The Natalee Holloway Timeline
of her vanishment while in Aruba
detailing persons, places, organizations,
deliberate & accidental actions & in-actions,
events & supposed events, witnesses,
known suspects, outright lies,
corruptions, and crimes
If the ARUBAAN's already had a backhoe available at the dump that DAVE HOLLOWAY and MEL saw on 9-20-05 digging, why was it never used to help during the searches there?
On 8-6 OSMAN Farouk OSMAN stated to the ARUBAN Police:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to the “Scared Monkeys blog" and “Debbie”)
PROCES - VERBAAL We, Dennis Dominico JACOBS and Eric Louis SOEMERS, head agent and inspector for the Korps Politie Aruba, former classified at the team of particular projects and last mentioned at the section criminal organizations classified, explain the following: On Saturday, August 6, 2005, around 16:50, we interrogated the witness, OSMAN Farouk OSMAN, born on Curacao on 01 October 1974, of profession director (Automotive Enterprises) and living Sabana Blanco xxxxxxxxx Aruba. Statements are taken in papiamento and by me, JACOBS, in Dutch it was translated, on record were put and sound as follows: "On your question if it is normal that the man" Deepak KALPOE leaves his car at my garage, I answer you the following: Because I had worked in the past on the car of Deepak, he approached me to keep z/n its car for him in my garage in the "Automotive Enterprises established" at Wayaca for him. I must note that I in the past the car of Deepak had twice left his car in my garage when I worked on it. With the car of Deepak I mean the grey four door private car of the make "Honda Civic". On your question if Deepak had told me how he knew that the missing American little girl Natalee Ann HOLLOWAY on Monday, 30 May 2005, in the night time hours, had only her identification document (drivers license) and an amount of US $50, =, in her possession, I answer you the following: At absolutely no moment did Deepak tell me how he knew that missing little girl only had her identity card and US $50, =, in her possession. You must ask it to Deepak. On your question if the brothers of "Deepak Sharma KALPOE" and "Satish Sharma KALPOE" have a girlfriend and also if I have seen them ever with a girlfriend, I answer you the following: I have never seen Deepak and Satish with a girlfriend. You must ask them if they have a girlfriend. If you have more questions, I will be prepared to answer them. O.F. OSMAN, After the witness O.F. OSMAN gave his statement, declared he had read and thereby signed it. Of what our statement, on oath of office made up this warrant, and has been signed at Oranjestad on August 6, 2005 has been closed. Signed, D.D. JACOBS E.L. SOEMERS
On 8-6 FOX News GRETA VAN SUSTEREN stated that she spoke to a reporter in Aruba who told her that the ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN admitted to him on 8-5 that her case was in trouble.
On 8-6 GUY GAMORAY’s mother found some duct tape on the west side of ARUBA. The duct tape has blondish-red hairs attached to it along with some seaweed, and the duct tape may have “red dots” on it. They were staying at the “Radisson Hotel” on the west side of ARUBA. The mother gave the duct tape with hairs to her son, GUY, who first took several photos of it before turning it into the ARUBAN Police. The Police told him they would be in contact with him.
If the ARUBAAN's already had a backhoe available at the dump that DAVE HOLLOWAY and MEL saw on 9-20-05 digging, why was it never used to help during the searches there?
On 8-7 ART WOOD stated that neither the ARUBA government nor Police authorities have helped them in the “Texas EquuSearch” search at the landfill. The trash has built up about 10’ in 2 months, and their search has reached a good portion of where the trash level was at on 6-1 based on the dates of newspapers being dug up. ART WOOD stated that the 2 cadaver dogs being used at the landfill “have shown increasing interests in a specific area within the general area of where the witness (JUNIOR) saw the body being placed” in a hole dug by Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT , Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , and Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE.
On 8-7 the "AP" reported, “The Aruban government hasn't been happy with all the coverage, believing much of it makes the authorities look amateurish and unprofessional, but van Susteren has government spokesman Ruben Trapenberg's respect. ‘Even though she is aggressive, she will try to get both sides of a story,’ he said.”
On 8-7 the DUTCH behavior specialists interrogators from the NETHERLANDS interrogated Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT.
On 8-7 BADEN stated that the corpus delecti body of the case can be established without a body, based on statements of witnesses and suspects involved, and other evidence.
On 8-7 AMERICAN homicide detective MARK FUHRMAN stated to FOX News that the case is still solvable and that the F.B.I should be made the “point” lead Investigators. FUHRMAN also called for a boycott of ARUBA until the case is solved because “there are other strips of sand” in the United States and the world to visit. “We need to bring them to their knees economically. I think that is part of what this case is all about.”
On 8-7 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated that she “is not being kept in the ‘loop’ by anyone about the results of any of the interrogations” of Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT. “All these lawyers of his are certainly not protecting the integrity of ARUBA. I see all the politicians out campaigning for the election next month; I hope that they‘re putting some focus on protecting the integrity of ARUBA. I hope that they‘re not protecting the integrity of this predator.”
On 8-7 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated that she had flown out of ARUBA with 6 copies of declarations statements made by Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT to the ARUBAN Police while he is still in prison.
BETH did not say from who she obtained the document copies.
She did say that the declarations statements have been altered based on many facts that are known, and that other facts that are known were omitted. She said that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT admitted to sexual assaults on NATALEE while in the back of Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE's car, and BETH wonders what Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE and Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE did when Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT committed the sexual assaults?
BETH wants an independent investigation of the case by HOLLAND.
If the ARUBAAN's already had a backhoe available at the dump that DAVE HOLLOWAY and MEL saw on 9-20-05 digging, why was it never used to help during the searches there?
On 8-8 Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT gave the following statements to his DUTCH interrogators:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to the “Scared Monkeys blog" and “Debbie” and “Rammstein“)
PROCES – VERBAALWe, Jaquelline Josette de WINDT, head officer with the Korps Politie Aruba, attached to the section surveillance of Sint Nicolaas.Antoon Ronanld de RUITER, sergeant of police in the Netherlands, region Utrecht, districht Utrecht South East and appointed by National Decision by the Governor number DWJZ 3473/05 dated July 27th 2005 as special temporary officer of the Korps Politie Aruba.Clemens Johannes Maria BURGWAL, sergeant of police in the Netherlands, region Utrecht, districht Paardenveld and appointed by National Decision by the Governor number DWJZ 3473/05 dated July 27th 2005 as special temporary officer of the Korps Politie Aruba.State the following.On Monday August 8th 2005, at approximately 09.48 we, the reporting officers, questioned in the police station of Oranjestad in Aruba, the suspectJoran Andreas Petrus VAN DER SLOOTborn on August 6th 1987 in the Netherlands and living at Montanja 19 in Arubafor further information.The interview was conducted by us, reporting officers de Windt and the Ruiter and in the control-room, I, reporting officer Burgwal followed the interview via an internally installed video-system. And by me, reporting officer Burgwal a summation was made regarding the interview.For the description of the interview room and the control room I refer to a seperate police report made about this.In the interview room was also present the lawyer of the suspect, named mr. O.R.G. Faarup.Murder Suspect made statements to questions put to him, in an abridged version, the now following:Murder Suspect was congratulated by the reporting officers for his birthday. He smiled.Murder Suspect was then informed that the District Attorney on Aruba had filed a deposition with the court with regard to extending so that the temporary arrest warrant would be extended to September 4th.Murder Suspect was onces again informed of the statements that were made by his friend Freddy and people close to Freddy.He was also asked why his legal team was mis-informing the press with regard to the interviews in an appearant attempt to put the police in a bad light. In the press it was written that the lawyers were not given time to speak to the client and that on his birthday he was interrogated from the early morning to late at night.The suspect did not answer.The suspect was shown/informed that he had stated that he and the girl went for a walk. And that there was a statement of someone that saw Deepak Kalpoe's car at a location that was several hundred yards away from the Fishermans hut.He was asked about the logic of this and other issues and whether he can explain why he was there with the other boys in that particular location. The suspect did not respond.He was again confronted with statements made by several of his intimate friends that he had screwed them/hung them out to dry by lying and having sexaul relations with the girlfriend of one of his friends. These boys say that he has been constantly fooling them and manipulating.He was again confronted with the statement of the girl Martina, who was offered a beverage during the sexual relations that caused her lips to feel tingly.The suspect did not respond.After that there were several confrontations with regard to the date of giving statements by several witnesses, the omissions in the statements of the suspect and the omissions in the statements made by his fellow suspects and the timeline in which those statements were made.The suspect did not respond.Murder Suspect was asked to take off one of his shoes. Murder Suspect looked back and wanted to find support from his lawyer but his lawyer was not looking at him and was writing.He put it on the the table noisily/with a bang.The reporting officers then asked him why he was wearing K-swiss shoes size 14 on the day in question when he now was wearing size 10.5 shoes.After the suspect had put his shoe back on, I, reporting officer de Ruiter pressed down on the nose of the shoe and felt that the toes of the suspect fit straightly and properly in the shoe.The suspect did not respond.The interview was concluded at approximately 11.30.
On 8-8 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to the “AP” that the ARUBAN Police had given her copies of statements from witnesses and other documents from the investigation that have led her to believe Investigators are on the wrong track. She accused ARUBAN authorities of "being inept.” She declined to give details about the documents or say how she thinks authorities should be handling the case. Chief Prosecutor ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN called the criticism unwarranted.
On 8-8 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to CBS, “The investigation so far has been unbelievable. And you know, not only for me, but everyone that has witnessed everything that has gone on, and the level of ineptitude, the level of omission of things, blatantly orchestrated, you know, errors. It's just been incredible.”
On 8-8 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY was lunching in the same area as the “Internet Café” that Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE works at when someone from the media (apparently NBC) reminded her that the “Internet Café“ was nearby. She went inside the “Internet Café” to use a computer and speak with Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE. The encounter lasted some 90 minutes and was filmed. BETH stated to CBS she challenged Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE to tell her what he knows about the case. In telling of the tense encounter, she asserted that Natalee was sexually assaulted before she vanished. “There were customers on the computer and he was seated behind the cash register, and I guess he thought he was going to have a normal day at work.” “I wanted to ask him, Joran had admitted sexual assaults that he had committed against Natalee, and I wanted to ask Deepak: Did he participate, or did he try to help her?” “He couldn't answer me. He could only look down at the ground.” “I told him you’ve got an opportunity. I’m Natalee's mother. I’m standing right here before you. You need to tell me.” “I saw his eyelids pretty much the whole time that I was there, and I would have to tell him to hold your head up and look at me when I’m speaking with you.” “He couldn’t do that. He would either not respond or he would just tell me that his lawyer had advised him not to speak with me.” “I expected him, if he had no involvement, if he was not a participant in the sexual acts committed against my daughter, that yes, he could have come forward and said, ‘No,’ and looked me in the eye. He couldn’t do that.” “I let him know, under no circumstances, that there is nothing that I’m going to refrain from asking, and I’m going to ask every question, and I’m going to stop at nothing, and I will continue to, and he said, ‘The media hasn’t seen this side of you,’ and I said, ‘I’ve been saving it for you, Deepak.’” BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated that Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , if he was innocent in the disappearance of NATALEE might not only be interested in offering whatever help/information he could--which he did not offer--but, when she reminded him that any help he did provide might entitle him to receive up to the US$ 1,250,000.00 reward if NATALEE is found, to which Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE claimed BETH that he did not need any money.
BETH also said, “I’m always going to hold out hope, no matter how bad it looks. You can’t prepare yourself for that, and I don’t have to.” BETH also said she believes there was a level of ineptitude on the part of Aruban authorities, but she is more optimistic, now that a group of Investigators from HOLLAND has become involved.
On 8-8 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to MSNBC about her encounter with Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , “I don’t know how long I was in there. It may have been an hour. It could have been longer. We went in there to develop some pictures, just trying to give Deepak an opportunity to talk to me. We know that he has some answers. And I think one of my biggest questions that I have is that Joran committed a sexual assault against Natalee in the car and we know Deepak and Satish were there. I just asked him, did you try to help Natalee or did you participate? He can’t even answer that. He would just either refer to it with silence or his attorney told him not to speak with me. And I just can’t imagine, given that opportunity, that he would not want to take advantage of it to clear his name, with Natalee’s mother standing right there in front of him.” “Now, I can’t refer to it as rape, but I can refer to it as sexual assault. That’s as far as I can go with it. I know that some was occurring. He would either answer me with silence, or would not look at me. I had to keep telling him over and over again, pick your head up. Look at me when I’m talking with you. I’m trying to help you. You know, look at the damage, look at what he’s doing to Aruba. The citizens, I’m sure, are outraged at how he is just disregarding any type of respect for maintaining Aruba’s integrity. There are a lot of people that have been watching, and even from the U.S., and we all want answers and we’re giving him every opportunity to clear his name. And he can’t do it.”
On 8-8 JOSSY MANSUR stated they have located a witness who claims to have helped bury NATALEE, and more details should be made public in a few days. They are also trying to get the witness to make a statement to the ARUBAN Police.
On 8-8 JOSSY MANSUR also said they have learned the nickname of a man who claimed to another person to have been the driver of the white pickup truck that JUNIOR may have seen in early June at the landfill dump burying a blonde-haired woman.
On August 17, 2005 TIM MILLER claimed to CNNHN that “Texas EquuSearch” left ARUBA on August 8, 2005.
On 8-8 CNNHN reported:
NANCY GRACE, HOST: Tonight, live to Aruba -- 71 days since Natalee Holloway vanished into thin air. Chief suspect, judge's son Joran van der Sloot, still under intense questioning. Is he finally talking? And tonight: van der Sloot could get some company behind bars. Investigators say the two Kalpoe brothers could land back in jail this week. Is there new evidence leading to the Kalpoes' re-arrest?
Well, first tonight to Aruba, day 71 in the Natalee Holloway disappearance. Today, prime suspect Joran van der Sloot undergoes intense questioning. And are the Kalpoe brothers, last seen with the American girl, headed back to jail to keep van der Sloot company? With us tonight in Aruba, Jossy Mansur, managing director and editor of "Diario" newspaper. In New York, defense attorney David Foley. In LA, defense attorney Debra Opri. In New York, psychotherapist Dr. Leslie Austin.Let`s first go to WBMA, reporter Anastasiya Bolton. Anastasiya, welcome. Bring us up to date.ANASTASIYA BOLTON, WBMA-TV: Nancy, according to the lead Investigator in this case, the Kalpoe brothers may be re-arrested as early as this week. The judge has ordered a lead -- not Investigator, but a lead witness in this case to give sworn testimony by Wednesday. That witness is a gardener who says that he saw the three, the Kalpoe brothers and Joran van der Sloot, ducking in the car about 2:30 in the morning the night Natalee Holloway disappeared. The witness was supposed to give sworn testimony last week but never showed up. So if he testifies and, the lead Investigator says, if his statement does not change, then the Kalpoe brothers may end up behind bars again.GRACE: To Jossy Mansur with "Diario" newspaper. Jossy, correct me if I'm wrong that -- didn't you tell me about the gardener, oh, two-and-a-half weeks ago? What's the hold-up? Why are they just now talking about re-arresting the Kalpoe brothers? To us, this news is almost a month old.JOSSY MANSUR, MANAGING EDITOR, "DIARIO": Because this gardener gave his testimony, sworn testimony to the Police, the investigative team with the Police. He never did so to a judge of instruction. Now, the judge of instruction, in order to make up his mind, has to re-arrest the two Kalpoe brothers, wants to personally question this gardener. And he wants to see if he's sticking to his story.GRACE: Well, OK, if the gardener gave the Police a sworn statement, Jossy, then what are they waiting on? This statement clearly places the Kalpoe brothers other than where they said they were. Why are they waiting to re-arrest them?MANSUR: That I don't know. I'm not a Police officer. But I understand that the Police believe in the testimony of this witness.GRACE: Jossy, take a listen to this.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, MISSING GIRL'S MOTHER: The facts are that those three individuals and the father have knowledge, and they have got to come forward with it. They see what we've been put through. The entire world has been watching for last two months. And we've just got -- we've got a huge commitment of involvement from FBI, which is wonderful, Holland's involvement. But the four individuals have to come on.(END VIDEO CLIP)GRACE: Back to Jossy Mansur. Regarding individuals having to come forward -- Jossy, why didn't the gardener show up in court last week when he was supposed to?MANSUR: I have no idea as to that. Maybe he got scared. Maybe he didn't want so much publicity for himself. I have no notion of what happened with him. He was brave...GRACE: Have you talked to him?MANSUR: No, I haven't. But he was brave enough to go to the Police and stay there by himself with at least six agents questioning him. He gave all his testimony. He repeated his testimony. He signed the -- what you call it -- (INAUDIBLE), the deposition. And I can't understand why he didn't show up in court this time. But he will.GRACE: To Anastasiya Bolton with WBMA-TV. Anastasiya, we've known about the gardener now for about two-and-a-half weeks. I'm wondering what is the slowdown in getting his sworn testimony as to seeing the Kalpoe brothers out that night. And also, should the Kalpoe brothers also be questioned by this team of experts?BOLTON: The slowdown, we're not sure. Everything is -- in this case goes on on Aruban time, as we say. They take their time re-arresting or investigating certain leads. The gardener just came forward last week, as we understand it. He didn't show up. Probably, the man is scared. The key here is that the authorities plan to take these sworn statements. So hopefully, by Wednesday, as the judge ordered, he will come back and give the sworn statement. And hopefully, again, his story does not differ from the one that he gave previously. Then the Kalpoe brothers will be re-arrested.One thing I want to mention. I spoke with the representatives for Beth Twitty today. She actually went and met with one of the Kalpoe brothers at the Internet cafe where he works. That happened today. I've been told that she's been waiting to face this person for a very long time. I've been told that in the conversation, it was a one-way conversation, where Beth was telling him to come forward with any information. She was basically offering him $250,000, the reward money that has just been raised today for any information leading to Natalee Holloway's whereabouts.I'm told that one of the brothers did not even look her in the eye, continued typing on his computer and was -- appeared to be shaking. That's how nervous he was during that conversation.GRACE: I want to go out to Dr. Leslie Austin, psychotherapist. Dr. Austin, I wanted to ask you about that originally. Today, Beth Holloway-Twitty went to the Internet cafe. There she has to see these two -- one of the two guys, the Kalpoe brothers, walking free, knowing they were last seen with her girl, 18-year-old Natalee Holloway. She tried to ask them questions, Leslie. They not only wouldn't answer, the guy wouldn't answer, he just kept typing at his computer, like he couldn't even hear her. What does it mean?LESLIE AUSTIN, PSYCHOTHERAPIST: Well, I'm sure that he was terrified that she confronted him directly. And I'm also sure that he's concerned about his legal rights and he doesn't want to say anything. I think it's very, very upsetting for her if he won't even acknowledge that she's there and he just ignores her. That's got to enrage her even more. And I can certainly understand her wanting to go beg them to please come forward with anything they know. This is her daughter, after all. Very painful.GRACE: Let's talk a minute about that reward very quickly. Elizabeth (ph), if you can put the reward screen up? The reward has been raised, $1 million for Natalee's safe return. The other reward for her whereabouts -- $250,000 reward for Natalee's whereabouts..To Debra Opri, veteran trial lawyer. Debra, not that I trust that they have, but if the Aruban Police had been thinking and strategizing at all, they would have put taps on the Kalpoe brothers' phones. And the thing is, Debra, as you well know, a tap, a wiretap, doesn't have to be just on your home phone. A tap could be put on the phone of the Internet cafe where they go. They can capture cell phone phone calls, any -- even a public phone, Debra, where the Kalpoes are known to talk, they can tap that. It doesn't have to be just their home phone.DEBRA OPRI, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You've opened yet another door of an investigation that probably didn't go down that avenue. The best thing that I heard coming out of Aruba is that the judge allowed the FBI to see the files, to take a look at the files. What I think there has to be a whole new day, a clean white page. And I think the investigation techniques and tactics have got to change and they've got get more aggressive.And I'm going say this with the utmost respect to the mother of Natalee. Please take a step back. Please refrain from doing all this because at some point in time, she will be interfering in a harmful way with the investigation.GRACE: Well, I don't know. David Foley, I agree with only one portion of that. If the authorities don't want to question the Kalpoe brothers, if I were Natalee's mother, I'd be on them, just like she is. The reality is, if they remain silent to Police, that's one thing. That may come into evidence. But if they won't answer the mother and tell her the truth -- David Foley, get real! If they were innocent, why wouldn't they just tell her what happened?DAVID FOLEY, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, because they're -- they've been -- they're under suspicion. They can't talk about it, Nancy. But I understand the -- Natalee...GRACE: They can continue to talk about it.FOLEY: They can't!GRACE: If they were innocent, they could talk about it.FOLEY: Oh! They've already -- they're under suspicion. They're being followed. The Aruban authorities, though...GRACE: Well, if they're innocent...FOLEY: ... they need to just leave this alone...GRACE: ... why can't they...FOLEY: ... and leave it to the FBI and professional authorities, and they should just go back to the beach because maybe in six months, they'll think about the tap idea that you just mentioned.GRACE: Well, speaking of the FBI, Anastasiya Bolton, we're all talking about the FBI being involved -- total BS! It's my understanding there is only one FBI agent left on the island. And also, they're showing the FBI agents the files, but they're not allowed to do anything about it, Anastasiya.BOLTON: My understanding is, Nancy, that the FBI is still sitting on the interrogation. My understanding is also that they have other resources, rather than the Aruban authorities, to look into this case and examine what they're hearing. Yes, they're not allowed to question, but just the mere face of them being able to have access is a huge step in comparison to what we had in the beginning of this investigation.GRACE: Jossy Mansur, do you believe the Kalpoe brothers are going to be taken into custody? And if so, what will that mean to this investigation?MANSUR: I'm pretty sure they will be taken back into custody because of the many things that have been said, the many accusations amongst them. This will mean then that the investigation will proceed at a faster pace because then you would have all three suspects back in jail, perhaps confronting each other again when the Police do their interrogations.GRACE: Take a listen to this, Jossy.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)TWITTY: I was able to speak with a witness also that said that Joran van der Sloot -- they were offering to give him a ride home at 11:00 PM on the 29th, but he didn't need one because he had already called Deepak and Satish Kalpoe to pick him up. So that is something that -- you know, we know that Paul van der Sloot did not pick him up at 11:00 PM on the 29th. We know now that correct pick-up time was 4:00 AM on the 30th, and Paul van der Sloot stated that he picked them up.(END VIDEO CLIP)GRACE: So here's the problem with this gardener's statement. If we can only get a sworn statement from the gardener, the Kalpoe brothers will likely be re-arrested. Debra Opri, from there, it should be just a matter of the dominoes falling one after the next, of them turning on each other. But Debra, let's talk for a few moments about some of your defendants that you have represented in the past. Here's this mother. They're not in jail. They're not in custody. She comes up. There's not a cop hanging around. The mom is begging for information. This Kalpoe brother keeps looking away nervously, keeps typing on the computer, and never once, Debra -- never once -- did he deny involvement with Natalee's disappearance. What does that say to you?OPRI: Well, it goes to behavioral evidence. That's it. But you know, there comes a point in time -- and I feel for this mother, but she cannot intentionally interfere with an investigation. It doesn't...GRACE: Interfere with what?OPRI: Let -- let me...GRACE: Interfere with what?OPRI: Let me finish my...GRACE: The cops aren't doing anything, Debra!OPRI: Let me finish my statement. First of all, her talking to witnesses and school friends -- great. Do it because the cops aren't doing it. Her going up to the defendants and confronting them -- that's a no-no. She should not be doing it. I do not agree with it. And just because they don't talk to her -- they've already been advised by the attorneys, Don't talk to anyone. And she's going to put herself in a situation by confronting those accused, the suspects -- she's going to put herself in a situation where she's going to be maybe charged with harassment or maybe just told to leave the island.GRACE: Oh! I just...OPRI: She's got...GRACE: ... dare them!OPRI: She's got to back off because she really does not have a great reputation right now with the Aruban populace.GRACE: To David Foley...(CROSSTALK)GRACE: To David Foley -- are you guys kidding me? The mom charged with harassment?FOLEY: Now, the Aruban authorities would...GRACE: You're turning the whole world upside down~! Interfere with the investigation? Are you kidding me? What investigation!FOLEY: There is no investigation. They're checking under cabanas. They just need to stay out of the way and let professionals like the FBI and the private Investigator that the Holloway family hired -- let them do the investigation. Let the other people sit under the palm tree and stay out of the way! Haven't done anything!GRACE: Well, I've got to tell you something. When I think about this mother, Beth Holloway-Twitty, having to go out and question suspects, when the Police are sitting on their thumb down in Aruba, that's a sad day. I'm not surprised at all that the legislature in Alabama has called for a boycott on travel to Aruba until they help us find Natalee!Stay with us.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)GEORGE "JUG" TWITTY, MISSING GIRL'S STEPFATHER: If -- the story still (INAUDIBLE) is the night that I confronted the judge, so-called judge, and the son and Deepak, and they sit there and told me that, yes, here's what we did. We took her to the "Holiday Inn." Come with me. We'll show you. We'll talk to the guards. Of course, the guards never saw them. It's not on the video. They said -- for nine days before they arrested them, that was the story. And then all of a sudden, they changed the story. And so why did they do that? The whole world knows that.(END VIDEO CLIP)(COMMERCIAL BREAK)(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)DAVE HOLLOWAY, MISSING GIRL'S FATHER: We've heard a lot of different rumors. I mean, when we got on the island, you know, we had a lot of information that, you know, she was here or there or whatever. And all those turned out to be false. But you know, we still hold onto the thread that maybe she's off somewhere. That's -- that's my hope. But the Police investigation has always come back and indicated that they're looking into this as a murder case. But as a father and a parent, you still hold onto a possible miracle.(END VIDEO CLIP)GRACE: We are closing down on September 4, the day that Joran van der Sloot, the judge`s son there in Aruba, will be released if formal charges are not brought against him. This weekend, Saturday, was his 18th birthday. That signifies a legal change.My question to Jossy Mansur -- he's the director of "Diario" newspaper there in Aruba -- did the Aruba Police give him a birthday cake and sing to him? It was his 18th birthday.MANSUR: They gave him a pretty good present. They questioned him from morning until 7:30 at night. That was his gift.GRACE: And what happened? Is he talking yet?MANSUR: He is -- he's beginning to talk. He's talking. He's answering questions now. He's cooperating more than ever before.GRACE: Well, that's funny because our sources tell us he's not talking, in fact, that he still pretends he can't even hear the questions!MANSUR: No, he is because Friday, he did speak to them. He did answer questions. Saturday, he did again, from our sources. He did again answer some questions. He's not answering all the questions. He answers those questions that he wants to answer.GRACE: Oh, well, that should be really helpful.To Anastasiya Bolton with WBMA-TV -- I understand that EquuSearch has left the island. Why?BOLTON: I've spoken with the EquuSearch officials this afternoon. They said they basically ran out of money, so they left the island indefinitely. They have vague plans to go back, but without money and support, they will not be able to. I've also been told that people on the island would not rent them equipment they needed to dig in the landfill. So that was another reason why they had to leave. They may reassess the situation tomorrow or in the next couple of days and may decide to go back.GRACE: To Anastasiya -- Lieutenant Roy Tromp says he does not believe van der Sloot will be released on September 4 and that, quote, "something major," end quote, should happen soon. What is that, Anastasiya? What is he alluding to?BOLTON: From my understanding, just from seeing and hearing what has been reported today, he, I think, is hopeful that the Kalpoe brothers may shed some light if and when they are re-arrested. If he's giving testimony -- if Joran is giving testimony, maybe that would lead to something. But again, my sources are telling me he is not being very cooperative, unlike what Jossy is saying.I've spoken with Karin Janssen, the lead prosecutor in this case. She says her Investigators are working this case very hard...GRACE: Oh, is she back from vacation?BOLTON: ... they're still looking for leads...(CROSSTALK)BOLTON: She is back from vacation.GRACE: Oh, that's good.BOLTON: She is back from vacation.GRACE: The full two weeks vacation.Very quickly, before we go to break, to Jossy Mansur. Jossy, do you believe van der Sloot will be released on September 4? And if not, why not?MANSUR: Definitely not. They have too many statements by him that incriminate him. How can they let him go?GRACE: Well, they let the Kalpoe brothers go.MANSUR: Yes, but that's another matter. You know, I mean, different judges look at different testimonies, different declarations. And one judge (INAUDIBLE) DeWitt (ph), Bob DeWitt, said, No, hold them. And then here comes another judge and say, Let them go...GRACE: Well, Jossy...MANSUR: ... looking at the same amount evidence...GRACE: Jossy Mansur with "Diario," thank you so much. Anastasiya, thank you. Jossy, please, find the gardener and bring him in. Apparently, the Police are not going to. Thanks, guys.
On 8-8 the DUTCH behavior specialists interrogators from the NETHERLANDS interrogated Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT.
If the ARUBAAN's already had a backhoe available at the dump that DAVE HOLLOWAY and MEL saw on 9-20-05 digging, why was it never used to help during the searches there?
On 8-9 a court order was issued for CARLOS A. RAMOS to appear in court:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to the “Scared Monkeys blog" and “Debbie”)
FROM THE FIRST COURT OF ARUBAThe judge-commissar charged with the judicial preliminary analysis at the First Court of Aruba:The judge-commissar, given the warrants dated August 3, 2005 in the criminal matter against Joran Andreas Petrus van der Sloot, Deepak Sharma Kalpoe and Satish Sharma Kalpoe.Carlos Alberto Penata Ramos,born in Columbia on February 25, 1979 and residing at L.G.Smith boulevard xxxxxx in Aruba,if witness under and in presence of the council man wants hearing on Thursday, August 4, 2005 at 10.00;Considering the fact that the witness has not been found at home and that the house owner resident refused take the rebelling on behalf of him in reception: (?)Considering the fact that witness on aforementioned date has not appeared;HAS:ordered that the witness Carlos Alberto Penata Ramos, born in Columbia on February 25, 1979 and residing at L.G. Smith xxxxxxxxxx in Aruba, must appear Thursday, August 11, 2005 summoned at 09.30 to be present in the Courthouse at Aruba and ordered in addition that he will be brought for the judge by the bailiff or servant of the public power.This arrangement has been thus given on August 9, 2005, by Mr. H.A.C. Smid, judge-commissar and on behalf of these by Mr. J.S. Kulperdal, signed, in the presence of the clerk.for duplicate,the clerk.
On 8-9 the DUTCH behavior specialists interrogators from the NETHERLANDS interrogated Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT.
On 8-9 Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE filed a complaint with the ARUBAN Police about BETH speaking to him on 8-8 at the “Internet Café.” (apparently Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE's lawyer also sent BETH a letter) The “AP reported that, “The 21-year-old asked that Holloway-Twitty stay away from him, said Police Inspector Carlos Sarge. Sarge said Police would ask her to stay away from Kalpoe. Holloway-Twitty declined to comment on the complaint. “I’m just going to try to continue getting answers about my daughter,” she said.
On 8-9 T. J. WARD stated to Court TV when asked about if the Current Murder Suspects KALPOE’s having committed crimes when they lived in SURINAME, “We have gotten some information from witnesses that they had problems in their homeland. That is one of the reasons they are in Aruba now. We are trying to follow up and see if that is correct. It is and we can verify it, we will turn it over to the authorities. We have gotten information from some witness that the same type criminal activity that they are under suspicion for in Aruba has occurred where they lived before. We are following up on it, and have been talking to some people with authority to confirm this info.”
On 8-9 T. J. WARD stated to Court TV about one of the Current Murder Suspects KALPOE’s neighbors, “The neighbor who allegedly saw them cleaning out one of the cars would not talk to us (and) has retained an attorney.”
On 8-9 JUG TWITTY stated to Court TV that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT definitely was not at the “Wyndham Hotel” like he said when Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT (supposedly) phoned him in the early morning hours of 5-31. (after the ARUBAN Police and the TWITTY’s showed up at the Murder Suspects SLOOT’s home)
On 8-9 TITO LACLE reported to FOX News that the judge will hear the defense lawyers appeal on 8-10, then he will return to CURACAO and consult with 2 other judges before deciding on the 8-10 appeals about F.B.I. Having investigation files access, and stopping all interrogations of Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT.
On 8-9 BETH went to the “Cyberzone Internet Café” to speak with Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE again, but he was not there. BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated that she may visit him again, because she has eaten at a nearby restaurant about 3 times. BETH also noticed that when she spoke with Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE on 8-8 that he told her that the manager of the “Cyberzone Internet Café” told him to take down the reward poster for NATALEE that had been approved for posting in the business window 2 months ago.
On 8-9 CBS reported:
Natalee's Mom: She Was Assaulted
Confronts Ex-Detainee; Insists He Tell What He Knows About Case
(CBS) Beth Holloway-Twitty went face-to-face Monday with a man who'd been detained briefly in the disappearance of daughter Natalee Holloway in Aruba, and challenged him to tell what he knows about the case.In telling of the tense encounter, she asserted Natalee was sexually assaulted before she vanished.Twitty says she was tipped by a member of the media that Deepak Kalpoe was working at a local Internet café, and wasted no time confronting him Monday.Kalpoe, 21, and brother Satish Kalpoe, 18, were among the last three people spotted in public with Natalee before the Alabama teen disappeared in the early hours of May 30 on the final night of a high school graduation trip to the island.The third person, Dutch teen Joran van der Sloot, is the only suspect still being held in connection with Natalee's disappearance. Both Kalpoe brothers were kept in custody for a short time early in the investigation.Twitty has said the Kalpoes know more than they're telling Investigators.Twitty described her close-up with Deepak to CBS News:"There were customers on the computer and he was seated behind the cash register, and I guess he thought he was going to have a normal day at work."I wanted to ask him, Joran had admitted sexual assaults that he had committed against Natalee, and I wanted to ask Deepak: Did he participate, or did he try to help her?"He couldn't answer me. He could only look down at the ground."
"(I told him) you've got an opportunity. I'm Natalee's mother. I'm standing right here before you. You need to tell me."I saw his eyelids pretty much the whole time that I was there, and I would have to tell him to hold your head up and look at me when I'm speaking with you."He couldn't do that. He would either not respond or he would just tell me that his lawyer had advised him not to speak with me."I expected him, if he had no involvement, if he was not a participant in the sexual acts committed against my daughter, that yes, he could have come forward and said, 'No,' and looked me in the eye. He couldn't do that."I let him know, under no circumstances, that there is nothing that I'm going to refrain from asking, and I'm going to ask every question, and I'm going to stop at nothing, and I will continue to."And he said, 'The media hasn't seen this side of you.' And I said, I've been saving it for you, Deepak."I'm always going to hold out hope, no matter how bad it looks. You can't prepare yourself for that, and I don't have to."Twitty also says she believes there was a level of ineptitude on the part of Aruban authorities, but she's more optimistic, now that a group of Investigators from Holland has become involved.
On 8-9 CNNHN reported:
NANCY GRACE, HOST: … Also tonight, live to Aruba, day 72 -- 72 -- since 18-year-old Natalee Holloway vanished into thin air off her high school senior trip. Natalee's mother takes on suspect Deepak Kalpoe. Are Kalpoe and his brother headed back to jail in connection with Natalee's disappearance? Will prime suspect and judge's son Joran van der Sloot walk free September 4? And tonight, has the state's chief witness disappeared?
GRACE: You are looking at exclusive hidden video that first aired on NBC. This is the confrontation between Beth Twitty, Natalee's mother, and Deepak Kalpoe. Where the Police left off, she's picking up the ball they dropped, confronting Kalpoe. Can you imagine, at your wit's end, her 18- year-old girl still missing, and she's got to go confront a suspect?Tonight, in Aruba, Natalee's mother is with us, Beth Twitty. Jossy Mansur, with "Diario" newspaper. But very quickly, first to WBMA-TV reporter Anastasiya Bolton. Anastasiya, bring us up to date, friend.ANASTASIYA BOLTON, WBMA-TV: Nancy, actually, Deepak filed harassment charges against Beth Twitty after she made that visit to him yesterday. As you saw in the video, she visited Deepak. She offered him $250,000 for any information leading to Natalee's whereabouts. I'm told he did not talk to her. He did not really look her in the eyes. So today he went to the Police department, we're told, and filed harassment charges. So now she needs to stay away from him, is what we're told.Now, his employer, his boss, said that Beth is welcome at the Internet cafe anytime to surf the Internet but she is not welcome there to talk to Deepak or harass him because, she says, he is innocent.GRACE: And what can you tell me about Joran van der Sloot showing up in court tomorrow?BOLTON: Joran van der Sloot is scheduled in court tomorrow morning because his attorneys are still fighting the FBI's involvement in this case. If you remember, the judge on Friday ruled to continue allowing FBI access to the files and interrogations in this case. Now the attorneys are back in court tomorrow, fighting that decision from the judge, still asking the judge to block FBI's access to the files.GRACE: And tell me what's going on at the landfill tonight, Anastasiya.BOLTON: At the landfill tonight -- as you know, the Texas EquuSearch has pulled out yesterday, but an Aruban search and rescue operation are back at the landfill, checking out leads and still searching. As far as we know, they have not found anything yet.GRACE: Anastasiya, with WBMA, can you tell me anything about the possibility the Kalpoe brothers will go back to jail?BOLTON: Well, that's a million-dollar question, Nancy. Here's the deal. The key witness in this case, the gardener, has come up missing. Nobody can find the man. The judge ordered this gardener in by tomorrow to give sworn testimony that he saw the Kalpoe brothers and Joran van der Sloot in the car near the racquet club, 2:30 AM the night Natalee Holloway went missing. The judge -- the gardener has been subpoenaed. Nancy, they can't find him. They can't serve the subpoena. So they can't find the man who would point the finger at the Kalpoe brothers and potentially, if that sworn testimony is obtained, could get them back in jail.GRACE: We're about to go straight down to Beth Holloway-Twitty, Natalee's mother. Stay with us.(COMMERCIAL BREAK) THOMAS ROBERTS, CNN HEADLINE NEWS ANCHOR: Hi, everybody. I'm Thomas Roberts. And this is your "Headline Prime Newsbreak."A suicide car bombing in central Baghdad is being blamed for the deaths of one U.S. soldier and three civilians. The vehicle was detonated near a U.S. convoy. Also today, 10 Iraqi Police officers were killed in a series of drive-by shootings in Baghdad, in Baquba. The Federal Reserve is pushing borrowing costs to their highest point in nearly four years. Policymakers raised the key federal funds rate a quarter point to 3.5 percent. And they say more rate hikes are likely to follow in an effort to prevent a rebounding economy from triggering unwanted inflation. It's something you see in the movies. That's how authorities in Brazil are describing the biggest bank heist in the country's history. Thieves stole a whopping $68 million over the weekend. Police say they did it by digging a tunnel that extends two city blocks. The suspects are apparently still on the loose.That is the news for now. Thanks for joining us. I'm Thomas Roberts. We take you back for more of NANCY GRACE.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, MOTHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: You know, I need to remind him of all of the lies that he has told, from the "Holiday Inn" drop- off, how Natalee got out of the car, stumbled, fell, hit her head, the two security guards came up to help her, this beach drop-off at the Marriott, absolutely just another lie. I asked him how he could continue to do this and not give answers. I mean, we're here and we're ready. He knows I've been here almost three months, and I'm not going away, and this is not going away. He said the media has never seen this side of me. And I said, "I've been saving it just for you, Deepak." (END VIDEO CLIP)GRACE: that is Beth Holloway-Twitty, Natalee's mother. She is with us tonight. You were just seeing video, secretly recorded video from NBC, where she actually confronted one of the Kalpoes, Deepak Kalpoe. Beth, thank you for being with us tonight. TWITTY: Thank you, Nancy. You know, Nancy, I thought it was so interesting when I just heard that played back, as when Deepak told me, he said, "The media's never seen this side of you." And, you know what I was thinking as I was sitting here is, he's seen me answer question, after question, after question. But, you know, Nancy? Deepak has never seen me ask question after question. And I think that must be where he was coming from, from that statement. GRACE: What made you decide to go and question him yourself? TWITTY: Just desperate for answers. I feel as if -- you know, we have this reward money, you know, ready to be utilized, the $250,000 for her whereabouts, the million dollars for her safe return. I can just only hope that I'm trying to reach everyone. And I felt Deepak would be a great person for me to make contact with. I've never spoken with him. And I just was giving him every opportunity to answer me and to clear his name. And, you know, I can't imagine being able to -- have been in the position he was in to stand face- to-face with me, Natalee's mother, and to at least to attempt to deny -- you know, I'm just shocked that he would not have taken advantage of that opportunity. I guess he cannot deny anything. GRACE: Beth, I agree with you. If he is innocent and he knows nothing about what happened to Natalee, certainly he would say, "Ms. Twitty, I'm so sorry. I wish I could help you. I wish I knew something that could help you. But this is what happened that night." He's too afraid to even put it out there, a version of what happened, Beth. TWITTY: I know. And never even any attempt at a denial. I mean, just only -- I only saw pretty much the scalp, the top of his head, and his eyelids. I mean, he would not -- in the 90 minutes I was there, I could not get him to -- I would have to ask him repeatedly, "Please look at me." And just gave him so many opportunities. I was just -- you know, it was -- I just was shocked that he would not want to take advantage of that. GRACE: So, Beth, he wouldn't even look at you?TWITTY: He would only remain silent.GRACE: He wouldn't even look you in the face? TWITTY: I had to ask him repeatedly for the first hour to please look at me when you're speaking with me, or when I'm speaking with you. I, you know, was just begging him that we need some answers and didn't get anywhere. GRACE: I want to go to Bethany Marshall very quickly. Bethany, this is incredible, in my mind, behavioral evidence. I've seen it a million times in court. I saw it as a crime victim myself, when the defendant could not even raise his head and look up at the victim. BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: It's true. I mean, the fact that he had nothing to say in my mind is clear evidence that he was one of the perpetrators of this crime. And the statement that he said, "The media has never seen this side of you," I think what he's really doing is poking blame at Beth Twitty instead of saying, "I've never revealed what I need to reveal to the media."And this is what perpetrators do. They blame everybody else. And Beth Twitty, you have my total respect. You are refocusing everybody on what's most important, the story holes. GRACE: I want to go back to Beth Twitty. Beth, it's amazing to me he wouldn't even look you in the face. But now, to top it all off, some kind of bogus harassment charge against you? I didn't hear you cursing at him, yelling at him. You didn't leap across the table and try to grab him. Harassment? I'm sorry, don't they have free speech down there? TWITTY: You know, Nancy, and I was so careful. And I even took about the first 10 minutes -- it may have been 15 minutes when I entered the Internet cafe, too. I remained silent. I really wanted to be in complete control before I began asking him any questions because I would never want to jeopardize or put myself in a position that would be a question of any sort. So I really -- that was a struggle for me. I really had to pull it together so I could remain very calm, and I did not have any intention brought to myself, from the other customers in there. I, you know, just proceeded so carefully before I began. GRACE: And, Beth, what was running through your head while you're there questioning a guy you think is involved in your girl's disappearance? TWITTY: Running through my mind was -- I just felt like he was going to at least give me something, even a denial. I mean, absolutely nothing. And then, when I would ask him about the money, I thought this was a strange response. I said, you know -- I kept, you know, making sure that we're aware of the money, you could remain anonymous. When I said the $250,000 for her whereabouts or the million for her safe return, he just replied to me -- he said he didn't need any money. And I thought that was an odd answer, he doesn't need any money. GRACE: You know, it was...TWITTY: Seems like it would have been something...GRACE: Yes, it seems like most people would want to help you with or without a money reward. Speaking of helping Beth, let's go Jossy Mansur. Jossy, do you think the Kalpoe brothers will be taken back in custody, and where is the gardener? We've got to find the gardener to give a statement before the Kalpoes can be arrested. JOSSY MANSUR, EDITOR, "DIARIO": Well, we've been searching for the gardener ourselves. We've been told that he may be in protective custody. We've been told that he's gone Colombia. We've been told many stories. But, up to now, we haven't been able to find him. GRACE: OK, protective custody, that makes absolutely no sense because that's who wants him, the government. If he were in custody, he'd be giving a statement. Speaking of other countries, Venezuela is a very short distance away from Aruba. Here's a shot of how easily it would be for him to leave this island. I mean, Jossy, the island is only 19 miles long. Where could this guy be? MANSUR: I have no idea. I know that the closest point between us and Venezuela is 15 nautical miles. That's Cabo San Roman. You can even see it on very clear days. GRACE: Back to Beth Twitty. Beth, these papers that Deepak Kalpoe has filed against you, what are they? TWITTY: Nancy, I'll be honest. I haven't seen anything. No one has presented me with any papers. I have no knowledge. And I've heard about this, but I haven't received any. I haven't read any. So I'm out on that one, Nancy. GRACE: Back to Jossy Mansur. Jossy, are you familiar with the source stating -- do you know that the Kalpoe brother, Deepak Kalpoe, has actually filed harassment charges against Beth? MANSUR: No, I don't think he filed harassment charges. He went to the Police today, and he presented what we call in Aruba a complaint. What he was complaining about was that Beth came to him, raised her voice at him when she was talking, intimidated him, and threatened him, which, from what I understand from the recordings and from Beth, is absolutely another lie. GRACE: And that's what we here in America call a complaint or a charge, when you go to Police and swear out a complaint on someone. Beth, I saw the video. I didn't hear you yelling, cursing, intimidating him. Beth, how big are you? TWITTY: Well, I'm a little bigger than Deepak. But I hope that wasn't -- I hope that wasn't it. GRACE: Well, I've got to tell you something: You don't look threatening to me tonight. Another issue is, are they going to somehow restrict you from speaking to him or going to Internet cafe? TWITTY: You know, Nancy, like I said, I have not seen anything, so, until I can, you know, read the complaint that is presented, then I'll go from there. But I just have not gotten anything. GRACE: The Internet cafe has issued a statement. Now, catch this. Beth Holloway-Twitty, down there looking for her daughter, and they say, "Beth is welcome at the store to use the Internet, but not welcome to come in and harass Deepak."You know what? There's a nerve right there. They should be issuing a statement saying how they're trying to help you find your daughter. So, Beth, where do you go from here? TWITTY: Well, I think what I have to do, though, is I really think that it's important to have Natalee's poster in the window. I mean, we are -- these posters are important. They need to be -- when we place them in a store, we really would like for them to remain there. I asked Deepak why her poster had been taken down. And I'd have to verify if it was the manager or his boss that told Deepak that he had to take it down. That really saddens me. You know, we're doing everything we can in order to get this word out. And we really need them to remain up. If they allow us to place them in the beginning, they need to remain there. We always ask permission before we place these.GRACE: And we asked for Deepak Kalpoe and his family or his lawyers to come on tonight. Surprise, surprise, they didn't want to answer any questions. But I want to confirm to you the reward. It is $1 million, $1 million for Natalee's safe return, $250,000 for her whereabouts. Her mother, Beth Holloway-Twitty, needs your help. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S FATHER: We don't know the whole story. All we really know for a fact is they left Charlie -- or Carlos and Charlies. After that, it's a lot of speculation and a lot of fill-in-the-blanks. If you and I were involved in something, and then I come to you and ask you to make up a story about, "We dropped her off at the Holiday Inn," wouldn't you ask questions of why, if you were not involved in something? Why would you make up this story? (END VIDEO CLIP)
On 8-9 MSNBC reported:
JOE SCARBOROUGH, HOST: … And then, Natalee‘s mom under attack from a key suspect in this case. We have got all the details, plus the very latest on the search for Natalee Holloway.
Welcome back to SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY—that story in just minutes, but, first, Aruba and the latest developments in the case of missing Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway. This is where things stand tonight. Joran van der Sloot remains the only suspect in custody and was questioned for an eight day today by Dutch Investigators.
Obviously, they are getting tougher by the day, but still no information coming forward. There is also a hearing scheduled for tomorrow morning, where a judge is going to rule on the level of FBI involvement that he will permit in the investigation. And September 4 is the date that a court is going to decide whether to charge Joran or set him free. Obviously, that is in less than a month.
Meanwhile, fallout from the video that we showed you here last night on SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY. Deepak Kalpoe is actually filing a complaint against Natalee‘s mom, trying to prevent another confrontation like the one we showed you, one which Beth Twitty says she plans to repeat.
BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, MOTHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: Joe, I‘ve got a lot more days on this island, so I‘m not going anywhere. I‘ve got plenty of time. I‘ve got lots more pictures to be developed at the Internet cafe.
HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: So, just going to slowly.
SCARBOROUGH: Yes. So, you—you plan on going back there?
HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: Well, absolutely. I‘ve got more pictures to be developed. Yes. I‘ll...
HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: It‘s a great place to go. Also, I‘ve got to go back because I was so saddened that Natalee‘s poster had been taken down.
SCARBOROUGH: Benvinda De Sousa is the attorney for the Holloways and she joins us now from Aruba.
Thank you so much for being with us again, Benvinda. Greatly appreciate it.
SCARBOROUGH: Get us up—get us up to date with this complaint that has been filed against your client, Beth Holloway Twitty.
Deepak Kalpoe filed a complaint today with the Aruban Police, based on harassment. He obviously felt harassed by her visit to him, and he felt not at ease by her questions. And he wants to prevent her from visiting him again.
Well, I can tell you one thing, that anybody who thinks that he has been harassed or is not as ease by anybody‘s questions—we live in a free country—it is a democratic country—can file the complaint, but the complaint has to be based on truth. It is my understanding that Beth went to visit. She developed some pictures. Deepak was there. And she just asked him some questions, and that is a far cry from harassment.
So, I am not worried about that at all.
SCARBOROUGH: What is the standard in Aruba? You talk about living in a free country. Obviously, Beth is free to go develop pictures in an Internet cafe, if she wants. And at one point does it become harassment? At what point does it become stalking? Obviously, this is in a public setting. So, is the standard, if she goes in and she is peaceful and she doesn‘t threaten him, she can keep going back as much as she wants?
DE SOUSA: Well, basically, she can.
I mean, she is free to talk to anybody she wants, and if the person she is talking to doesn‘t want to talk to her and feels harassed or threatened in any way, is free to file a complaint. But, then again, like I told you before, it is a far cry from that. It is a public place. It is an Internet cafe, where everybody can go and sit behind a computer and surf the Web or chat or do whatever they want.
It‘s—I think that the only way that she could be prevented from going in there is if the owner of the place requests her not to go there, because it is his prerogative, but it hasn‘t been done yet.
SCARBOROUGH: What has her response been to this harassment charge being filed against her by Deepak, again, a guy who many people believe may have had something to do with Natalee‘s disappearance and possible murder?
DE SOUSA: I agree.
Why should we believe what he stated in his complaint? I mean, he has lied before. He was one of the last three persons to be seen with Natalee. And he has no credibility whatsoever, so why would he have credibility in his complaint? I think the mother is much more to believe. And if—I would say completely to believe, and she is honest in trying to find answers as to where her daughter is at.
And I understand perfectly that a mother would want to talk to one of the last persons to have been seen with her daughter, for all we know, alive.
SCARBOROUGH: All right, Benvinda De Sousa, great to have you with us tonight. We really appreciate your insights.
Now let‘s turn to private Investigator T.J. Ward. He has uncovered some interesting information about Joran‘s dad, Paul van der Sloot.
Thank you so much for being back with us, Mr. Ward.
What have you found out about van der Sloot, Paulus and Joran, the night that Natalee disappeared?
T.J. WARD, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: Well, we know that both of them are definitely involved in this situation.
And it is sad that, in this situation at the Internet cafe, that Deepak is hiding behind his lawyer and trying to bring something against Beth now. You know, we all know that we have the right people under the microscope, and it is—it is our position that the Police should have already picked him up and should have arrested both of them already, the two brothers.
We have gathered some information right now, and we are trying to verify it, that both of the—the Kalpoe brothers have been removed from their own country for similar—similar transactions as to what‘s going on here. And we are trying to verify this information to be true.
SCARBOROUGH: You are saying you have got information that the Kalpoe brothers may have been kicked out of their own country for similar actions?
WARD: Yes. We have gotten information that they may have been taken out of their own country, or asked to leave, and that is why they are living with their grandparents in Aruba. And we are trying to verify this information now and follow up on it.
SCARBOROUGH: What information do you have about Paul and Joran gambling the night that Natalee disappeared?
WARD: Well, we understand that they have an open credit line at the casinos and also have an open line with ordering alcohol, and so on so forth, at Carlos ‘n Charlie‘s.
And just surprising, him being 17 years old when this transpired, that he is in casinos gambling, and apparently his father must be funding in behind him, what‘s going on. Again, we have got four people here, the father, Joran, and the two Kalpoe brothers, are all involved in this. We are definitely sure that is the case, from the information that we—we are gathering at this time.
SCARBOROUGH: All right. It is fascinating. T.J. Ward, as always, we greatly appreciate you being with us.
WARD: Thank you.
On 8-9 FOX News reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “sunmoonstars”)
SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: I guess the biggest development we had yesterday Dave,…I am a father, I know this is hard for you. Apparently, you guys have had information for some time that you believe that authorities have known and that there was admission of forced sexual contact with your daughter?
DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE‘S FATHER: Well, I would rather not get into any details. But, we do know that Joran admitted to some sexual…aggravated sexual assault or whatever the term was used. We were aware of that and he was behind bars at the time. The Deepak brothers, I am not so sure if they were in jail at the time or not. When they were getting ready to let them go, I thought to myself jeez, isn’t that enough to hold them? The laws are a lot more lax there than they are here.
ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: In light on the information that was revealed here last night, could you press charges for sexual assault?
HOLLOWAY: Well, based on his statement, he has already admitted to at least that charge. We are looking at possible kidnapping, and as the police have indicated…a possible murder charge. I still hold out hope that maybe they are wrong, maybe they have missed it somewhere. Try to hold out for a miracle.
COLMES: There was concern that if he didn’t speak and was told no body, no case he could just wait it out and be released. But, with this information, that the authorities and you know there would be reason to hold him beyond the 63 days on these other charges. Wouldn’t you think?
HOLLOWAY: That is what you would think, but he was in position to be let go the last time. I think the judge may have ruled because he told so many lies that there may be something there.
COLMES: Dave, Beth has said that she got documents and statements from witnesses that lead her to believe the investigators may be on the wrong track. Any idea what she means?
HOLLOWAY: I didn’t talk to her about the documents. Those documents have been floating around, all the defense attorneys have all the documents they need. We are not allowed to have any evidence as the victim, so to speak. The news media purchased some, I don’t know how they fell into her hands. They would have had to come from the defense side somewhere. Beth indicated that some documents had been altered, some may have been shredded or torn up. I just don’t have all the details, all are in Dutch and have to be translated.
COLMES: Any idea who would be altering or destroying them?
HOLLOWAY: Well, I just don’t know, it may be typo errors, there could be a plausible explanation for it. It could be an error, someone throwing it in the trash can, someone retrieving it…not real sure where she obtained these documents.
COLMES: The question is cover up or incompetence? Is the person working with you getting to the bottom of it?
HOLLOWAY: I spoke to him today, he is as perplexed about all of this as we are. Seems like every time someone speaks out or comes forward. Just like the gardener, he is supposed to appear in court Thursday then be immediately deported. That is the work of the defense of course. Some witnesses may be scared to come forward for fear of repercussions.
HANNITY: I want to go back to this issue of Joran’s admission of a crime of assault on your daughter. Also, if we go back, he had made comments that have been widely reported…about Deepak…about killing her…his earlier admissions. This goes back to one of the LE saying there are ten different stories.What are we to make of this Dave?
HOLLOWAY: We were looking for the Deepak or the Kalpoes to be re-arrested.They have to have more evidence before they arrest them. It wouldn’t do any good to bring them in, they won’t tell the truth.
COLMES: When we discussed this with Jug last night, he said that Joran admitted this crime against your daughter. What are the things you know that are as bad that we don’t know?
HOLLOWAY: There are some declarations out there that point the fingers to Deepak. I think there is a document out there that he admitted that he killed her. But, to get our hands on those I have not yet been able to do that. Don’t know if Beth has.
Alan: Have you just heard it, or is it just rumor…is this something the FBI has?
I think the Mansur family may have some information on that part of it. I really couldn’t say. There are a lot of things I am hesitant to say. I am a very patient person. I want the police to crack this thing. I think they have the skills and opportunity now to do that. I am just going to wait it out and see if they can. If not, that will be my time to talk.
If the ARUBAAN's already had a backhoe available at the dump that DAVE HOLLOWAY and MEL saw on 9-20-05 digging, why was it never used to help during the searches there?
On 8-10 a pants belt was found by ART WOOD among a sand dune near the lighthouse area where Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , and Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE first claimed they took NATALEE. The belt reportedly looks like a belt that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT was photographed with prior to 5-29. ART WOOD stated he has turned over the belt to the ARUBAN Police. (on 8-25 ART WOOD reported he talked with the ARUBAN Police about the pants belt found near the “California” lighthouse by GOLBA. ART WOOD was told by ROY TROMP that the ARUBAN Police determined--on their own, without any forensic testing ever even being completed--that the belt was too old to have been Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s, and that is the reason the ARUBAN Police have never sent the belt to HOLLAND for forensic testing.)
From page 3 of the early November 2005 letter sent by NATALEE’s Loved Ones to ARUBAN law enforcement in which the family asked for specific persons to be replaced: “Art Wood states that Jacobs and Police Chief Dompig discarded potential evidence discovered near the lighthouse: belt and some plastic items. A shoulder bone with meat on it was found near the California lighthouse and discounted by Dennis Jacobs as a donkey bone. Art Wood contends that it is a human bone.”
On 8-10 AMERICAN homicide detective MARK FUHRMAN stated to FOX News that a search warrant should immediately be served to locate (or not be able to locate) the belt that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT was wearing the night of 5-29.
Circa 8-10 it was being reported that only Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s apartment on the property was searched, but not the entire SLOOT property nor main SLOOT home (some reported that the home was not searched because Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT would not allow it)
On 8-10 FOX News reported that a search team from Lake Park, Florida is going to ARUBA to search specific areas. FRED GOLBA is heading up the team.
On 8-10 GOLBA and his search team arrived and met with the ARUBAN Police.
On 8-10 Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT and his lawyer CARLO were back in court protesting the F.B.I. Having access to the investigation files. Also protested was the continued interrogations of Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT.
On 8-10 the DUTCH behavior specialists interrogators from the NETHERLANDS interrogated Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT.
On 8-10 DAVID KOCK told the “AP,” “It's not a question of having something to hide but about the legality of their (FBI) involvement.” Kock, one of three lawyers who argued the appeal Wednesday in a closed court session, said a decision was expected Monday (8-15).
On 8-10 RUDY CROES complained to his DUTCH counterpart PIET HEIN DONNER about the attitude of the AMERICAN press in this case. ‘The reputation of the island is damaged by false reports about crime and general American mistrust of the Aruban justice system’, CROES said. ‘Aruba is a part of the Netherlands and so the reputation of the Netherlands as a whole is damaged by these press reports’. DONNER promised to relay the message to the DUTCH embassy in the UNITED STATES, but he’s convinced that the AMERICAN government is well aware of the fact that everything is being done that needs to be done.
On 8-10 MARIAINE CROES said that prosecutors have issued a summons to a man (the gardener witness) who said he saw Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , and Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE at a pond at 2:30 AM on the night NATALEE vanished.
On 8-10 TITO LACLE reported to FOX News that the Police and prosecutors believe that one theory of NATALEE’s disappearance is that NATALEE died, somehow, then was disposed of in the water with the help of Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT. The authorities believe she died, somehow, and they panicked.
On 8-10 TITO LACLE reported to FOX News, “the prosecuting office cancelled the hearing for tomorrow.. as of today, the 'gardener' is officially a FUGITIVE... the Police couldn’t find him.”
On 8-10 DAVE HOLLOWAY stated that the F.B.I. and the ARUBAN authorities are still trying to locate the gardener witness for his scheduled 8-11 court appearance. DAVE questions how Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT is affording 9 lawyers, and theorized he could be receiving free favors and/or it is an attempt to “clog up the court system there,” and/or there are as yet unknown persons who are involved trying to help the Murder Suspects SLOOT’s. DAVE confirmed that the family has filed a legal enjoinder so that after criminal charges are, or are not filed, the family will receive all the documentation of the investigation. DAVE HOLLOWAY stated he has known for about a month (circa 7-10) that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT admitted to sexually assaulting NATALEE on 5-30.
On 8-10 PAUL REYNOLDS said that NATALEE’s Loved Ones have credible sources who have told them that while the ARUBAN Police did search the Murder Suspects SLOOT’s property, only Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s apartment was searched and that the house and other buildings were not searched because the grounds had pre-discussed limitations on only where the property searches could be done.
On 8-10 FOX News GRETA VAN SUSTEREN reported in her “Gretawire” blog:
Deepak Kalpoe has filed some sort of Police complaint against Beth Holloway-Twitty. He does not want Beth to show up at his work asking him questions about her daughter. Beth wants to do it and she discussed it Wednesday night on our show. I am not sure how this will play out.
Here is one thing I am sure of: If the authorities in Aruba were in constant and full communication with Beth Holloway-Twitty and made her confident of their work, she would not be taking matters into her own hands. She would not feel the need to investigate the case herself. She would be satisfied to simply sit and wait. Clients "break bad" and start doing their own work when they lose confidence that their causes are being advanced. This is totally predictable since this case is so important to this mother.
The chief prosecutor may be moving full speed ahead and with great progress, but unless she tells Beth about it, Beth will feel frustrated and will take matters into her own hands. This is "Law 101." Every good lawyer knows this. Beth is a very smart woman and she simply wants justice — but she needs to be confident that the investigation is moving forward. This is part of the prosecutor's job. So... if the prosecutor wants Beth to pull back — and I don't know that she necessarily does — she just needs to be in constant communication with Beth and making sure Beth knows of any progress. It is that simple. If the prosecutor ignores Beth, Beth will investigate herself. She may do more "home visits" like she did with Deepak two days ago.
If the ARUBAAN's already had a backhoe available at the dump that DAVE HOLLOWAY and MEL saw on 9-20-05 digging, why was it never used to help during the searches there?
On 8-11 MARGARITHA WERLEMAN e.v. DIJKHOFF gave the following statements to her ARUBAN Police Interrogators:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to the “Scared Monkeys blog" and “Debbie”)
PROCES - VERBAAL We, Dennis Dominico JACOBS and Eric Louis SOEMERS, respectively head agent and under inspector at the Korps Police force Aruba, former classified at the team particular projects and last mentioned at the section criminal organizations classified, explain the following. On Thursday, August 11, 2005, around 18:55, we, took a statement, interrogated the witness: Margaritha WERLEMAN e.v. DIJKHOFF, Born on Aruba on March 10, 1954, aid in the household (independent) and living more closely Wolf xxxxxxxxxx on Aruba. Her statement was given in papiamento, and was translated by me, JACOBS, to Dutch and placed on record. On your question how long have I worked for the van der Sloot family, I answer you the following: I have worked ( 8 ) years at family van der Sloot. I work as from Monday up to and including Friday for them. I do not work on Saturday and Sunday at family van der Sloot. I work daily four (4) hours at family van der Sloot. With family VDS, I mean the parents of the detained man "Joran van der Sloot". (meaning the suspect "Joran van der Sloot"; observation JACOBS). On your question if I can tell you specifically when I worked from Monday up to and including Friday at the family van der Sloot, I answer the following: I work on Monday from 08.00 till 12.00. I work on Tuesday from 13.30 till 17.30. I work on Wednesday from 13.30 till 17.30. I work on Thursday from 13.30 till 15.30 and I work on Friday from 13.30 till 17.30 at family van der Sloot As you can see I work daily four (4) hours at family van der Sloot with exception of Thursday because then I work only two (2) hours. On your question if the family van der Sloot has another aid in the household, answer I you no. I am the only aid in the household at the family van der Sloot. They do not have an aid in the household on Saturday and Sunday when I do not work for them. On your question if I know of a Spanish speaking aid at the family van der Sloot my answer is no. I have also never seen a Spanish speaking aid at the household of van der Sloot. This is my true statement. If you have more questions, I will be prepared to answer these. M. WERLEMAN e.v. DIJKHOFF After I, JACOBS, read the declaration to the witness M. WERLEMAN e.v. DIJKHOFF in papiamento that was translated to Dutch, the witness signed them. This is our statement, on oath of office made up this proces-verbaal, and has been signed at Oranjestad on August 11, 2005 and has been closed. Signed, D.D. JACOBS E.L. SOEMERS
On August 15, 2005 it was reported that a man walking his dog found the still-interconnected human bones of a human forearm and hand washed-up on the LAS PIEDRAS beach of VENEZUELA, near the town PUNTO FIJO (the southwest side of the VENEZELA peninsula, nearest to the west coast of ARUBA, about 18 miles away).
The bone will be sent to the VENEZUELA “Technical Police” in CARACAS according to JOSSY MANSUR on 8-17. His newspaper has obtained a photo of the forearm/hand bones that appeared in the VENEZUELAN newspaper “Neuvo Dia” on 8-11. (In DAVE HOLLOWAY’s April 2006 published book, “Aruba,“ he wrote that he was told the arm/hand was a “Halloween prop”)
On 8-11 the DUTCH behavior specialists interrogators from the NETHERLANDS interrogated Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT.
On 8-11 FOX News GRETA VAN SUSTEREN reported that “Natalee's family has told me that they don't want Aruba boycotted.”
On 8-11 SOUSA told Court TV regarding the Murder Suspects KALPOE’s, “Deepak and his brother are still charged with whatever they were charged with before. They were released by a judge as a control mechanism on the petition of the prosecution to keep them in custody.”
On 8-11 “Yahoo News” reported about the search team from Lake Park, Florida going to ARUBA, “Fred Golba said he has a plan to find Holloway. He will use specialized techniques to search the sandy beaches of Aruba. Search dogs, ‘Astro’ and ‘Rhino,’ who Golba trained will be with him. Golba thinks they will help him succeed where everyone else failed. ‘It's been searched, but it hasn’t been properly searched. Not out of arrogance out of confidence. I have a lot of confidence that I'll find that body from what I’ve seen,’ he said. The man who’s sending him there is semi-retired Lake Park business man Jim Knox. He sees enough in the team he has assembled to finance the entire week-long search. ‘There’s only so many options and so many places she could be,’ Knox said. ‘They've spent the least time in the obvious places -- the beach.’ Knox agreed to send Golba and his dogs to Aruba because of his global experience with cadaver searches including Ground Zero after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Knox and his crew are highly critical of the paid search team that’s already on the island and the Aruban government. The team will base their search on the information they’ve gathered from their own sources, which they say includes Holloway's mother. Knox said if the team finds the teenager, he will donate the reward money.”
On 8-11 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated that the Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT admissions about him sexually assaulting NATALEE on 5-30 were stated by him during the 5-31 early morning encounter between him, the TWITTY’s, and 8 other witnesses, NOT from the written declarations statements that BETH has copies of.
On 8-11 JUG TWITTY stated he is going back to ARUBA on 8-13 for a week.
On 8-11 JUG TWITTY stated that ARUBA government spokesman TRAPENBERG’s claims that ARUBAN businesses are giving them free rental cars, hotels, etc. are lies by TRAPENBERG because TRAPENBERG’s statements are not true, at all, and JUG has the documented, and paid, receipts to prove it.
On 8-11 the “AP” reported about the gardener witness, “A man who claimed he saw a suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway driving with two friends the night she vanished failed to appear in court Thursday and has possibly fled the country, officials said. The witness had been summoned to give sworn testimony in the missing Alabama teen’s case, but authorities were unable to locate him and believe he might have fled Aruba, chief Prosecutor Karin Janssen told The Associated Press. ‘There will not be a court hearing today,’ she said, declining to give more details. Police spokesman Edwin Comenencia said authorities did not know when he fled or where he might have gone. ‘All we know is that we can't find him,’ Comenencia said. Under Dutch law, which governs Aruba, sworn testimony is considered more credible because it allows the judge and lawyers on both sides of a case to question the witness. David Kock, an attorney for one of the brothers, Satish Kalpoe, said the disappearance of the witness boosts the defense because it tarnishes his credibility. ‘It's strange to be going around saying important things and then disappear,’ said Kock. ‘The supposed star witness is now faded.’ The man's statement to Police, however, could still be used as evidence in a trial, said Vinda de Sousa, a lawyer for the Holloway family. ‘The statement is valid and a judge will decide what to do with it,’ she said. Both Kock and de Sousa said officials in the Attorney General’s office told them the man was a Colombian national living in Aruba illegally and working as a gardener. Police said the man was not considered a fugitive, but if found in Aruba, he would be arrested, made to testify in court and turned over to immigration officials.”
On 8-11 “Riehl World View” wrote that there may be another male who claims to have spent the night, or "crashed" at the apartment of Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT in the 5-30 early morning hours of NATALEE’s disappearance. Preliminary information suggests he had planned to go out with Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT and possibly some other friends that evening, but the plans fell through. He is said to have been interrogated by the ARUBA authorities in the investigation, but presently, there is no information given which suggests he is linked to any potential crime. According to a “Riehl World View” source, he has on at least one occasion claims Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT returned home late that evening after he was already sleeping. During a brief interaction in the 5-30 early morning hours, it is said that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT claimed him he met an attractive American girl that evening and also indicated in teenage vernacular that no actual sexual activity had been involved. It is also said that he received a call from Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT the next day while Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT was playing tennis after school had ended. It’s claims that is the first time Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT had heard of the disappearance of NATALEE and called his friend as he was unsure of what to do. This initial report, which conflicts with some other reports on the case, is unconfirmed through additional “Riehl World View” sources at this time.
On 8-11 the “AP” reported:
Witness in missing Alabama teen case fails to show in courtBy PETER PRENGAMANAssociated Press WriterAugust 11. 2005 4:34PMA man who claimed he saw a suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway driving with two friends the night she vanished failed to appear in court Thursday and has possibly fled the country, officials said.The witness had been summoned to give sworn testimony in the missing Alabama teen's case, but authorities were unable to locate him and believe he might have fled Aruba, Chief Prosecutor Karin Janssen told The Associated Press."There will not be a court hearing today," she said, declining to give more details.Police spokesman Edwin Comenencia said authorities did not know when he fled or where he might have gone."All we know is that we can't find him," Comenencia said.The man told police last month that he saw Joran van der Sloot, an 18-year-old Dutch high school student who had been detained in the case, and two Surinamese brothers driving near the Marriott Hotel around 2:30 a.m. on May 30.Under Dutch law, which governs Aruba, sworn testimony is considered more credible because it allows the judge and lawyers on both sides of a case to question the witness.The man's account is significant because van der Sloot told authorities that he was already at home at 2:30 a.m. that night. van der Sloot has admitted he was alone with Holloway that night, but said he left the Mountain Brook, Ala., honors student unharmed at a beach near the Marriott Hotel.The Surinamese brothers were arrested along with van der Sloot on June 9, but released in early July for lack of evidence. van der Sloot is the only person still in custody in the case, and no one has been charged.David Kock, an attorney for one of the brothers, Satish Kalpoe, said the disappearance of the witness boosts the defense because it tarnishes his credibility."It's strange to be going around saying important things and then disappear," said Kock. "The supposed star witness is now faded."The man's statement to police, however, could still be used as evidence in a trial, said Vinda de Souza, a lawyer for the Holloway family."The statement is valid and a judge will decide what to do with it," she said.Both Kock and de Souza said officials in the Attorney General's office told them the man was a Colombian national living in Aruba illegally and working as a gardener.Police said the man was not considered a fugitive, but if found in Aruba, he would be arrested, made to testify in court and turned over to immigration officials.Based on his account, police partially drained the pond near the Marriott Hotel. They found no evidence.
If the ARUBAAN's already had a backhoe available at the dump that DAVE HOLLOWAY and MEL saw on 9-20-05 digging, why was it never used to help during the searches there?
On 8-12 GOLBA told FOX News that on 8-12 while he was searching on the side of the road, Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT drove by him and the two men made direct eye contact.
On 8-12 LINDA ALLISON stated she has received a tip she is following up on from a young woman who lives in ARUBA. LINDA ALLISON stated the woman was at “Carlos 'N Charlie's" earlier during 2005 and Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT asked her to dance. The woman declined Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ‘s advances, then she soon started towards the ladies restroom. Before she got to the ladies room, Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT maneuvered to cut her off from walking, then, he quickly pulled out a knife he had concealed somewhere on him. Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT then brandished and waved the knife close to her body and face, then, Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT anxiously exclaimed at the woman,
You don’t know who you are messing with. My dad is an attorney, and I can get away with anything.
LINDA ALLISON stated she has not yet notified the ARUBAN Police about this woman’s claims.
On 8-12 JOSSY MANSUR stated his paper, “Diario,” printed the 6-10 declaration confession of Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT. He said that this 6-10 declaration-confession was not signed by Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , but it is signed by the 4 ARUBAN Police detectives who witnessed Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT admitting to killing and burying NATALEE. The Diario has been reporting on this document for some time but have been accused by competing local media and Murder Suspects defense lawyers of making it up. The item was published verbatim today. Jossy Mansur assures claims it is a direct copy of the Police document, obtained through one of his sources. It has not been independently verified. Here is the translation of the declaration-confession from Dutch:
The suspect J.A.P. (Joran) van der Sloot walked with us (the Police) a little bit further on and he declared to have suspicions that the suspect D. Kalpoe did bury the girl there somewhere.
According to the suspect J.A.P. van der Sloot , the suspect D. Kalpoe had returned to the girl after having left her sleeping on the beach. To our question to the suspect J.A.P. van der Sloot what he thought had happened between the girl Natalee Holloway and the suspect D. Kalpoe, he declared that he thought that the suspect D. Kalpoe raped and killed the girl.
Thus written by us, under oath made under our testimony, closed and signed in Oranjestad on June 13th, 2005.
On 8-12 “MSNBC’s” KOSINSKI reported that the man who claims he helped bury NATALEE is now in a psychiatric ward, and that ART WOOD has spoken with him and elements of this man’s story seem to match JUNIOR’s claims of seeing a woman buried within the landfill.
On 8-12 JOSSY MANSUR stated to FOX News that there was a fire at the landfill dump that has temporarily stopped the searching there. The search will resume on 8-15.
On 8-12 JOSSY MANSUR stated that the Florida search group is utilizing their 2 cadaver dogs only at night (because something to do with the scent being better picked-up)
On 8-12 JOSSY MANSUR stated that the ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reprinted for the ARUBAN people about the 8-4 letter that JUG TWITTY wrote to the ALABAMA Governor asking for ALABAMANS not to boycott ARUBA because the majority of ARUBAAN's have been helping NATALEE and her Loved Ones in their efforts.
On 8-12 JOSSY MANSUR stated that it is known that the gardener witness is still in ARUBA, and he will testify to the judge on either 8-15 or 16.
On 8-12 JOSSY MANSUR stated that it is known that the gardener witness is still in ARUBA, and he will testify to the judge on either 8-15 or 16.
On 8-12 HODGES told Court TV his belief that NATALEE was drugged, gang-raped, strangled, and tossed in the ocean. (he defines a ‘thought print’ as a form of a fingerprint). Dr. Andrew Hodges says that for a forensic psychologist, it's pretty easy to discriminate between right brain and left brain thinking. You take the statements, the letters, the messages, a suicide note, a ransom note, of a suspect, and you dissect its deeper meaning. He talks about the 'deeper mind' and seriously just reading between the lines of what a suspect says. It's delving into their subconscious. And HODGES says that there is no way to stop your subconscious from revealing the truth. Now, it may be wrapped up in a lie, he said but for a really experienced person, they can sit down, talk to people who spoke to the suspect or read the letters and come up with a deeper meaning, a truer meaning. He did a lot of things. He is from the Birmingham area so he knows the Twitty family very well, he knows many of the young people who went on the trip, so he interviewed many of the trip takers, those that had direct contact with either the Kalpoe brothers or specifically Joran van der Sloot, he talked to the five people who were in the room at the van der Sloot’s home when the Twitty's and the Holloway's went there for that original confrontation 5-31. He got direct quotes from five different people that all matched up so he considered them to be very good. He knows about the leaked Police report, he has talked to the Holloway-Twitty's private Investigators. So he put all of that together and extrapolated from that and some of it. HODGES stated to “Court TV’s” DIANE DIMOND:
Dr. Hodges: Joran first met Natalee Holloway and several girls from Mountain Brook high school about 8:30 that night in the "Holiday Inn" Casino. It was a simple introduction. He asked them what they were doing. They said they were going to Carlos and Charlie's. He says, 'You don't want to go to Carlos and Charlie's on a Sunday night, it's not any fun. Don't go to Carlos and Charlie's.' Dimond: Why is that significant?Dr. Hodges: It struck the girls as odd. That later he shows up there around midnight. They're going Why is he here where he told us not to go, and as the other thought prints reveal, I think that he was up to something unconsciously, and people will give people warnings unconsciously. He probably didn't know unconsciously why he said it, it probably just popped out. I think he was warning them that he was up to trouble, to stay away from them. Dimond: Talk to me about the drugs.Dr. Hodges: They're both introducing drugs as the (intelligible) which suggest to me that she was drugged. Something had to get her out of this Carlos and Charlie's with 3 guys which is something she would never have done. Dimond: Both of these boys brought up drugs, both of these boys now have brought up sex, left brain, right brain, what.. Dr. Hodges: Right. ...they spontaneously introduce with Joran, if you go back, he really excessively went into sexual activity with Natalee, brought it up in terms of group sex, she didn't want to have sex with the two guys in the front seat, just with him. So think who has introduced 'group sex'? They have, he has. And, then the third thing, one of the stories is that Natalee was on the ground, she fell, and she didn't want anybody to touch her, Now there's the picture, one of 'don't touch me,' And then the other thing is, Joran also says that he refused sexual activity with Natalee at a certain point. So you have the story of sexual activity and sexual activity being refused: two different thought prints. I think you put those together. Here is the sexual activity and here is sexual activity being refused. Dimond: But you also have Natalee on the ground, prone, saying, "Don't touch me." Dr. Hodges: And I think that's the story of the whole case, Natalee out of control, intoxicated, she fell, reportedly, this is the story, the left brain story, she fell, she's on the ground, she's intoxicated, and she says, "Don't touch me." So you read that as kind of the story of the whole case, I think she's down on the ground, she's hurt, she's injured, they held her down, and she's at the same time trying to refuse them. And I think it's also a picture of the final event, which is what happened to her that night, you know, and I think it was when she was held down is when her major trauma occurred. Dimond: You're not optimistic that Natalee has survived. We have her down on the beach now, through these boys' words. Dr. Hodges: Yes, I think he told us in two different ways she's not here, One, that he left her asleep on the beach, the other story's that Natalee was down, and I think he's trying to say sleep is another metaphor for passed away, down is another metaphor for being down, so that's the very simple way they did it.
HODGES said Natalee wanted to see the sharks. Joran is the shark.
HODGES said Joran was warning the women about his future intentions when he told the women that nothing happens on Sunday nights at C & C; an unconscious warning that the women should stay away from him.
HODGES said the left brain is talking about Natalee and the right brain is the truth about themselves. Natalee got sick and was vomiting or was sleeping.
HODGES thinks her death was by strangulation or aspiration of vomit.
HODGES interpreted the video where ARUBAN Police took Joran back to the “Marriott” beach, Joran pounds the front of the car, indicating to HODGES an act of aggression and the crime happened in the car.
HODGES said that with regards to Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT , to Paul van der Sloot the media represents authorities and the investigation, so, Paul van der Sloot was running away from the investigation and authorities when he was filmed running away from the media.
For 60 years edible garbage has been dumped into the ocean at “Baco Mahos“ (translation: “ugly mouth”) on the north shoreline of ARUBA in the hope that sharks would stay on east side of island, away from the tourism on the west half.
On July 12, 2005 the "Texas EquuSearch" team received an in-person tip from an ARUBAN man who gave them a specific location that needed to be searched on the north side of the island within “Arikok National Park” VERY CLOSE TO THE SHARK-INFESTED “BACO MAHOS” GARBAGE DUMP SITE. When the team got there, about 100’ from the road they found an open 4’ deep and 6’ long hole that TIM MILLER stated, “certainly looks like a grave site that was possibly dug up.” TIM MILLER also said something “definitely was buried,” the hole was “manmade, remote, had easy access yet hard to see.” “Perfect.”
TIM MILLER described how the hole had obviously been dug out (with the hole left open and its dirt piled on the side) TIM MILLER is very suspicious of the hole saying that the suspects could have returned then dug up the body to move it somewhere else. TIM MILLER stated of the hole, he “still questions it” because no one can explain for what purpose such a 6’ long by 4’ deep hole could have been used for. TIM MILLER stated that 2 Aruba Police Investigators accompanied the team and took photos and the "Texas EquuSearch" team sifted the dirt pile and nearby area. On 7-14 JOE "Texas EquuSearch's" JOE HUSTON said of the “Arikok hole” that he “is not convinced it is not part of this case." “What, exactly it was used for?” He described the 7-12 tipster as white, in his 20’s, 5’ 7”, and 140 pounds, with a dark complexion. "Texas EquuSearch's" JOE HUSTON further described the “Arikok hole” as being re-dug within the past 7 to 10 days because the edges of the piled up dirt were still sharp (had not been rounded smooth from ever-present Aruba winds), and the moisture content still present in the left-behind dirt pile also supported 7 to 10 days. On 7-15 SCARBOROUGH reported that next to the dugout hole, even the roots of a nearby tree had, clearly, been deliberately chopped away at the re-dugout hole’s edge.
On July 15, 2005 the “National Enquirer“ reported:
Joran and others discussed an appropriate place to dump Natalee's body, a specific place where someone would disappear forever... a spot on the island where the waters are shark-infested."Arubaans know the shark-feeding spot very well and directed a National Enquirer reporter to its location on the rugged north coast of the island, where the ocean pounds the rocks and few people live.The water there is deep and murky and sits beneath a high cliff, far away from the beautiful beaches and posh hotel casinos on the island's southern side.A meatpacking plant once occupied the site. Workers there would discard meat cuttings into the ocean. The sharks would quickly gather and go into a feeding frenzy. To this day, dead animals are dumped into the waters at the shark site for the sake of tourism.
On 8-12 BETH spent 3 hours at a Police station answering questions about the encounter between her and Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE on 8-8. BETH has filed a counter-complaint against him.
On 8-12 ART WOOD stated to FOX News that there is a witness who has told Police that during the early morning dark hours of 5-30 the witness saw 3 vehicles in the area of the lighthouse in the same spot as where ART WOOD found the pants belt on 8-10.
From page 3 of the early November 2005 letter sent by NATALEE’s Loved Ones to ARUBAN law enforcement in which the family asked for specific persons to be replaced: “Art Wood states that Jacobs and Police Chief Dompig discarded potential evidence discovered near the lighthouse: belt and some plastic items. A shoulder bone with meat on it was found near the California lighthouse and discounted by Dennis Jacobs as a donkey bone. Art Wood contends that it is a human bone.”
On 8-12 ART WOOD stated that the leads he has talked to have indicated that Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT was involved in the disposal of NATALEE’s body, and, that there may be other conspirators “with sinister connections” who also may have helped.
On 8-12 ART WOOD stated the gardener witness (who he originally found) is still missing.
On 8-12 TITO LACLE reported to FOX News that the Police commissioner (E. SOEMERS ?) told him that new witness(es) came forward on 8-12, and other new witnesses have been coming forward. He told TITO LACLE, “We are at a crucial point in the investigation.”
On 8-12 TITO LACLE reported to FOX News that ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG told him that the Police have not been able to locate the gardener witness, but the search is not over.
On 8-12 TITO LACLE reported to FOX News that there is a rumor that at one time Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT was playing domino at a golf course then, suddenly, he started kicking cactii around.
On 8-12 TITO LACLE reported to FOX News that he was informed that NATALEE had a rental cellular phone while in ARUBA.
On 8-12 TITO LACLE reported to FOX News that STRATEN will be back in ARUBA around 8-18. He has a home in ARUBA and plans to live there in retirement. STRATEN does not believe that the Current Murder Suspects KALPOE’s are involved in NATALEE’s disappearance in any criminal way.
On 8-12 TITO LACLE reported to FOX News that DAVE HOLLOWAY has told him that on one of DAVE’s visits at the Police department, DAVE saw a torn-up statement.
On 8-12 TITO LACLE reported to FOX News that he placed a call to ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG a couple of weeks ago acting on a tip of a woman who TITO LACLE deems credible. TITO LACLE asked ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG to look into the surveillance tape of the inside exit of a casino (the “Excelsior” casino?) where the tipster might have bumped into NATALEE. The tipster said NATALEE had “fuzzy hair” and a crooked shirt. ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG told TITO LACLE he'd “look into it.”
GOLBA stated on 8-15 that on the night of 8-13 they asked ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN if she wanted to accompany the team in their searches near the lighthouse. She agreed and went with them. Upon digging a dead dog was un-earthed. ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN made the suggestion that the dead dog may be a decoy and the team should dig beneath the dog, which was done. Nothing was found beneath the dog when they dug all the way to the hard coral under the sand.
On 8-12 CNNHN reported:
NANCY GRACE, HOST: Tonight, breaking news in the case of missing American girl, 18-year-old Natalee Holloway, who disappeared the last night of her high school senior trip. The state's key witness, who blows the alibis of three chief suspects to bits, has been located.
But first tonight, live to Aruba for breaking news in the Natalee Holloway disappearance. It is day 75 -- 75. State's chief witness, a gardener, has been located. This is the man whose testimony cracks the case wide open and could land the Kalpoe brothers back behind bars with their buddy, judge's son Joran van der Sloot.With us tonight in Aruba, Natalee's mother, Beth Holloway-Twitty, Jossy Mansur, the managing director and editor of "Diario" newspaper. In Atlanta, defense attorney Renee Rockwell, defense attorney Penny Douglas Furr. In New York, forensic psychologist Dr. Michael Nuccitelli, and "A Current Affair" correspondent Harris Faulkner.Right now to Harris Faulkner. Harris, bring us up to date, friend.HARRIS FAULKNER, "A CURRENT AFFAIR": Well, we're talking about the gardener who we've been waiting to hear this testimony on the record about what he saw the night Natalee Holloway disappeared. And we learned recently that he had fled Aruba and gone back to his homeland in Colombia. So all hopes might have been dashed. But Nancy, now that they have tracked him down, we're going to look to see him give testimony on the record, hopefully, by as soon as on Monday. So that's the big news tonight.GRACE: I want to go to Jossy Mansur. He is the person who first located this gardener. Well, the news came to Jossy Mansur, and he took it straight to Police. Jossy Mansur, he is the managing director and editor of "Diario" newspaper there in Aruba. How can the guy not know that all over the world, we're looking for him? Where was he, in a cave?JOSSY MANSUR, MANAGING EDITOR, "DIARIO": I don't know, but he was keeping out of sight until Police located him, I understand, today at some time.GRACE: I want to go back to Harris Faulkner with "A Current Affair." Harris, tell me what happens now. Now that the gardener has been located, what's next? When will he come to court?FAULKNER: Well, you know, it's important, Nancy, first of all, for him to just tie the ribbon on this one. He's got to get on the record and go to court. We're hoping to see that early next week. What they were wanting and what the head prosecutor on the island of Aruba was hoping for was that he was going to come into court yesterday, on Thursday. Hopefully, that'll happen early next week.But in the meantime, just to get statement on record is important because what he says on the night that Natalee Holloway disappeared puts Joran van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers at the scene at 2:30 in the morning. Why is that important? Because that's the time that van der Sloot says he was back home with his parents. If, in fact, he was at the beach with these two other guys and Natalee was with them, that blows their story out of the water. So we just first have to see it on record.GRACE: Man, you're not kidding! Let's go to Natalee's mother. I understand we've now got you hooked up. Beth Holloway-Twitty is with us. Hi, Beth. What do you make...BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, NATALEE'S MOTHER: Hi, Nancy.GRACE: Welcome back, Beth. What do you make of the new news that the gardener has been found?BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: Well, you know, Nancy, I mean, that's huge news. And I've known as early as probably July the 10th that beach trip was falling all apart. I mean, holes have been made in that -- you know, that last scenario where Deepak and Satish say they last left and saw Natalee and Joran. I mean, holes have been made in that since as early as July the 10th -- even earlier than that, since July the 1st, right before Deepak and Satish Kalpoe were released.GRACE: Well, you know, another thing -- well, Beth, you told us day one that everybody's lying. They're all lying. Let's talk about Paulus van der Sloot for a moment, the judge, Joran van der Sloot's father. I understand that his story is changing, too. First he said he picked them all up at one time, now he's changed the time. That's very significant.BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: Oh -- oh, it's a very critical detail. And the night that we arrived on the island -- you know, Jug does not misinterpret a 4:00 AM time pickup to 11:00 PM. I mean, Paulus van der Sloot stated that he picked them up at 4:00 AM on May the 30th. Then -- we don't know who they were, but then even as far as June 16 and June 17, Mr. van der Sloot was still stating this 4:00 AM pickup. Only until around -- maybe it was when he was picked up or arrested did he change it to 11:00 PM that I had knowledge of. So there's another critical element that has been -- that he's lied about.GRACE: Well, you know -- with us is Natalee's mom, Beth Holloway-Twitty -- that is a huge time discrepancy. That's seven hours, 4:00 to 11:00. Long story short, when you have a judge changing his story on behalf of his son -- oh, there he goes! This is how I know him best, Beth. I don't know if you can the monitor or not, but that's the judge's backside. When a CNN correspondent was trying to get him to answer a question, he took off running.You know, seven hours is a big discrepancy, Beth Twitty. Another issue is why is the father, the judge, having to pick them up anyway? They had a car.BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: Well, I mean, that's a good question. And really, I want to make sure I get it straight, Nancy. Paulus van der Sloot was state -- had changed his time to 11:00 PM on the 29th. Originally, he had stated he picked them up at 4:00 AM on the 30th.GRACE: Gotcha.BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: He went from 4:00 AM on the 30th back to that, to 11:00 PM on the 29th.GRACE: Whoa! That's a huge time discrepancy!BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: Yes. I don't think we could have mixed up 4:00 AM and 11:00 PM.GRACE: No, I don't think so, either. Beth, I don't know if you've ever had to pick your daughter -- my parents never had to pick me up at 4:00 AM anywhere. But I think that they would remember it very well if they were out driving around trying to pick me up, as a 19-year-old.Very quickly, to Renee Rockwell, veteran trial lawyer. You know, Renee, it struck everyone as odd that the gardener disappeared. But Renee, let's get real. How many times have you, I and Penny -- you as a defense lawyer, me as a prosecutor -- been on the phone or even out driving around at 3:00 or 4:00 o'clock in the morning, trying to find a witness? It's amazing! When court time comes, people suddenly start disappearing. It's not that unusual.RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: It seems like there may be some foul play if he accidentally went out of the country. I understand that he went to Colombia to visit his family. And I also think that he might be illegal in Aruba. But Nancy, remember, the government has, what, 22 more days to put something together or he's out of there. They have to release van der Sloot.GRACE: Very quickly, back to Jossy Mansur, the managing director of "Diario" newspaper. What's the latest on the searches of the landfill and for this alleged missing shoe belonging to Joran van der Sloot?MANSUR: You know, the landfill, they had an unfortunate accident there. I don't know how it happened, but there was a fire there that interfered with the searches. It was going on as a small fire, but it handicapped it, impeded searching the way they used to search (INAUDIBLE). They're waiting until Monday to continue the search.There's another group here, I understand, from Florida. They have got two very excellent dogs, and they have been searching since last night. They've been searching over at a place very near the lighthouse, behind (ph) the lighthouse and...GRACE: You know -- hold on just a moment, Jossy. I'm having a hard time hearing you. I think it's your microphone. Let me go to Beth. Beth, you're right there with Jossy. Tell us what he said?BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: Oh, just recap what Jossy was saying?GRACE: Yes.BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: He was describing the search team that was out of Florida, and he felt like that they were doing a great job. They've been working since -- I guess as early -- they began, I guess, last night. And I really don't have too many details about that, not like -- not quite as well as what Mr. Mansur would have.GRACE: Take a listen to this, guys.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE'S FATHER: ... directly with Paul van der Sloot. And you know, I don't know whether I believe everything he said, but I did believe one thing, and that was that he would do everything he could to protect his son. And you know these daily visits that he has, you know, you know, as well as I do, he's going to be in there coaching and pumping his son, you know, just to keep on, keep on, and you'll eventually get out. Unless they isolate him and not allow him to have any visits with his parents, I just don't think we're going to get much more out of him.(END VIDEO CLIP)GRACE: I want to go to forensic psychologist Dr. Michael Nuccitelli. Dr. Nuccitelli, if the gardener comes in, as we predict he will, and gives a sworn statement, it blows the whole alibi straight out of the water!MICHAEL NUCCITELLI, FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGIST: Of course it does. I mean, here now you have an eyewitness. I mean, that is the one thing that we haven't had from the beginning. You know, just thinking about the case and looking at Ms. Holloway-Twitty, I -- one of the questions I'd like to ask her, just watching her there in Aruba -- how is she dealing with the frustration on a daily basis of all the inconsistency in working with the authorities? it's just amazing. I just can`t understand why this continues.GRACE: Beth, could you hear that?BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: Oh -- Oh, I could hear him. And, you know, it's the incredible amount of support that we're getting not only from everyone in the United States, but I mean, I'm sitting here next to a man, Jossy Mansur, who is just absolutely a hero to my -- in my eyes and to everyone watching. So I mean, it's people like this that we can get through this.GRACE: Well, rumors are flying. Reports are flying, everything from the search of the landfill to a white pick-up truck to a missing shoe. That is not at all uncommon in investigations where someone goes missing.Penny Douglas Furr, they can't afford to overlook a single clue, such as a missing shoe. I know it sounds simple. But what do you make of the gardener's re-emergence? Penny, do you think that will make Joran van der Sloot crack and tell the truth, now that he knows the gardener has been found?PENNY DOUGLAS FURR, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, I don't think anything will make him crack. I'm just -- I want to know how you could go for an innocent walk on the beach and you lose your belt and your shoe. I would be very anxious to hear his excuse for that because if you lose your shoe, you pick up your shoe. So how would he come home with one shoe? Something's not right about that.GRACE: Take a listen to this, Penny.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)DAVE HOLLOWAY: We've heard a lot of different rumors. I mean, when we got on the island, you know, we had a lot of information that, you know, she was here or there or whatever. And all those turned out to be false. But you know, we still hold onto the thread that maybe she's off somewhere. That's my hope. But the Police investigation has always come back and indicated that they're looking into this as a murder case. But as a father and parent, you still hold onto a possible miracle.(END VIDEO CLIP)GRACE: To "Current Affairs" Harris Faulkner. Harris, penny just mentioned a belt. Fill us in.FAULKNER: Yes, no, that belt was found near the lighthouse. And of course, we had heard in the first go-around of all the stories from these three suspects originally -- I should say Joran van der Sloot and then subsequently, the Kalpoe brothers -- that they were at one point near the lighthouse. That story has since changed.But you know, what I think is interesting, too, when you talk about getting Joran van der Sloot to talk -- I know the latest on the story today is talk about trying a new strategy on him. And I can tell you from sources that "A Current Affair" has inside the Police department, they've tried just about everything they can to get this kid to talk, Nancy. In fact, I had one cop tell me down on the island when I was there, Harris, he's either psychotic or he actually believes what he's saying.So I'd like to know what this new strategy is. They haven't talked about it in specifics today. That'll be the next thing that we'll watch for early next week.GRACE: Renee, we've seen this happen in court, all three of us, where a defendant or a suspect tells a story over and over and over. They make up a story, and then they start getting mad at you when you won't believe the story! It's almost as if they begin to believe it themselves.ROCKWELL: Well, as a defense attorney, my only advice to him would be to stop talking. Somebody needs to put a muzzle on this child. He's told too many stories. Don't forget, Nancy, we still don't know that this is a homicide. We don't have a body. We don't know that she's not in another country, God forbid. But all these stories are going to be what the government's going to use to build some type of a case because it is obviously going to be circumstantial. Don`t forget, when he gets out...GRACE: Oh, you know -- wait. Just drop that right there, the obviously circumstantial -- come on! A lot of murder cases -- a lot of murder cases -- are nothing but circumstantial. Don't say circumstantial evidence, like it's a dirty word!Hold on. I've got a surprise for you. Even after the Alabama legislature called for a boycott on travel to Aruba, catch this -- 535,000 American tourists annually to Aruba, 74 percent of all Aruba tourists are American. Nearly half a billion -- B as in brother -- billion dollars spent by Americans annually in Aruba!You know, it's amazing to me, Beth, that -- what Elizabeth (ph)? The boy -- yes, that is true. The boycott was canceled after the Alabama legislature called for it because Jug Twitty, Beth's husband, asked them not to do that. The family, America, Natalee Holloway, needs the cooperation of the Aruban government.It's amazing to me, Beth, that, apparently, the focus on the search for Natalee has only increased tourism. Beth?BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: Well, I think it's brought a lot of people here to the island that -- you know, a lot of people -- they only -- they want to help. And you know, if anything, it's probably created an awareness of where Aruba is and certainly has not affected tourism, to my knowledge, so...GRACE: Well, I'm happy to say that I am not going to Aruba. I'm going for Florida when I go on my vacation, right down on the panhandle.Everybody, we'll all be right back. We are live in Aruba. Joining us tonight, Natalee Holloway's mother, Beth Twitty. Stay with us.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)GEORGE "JUG" TWITTY, NATALEE'S STEPFATHER: I think the world knows that all of them know more than they're saying, and that's why this case is where it is today. Everybody is concerned that, you know, why are they not getting the answers? Those boys have the answers. You know, they know what they did with Natalee.(END VIDEO CLIP)(COMMERCIAL BREAK)(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: We're just -- just desperate for answers. I feel as if -- you know, we have this reward money and -- you know, ready to be utilized, the $250,000 for her whereabouts, $1 million for her safe return. I can just only hope that -- I'm trying to reach everyone, and I felt Deepak would be a great person for me to make contact with.(END VIDEO CLIP)GRACE: One million dollar reward for Natalee's safe return, $250,000 reward for information on her whereabouts. Tipline, toll-free, 877-628- 2533.Welcome back, everybody. Joining us from Aruba, Natalee's mother, Beth Holloway-Twitty. Also with us, the managing director of "Diario" newspaper Jossy Mansur. Jossy, let me ask you -- let me see if we've got your mike fixed now. Jossy, you printed a statement that you say came from Joran van der Sloot in your newspaper. What did the statement say?MANSUR: Well, you know, it's a statement that's been around for quite some time. It's the same statement where Joran thinks that the Deepak raped and murdered this girl on the beach. I mean, this has been around, but we put it in today because Deepak's lawyer had some questions about it in some other papers, and we had to answer him and put it in front of his face so he could see very clearly that it is a legitimate Police document.GRACE: You know, Renee, I see that as a huge tactical error on the side of the defense. You know what Oscar Wilde said? Be careful what you ask, for you will surely get it. The defense lawyer came on the air and said this statement didn't exist, tried to couch it in a different way. So what did Jossy Mansur do? Printed the darn thing in the newspaper. And it is exactly as he told us. The Kalpoe brother said -- excuse me -- Joran van der Sloot said Deepak Kalpoe raped and murdered Natalee Holloway. So now, there goes the jury pool. The whole island has read it in "Diario."ROCKWELL: But Nancy, that does not a murder/rape make. You'll agree with me. And don't forget, in Aruba, they don't have deals where you can give a lighter sentence to one of the three co-defendants. Let's just say, for example, all three get arrested for this crime. They don't have situations where you're lenient on one if he testified against the other two.GRACE: That's right. That's right. It's my understanding, Jossy Mansur, that you can't cut a deal with one defendant in order to get them to give truthful testimony on a co-defendant. Is that correct, Jossy?MANSUR: That is correct. You can't make deals whatsoever here. I think that the Dutch justice system doesn't allow that, allow making deals, plea bargaining and all of that. We don't know of that in our laws.GRACE: And to Beth -- Beth Twitty actually confronted a Kalpoe brother in the Internet cafe. I think we have video of that, Elizabeth, if we can pull that up. Great. Beth Twitty, when you hear about the three of them splitting up their stories, starting to turn on each other, in my mind, that will be the key to solving the mystery of Natalee's disappearance, within these three young men.BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: Oh, absolutely. And you know, Nancy, the first time that I began to realize there was a possibility that Natalee may not be alive was on June 10. And I think that's when the boys began, as they called, the finger-pointing. And you know, that's -- that's a sure sign that they all have been involved in this, to me, you know? And that's just my -- of course, that's my opinion. But certainly, it's not good, and it's certainly showing that all three had involvement. If they're pointing the finger at each other, then they all know about it.GRACE: And you know, though, Beth, you were saying that at the get- go, when you were telling us before it became public about how they were changing their story, and now even the father, the judge, Paulus van der Sloot, changing his story, changing the timeline. Right then, that's a tip-off that they are lying. And why lie if there is nothing to lie about?With us tonight is Natalee's mother, Beth Twitty. Also with us, the managing director of "Diario" newspaper there in Aruba, Harris Faulkner with "A Current Affair." We were just showing you video that was obtained through NBC, when Beth Twitty actually went and confronted one of the Kalpoe brothers in the Internet cafe.Everybody, we are taking a quick break. All right, Elizabeth, you want to put up the "Trial Tracking" so we can tell the viewers about a murder mystery on the high seas. It begins to thicken. Twenty-six-year- old George Smith vanished from his honeymoon cruise off the coast of Turkey. Blood covered the ship's balcony, but for 39 days, no sign of this newlywed. Now reports that Smith was bragging about up to $50,000 stashed in his stateroom.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)KEVIN O'CONNOR, U.S. ATTORNEY: This is not going to be an easy investigation. You've got, essentially, a moving crime scene, if you will. You've got a passenger ship of people from all over the world who have dispersed, and it's going to take some time to piece together, I think, exactly what happened that night.(END VIDEO CLIP)(COMMERCIAL BREAK)GRACE: One million dollar reward for Natalee's safe return, $250,000 for info on her whereabouts.Very quickly, to Harris Faulkner. Harris, what can you tell us about a new search team on the island?FAULKNER: Well, these guys are impressive. Fred Golba (ph) and Jim Knox (ph) are best known for their searches at the World Trade Center. In fact, they helped locate 44 bodies there. They're on the island. They're there with two of their very best search dogs. And Nancy, what they're hoping is to search at night many of the areas near the Marriott, the lighthouse, some of the areas where we know -- at least, it's been talked about where Natalee Holloway was. This in a direct response from Natalee Holloway's uncle.GRACE: We'll all be right back. Stay with us.(COMMERCIAL BREAK)THOMAS ROBERTS, CNN HEADLINE NEWS ANCHOR: Hi, everybody. I'm Thomas Roberts. And this is your "Headline Prime Newsbreak." Convoy attacks on U.S. soldiers have doubled in the past year. One U.S. general says convoys carrying fuel, food and supplies face about 30 attacks a week, often involving improvised explosive devices. And today, a U.S. soldier assigned to Task Force Liberty was killed in a roadside attack when a bomb exploded near Tikrit. Tropical storm Irene continues to gain strength and forecasters say it could become a hurricane tonight. Irene now has maximum winds of about 65 miles per hour. That's just short of hurricane status. The storm could hit the east coast anywhere from North Carolina to Massachusetts. Three people were injured today when a large tree limb collapsed into the crowd at a PGA championship in Springfield, New Jersey. The spectators had gathered at the fourth hole to watch Tiger Woods. They're not your ordinary big-wave surfers. Take a look. But they're not bad, for mice. These pint-sized Australian dynamos reportedly practiced in the bathtub to prepare. Their coach says it's been his dream since childhood to teach mice to do water sports. Congratulations.That's the news for now. I'm Thomas Roberts. Back to NANCY GRACE.GRACE: Welcome back, everybody. I'm Nancy Grace. We are live in Aruba. And the mystery of a missing 18-year-old American girl, not only an honor student but a beauty on the inside and outside, Natalee Holloway. Let me go straight back down to Aruba and Jossy Mansur, the managing director and editor of "Diario" newspaper. Jossy, I understand they're now going to start new techniques in interrogating Joran van der Sloot, the state's chief suspect. What new technique would that be, Jossy? JOSSY MANSUR, EDITOR, "DIARIO": You know, I have no idea. I heard about it today. I can't even imagine what it could be. GRACE: Harris Faulkner with "A Current Affair," have you heard what the new technique is? HARRIS FAULKNER, "A CURRENT AFFAIR" CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know, one thing that I have heard all along from sources in the FBI, Nancy, is that they have gotten some suggestions and help from our American interrogators, the people who are the very best at doing this. So I know that they've already been employing some of those techniques. But, you know, I have read just recently that they were going to allow Joran van der Sloot to forego questioning this weekend and allow his parents to visit with him. I don't know. Maybe it's a thing with good cop, bad cop at this point. But what we know for sure is they've got to get on the stick. That early September date is facing them now as hard as ever. That is hard date, because he will have been held for 60 days in this final round of detention before they have to decide, can they hold him longer?They'll have to charge him. And they need some evidence. They need something strong in this case. I can tell you this, though. From talking with the deputy Police chief, Gerald Dompig, just recently, I said to him, "If and when you get this gardener's statement finally, wherever he is, Colombia, if he comes back to Aruba, wherever you get his statement, when you get it on record, are you going to re-arrest the Kalpoe brothers?" Deputy Police chief said to me, "Harris, it's going to be very difficult for me to keep those boys out of jail, but I won't give you a date." GRACE: Beth, do you think Joran -- you know so much more than we do. Do you think Joran van der Sloot will walk September 4? BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, MOTHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: Oh, Nancy, I can't even go there in thought. I just can't. I can't do it. And I'm just not going to right now. GRACE: You know what? Yes, we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Beth, Jossy, thank you, friends. We are switching gears everyone.
On 8-12 “” reported:
Natalee Holloway: A Wake-Up Call to Parents to Protect Children
How the plight of this 18-year old has changed the way parents feel about the safety of their children, and what they are doing to protect them.
(PRWeb) August 12, 2005 -- The search for Natalee Holloway has entered its third month and officials seem no closer to cracking the case than they were three months ago. In an interview with The Associated Press on Monday, Beth Holloway Twitty criticized the direction of her daughter’s investigation, stating "I still don't feel like this investigation is heading in the right direction."
For those not familiar with Natalee’s disappearance, she is an 18-year-old girl who embarked on a post-graduation trip - a celebration vacation that many students engage in upon the completion of high school - traveling with friends to the Caribbean island of Aruba. She checked into the Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort, and was last seen on May 30, 2005, leaving Carlos 'n Charlie's, a highly popular tourist nightspot know for wild partying, heavy drinking, and sexual antics. She drove off with three young men, all Aruba locals, who initially reported that they dropped her off at her hotel, but have since changed their descriptions of that evening’s events.As parents follow this story, concern for the safety of their children has resulted in the surfacing of a new trend that is increasing in popularity – life insurance for children and teens. Though not a subject that parents want to equate with their child, the issuance of life insurance policies for college-aged children has increased as recent events remind us of the risks our children face.Complete Life Quote, Inc.,,/ is a national Internet life insurance company that has been servicing the life insurance industry since 1915. Their family-owned and operated business of three generations has noticed an increase in the issuance of life insurance policies for children.According to their president, Guy Cardinale, “Parents have recently become much more interested in life insurance for their children as well as for themselves, and are buying policies for children at much younger ages. With the end of summer approaching, life insurance for college-bound children has become a major consideration.”David Strickler of Minister, Ohio, recently purchased a $150,000 life insurance policy to protect himself financially in the event that his college-bound son, Alexander, should meet with foul play. He told Complete Life Quote, “With the way things are in society these days - with alcohol, drugs, etc., and with what has happened to other children like Natalee Halloway, I made the decision to ensure that, if something happens to Alexander, the expenses for his tuition and burial will be taken care of. The reality is that you really never know what is going to happen.”And though no one is exactly sure what happened to Natalee, message boards throughout the Internet, including, consider her disappearance to be an incident of date rape, possibly combined with the use of alcohol and what are commonly referred to as “date rape” drugs.Date rape and binge drinking are major concerns for parents with children entering college. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Task Force on College Drinking, reports that drinking by college students between the ages 18 to 24 contributes to an estimated 70,000 cases of sexual assaults or date rapes, 1,400 deaths, and 500,000 injuries each year. For more information about this study, visit of the most widely used date rape drugs is Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol), and its victims are generally young women between the ages of 17 - 23. These drugs typically come in pill form, and when slipped into a drink leave no detectable taste, color or odor, and take effect in 15 minutes to one hour. Effects can last up to eight hours, and include visual disturbance, drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, motion difficulty, and amnesia, which can last up to eight hours.Knowing how to identify these effects are crucial, and as frightening as date rape is, there are ways to protect yourself. Drink testing kits are available at various websites, and safety tips include never leaving your drink unattended, never accepting drinks you did not see prepared, keeping a protective hand over your cup, and seeking help if you become severely intoxicated after only one or two drinks.With binge drinking and date rape concerns, quality of education is commonly combined with social aspects such as the ratio of males to females (or females to males), the nightlife, and the party scene, when deciding what college to attend. A poll recently conducted by Playboy lists the top 5 U.S. party schools as:1) Arizona State University2) California State - Chico3) Rollins4) Louisiana State5) West VirginiaThe recent draining of a pond in Aruba and the prior scouring of their local garbage dump in an attempt to find answers to Natalee’s disappearance are grim reminders to all parents that the risk of loosing a child exists. Once in college, not much can be done to protect them, and unfortunately, what happens is often out of a their control, and in the control of intoxicating substances or date rape drugs.We found two very informative websites with information about date rape,, and Both provide advice and tips on what to do to protect yourself or your child.More information about Complete Life Quote, Inc., and about life insurance in general is available on their web site,,/ or by calling 1-800-293-4859.
On 8-12 Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT was not interrogated by the DUTCH interrogators specialists that have been, supposedly, working with the ARUBAN Police
If the ARUBAAN's already had a backhoe available at the dump that DAVE HOLLOWAY and MEL saw on 9-20-05 digging, why was it never used to help during the searches there?
On 8-13 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated that she was thrilled to learn that yellow ribbons were being hung at the University of Alabama campus for NATALEE. NATALEE was scheduled to start her college career this week.
On 8-13 Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT was not interrogated by the DUTCH interrogators specialists that have, supposedly, been working with the ARUBAN Police.
On 8-13 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA NBC TV channel 13 reported:
Natalee Holloway's Mother Speaks To NBC13
Private Investigator Finds Belt Near Lighthouse
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Natalee Holloway's mother spoke to NBC13 Friday, as a new search started on the island of Aruba.
A group from the United States is using dogs that work best at night.
The group is searching the area near the lighthouse where Natalee may have been the night she disappeared.
Natalee's mother, Beth Holloway-Twitty, spoke to NBC13 by phone Friday night. She said her daily effort is to keep Natalee's story alive. She said support from the U.S. is what gives her strength.
"The only thing that keeps me sane are the people from the states. They're incredible from all over," said Twitty.
As for the investigation, a private Investigator turned up a belt near the lighthouse. It may look like the one Joran van der Sloot was wearing in a picture near the lighthouse.
Twitty said she appreciates every clue but knows specifically what she wants.
"Some information from Joran and Deepak and Satish ... not only that, I'd like to see them questioned again, but re-arrested and interrogated, but with a different approach," Twitty said.
Twitty was thrilled to learn yellow ribbons were being hung at the University of Alabama campus for Natalee.
Natalee was set to start classes on a full scholarship this month.
"I had heard that they had put yellow ribbons on the sorority dorms. I didn't know they'd put them elsewhere. That is incredible," Twitty said.
Twitty is waiting for Sept. 4, when suspect Joran van der Sloot will be in court.
A judge will decide then if there is enough evidence to keep him in jail.
Natalee has been missing since May 30.
From page 3 of the early November 2005 letter sent by NATALEE’s Loved Ones to ARUBAN law enforcement in which the family asked for specific persons to be replaced: “Art Wood states that Jacobs and Police Chief Dompig discarded potential evidence discovered near the lighthouse: belt and some plastic items. A shoulder bone with meat on it was found near the California lighthouse and discounted by Dennis Jacobs as a donkey bone. Art Wood contends that it is a human bone.”
If the ARUBAAN's already had a backhoe available at the dump that DAVE HOLLOWAY and MEL saw on 9-20-05 digging, why was it never used to help during the searches there?
On 8-14 GOLBA stated he is getting 110% cooperation from the ARUBA authorities, but when he went to the landfill today he was not allowed inside, so he searched some areas around its outside perimeter. GOLBA also said he was told a rumor that NATALEE is buried in a chemical waste treatment plant.
On 8-14 TITO LACLE reported to FOX News that the ARUBAN Police believe that the gardener witness is still on the island.
On 8-14 JUG TWITTY arrived back in ARUBA. JUG TWITTY stated it appears that this is the first time in a long time that the ARUBAN Police are actually helping any search team.
On 8-14 AMERICAN homicide detective MARK FUHRMAN stated to FOX News that either the authorities do not believe Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s 6-10 declaration-confession, and/or the authorities are “just not acting on it.”
On 8-14 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated that on 6-10 and into 6-11 they were receiving reports that one of the Murder Suspects in custody had murdered NATALEE, and it was from 6-10 on that the family only started thinking that NATALEE may have been murdered.
On 8-14 Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT was not interrogated by the DUTCH interrogators specialists that have, supposedly, been working with the ARUBAN Police
On 8-14 the following posts were made to the “Riehl World View” section discussing NATALEE HOLLOWAY (“Mel“ is supposedly MELODY GRANADILLO, supposedly, one of Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ‘s ex-girlfriends who is still his friend):
Jane, when I spoke on the phone with Mel she told me of someone who crashed at Joran's that night who is his best friend. Also that the next day Joran called him from the raquet club when he first learned of Natalee's disappearance. Posted by: Dan Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 04:11 AM whoo ... i'm really tired now... but lastly - the friend slept over at his house but wasn't out with him, therefor he has no alibi as to his where abouts before he got home. and i don't know, his friend told me he called him the next day all shocked, that he had something ot tell him, and he told him that the girl went missing. ... that must be before natalee's parents came to him.. and being scared and preparing a story stand logically with pretending to not know she was missing when approached by the parents, makes your story more believable right? Posted by: Melody Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 04:26 AM Dan, So let me get this straight...Melody is saying that the first JvdS and his (sleepover) friend heard about NH's disappearance was the afternoon of the 30th (at least 8-10 hours before BHT showed up at the vdS doorstep)? Who told them at that time? Then, is that how they had their "stories" prepared when BHT showed up? They'd had the prior warning (that afternoon)?...(then acted surprised by the news when BHT came to their house?) Something doesn't smell right... And another thing...Who WAS/IS this guy who slept over? Posted by: cocomo Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 05:02 AM
If the ARUBAAN's already had a backhoe available at the dump that DAVE HOLLOWAY and MEL saw on 9-20-05 digging, why was it never used to help during the searches there?
On 8-15 CARLOS A. RAMOS stated to the ARUBAN judge:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to the “Scared Monkeys blog" and “Debbie”)
Witness during judicial preliminary analysis - INCL/J. van der Sloot: D. Kalpoe and S. KalpoeFROM THE FIRST COURT OF ARUBAPresent, August 15, 2005 Mr. J.S. Kuiperdal appeared for the judge-commissar, assisted by the clerk m.w. R.I. Koolman.Last Name: PENATA RAMOSFirst Name: Carlos AlbertoAge: 26 yearsLiving at: Aruba - L.G. Smith boulevard XXXas witness for being heard in the matter, of which him will be given knowledge. The judge-commissar acknowledges Ms J. Driessen as an interpreter.Additionally, is present:the officer of justice Mr. K.P.J. Janssenthe lawyers mrs. A. Carlo and Bie, counsel of suspect J. van der Sloot:the lawyers mrs. R. Ooomen and R. Offringa, counsel of suspect D. Kalpoethe lawyer Mr. E. Zeppenfeldt, counsel of suspect S. Kalpoe, suspect J. van der Sloot, D. Kalpoe and S. Kalpoe.The witness explains he is not related to the suspects and he has not been employed by them.. The witness will tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth and subsequently gave the oath in accordance with the statute book of sentence progress of Aruba.On questions of the judge-commissar, the witness explains as follows:I do not know Joran van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe.1. Can you remind yourself the declaration, which you have taken off 22 July 2005 on around 19.25 compared with the Police force? Yes2. Have you then spoken the truth? I have explained what I have seen.3. The witness is asked to make a situation drawing (make production 1). The witness gives to where the car of suspect stood and the route he took.4. Did you see the face of the driver when you went past? Yes.5. Did you recognize him with a photograph confrontation? Yes, on the day that I gave a declaration at the Police force they left me a photograph see from an illustrated magazine. That is the only photograph that they showed me.6. Did you recognize the faces of the other persons in the car? Yes, the face of the person who sat beside the driver. When I came past I saw, in the light of my car, that the person beside the driver had his head and face covered with his hands. I have recognized that person from his illustration (photo). You ask me how I recognized the driver who sat beside the man who screened its face? I have seen him in the light of my "in the light of" (van). He moved himself a bit to the back.7. You have also recognized Deepak Kalpoe? yes, on the same photograph which the Police force showed me.The witness is shown 3 photos (productions no 2., 3, and 4).He is asked to designate the persons, who are involved in this matter.Production no.2 on this wise the witness photograph no 6 to, the driver of the car.Production no.3. The witness designates to photograph no 6 and tells that this person in the back of seat. After the witness shows no doubt left that this is the person in the seat.Production no.4. The witness recognizes nobody from the photograph. On the questions of Mr. De Bie, Council man of the suspect J. van der Sloot, the witness answers as follows:I looked and saw that on my watch it was at 02:30. For 03.00 I was at my work. I’m not sure exactly how precise it is. When I encountered the car in question, it was on that dirt road. I had slowed down to drive past there. The lights of my car "from" shining on that car. The person beside the driver, kept its hand for its head and face. I saw that the driver slid a bit to the back. You asks me how I interrogate myself on this have prepared. I have been nervous. I have "stress" of the matter. This is the first time that something like this has happened to me. I was on holiday. You ask me why I did not appear the previous time. There are persons, who put pressure on me to talk. I have discussed the matter with my boss. I had discussed my holiday and knew of the rebellion. I have been placed under pressure by someone from Bubali, two inspectors and another man. They wanted that I come and give a statement. The second time I wasn’t here. When I drove along the car, it was dark that evening. By the lights of my "of" the car it was entirely lighted. The lights did not reflect in the car. You ask me why I have waited with giving my statement. Two guards have been apprehended firstly, who were innocent. The person who worked on the tattoo also knew of nothing. Days after the photograph appeared in Diario, I told some of it to my boss.Because of the attention that the matter got, my boss said that I should wait as I have almost lost my job.D. Kalpoe suspect on the questions of Mr. R. Oomen, Council man of, asked the witness as follows:I look after the maintenance to the house, the hunting and ranch of Eric Mansur. I do this already 6 years. I deserve the minimum wage of afl. 1.250. live = I reside at L.G. Smith boulevard xxxxxx. The house is of Eric Mansur. In the time then the Police force looked for me I was fishing. I was with my boss. There were also still 5 others with us. We have fished in Bonaire and Curacao. Up to and including yesterday I was on the boat. By having to come here my holiday has been spoiled. You ask me if I knew that the Police force wanted me. After I returned I learned they wanted me. It was Saturday and a week had passed. I had left around August 6th. Nobody had told me that I had come as a witness. YOU ask me how long for my departure I was called. I think that was Thursday. The first questions took place in Bubali. Present was one Luis and 2 Police constables. The nightwhen I saw the car, it was very dark. You indicate to me that I have not come because I was frightened of the FBI and the DEA. Not for them but because of the publicity. I do not want for the TV to appear. You ask me if I would rather come into contact with the Police force. No, I have, however, experienced something small on the street. With Eric and Carlo in my declaration I mean Eric Mansur and Carlo Mansur. You ask me with which they me has persuaded to give a statement. I it was approached by the son of Carlo. There was also a family member of the little girl at. They said that the detective talked with me savage. I have given a statement and have signed. You ask me or that Americans were. No, the inspector of Diario was.You ask me who called me. That was Eduardo Mansur, family of my boss. I have heard that it the son of Jossy Mansur. I do not know him.On the questions of the public prosecutor the witness answers as next:I have seen the car in the morning of 30 May of Sunday on Monday. I went to Lorena on Monday night, then I went to work, told that I saw a car standing along the way when I drove along there. I cannot remember on which day I saw the photograph of the persons in the newspaper. The photograph, which the Police force showed me, is the same photograph as the photograph that appeared in the Diario. You ask me how can I know or recognize the persons from the photograph in the newspaper or that I had seen that night. The first time then I saw the photograph in the Diario I had been astonished and I said that to colleagues. You represent me that I have explained that I have recognized the persons from their construction and mail hour. You ask me if I could see from my position in the car. My position was a bit is higher, in the turning I had drive concerning a sand hill as a result of which my position was a bit slanted. As a result, I could look at in the car. I have recognized the car from the rims. Also to the color and the transparent squares. You ask me if I can designate the persons, which sat in the car. Yes.Observation: the indication of these persons in the Council chamber does not take place. The councel Oomen and Zeppenfeldt make to objection against this since three the some in the Council chamber are which qualify to are designated, suspect.On closer questions of Mr. De Bie, the witness answers as follows: I have not heard from Eric Mansur nor from anyone else anything concerning the father of Joran van der Sloot.On closer questions of Mr. Oomen, the witness answers: The Police force has shown only a gray car to me.Read persisted in Spanish, and signed.CARLOS PENATA RAMOSThe public prosecutor requests once again the suspect designate persons. That request is rejected.The lawyer Mr. E. Zeppenfeldt, Council man of suspected S. Kalpoe was asked if he had any questions for the witness. He had no questions.Murder Suspected of Joran van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe was asked if he had any questions for the witness. He had no questions.From what made up this proces-verbaal, which has been determined by the judge-commissar and clerk and has been signed,R. KOOLMAN J.S. KUIPERDAL
On 8-15 the DUTCH judge ruled on the defense lawyers appeal that the UNITED STATES F.B.I will continue to be given complete access to all of the ARUBA Investigators case files. The judge also ruled on the defense lawyers appeal that the DUTCH interrogators-specialists and ARUBAN Police Interrogators can continue to interrogate Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT. On 8-15 the gardener witness gave sworn testimony to the DUTCH judge about seeing Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , and Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE together on May 30, 2005 at 2:30 AM parked on a dirt road between the “Aruba Racquet Club” and the “Marriott Hotel” beach. The gardener witness was allowed to be questioned by both the prosecutors and defense attorneys for Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT. The gardener has agreed to remain in ARUBA, and authorities said he is not under custody. During the gardener’s testimony Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , and Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE were all present inside the courtroom. TITO LACLE reported to FOX News that after the 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM courtroom session that the 3 Murder Suspect’s lawyers “were all furious.”
On 8-15 Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE's lawyer, OOMER said after the court hearing where he was able to ask the gardener witness questions, "We are very satisfied with the interrogations. The judge gave us the opportunity to ask the questions we wanted." OOMER declined to comment further. On 8-15 chief Prosecutor ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN declined to comment upon leaving court.
On 8-15 the DUTCH judge struck down an appeal by defense lawyers to prohibit Aruban authorities from sharing information with the F.B.I. about Holloway's case, said Attorney General spokeswoman Mariaine Croes.
On September 9, 2005 NATALEE’s Grandmother stated:
'GIVE US OUR ANSWERS:' GRANDMOTHER VISITS ISLAND WHERE NATALEE DISAPPEAREDBy Judy Normand/OF THE COMMERCIAL STAFFFriday, September 9, 2005 8:56 AM CDTOn Aug. 15, the morning after their arrival in Aruba, Ann Reynolds of Pine Bluff and her niece, Kay Fisher of Little Rock, began trying to shake off the jet lag by taking a walk on the beach."It's such a beautiful place to be hiding such a terrible secret," they say and are begging the Dutch government to "just give us our answers, and we'll leave your island."The island, as described by Reynolds and Fisher, is "a poor and dirty place" -- something a television camera does not reflect, they said.Reynolds sat in the living room of her home at Pine Bluff recently, remembering her trip to Aruba. She was surrounded by images of her family that included dozens of snapshots and portraits of her granddaughter, Natalee Holloway, the missing Alabama teen who disappeared three months ago while on a graduation trip to the island."When we arrived," Reynolds said, "I saw a lot of young people leaving on another plane and I just thought, 'Maybe they'll get away safely.' I thought about Natalee getting off the plane in Aruba and not getting back on."Reynolds and her niece finally made the long trip to the tropical island on Aug. 14. They waited, she said, because that's when "Beth had the time for us."She spoke of Beth Reynolds Twitty, her daughter and Natalee's mother, whose dogged determination to find answers to questions about her daughter's disappearance has been met with sadness, frustration and, finally, anger.Two suspects -- Satish and Deepak Kalpoe -- thought to have had something to do with Natalee's disappearance, were taken into custody for the second time and released again after her visit, Reynolds said. The chief suspect, Joran van der Sloot, has now been set free. This situation, Reynolds said, has devastated her family."The Dutch government thinks they can do anything since the release of those boys and since that terrible tragedy with the hurricane. They think they can get her (Beth) off the island now," Reynolds said. "They're wrong."During their three days in Aruba, Reynolds and Fisher were given a tour, accompanied by Twitty, to places they'd only viewed through a television screen for the past three months -- the van der Sloot home, the lighthouse, the fishing huts, the sand dunes -- all the places identified as possible locations where Natalee was last seen. They also visited the police station and the jail where van der Sloot was then incarcerated."It put reality to these places, but it also hurt," Reynolds said, adding that Twitty was extremely busy all day, carrying two phones and "usually on one of them," attending meetings and taping television news interviews -- anything she needs to do to find her daughter. Reynolds indicated that Twitty had, out of necessity, become extremely organized in what she called a state of "bedlam.""When we arrived at the Wyndham, Beth said, 'Mom, you get to iron; Kay, you get to read mail,'" Reynolds said. "I hardly saw Beth the first day and, with all the phone calls and other things going on, you can hardly get a meal, but, in this world where we see so much hatred, the letters are uplifting. The letters are incredible and the amount is amazing. To have so many people praying for us, praying for Natalee, will just bring tears to your eyes."As strong as she seems, Reynolds said, her daughter stated emphatically that she was not OK."I asked her, and she said, 'Of course I'm not OK. I'm in terrible shape. I'm just so mad.' It's just been a nightmare -- up and down, up and down. But, Beth is not afraid, and she's working to have a boycott of Aruba. She just wants them to give her Natalee, alive or dead, and she'll leave and never say another word about Aruba and will never want another camera in her face."Reynolds said she attended Natalee's graduation in Mountain Brook, Ala., shortly before the fateful trip to Aruba."I watched her walk across that stage in those high heels, so strong and confident. And before she left, she'd already written and mailed most of her thank-you notes for her graduation gifts. I just don't know. When I go to church now, I sit near a doorway because a lot of times, because of the music that reminds me of Natalee, I can't sit there. I have to get up and leave. It's just so sad."
On 8-15 ART WOOD stated to MSNBC that there is not only a break, but the landfill search is being suspended at this time; no money or resources to continue.
On 8-15 TITO LACLE reported to FOX News that more witnesses are coming forward.
On 8-15 it is reported that the still interconnected human bones of a woman’s forearm an$ hand has been found washed-up on the VENEZUELA Las Piedras beach, near the town Punto Fijo (the southwest side of the VENEZELA peninsula nearest to the west coast of ARUBA, about 18 miles away). The bone will be sent to the VENEZUELA “Technical Police” in Caracas according to JOSSY MANSUR on 8-17. His newspaper has obtained a photo of the forearm/hand bones that appeared in the VENEZUELAN newspaper “Neuvo Dia” on 8-11. (In DAVE HOLLOWAY’s April 2006 published book, “Aruba,“ he wrote that he was told the arm/hand was a “Halloween prop”)
On 8-15 CHRISTENE HOLLOWAY stated of NATALEE to MSNBC, “Well, she was always special. She had that quick grin, just like her dad. She looks a lot like her dad. And she‘s always been quiet. She‘s—she was just a fantastic granddaughter.” Of her son DAVE she said, “I know he‘s hurting. It‘s been hard on all of us.” Of her family she said, “we‘re not going to give up until we find her. And we pray every day. We pray every day for Natalee‘s return or, you know, something to come up, to lead us to Natalee. And we are. We all—have a strong faith in God.”
On 8-15 GOLBA and KNOX stated that on 8-15 KNOX obtained permission from the government to have 24 hours, 7 days a week access to the government-owned landfill without needing a government issued permit. When GOLBA and KNOX went to the landfill on 8-15 after obtaining the 24/7 permission, they saw that bulldozers were already in the act of covering up the hole that had been dugout and searched the previous 3 weeks looking for NATALEE. GOLBA stated on 8-15 that on the night of 8-13 they asked ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN if she wanted to accompany the team in their searches near the lighthouse. She agreed and went with them. Upon digging a dead dog was un-earthed. ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN made the suggestion that the dead dog may be a decoy and the team should dig beneath the dog, which was done. Nothing was found beneath the dog when they dug all the way to the hard coral under the sand. GOLBA also said they searched near the pond near the “Marriott Hotel”/”Aruba Racquet Club,” and they also searched in a chemical sewage treatment facility. GOLBA stated they were returning the night of 8-15 to search the lighthouse area.
On 8-15 “Riehl World View” reported he is in contact with a Mountain Brook high school student‘s mother who says her son claims he was the last to speak with NATALEE before she left “Carlos 'N Charlie's.”
“Riehl World View” wrote, “…the Mother of a Mountain Brook student on the trip who has tried twice to contact the same show with no response at all.
Some excerpts of a communication she has sent to Fox twice failing to gain any response are below.
Title: A Frustrated Mountain Brook Parent
My child is reportedly the last to have spoken to Natalee -----------------He reports something very different about Natalee's departure from "Carlos 'N Charlie's"'s. I am so frustrated. It is baffling as to why what he remembers is yet to be reported.
Perhaps you can share with me something that will dispel my frustration. The F.B.I. is aware of what I would like to share with you. Both my son and I have spoken with them multiple times.
Greta - would it be possible to speak with you via phone or email? You receive hundreds of emails per day - more than likely, someone other than yourself reviews the content and verifies those messages that appear interesting. Perhaps the following information will assist Fox to verify my credibility: Please check with Jesse Waters, of the O'Reilly Factor. My son and I both have spoken with him.
Although I might not have the information that will solve the case, my son reports something completely different.”
On 8-15 experienced F.B.I. criminal profiler CLINT VAN ZANDT stated, “this case is not going to be solved in Aruba. Bottom line is—it‘s my opinion, Dan that Joran van der Sloot is—he‘s a sexual predator. I think this guy didn‘t fall off the turnip truck. I think he‘s done this before. I think he‘s done it to Americans before who‘s been visiting here and what it‘s going to take, Dan, to break this case is other victims in the United States to say, I know I‘m embarrassed, I know I‘m ashamed, but I‘m not going to let this guy walk. That is what is needed for people to raise their hand and say, if they have been victimized, come forward and say it and give this judge reason to hold this guy. Otherwise, he‘s going to walk.” (VAN ZANDT arrived in ARUBA circa 8-13)
On 8-15 CNN reported that two weeks ago, Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT was involved in a 2-person prison fight.”
On 8-15 it is reported that the still interconnected human bones of a woman’s forearm and hand has been found washed-up on the VENEZUELA Las Piedras beach, near the town Punto Fijo (the southwest side of the VENEZELA peninsula nearest to the west coast of ARUBA, about 18 miles away). The bone will be sent to the VENEZUELA “Technical Police” in Caracas according to JOSSY MANSUR on 8-17. His newspaper has obtained a photo of the forearm/hand bones that appeared in the VENEZUELAN newspaper “Neuvo Dia” on 8-11. (In DAVE HOLLOWAY’s April 2006 published book, “Aruba,“ he wrote that he was told the arm/hand was a “Halloween prop”)
FOX News GRETA VAN SUSTEREN reported, “on Monday (8-15), I spoke to an American woman (probably CATHY CADMUS) whose family knows the van der Sloot family very well. The woman and her family spent Easter at the van der Sloot family home and have many pictures of the family. She told me, among other things, that Paul van der Sloot perspires profusely all the time. Her husband in the background confirmed this. This is significant since I had reported that when I met with him that he perspired profusely — something that was not odd if he did that all the time but was odd if he only did it when asked about his son and Natalee. (I might add — perspiring is never legal evidence of guilt.) Frankly, I had never seen anyone perspire so profusely — he literally carried a towel with him the whole time I was with him on both days. I noted it because it was so odd to me. Since I wanted to set the record straight on this and other matters, I asked the woman to appear on our show. She agreed. I thought that to be the fair thing to do. Less than 10 minutes later I received a phone call from a producer saying she was no longer willing to appear. She said that after hanging up with me she received a threatening phone call. That seemed odd to me — in the time it took for me to go to the break room and get a soda, she said she had been threatened.”
On 8-15 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated today was suppose to be the day that NATALEE started her college career at the University of ALABAMA. As reported earlier, university classmates have tied yellow ribbons around trees all over the college campus for NATALEE. A full academic scholarship awaits her, and the school is holding her room in the freshman dorm for her.
On 8-15 Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT was not interrogated by the DUTCH interrogators specialists that have, supposedly, been working with the ARUBAN Police
On 8-15 CNNHN reported:
JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, GUEST HOST: Tonight, breaking news in the case of missing American girl, 18-year-old Natalee Holloway, who disappeared the last night of her senior school trip to Aruba. An Aruban appeals court rules the FBI can stay on the case, and the state`s key witness speaks out.Good evening, everybody. I`m Jane Velez-Mitchell, filling in for Nancy Grace. Thanks for being with us tonight.Dramatic and gruesome developments in the case of a missing beauty. An autopsy is expected to determine if remains found in a wooded area in Duncan, South Carolina, are those of missing 24-year-old Tamika Huston. Huston disappeared in June of 2004. On Friday, 25-year-old Christopher Lamont Hampton, charged with Tamika`s murder, led investigators to the remains.But first tonight, lots of breaking news in the Natalee Holloway case. Day 78, an Aruban court of appeals says, yes, the FBI can stay involved in the case. But what about further questioning of key suspect Joran van der Sloot? And a sworn statement from the state`s chief witness, a gardener. His testimony could send the Kalpoe brothers back to jail with van der Sloot.Tonight in Aruba, managing director and editor of "Diario," Jossy Mansur. And from Coast to Coast Canine Search, Fred Golba. In San Francisco, defense attorney Lisa Wayne. In New York, defense attorney Alex Sanchez. In Boston, former federal prosecutor Wendy Murphy. And in New York, psychotherapist Dr. Robi Ludwig.But first to Miami and CNN correspondent Susan Candiotti. Susan, lots of developments. What is the very latest?SUSAN CANDIOTTI, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, let`s see, where do we begin? That`s how things are going tonight. Let`s start, first of all, with that witness. You`ll recall this is a crucial witness who finally came forward today after he was subpoenaed by the judge in this case to come forward and make a sworn statement before the judge. Why before the judge when he already told what he had to say to police? Because under Aruban law, this is a way for the judge overseeing this investigation to, for himself, ascertain the credibility of this particular witness.This is the gardener who says that he saw a car that would be the car that the three suspects were in on the very same night that Natalee Holloway was reported missing or disappeared. And the timeline is also crucial. He says that he saw this car with the three suspects inside, Joran and the Kalpoe brothers, at about 2:30 in the morning. This would be at about the same time that the suspects already would have said that they left the scene and they were back at home again. So where exactly were they?Now, there were some interesting moments, at first, after this gardener came forward and told his story because the police said that they thought that he was credible, made a statement to them, but then when they invited him to come in, he disappeared from the scene. And then for a time, authorities said they couldn`t locate him. Then he showed up in Colombia. That`s where he`s from. He was visiting with his family. Well, they found him, and he was back in country this day in Aruba and gave his statement.How did it go? Well, according to a defense attorney, because they`re allowed to be present, someone who was there, we are told that the questioning lasted for about four hours. And it happened early today. Now, he said that he did see Joran for sure and was able to pick him out from a photo line-up, was also able to identify Deepak from a photo line- up, but not Satish Kalpoe. So he remembers Joran for sure, and two other people, but not two other people, he specifically remembers their faces from being in the vehicle, though he could pick out Deepak from the photo line-up.VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, Susan, I wanted to jump in and ask you a question because the first thing I thought of when I heard this story originally is, How do you identify somebody when they`re covering their face? Didn`t he say the suspects covered their faces, or the persons of interest or these three young men, whatever you want to call them? So how was he able to identify them then?CANDIOTTI: What I always heard from my law enforcement sources was that he described them as ducking out of the way or attempting to hide their faces. So when it comes down to that particular detail, Jane, we seem to have differing accounts, depending on whom -- with whom you talk. but he did tell the authorities in this particular -- let`s call it, for all intents and purposes, a deposition, that he recognized the car in particular because of the distinctive rims that it has. And apparently, he`s a car enthusiast and remembered that point specifically.VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, he may be a very credible witness, but one of the other things that occurred to me, when I originally heard you report this, is that he said the reason he was out at 2:30 in the morning is that he was asleep, it was hot, he didn`t have air-conditioning, this gardener. And so he decided to get in his car and drive to a friend`s house that does have air-conditioning.I have to tell you, I`ve been visiting with my mom, and sad to say, she doesn`t have air-conditioning. She believes in cross-ventilation. So I`ve been thinking about this because it was sweaty and it was hot last night.But Dr. Robi, let me ask you, does someone get up at 2:30 in the morning and get in their car to go to a friend`s house because they have air-conditioning? That struck me right there as very strange.ROBI LUDWIG, PSYCHOTHERAPIST: Yes, there are a lot of odd things about his story. But what he has going for him is that, first of all, the timeline is interesting. And the sense is, is that these boys are lying and covering up. So we`re desperate here. We don`t have any forensics. It`s a possibility. It`s a possibility that he did this. We don`t know anything about him. So he`s more credible than the people he`s talking about, at this point.VELEZ-MITCHELL: You know, let`s listen to Dave Holloway, Natalee`s father. He really brings the central issue of this case home.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE`S FATHER: We`ve heard a lot of different rumors. I mean, when we got on the island, you know, we had a lot of information that, you know, she was here or there or whatever. And all those turned out to be false. But you know, we still hold onto the thread that maybe she`s off somewhere. That`s my hope. But the police investigation has always come back and indicated that they`re looking into this as a murder case. But as a father and a parent, you still hold onto a possible miracle.(END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-MITCHELL: So Natalee`s father holding onto hope. And now we have a very gruesome development out of Venezuela. For the very latest on that, let`s go to Jossy Mansur, managing director of "Diario." I hear you reported this story today in your paper, Jossy, about, God forbid, an arm. It turned up, apparently, somewhere along the coast of Venezuela. Tell us about it.JOSSY MANSUR, MANAGING EDITOR, "DIARIO": Well, it is a forearm. It was found in a place called Laspieres (ph) on the coast. It was found by a dog, who picked it up and took it to the owner, his boss. And then the police were called in. They took the arm. They took it to the labs (INAUDIBLE) They made some preliminary tests on it, and then they sent it on to Caracas for further investigation, further analysis.This photo, a photo that we copied today, that we reproduced in the "Diario," have already come out in another paper in the city of Coro (ph) in the state of Falcon (ph) in Venezuela. They already had a story on this forearm.VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. Let`s go pack to Susan Candiotti because I understand that you know a little bit about the tides. Could this arm or this body have washed from Aruba to Venezuela? Is that possible with the direction of the tides?CANDIOTTI: That`s a good question. It is a question that police want to answer. And this is initially how they are seeing it. According to them, and according to experts in that area -- and of course, CNN correspondent Karl Penhaul has done stories about this in his reporting from Aruba on this early on -- the tides there run from east to west, normally, from Aruba, they run from -- from east to west. And so therefore, for that -- if, in fact, let`s say, this could have been Natalee Holloway, for that body part to have, frankly, traveled south would be highly unusual, to say the very least.Not only that, but police question whether a body part could have, frankly, survived -- again, we don`t know the specifics of what kind of shape this is in -- could have survived that long of a journey and still be in the state in which it`s in -- again, we`re waiting for more detail on that -- to be examined. Are we talking about, you know, a body part that, quite frankly, was together or had disintegrated, deteriorated by the time it reached shore? We don`t know that.VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Susan, thank you. And a lot of gruesome details, and it`s really unpleasant to discuss. Dr. Robi, what must it be like for the family right now, hearing something as horrific as an arm washing up on shore and having to think about it possibly being their beloved daughter? I can`t even imagine.LUDWIG: Oh, it`s awful. And as a parent, your mind goes to the worst possible scenario, the darkest place. So there is the fear that this is her arm, the hope that it`s not, and probably some desperation that they can find out some information so they can move on because the state of not knowing is almost worse than knowing.VELEZ-MITCHELL: And meanwhile, they try to find Natalee, a lot of legal wrangling going on. And I`d like to go to Wendy Murphy, former federal prosecutor and somebody I love to chat with anyway, to talk to you about this latest development with the FBI. Hurray. A victory. The FBI gets to stay on the case. But haven`t they been hampered? They`re not allowed to ask questions. They can only view the interrogation. The interrogation is done in Dutch, and it requires them use a translator. Sometimes I think this whole investigation is lost in translation, frankly, Wendy.(LAUGHTER)WENDY MURPHY, FORMER FEDERAL PROSECUTOR: Well put, Jane. You know, I think that the role of FBI is important in the sense that they represent our country, they provide some kind of accountability, they`re in the room. I mean, these guys have lawyers in the room. Why not have, in a sense, law enforcement from this country in there minding the store? An awful lot of people are suspicious that there have been hijinks in this case from the get-go. And when you have that level of suspicion, when you have what looks to be a screw-up from day one, it feels better to have the FBI there.But there`s no question they are not participating. They can`t act as agents of Aruban authorities. And really, having them there, I think, is good in the sense that it keeps the pressure up. And they are absolutely going to be there, saying, if something goes wrong, We watched you. We saw what you just did. And they`re going to hold them accountable if they make any more mistakes.But I`m not sure their presence is ever going to crack the case or make a big difference. They`re certainly not going to have any better chance at interrogating these guys, who for an awful long time now have maintained their wall of silence, and that is not going to change.VELEZ-MITCHELL: But Wendy, the bottom line is, the FBI`s trying to help. So Lisa Wayne, defense attorney, I want to ask you to speak on behalf of all defense attorneys. Why are they trying to keep the FBI out, if they`re innocent, if they`re just trying to help solve the case?LISA WAYNE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, the FBI doesn`t go in to exonerate people, either, so there certainly are people that they point the finger at that aren`t guilty, that haven`t done anything. So the FBI is there to simply police them and to give assurances to this country that somehow, if something`s going wrong, We`re down there to protect that.But you know, you got to turn it around. If something happened to an Aruban in our country and the Aruban authorities wanted to come in and police what was going on and interfere with our jurisdiction, we`d go crazy about that.VELEZ-MITCHELL: Lisa, let me...WAYNE: And that`s how the Arubans feel about this. It`s the same kind of thing.VELEZ-MITCHELL: Susan Candiotti has a thought on this -- Susan.CANDIOTTI: Well, I wanted to point out that, as I understand it, the last few times that Joran was interrogated, within the last week, the single FBI agent who remains on the island has not been attending. Now, I`ve asked why and I was told that the expertise of the agent who had been there previously had been in an expert in behavioral science, as it were. And this latest person is not. Although that`s not necessarily a hindrance to being there, that might speak volumes, perhaps, though, on how much they think they`re able to accomplish, at this point.They`re also unable to get transcripts of the daily questioning and interrogations that have been going on. So whatever they get through interpretation and translation, as they`re there, that`s the information they`re getting, unlike, I believe, the relatives of the Holloway family, who are participants, certainly, in this case and are getting sometimes, is my understanding, some of those transcripts through the lawyers.VELEZ-MITCHELL: Susan, it seems like so much red tape, I mean, so many loose threads. It doesn`t really seem like you see it on "CSI: Miami," does it. It`s not -- doesn`t seem to be that level of efficiency, does it.But you know, I want you to hang there because I want to ask you when we come right back about a fight. Joran van der Sloot apparently got into a fight behind bars, and we`re going to get some answers on what happened there in just a moment. Stay with us as we continue to try to solve this mystery of what happened to Natalee Holloway. Stay with us. We`ll be right back.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, NATALEE`S MOTHER: I`ve known as early as probably July the 10th that that beach trip was falling all apart. I mean, holes have been made in that -- you know, that last scenario, where Deepak and Satish say they last left and saw Natalee and Joran. Holes have been made in that as early as July the 10th, even earlier than that, since July the 1st, right before Deepak and Satish Kalpoe were released.(END VIDEO CLIP)(COMMERCIAL BREAK)(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)GEORGE "JUG" TWITTY, NATALEE`S STEPFATHER: ... beginning, you know, Beth and I were there that very first night, and I still believe that, of course, Joran is involved, Deepak`s involved, and the father is involved.(END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-MITCHELL: Welcome back. I`m Jane Velez-Mitchell, filling in for Nancy Grace.Let`s go back to Aruba and Jim Knox. He is with Coast to Coast Canine Search. And where, sir, are you searching now? Why are you searching that particular area? What`s your focus? And perhaps while we talk, Elizabeth (ph), you can throw up the map because that gives us a good understanding of this island.JIM KNOX, SPONSORING SEARCH FOR NATALEE: I didn`t hear that.VELEZ-MITCHELL: Sir, where are you searching? Where are you searching now on the island of Aruba, actually? We have a map of the island of Aruba, as well.KNOX: Well, we`ve searched the racquet club area, the fisherman`s hut, up and down north and south of the beach of the fisherman`s hut, and about four locations in the dunes along the area of the lighthouse, the California lighthouse.VELEZ-MITCHELL: Anything? Is anything coming up of interest?KNOX: We haven`t found anything definitive.VELEZ-MITCHELL: You know...KNOX: We found a large cadaver of a dog, and we got excited for about 15 seconds, but that`s about it.VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why are you there? Why have you decided to devote your time to helping find Natalee? And how many people do you have with you, as well as canines?KNOX: Well, Fred and myself -- I`m assisting Fred -- he`s the main tracker, searcher. And he has two very well-trained cadaver dogs that he`s trained, he owns, that work with us and...VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`re going to jump in now and go Fred because Fred is also with us. And I want to ask you, Fred, do you get frustrated with the level of information you`re being given by the authorities there? For example, you`re searching the lighthouse area where they found a belt, but they haven`t done, apparently, any DNA testing on the belt to see if it is connected to Joran van der Sloot.FRED GOLBA, COAST TO COAST CANINE SEARCH: I don`t think they`ve had time yet to do the DNA testing. That was just recovered a few days ago. I believe it was Friday night that that was recovered. It`s going to take a little time to get that DNA testing. But where the belt was found, we set up some small grids. We metal-detected it. And we also aerated it, and we ran a dog over it, and we didn`t find any further evidence. But due to some resistance at another area, I`m going to go back and cover that area even more. I`m not giving up on that area. I`m going to cover that area like a fine-toothed comb, no matter what it takes.VELEZ-MITCHELL: What do you mean by resistance? What does that mean? Is that a technical term?GOLBA: No. Well, you know, we searched the lighthouse. Everything`s kosher. And we go to the back of the racquet club at that pond that was pumped out for so long. We searched the land around that area. We searched the fisherman`s hut. And then we went to the dump on Sunday, and they would not let us go in that dump. So what we did was, we searched the outer perimeter of that dump.And then Mr. Knox here spent the great part of this morning going to the minister`s office, trying to get permission to go in that dump. We want access to that dump 24/7, 7 days a week, without no permits, and to go in there and have equipment available to us so we can search it. Well, Mr. Knox accomplished that. We got our permission. We changed all of our equipment. For different techniques, you need different equipment. So...VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, Fred, I get your point, and I herald your work. And yes, I see what you mean by resistance. You got to keep at it to get into the areas that you want to search because she could be there. Thank you so much for taking the time. I know you must be exhausted searching all day. Thank you, sir.GOLBA: Yes, ma`am.VELEZ-MITCHELL: And stay with us. We might be coming back you to in a minute.Now to "Trial Tracking." Latoyia Figueroa, 5 months pregnant and the mother of a 7-year-old girl, is still missing. Stephen Pouche, the father of Latoyia`s baby and the last person known to have seen her, denies any involvement in her disappearance. Twenty-eight days later, this case remains a mystery, but the homicide department has now taken over.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)LT. FRANK VANORE, PHILADELPHIA POLICE DEPARTMENT: She was last seen Monday, we know. That`s 7/18, Monday, around 3:00 PM in the area of 59 (ph) and Walton. Since then, we`ve done numerous surveys of that area. We`ve gone door to door. The family has surveyed the area and surrounding areas along with us. So what we`re looking for is anyone who thinks they may have seen her not only that Monday, but anytime after that. We`d like to talk to them.(END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-MITCHELL: There is a $10,000 reward for information on Latoyia and $90,000 for information leading to an arrest and conviction. If you have any information at all, please call 215-686-3334. Please help.(COMMERCIAL BREAK)(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: As far as this gardener coming forward, I`m really encouraged, Nancy. I mean, I think that`s a huge step forward for us. And you know, maybe it`s taken him a little while to have some assurance and trust in order to come forward and make sure there are no repercussions for him coming forth with this information.(END VIDEO CLIP)VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`m Jane Velez-Mitchell, filling in for Nancy Grace. Let`s go straight back out to Susan Candiotti. Susan, we understand that Joran van der Sloot got into some kind of fight behind bars. Tell us about it.CANDIOTTI: According to a law enforcement source, this actually happened about a couple of weeks ago. And he was in the recreation yard of the prison, playing some kind of sporting activity, when he and another prisoner apparently got into it over who knows what, according to the law enforcement source, and exchanged blows, but no one was hurt. And I asked whether anyone was punished as a result of that. Source did not know.VELEZ-MITCHELL: And Susan, I want to jump in because I want to get your insight on timeline. If we can throw up a detailed map of Aruba? We understand that Natalee and the two young men, or the three young men, rather, left the bar at about 1:00, maybe 1:30. And at 3:00 AM, one of the young men, Deepak Kalpoe, was doing an instant message. What kind of window of opportunity does that leave for a crime to be committed, where here two-and-a-half months later, we still have not found any evidence of foul play, in terms of remains or what have you?CANDIOTTI: Well, of course, that`s hard to say because we know that different versions of the story have been told, and so there`s a real question out there as to who do you believe and which version of the story is the right one. We know that they left -- everyone -- there are witnesses that saw them leave the bar at about 1:00 o`clock in the morning. And then we don`t know from there for sure, Did they go to the beach, did they leave her at the beach, did they take her from the beach, did someone stay, did all three of them stay there? But there`s a question as to who was where at what time. But it does appear there may be a window of opportunity, according to law enforcement sources.VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, Susan, and thank you so much for your insight. You`ve obviously been on top of all the detail on this case.
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY`S FATHER: We don`t know the whole story. All we really know for a fact is they left Carlos and Charlie`s. After that, it`s a lot of speculation and a lot of fill-in-the-blanks. If you and I were involved in something, and then I come to you and ask you to make up a story about, "We dropped her off at the Holiday Inn," wouldn`t you ask questions of why, if you were not involved in something, why would you make up the story? (END VIDEO CLIP) VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`m Jane Velez-Mitchell, filling in for Nancy Grace. New leads, new developments in the Natalee Holloway case. But still very few concrete answers. Let`s go Lisa Wayne, defense attorney. One of the other big developments in this case today, Lisa, is the defense attorneys want authorities to stop questioning Joran van der Sloot, saying they have questioned him over and over again. The problem is, he`s given apparently 22, at least, different accounts of what went on that night. So why are they saying, "No more questions"? WAYNE: Well, you know, we`ve highlighted that there are 22 statements that are different, but we don`t know how different they are and if the differences are material. And the bottom line is, do you want a coerced confession out of this guy? Do you want to beat it out of him and make him admit to something that he didn`t do? I mean, if he were in this country, there`s no way this kid would have stayed in custody this long based upon these kind of accusations. It just would not happen. So at one point, you`ve got to say, "Enough is enough." If something happened, let it come out the way that it should in a reliable, credible way. VELEZ-MITCHELL: Former prosecutor Wendy Murphy. As the old song says, is enough enough right now? MURPHY: You know, this is -- Lisa is right. This is the most irritating thing to some extent about the way our legal system works, that you really can`t take these guys heads and whack them together and make them tell the truth. I mean, look, we got how many billion of people on the planet, right? We know that one of three men killed this woman, probably, and we can`t solve this crime because, as Lisa says, it`s just not polite to keep asking questions? Are you kidding me? The beauty of the inquisitorial legal system in Aruba, unlike the adversarial system in this country, is that you can in a sense whack these guys around a lot with interrogation technique and you can do things that we would never tolerate constitutionally in this country. The problem is, if you don`t do it before they go get help from daddy dearest and all of the lawyers -- what do they got now, 12, 13 -- if you don`t interrogate effectively immediately, right at soon as you know that these guys were suspects -- and they knew within hours -- you lose a lot of time. You lose the opportunity, because then they make a mess of things. They point the finger at each other. This cross-finger-pointing problem is going to be the death knell of this case. "I blame Deepak," he blames Satish, Satish blames Joran. How do you ever, ever win a case like that? It`s built-in reasonable doubt. It makes me want to rip my hair out. VELEZ-MITCHELL: Alex Sanchez, defense attorney. Are these three young men playing games? Are they playing head games with us? ALEX SANCHEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I think they`re trying to protect their own interests. And they`re going to say what they have to say to point the fingers at other people. But I just wanted to go over one point, if I may, regarding that the arm -- they found this arm off Venezuela and as -- you know, look, wasn`t there some information at the beginning of this case that possibly somebody -- they had taken her body on a boat and maybe they dropped the body off somewhere in an area in the ocean and that arm could have floated towards Venezuela?So I think that`s quite possible that that could have happened. And I`m certain they`re in the process of conducting some type of DNA tests on that arm. VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, anything, I suppose, is possible. But at this point, we really don`t have anything more than a completely mysterious arm. And it`s very gruesome. And as we`ve already mentioned, it`s very disturbing for the family probably to even consider. You know, there`s so many developments in this case. And one of the most interesting ones has sort of been overlooked over the weekend. On Friday, we heard, Susan Candiotti, that they were going to try some kind of mysterious new strategy on Joran van der Sloot to try to get him to crack. All of this has been lost with the developments of the discovery of an arm, et cetera. But what was that strategy going to be? CANDIOTTI: Well, there was no questioning over the weekend. In fact, he wasn`t questioned on Friday either. We don`t know when the interrogation will resume. My source tells me that there might possibly be a new strategy used, but, of course, naturally, if they revealed what that was, they don`t feel it would do much good. So at this point, we don`t know. More details on that, but, presumably, they might try to use this as the week goes on, as the questioning continues. VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Let`s listen to more of the family, what they have to say. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) GEORGE "JUG" TWITTY, STEPFATHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: If the story still stood, the night that I confronted the judge, so-called judge, and the son, and Deepak, and they sit there and told me that, "Yes, here is what we did. We took her to the Holiday Inn. Come with me. We`ll show you. We`ll talk to the guards." Of course, the guards never saw them. It`s not on the video. They say that for nine days before they arrested them, that was the story. And then all of a sudden they changed the story. So why did they do that? The whole world knows that. (END VIDEO CLIP) VELEZ-MITCHELL: So very difficult, obviously, questioning Joran van der Sloot and trying to get the straight answer, what really happened that night in Aruba, the last night of the senior school trip. Now, Ellie, we were talking about this new strategy. Can they do a truth serum? Can they do -- can they do any kind of high-tech kind of test on them? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, in Aruba, polygraphs aren`t allowed. So we don`t have that. VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. No polygraphs.What do you think of that, Dr. Robi Ludwig? I mean, what`s the new strategy? No polygraphs allowed, no truth serum, not that I believe in truth serum, obviously...LUDWIG: Well, if he`s a true sociopath, polygraphs don`t really work. Because what they do is they detect a nervousness in the body. So for people that are sociopaths and feel that they can create their own rules, their bodies don`t react the way yours and mine might react. So that might not tell us anything anyway. But I would imagine that they would put the pressure on. And if I were an interrogator, I would pretend that somebody told me something that might frighten him, although he had his father and the benefit of his father`s wisdom and knowledge of the legal system that he is relying on, that`s really creating a problem in this case. VELEZ-MITCHELL: Right. And, Wendy Murphy, obviously, the clock still ticking if they don`t come up with some new evidence against Joran van der Sloot, by, I think it`s September 4th, he walks free. Kind of a quirky question: Could it be that try something different, let him go free, and see what he does? Because, if he were out there, he might have a couple of drinks, and talk to somebody, and brag or show that he is innocent? Who knows?MURPHY: Yes, Jane, really good point. I mean, the guy is certainly arrogant. But he appears also to have a drinking issue, a gambling issue. And he`s the kind of guy who`s stupid enough to slip up in his arrogance. And that`s what you hope for. But between now and when he does walk, if he does walk, I think they should hold him and squeeze him, and squeeze the Kalpoes in whatever way they can get way with. Look, September 4th is the next deadline. I think they`ll probably hold him past that, because they need additional evidence. And I think they`ve got that, with this behavioral stuff they`ve been doing and so on.But at the end of September, if they can`t charge him because they really think they can`t prove that case against him, he will walk free. And maybe he`ll be like the Skakel case in Connecticut with Martha Moxley. You know, Michael and Tommy Skakel were the suspects for the longest time. They let them go. And Michael started confessing all over the place under the influence and not. And that`s what ultimately got him. It could take ten or 15 years before this guy is dumb enough to start confessing to somebody. But it may well be that that`s how this case gets solved. VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, with the whole world watching this case and trying to come up with answers, what would you do, Wendy? I mean, obviously, I think people are going to have to start thinking a little bit outside the box in this case to try to break the logjam, because, despite all the new developments, it does seem to be a logjam. MURPHY: You know, I don`t know. This is a sort of case where, because the only suspects are sticking together like glue, you know that they hold the keys. And what I fear, Jane, is that, even if some forensic evidence pops up, if it doesn`t tell a damn clear story about which of these three did it, they`re slick enough now -- they`ve lawyered up, they`ve had months to get their mess together. And how do you say to a prosecutor, "Please go after Joran," when you know there`s just as much evidence implicating Deepak? If they clam up and stick together like glue, and they`re smart enough to know that that can work to protect all of them from prosecution, I think the only thing you can do is hope that they do walk around free, get drunk some day, start confessing, and make the kind of mistakes that stupid criminals make. VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I think you`re absolutely right, Wendy. I think we all suffer a little bit from that "CSI" effect. We want everything solved and we want it solved in an hour. And that`s not how real life works. Stay with us. Lots more to come. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, MOTHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: Paulus van der Sloot stated that he picked them up at 4:00 a.m. on May the 30th. "Them," we don`t know who they were. But then, even as far as into June 16th and June 17th, Mr. van der Sloot was still stating this 4:00 a.m. pickup. Only until around -- maybe it was when he was picked up or arrested did it change it to 11:00 p.m. that I had knowledge of. So there`s another critical element that has been -- that he`s lied about. (END VIDEO CLIP)(COMMERCIAL BREAK)
On 8-15 MSNBC reported:
RITA COSBY, HOST: Good evening, everybody. We have another big show coming your way tonight. “America‘s Most Wanted” host John Walsh will join us live, as well as Natalee‘s grandmother. She‘s going to talk for the first time. And we also have some new news about a possible new connection in the case.
Plus, some exclusive pictures from the ship where a groom vanished during his honeymoon, and why TV star Matt LeBlanc is giving up the dirty details of a wild night with a stripper.
But first, let‘s go to Aruba, where the mysterious gardener has just shown up. Let‘s go to Michelle Kosinski, who‘s standing by there live. Michelle, tell us. He finally appeared in court. My gosh.
MICHELLE KOSINSKI, NBC CORRESPONDENT: Yes, he did. Investigators have been wanting to talk to him for more than a week now, to get him in court before a judge, get his testimony on the record. He‘s an illegal immigrant from Colombia in this country, and prosecutors were worried that they wouldn‘t be able to get that testimony before this case went to trial, if it does go trial. They were worried that he might have left the country already, in fact.
Well, they were able to get him into court. There has been a warrant out for him to get him there. But coming out, defense attorneys said they thought his testimony might have actually been good for the defense. Remember, this is a witness who said early the morning Natalee disappeared and after the time the Kalpoe brothers said they were already at home, he was cutting through a field, and he said he came upon a car with all three suspects in it. He said that they tried to cover their faces when they noticed they had been seen. And this was in an area that was later drained over the period of several days, looking for evidence.
But defense attorneys say that he couldn‘t remember very many details at all about what he saw, that when asked to describe the Kalpoe brothers‘ car, he focused on the rims. Defense attorneys say, Well, if he noticed the rims, how well did he actually see the people inside? And in fact, they say, when he was asked to identify Satish Kalpoe out of a photo line-up, he couldn‘t do it.
Now, outside of court, Natalee‘s mother, Beth Holloway Twitty, has a new source of support here. Her mother has joined her in Aruba. She‘s going to stay for a couple of days. We were able to sit down with both of them this afternoon. And it was a very touching interview because they really do play off of each other‘s strengths. They know each other so well, they can finish each other‘s sentences.
And Beth‘s mother actually knows the pain of losing a child. Her 1-year-old son died of encephalitis. And Beth says she has been an incredible source of strength for her here.
ANN REYNOLDS, NATALEE HOLLOWAY‘S GRANDMOTHER: The wisdom that (INAUDIBLE) is this: The pain does go away. But you don‘t ever forget, but it takes a long time. I think she‘s probably stronger than I am, maybe, or I was. I was so young, but...
BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, NATALEE‘S MOTHER: And the problem that we‘re having is we just don‘t have any answers yet.
REYNOLDS: That‘s what‘s terrible.
TWITTY: That—that is—is just—you really can‘t begin to go through the...
REYNOLDS: Closure.
TWITTY: -- yes, until you have some answers.
KOSINSKI: There was also a decision out of the appeals court today allowing the FBI to continue being involved in the case, to continue seeing all the prosecutor‘s files—Rita.
COSBY: All right, Michelle. Thank you very much.
And we just heard from one grandmother. Now we‘re going to hear from another. Christene Holloway is Natalee‘s grandmother, and she‘s here with us tonight in this LIVE AND DIRECT exclusive from Arkansas, speaking out for the first time on national television.
Mrs. Holloway, how do you get through the ups and downs, the daily ups and downs of this case?
CHRISTENE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY‘S GRANDMOTHER: Well, it‘s just with the help of God. I have a great faith. All of my family does. And we pray every day for Natalee. And that‘s where we get our strength.
COSBY: You knew Natalee well. In fact, you saw her just a few days before her graduation. What were her spirits like? This was just a few days before she disappeared, right?
HOLLOWAY: Yes. She was really happy. When we went back to see her, she was getting ready for graduation. And that‘s the last time I saw her.
COSBY: You know, many of us feel like we know her. We‘ve seen, you know, so many pictures of her. What a beautiful girl. Tell us a little bit about her, what made her just such a special granddaughter to you.
HOLLOWAY: Well, she was always special. She had that quick grin, just like her dad. She looks a lot like her dad. And she‘s always been quiet. She‘s—she was just a fantastic granddaughter.
COSBY: Speaking of—you know, you talked about your son. I understand it‘s hard for to you talk to your son about the details of this case. Why is that?
HOLLOWAY: Yes, it is, because I know he‘s hurting. It‘s been hard on all of us.
COSBY: I‘m sure. How frustrated are you, too, here we are, two months, and still so few details?
HOLLOWAY: Well, we‘re all real close. The whole family is. All the family has joined together since this has happened, and we‘ve been together a lot in, you know, the search for Natalee. And we all have been to Aruba and back, and we, you know, talk and visit a lot.
COSBY: And I‘m sure it‘s frustrating, though, too, because still so few leads. And I‘m sure there‘s some frustration with Aruban authorities on your part too, right?
HOLLOWAY: Well, I think they‘re doing all they can as of now. We met nice people over there when we spent 10 days. I really liked Aruba. I liked the people there. And I think everybody is doing all they can, working very hard, you know, on the search for Natalee.
COSBY: Well, Mrs. Holloway, stick with us, if you could, because I want to bring in now into the conversation a man who knows firsthand what it‘s like to search for a missing child, John Walsh, a dear friend of mine, the host of “America‘s Most Wanted.” And he joins us live. John, great to see you. We still have Mrs. Holloway with us. What would you like to say to her? You‘ve been in this situation before.
JOHN WALSH, HOST, “AMERICA‘S MOST WANTED”: Well, first of all, I have great admiration for Beth Holloway and all of the family and friends that have been back and forth from Aruba. And Christene, please don‘t give up. I mean, this story, Natalee‘s disappearance, is still in the news because of one predominant factor, and that‘s the Holloway family not giving up until they get some answers, not leaving that island until they find out what happened to Natalee.
COSBY: Do you feel, John, obviously, you know, even in your own case, it is key for these families to get out there and fight? You know, it‘s the families that actually get out there. They‘re able to get the message through the media and others that can make a difference, right?
WALSH: Oh, it makes a huge difference. The families who can‘t muster the strength or don‘t have the savvy to go out there and use the media are the ones who don‘t get the coverage. I mean, the Holloways have singlehandedly turned Natalee‘s case into a primetime issue because of their perseverance and their demand to know what happened to their daughter.
And the not knowing is what‘s killing this family, and I say—the one piece of advice I‘d give them—you‘re on the right track. Remember who the victim is. Natalee is the victim. She‘s the one who‘s out there somewhere, and that they have to stay until they get some answers.
And I know that they have great strength and great courage, but now is the real tough, tough time, and lots of people give up and they leave, but this family is hanging in there. And that‘s the only thing they can do. The only reason, I believe, the Aruban authorities are going to this extent and doing what they‘re doing now, which I say is way too little, way too late, is because of this family.
COSBY: I agree. And Mrs. Holloway, too, as you hear this, I don‘t get any sense that any of are you ready to give up, is that right?
HOLLOWAY: No, we‘re not going to give up until we find her.
COSBY: And what does keep you going? You talked about the faith, but this family seems so strong, so—you know, so much love there in this family.
HOLLOWAY: Yes, there is. And we pray every day. We pray every day for Natalee‘s return or, you know, something to come up, to lead us to Natalee. And we are. We all—have a strong faith in God.
COSBY: Well, it‘s been inspirational to all of us, and we‘re praying that you get some answers soon. And Mrs. Holloway, we thank you for being with us. John, stick with us, too, because we‘re going to have you also after the break.
But meanwhile, there‘s also an interesting discovery being reported tonight that could have some big implications in the case if it turns out to be connected. Aruba‘s “Diario” newspaper is reporting that a fisherman has found what he believes is a body part off the coast of nearby Venezuela. NBC News is still trying to confirm this story. But we want to tell you to keep in mind that Aruba is only 18 miles from the northernmost point in Venezuela, it‘s not that far away, but also that Natalee has been missing, remember to keep in mind, for almost two months.
And joining me now live on the phone from Aruba is Jossy Mansur. He is the managing editor of the “Diario” newspaper. Jossy, how did you guys find out about this find?
JOSSY MANSUR, MANAGING EDITOR, “DIARIO”: Because it was published in a Venezuelan newspaper, and we were called by the people in that part of Venezuela, that (INAUDIBLE) about this forearm that was found on a beach called Las Pierdras (ph) on the peninsula of Paraguna (ph). That‘s the Falcon (ph) state of Venezuela.
COSBY: And where exactly—it was located, you said, on the beach.
MANSUR: On the beach. It was located by a dog. A dog picked it up, too, it to the dog‘s owner, and then he called the police. He gave it over. They made some tests in the labs over there locally, and then they sent it to Caracas yesterday.
COSBY: And now, what kind of condition is the arm? And how were they able to identify that it was a woman‘s arm?
MANSUR: Well, from their expertise, their experience. I mean, many people die or are killed in Venezuela and go through the process. They identified it preliminarily as belonging to a young person of a certain height before they sent it back to Caracas, in other words, sent it on to Caracas for the real lab tests that have to take place.
Now, we reported this because anything that we find, anything that might have a relation to this case, we investigate. And whatever doesn‘t turn out to be correct, we discard. Now, this—this could be from anyone. It could be from an illegal person trying enter Aruba and drowned on the way. Or it could be related to this case. It could be anything. We just have to wait for the results in a few days.
COSBY: Well, that‘s what I was going to ask you. Are you hearing about how many days until you get an answer on this?
MANSUR: Oh, it‘s within 24 to 48 hours...
COSBY: Oh, that soon?
MANSUR: ... we‘ll know the preliminary results.
COSBY: And that‘s soon. Any other missing persons case in that area that it could be someone else that they‘re looking for?
MANSUR: No, not from there. From the police in that part of the region, we haven‘t heard anything related to that.
COSBY: And real quickly, while I have you on the phone, I got to ask you about the gardener, this mysterious gardener—who, actually, you and your newspaper tracked down, which is a great job on your part—finally showed up in court. Where has he been? And why do you think he‘s critical to the case?
MANSUR: Well, we—we understand he was in Bonares (ph), another small island close to Aruba.
COSBY: Right.
MANSUR: He went there to get away from all the media attention, from all the pressure from the police and everybody that was looking for him. And then—they have him—they have him inside all the time. They brought him over today. He was interrogated during three-and-a-half hours in the afternoon, with all the defense lawyers present that could ask him questions also, the judge of instruction. And from what we hear from people who were present, he‘s sticking to his story. And he did identify to the judge from pictures that were shown to him both Joran and Deepak.
COSBY: All right. Well, Jossy, thank you very much. And of course, keep us posted if that arm is, indeed, connected to the case and any other developments. I know you guys have been all over this story.
And joining me now is Benvinda De Sousa. She is the attorney for the Holloway family. Benvinda, what do you think also of the gardener finally showing up?
BENVINDA DE SOUSA, HOLLOWAY FAMILY ATTORNEY: Well, I‘m very pleased that he finally showed up, and I‘m sure that he can shed some light into this case, especially because he claims to have seen Deepak, Joran and Satish at a time at the night of Natalee‘s disappearance when they claim that they were—that they were home.
COSBY: Yes, he does play a key role. Now, we‘re looking at pictures. This is, of course, when Beth went over and tried to speak to Deepak. He did not talk to her. One of the issues today before the courts was whether the FBI can get involved, still maintain its involvement. The court, of course, decided, yes, and also decided that Joran will continue to be interrogated on a daily basis. Why are these two things critical?
DE SOUSA: They are critical because in continuing to interrogate Joran, we might find out at some time what happened or get some answers. And the fact that the FBI is allowed to continue to help out in the investigation is very important because providing their expertise, they can help to shed—or try and find some answers where they haven‘t been found any yet.
COSBY: All right. And let me go John Walsh real quick because I know he‘s still with us. John, I got to ask you, first of all, key to have the FBI still involved? And what‘s your reaction if, indeed, this arm, this body part appears to be connected?
MANSUR: Well, it would be wonderful if that body part is connected to Natalee. At least they would know. As I said before, the not knowing is a nightmare. And they should really make every effort they can to check that DNA.
And absolutely—I think if that they didn‘t elect to have the FBI still involved, then everyone should boycott Aruba because the FBI should have been brought in in the beginning into this case. It was a case of a missing American woman. And I‘ve worked cases with Scotland Yard, Interpol. Countries have used each other‘s resources. And I know that the Aruban police were not experienced in cases of missing women, and the FBI should have been asked in right from the beginning to help them interrogate this guy and those two brothers that they let out of jail.
So it‘s crucial that the FBI be involved, if only for their forensic lab and their ability to do forensics. So this is something—it‘s a little bit too late, but it‘s a good thing the FBI is still involved.
COSBY: Absolutely. And both of you, thank you very much. Benvinda, thank you.
DE SOUSA: You‘re welcome.
On 8-15 the “AP” reported:
Aruba Witness Found, TestifiesAug 15, 2005 9:52 pm US/Central(AP) ORANJESTAD, Aruba A man who claimed he saw a suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway driving with two friends the night she vanished appeared in court Monday to give sworn testimony, days after police said he may have fled the country. The witness had been summoned to appear in court last week, but authorities were unable to locate him and said he might have left the Dutch Caribbean island. Police found the man and brought him to court, police spokesman Edwin Comenencia said, declining to say where or when they located him. The man, whose name has not been disclosed, told police last month that he saw Joran van der Sloot, an 18-year-old Dutch high school student who has been detained in the case, and two Surinamese brothers driving near the Marriott Hotel around 2:30 a.m. on May 30. The man's account is significant because van der Sloot told authorities that he was already at home at 2:30 a.m. that night. van der Sloot has admitted he was alone with Holloway that night, but said he left the 18-year-old from Mountain Brook unharmed at a beach near the Marriott Hotel. Van der Sloot was brought in by police to attend the closed-door session, while the brothers, Satish and Deepak Kalpoe, came in voluntarily. Under Dutch law, which governs Aruba, a sworn testimony is considered more credible because it allows the judge and lawyers on both sides of a case to question the witness. "We are very satisfied with the interrogations," of the witness, said Ruud Oomen, a lawyer for Deepak Kalpoe, after the session. "The judge gave us the opportunity to ask the questions we wanted." Oomen declined to comment further. Chief Prosecutor Karin Janssen and other defense lawyers declined to comment upon leaving court. The man was escorted out the court's side door in an unmarked police car with heavily tinted windows, making it impossible to see his face. Last week, lawyers for Satish Kalpoe and the Holloway family said officials in the Attorney General's office told them the witness was a Colombian national living in Aruba illegally and working as a gardener. Police had said the man was not considered a fugitive, but if found in Aruba, he would be arrested, made to testify in court and turned over to immigration officials. It was unclear if the man had been arrested or would face legal action. Based on his account, police partially drained the pond near the Marriott Hotel. They found no evidence.
On July 26, 2005 CARLOS A. PENATA RAMOS, the gardener witness, gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to the “Scared Monkeys blog" and “Debbie”)
HERE is the drawing that RAMOS provided showing where he saw the 3 Main Murder Suspects in the car.
PROCESS – VERBAL I, Shaniro Baldrik KELLY, sergeant at the Korps Police force Aruba and at the investigative district classified 2, explain the following. On Tuesday, July 26, 2005 around 17:30, I, KELLY showed, at the Police force guard North, to the witness C.A. PENATA RAMOS, the seized gray Honda Civic belonging to the suspect D.S. KALPOE. The car became of interest in the search of the missing girl Natalee Holloway and was intentionally seized. C.A. PENATA RAMOS explained thereby this: I recognize the car which you now show me as the car in which I had seen the three boys on the night of Monday. It is the car in which I had spoken in my declaration. W.n.g.C.A. PENATA RAMOS After I, KELLY, read the declaration of the witness to him in Spanish, he explained that he would not sign it. He explained that he will grant no further collaboration to the Police force. Of which by me, KELLY, on oath of office made up this warrant which has been closed and has been signed at Bubali on 26 July 2005. Signed, S.B. KELLY
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