article 43, paragraph 2, Charter for the Kingdom of the Netherlands, notably in the field of public finance.

On December 12th 2006, AHATA attended a hearing in Parliament at which time the ATIA, KVK, MAMBO, AHATA, OPPA presented their individual positions to the members of Parliament.

For the complete presentation please click here

Here is the presentation:


Questions & Concerns from the Tourism Industry

The Government of Aruba has determined to introduce a Turnover Tax (BBO) of 3% as of the 1st of January 2007 which will have great implications on the profitability of the Tourism Industry. As the main engine of the economy, tourism is once again being targeted by the Government for the creation of additional income for the Public Sector. The turnover tax is expected to generate Awg. 129.6 MM of which Awg. 60 MM is expected to come from the Tourism Sector. The remaining Awg. 69.6 MM which will come from the expenditures of local citizens will be compensated by the Government through a reduction in the income tax rates and increase in AOV and welfare. The implementation of the BBO could not have come at a worse time for the Industry, as:
The Tourism Industry, as illustrated in several statistical reports, is currently in a very susceptible situation with decreasing occupancies, RevPar and Average Daily Rates.
Occupancy Rates: Have been in decline since August of 2005. October YTD 2006 – CBS reports a decrease in Occupancy of -11.6% (Hotels only – not including the Timeshare). Since August of 2006 – we continue to see a decline over a decline in 2005 Occupancy Hotels only

August September October
2005 v.s. 2004 -4.6% -13.8% -11.4%

2006 v.s. 2005 -5.5% -7.0% -10.5%

REVPAR: The hotels have experienced a decline in REVPAR of -7.2% YTD according to the figures produced by the CBS.

ADR: Most importantly – our hotel industry which has invested millions over the past several years – and continues to do so – is now unable to maintain the higher rates stipulated in 2004. Even though they ADR YTD still shows positive growth – Market forces have driven the hotels to drive their prices downwards - We are seeing a negative trend in the ADR’s as of June of 2006.
(June: -1.2%; July-4.5%; August -3.6%; September -10.1%; October -11.8%)

Tourism Expenditures - For Q1 and Q2 of 2006 these decreased by 15.4% and 7.5% respectively.

Market forces are already dictating the levels at which prices should be stipulated – with the increase in operating cost – we will only see a decrease in profitability and potential for re-investment in the product.

The NH case continues to haunt us and has had a long lasting and damaging effect on the image of Aruba. This being said, there have been no additional funds made available by the Government to re-brand and reposition the destination of Aruba. Additionally, we are seeing an erosion in the amount of first time visitors coming to the island – in order to “keep feeding the funnel” of first time visitors – it is important that the destination branding be strong and of an integrated nature.

Aruba is being outspent by the competition on a regional and global basis. New products and destinations are being created on a monthly basis. For instance, the Riviera Maya has increased its room inventory by over 25,000 rooms in the past 10 years and another 7,000 are in the pipeline over the next three years. The same applies in the Dominican Republic, Turks and Caicos and other islands that are riding the wave of robust demand from the North American market. The competition, which focused traditionally on the European and Latin American market, has shifted marketing strategies to include the affluent market in the United States; a market that Aruba continues to target.

The Caribbean, including Aruba, will be seriously affected by the US passport requirement which will take effect January 23, 2007.

AHATA’s members are currently being faced with a shortage in adequate labor. Tourism being a “people” business cannot afford to have a scarcity in labor nor compromise in the type of service being offered.

We are having serious challenges with the newly implemented LTU. The Aruban hotel inventory consists of close to 40% timeshare – the new LTU is completely unfriendly to those “guests” wanting to stay longer than 30 days. We are being asked to provide all sorts of lists which will only make the entire system more bureaucratic and difficult to manage. Furthermore, our “guests” are being requested to fill in forms and “interview” at the DIMAS.

The cost of operating a business on island has soared in the past years due to the increase in energy and other costs. Even though the energy prices have decreased significantly – we still operate in an economy that is dependent and vulnerable to the many terrorist acts which take place around the world. The energy crisis could become a reality once again in the close future and send our energy costs and thus costs of doing business to new heights.

The overall “feel” for the product (except cases where private sector investments have been made at the property level) has deteriorated in terms of cleanliness, increased traffic, road, signage, landscaping, etc.

Safety concerns have become more real – to make things worse – Aruba’s safety perception is far from being repaired – we are still under international – American- scrutiny and each and every event on island is quickly posted online.

The “Single most important source of information in making a decision to visit Aruba” remains “friends and relatives” – in other words – “word of mouth”. We have seen how “word of mouth has gone high tech on the internet” – it only takes a split second for negative information about our destination to be posted online – The latest example is the change in LTU – Guests coming to the island for many years – 20 to 30 years- are now being confronted with a limited stay of 30 days.

To top off the current situation – the industry is now being faced by the introduction of a Turnover Tax (BBO) which is cumulative in nature. What are the implications of such a tax for the industry:

Taxes in Aruba are already higher than in most countries within the region – in fact only Barbados has a higher tax structure than Aruba. Shifting to an indirect tax system should go hand in hand with clear reductions in the direct tax system.

No studies have been made which examine effects of the BBO on the individual sectors of the Aruban economy. Tourism, being the largest industry on island, should be carefully studied in terms of the cost structure, amount of chains etc. – this has not been done.

Government has indicated that the BBO will be accompanied by a decrease in profit tax in order to lower the tax burden on the commercial sector. However, the Hotel sector, being a labor and capital intensive industry, will not benefit from this new policy as accelerated depreciation and investment tax credit will no longer be applicable.
Room Revenue – This would remain exempt from the Turnover Tax and thus unaffected.   AHATA disagrees with this statement as the room price would be impacted by the 3% as there are certain components which make up the room price which will be subject to the tax and affected by the cumulative nature of the BBO – i.e. if a hotel uses the services of a third party for laundry, security, landscaping purposes – these costs would increase by 3%. The increase in costs associated with the rooms will automatically force an increase in room price in order to remain profitable. As the BBO is a cumulative tax, it is important to analyze the amount of linkages in the distribution channel per sector to estimate the impact this tax will have.

The short notice given by the Government with regards to the introduction of the BBO and the tariff associated with it will not allow for the hotels and other companies to include the 3% in the contracted and published rates. However, their expenses will be increased by the BBO implementation of their suppliers. Thereby, further eroding the profit margins in the industry - Further creating a negative business climate for international companies due to the lack of transparency and a stakeholder’s dialogue.
The IPC will remain in place. AHATA is concerned that many members are unable to benefit from the IPC-regime as the rules of the game keep changing as they get closer to achieving the required REVPAR rate requirement. Decisions made on such short notice do not promote a healthy investment climate for the island.

Tipping Fee – Not too long ago, the Tourism industry and hotels in particular were faced with another increase in operating cost due to the introduction of a “tipping fee” by the Government. This not only affected the cost structure of many companies – it also has had a negative effect on the “cleanliness” of our island – our product Aruba.

Due to the cumulative effect – the smaller and more unique “Aruban” businesses will be affected. These are the businesses that make up our “product Aruba”

The BBO will most definitely increase the cost of doing business – Companies, who want to remain competitive locally and to an extent internationally, will try to lower the cost side and maintain the current prices. This, being a desired situation when looking at the inflation rate, will potentially affect the tourism industry in a negative manner. You may ask why I make such a statement – The CBS Tourist Profile report surveys the rating of “Value for Money” of the following items: Accommodations, Meals and Drinks, Local Transportation, Shopping, entertainment/ recreation – Not one of these areas receives a score higher than 76 in Q1 and Q2 in 2006-- a mere C grade. With the control in expenses – we will see a lesser offer of product -- i.e. a 14 oz. steak being offered at the same price as a 16 oz. steak prior to the introduction of the BBO. This may seem minor – but visitors are constantly looking to enhance the “value for money” ratio – and our competitors have great advantages in this area.

Investment climate – The short-term management of the fiscal policies is having a negative effect on the investment climate: 1) IPC requirements were changed once hotels started reaching the stipulated REVPAR ; 2) In June we see a change in Import Duties – only to be partially adjusted back 6 months later; 3) The BBO is being pushed through with still many unanswered administrative questions – furthermore, the “compensating adjustments” are not ready as yet. This trend in fiscal management only creates additional uncertainties within our industry – Investments are likely to be placed on hold until the actual ramifications of this law are known.

With a lack of “dialogue” of social partners regarding National issues and the absence of a Mid- to Long term strategic plan for Tourism & Transportation – the ability of Aruba to be focused, agile and visionary in a highly competitive industry is a major handicap for our country.

Product Lifecycle: Time to rejuvenate or stagnate.

With the timing and manner which the BBO is going to be introduced and because it affects every link in the distribution chain, there is potential danger of accelerating the declining trend in the tourism industry.


On 12-22 the HOLLOWAY-TWITTY attorney filed a “AFFIDAVIT OF PREJUDICE,” “PEREMPTORY CHALLENGE TO JUDICIAL OFFICER” (C.C.P., § 170.6) which is a motion that declares the judicial officer (Judge Hess) before whom the trial of, or a hearing in, this case is pending, or to whom it has been assigned, is prejudiced against the party (or his or her attorney) or the interest of the party (or his or her attorney), so that declarant cannot, or believes that he or she cannot, have a fair and impartial trial or hearing before the judicial officer

On 12-22 ARUBAAN’s news-source “” reported:

Advisory Council on compensation bbo:

‘Measures are legally not binding without advice’

ORANJESTAD – The secretary of the Advisory Council (RvA) says that compensating measures for the bbo can only have legal power if they have gone through the entire legislation procedure, as outlined in the Constitution of Aruba. What’s more, damaging tax laws and/or amendments on these cannot be introduced retroactively.

Minister Nilo Swaen (MEP) of Finance and Economic Affairs said earlier in the Amigoe that the compensating measures are simultaneously introduced with the bbo on January 1st. Currently, that package is still with the RvA for review. It’s about several laws that have to be amended, like the national ordinance, in which salary- and income tax, pension, welfare, minimum wages, and import tax are regulated. The minister says that the RvA won’t have the advice ready before April of next year, but that he’s not going to wait for that. The compensation package will be introduced via ministerial orderings and the amendments will later be handled and ratified in Parliament, said Swaen. The minister has already published the measures and says that that is sufficient to have them put into effect on January 1st.

The RvA says that by doing so, the minister violates the Constitution. Hellen van der Wal, secretary of the Council says that consulting the RVA about all national ordinances and amendments of these is required. The Parliament of Aruba may propose to introduce the compensation without the advice of the RvA, but the amended parts of the laws will then be unbinding. Besides, the Governor must sign an approved bill by Parliament and it needs to be published and the taking effect announced in order to really put it into effect.

According to Van der Wal, giving the governor a bill to sign that has not passed through the entire constitutional procedure, would be unique. It can even become a kingdom affair if the governor refuses to sign just because of that.


On 12-23 ARUBAAN’s news-source “” reported:

A master plan is needed for better police integrity

ORANJESTAD – An investigation report on the efficiency of the Police Corps of Aruba (KPA) regarding integrity, states that the control on work procedure is poorly; promotional transfers take place, while there is a disciplinary investigation going; and there is no correct follow up after irregularities within the corps are signaled.

Forensic Services Caribbean in Curacao did the investigation by order of Justice-minister Rudy Croes (MEP). Amigoe learned this from documents that the paper received for perusal. The report was already given to the then chief of police Ronny Bernadina on April 3rd of this year. The investigation took place in 2005 and based on the findings, Forensic Services Caribbean advices to draw up a master plan to deal with the integrity risks. Based on conversations with some key-officials within the KPA and external partners of the corps, like the Security Service, the Public Prosecutor, and the Coastguard, they have mapped nine risks. They have also analyzed summaries of integrity rules violations within the corps. They first noticed that many rules regarding work procedures and work processes are established, but that these are not univocal and not conveniently arranged. The procedures differ per (police-, editor) district and are implemented or interpreted differently.” Besides, several regulations are not complete. Not everybody is familiar with the procedures, they are difficult of access, and several of the versions used are outdated. Several procedures are too complex and have therefore lost their powers. “They have become dead letters”, states the report.
There is lack of control on the observance of the procedures in all sectors of the organization. This has to do with not having qualitatively good employees on managerial positions. Another reason is that there is lack of open culture, in which employees dare to talk to each other. In order to restrict this risk, the bureau advices to further specify the career policy and to organize trainings that would provoke a culture change within the police corps.

A third risk that can cause the integrity of the corps to come into play is the lack of confidence when it comes to exchange information. Confidential information is leaked to third parties and nobody knows what to do with the information or that the information can be used against you. “This lack of confidence has consequences for the internal- and external communication”, states the report. It also forms a hindrance for working effectively and efficiently. Their advice is again a culture chance in order to create confidence.

On 12-23 the “Aruban Boycott Blogspot” reported:


(Michelle's note: Some of you have questioned Meri's validity. Meri IS an attorney. She graduated from the law school at Arizona State University. She is retired, therefore she is no longer practicing law or a member of the ABA; however she is an excellent researcher and knows her law and crime background.)

By Meri, Aruban Boycott Contributor

I haven't had much to say as of late but I wanted to voice my opinion on a few things.

The Dr. Phil Show is filmed in the United States and therefore any civil wrong-doing that someone may have perpetrated during the course of that show and that might have harmed the Plaintiffs (the Kalpoe's in this case), will give them legal jurisdiction.

This is quite different from the lawsuit that was attempted in NYC regarding Joran and Paulus as the accusations of various crimes happened on Aruba and NOT in the USA. There was never any personal jurisdiction here in the USA and the suit could only be heard on Aruba (which I doubt would have ever happened having viewed their judicial system and how they interpret it).

There was also the closely knit relationships among the Judges (the Court) and the parties involved. I don't think that any lawsuit would be a success on Aruba regarding this case.

As for extradition; Ramm is right. You can't extradite on a Civil matter. It is difficult enough to extradite on a criminal matter where evidence is clear; especially where treaties are in place.

That is where Ramm and I part for his association with BFN and some of the people there, we totally disagree and I find that many of them have a strange way of showing support for Natalee and her family.

I NEVER believed for one second that Ramm had any sort of legal background or knowledge, but he is entitled to his opinions no matter how different from my own. He does come across as if he is an "expert" on certain subjects which I find amusing but harmless. He, like many of us have no actual standing in this case and all we can do are the following: offer support, help with the boycott movement; or do research so that we can impart a better understanding of the particulars involving this case and the places and people in the cast of characters.

Truth be told, other than some very good articles on various Internet sites, this boycott site, and some kind and compassionate people who have stood alongside the family, most of us have contributed nothing.

We have shown our compassion in many ways and hopefully, that has been a help to the family as they go through this long, drawn-out, exhausting process of trying to find the truth as to what happened to Natalee Holloway.

There are a few people working on some areas that may someday bring some International attention to Natalee's plight, but that hasn't happened as of yet.

As for the Kalpoe's and their isn't as frivolous as it may appear at first glance. I don't believe one single word that comes from the mouths of the Kalpoes'. Joran, Paulus and the rest of the bozos on Aruba, but I DO know that Dr. Phil messed up. He made some unsubstantiated claims on his show and he has not been able to prove what he said. He based his comments on a tape that may or may not have been flawed and was most definitely edited. That alone means that the Kalpoes' may actually have reason to believe that they were Civilly injured.

Even the FBI has not supported the veracity of the Skeeter's tape and therefore we have no idea who said what to whom and what was true or edited. I doubt that the case will ever go to Court for trial and I believe that the powers that be at The Dr. Phil Show will settle this case with the Kalpoe's.

Frankly, the thought of them profiting from this situation makes me feel sick but the law is the law and Dr. Phil did damage not only to the suspects but to the entire case when he butted in. He simply did not have enough facts (no one does except for those who know the truth). Therefore, he left himself and his show open for a Civil action.

I hate to quote a television show, but it makes sense to listen to what Gil Grissam of CSI says when he states, "We always follow the evidence". In this case, most of the evidence has been lost, destroyed or never gathered.

After all this time, I still believe that Joran, the Kalpoes, some of their other associates, his father and others on Aruba know what happened to Natalee and I do NOT believe the "I left her on the beach story".

Do NOT be shocked or surprised if the Kalpoe Brother's DO profit from their is not much of a stretch to picture them winning some kind of settlement since Dr. Phil was careless and since the tape that he used on his show was edited. They can be as guilty as hell and still win their all depends on what was said, how it was said, the intent of what was said and what evidence there is to back-up their claims.

If it can be proven that Dr. Phil based his comments on an unproven video and audio tape and that the tape was not used in it's true content...therefore inflicting harm on the Plaintiffs....BINGO.

I will feel ill if the Kalpoes' are victorious but I will not be surprised.


My photo
The Natalee Holloway Timeline Detailing Persons, Outright Lies, & Natalee's Known Kidnapping, Rape, Murder, & Corpse Disposal Suspects in Aruba . . . .