The Natalee Holloway Timeline
of her vanishment while in Aruba
detailing persons, places, organizations,
deliberate & accidental actions & in-actions,
events & supposed events, witnesses,
known suspects, outright lies,
corruptions, and crimes
of her vanishment while in Aruba
detailing persons, places, organizations,
deliberate & accidental actions & in-actions,
events & supposed events, witnesses,
known suspects, outright lies,
corruptions, and crimes
In pre-dawn raids by Aruba Police, Still Murder Suspects (as of July 14, 2005) JOHNS and JONES are arrested in their homes and their cars confiscated. Murder Suspect JOHNS and Murder Suspect JONES are each black men, are each an ex-security guard, and were “investigated” then arrested after the 3 boys, Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , and Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE tell Police the “Holiday-Inn,” pre-group-conspiratorially-discussed, alibi-lies implicating a black man, wearing all black clothes and carrying a walkie-talkie that the 3 Murder Suspects lied about seeing when the 3 Murder Suspects lied about leaving NATALEE at the “Holiday Inn.” (Murder Suspect JOHN and Murder Suspect JONES were freed on 6-13, but the Aruba Attorney General has stated that everyone that has been arrested so far, as of July 14, 2005, in the NATALEE HOLLOWAY disappearance case is still a suspect because no one that has been arrested has been officially cleared of being a suspect)
There was a later rumor that it was ARUBA Police Commissioner Dompig's brother-in-law, BOETI NAAR (the convict & current beach drugs dealer) who named JOHN and JONES to be arrested.
10:00 PM = according to “Blogs For Natalee” Identity “GrannyToad,” any ARUBA Police surveillance of a person(s) suspected of a crime(s) must cease at 10:00 PM.
Dr. of criminal forensics MICHAEL BADEN also reminded us July 15, 2005 when he stated to FOX News that when Murder Suspect JOHNS and Murder Suspect JONES were arrested that it was reported almost immediately after their arrest that each of their body’s were forensically inspected for bruises, scratches, cuts, hair fibers, etc…..but it seems that when Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT was taken in for questioning, and even though several witnesses now have mentioned a bruise readily visible on Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s face, nothing has similarly been stated that his body was ever forensically inspected for his or another persons bruises, scratches, cuts, hair fibers, blood, other DNA, etc., etc.
On some date in June 2005, while the 2 security guards were under arrest (and before their late evening release on June 13, 2005), Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s lawyer, ANTONIO CARLO, spoke to one of the security guards, despite the fact that the security guards already each had an attorney.
On June 23, 2005 Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:
I did talk a lot with Deepak, Satish and Joran, from the moment they were interviewed as witnesses until they were arrested. We of course read the newspapers, saw the news and talked about it. I also was in almost daily contact with Jan van der STRATEN. I did not doubt the truthfulness of their story for one second. When we talked about the girl, we discussed what could happen if the girl would not re-appear. I was under the impression that the boys assumed that she would re-appear sooner or later. Af course we also discussed what if the girl did not re-appear. From what little information I got from Jan van der STRATEN, I got some hope that the girl was seen after she was dropped off at the Holiday Inn. He did not say this in so many words but I took that as an explanation as to why the boys weren't asked to give further statements to the police. To your question when I had noticed, that boys were asking a lot about what would happen with missing girl would not re-appear or if she would be found dead, what would happen then, whether this did not make me wonder why they were asking this, I can state the following. According to me it was not the boys who brought this up, but I brought this up. I was usually the one who steered the conversation towards the girl. Why did I steer the conversation towards the girl? I did this because I was getting worried. I was getting worried for the girl and also for the boys. Because of the fact that they had been the last to be seen with the girl they would no doubt come back to them. I however did not doubt the validity of their story for one moment. Comment reporting officer: at 20.05 hours the assistent district attorney, inspector first class J.C. SAMBO informed the suspect P.A.P.J. van der SLOOT that he would be held for questioning at the police station in Noord on which the suspect P.A.P.J. van der SLOOT responded that he would resist the incarceration because it was a completely insane and absurd action. Murder Suspect finds it highly questionable that this is only happening to make his son make statements that are beside the truth. Murder Suspect did remark that he is willing to tell us everything he remembers if this somehow gives clarity into the case of Natalee Holloway gone missing, but that this could best be done in the capacity of a witness. To your question whether I spoke to the boys at home on Wednesday June 1st 2005 and about what we talked, I can state the following. I don't exactly remember anymore what days I spoke to the boys. I only know that I talked to the boys a lot. I did not want Joran to be out of the house for as long as the girl was still missing. Because of that a lot of Joran's friends, including Deepak and Satish came over to visit us. We then often talked about the girl. We were following the reports in the newspapers, on the radio and on television. To your question how it happened that I found a lawyer for Joran and the two Kalpoe brothers, I can state the following. Looking at the facts I had to take into consideration that Joran, Deepak and Satish could at some point become suspects. If that was the case I wanted the proces to go as smoothly as possible, in order for them to be released as soon as possible. Again, I still believed their story implicitly. If they already had lawyers no time would be waisted when they were arrested. The lawyer could be there very quickly, so that the questioning could being immediately and no time would be waisted. In reality I was trying to facilitate the process as much as possible. You are telling me that I have stated that I believed the story but still took preparations with regard to a lawyer and I have explained them the entire procedure of being arrested and being detained, why? To this I can say the following. I have previously said that due to the fact that the boys could possibly be the last people who had been seen with the girl, this fact could be sufficient to cause them to be seen as suspects. As said before, I wanted to facilitate this process. Part of that was making sure the boys did not panic because they were unfamiliar with the procedure. I especially wanted to prevent that they would make statements that were untrue. In the situation they found themselves with a police and judicial apparatus that was under enormous pressure that was not unthinkable. To your question why I would think they would panic if they told their story, the one I believed, or whether I had reasons to be suspicious of their story and whether I know more about the case than I, my son Joran, Deepak and Satish did not tell when they made their first witness statements, I can tell you the following. I have told you before that I believed the boys story, that I had no reasons to doubt it, I also did not get any clues that made me doubtful and thus I assumed that the statement they gave to the police were the correct ones. My fear was more in the desire to score of the police force. I was afraid that the boys would be entrapped/tricked into making a statement that was not correct. I have told them on more than one occasion that they should count themselves lucky that they were with the three of them and that the interviews should not be hard because they were telling the truth. To your question as to how good a liar Joran is, I can tell you the following. In the past Joran lied. About money that he had stolen from us. We have talked about this extensively and it was also discussed at the youth psychologist Dr. XXX XXXXXX, with whom he had several talks about his growth into adulthood. I had the feeling he had made a clean breast of it/fresh start. I at least did not assume I had to doubt everything he said. To your question what I now think after it came out that Joran is making untruthful after untruthful statement and what I can state about that, I can state the following. I can not make a judgement about this. What I have understood that Joran is the one who broke open the case. To your question what I mean when I said that Joran broke open the case, I can state the following. Joran's lawyer has told me that it was Joran who changed his statement. Because of that the case is now broken open and now the truth can come out.
On December 5, 2005 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to MSNBC:
And then not only that, Jane, within 72 hours, we knew that their first story was totally fabricated, that within the first 72 hours, I faced a room of 12 -- at least 12 detectives, Aruban and Dutch detectives, and a lead detective, Dennis Jacobs (ph), and they knew after we reviewed video footage from the Holiday Inn casino lobby that my daughter had never been brought back to the Holiday Inn. They knew that those suspects were fabricating a story from day one.
Well, Jane, something that the family knew—and we have to keep reminding everyone—after 72 hours -- 72 hours—we knew definitively that these suspects were not telling the truth. We knew that my daughter had never been brought back to the Holiday Inn. Of course we were becoming frustrated. Who wouldn‘t, at this point? You know, we—and what was so unbelievable about this, is they knew this information and, still, chose to pursue the two security guards on June the 5th.
On 6-5 Current Murder Suspect ANTONIOS MICKEY JOHN gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to the “Scared Monkeys blog" and “Debbie”)
PROCES – VERBAAL I, Clyde Anthony BURKE, sergeant first class, at the Korps Police Force Aruba and district II, explain the following at the section to multi-prevention crime classified. On June 5, 2005 around 10:30 I, BURKE, interrogated as a suspect the man who gave his name as: Antonios Mickey JOHN, born in Greneda on September 25, 1974 of profession guard (A.S.I.S.) and living at the address Van Speykstraat xxxxxxx on Aruba. Before the questioning, the suspect A.M. JOHN was notified that he was not obligated to speak. The statement was given in English and translated by me, BURKE, into Dutch, has been put on record and sounds as follows: Although I know that I am not obliged to speak, I am nevertheless prepared to give a statement. This the first time that I have come in contact with the Police force and/or justice. I ended my guarding job on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 with the above company. The reason for this was that the contract that the company had for monitoring the “Allegro Hotel” had ended. I have worked since August 19, 2003 for this company. On your question what is the color of the company uniform, I will answer you the following: The color is dark blue a trousers with a white vest. On your question if it’s possible I wear a wind jacket with my uniform while working, I will answer you the following: I generally wear a black wind jacket if I have night duty. On your question what shift (hours) I worked on the night May 29, 2005 up to May 30, 2005, I will answer you the following: Sunday May 29, 2005 I worked from 06.00 till 14.00, I remember this clearly because there was a festival on the beach of the “Holiday Inn Hotel” because of the Soul Beach Music Festival. On Monday May 30, 2005 I worked from 06.00 till 14.00. That same evening I worked from 23:00 to May 31, 2005 around 07:00. On your question where I worked, I will answer you the following: I worked those days at the “Allegro Hotel”. On Monday I had day service and was a casino monitor. The night duty I monitored the outside. On your question what I mean by the outside, I will answer you the following: Monitoring the outside to make sure no problems occur in the yard (courtyard?) On your question if I go to other hotels when I am working, I will answer you the following: I sometimes walk to the “Radisson" and the "Holiday Inn hotel". On your question when was the last time I was at the "Holiday Inn Hotel", I will answer you the following: On Sunday May 29, 2005 around 12.00 I went to the hotel for the celebration on the beach. I also went on Sunday May 29, 2005 at around 21.00. On your question what I did there, I will answer you the following: I have a girlfriend who comes to Aruba from Boston. We met last year at the Allegro Hotel. Now that the Allegro Hotel is close, she stays somewhere in an apartment. On your question if I can give you her full name, address, phone number and in which apartment she stayed, I will answer you the following: She is called, “J” from Boston. I do not know her address and phone number. I saw her on Sunday at the beach festival. We agreed that I would meet her in the evening hours at the "Holiday Inn hotel". I didn’t remain there long because I had to work the next day. I didn’t see her again until Wednesday. I spoke with her and she said that nobody had seen the missing tourist. On your question how I know what time I left, I will explain the following: I got there around 21:00 and left between 23:00 and 24:00. I don’t remember the exact time well. I do remember I had to leave because the next day I was asked to work. On your question if I walked by the lobby of the hotel, I will explain to you the following: I walked by means of the sand because my car was parked between the “Allegro Hotel” and the “Hyatt Hotel”. On your question what kind of car I drive, I will explain to you the following: I drive a red “Toyota Tercel”, license number x-xxxxx. The car is owned by my mother. On your question if I spoke with anyone at the "Holiday Inn Hotel", I will answer you the following: I spoke only with “J” (girlfriend). I can you explain that on Sunday were there young people at the bar. They were gone before I left. This was in "sport bar" of the hotel. On your question if I spoke with any of them, I will answer you the following: I did not speak with any of them. On your question if I have heard about the missing American tourist, I will answer you the following: I have heard about her. On your question if I know or have seen the missing girl, I will answer you the following: I do not know her and I have also never seen her. On your question if I know a man named M. CELAIRE, I will answer you the following: I know him by sight. Everyone that works as a guard at the hotels must know him or of him He commits many thefts in the hotels. On your question when was the last time I saw “M” at the hotels, I will answer you the following: The last time I saw him was May 31, 2005 in the evening hours. I cannot remember how late it was. On your question how he was dressed, I will answer you the following: He wore short pants (shorts), I cannot remember the color now and his upper body was bare (shirtless). On your question where I exactly saw him, I will answer you the following: I saw him in the vicinity of the Allegro. He was walking south in the direction of the “Radisson Hotel”. I must I did have a problem with “M” a long time ago. He once said to me that our guards sent the Police force for him and that he would stab us. He had called me on my mobile telephone. I had found him hereafter during one of shifts and about this pointed out. I had him that we should talk right then if he had a problem and solve it then. He said to me that one of the guards that wore a black wind jacket sent the Police force for him. I told him I was not the only guard that wears a black jacket. On your question what I wore on Sunday when I went to the hotel, I will answer you the following: I can remember I had on jean trousers. I cannot remember now if they are the same jean trousers that I now have on. (note interrogator: suspect A.M. JOHN has blue jean trousers of the make "No Fear") On your question if I’ve seen anyone acting strangely in the vicinity of the hotels these last days, I will answer you the following: I have seen no one acting strangely in the vicinity of the hotels. I have not kidnapped or have assassinated anybody. That I would never do. I know that tourism is important for Aruba and I would never do something to disadvantage this. It brings in money and also jobs. I have lived here 10 years already and have worked hard for my money. I know that at the "Holiday Inn Hotel" many of the so-called "beachbums" hang around and sleep there at night. You should question them. A.M. JOHN After I, BURKE, read the declaration to the suspect A.M. JOHN in English, I translated it and he agreed to sign it. Of which by me, BURKE, on oath of office made up this warrant, and has been signed at Noord on June 5, 2005 and has been closed. Signed, C.A. BURKE
On 6-5 Current Murder Suspect ABRAHAM JONES gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to the “Scared Monkeys blog" and “Debbie”)
PROCES – VERBAAL We, Dennis Dominico JACOBS and Jonathan Patrick ORMAN, head agent and agent first class classified at the Korps Police Force Aruba and both at the Atraco team, explain the following. On Sunday, June 05, 2005, around 10:55 we, interrogated and took a statement from the man named: Abraham Alfred JONES, born on Aruba on August 07, 1976, of profession Guard (A.S.I.S.) and living at the Vuyst number XXXX on Aruba. The declaration was taken in English and translated to Dutch by me, JACOBS, was put on record and sound as follows: Although I was informed by you that I am not obliged to give answers, I am nevertheless prepared to give a statement to truth. On your question if I have a nickname, I answer yes. By my friends and people who know me, I am called “Maca”. This is the second time that I have been in contact with the Police and justice. The first time I was apprehended for maltreatment. On your question if I am presently working, I answer you the following: I was working, up to May 31, 2005 as a guard at the Allegro hotel. As of June 01, 2005 I no longer work at the Allegro Hotel because the contract the hotel had with the guarding company A.S.I.S. ended and was not extended. In the year 2002 I started hotel work as a guard at the Allegro. I wore a uniform existing of dark blue trousers and a white shirt. This uniform I used each time that I worked. During my activities I also walked around with a portofoon (walkie talkie?) in the area of the hotel. The last day that I was a guard at the Allegro hotel was on May 30, 2005. I had on that day, day service. I now no longer remember if it was on Sunday or Monday. According to me I met the Boneriaan named "SOLEANO”, the arubaan named “ PETERSON” and the Dominikaan named " R. MARTIS when I came to work. They had night duty and worked therefore from Sunday May 29, 2005 at 23.00, up to Monday May 30, 2005 at 07.00. On your question who I worked with on my shift, I answer you the following: I work with the arubaan "J. MADURO" and the grenadaan "Mickey JOHN" nicknamed "Bolo". The three of us worked together on Monday, May 30, 2005. On May 30, 2005, the hotel was closed to the public except for the casino. I had the day shift which is from 07.00 till 15.00, the evening shift is from 15.00 till 23.00 and night duty starting from 23.00 till 07.00. On your question if during my shift I walk to the nearby hotels. I answer you the following. When I have day service and evening service I do not leave my post when I have night duty, I walk to all the hotels in the area, the Raddison, Aruba Grand Hotel, Wyndham Hotel, Playa Linda Hotel and the Holiday Inn Hotel. When I’m on night duty and walk to the other hotels I go alone. I never go with the other two guards J. and Mickey. Sometimes when I have evening shift, I go after my shift to the Holiday Inn to enjoy the live bands music. On Tuesday and Thursday evening I was at the bar at the Holiday Inn hotel where there is live band music. On your question if during my shift I wear a jacket, I answer you the following: When I have night duty I carry a blue/white jacket. The front of this jacket is blue and the back is white. I also sometimes wear a dark blue jacket when I have night duty. On your question if my other colleagues use the two jackets belonging to me when they have night duty, answer I you no. On your question if "John" also wore a jacket when he had night duty, I answer you yes. He wore a black Adidas jacket with the three vertical white lines. On your question if John walked during the night duty also to the other hotels in the surroundings, I answer yes. He also walked during the night duty to the other hotels in the surroundings. I never went with him to the other hotels in the surroundings when we had night duty, because the three of us can never be gone at the same time (together) while on night duty. On your question if "John" and I met last week at the Holiday Inn hotel, I will give you the following answer: I met with John the previous Thursday at around 23.00, at the Allegro hotel. He had work on that Thursday, May 26 2005 from 23.00 up to on Friday, May 27, 2005 at 07.00. On your question what John does different than I while at the hotel at the pool bar and/or sport bar of the Holiday Inn, I answer you that he is there looking for female tourists. On your question if I met or spoke at the hotel with the girl on the posters printed last week, I will answer you the following: I read in the newspaper that the girl was missing. I have no knowledge of the missing girl and I did not speak with her. (Herewith missing girl "Natalee Ann HOLLOWAY" is meant; observation JACOBS.) On your question if I am a salesman or user of narcotic substances, I answer you no. On your question if John is a salesman and/or a user of narcotic substances, I answer you the following. John is a user of marijuana. I don’t believe John is a salesman of narcotic substances. On your question if I use a punch-clock at the hotel when I come on to shift and when my shift is over, I answer you yes. This punch-clock is in the Time-keeper office. On your question if I can give a description of R. MARTIS, I can answer yes. His description is the following: - he has dark brown skin color; - he is approximately 1.72 meters tall - he has almost none its because he has shaved its head; - he is approximately 28 years old and - he speaks very bad English and - he lives according to me in Oranjestad On your question if R. MARTIS during his night duty walks to the sportsbar or poolbar of the Holiday Inn hotel, I tell you that I can not answer this because I do not work (team?) with him. On your question if on Sunday, May 29, 2005, in the evening hours, I was at the sportsbar and or poolbar of the Holiday Inn Hotel was, I answer you no. On your question with which car I went to work at the Allegro Hotel, I answer you that sometimes I went in my car and sometimes with the car of my girlfriend. I have a red, two door vehicle of the make Ford Escort. I have no license plate for this yet. My girlfriend drives a dark blue, two door vehicle of the make Chevy Celta. I do not know the license plate of it. On your question if John has a car, I answer you yes. He has four door grey Suzuki Vitara jeep. According to me, the jeep is broken and is sits waiting to be repaired. John also drives a 4 door red Toyota Tercel but this belongs to his mother. My declaration is the truth. I have been prepared and answered these questions voluntarily. I have never seen the missing girl. I was not threatened, maltreated or anyhow promised something or given to me to give this statement. A.A. JONES After the suspected A.A. JONES read the declaration, he explained he thereby agreed to sign it. This of our statement, on oath of office made up this warrant, has been closed and has been signed at Noord on June 05, 2005 and has been closed. Signed, D.D. JACOBS J.P. ORMAN
On 6-5 Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , supposedly, sent the following email to someone he knows:
How are you i hope you and your family is fine.(NAME DELETED) is better i tell you the truth , before it will be a shock for you later, but i think it will be a shock for you rightnow.
The missing girl natalee hollaway,I spoke to her , sunday she left with me , my brother and a friend from carlos n' charlies , it was my car like the news said she got in to, I am one of the persons of intrest , i am one the the students they've questioned and released as they claimed in the news .
Let see where to start i don't even know where to begin these last days where so crazy for me i'm very tired haven't slept good in days : The story starts sunday night when a friend of mine was playing poker at a local casino (in the holiday inn) after he won the poker at the fourth place he decided to get up and play some blackjack so he went to the blackjack table and there was natalee (they were a lil drunk ) so my friend started playing blackjack and he was winning quite good , so then natalee approached him and introduced herself and said to him'' your a lucky guy , can you help me win some of my money back i lost $ 360 , of my fathers money'' so my friend said ok , why not . so he started playing and he won 100 $ for her back and he said hey thats the best i can do for you because i doubt it i can win more money for you so its better i quit so she said ok but at least let me buy you a drink so they went to the bar (in the casino ). so they took a drink and started talking etc. about school, the vacation etc.etc.afterwards my friend had to go and she said that ''today is my last day i will be in carlos n' charlies will you be there'' and my friend said well i have school tomorrow i don't think so . well she begged him and he still said yes i'll be there.So that was in the casino i was not present , i was at work so my friend called me and said hey i met some girls in the casino and her friends and they want us to meet them in carlos tonight do you have to work tomorrow morning i said no , so he said pick me up later then i said ok. so i got off my shift at 10 pm and went home took a bath had to fix something and then me and my younger brother went to pick up my friend was around 12.10 am so i came to his home and was talked for like 15 min and then left to go to carlos (we all went out without or parents knew) so we arrived like 12.30 am in carlos (carlos is closing 1 pm ) and headed straight for the bar and bought 3 drinks my friend paid for them, so besides the bar there is a stage and people were dancing and there was natalee dancing too (thats the first time i saw her )and she was calling my friend to get on the stage and dance with her my friend laughed and refused so after the song was finished she came up to my friend and asked why he won't dance with her , i only heared that part because i was talking to someone else so i don't know what he responded(by then natalee was VERY drunk)so as i said i was talking to someone when i turned i had lost my brother , natalee and my friend. well they were announced that they were closing soon so i thought well maybe they' re waiting for me by the car its better i go there so i went to my car and nobody was there so i started playing music and was waiting on my brother and my friend.i waited for like 10 min and then i saw my brother stepping in the car and my friend who was with natalee. so i was surprised but anyways i started the engine and my brother was besides me and my friend and natalee were in the backseet so i started cruising in the area and asked my friend whats going on so natalee responded to me ''hey its no prob let us just drive around and have fun its my last night , she said you can drop me off later at holiday inn anyways right'' i said sure why not so as i was drove out of the carlos road and got on the mainroad there were natalees friends and she , pushed het head out of the window and screamed something i can't i was driving very slow to make a left to get in the next road and then one of natalees friend screamed for her to get out of the car , and she refused so then i stopped my car and i said natalee if your friends want you to go with them its better you go listen to them and go with them , she said no i will stay with you guys i will get a lift from you anways later, so she said bye to her friends and i drove away, so then we were just talking etc, in the car and then she said she wanted to see sharks ,it was by the lighthouse she saw them before that can we go , my friend said ok ,deepak lets go. so on my my to the lighthouse there was music playing and noone talking for a while when i looked in the backmirror my friend and natalee were kissing and touching (his hands etc was in her blouse but nothing nude or against natalees will ) so my brother siad just leave them for a while untill we get to the lighthouse, when i arrived at the lighthouse i said well here is the lighthouse they did not pay attention to me , so my brother said lets return (i did not stop anywhere not for a min only trafficlights) so after like 10 min my friend is telling me that natalee fell asleep i said you kidding just wake her up and tell ask her if its holiday inn for sure she is staying so my friend woke her up and confirmed with natalee she was staying at the holiday inn, so i drove to the lobby driveway of holiday inn and then we woke her up, she got out of the car and fell on the floor my friend said damn she fell and then rushed out of the same door natalee came out and picked her up immediately, after she stood up she pushed my friend and said leave me alone or something like that i can't recall , my friend offered to help het to her room she said no. she he stepped in the car and while i was driving away i saw natalee walking towards the lobby and a gentleman with a walkie talkie and black clothes approached her and i think they were talking and i had never seen natalee again sinds.(holiday inn has no cameras in the driveway or lobby) it was around 2.15 am .monday i came to work normally 4- 11 pm after work i called my friend i said whats up he said ok i'm at the raddison casino meet me there , i said ok so i went there we played poker , we had some drinks and chat and then we had enough and decided that this casino was booring lets go to whyndham hotel casino . so i drove to whyndham and as i was parking my friends dad called him and said the Police is at his home with some family members its about the girl you guys went out with yesterday , so my friend said wait there i be there, so we rushed at my friends home and there was the Police and nataless family and it was a nightmare sinds then. the Police asked us if we knew this girl showed us a picture we said yes thats her , they said she was missing and eyewitness say she was the last seen with you guys . so they asked a few more questions and we said we don't understand we left her at holiday inn lobby drive way how could she dissapear and then natalees stepfather jumped and said ''yes thats because after she went with you assholes she lost'' and then my friends father jumped and said thats enough you can't talk to the kids like that this is not the us your out of you juristiction this is not the way i want you people out of my yard i know the law (my friends father is e judge) so afterwards another family member of natalee suggested to the Police if we can id the security gard we said ok. we went there there was no suck security working there as we discribed. so then we were just standing in the lobby there were questions etc. asked by other members , and then me and my friend walked to the car natalees mom was sitting and we said mam you have to believe us we did not do anything with you daughter, she was crying and said i don't believe you 2 , i promise you i will make you life a living hell because of this . anwyas we said we were sorry again ans that we will help in any way possible.i went home 7 pm tuesday, i was then called 2 pm by the Police for questioning i went gave a statement they said i was a witness no suspect the same went for my brother and my friend they were questionded and had to sign their statement also , the checked my car and i was clear to go , wednesday i was called again to show them how i drove the route that day ( i could refuse was my right i still decided to go , as did my brother and friend ) the drove us one by one and then we were free to go again.thursday morning my friend called me (he goes to aruba international school and his mother is a teacher there and he is a straight A student ) in panic and said there a re family members here at school and they are sharing flyers and the flyers said : GIRL KIDNAPPED ASK JORAN VANDER SLOOT (thats my friends name ) the principle asked them to leave and they did .so thats my part of the story yesterday and today it was quiet no treathen phoncalls what we got before and i won't mention the crazythings the newspapers etc. writes about us its to much to mention. at home my mom is losing it she is cryimg constantly , my dad bloodpressure got high also his hands are red , my friends home is a disaster also ,his mom is crying constantly also his dad is pretty cool he calmes us down and talks to us also not to worry , my brother is preety cool but on his face you see he is worried , my friend is pretty worried also. i'm pretty worried also , we have 2 lawyers one for my friend and one for me in case we get arrested and charched with something his dad can't defend hin he is a judge and he is too emotional attached .my friend has his graduation this thursday he has to go to the states in july he has a full scholarship. i had to go to vacation also end of this month.many politicians find we should be locked up rightnow.We heard a lot of false alarms that she was dead , she was seen with 2 guys , her hair is cut and is red now ,she was in a crackhouse etc, we were arrested and , my car is by the Police we confessed to murder and rape, she went in a restaurant to buy food but none of those were true.So (name deleted) that was my part of the story what i said here is the same in my statement,people are saying they are bad guys lock them up , the family is going thru a lot righnow , but what they don't know how the other families feel and how they also have a reputation and carreers etc. because when this all is over they will still be talks that were the 3 guys that had something to do with the kidnap of natalee its a small island.they don't understand the pressure we are having also, if this girl turns up dead we have a problem we were the last seen with her . I lost a lot of friends who think we had to do something with this, many of my friends supported us also brought food etc. for us at home and know we are innocent, we are innocent also we promise i would NEVER hurt anyone in anyway, i would do every everything to help find her thats what we told eveyone also , i would take a bullet to save her and bring her back to her family if i had to so would my friend also.i would never never hurt anyone i'm a very happy and social person who likes to make friends with people and not hurting themSo (NAME DELETED) i will say goodbye now hope you believe me and i pray to god that they find natalee soon and find her well so that this nightmare ends for all of us and they we prove we had nothing to do with this, i hope you pray for all of us say hi to everyone there hope to hear from you soon and may god bless......... bye bye Deepak.
On 6-5 “Riehl World View” reported:
Rumors of Sex And Kidnapping Surface In Natalee Holloway Disappearance
Update: Arrests Made in case.
An online newspaper, A. M. Digital, hosted at has reported that the three men involved in the Natalee Holloway disappearance claimed to have had sexual relations with the 18-year-old Alabama high school senior at the beach prior to returning her to her hotel at approximate 2 AM. A pdf file of the publication is available on this page. Look for the A. M. Digital link at left.
Also, Aruba and Travel Advisory message boards are abuzz over the disappearance, and one poster purportedly from Alabama posted the curious post below.
Alert: Just wanted to warn everyone: My best friend and her husband chaperoned a senior trip of 160 kids down to Aruba, and she returned last night. Her husband had to stay b/c they think that one of the girls was kidnapped, and is possibly in Venezuela now. Her parents flew down, and the State Dept., D.E.A. and several other groups are involved now. She left with a guy from Carlos and Charlie's, and the cops found out that he is a local drug dealer. Just wanted to let everyone know to please stay safe. If anyone in Aruba has any info., please let me know. I should know more later today. Just please say a prayer.
The above would fit with details in a report here claiming there were "disturbing" circumstances surrounding the disappearance which resulted in a request for ten additional agents of the FBI, now in Aruba. However, it should be noted that the bulletin board message can not be verified as genuine, or credible.
There was also another unconfirmed bulletin board report that some forensic evidence was gathered from a vehicle associated with the three men. It is known that at least some of the additional F.B.I. support now involved in the search would be capable of evaluating such evidence; however, that is not unusual.
On 6-5 the “AP” reported:
Parents Make Plea for Help
Natalee Holloway's parents are calling for more U.S. help to find the 18-year-old who vanished in Aruba Monday.
Police and volunteers are scouring beaches and scrubland on the island for a fifth day.
Dave Holloway and Beth Holloway-Twitty told reporters the family wants the Dutch government to officially request more direct help.
Aruba Police and Dutch military are leading the search, with help from F.B.I. agents.
Twitty says everyone has "a common goal to find Natalee" and bring her home. She choked up and left the room in tears after finishing the statement.
The Mississippi native was on a five-day excursion with fellow seniors and chaperones from Mountain Brook, Ala., High School.
Meanwhile, many in Meridian are keeping the Holloway family in their prayers for Natalee's safe return.
Poplar Springs Drive Baptist Church, where Dave Holloway is a member, will have a prayer vigil Monday at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited to the church at 4032 Poplar Springs Drive in Meridian.
Minister of education, the Rev. Glen Jackson said everyone is praying that the vigil will turn into a praise service, with Natalee being found safe and returned home.
On December 5, 2005 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to MSNBC “We gave them [the Main Murder Suspects] 10 days. We gave them 10 days to clean up their story, clean up the mess, to lawyer up. We gave them 10 days too long, Jane. That‘s exactly what happened.” “Remember, within the first 24 hours, we knew who the suspects were. We knew the persons that Natalee were taken from Carlos and Charlie‘s. We knew the license plate of the gray Honda they placed her in. We knew the condition that Natalee was in. We knew the behavior or the conduct in which they engaged in with Natalee. And then not only that, Jane, within 72 hours (by 6-3), we knew that their first story was totally fabricated, that within the first 72 hours, I faced a room of 12 — at least 12 detectives, Aruban and Dutch detectives, and a lead detective, Dennis Jacobs, and they knew after we reviewed video footage from the "Holiday Inn" casino lobby that my daughter had never been brought back to the "Holiday Inn." They knew that those suspects were fabricating a story from day one.” “Something that the family knew—and we have to keep reminding everyone--after 72 hours---72 hours---we knew definitively that these suspects were not telling the truth. We knew that my daughter had never been brought back to the "Holiday Inn." Of course we were becoming frustrated. Who wouldn‘t, at this point? You know, we—and what was so unbelievable about this, is they knew this information and, still, chose to pursue the two security guards on June the 5th.” “I‘ve been hearing about possible new arrests or persons of interest being questioned through the media. So it would be nice to be getting that from Deputy Dompig or Karin Janssen herself.”
On January 6, 2006 FOX News presented another segment of the January 2, 2006 interview with BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY where she shared details from her journal entries. BETH stated she started her journal on June 5, 2005. BETH stated sometime during the third week to the end of June 2005, BETH DAVE, and JUG TWITTY were able to meet with ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN. Two attorneys, VINDA de SOUSA and PETER MOHAMMED, accompanied NATALEE’s Loved Ones, and the attorneys also helped translate DUTCH written documents into English that ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN allowed them to see. As the attorneys were verbally translating the documents into English, BETH stated she took notes for her journal. ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN stayed only long enough to provide which documents she allowed the attorneys to view. BETH did not realize until later--when Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT changed his alibi again and started accusing Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE of raping, murdering and burying NATALEE--that ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN had not given them all Murder Suspects statements up to the end of June. One such statement was made 6-9 at 12:00 pm by Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT. BETH stated that in this statement Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT claimed he bought NATALEE some 151-proof rum, that she had been drinking, how they left Carlos 'N Charlie's, that they went to the lighthouse because “Natalee wanted to go there to see sharks,” and “he admits a lot of the sexual assaults that he commits against Natalee in the back seat of the Kalpoe’s car as she is falling asleep and waking up, repeatedly.” The sexual details that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT describes is very detailed and graphic, but after the sex ended at the lighthouse, the statement by Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT is very short and ends abruptly with little details, with Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT claiming “Natalee fell asleep. Natalee woke up. She wanted to go home.” Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT then claims the “Holiday Inn” alibi-lies of the security guards, etc. BETH also described Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s 6-10 statement that says little about what happened with NATALEE, but instead concentrates on how much he drinks (he needs 20 to 30 glasses or beers just to get intoxicated). Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT also admitted that he was seeing a psychologist, which his mother confirmed to BETH and GRETA during the 6-21 meeting. BETH stated during that 6-21 meeting “Anita was beginning to express her concerns of not being able to manage Joran, and that he seems to be running the household, and not having any rules or regulations that he adheres to.” In an additional 6-10 statement Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT changed his claims and said that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT was dropped off at his home, then Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE and Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE claimed they would take NATALEE back to the “Holiday Inn.” In this additional statement Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT claims Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT advised him not to talk on the cellular phones, that they would be “bugged,” and Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT “coached the boys. Had them get their stories together, and Paul‘s advice was to Joran, to begin--get a story straight--begin emailing it to each other to use your hardrive to nail an alibi.” BETH feels that the statements that ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN allowed them to see were purposely chosen to allow them to see the less incriminating statements that have come forth. “I do know that, in some way, she purposely controlled which statements that we had access to, because, I have a feeling, if we had gone from these statements, to the one I have seen for June 13 that should have not surfaced, I can’t imagine the other statements that exist--that are even more incriminating, and have even more evidence that they could have acted upon.”
For 60 years edible garbage has been dumped into the ocean at “Baco Mahos“ (translation: “ugly mouth”) on the north shoreline of ARUBA in the hope that sharks would stay on east side of island, away from the tourism on the west half.
On July 12, 2005 the "Texas EquuSearch" team received an in-person tip from an ARUBAN man who gave them a specific location that needed to be searched on the north side of the island within “Arikok National Park” VERY CLOSE TO THE SHARK-INFESTED “BACO MAHOS” GARBAGE DUMP SITE. When the team got there, about 100’ from the road they found an open 4’ deep and 6’ long hole that TIM MILLER stated, “certainly looks like a grave site that was possibly dug up.” TIM MILLER also said something “definitely was buried,” the hole was “manmade, remote, had easy access yet hard to see.” “Perfect.”
TIM MILLER described how the hole had obviously been dug out (with the hole left open and its dirt piled on the side) TIM MILLER is very suspicious of the hole saying that the suspects could have returned then dug up the body to move it somewhere else. TIM MILLER stated of the hole, he “still questions it” because no one can explain for what purpose such a 6’ long by 4’ deep hole could have been used for. TIM MILLER stated that 2 Aruba Police Investigators accompanied the team and took photos and the "Texas EquuSearch" team sifted the dirt pile and nearby area. On 7-14 JOE "Texas EquuSearch's" JOE HUSTON said of the “Arikok hole” that he “is not convinced it is not part of this case." “What, exactly it was used for?” He described the 7-12 tipster as white, in his 20’s, 5’ 7”, and 140 pounds, with a dark complexion. "Texas EquuSearch's" JOE HUSTON further described the “Arikok hole” as being re-dug within the past 7 to 10 days because the edges of the piled up dirt were still sharp (had not been rounded smooth from ever-present Aruba winds), and the moisture content still present in the left-behind dirt pile also supported 7 to 10 days. On 7-15 SCARBOROUGH reported that next to the dugout hole, even the roots of a nearby tree had, clearly, been deliberately chopped away at the re-dugout hole’s edge.
On July 15, 2005 the “National Enquirer“ reported:
Joran and others discussed an appropriate place to dump Natalee's body, a specific place where someone would disappear forever... a spot on the island where the waters are shark-infested."Arubaans know the shark-feeding spot very well and directed a National Enquirer reporter to its location on the rugged north coast of the island, where the ocean pounds the rocks and few people live.The water there is deep and murky and sits beneath a high cliff, far away from the beautiful beaches and posh hotel casinos on the island's southern side.A meatpacking plant once occupied the site. Workers there would discard meat cuttings into the ocean. The sharks would quickly gather and go into a feeding frenzy. To this day, dead animals are dumped into the waters at the shark site for the sake of tourism.
On 6-5 the “AP” reported, “Janssen declined to provide specific charges, saying the case will go before a judge within 48 hours to determine whether they can be legally held. She said authorities had not found any of Holloway's belongings at the suspects' homes. "The charges have a relationship with the disappearance," Janssen said, without providing details. "There is a reasonable suspicion they may be involved." Authorities impounded three vehicles found at the two homes, and a team of more than a dozen F.B.I. agents will help perform forensic testing on them, Police said. Police spokesman Edwin Comemencia said that authorities had not ruled out the possibility that other people were involved. The two men in custody were not among three others described Saturday by Police as "persons of interest." Janssen declined to comment whether there is a relationship between the suspects and the three others, who told Police they dropped off Holloway at her hotel around 2 a.m. on May 30. Hotel employees, however, say that security cameras did not record her entry. "We hope she's alive," Police commissioner Jan van der Straten said. "Everyday I see the light at the end of the tunnel." van der Straten called on the public to be patient because the investigation will "take time." Neighbors described the two detained men as security guards who worked at a hotel closed for renovation near where the teen was staying at the "Holiday Inn." Deputy Police chief Gerold Dompig confirmed that the suspects were security guards. Holloway's uncle, Paul Reynolds, who came from Houston to help with the search, said he hoped the detentions would help Investigators. "Of course I'm excited about any developments," he said before the charges were announced. An award of $50,000 has been offered for information leading to Holloway's rescue. On May 30, the night Holloway was last seen, she attended a beach concert featuring Boyz II Men and Lauryn Hill at Surfside beach in southern Aruba, Tourism Minister Edison Briesen said. About 8,000 people attended the concert, which was part of the third annual Soul Beach Music Festival. Holloway then ate and danced at Carlos 'N Charlie's bar and restaurant. She did not show up for her return flight, and Police found her passport in her hotel room with her packed bags. Authorities were overheard on a Police frequency Sunday evening issuing a bulletin to stop a rented white Toyota in connection with the disappearance of the 5-foot-4-inch blonde. Dompig declined to confirm it.”
***NOTE*** at no time between the 2 security guards arrests on 6-5, and their own arrests on 6-9, did Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , nor Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE come forward to tell authorities that their “Holiday Inn” “security guard” alibi-lies were, in fact, lies.
On 6-5 the “AP” reported, “Authorities on the island of Aruba say they don’t need any more help from the F.B.I. than it’s already providing in the search for a missing 18-year-old Alabama girl.” “Police and volunteers are scouring beaches and scrubland on the island for a fifth day. The mother, Beth Holloway-Twitty, told reporters the family wants the Dutch government to officially request more direct help. Aruba Police and Dutch military are leading the search, with help from F.B.I. agents.”
On 6-5 ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN said that authorities have requested a special diving team from the F.B.I. because of rough currents in some areas.
On 6-5 JULES SAMBO announced that a blood-soaked mattress had been found at a beach on the eastern part of the island, but Police said it turned out to be animal blood, the "AP" reported.
On 6-5 PAUL REYNOLD’s, NATALEE’s uncle, said, "Natalee's naive. She hasn't dated a lot. She doesn't party a lot. She attends church regularly and wouldn't ever run away.”
On 6-5 MARCIA TWITTY stated of BETH, "This is a woman going on pure hope and adrenaline, because she's not going on food or sleep."
On 6-5 the “AP” reported that for her Mountain Brook high school yearbook, NATALEE's senior quote came from the classic Lynyrd Skynyrd song “Freebird.” It says: “If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me? For I must be traveling on now, there’s too many places I haven’t seen.”
On 6-5 LARRY WAYMIRE, an AMERICAN Reverend from Boston, Mass who has lived in ARUBA for 6 years, ministers a sermon during the first “California lighthouse” prayers vigil for NATALEE attended by about 70 persons.
It was reported that in the Mountain Brook high school yearbook, NATALEE's senior quote came from the old Lynyrd Skynyrd song "Freebird," which reads: "If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me? For I must be traveling on now, there's too many places I haven't seen."
On 6-5 a bed mattress was discovered on the eastern tip of the island. F.B.I. agents were called in to help with some more sophisticated tests on the mattress. Very quickly, that blood sample was ruled out. It was actually the blood of a dog.
On 6-5 FOX News reported that the three people of interest are being questioned right now, and the search at the “Allegro Hotel” has been completed and there is no sign of NATALEE.
On 6-5 ten additional F.B.I. special agents reported to ARUBA.
On 6-5 JOHN LARMONIE told FOX News that their are no new developments, saying only that the Police are roaming the island.
On 6-5 ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG said, "I want everybody to hold their breaths for the next 24 hours. There will be developments after this weekend."
On October 24, 2005 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to MSNBC that she and her brother PAUL REYNOLDS are returning to ARUBA next week. BETH also stated, “we think that Dompig—we were welcome him in on the case early on. I think everyone remembers. I think it was around June 5th when van der Straten was removed from the case by Prime Minister Oduber. You know, of course, we were just saddened when he was quickly removed off, because we think that he was probably going to have an answer early on before van der Straten ever would have implicated those three suspects.” “And I know that Dompig also is questioning for F.B.I. involvement.” “my original statement had been altered. We don‘t know by whom. And so we know that is something that I will do next week, is to give my statement again. And I think that it just builds a foundation of the investigation that, you know, we all know, in the beginning, the prosecuting attorney just had an unwillingness to ever have a proper investigation.” When asked about the 10-23 meeting with UNITED STATES Secretary of State RICE, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "It was just an absolute honor and a privilege for me to even get to speak with Condoleezza Rice. And, you know, she had been involved early on. I had heard from Prime Minister Oduber during that first week on the island that she had made a phone call to him. And, you know, I think that there were concerns expressed early on that this investigation was not going in the right direction. And so I know her involvement was there early on.”
On October 24, 2005 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to MSNBC, “Now, we have a lead Investigator, Gerald Dompig, who is coming up—coming out and saying that these three young men are the perpetrators. Initially, van der Straten was placed on as lead Investigator as early as May 31, June 1, 2, 3, 4. And around the 5, van der Straten was removed from Natalee‘s case by the prime minister. And Dompig was placed as lead Investigator, and we were—we welcomed that. We welcomed that, because of the connection that Paul van der Sloot and van der Straten had. They had a—they‘re very good friends, very, very close. Even—van der Straten is even Joran van der Sloot‘s godfather. So, when Gerald Dompig was placed on as lead Investigator, we were just—we were relieved. And he actually—you know, he was actually beginning to see just what had happened. And I felt—we felt he was getting close to the answer. And then, suddenly, within a few days, he was off. And van der Straten was back on board.” “I have told Prime Minister Oduber that I will do this, I will be the voice of Natalee for the next 40 years.” “I met with Prime Minister Oduber. I [told him] don‘t care who you put the pressure on, where it comes from, but I want—you need to figure it out. You need to figure out who needs to apply the pressure and where it needs to be applied, because you have to solve this crime. I said, you do not want to turn me loose from this island without an answer.” “You know, Joran van der Sloot and Deepak and Satish Kalpoe were not denying. They were not denying a crime. They were implicating each other. They were fingering each other over and over again. And that was the day that the F.B.I. came in, Doug Shipley came in, and said that the way the interrogations are unfolding, there‘s a strong possibility that Natalee may not be alive. That was huge. That was the day that—I think, Joe, everyone buried Natalee that day, on June 10. And then it just—from there, the night went on. There were body sightings, countless. They were knocking on my door. They thought they found her. Oh, no, they didn‘t. It went on from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. It was horrific. So, whatever was happening that day, on June 10, we were getting the answer. Then, the next day, June 11, is when Prime Minister Oduber comes on international media and announces to the world that there‘s blood; there‘s blood in Deepak and Satish Kalpoe‘s car. I mean, all that was happening for a reason.”
On 6-5 NBC reported:
Aruba gripped by mystery over missing teen
Civil servants on the paradise island to join search for American
PALM BEACH, Aruba — A week has passed since Natalee Holloway disappeared during a five-day trip to Aruba with more than 100 othe2 classmates from Mountain Brook high school, near Birmingham, Ala., to celebrate her graduation.
NBC News’ Martin Savidge reports on the ongoing investigation and mystery surrounding her disappearance.
What is the current status of the investigation?
Well, there are two parts of the investigation. One is the search and then trying to determine what happened to Natalee Holloway. The other is the physical effort to try to locate her.
On the first front, it looks more and more like a criminal investigation. We have two people under arrest and three other people that are considered persons of interest.
The two under arrest have only been identified as former security guards at a hotel near where Natalee Holloway had been staying. Other than that, authorities aren’t giving us much information on the connection of those two men to her particular case.
I did talk to the mother of one of the suspects and she denies that her son has any involvement whatsoever with Natalee Holloway.
As to the persons of interest — they are being questioned every day. They are not under arrest. And they are the three people in whose company Natalee was last seen on the night that she disappeared.
They told Police that she was dropped off at the hotel. Authorities apparently have reason to doubt that story.
Then there is the search effort. It is a massive effort — on Sunday there were 50 Dutch Marines searching the north shore area. That is a very desolate and very rugged terrain in Aruba. They did not find anything.
Today we are being told that as of 2 o’clock this afternoon, every civil servant on the island of Aruba that has a non-essential job — in other words who isn’t keeping the lights or the water on — will be told to go out and join the search effort. That’s about 2,000-3,000 people.
What does the massive search say about Aruba’s concern for the fate of this young girl?
Well, they are extremely concerned on two levels. One is the heart-felt level. The loss of a young girl who came here on vacation is taken extremely seriously.
There is also a great deal of national pride. Tourism is relatively new to Aruba. Only in the last twenty years or so have things really developed. They take a great deal of pride that they have a beautiful country and a very safe country.
Violent crime is virtually unheard of here. Last year there were two murders, I believe, and those were considered to be drug related and that was it. There were maybe six rapes. When you are talking about an island nation with so many visitors, that is considered an extremely low crime rate.
Eighty percent of the tourists who come to Aruba are from the United States. So, they know that the U.S. and American tourists are vital to their economy. They also know that this story is big in the national media, that their vital tourist industry is harmed in the minds of the very people that they want to come visit.
So, it is two-pronged: they are gravely concerned for the welfare of a young girl and they also are concerned for their own livelihood.
Why has this story touched so many?
Why is it that the story of this one girl has had such international reach?
Well, I guess because it’s trouble in paradise, for one. It is the place that people go to get away from the problems of the world, not believing it is where you are going to find them.
Aruba in the minds of many Americans is considered a very safe place, which it is.
But, now you have this story of a beautiful young girl, who is full of so much promise. She came here to celebrate that she is moving on to the next stage in her life and this tragedy occurred.
And, it is truly a mystery. We still don’t know what happened. Did she go off on her own accord? Was she abducted by somebody? Has she been harmed in some way? Or is she somehow incapacitated or unable to communicate where she is? I think that all of those factors combine to make a story at the beginning of summer when we all start to think about places to go and things to do.
How is the family handling the situation?
The family remains in seclusion right now, as least as far as access to the media is concerned. They are still on the island and are active in the search for their daughter. The father goes out every single day overseeing search efforts and the mother yesterday was going around handing out fliers.
There are questions about the high school group Natalee was traveling with coming from Aruban authorities. One of the questions they ask is, on the night that Natalee disappeared, during the very early hours of Monday morning — about 1:30 a.m., many of her friends saw her leaving with these three strangers.
Yet, the Police wonder, why did no one say anything? Why didn’t anyone intervene and say that this is not the right thing to be doing? They ask where are the chaperones? Unfortunately, those questions remain unanswered.
Martin Savidge is an NBC News' Correspondent on assignment in Aruba.
On 6-5 CNN reported:
Teen's disappearance a criminal case
Aruba Police say three men are 'people of interest'
Sunday, June 5, 2005 Posted: 7:54 AM EDT (1154 GMT)
ORANJESTAD, Aruba (CNN) -- Aruba Police are treating the case of a missing Alabama high school graduate as a criminal investigation but still hope she will be found unharmed, a Police spokesman said Saturday night.
Natalee Holloway, 18, was on a senior trip with classmates when she went missing nearly a week ago.
Rudie Soemers, night watch commander, said the effort to find her became a criminal case two days after her disappearance. The woman from the affluent Birmingham suburb of Mountain Brook was last seen leaving a nightclub called Carlos 'n' Charlie's in the town of Oranjestad.
Witnesses said she left in a car with three local young men between the ages of 18 and 25 at about 1:30 a.m. Monday.
Friends have said they have pictures of her dancing with young men at the club.
Authorities have said they talked to the three men who left with her, and the men claim they took Holloway to Arashi Beach before dropping her off at her hotel at about 2 a.m.
The Associated Press reports her uncle, Paul Reynolds, as saying he was told security cameras did not show her return to the hotel that night. The AP says Police declined to comment on that report.
"We're still looking, we're still hoping she's alive," Soemers told CNN. He said several people claim they've seen the girl, but the leads have gone nowhere.
Aruba Police have three theories concerning her disappearance.
The first theory is that "people of interest" -- the three men Holloway was last seen with early Monday morning -- may have harmed her, deputy Police chief Gerald Dompig said.
The second theory is that Holloway may have chosen to disappear "on her own accord," and still a third theory is that Holloway may have been kidnapped, he said.
Even if Holloway did disappear on her own, whoever has harbored her will face criminal charges, Soemers said.
Police spent much of Saturday afternoon at a hotel under renovation near the Holiday Inn where Holloway was staying. They refused to say what led them to the site or what they found, if anything.
In a news conference back in Birmingham, Holloway's aunt, Marcia Twitty, said Saturday that based on information Police have relayed to the family, "We feel that we will have a definitive answer in 24 hours."
Aruba's Prime Minister Nelson O. Oduber said Friday that more FBI agents had been added to help in the search, and efforts will be concentrated around coastal areas. Aiding the FBI and Aruba Police in the search are Holloway's family members, tourists, Aruban nationals and Dutch marines.
Oduber pledged his nation's "full support and utmost dedication" in finding Holloway. "We are shocked and completely distressed at this turn of events," he said. "We will not tolerate any activities that harm our American friends or tarnish Aruba's reputation."
Rewards and yellow ribbons
Holloway's mother, Beth Holloway Twitty, who flew to Aruba to help search efforts, said about 20 to 40 of Holloway's classmates saw her leave.
"Natalee's bags were packed and ready to go," Beth Twitty told CNN Friday. "Everything was packed. Her passport was in her purse -- she even had the remaining cash she had on her in her purse -- it was in her room, everything was zipped up. She was ready to go home."
"This is such a mystery. It's a mystery to Aruba, and it's a mystery to the United States," she said.
She said she has tried to remain focused and driven during the search because "I wanted to make sure that she would be as proud of me as I am of her in accomplishing our one goal and that is to find Natalee."
Holloway was on the trip to Aruba with about 100 Mountain Brook High School students to celebrate their graduation. Marcia Twitty said Saturday that the Holloway family "absolutely" believes the seven parent chaperones on the Aruba trip did all they could.
Holloway is a straight-A student and a member of the National Honor Society as well as the school's dance team. She has an academic scholarship to the University of Alabama.
The family has posted a $50,000 reward for any information leading to her whereabouts. A family representative said the money was donated in $10,000 increments from the Aruban Tourist Board, the family, the Aruban government, an anonymous donor and the additional $10,000 from various other sources.
The family has asked members of the Mountain Brook community to post yellow ribbons in her honor. In addition, some area youths are making bracelets. Daily prayer services are being held for Holloway.
She is described as being 5 feet 4 inches tall and 110 pounds. The FBI announced Saturday a tip line for Holloway. People with any information are encouraged to call 1-877-628-2533.
CNN Correspondent Karl Penhaul contributed to this report.
On 6-5 the FOX News reported:
Two Arrested in Disappearance
ORANJESTAD, Aruba — Two men were charged Sunday in connection with the disappearance last week of an Alabama teenager who was visiting the island with classmates to celebrate their high school graduation, Aruba's attorney general said.
Authorities on the Dutch Caribbean island also requested a special diving team from the FBI because of rough currents in some areas, said Attorney General Caren Janssen.
The arrests came nearly a week after 18-year-old Natalee Holloway (search) disappeared during a five-day trip to Aruba (search) with more than 100 other classmates from Mountain Brook High School, near Birmingham, Ala.
The men — ages 28 and 30 — were arrested Sunday morning at two separate homes in the southeastern community of San Nicolas (search), Janssen said at a news conference in the capital.
Janssen declined to provide specific charges, saying the case will go before a judge within 48 hours to determine whether they can be legally held. She said authorities had not found any of Holloway's belongings at the suspects' homes.
"The charges have a relationship with the disappearance," Janssen said, without providing details. "There is a reasonable suspicion they may be involved."
Authorities impounded three vehicles found at the two homes, and a team of more than a dozen FBI agents will help perform forensic testing on them, police said.
Police spokesman Edwin Comemencia said that authorities had not ruled out the possibility that other people were involved. The two men in custody were not among three others described Saturday by police as "persons of interest."
Janssen declined to comment whether there is a relationship between the suspects and the three others, who told police they dropped off Holloway at her hotel around 2 a.m. on May 30. Hotel employees, however, say that security cameras did not record her entry.
"We hope she's alive," police commissioner Jan van der Straaten said. "Everyday I see the light at the end of the tunnel." Van der Straaten called on the public to be patient because the investigation will "take time."
Neighbors described the two detained men as security guards who worked at a hotel closed for renovation near where the teen was staying at the Holiday Inn. Deputy police chief Gerold Dompig confirmed that the suspects were security guards.
Holloway's uncle, Paul Reynolds, who came from Houston to help with the search, said he hoped the detentions would help investigators.
"Of course I'm excited about any developments," he said before the charges were announced. An award of $50,000 has been offered for information leading to Holloway's rescue.
On May 30, the night Holloway was last seen, she attended a beach concert featuring Boyz II Men and Lauryn Hill at Surfside beach in southern Aruba, Tourism Minister Edison Briesen said. About 8,000 people attended the concert, which was part of the third annual Soul Beach Music Festival.
Holloway then ate and danced at Carlos 'N Charlie's bar and restaurant. She did not show up for her return flight, and police found her passport in her hotel room with her packed bags.
Authorities were overheard on a police frequency Sunday evening issuing a bulletin to stop a rented white Toyota in connection with the disappearance of the 5-foot-4-inch blonde. Dompig declined to confirm it.
At least 70 people showed up for a prayer vigil Sunday evening at a lighthouse on Aruba's gusty northwest point, singing a hymn and listening to a brief sermon by the Rev. Larry Waymire, an American who has lived in Aruba for six years.
"This is a trying time, not only for Aruba but for the world as a whole," Waymire, originally of Lexington, Tenn. , said during the 10-minute ceremony. "This has touched the lives of millions of people around the world."
Hundreds of Arubaans and American residents have joined the hunt, upset that Holloway's disappearance could mar the image of this tranquil island. About 500,000 Americans visited Aruba last year.
Holloway's disappearance has shaken a sense of safety many Arubaans took for granted in an island of 72,000 people that saw one murder and six rapes last year. This year, there have been two murders and three rapes, police said.
Holloway, a straight-A student, had earned a full scholarship at the University of Alabama and planned to study premed, Reynolds said. He described his niece as a levelheaded girl who would not have done anything rash.
Authorities said a blood-soaked mattress found at a beach in eastern Aruba turned out to be blood from a dead dog found nearby.
On 6-5 the “Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association” (AHATA) reported:
Tourism Sector organizations offer US $10,000 reward for information leading to the safe return of Natalee Holloway
The Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association (AHATA) and Hospitality and Security Foundation have joined forces in support of the rescue efforts for Natalee Holloway. "The entire hospitality community of Aruba has been supportive of this effort from day one. Volunteers have placed posters, engaged in active search, and offered any and all help to the family of Natalee during this unfortunate ordeal; but we wanted to do more" said Rob Smith, GM of the Wyndham Hotel and Chairman of the Security Foundation - better known for its Visibility Team
"This is so out of character for Aruba, one of the safest places on the face of the world, that we are all dumbstruck. We are certain that no effort has been spared by local law enforcement and other entities to find Natalee and I know that the Ministry of Tourism and the Tourism Authority have been very supportive of the Holloway family from early on - but with time passing by and frustration levels on the rise our association felt this was the right thing to do" confirmed Jorge Pesquera, President and CEO of AHATA.
Our offer of US $10,000 is will be paid to the person whose bona fide lead - provided to the police force of Aruba - will result in the safe return of Natalee Holloway. We hope for a prompt and positive resolution and we also offer our thoughts and prayers to the
Holloway family" Smith and Pesquera said in a joint statement.
On 6-6 new cement is added to the existing cement apron already surrounding the Murder Suspects VAN DER SLOOT’s home pool.
On June 23, 2005 Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:
I did talk a lot with Deepak, Satish and Joran, from the moment they were interviewed as witnesses until they were arrested. We of course read the newspapers, saw the news and talked about it. I also was in almost daily contact with Jan van der STRATEN. I did not doubt the truthfulness of their story for one second. When we talked about the girl, we discussed what could happen if the girl would not re-appear. I was under the impression that the boys assumed that she would re-appear sooner or later. Af course we also discussed what if the girl did not re-appear. From what little information I got from Jan van der STRATEN, I got some hope that the girl was seen after she was dropped off at the Holiday Inn. He did not say this in so many words but I took that as an explanation as to why the boys weren't asked to give further statements to the police. To your question when I had noticed, that boys were asking a lot about what would happen with missing girl would not re-appear or if she would be found dead, what would happen then, whether this did not make me wonder why they were asking this, I can state the following. According to me it was not the boys who brought this up, but I brought this up. I was usually the one who steered the conversation towards the girl. Why did I steer the conversation towards the girl? I did this because I was getting worried. I was getting worried for the girl and also for the boys. Because of the fact that they had been the last to be seen with the girl they would no doubt come back to them. I however did not doubt the validity of their story for one moment. Comment reporting officer: at 20.05 hours the assistent district attorney, inspector first class J.C. SAMBO informed the suspect P.A.P.J. van der SLOOT that he would be held for questioning at the police station in Noord on which the suspect P.A.P.J. van der SLOOT responded that he would resist the incarceration because it was a completely insane and absurd action. Murder Suspect finds it highly questionable that this is only happening to make his son make statements that are beside the truth. Murder Suspect did remark that he is willing to tell us everything he remembers if this somehow gives clarity into the case of Natalee Holloway gone missing, but that this could best be done in the capacity of a witness. To your question whether I spoke to the boys at home on Wednesday June 1st 2005 and about what we talked, I can state the following. I don't exactly remember anymore what days I spoke to the boys. I only know that I talked to the boys a lot. I did not want Joran to be out of the house for as long as the girl was still missing. Because of that a lot of Joran's friends, including Deepak and Satish came over to visit us. We then often talked about the girl. We were following the reports in the newspapers, on the radio and on television. To your question how it happened that I found a lawyer for Joran and the two Kalpoe brothers, I can state the following. Looking at the facts I had to take into consideration that Joran, Deepak and Satish could at some point become suspects. If that was the case I wanted the proces to go as smoothly as possible, in order for them to be released as soon as possible. Again, I still believed their story implicitly. If they already had lawyers no time would be waisted when they were arrested. The lawyer could be there very quickly, so that the questioning could being immediately and no time would be waisted. In reality I was trying to facilitate the process as much as possible. You are telling me that I have stated that I believed the story but still took preparations with regard to a lawyer and I have explained them the entire procedure of being arrested and being detained, why? To this I can say the following. I have previously said that due to the fact that the boys could possibly be the last people who had been seen with the girl, this fact could be sufficient to cause them to be seen as suspects. As said before, I wanted to facilitate this process. Part of that was making sure the boys did not panic because they were unfamiliar with the procedure. I especially wanted to prevent that they would make statements that were untrue. In the situation they found themselves with a police and judicial apparatus that was under enormous pressure that was not unthinkable. To your question why I would think they would panic if they told their story, the one I believed, or whether I had reasons to be suspicious of their story and whether I know more about the case than I, my son Joran, Deepak and Satish did not tell when they made their first witness statements, I can tell you the following. I have told you before that I believed the boys story, that I had no reasons to doubt it, I also did not get any clues that made me doubtful and thus I assumed that the statement they gave to the police were the correct ones. My fear was more in the desire to score of the police force. I was afraid that the boys would be entrapped/tricked into making a statement that was not correct. I have told them on more than one occasion that they should count themselves lucky that they were with the three of them and that the interviews should not be hard because they were telling the truth. To your question as to how good a liar Joran is, I can tell you the following. In the past Joran lied. About money that he had stolen from us. We have talked about this extensively and it was also discussed at the youth psychologist Dr. XXX XXXXXX, with whom he had several talks about his growth into adulthood. I had the feeling he had made a clean breast of it/fresh start. I at least did not assume I had to doubt everything he said. To your question what I now think after it came out that Joran is making untruthful after untruthful statement and what I can state about that, I can state the following. I can not make a judgement about this. What I have understood that Joran is the one who broke open the case. To your question what I mean when I said that Joran broke open the case, I can state the following. Joran's lawyer has told me that it was Joran who changed his statement. Because of that the case is now broken open and now the truth can come out.
__:__ AM or PM (?) = Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT may or may not have left his office. In his June 18, 2005 statements to ARUBAN Police Detectives he intimated that he normally leaves his office sometime in the middle of the day, supposedly, to go to his home and eat. In his June 18, 2005 statements he gave to ARUBAN Police Detectives he stated “I cannot remember any more if I came home to eat in the middle of the day because that too was different on different days.”
????Did Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT leave his office during mid-day? Do co-workers remember if he left his office or not?
????If Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT did leave his office, what time did he leave his office?
????If Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT did leave his office, has it been confirmed or not confirmed via security video cameras that he took a driving route to his home, or did he drive a route away from his office to some where other than his home?
????If Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT did leave his office, has it been confirmed or not confirmed via security video cameras that he took a driving route back to his office from his home, or a did he drive a route back to his office from some where other than his home?
2:45 PM = According to Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s June 14, 2005 statements he gave ARUBAN Police Interrogators his school day normally ended at 2:45 PM
On June 23, 2005 Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:
To your question whether I picked up Joran during the period between May 30th 2005 and June 9th 2005, I can state the following. It is possible but I cannot remember whether I did. I did pick up Joran from school from time to time but whether it was in that time-period I cannot remember.
10:00 PM = according to “Blogs For Natalee” Identity “GrannyToad,” any ARUBA Police surveillance of a person(s) suspected of a crime(s) must cease at 10:00 PM.
On 6-6” reported:
Mtn. Brook council donates $20,000 to reward for missing teenThe Mountain Brook City Council has agreed to donate $20,000 toward a reward being offered for the return of a missing Mountain Brook teen. Natalee Holloway, 18, disappeared more than a week ago on a trip to the island with more than 100 other graduates of Mountain Brook High School. Mayor Terry Oden said the council wanted to make the contribution as a sign of the city’s support. The money is to come out of the city’s general fund and be placed in a bank account the family is expected to set up sometime this week, he said. The bank has not yet been determined. “It makes me feel very good, but I am not at all surprised,” Oden said of the council’s decision. “This city pulls together. We’re concerned, and she’s one of us.” Victoria L. Coman
On 6-6, the BOSTON, MASSACHUSSETTS ABC TV channel 5 “WCVB” reported:
Woman Claims Rape Where Missing Teen Was Last Seen In Aruba
BOSTON -- With its year-round warmth and nearly rain-free climate, Aruba has become a vacation oasis for thousands of Massachusetts’s residents. But in recent days, a dark side has emerged.
NewsCenter 5's Amalia Barreda reported that a local woman said she was raped after leaving the same bar in Aruba where missing Alabama teen Natalee Holloway was last seen.
"Aruba is not as safe as the commercials make it out to be," said Marie, who withheld her last name.
Marie said she made four trips to Aruba with friends and believed the island was safe. That's why she had no qualms about traveling there alone for Christmas 2001. She stayed at the same "Holiday Inn" where Holloway and her high school classmates booked their rooms. On Christmas Eve, Marie said she went to Carlos 'N Charlie's, the same bar where the missing Alabama teen was last seen.
When she left, Marie said a man pulled her into his car, drove away and raped her.
"As I was being pulled into vehicle, screams came out of me that I couldn't imagine ever coming out of me of me and people did nothing," said Marie.
"I have never felt threatened, felt scared. Aruba is home away from home for me and always will be," said Neely Cosentino, an Aruba homeowner.
Cosentino said she and her husband bought a second home in Aruba and spend more than half the year there. She said they made the investment because they believe the island is safe. The government does not tolerant crime because tourism is their top industry.
"Over 500,000 tourists a year visit Aruba, and if it wasn't because of us Americans, Aruba wouldn't be the way it is. So to answer your question, there is zero tolerance for anybody that is threatening or doing any damage to Americans," said Cosentino.
Marie said she managed to get away from her assailant that night. She said she did not report the attack to island Police because she was alone and afraid, but mostly because she would not have been able to identify her attacker.
On 6-6” reported:
Arubans join search for missing Mtn. Brook girl
ARUBA— Twenty tour buses carried this afternoon Aruba residents who joined in a massive all-island search for a missing Mountain Brook girl.The government of Aruba gave its workers a half day off today to help in the search. Natalee Holloway, 18, disappeared more than a week ago on a trip to the island with fellow graduates of Mountain Brook High School. An estimated 2,500 government employees, civilians, tourism industry workers and other volunteers showed up to assist in the search, according to Eduardo Croes, assistant to the minister of justice. “Our mission is to find Natalie and to find her alive and to find her today,” Croes said. The search groups met in the central town of Santa Cruz, then fanned out to different locations around the island. Aruba police and the Royal Dutch Marines were leading teams of civilians, civil servants, park service workers and other volunteers to check outdoor areas and from house-to-house in some neighborhoods. Police also continued to question two men arrested Sunday in connection with her disappearance.Hannah Wolfson
**NOTE** WOLFSON is a reporter in BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA for the “Birmingham News”
On 6-6 CNN reported:
CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Let us know what you think, That's has now been a week since an Alabama teenager disappeared during a vacation in Aruba. Police have made two arrests but seem to be no closer to finding the girl.CNN's Karl Penhaul is in Aruba. He brings us up to date.(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We pray, Heavenly Father, that she will be able to be reunited with her family very, very soon.KARL PENHAUL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): More than a lighthouse, it's their beacon of hope.(SINGING)PENHAUL: More than a hymn, it's their song of faith, faith through the agony that Natalee Holloway will return. It's been a week now since the 18-year old went missing. Just like the well-wishers at this vigil, the authorities are holding out hope.KARIN JANSSEN, ARUBA ATTORNEY GENERAL: An investigation has two goals. First, to get her alive and bring her back to her mother and family. And the second is to do an investigation in the case that something terrible happens.PENHAUL: The day began with raids on two homes on the eastern side of the island. Aruban journalist Dilma Adams was there.DILMA ARENDS, JOURNALIST: We didn't hear any screaming, any shouting. It was very, very calm. Again, the police surrounded a house. After a while, we saw some agents come in with -- with gloves, and started searching around the house.PENHAUL: Three cars and bags of items were confiscated, but no sign of the young American.JANSSEN: Didn't find clothing or belongings of her.PENHAUL: The prosecutor said the men have been charged with crimes related to Natalee's disappearance, but gave no more specifics. They're being interrogated.After the arrests, Dutch Marines began combing Black Mangrove Beach on Aruba's wind-swept eastern tip. Police say a blood-stained mattress was discovered, but FBI tests ruled out any link to Natalee. It was not human blood.(on camera): Sunday's arrests don't signal any letup in the search operation. Aruban authorities are calling in more expert help.JANSSEN: We have asked at the FBI for a specialized diving team.PENHAUL: The sun sets on another day with no fresh news of Natalee, yet old and young still cling tight to their flowers and their faith that the missing will be found. Karl Penhaul, CNN, Aruba.(END VIDEOTAPE)COSTELLO: The family has offered a $50,000 reward for information leading to Natalee's whereabouts. Back home, in Alabama, friends and fellow students gathered to pray for the missing teen. They've been there every day since they came home from Aruba without their classmate. Natalee's aunt told Rick Sanchez that the disappearance could not have been the girl's choice.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)RICK SANCHEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I have to ask you this question.MARCIA TWITTY, NATALEE'S AUNT: Yes?SANCHEZ: Is there anything about Natalee that would make her want to in any way go away, run away?TWITTY: No. No.SANCHEZ: Disappear?TWITTY: No.SANCHEZ: Nothing?TWITTY: No. There is nothing about Natalee where, on her own free will, that she's going to say, "I'm not going" -- no. Her own free will, Natalee is not -- would not do this.(END VIDEO CLIP)COSTELLO: The family has also asked their community to remember the missing girl with yellow ribbons and, of course, more prayers.
On 6-6 CNN reported:
SOLEDAD O'BRIEN, CNN ANCHOR: In Aruba, expanding the search for Natalee Holloway, missing now for a week. Ahead, a live report on the investigation and the two men who are now being held in the case.
ALI VELSHI, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Authorities in Aruba have charged two men in the disappearance of 18-year-old Natalee Holloway. Meanwhile, investigators are expanding the search for the Alabama student. Karl Penhaul is in Palm Beach, Aruba for us. He joins us now with the latest -- Karl. KARL PENHAUL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Ali, as you say, there has been a breakthrough in this case with those two arrests. But as far as the family is concerned, it's still a huge emotional drain for them. It's frustration. It's a waiting game as this goes on. But this morning I was talking to a very close family friend and she says the family is doing its best to stay strong, to stay focused. And Natalee's mom, Beth, has said that she's not going home without her daughter. (BEGIN VIDEO TAPE) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We pray, Heavenly Father, that she will be able to be reunited with her family very, very soon.PENHAUL (voice-over): More than a lighthouse, it's their beacon of hope.(CONGREGATION SINGING)PENHAUL: More than a hymn, it's their song of faith, faith through the agony that Natalee Holloway will return. It's been a week now since the 18-year old went missing. Just like the well wishers at this vigil, the authorities are holding out hope.KARIN JANSSEN, ARUBA ATTORNEY GENERAL: An investigation has two girls. First, to get her alive and bring her back to her mother and family. And the second is to do an investigation in the case that something terrible happens.PENHAUL: The day began with raids on two homes on the eastern side of the island. Aruban journalist Dilma Arends was there. DILMA ARENDS, JOURNALIST: We didn't hear any screaming, any shouting. It was very, very calm. Again, the police surrounded the house. After a while, we saw some agents come in with gloves. They started searching around the house.PENHAUL: Three cars and bags of items were confiscated, but no sign of the young American.JANSSEN: They didn't find clothing or belongings of her.PENHAUL: The prosecutor said the men have been charged with crimes related to Natalee's disappearance, but gave no more specifics. They're being interrogated.After the arrests, Dutch Marines began combing Black Mangrove Beach on Aruba's wind swept eastern tip. Police say a blood-stained mattress was discovered. But FBI tests ruled out any link to Natalee. It was not human blood.On another day with no fresh news of Natalee, yet old and young still cling tight to their flowers and their faith that the missing will be found. (END VIDEO TAPE) PENHAUL: These arrests, Ali, have certainly not signaled any letup in the search operation. In the next couple of hours, we expect here at the Holiday Inn, the hotel where Natalee had been staying, for a group of volunteers and possibly some of the family, friends and relatives to meet. They're organizing volunteer searches. They'll head out for another day combing the beaches and some of the scrubland here. VELSHI: All right, and you showed those Dutch Marines coming in there. We also hear about specialized diving teams from the FBI having been called in to help the search. Where is this search going? Are they looking for a Natalee who might be alive or is there some indication that they needed to bring in diving teams? PENHAUL: It was certainly the hope of the chief prosecutor, as we've heard, that her hope, and, she says, her most important mission is to find Natalee and to find her alive and send her home with her mother. But as a precaution, obviously, and as part of this search as it goes on, they're calling in these FBI diving experts because although, yes, Aruba, a lot of white, sandy beaches, but on other parts of the island, a craggy coastline. And there are some very strong currents that sweep past especially the southern end of the island. That's where the FBI diving experts will be working -- Ali. VELSHI: All right, Karl, we'll be tracking this. Thank you very much.
Second day of final exams of the “International School of Aruba” according to a school schedule here.
On June 9, 2005 Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to the “Scared Monkeys blog" and “Debbie”)
I have to inform you that I was contacted a few days ago by a boy named Steve. Steve said to me that he saw us on May 30th 2005 when we dropped the girl off in the nightly hours.
A week or so after NATALEE vanished in ARUBA, her brother and step-brother, MATT HOLLOWAY and GEORGE TWITTY Jr., flew to ARUBA to help the family search for NATALEE.
On 6-6 (in the morning) the “AP” reported, “The Dutch Caribbean island’s government asked most of the 4,000 public employees to meet at a sports stadium in the central community of Santa Cruz at 2 p.m. EDT to be briefed on ‘a systematic search,’ Police commander Trudy Hassell said. ‘We hope there will be thousands,’ Hassell said in the capital, Oranjestad. ‘This effort is a national effort. We feel with the family.’” “The initial idea for the search called for an island-wide effort, but later changed focus to the southeastern area of Seroe Colorado and part of San Nicolas,” Hassell said. (San Nicolas is the same area where authorities arrested JOHN and JONES, the ex-security guards) Hassell said ARUBA's size made “a full search of the island impractical.” Hassell said she asked the Justice Ministry for permission to conduct another big search Tuesday (6-7) but had not yet received permission.
On 6-6 CNN reported, “Some 500 government employees, we’re told, joined a search alongside Dutch marines on the wind-swept eastern tip of the island. We’ve seen them going through mangroves, through cactus, and through thorny scrub with poles looking for clues as to Natalee’s whereabouts. This eastern tip of the island is not far from the town of San Nicolas, and that’s where the two suspects were arrested yesterday.
[NOTE that 500 government employees who actually showed-up to help, out of 4,000 total government employees is only a 12% ARUBAN turnout to actually help search for NATALEE]
Also, Police officials have told me that in the course of the day those two suspects have been undergoing further interrogations but they’re saying they haven’t been that cooperative so far. And over the weekend, the Allegro Hotel (where the security guards worked) was searched. Now, that hotel has been under refurbishment for about the last month. There are a lot of open spaces there. There are several hundred rooms in that hotel. But nothing, we understand, was found. That hotel is still undergoing refurbishment. None of the work was stopped there.”
On 6-6 ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG stated, “You could say three theories. One is, as you all know, these persons of interest might have done something wrong to Natalee. That’s one area. The other area is that this person is just missing, in terms of somewhere else, for whatever reason. And the last theory is, of course, a kidnapping. But as law enforcement, you cannot exclude anything.”
On 6-6 CARLA CACCAVALE, spokesperson for the Holloway family and PAUL’s wife, stated of the ARUBAN government letting employees off work early a half day to help in the search, “Absolutely. Today was one of the better days for the family. Just the fact that so many people across the island were looking for Natalee, a, provided comfort, because there was more hands on deck helping out, and b, it just showed the support of the people of Aruba to Beth and the rest of the family.”
On 6-6 the Aruba coast guard said Aruba's shoreline already had been searched on foot, by boat and helicopter, and divers were searching specific spots.
On 6-6 the government announced there would be an expanded search for NATALEE with hundreds of Aruban volunteers. (it was reported that many tourists also participated)
On 6-6 the NBIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA “Birmingham Post Herald” reported:
Missing teen's friends, family continue hope June 6, 2005By ANDREW NELSONBIRMINGHAM POST-HERALD Natalee Holloway moved to Mountain Brook from Mississippi when she was in junior high, about the same time her mother married George "Jug" Twitty.
The highly social young girl found friends and became a standout member of her social group and her class in school, friends say. "I've known Natalee since she moved here in eighth grade," said Frances Ellen Byrd, 18, of Mountain Brook, a classmate and friend who was on the Aruba trip. "Ever since she's been here, she's been the smartest of all us friends." Byrd was still optimistic her friend would be found even though she's been missing for a week. Holloway and 141 other Mountain Brook High graduates took an unofficial senior trip to Aruba on May 26. When students arrived at the airport to return home May 30, Holloway, 18, was not among the group. Aruban police, Dutch Marines and FBI agents were still searching the island in the south Caribbean looking for Holloway this weekend. Aruban police arrested two men Sunday who are suspected in her disappearance. Byrd and Holloway's family prefer not to talk about the investigation. Or about the events in Aruba that occurred before Holloway's disappearance in the early morning hours of May 30. The young woman, whose face has been broadcast all over the world and whose disappearance is the subject of speculation from bar stools to national TV broadcasts, is a highly studious extrovert, her friend and family say. Her main interests include studying and hanging out with her friends, two family members and a friend said Saturday. She was "everything parents look for," said Thomas Twitty, 18, of Mountain Brook, a step-cousin, "Pretty much in every honor society you could think of. Pretty responsible. Hardly ever got in trouble. Pretty much everything you would want in a son or daughter." Byrd said Holloway, an A student, was ranked 25th in a class of about 300 graduates. She was awarded a full-ride scholarship to the University of Alabama. While not certain of her goals in life, Byrd said Holloway "always talks about how she wants to do something medically." In Aruba, Holloway's mother and stepfather are riding a roller coaster of emotions as they watch the investigation into their daughter's disappearance unfold, said Marcia Twitty, Holloway's step-aunt. "It's been long ... it's difficult, then at times they feel like they are going to get somewhere," she said. Many feared the worst Sunday when authorities announced they had found a blood-soaked mattress at a beach on the eastern part of the island, but police said it turned out to be animal blood, The Associated Press reported. "This is a woman going on pure hope and adrenaline, because she's not going on food or sleep," said Twitty of her sister-in-law. Beth Holloway Twitty draws strength knowing people back in Alabama are praying for her daughter, putting up yellow ribbons on mailboxes and store fronts in Mountain Brook, and wearing bracelets made of purple, orange and green yarn braided together. Marcia Twitty would not comment on the investigation in Aruba, saying she would prefer to let authorities do their job down there. Byrd said she was focusing on not talking about the trip, but did mention the teenagers spent a lot of time on the beach. And both Marcia Twitty and Byrd asked that everybody pray for Holloway's safe return.
On 6-6 LIZ SANDNER, NATALEE’S Bible study leader, stated about NATALEE, “This is someone who, if she wasn't going to be at bible study, would call before, say she couldn't, make an appointment at a different time, sometimes 7:00 a.m. Friday morning, to come recite, you know, her scripture memory for the week. We just want everybody to keep praying for Natalee because we know she's going to come home. She's a strong girl, and she'll get through this. And she knows that we’re all praying for her. And we’re here for her, waiting for her to come back.”
On 6-6 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA NBC TV channel 13 reported:
Holloway's Isn't Only Missing Woman Case In Aruba
Another family said they know exactly what Natalee Holloway's parents are going through. They've been dealing with the same nightmare for seven years.
The Bradley’s, of Virginia, went on a cruise in 1998 and Aruba was one of the stops. That's where their daughter disappeared.
Iva Bradley said her 23-year-old daughter Amy befriended three men that worked on the cruise ship and they wanted to take her to a bar in Aruba.
"They said they wanted to take her to a bar on Aruba that was called Carlos and Charlie's," said Bradley. "She made a face and said 'I wouldn't get off the ship with any of those guys anyway, that's creepy.'"
Amy Bradley was last seen in her cabin at 5:15 a.m. By 6 a.m., she was nowhere to be found.
"Imagine if you have a child. You brought that child into the world and every waking moment is geared toward your children," said Iva Bradley. "You go on a trip and come home without one of them and you get no help. It's a pretty devastating 24/ 7 situation."
Bradley's case remains open with the FBI. NBC 13 spoke with her case manager in Barbados but there wasn't much she could say. However, she did confirm reports of a sighting by a Naval officer one year after the woman disappeared.
The officer told the F.B.I. he went to a brothel in Curacao on Canal. He said an American girl leaned in and said: "My name is Amy Bradley. I need your help."
Unfortunately he didn't report the sighting for sometime and by then the brothel had burned to the ground. The F.B.I. has released sketches of suspects in her case.
There is a $260,000 reward for information leading to Bradley's whereabouts. Her family continues to hope that someone, somewhere, has information that could finally reunite the missing daughter with her parents.
The hot line phone number for the Amy Bradley case is (804) 276-8503.
By 6-6 the ARUBA media have reported sightings of a young woman with two or three men getting out of a white rental car, leading some to believe NATALEE is alive and still on the island. The ARUBAN Police, however, say these reported sightings are just wishful thinking.
On May 6, 2006 “Blogs for Natalee” identity “Happy-Guy” reported, “If not mistaken, Lorenzo has a car dealership cleanup shop, to clean up his rental cars, do detail work on the outside and inside of these cars and for the public, and that Deepak or Satish, may have been seen with the Honda Civic at this place, “R & S Auto Repairs,” near the Buscadera area of the island, and where the Free Port area is located. This also the area, where the two ladies from FM station 96.5 radio station, said they ran upon a parked car with two dark men and a naked blonde woman inside. They looked Raftherjaini or something like that to the women, who were threatened with an axe and fled the area. When ALE got around to checking this area, the car and occupants were naturally no longer there. This allegation by the two fm radio station needs checking out carefully as they have no reason to lie about what they did and what they observed as they had taken off work a half day [June 6, 2005] to participate in an island search for Natalee.”
On January 22, 2006 DAVE HOLLOWAY answered questions asked him by “Blogs For Natalee” founder “Debbie”: (DAVE’s answer is in bold)
What do they know about Lorenzo Van Rijn? Why is his name Voodoo to the Arubaans? Lorenzo is believed to be the Ecstasy dealer in Aruba. Detective Jacobs as ruled him out as a suspect. Do you know why Lorenzo van Rijn was picked up for questioning early on? Any name that is mentioned in the interrogation was called in for questioning.
***NOTE*** at no time between the 2 security guards arrests on 6-5, and their own arrests on 6-9, did Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , nor Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE come forward to tell authorities that their “Holiday Inn” “security guard” alibi-lies were, in fact, lies.
On 6-6 “People Magazine” via Internet service provider "America Online" reported:
Search Goes On for Missing U.S. Teen in Aruba
MONDAY JUNE 06, 2005 02:25PM EST
By Marla Lehner
The government in Aruba on Monday asked thousands of civil servants and tourists visiting the island to join a massive search effort to look for a missing Alabama teenager, Natalee Holloway, the Associated Press reports. The 18-year-old honors student went missing on May 30 while on a trip with more than 100 other classmates celebrating their high school graduation. Most of the Dutch Caribbean island's 4,000 public employees were asked to meet at a sports arena at 2 p.m. Monday to be briefed on "a systematic search," police commander Trudy Hassell said. "This effort is a national effort. We feel with the family," Hassell said, according to AP. On Sunday, two security guards who worked at a hotel near where Holloway was staying were arrested. Attorney General Caren Janssen would not disclose the exact charges, but said: "The charges have a relationship with the disappearance. There is a reasonable suspicion they may be involved." The two men in custody were not among three other men described Saturday by police as "persons of interest," according to police spokesman Edwin Comemencia. The three men, described as students, told police they dropped Holloway off at the hotel where she was staying on May 30 at 2 a.m. Holiday Inn employees, however, say security cameras did not record her entry. Holloway, who is 5'4" and blonde, spent her last night at a beach concert featuring Boyz II Men and Lauryn Hill, then went out for dinner and dancing. She did not show up for her flight home hours later. Police found her passport in her hotel room with her packed bags. The Aruban government and local tourism organizations have offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to Holloway's return. Her family in Alabama have offered another $30,000.
On 6-6 CNNHN reported:
Investigation Continues in the Case of Missing Alabama Teen; On the Verge of a Verdict for Jackson Trial;
NANCY GRACE, HOST: Tonight, when an 18-year-old American girl went on her senior trip to Aruba, her dream turned into a nightmare. As two men are taken into custody, and the FBI moves in on the tiny island, the question hangs in the air tonight: Natalee Holloway, where are you?
But first, the entire nation of Aruba looking for Natalee Holloway. Tonight, as the search grows, two men in custody in connection with NATALEE’s disappearance. Back in Natalee Holloway’s hometown in Alabama, family and friends praying around the clock for Natalee to come home. Tonight, in Aruba, family spokesperson for Natalee Holloway’s family, Carla Caccavale; in Santa Maria, California, Jackson family attorney Debra Opri; here in New York, defense attorney Dino Lombardi and psychologist Dr. Robi Ludwig. But first, let’s go to Aruba and CNN correspondent Karl Penhaul. Karl, bring me up-to-date, friend. KARL PENHAUL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Nancy, this afternoon there’s been a large-scale search. Some 500 government employees, we’re told, joined a search alongside Dutch marines on the wind-swept eastern tip of the island. We’ve seen them going through mangroves, through cactus, and through thorny scrub with poles looking for clues as to NATALEE’s whereabouts. This eastern tip of the island is not far from the town of San Nicolas, and that’s where the two suspects were arrested yesterday. Also, Police officials have told me that in the course of the day those two suspects have been undergoing further interrogations but they’re saying they haven’t been that cooperative so far, Nancy. GRACE: Well, here’s my question, Karl. What’s there not to be cooperative about? These two guys that are in Police custody tonight that are being questioned, they are security guards for a nearby hotel, correct? PENHAUL: That’s correct. That’s what we’re told. One is 28-years- old. The other is 30-years-old. We’re not being told much more about the rest of their backgrounds. But, yes, we are told that they were security guards at a hotel which really is only about 300, 400 yards from the "Holiday Inn." And that’s at the opposite end of the island where they live and right close to the hotel where Natalee Holloway was staying during her stay here. GRACE: With us in Aruba, CNN correspondent Karl Penhaul. Karl, OK, these two guys, these two security guards, age 28, age 30, worked for the Allegro, correct, the Allegro Hotel? PENHAUL: That is correct. And over the weekend, the Allegro Hotel was searched. Now, that hotel has been under refurbishment for about the last month. There are a lot of open spaces there. There are several hundred rooms in that hotel. But nothing, we understand, was found. That hotel is still undergoing refurbishment. None of the work was stopped there. GRACE: OK, Karl, let me ask you, were these two on duty the night that Natalee went missing? PENHAUL: That we don’t know. We haven’t been told that. What we do understand, though, is that the three young men who were seen in NATALEE’s company as she left the Mexican bar Carlos and Charlie’s, we understand they in interviews with the Police did speak of seeing two men in the vicinity of the "Holiday Inn." And that, we believe, is the link with the two suspects that were arrested. GRACE: Now, Karl, those three young locals that were at the Carlos and Charlie restaurant bar, they have been cleared. They apparently gave the girl a ride home from the bar that evening and apparently went down on the beach? PENHAUL: Not necessarily cleared, Nancy. I don’t think it’s fair to say that at this stage. Police are playing their cards fairly close to their chest. They are still describing those three men as persons of interest. What they are also saying, in the course of the interrogations today, that the Police are really trying to establish very firmly what the link may be between the two people that were arrested and these three young men. Yes, you’re correct that they in their interviews with Police say that they did go to the beach with Natalee and they do say that they dropped her off outside the "Holiday Inn." But talking to hotel management here, they say there’s no sign on those video cameras that Natalee ever returned to the "Holiday Inn." GRACE: Take a listen to this. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BETTY TWITTY, MOTHER OF MISSING TEEN: She is an amazing 18-year-old girl. And Natalee is truly an angel. She’s a member of the National Honor Society. She’s a straight-A student. She’s proud of her 4.0 GPA. And, yes, she would argue that it’s much higher than that. Full University of Alabama academic scholarship recipient, a passionate dancer, as a matter of fact, she’s a Dorian. She’s the most devoted and loving friend. GEORGE "JUG" TWITTY, STEPFATHER OF MISSING TEEN: I’m not sure we are prepared. I mean, we -- we’ve talked about different things, you know. But we still believe in our hearts that she’s out there, she’s alive, somebody’s holding her somewhere. Because mine and Beth’s thoughts are, if she is alive out there, she’s certainly alive and being held, you know, by somebody. She’s not out there because she wants to be out there. (END VIDEO CLIP) GRACE: Here in the studio with me, Dr. Robi Ludwig. I was telling the story the other night about, just briefly, my mom was missing here in New York on one of her first visits up here, and what this family must be going through. What emotionally and psychologically are they going through right now? DR. ROBI LUDWIG, PSYCHOTHERAPIST: It’s torturous. I mean, not knowing is almost worse than knowing. And I’m sure that the worst possible scenario is playing through their head. And they’re just thinking about all the various possibilities. So, of course, this is a living nightmare for the family. GRACE: Well, I’ve got to ask you a question. The other night after NATALEE’s mother was on with us, Mrs. Twitty, I got tons of e-mail saying she seemed to have very flat affect, showing no emotion. You know, I imagine she is numb right now. She has gone to Aruba, everybody. She swears she’s not leaving until she brings Natalee home. I did not find that unusual at all. It’s a miracle to me the woman can even speak. LUDWIG: No, absolutely. I mean, she is probably in shock. We don’t know if she was prescribed anything to help her get through this. So again, people who look on the outside can always make judgments. But it’s very difficult for these family members. GRACE: Back to Karl Penhaul, CNN correspondent joining us tonight from Aruba. What led Police to these two security guys, I’m guessing the three guys that picked her up from the bar? PENHAUL: That certainly seems to be the indication. It seems to be that these arrests were based on information provided in those interviews by the three young men. We do understand that they were talking about seeing two men dressed in black or in dark uniforms in the vicinity of the "Holiday Inn." But as I say, those three men are still being regarded by Police as persons of interest, because on the hotel video cameras, the security cameras here, there is no sign that Natalee ever actually came back through the lobby of the "Holiday Inn." GRACE: Take a listen to this. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) LIZ SANONER, MISSING TEEN'S BIBLE STUDY LEADER: This is someone who, if she wasn’t going to be at bible study, would call before, say she couldn’t, make an appointment at a different time, sometimes 7:00 A.M. Friday morning, to come recite, you know, her scripture memory for the week. (END VIDEO CLIP) GRACE: Today, the Aruba government allowed all government employees to leave work a half-day early and join in the search for Natalee. To Carla Caccavale -- she’s the spokesperson for NATALEE’s family. I’m sure that gave a lot of strength and inspiration to NATALEE’s family today. CARLA CACCAVALE, SPOKESPERSON FOR HOLLOWAY FAMILY: Absolutely. Today was one of the better days for the family. Just the fact that so many people across the island were looking for Natalee, a, provided comfort, because there was more hands on deck helping out, and b, it just showed the support of the people of Aruba to Beth and the rest of the family. GRACE: Carla, what can you tell us about this girl, about Natalee Holloway? CACCAVALE: From what I -- I talk to Beth often. And one of the things she said to me before I was coming on camera today for numerous interviews, she said, "Carla," she said, "You have to make Natalee proud, because when she sees these tapes, she’s going to criticize you and critique you." So it seems like she’s a really smart girl, straight-A student, they said a passionate dancer, just someone who was reliable. I mean, just an all-around, you know, Miss Perfect. GRACE: To Dino Lombardi, defense attorney joining me. Dino, let’s take what we know right now and try to piece it together. We know she was at Carlos and Charlie’s restaurant bar. It’s kind of like an Applebee's- type thing. And we know she left with these three locals. They were young. There were 18, too. What was it, Karl? How old were the three that she left with? PENHAUL: The three of aged between 18 and 25. GRACE: OK. She left with them. People saw her leave. And then they said they went for a walk on the beach. And Dino, I’ve been doing a little research. This hotel, this empty hotel that’s under renovation, the Allegro, is only a couple of hundred feet -- well, a couple of hundred yards from the "Holiday Inn" where she was staying. Dino, I can see them walking along the beach right to where these two security guards are, grown men, 28 and 30. Now, you put that together, with these two allegedly being uncooperative, and now they’re looking in the water and in the scrub brush. What do you think, Dino? Put it together. DINO LOMBARDI, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I think the focus is correctly on these two individuals. And what we don’t know here is whether these two individuals have any kinds of a record or anything in their background that may suggest involvement in inappropriate behavior or even criminal behavior. But clearly, the nexus in time and place hands off from the three young men at Carlos and Charlie’s to these two individuals, who were apparently at the end of their shift or something like that, and they’re then seen in the vicinity of the...GRACE: Yes.LOMBARDI: They may have said something, despite how uncooperative they were, to authorities in the initial retention period, which is justified holding on to them and looking more closely at them. But it’s *ust a very difficult thing. I think this family and we all can take some encouragement from the fact that the FBI is very much involved. And my understanding of our relationship with Aruba is that we have a very good, tight relationship with them. GRACE: And Elizabeth, can you show us the map that we made of Aruba for the viewers? It’s only 19.6 miles in length, 6 miles across. There you see Carlos and Charlie’s right at the tip of the island, the "Holiday Inn." And like many of these little dive islands, diving islands, all the big hotels are right along the beach, right on the beach in one big, long row, to make it convenient for people that want to just walk in and start diving. You know, Debra Opri, Dino brings up a very good point. These two security guards that were in that vicinity may very well, for all we know, have just been walking the grounds. But what raises up the hair on the back of my neck is that they’re being uncooperative. Why? DEBRA OPRI, JACKSON FAMILY LAWYER: Well, something to hide. If I were the Police Investigators, I would initially start with, what leads can they give us? And they obviously have given a significant amount of leads, Nancy, because they’re now looking with divers in the water. We have one thing that’s inherent here. We have to find evidence. And if a body is evidence, or if a girl in transport to Colombia for the drug trade prostitution is evidence, we’ve got to find something, because at this point in time, the greatest fear is leading to a dead-end. GRACE: Everybody, we are live in Aruba with all of the latest regarding the mysterious disappearance of an 18-year-old Alabama girl. The FBI has landed on the tiny island of Aruba trying to find Natalee Holloway. Stay with us. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BETH TWITTY: Our primary goal is to bring Natalee back home. We will do whatever it takes. As I’ve said from the beginning, I’m not leaving Aruba without her.(END VIDEO CLIP)(COMMERCIAL BREAK)(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG, ARUBA POLICE CHIEF: You could say three theories. One is, as you all know, these persons of interest might have done something wrong to Natalee. That’s one area. The other area is that this person is just missing, in terms of somewhere else, for whatever reason. And the last theory is, of course, a kidnapping. But as law enforcement, you cannot exclude anything. (END VIDEO CLIP) GRACE: Welcome back. We are live in Aruba with the latest on a missing Alabama girl, just 18-years-old. She went along with about 150 -- wasn’t it 150, Ellie? About 100 of her students -- her fellow students that went away for graduation. About 40 chaperones and parents went along with them. That’s quite a bit of chaperones. Long story short, she disappeared the night before they were to leave to come back. In her hotel room in the "Holiday Inn," they found the girl’s bags neatly packed. They found her pocketbook, her passport, everything. One thing was missing that they know of, only her driver’s license. And let’s talk about that for a moment. Karl Penhaul, a CNN correspondent, is in Aruba. Karl, has her driver’s license been found? PENHAUL: No, according to prosecutors and Police Investigators, none of NATALEE’s possessions or any of her clothing has been found. The two suspects arrested yesterday, their homes were thoroughly searched by Police. And Police did take away bags of possessions and also confiscated three cars. But they’ve been very specific. Nothing of NATALEE’s has been found. The reason why she may have taken her driving license out with her is for some form of official I.D. Here, unlike the States, 18-years-old, like under European law, is the legal age for drinking and such like, and in many of the bars here, you have to provide some form of I.D. so that you’re allowed to enter and allowed to consume beer or any other alcohol. So that’s quite likely the reason why Natalee took along her driving license. GRACE: So it sounds to me, Karl, like she packed to leave before she went to Carlos and Charlie’s for dinner or whatever, had everything ready, so when she came back, it would be ready for her in the morning, taking only her driver’s license and probably some cash to go to the bar. Has her credit card been used whatsoever since this time? PENHAUL: Those kind of details haven’t been provided by Investigators, but so far there’s nothing that would indicate that. GRACE: You know what’s interesting, Karl, is, in this country under our justice system, you simply can’t be arrested and then you say, for what? And they say, "Well, we’ll tell you tomorrow." No, you have to have a formal cause of arrest here. But there in Aruba, not so. Isn’t it true that a suspect can be held for at least two days without finding out why they’re arrested? PENHAUL: Yes and no. Dutch law is very different from U.S. law. It’s similar to law in other parts of Europe, as well. And obviously, Aruba is a Dutch dependency. From what we talked to the prosecutors for, essentially, in this case, these two men, being suspects and being formally arrested, they are, in fact, charged but rather than level specific charges at them, they’re presented with a kind of a menu of charges, if you like. And then as the investigation gets narrowed down, then items on that menu of charges will be either included or excluded. But there are very strict habeas corpus laws, in terms of that they have to be presented to prosecutors or judges within a certain amount of time. One of those deadlines, the 48-hour deadline, comes up tomorrow. At that point, prosecutors and judges will have to decide whether to keep these men in custody or whether to release them. GRACE: OK, Karl, let me get this straight. Yes, no, are they in custody? PENHAUL: They are in custody. They are arrested. GRACE: OK. Yes, no, do we know what the charges are? PENHAUL: Crimes relating to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. GRACE: Do we know what the crime is? PENHAUL: Not the specific charges of the crime. GRACE: OK, interesting. Now, what time were they taken into custody? PENHAUL: About 7:00 a.m. yesterday. And we’re on the same time here in Aruba as Eastern time USA. GRACE: 7:00 a.m. yesterday, so by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, they’ve got to either be formally charged or cut loose? PENHAUL: They are formally charged. But it’s actually 1:00 p.m. Because, first of all, they were arrested at 7:00 a.m. There was a six- hour detention period there. At the end of that six-hour detention period, another 48-hour detention period begins. So 1:00 p.m. tomorrow. GRACE: OK. Back out to Carla Caccavale. She is the family spokesperson for Natalee Holloway’s family. How is the family holding up tonight? CACCAVALE: They’re really strong. Today, like I said, was a good day for them. They were out, and they were positive. They were briefed by the Police this morning. Unfortunately, no additional information is available at this time. And like I said, they found a lot of support in last night’s prayer vigil that was held on island and also a great deal of support today from the search operation conducted by the government employees across the island. About 500 to 600 people showed up, they said. GRACE: Karl Penhaul, CNN correspondent in Aruba, a lot of interest was stirred today because a mattress was discovered with blood on it. It has since turned out not to even be human blood, correct? PENHAUL: That’s correct. That mattress was discovered yesterday on the eastern tip of the island. FBI agents were called in to help with some more sophisticated tests on the mattress. Very quickly, that blood sample was ruled out. It was actually the blood of a dog. GRACE: Everyone, we are going to break. We are live in Aruba tonight with all of the latest on a missing 18-year-old Alabama girl on her high school graduation trip. An honor student, Natalee Holloway, was last seen leaving a restaurant there in Aruba and has seemingly vanished off this tiny island.
On 6-6 the “AP” reported:
Volunteers Look for Missing Teen in Aruba By MICHAEL NORTON, Associated Press Writer ORANJESTAD, Aruba - About 700 volunteers joined police, soldiers and FBI agents on Monday, combing scrubland and beaches on Aruba's southeastern tip in an unprecedented search for an Alabama teenager who vanished a week ago on a trip to the Dutch Caribbean island. Aruba's government let 4,000 civil servants off work early at 2 p.m. to hunt for Natalee Holloway, 18, of Mountain Brook, Ala. The expanded search began a day after police charged two men in her disappearance. The honors student vanished May 30 while on a five-day trip with more than 100 classmates celebrating their high school graduation. Seven chaperones accompanied them. Kenneth Angela and three co-workers from Aruba's lottery company were among the hundreds who boarded 10 buses in the community of Santa Cruz, about six miles from the capital, Oranjestad, to be taken to the search site. "It's the first time Aruba has done such a big search," said Angela, a 31-year-old lottery supervisor. "We want to keep Aruba's name good. That's why we're here, to help find Natalee." The initial idea for the search called for an islandwide effort, but later changed focus to the southeastern area of Seroe Colorado and part of San Nicolas, police commander Judy Hassell said. San Nicolas is where authorities arrested the two men who were charged in the case. Hassell said Aruba's 74 square miles, slightly larger than Washington, D.C., made a full search of the island impractical. "We're going to do as much as we can," he said. One of several search parties scoured barren terrain spotted with sequoia cactus, prickly pear and sea grass in view of Valero oil refinery. A helicopter hovered overhead. Other groups searched abandoned houses, remote roads and bushes. Lizards skittered across their paths. Some of the volunteers were tourists, including Bill and Sarah Wise, both 22, of Cleveland. "We couldn't leave without trying to help a fellow American," Bill Wise said. Sarah Wise said the case touched her because she and Holloway are about the same age. "It could be me," she said. Hassell said she asked the Justice Ministry for permission to conduct another big search Tuesday but had not yet received permission. The coast guard said Aruba's shoreline already had been searched on foot, by boat and helicopter, but the new search was more thorough. Holloway's disappearance has shaken the sense of security many of Aruba's 97,000 people took for granted. Only one murder and six rapes were recorded last year. So far this year, there have been two murders and three rapes on the island, where the average annual income is a comfortable $22,000. The two suspects, aged 28 and 30, were arrested in a raid before dawn Sunday. Police said the men work as security guards. Neighbors said the pair served as guards at a hotel under renovation near the one where Holloway stayed. Aruba officials declined to provide specific charges, saying the case will go before a judge by Tuesday to determine whether the men can be legally held. Authorities had not found any of Holloway's belongings at the suspects' homes. Authorities impounded three vehicles and took bags of items from the two homes. An eight-member team of FBI agents supporting the investigation will help perform forensic testing, police said. Police spokesman Edwin Comemencia said authorities had not ruled out the possibility that other people were involved. The two men in custody were not among three others described Saturday by police as "persons of interest." Authorities declined to comment whether there was a relationship between the suspects and other three, earlier described as students — two Surinamese and a native of the Netherlands — who told police they dropped off Holloway at her hotel around 2 a.m. on May 30. Hotel employees, however, say that security cameras did not record her return. The night she disappeared, Holloway went to a beach concert and then ate and danced at Carlos' n Charlie's bar and restaurant. She did not show up for her return flight hours later, and police found her passport in her hotel room with her packed bags. Police are investigating three main theories: Holloway was kidnapped; she went off on her own — a possibility her relatives discount; or that she had come to harm. It was not clear if Holloway had been drinking the night of her disappearance, though her relatives say she does not party much, is achievement-oriented and a straight-A student who had earned a full scholarship to study a premedical course at the University of Alabama. Her hotel, the Holiday Inn, is right on the water. The Aruba government and local tourism organizations have offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to Holloway's rescue. Her family and benefactors in Alabama have offered $30,000 in addition.
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