January 31, 2006

Detailed Timeline.... January 1 - 31, 2006.... the start of the long road of the assassination of Aruba - Dutch "justice"

The Natalee Holloway Timeline
of her vanishment while in Aruba
detailing persons, places, organizations,
deliberate & accidental actions & in-actions,
events & supposed events, witnesses,
known suspects, outright lies,
corruptions, and crimes


On 1-1 MISSISSIPPI’s “The Meridian Star” reported:

Snowden Looks Ahead to Legislative Session
By Georgia E. Frye / staff writer
Sunday, January 1, 2006
State Rep. Greg Snowden, R-Meridian, was the guest of The Meridian Star's Editorial Board last week. He discussed several topics that will come to the forefront in the upcoming general legislative session.

The Mississippi Legislature will convene for a regular session later this month.

The Star: State Sen. Videt Carmichael has pre-filed a bill calling for a tourist boycott of Aruba. Would you support that if it gets to the House?

Snowden: I would support it. I have been as frustrated as anyone. It is mindboggling to see how this investigation has been handled. We are accustomed, as American citizens, to having certain rights. It has been shocking to find out about, and to see.

A boycott is symbolic, but I think it would be a strong signal to express, if nothing else, our solidarity with the Holloway family and our disgust over what looks to be a botched investigation and maybe a cover-up.

On 1-1 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported about another ARUBA tourists safety issue:

Questions About the Complaints of the Air Traffic Controllers

ARUBA – The complaints of the air traffic controller (atc) about their work environment and about the important equipments that do not function was the reason for parliamentarian Rudy Lampe (RED) to send a letter with questions to minister Edison Briesen (MEP) of Tourism and Transportation.

Lampe wants the minister to react on the statements of the Aruban association of air traffic controllers. They say that the problems with flight delays cannot only be blamed on the air traffic control in Curacao, but also on bad policy of the Aruban government concerning air traffic control.

Lampe wants to know what measures he thinks to take on the complaint about bad policy of the ministry and the Aviation Administration, about the 30 million florins that was invested in equipment that doesn’t work. He also has questions about the bad working situation of the atc, like having to use binoculars. He asks the minister what he plans to do to prevent American Airlines to most probably stop flying the route Aruba/Puerto Rico. Can we expect improvements that would put an end to this serious situation soon?


Sometime before September 21, 2006 “Europol” issues its report on the illegal trafficking of human beings, available in PDF-format here



Confusion surrounding what is meant by Trafficking of Human Beings (THB) and Facilitated Illegal Immigration i.e. People Smuggling means that they are often regarded as being one and the same thing. This is not so.

People Smuggling, in effect is a service provided to ‘customers’ by individuals or networks who are paid to transport a person or persons from one country to another
avoiding immigration control procedures. This is commonly known as ‘Illegal Immigration’ Trafficking in human beings is a serious crime and an abuse of an individual’s human rights. It is the exploitation of vulnerable individuals by criminals who deal with people as commodities to be traded.

Whilst it is inevitable that some victims of trafficking will enter a country as illegal immigrants, due to the methods used by the traffickers, they are two very different crime areas. Importantly, when considering the issue of illegal entry, more and more examples of ‘internal trafficking’ within countries are being seen where no border crossing is required.

Being trafficked inevitably results in the sustained physical and psychological abuse of the victim solely for financial gain. It starts the moment the individual is deceived,
persuaded, abducted or otherwise forced into the hands of the traffickers and can continue long after the victim escapes. It is often and more likely to be repeated when the victims are ‘sold on’ or re-trafficked.

Europol’s mandate is to support the work of the Member States in combating and preventing trafficking of human beings. And recognises the following forms of organised
criminal exploitation:
• Sexual exploitation;
• Child pornography;
• Illicit trade in abandoned children;
• Illicit labour;
• Illicit trade in human organs and tissue.

All of Europol’s current activity in the field of preventing and combating trafficking in human beings is in relation to trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation.
Whilst it is evident that trafficking for labour exploitation is an equally important issue it has not been prioritised by the MS.

THB situation in the EU

Most women and children who are trafficked into the European Union for sexual exploitation originate from Central and South East Europe. Additionally and possibly
as a result of the expansion of the EU, European citizens are now being trafficked, Member State to Member State.

In 2005, Lithuanian girls and women were trafficked into the United Kingdom and forced into prostitution. With greater freedom of movement within the EU it was inevitable that
trafficking networks would begin targeting EU citizens and EU documents. This is likely to increase and requires greater vigilance from border security forces. In recognition of the need for greater vigilance, EU Member States and EU border countries affected by THB have taken part in training programmes and initiatives aimed at raising awareness and implementing ‘best practice’ principles in the investigation of trafficking cases.

As a result of a greater awareness of the nature of the crime and its impact on the EU, Member States have begun to send a message to the traffickers which will serve as a
deterrent measure. With prison sentences of 18 and 23 years being imposed on convicted traffickers (1) THB is no longer a criminal enterprise that can be associated with ‘low risk’.

It is not clear whether there has been an increase in the number of persons trafficked into the EU as there is still no centralized data collection which allows the true scale of the problem to be determined. Information provided and made available by the International Organisations working in this field suggest that there is no decrease in the trade but there may be a trend change in that there appears to be more ‘internal trafficking’ in some of the source countries.

Internal Trafficking normally occurs within the borders of a sovereign state with a vulnerable person being moved from a poor to a more affluent region of a country to be exploited.

It will also be evident in the movement of a victim from one ‘place of work’ to another within the same country. Internal traffickers are more likely to be made up of smaller groups than those operating cross border operations or they are individual perpetrators. They may be less organised or as sophisticated as cross border traffickers. There is less expense involved in the transportation of the person and no need to provide potentially expensive false documents to victims if potential victims can be recruited locally with the obvious benefits of a common language to work with.

Internal trafficking may be on the increase as a result of the positive response from EU and Non-EU law enforcement which has made cross border trafficking more difficult.
A further trend, again possibly in response to an increase in law enforcement awareness, is the move to ‘behind closed door’ activity. Girls placed in locked apartments where the client is received or girls being taken from one appointment to another by the pimp with the arrangements made over the telephone or Internet.

The hope or expectations of a more prosperous future and better quality of life are the vulnerabilities that are exploited by the traffickers when they set out to recruit or lure their victims. In many cases the traffickers do not have to work too hard. For an increasing number of individuals, the opportunity to work overseas is not something they have to be convinced about but the issue of regular, legitimate migration remains a big obstacle.

The reasons that encourage people to leave one area for another are known as ‘Push Factors’. The reasons which attract migrants to a particular area or encourage them to
leave are known as ‘Pull Factors’. In relation to Trafficking in Human Beings and the reasons, events or features that lead persons to engage with traffickers, the following is

Push Factors

• high unemployment;
• labour market not open to women and gender discrimination;
• lack of opportunity to improve quality of life;
• sexual or ethnic discrimination;
• poverty;
• escaping persecution, violence or abuse;
• escaping human rights violations;
• other social and environmental conditions;
• perception of increased opportunities available in the

Pull Factors

• demand for workers within the sex industry and higher earnings;
• demand by men looking for commercial sex;
• better employment opportunities;
• higher salaries and better working conditions;
• improved standard and quality of life;
• no discrimination or abuse.

THB - Source and Destination Countries.

Trafficking in human beings is driven by profit and in the same way that legitimate businesses will look at the market place and the opportunities available, so do the traffickers.

Victims will be recruited from countries or regions where there is a regular supply of women and children who are more likely to believe the lies of the traffickers or, in the
case of young children, where the parents or guardians are willing to do business with the traffickers.

The main source countries of victims who are trafficked to the EU for sexual exploitation are:

• Moldova
• Ukraine
• Bulgaria
• Romania
• Russian Federation
• Albania

(1) Example from United Kingdom

--page 2--

The victims will be placed in bars, nightclubs, locked apartments or kept by their owners in towns and cities across Europe but wherever the demand for purchased sex exists. Consequently the destination countries will be determined by market forces but generally the following is true.

The main EU destination countries are:

• Austria
• Belgium
• France
• Germany
• Greece
• Italy
• Netherlands
• Spain
• United Kingdom

Nature and characteristics of the criminal groups Involved

In many Member States the criminal groups and networks involved in THB meet most of the EU criteria for defining them as ‘Organised Crime’. Some show a hierarchical structure; others do not and operate more through personal contact with individuals or small groups being paid for a particular service. Whatever the ‘set up’ the roles are familiar;

• the recruiters and procurers;
• those responsible for smuggling and transport;
• those providing, false or counterfeit identity and travel documents,;
• those persons able to corrupt or identify law enforcement or other officials who can be corrupted;
• the owners of safe houses, bars and nightclubs, brothel owners and pimps;
• the money couriers and those involved in laundering the profits.

It is inevitable that those involved in the recruitment phase are more likely to be of the same nationality or ethnic origin of the victims that they target. However it is more
noticeable that these homogeneous groups will engage or work together with other nationality crime groups in order to realise their goals.

It is evident from recent cases that the proportion of female offenders involved in trafficking for sexual exploitation is significant and increasing. Although normally involved in the recruitment process and likely to be former victims of trafficking there are more and more examples of women controlling victims and organising the business operation.

Traditionally the owners of the night-clubs, bars, brothels etc., in which the victims are forced to work as prostitutes have been indigenous. Recent reporting now suggests that
traffickers themselves are also involved in the ownership or running of premises. Given that the exploitation of the victim is often the most lucrative phase of the 'operation'
this development underlines that the involvement of the criminal or organisation is based on profit.


The traffic in human beings is considered to be the fastest growing criminal business in the world generating massive profits for international criminal organisations (2).

Law enforcement and non-law enforcement agencies engaged in combating THB can only provide estimates because the true and actual scale of trafficking is unknown.
Individual accounts from victims provide the best information regarding the type of profits made by traffickers. The most recent estimate from the UNODC of the annual global profit made by traffickers is $7-$10 billion

In conclusion

Based on current intelligence, trends and patterns identified it is likely that the trafficking of human beings for sexual exploitation will remain a lucrative organised crime activity, a crime that will continue to have a major impact upon the EU but with a move towards more internal trafficking in the source countries and operations conducted behind closed doors.

(2) ‘Proceeds from Trafficking in Human Beings…’ 2005 Council of Europe MONEYVAL(2005) 7


On 1-2 BETH shared entries from her personal journal that has been documented as related to the disappearance of NATALEE. BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to FOX News that on 6-12 an ARUBAN Police spokesperson, PAPITO (COMMENENCIA), told NATALEE’s Loved Ones that the ARUBAN Police had found evidence of blood in Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE's “Honda” car. The ARUBAN Police spokesperson said the ARUBAN Police were not 100% sure this substance was blood, but they do feel it was some sort of fluid, and the samples had been sent to HOLLAND for forensic tests. Nothing was heard about these samples sent to HOLLAND until 7-22, some 6 weeks later, when ARUBAN Police commissioner VAN DER STRATEN told NATALEE’s Loved Ones family liaison that the fluid found in the car is “unknown at this time,” but STRATEN also said that DNA was found in Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE's car. On 7-25 STRATEN still had no update on the “blood” tests. On 8-5 ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN “said it was untrue. There is no material that can reveal DNA.” (the interview ended when FOX News cut to breaking news about the coal miners trapped in a WEST VIRGINIA coal mine)

On 1-2 MSNBC reported:

RITA COSBY, HOST: … Also, Aruban officials were supposed to , remember, the three suspects in the Natalee Holloway case before the new year? So why have they not brought the boys back in? We're going to find out. That's coming up next.
STEVE COHEN, ARUBA “STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS TASK FORCE” MEMBER: It is expected that he will be re-questioned somewhere in the next 10-day period. I doubt that they will bring him back for questioning immediately. But it will be in that period. And also, it is expected that the Kalpoes will also be brought in for questioning.
COSBY: Well, you just heard it. Almost two weeks ago, LIVE & DIRECT broke the news that the three key suspects in the Natalee Holloway case would be brought back in for questioning.
Well, here it is, 13 days later. Joran van der Sloot and Deepak and Satish Kalpoe still have not answered to Aruban Police and prosecutors again. So what's the hold up?
LIVE & DIRECT tonight is Steve Cohen. He's a special adviser to the Aruban government. He's the man who told us that the three suspects would be re-questioned by December 31st.
Steve, before we get to you, I want to show what Natalee Holloway's stepmother, Robin Holloway, told us about her conversation that she had with the Aruban prosecutors.
ROBIN HOLLOWAY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S STEPMOTHER: She said that was misinformation, that the judge, when he released them, it was unconditional that they were unable to re-question them without them being brought in voluntarily, because they were released by the judge and they were unable to interrogate them again.
COSBY: So, Steve, what's the hold up? What's the discrepancy?
COHEN: Well, Ms. Holloway's right. The voluntary nature of the Dutch
law exists because, if there's no new evidence that's presented or no new
re-arrests, the attorneys have the opportunity to voluntary decide to come
in or not.
The truth is, at the end of the year, we were very enthusiastic that this process would not take a long time. So what's transpired is that the prosecutors have sent letters to each of the attorneys requesting that their clients, Joran and the Kalpoes, come forward for re-questioning.
I do want to add though, Rita, that no one really thought the re-questioning itself was going to be a break in the case. It's only, you know, one piece of the case that the prosecutor's trying to put together. And, of course, she's not going to reveal new evidence at this stage either. She wants to withhold that until she gets closer.
COSBY: But how long could this take now? I mean, what are we talking about time-wise? Because as you pointed out, you know, you seemed pretty confident it was going to happen. Are we talking months? Are we talking weeks?
COHEN: Well, I have to say, I really think, you know, we all misjudged the process, that we were very enthusiastic at that stage in the investigation we'd be able to get this piece done and moved forward.
Rita, I don't want to put a time line on it. I don't think we want to get caught saying that it's 10 days or 13 days.
COSBY: Is there a possibly, Steve, that they could say, “Look, it's voluntary.” Heck, why would they go in? You know, I mean, are you confident that they will go in at all?
COHEN: No. I'd have to say that our confidence level is not at the highest level.
COSBY: So what changed it? Because there certainly seemed to be a level of confidence. Did all of a sudden the attorneys say, “You know what? We thought about it. Forget it. Why would we put our clients in that kind of jeopardy?”
COHEN: Yes, I think what's happened here is what you would expect in any system, Dutch or U.S., which is that the attorneys have said, “Let's give this thoughtful consideration. What do they have that we don't know about?” We go in there thinking we're going to talk about the general scope of the case, and they're going to ask us questions that we just can't answer.
COSBY: But didn't they know that going in?
COHEN: Of course, that's what we hope will happen.
COSBY: But didn't they know that going in, Steve? I mean, come on.
COHEN: Well, I think they—it's plausible that they knew that going in. But, I mean, you know, this is a cat-and-mouse game between the suspects, between their attorneys and the prosecutor's office. This is not something that's uncommon. The prosecutor is very skilled in this area, though, I must add, and I think that she will prevail.
COSBY: Let's hope so. Steve Cohen, thank you very much. Always good to have you on. We appreciate it.
COHEN: Thank you.
COSBY: So what effect does this have on the Natalee Holloway case? And also, what about the possibility of a rape charge? Remember, Joran van der Sloot spoke with “El Diario” newspaper saying that he did have sex with Natalee when she was sort of going in and out of consciousness.
LIVE & DIRECT tonight to talk about all this is sex crimes prosecutor, Stacey Honowitz.
Stacey, let's first talk about what Steve was just saying. You know, he seems confident that, maybe at some point, they'll come in, but boy, did this hit a roadblock.
STACEY HONOWITZ, FL. SEX CRIMES PROSECUTOR: Yes. You know what, Rita? The difficult nature of this whole thing is, in the very beginning, when this investigation was screwed up, when they didn't bring these people in or they let them go too quickly, when they didn't seize the evidence, seize any kind of DNA, the computers, the cell phones, anything of that nature, now they have to look back at everything and really try to make a case.
I mean, why would these attorneys now bring in these kids to talk to the prosecutor when they've been out all this time, they've had an opportunity to speak to the father, who's a judge...
COSBY: Do you think it'll ever happen, Stacey?
HONOWITZ: ... who obviously was the one who told them to...
COSBY: Do you think it'll ever happen, or do you think they're going to dodge it?
HONOWITZ: So I think that, no, realistically, I don't think these people are going to come in voluntarily. I think that, if more evidence is brought forward, if somehow there is a break in the case, if maybe her body is found, if they can get a warrant issued, then they can arrest them. But as far as the attorneys bringing them in voluntarily, I don't think it's ever going to happen.
COSBY: Stacey, what about the new news, too, that Joran van der Sloot did this interview with “El Diario,” the big newspaper there on the island, and said, yes, he had sex with Natalee Holloway when she was going in and out of consciousness. Isn't that enough to drag him in for re-questioning? That's a lot different than what he's told authorities.
HONOWITZ: Well, I mean, you can drag him in because he made an inconsistent statement. You could try to get him in and try to convince the judge that no it's not voluntary, that we have some new evidence.
But in a rape case, Rita, it's going to be very difficult. First of all, you didn't have her to testify that she didn't consent to the sex.
COSBY: But in and out of consciousness...
HONOWITZ: You don't have that victim to talk about that. But if you don't have that victim to talk about that, “I didn't consent, I didn't know what was going on,” then you don't have a rape case.
So really, from day one, from everything that has gone wrong in this case, like I said, now they're trying to backtrack and trying to make a case. And as we all know, that's very difficult.
Hopefully, somewhere down the road, there will be a break, but I don't think it's going to be from these kids coming back in and talking. They've tried it before.
COSBY: Oh, what a frustrating process. Stacey, thank you very much.
We appreciate it. Thanks a lot.
HONOWITZ: Thank you.

On 1-2 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Rudy Croes Scandal

ORANJESTAD — The Algemene Rekenkamer (ARA – General Audit Chamber) strongly criticized the manner in which the minister of Justice Rudy Croes (MEP) closed a contract with a helicopter company from Venezuela. According to the Audit Chamber the objectives of the project are not included in the contract. It is also unclear why the minister didn’t opt for a public tendering and why no regulations were made to ensure nondisclosure of confidential information.

The minister of Justice signed a contract with a helicopter company from Venezuela on September 13, 2003 in the framework of the fight against crime. It entailed the lease of a helicopter and its pilot. The contract had been extended a few times. The latest version expires on December 31, 2007. The costs run up to 3.4 million florins.

The Audit Chamber immediately pointed out that there is no memo in which the helicopter is justified: “Before taking on contractual obligations one must first review if they fit in the established policy. There must also be a clear view of the project’s specific objectives. The specifications and requirements are established from these objectives.” ARA explains that the objectives must be established beforehand as to determine afterwards whether or not these objectives were attained.

The helicopter project entails an amount distinctly higher then 100.000 florins, which according to the law calls for a public tendering. You can deviate from this, but only for certain reasons stipulated under this same law.

The minister’s reason for not conducting a public tendering was the urgent nature of the matter. But according to the law this is not a valid reason. The Audit Chamber also pointed out that the contract doesn’t refer to the confidential nature of the activities. They also couldn’t find any documents showing that the ministry of Justice verified whether or not the leased company complies with certain safety codes.

The contract itself does not meet the approval of the Audit Chamber. The document is drafted in English and doesn’t state where a legal dispute should be argued or which laws would be of effect. The contract doesn’t regulate confidentiality by the Venezuelan personnel, nor liabilities in the event of accidents and insurances in the event of damage. The signature dates on the contracts also seem incorrect. The Audit Chamber also had qualms concerning the calculation of penalty interests for late payments. Nowhere does it state what is considered late payment and when this penalty goes into effect. Even a passage concerning the price increases is criticized by ARA: “This opens the door to future problems”.

On 1-2 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" wrote about another ARUBA tourists safety issue:

No money for Airspace Controlling

ARUBA – An investment of 16 to 18 million florins is needed for Aruba to control her own airspace and Aruba does not have that kind of money at this moment. However, minister Eddie Briesen (MEP) of Tourism and transportation is very optimistic about the improvements that Curacao had promised to make soon.

Minister Briesen is aware of the many delays that departing aircrafts are coping with. He sincerely regrets this, because a lot of work have been done to optimize the airport, especially the presence of the American customs at the airport of Aruba is very important. Flights to and from Aruba are considered to be domestic flights and changing planes is easier due to this. If delays ruin this advantage, then Aruba can loose her position. Briesen is going to discuss the matter with his colleagues during the ministerial deliberation in February.


On 1-3 ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reported:

According to American press

Joran van der Sloot Went Back to Holland on December 30

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Recently, the American press published that Joran van der Sloot left Aruba on December 30, to go back and continue his studies in Holland, without being interrogated once again as was speculated.

DIARIO found this date a little strange, however, according to information, the flights to Holland in January are very full, so perhaps Joran was not able to find another date than the 30 of December.
DIARIO called Joran’s attorney, Antonio Carlo, to find out if it was true that Joran already went back to Holland, however, we were not able to get in touch with the lawyer.

DIARIO called the van der Sloot family home, where Joran’s brother said that he already went back to Holland.

DIARIO asked on what day he went back to Holland, but the brother did not want to say.

On 1-3 ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reported:

Public Prosecutor Invited Satish Kalpoe and His Lawyer to Comment on Deepak Recording

ORANJESTAD(AAN): Recently, information has come out that the intention was to speak once again with the suspects in the case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

This has still not happened, however the Public Prosecutor’s Office sent a request to the lawyer of Satish Kalpoe, David Kock, for him to come with his client so they can see the recording of the conversation of Deepak that Jamie Skeeters made.

The intention is for them to see the original video, as well as the version that passed on the Dr. Phil program, which was supposedly manipulated.

DIARIO interviewed attorney Kock, who explained that he has still to sit down with his client to evaluate if they will accept the invitation.

According to Kock, he’s not sure if they will decide to go and comment on the tape, because it does not have to do with his client.

However, after he meets with Satish Kalpoe, it will be then that the decision will be certain.

On 1-3 ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reported:

According to American press

Attorney Carlo Did Not React on Invitation to His Client from Public Prosecutor

Public Prosecutor invited Joran van der Sloot to Give a Voluntary Declaration

ORANJESTAD(AAN): Given that the case of Natalee Holloway turned out to be one of the top stories of 2005 in the U.S., the media continues to follow the case, where the interviewed different people to maintain the story of the disappearance of the young American alive.

Recently, on one of the TV programs in the US, Natalee’s aunt [s/b stepmother], Robin Holloway, was interviewed, and she said that she spoke with Karin Janssen on the telephone, who said that the intention was not to force the suspects to be interrogated, but for them to come in voluntarily.

Robin Holloway declared that she felt that the conversation with Karin Janssen went well, and was very informative, which contradicts the impression that Beth Twitty has of Karin Janssen.

On the same program, they interviewed Joran van der Sloot’s attorney, Antonio Carlo, who confirmed that the judge’s verdict, at the moment where the suspects were set free, was such that they could not be forced to come give a declaration again.

They can simply be invited to voluntarily give a declaration.

The lawyer also said that he doesn’t have a list of questions from the Public Prosecutor’s Office for his client, however, the Public Prosecutor sent a letter to the lawyer, to invite Joran to give a voluntary declaration. Carlo said that he hasn’t reacted to the letter.


On 1-5 “The Boston Globe” reported:

US Airways Credit Card Launch Offers 50-cent Trips

For New Englanders, a February trip to Aruba, Cancun, or Montego Bay always sounds nice.

How about if it costs just 50 cents?

That's the prize US Airways is offering to promote a new credit card it's launching today with Barclays Group. The card offers frequent-flyer credits on US Airways equal to 1.5 miles for every $1 spent, which is 50 percent more than most airline-affiliated cards, plus up to 25,000 bonus miles for signing up.

Customers who get the US Airways Dividend Miles World MasterCard before the end of this month will be eligible for first-come, first-served purchases of 2,000 half-dollar round-trip tickets on certain US Airways routes offered online every weekday in February.

Rather than just picking the routes, the airline will let cardholders vote through a website -- www.50centflights.com/ -- on where they'd most like to fly for half a buck, then offer the most popular trips.

US Airways, which merged with America West Airlines in October, flies to 225 destinations worldwide. From Boston's Logan International Airport, it offers nonstop service to 31 cities, such as Aruba; Nassau, Bahamas; and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic; and warm US cities like Las Vegas and Phoenix.

New Englanders can also fly nonstop on US Airways from Boston to as-yet-under appreciated winter vacation venues like Harrisburg, Pa., and Indianapolis.

''You never know" what travelers will vote for, said Ben Brake, managing director of marketing for Barclays. ''We may all be surprised."

It will be interesting to see which destination is voted for the most.


On 1-6 FOX News presented another segment of the 1-2 interview with BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY where she shared details from her journal entries. BETH stated she started her journal on 6-5. BETH stated sometime during the third week to the end of June 2005, BETH DAVE, and JUG TWITTY were able to meet with ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN. Two attorneys, VINDA de SOUSA and PETER MOHAMMED, accompanied NATALEE’s Loved Ones, and the attorneys also helped translate DUTCH written documents into English that ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN allowed them to see. As the attorneys were verbally translating the documents into English, BETH stated she took notes for her journal. ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN stayed only long enough to provide which documents she allowed the attorneys to view. BETH did not realize until later--when Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT changed his alibi again and started accusing Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE of raping, murdering and burying NATALEE--that ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN had not given them all Murder Suspects statements up to the end of June. One such statement was made 6-9 at 12:00 pm by Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT. BETH stated that in this statement Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT claimed he bought NATALEE some 151-proof rum, that she had been drinking, how they left Carlos 'N Charlie's, that they went to the lighthouse because “Natalee wanted to go there to see sharks,” and “he admits a lot of the sexual assaults that he commits against Natalee in the back seat of the Kalpoe’s car as she is falling asleep and waking up, repeatedly.” The sexual details that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT describes is very detailed and graphic, but after the sex ended at the lighthouse, the statement by Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT is very short and ends abruptly with little details, with Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT claiming “Natalee fell asleep. Natalee woke up. She wanted to go home.” Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT then claims the “Holiday Inn” alibi-lies of the security guards, etc. BETH also described Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s 6-10 statement which says little about what happened with NATALEE, but instead concentrates on how much he drinks (he needs 20 to 30 glasses or beers just to get intoxicated). Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT also admitted that he was seeing a psychologist, which his mother confirmed to BETH and GRETA during the 6-21 meeting. BETH stated during that 6-21 meeting “Anita was beginning to express her concerns of not being able to manage Joran, and that he seems to be running the household, and not having any rules or regulations that he adheres to.” In an additional 6-10 statement Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT changed his claims and said that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT was dropped off at his home, then Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE and Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE claimed they would take NATALEE back to the “Holiday Inn.” In this additional statement Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT claims Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT advised him not to talk on the cellular phones, that they would be “bugged,” and Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT “coached the boys. Had them get their stories together, and Paul‘s advice was to Joran, to begin--get a story straight--begin emailing it to each other to use your hardrive to nail an alibi.” BETH feels that the statements that ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN allowed them to see were purposely chosen to allow them to see the less incriminating statements which have come forth. “I do know that, in some way, she purposely controlled which statements that we had access to, because, I have a feeling, if we had gone from these statements, to the one I have seen for June 13 that should have not surfaced, I can’t imagine the other statements that exist--that are even more incriminating, and have even more evidence that they could have acted upon.”

On 1-6 CBS TV channel 2 in PALM DESERT, CA reported:

Natalee Holloway's Mom Speaks to CBS 2

Beth Twitty, the mother of Natalee Holloway, the young Alabama teen who disappeared on the island of Aruba last May, was in Palm Desert speaking at the National Sheriff's Association Conference. She spoke to CBS2 about a new campaign she's launching to help young teens stay safe while abroad.

Twitty is still dealing with the terrible pain of her daughter's tragic disappearance during a high school graduation trip to Aruba seven months ago. Her search for answers continues and now she has started a new safety awareness campaign to help other teens and their families avoid a similar tragedy.

While her quest to find out what happened to her daughter continues, Beth Twitty told us she was shocked at the information she just received from her lawyer. Aruban authorities have apparently decided to close the investigation into the disappearance of her daughter. Twitty told CBS2 that she will continue her own efforts to determine what happened to her teen daughter last May. She remains encouraged by the overwhelming support she has received from Americans during the last seven months.

Details of Beth Twitty's safety awareness campaign will be released in February.

On 1-6 ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reported:

Deepak Working at the Same Place and Satish Still Going to School, They Celebrated Christmas with Family at Their House

ORANJESTAD(AAN): Recently, DIARIO interviewed one of the suspects in the case of the disappearance on Natalee Holloway, Deepak Kalpoe, via telephone.

It has been some time since nothing has been heard from Deepak and Satish, besides the Deepak recording which appeared on different American channels.

During the interview, Deepak did not want to comment on any aspect of the case, so DIARIO asked him about aspects of his daily life.

According to Deepak, he spent the holidays with his family and neither him nor his brother went out to any public parties.

About his daily life, he continues to work at the same place he has always worked, the Internet café at the Seaport Market Place, where he works 8 hours a day.

DIARIO asked him if he was bothered by certain questions about the case, to which he replied that he is not bothered by anyone.

His brother, who attends Colegio Arubiano, is not bothered either and is living his life as normally as possible.

DIARIO asked Deepak if he or his brother are still in contact with Joran van der Sloot, however he said he did not want to comment on this.

On 1-6 ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reported:

According to Jorge Pesquera of AHATA: Dutch group knows how to counteract the negative effect in the U.S. of the case of Natalee Holloway

ORANJESTAD (AAN): During a meeting which took place Thursday afternoon at the Renaissance Convention Center between the Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association (AHATA) and their partners, related to the presentation of their 2006 Business Plan, the impact that the case of Natalee Holloway has in the US was remarked upon.

DIARIO asked Mr. Jorge Pesquera, CEO of AHATA, how the Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC), AHATA’s new partner in what relates to the promotion of Aruba in the US, will focus their plan of action in what terms of this case.

He indicated that there are people working at NBTC who know to deal with clients at a very sophisticated level. He continued to say that to be able to counteract the opinions that certain Americans have of Aruba due to the case of Natalee, a sophisticated level of how the style of sale will take place is required and that NBTC has this.

Pesquera stated to DIARIO that in the way questions that were asked were answered, he is convinced that NBTC are consummate professionals who know the right way to counteract the effects of the Natalee Holloway case.

“This is something that has to be explained and has to be done with logic, with information and with the conviction that we have the truth on our side”, he said.

On 1-6 ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reported:

For the first time in the history of Aruba: Aruba out with tremendous touristic promotion in the US

AHATA achieves a unique strategic alliance in the Caribbean with Dutch group

ORANJESTAD (AAN): In an interview with DIARIO, AHATA CEO, Mr. Jorge Pesquera indicated that this week, during the meetings that are taking place in Aruba with foreign partners who deal with the marketing aspect of our island as a touristic destination, this time a special alliance was made with the Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC).

In Pesquera’s opinion, it is fortunate for AHATA was approached by NBTC, given that when NBTC found out that AHATA was in a dialogue with the purpose of establishing a new marketing entity in what relates to groups and conventions for our islands, then they got in contact with AHATA.

“Frankly, we are intrigue by the possibility that an entity which is quasi-governmental for Holland, showed interest to do new and entrepreneurial things.

We interviewed them extensively in New York. They impressed me with their creativity, their knowledge of the market, their achievements with the things they are doing in Holland and other places. We decided to enter into a contract, which is really an alliance, because we are going to help them and they are going to help us”.

The CEO of AHATA indicated that they are very satisfied given that for the first time in the history of Aruba, there is national coverage from coast to coast, from New York to Canada, Los Angeles and San Francisco in the market of groups and conventions.

Pesquera let it be known that there are eight salesmen on the street and three administrators that are supporting this effort, which is one, he said, that is extraordinary to attract a market that was not given much importance in Aruba in the past.

NBTC’s interest, he stated, has to do with the way of working, which is very entrepreneurial. They receive part of their funds, assigned by the central government of The Hague (Holland), but there is the possibility to increase these funds by an additional 60% via the alliance and sales that they make with entities such as AHATA.

He added that NBTC represents all the museums of Holland, various convention centers, among others. He continued to say that it is this entrepreneurial/commercial spirit, the creativity that they have demonstrated during the interview that gave AHATA the interest in contacting NBTC as an entity instead of adding salespeople directly.

Currently, there are three salespeople directly contracted by AHATA, Donna Delgado in Washington, Mayline Menendez in Miami and Charly Ibarra in New York.

Pesquera added that AHATA is increasing this sales force with four or five people from NBTC, which is categorized as an extraordinary coverage for our island. “This is a unique alliance in the Caribbean”, he said.

On 1-6 ARUBAAN's news-source "Bon Dia" reported:

He threatened case against Public Prosecutor if he did not obtain good conduct document

Paul van der Sloot will now work as a lawyer

ORANJESTAD – Last week, Mr. Paul van der Sloot attended court for a meeting. This was related to the fact that his contract with the government for his function as judge expired and the Court had to know what Mr. Paul van der Sloot was going to do. The options weren’t many. Either he left Aruba and establish himself back in Holland or he stayed in Aruba but had to look for another function.


A Bon Dia investigation demonstrates that Mr. Paul van der Sloot chose to stay in Aruba and that he wants to continue working as a lawyer given that he did not completely achieve his judgeship studies. There is a rumour circulating that Mr. Paul van der Sloot will work in the office of Mr. Carlo. Bon Dia Aruba called Mr. Carlo’s office for more information, but he couldn’t be located.


Paul van der Sloot asked the judge to be registered as a lawyer. When making such a petition, the judge asks the Attorney General (AG) of Aruba if they have something against the person being registered as an attorney. The AG bases her advice on data from the “Justitiele Documentatiedienst” (justice documentation service).

It is in the “Justitiele Documentatiedienst” that judge decisions in penal cases (sentence) and prosecutor decisions (sepot? Or conditional sepot?) are registered. The Justitiele Documentatiedienst then gives a so called conduct declaration.

In the case of Mr. Paul van der Sloot, there is a case registered in the Justitiele Documentatiedienst. As it is known, in June 2005, Mr. van der Sloot was detained but there is still no decision from the prosecutor nor from the judge. This made it such that a good conduct document could not be given.

On this basis, Mr. Paul van der Sloot decided to start a case against the Public Prosecutor. Bon Dia’s investigation shows that Mr. van der Sloot made a petition to the court for this case and it was determined that this case will take place on January 11 at 2 in the afternoon.


However, yesterday the Public Prosecutor notified Mr. van der Sloot for him to drop by their office and come get his good conduct document. This was based on the last case that Mr. van der Sloot brought for damages and prejudice.

A couple of weeks back, van der Sloot started a case where he asked for damages and prejudice for his arrest and the days that he was imprisoned. During the treatment of the case Mr. van der Sloot ’s attorney, Mr. Swaen, showed the judge a letter from the prosecutor that dealt with the case of van der Sloot where the prosecutor said that Mr. Paul van der Sloot could not obtain any case documents because he was no longer a suspect.

On the basis of this letter, the attorney told the judge that the prosecutor let it be known that the case against van der Sloot was over. The judge said in his decision that he is in agreement with the attorney.

Given that the prosecutor herself said that Mr. van der Sloot is no longer a suspect, which according to the judge can be looked at as the prosecutor saying that the case is over, since the prosecutor will no longer pursue the case. This signifies that Paul van der Sloot will soon start working as a lawyer in Aruba and the case he brought forth against the Public Prosecutor will not go forward since he obtained his good conduct document, which is the document he was missing to be registered as a lawyer.

On 1-6 ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reported:

Attorney David Kock sends letter to Public Prosecutor
That his client is not interested in their invitation

ORANJESTAD(AAN): Recently, the Public Prosecutor’s office sent a letter of invitation to attorney David Kock and his client Satish Kalpoe, for them to come see the Deepak Kalpoe recording that Jamie Skeeters made, which appeared on different American channels, to comment on these.

Some time back, the attorney explained to DIARIO that he and his client will think about this invitation, however, Thursday attorney Kock explained to DIARIO that he was sending a reply letter that day to the Public Prosecutor to notify them that he and his client are not interested in giving comments about something that doesn’t concern them.

He also said that he finds it very strange that after so much time that this video has come out, that it is now that the Public Prosecutor finds the time to call his client to comment.

Kock also explained that it is a fact that the Public Prosecutor cannot force the three suspects to come back to be interrogated.

If they are interested in doing this, they have to have very key and urgent reasons to try to convince a judge, to permit them to interrogate the suspects once again.

On 1-6 STEVE COHEN claimed to GERALDO RIVERA on the “Geraldo At Large“ TV show”:

GERALDO RIVERA, HOST: Is there any truth to the rumor that the government is preparing to, what would in our system be, re-indict Joran and the Kalpoe brothers?

STEVE COHEN, ARUBA “STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS TASK FORCE” MEMBER: First we'd like them to come back voluntarily and answer some more questions about the timeline. Also the office of the prosecution, the Investigator Dompig, they've been interviewing other people. We hope to interview the Alabama teens again to get some more in depth about the state of Natalee on that night before she disappeared and go from there.

RIVERA: What is the new evidence?

COHEN: Well, I think what's changed only is that the nature of the timeline, what actually happened moment to moment, has been reviewed and reviewed again. the result of that is that there are still gaps in that timeline.

RIVERA: Did Natalee have sex with the Kalpoe brothers as well as Joran? I mean that seemed to be the implication of the tape played by the Dr. Phil program, a tape that was later questioned as to it's authenticity.

COHEN: First you have Joran who told a reporter from Diario, Jossy Mansur’s paper, last week that he had consensual sex with her and that she was passing in and out of consciousness. well, under Dutch law, if someone is passing in and out of consciousness, that is not consensual sex. it is not in the united states either. whether or not Deepak Kalpoe had sex with her is still very problematic because the nature of the Dr. Phil tape seems to be that it was manipulated or at least that part that was played on Dr. Phil.

RIVERA: You're suggesting that they come in voluntarily. what if they refuse?

COHEN: They can refuse unless [he seemed to emphasize the second syllable of the word 'unLESS'] there is new evidence or charges are going to be brought against them.

RIVERA: Will the case of Natalee Holloway ever be solved, Steve?

COHEN: My sense of this is that we're not done yet. it's certainly not a cold case.

On 1-6 the “National Enquirer” reported:


Cops probing the disappearance of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway believe they're finally closing in on prime suspect Joran van der Sloot — after an Investigator blew a major hole in his alibi.

The dramatic new line of investigation revolves around the timeline of May 30, starting about 18 hours after Natalee vanished.

There are several unexplained missing hours during which authorities believe that her body was dumped at sea.

Former U.S. Secret Service agent Art Wood, who spent months on the island investigating the case, told The National Enquirer: "Joran told Police that he played tennis with a friend during the evening hours. And the pal backed up his alibi.

"But when I investigated the Racquet Club I found that Joran had never played tennis there that night."

Pick up this week's issue of The ENQUIRER to read the rest of this story!

On 1-6 CNNHN reported:

NANCY GRACE, HOST: As we start the first week of 2006, tonight, missing but not forgotten. Some of the missing highlighted here on NANCY GRACE 2005.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My sister, she really was just an outgoing person. As far as her disappearance, if she had going away, she would have called me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I cannot even express how my family and our friends (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When we do hear rumors, even sometimes when they`re as horrendous as they can be, you know, we think, well, people are still out there looking, they`re still out there searching, they`re still out there listening.

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, MOTHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: I just know that we have to have answers. And I know the answers are right here. The answers are right here on the island. And, you know, we expect to get them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Mother, I love you so much, and I know you already know that. I know you`ll come home soon. I`m going to keep fighting. I`m going to keep your story out there until we bring you home. Love you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just mostly just keep hope that she is alive. And that little bit of hope`s what keeps me going, that keeps me from breaking down every day. I mean, just it keeps me strong.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That`s my baby. I love her. If she could -- if she would (INAUDIBLE) in that car, she would have called. She would have called.


GRACE: A special thank you to Joanna Rogers` mother joining us, Kathy Rogers, and also to Jack and Vicki Wilkerson, who traveled all the way from Lubbock to Dallas, Texas, to tell you their girl`s story tonight.

Thank you to all of my guests tonight. Our biggest thank you to you, for being with us, inviting us into your homes. I`m Nancy Grace signing off for tonight. See you Monday night, 8:00 sharp. Until then, good night, friend.


On 1-7 ARUBAAN's news-sourced "Amigoe.com" reported about another ARUBA tourists safety issue:

Tourists robbed

ORANJESTAD - An American couple is raging on Aruba. The couple was robbed yesterday and explained afterwards that they had chosen to Aruba on holiday to go in spite of the bulletins in several media which it would be here not safe. The Americans victim had become of a overval, where the robbers thousand dollars, credit card and the drivers license of the man buitmaakten. The victims were treated brutally with violence and incurred thereby light wounds. The overvallers went there with the booty vandoor in a grey private car. A witness of happening followed the carriage, but could not him keep up because of the enormously high speed of the vehicle.

On 1-7 “The Desert Sun” reported:

Beth Holloway-Twitty Urges Teens to be Cautious

Aruban mystery spurs campaign for awareness
Teenagers and young adults must be responsible for their own safety.

Without a plan to protect themselves they can fall victim to all sorts of crimes.
That's the message the mother of Natalee Holloway, the Alabama teenager who disappeared during a senior class trip to Aruba last May, urged county sheriffs from across the country on Friday to send to the young people of their communities.

Beth Holloway-Twitty was a guest speaker Friday at the mid-winter conference of the National Sheriffs' Association being held in Palm Desert.

Twitty narrated a slide show as she recounted her daring and determined search for information into her daughter's disappearance.

Three Aruban teens were taken into custody, but none of them has been charged or investigated, Twitty said.

She added that because of what she called corruption, discrimination and governmental apathy she believes the three men suspected in her daughter's disappearance will never be questioned by authorities again.

"It's one thing to be lost in the United States. But it's another thing entirely to be lost outside this country," she said, urging those in attendance Friday to boycott Aruba.
"When students leave our borders, they need to be told that they leave behind all expectations of being treated fairly and with the rights that they are used to," she said.
She urged the standing room only crowd to support her new "Save Yourself" campaign.
Targeting teens and young adults, this initiative seeks to educate teenagers and young adults about the dangers that can befall them if they are not aware of their surroundings or fail to have a plan in order to protect themselves from crime.

"What if Natalee had set up a plan with her friends?" Twitty said. "What if they had said before hand that they would leave the bar together? What if ...?"

On 1-7 “The Birmingham News" reported:

Search for Teen Could Resume

2 dive teams seek return to Aruba

Two search teams that helped hunt for missing Mountain Brook teen Natalee Holloway hope to return to Aruba soon for another look.

Texas EquuSearch plans to return to the island later this month or next. Director Tim Miller intends to visit Aruba next week to set up the logistics for that trip, said George Adlerz, EquuSearch's manager of training of operations.

The nonprofit team began its search after Holloway disappeared May 30 on a graduation trip to the Caribbean island but cut it short due to lack of deep-water equipment. Police and private searches have turned up few clues to her disappearance.
In addition, Florida State University's Underwater Crime Scene Investigation Program has asked Aruban officials if members can return to the island. Forensic divers from that program have been to Aruba twice and on the last visit were searching the waters around the island with sonar. Director Tom Kelley said the team needs stronger sonar equipment to search two miles offshore, where depths plummet to nearly 600 feet.
"We consider the business down there unfinished, and we'd like to go back to finish it up," he said. "We'd love to bring some kind of closure to this. She's an American citizen, she's our neighbor, and we want to make sure that if she was a victim of a crime, we do everything we can to solve it."

Beth Twitty, Holloway's mother, applauded the two search teams' efforts to return but said she didn't plan to revisit the island at this time unless absolutely necessary. She said the teams were frustrated by having to cut their searches short.

"They thought they could at least rule out some possibilities," she said by phone from Palm Springs, Calif., where she spoke to a conference of the National Sheriffs' Association.

Twitty also said she was disappointed that authorities did not re-arrest or question one of the suspects, 19-year-old Joran van der Sloot, while he was home in Aruba for the holidays. van der Sloot , who was detained and released in the case along with six other men, is attending a university in Holland.

Still under investigation

Aruban authorities said the investigation is still proceeding but would not comment on any specifics.

Aruban Deputy Police chief Gerold Dompig said he had heard from Miller about EquuSearch's plans and wished them well, but that the government was unlikely to provide official support since the nonprofit group joined in an American call for a boycott of the island. The boycott was led in part by Gov. Bob Riley, who encouraged Alabamians not to travel to the island in support for Holloway's family. The governors of Arkansas and Georgia have joined in the call for a boycott.

"The government wants to work with every organization, but it seems strange to work with someone who calls for a boycott," said Dompig, who also refused to comment on the specifics of the case.

Dompig would not say whether Police have come any closer to interviewing Mountain Brook students who were with Holloway on the trip. Aruban authorities have petitioned the State Department for permission to do so and have received support from Rep. Spencer Bachus, whose spokeswoman said Friday that she had no new information.
Twitty also said she did not know if the students would be re-interviewed.


On 1-9 DUTCH news-source “De Gelderlander” reported:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to “PearlinUSA”)

The Netherlands gets control at research Holloway

ORANJESTAD (DUTCH PRESS AGENCY) - the Netherlands will lead the study into
the disappearance of Natalee Holloway and makes for that policemen available to Aruba.
Minister of home affairs Johan Remkes has said that Friday on Aruba. He approaches to
A request of the arubaanse minister of justice, Rudy Croes.

The investigation will be conducted by agents of the korps rural police forces (KLPD).
Remkes gave to the KLPD to that the complete control concerning the detection research
get. Further the Dutch policemen get complete detection competence and can they use of
weapons and technical detection resources. The agents also obtain to all information on
the matter. , that is the conditions on which we wanted our collaboration grant and the
arubaanse minister of justice has confirmed by letter that to our conditions be satisfied '',
will say Remkes. , what concerns me the team to the battle can.' ' The team can start ''
according to the minister, within manageable time. , in any case within a couple weeks.' '
How much Dutch policemen go to Aruba, it has been not yet confessed. The costs are for
the Netherlands. Remkes go of it from that the research, rather within weeks it has been
wound up than within a period of months ''.

The team is made up especially according to him experts who are required for that. Aruba
sits already more than one year in its flatulence with the matter holloway. 18 person whose
birthday it is American little girl disappeared after an evening gets in on 30 May 2005 with
three boys the night. She was retrieved never more afterwards.

On 1-9 DUTCH news-source “De Gelderlander” reported:

The Netherlands gets control at research Holloway

ORANJESTAD (DUTCH PRESS AGENCY) - the Netherlands will lead the study into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway and makes for that policemen available to Aruba. Minister of home affairs Johan Remkes has said that Friday on Aruba. He approaches to a request of the arubaanse minister of justice, Rudy Croes.

The investigation will be conducted by agents of the korps rural police forces (KLPD). Remkes gave to the KLPD to that the complete control concerning the detection research get. Further the Dutch policemen get complete detection competence and can they use of weapons and technical detection resources. The agents also obtain to all information on the matter. , that is the conditions on which we wanted our collaboration grant and the arubaanse minister of justice has confirmed by letter that to our conditions be satisfied '', will say Remkes. , what concerns me the team to the battle can.' ' The team can start '' according to the minister, within manageable time. , in any case within a couple weeks.' ' How much Dutch policemen go to Aruba, it has been not yet confessed. The costs are for the Netherlands. Remkes go of it from that the research, rather within weeks it has been wound up than within a period of months ''.

The team is made up especially according to him experts who are required for that. Aruba sits already more than one year in its flatulence with the matter holloway. 18 person whose birthday it is American little girl disappeared after an evening gets in on 30 May 2005 with three boys the night. She was retrieved never more afterwards.

On 1-9 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Search for Natalee Holloway Resumed

ARUBA – A team of Investigators of the University of Florida in Panama City will soon start with searching for possible remains of Natalee Holloway, the American teenager that disappeared in May of last year. The team consists of experts in the field of underwater crime scene investigation and will search the bottom of the sea around Aruba.

The team will use advanced sonar equipment that is remotely controlled from a boat. The Investigators have a lot of experience with these kinds of searches and have collaborated in the past with searches under water for victims and evidence after hurricanes and murders. The team is doing the search upon request of Prime Minister Nelson Oduber (MEP).


On 1-10 the ARUBA prosecutors office issued the following statement:

Petition to the Public of Aruba in Relation to the Holloway Case

ORANJESTAD - The team in charge of the investigation in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway has a strong suspicion that the young lady in question has lost her life as a consequence of a punishable crime committed against her.

Also, the team is of opinion that there are person(s) who have more information that have not given statements to the Police. With this communication, the investigative team is asking all persons who can give more information in relation to the case of Natalee Holloway to contact the Police. The team guarantees that all persons who call will be able to speak directly to commissioner Dompig and will remain anonymous.

On 1-10 ARUBAAN's news-source "ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com"” reported:

The Murder Suspects in the Holloway Case Will Not Be Interrogated

ARUBA – The three suspects in the Holloway-case will not be interrogated for the time being. Steve Cohen, spokesperson of the Strategic Communications Task Force announced in several American media that they would be interrogated. But suspects cannot be forced into new interrogations, unless there is new evident, which is not the case.

Right before the turn of the year, the Public Prosecution (OM) had sent the lawyers of Joran van der Sloot, Deepak and Satish Kalpoe an invitation for a conversation. Anthony Carlo, van der Sloot ’s lawyer: “We did not accept the invitation.”

One of the issues during the conversation would have been the recording that Jami Skeeters had made of Deepak Kalpoe and broadcasted it in Dr. Phil’s show. Also the brothers Kalpoe had declined a conversation with the investigation team. The Court released the suspects from custody in September and the OM didn’t like this. Neither of them had to remain available for interrogations, meaning that this can only be done voluntarily now. This can only happen if or when the OM can come up with new evident.

On 1-10 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Paul van der Sloot Becomes Lawyer

ARUBA – Paul van der Sloot, the father of Joran van der Sloot has joined the lawyers’ firm of Anthony Carlo and Richie Kock. The Common Court of the Neth.Antilles and Aruba will most probably swear him in next week. Carlo is very pleased: “He is a very skilful jurist. I have received only positive reactions from the professional group.” van der Sloot was working as a trainee-judge for the Common Court of the Neth.Antilles and Aruba. Before that, he was working at the OM and was chief Legal Matters at the DJZ. Since van der Sloot has not worked as a lawyer before, Carlo will function as his model for the next three years.


On 1-11 “Solo di Peublo” reported:

Amongst all the rumours that have circulated there is one that says that Natalee was buried twice!

Anonymous telephone call claims to know what happened with Natalee Holloway and where she is buried!

On the first night she was first buried once and two nights later she was buried at another location

STA. CRUZ – It was on the 31st of December that at the Rumba 91.5 FM studios came a telephone call from a man who did not identify himself, who claimed to know where Natalee Holloway is and that he had to get in touch with Carlos & Charlies urgently.

This call came in via the Rumba number at xxx-xxxx while Rumba 91 FM was presenting the 91 biggest songs of the year.

The DJ was busy at that moment, and called management for them to deal with the case and when the management took over the telephone the man only wanted to get the number of Carlos & Charlies. They recommended at that time that the man call 118-Setar to ask for the number due to the fact that the man sounded quite strange.

It is Solo di Pueblo’s understanding that it is true that the man tried to get in touch with the management of Carlos & Charlies and here he divulged certain information. We understand also that Carlos & Charlies called authorities at once to inform them of the details that they got via telephone. Authorities did not waiver and followed these details closely and also took a few other preventive actions in this case.

It must be mentioned that when the end of the year arrives, this creates certain emotional moments in people’s lives and they can take certain decisions that they would not normally take. Perhaps the date of the 31st of December could play a role in this anonymous call?

The call which came in to Rumba 91.5 FM claims he knew exactly what happened with Natalee and also where Natalee is buried. It could be the case of a drug addict who was mentioned that he contributed and helped dig a whole to bury Natalee? And after a few days, they took Natalee out of this whole and went another way? Stories that circulated were many but among these there was a version that Natalee was in the company of 3 young men at the Hyatt beach. One security guard who passed on that side took note of strange movements and went to look for a colleague to accompany him and take a look, and at his return, he did not find anyone anymore?

It is also said that in the Hyatt beach surroundings they tried to dig a hole on the beach but that this resulted to be difficult. It was said that they took Natalee behind the Lighthouse where she was buried for a day and afterwards taken out and taken another way.

These are a few of the speculations which have been commented. The Public Prosecutor said that they have reasons to believe that Natalee Holloway is dead. The question remains: Are there still people who can find where she is buried? The call to Rumba 91 FM came in the afternoon hours. SDP has information that the call was also received at Carlos & Charlies.

On 1-11 ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reported:

Everett Clay Associates are Proud

Jamaican Tourism had Record Growth for 2005

ORANJESTAD (AAN): The news that shook up the Caribbean on Tuesday was when the government of Kingston indicated that the island of Jamaica received a record number of tourists for 2005, some 2.6 million. This is an increase of more than 4% compared with 2004.

It is more than clear that Jamaica is happy with this. In the happiness DIARIO noted the American promotion company, Everett Clay Associates. They are doing the promotion for Jamaica now, and this success made them very happy.

In the past, Aruba was also represented by Everett Clay Associates, who did a very professional work to promote Aruba.

However, when the MEP government took power, Minister Briesen dropped this group and selected another one for reasons that are not yet very clear.

Many observers believe that if Aruba was with Everett Clay Associates as partners during the dark months of the missing Alabama student, they would have surely done a better job of defending Aruba. It can still be recalled the questions of many people during June and July 2005, who wanted to know where were those in the U.S. to defend Aruba.

After Minister Briesen dropped Everett Clay Associates, they went to do promotion work for Jamaica. Now the fruits of their success can be seen.

Jamaica is also happy with the aggressive work of Everett Clay Associates and also of their Tourism Agency. For the month of November alone, Jamaica experienced an increase of 25.4%

The American press also reported on this extensively on Tuesday, and it could also be seen on CNN.

As for Aruba?

Apparently, the government is so shocked at the statistics of the second half of 2005 that there are still no ‘official’ statistics produced by the Aruba Tourism Authority, and this even started to receive criticism from different local institutions. Perhaps MEP has thought to come out with the ‘statistic eating virus’ joke again?

On 1-11 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA NBC TV channel 13 reported:

Gov. Riley Wants To Give $200 Million Back To Taxpayers

Gov. Bob Riley wants to write a $200 million check to Alabamians.

It's all part of a proposed five-year tax cut Riley announced during his State of the State address at the start of the 2006 legislative session.

He also outlined his plans to spend $1 billion on education, including a 5 percent teacher pay raise and $500 million for a school construction program.

However, not everyone agrees that spending Alabama's unusual surplus is a good idea.
"I think the tax cut is premature. We have to be careful and talk about constitutional and tax reform, then tax cuts," said Birmingham Sen. Sundra Escott.

"That's a boost to the economy that will go back into the economy. We will spend what we get back," said Shelby County Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin.

Other issues on the agenda for lawmakers include: reforming prison overcrowding, continuing the boycott on Aruba and banning cell phone use by teen drivers.

On 1-11 ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reported:

Destruction of Beach Cemetery

ORANJESTAD (AAN) --- In the afternoon hours, citizens reported to DIARIO to check what happened at the Beach Cemetery, due to some destruction that took place.

When our photographer arrived, he truly met a situation which was not very good. At the location, he met with the person who is in charge of the Cemetery and according to him he comes every day to check on the cemetery.

By chance, he came at noon and encountered 5 graves completely broken. The perpetrators broke everything that they could from these 5 graves.

DIARIO does not know if the rage was against the deceased, but this is not a way to do things. Principally in the cemetery, as it is said, that if when one is dead one does not find peace that is when you die.

DIARIO pleads for all those who could have seen something to call Police to inform then about this case. Additionally, it’s good to inform that the case is under investigation.

On 1-11 “News Blaze” reported:

Is Aruba's Government Covering Up Again?

Rudy Croes, the Minister of Justice in Aruba, has every opportunity to question the Holloway investigation to assure that there is justice in Aruba even against the people that he did favors for and those he received favors from (the Dutch judicial officials).
Aruba is in a very difficult situation and this is not because of the American press, the Holloway case and most definitely not because of a web site by the name of "to hell with Aruba.com." Aruba is going through an extremely difficult period because of a nasty and corrupt government that owes favors to the different departments of the judicial system. The current government in Aruba, MEP has serious problems with the Dutch justice department yet they can not take a stand and voice their concerns due to the favors that they received over the years. The MEP government is maliciously leaking out information to the press about the Dutch Police commissioner Jan van der Straten instead of confronting him or any other member of the justice department to ensure that there is no cover up in the investigation of the Holloway case.

The minister of justice, the political party MEP and the Dutch judges are portraying their partiality by bringing in a judge from a different Island to rule over the case yet the officials that are preparing the investigation are all friends and family of the suspect. How partial is this? Those who are preparing the investigation/case have access to all declarations, forensic reports, suspects and suspects family. Several reports by the international press have proven that the van der Sloot family is very close to the investigating team (The Dutch prosecutors office).

The habitual impartiality has been demonstrated in the past with several cases, one case in particular stands out. The case of Alexander Mathew against a Dutch government official, Ben Vocking whom now goes by the name of Ben King. In this particular case documents disappeared, forensic reports were over looked and witnesses were denied, these documents were in the favor of Alexander Mathew. Paul van der Sloot is a high ranking official in the judicial system and is close friends with Ben King, whom now works at the prosecution office.

King was reportedly seen visiting Paul van der Sloot at his home when the Arubian Police were performing a search of the van der Sloot residence. Mathew's entire case was tampered with. King said that his friend Paul van der Sloot helped him in the Mathew case. How many cases has and will Paul van der Sloot help cover up?

Mathew was isolated for two years and eight months to ensure that the truth would not surface. The Arubian press and the minister of justice, Rudy Croes played a large roll in the defamation of his character to justify his isolation. Now that the truth has surfaced, certain politicians and senators have raised concern that this corruption will repeat itself in the Holloway case and justice will not be served. The minister of justice Rudy Croes is attacking Alexander Mathew, the politicians and the senators in the local newspapers based upon lies. The minister of justice is even accusing Mathew of owning the website "to hell with Aruba. Com," this is a false accusation that is being supported by the Arubian newspaper "Bon Dia Aruba."

Mathew states that the government and the prosecution department is corrupt and is harming the Holloway family and the entire Arubian population. If the Holloway case had been investigated appropriately from the beginning it would have been resolved by now and Aruba would not still be suffering.

The Holloway family must be aware of the corruption that encompasses the Arubian government and judicial system so that they can obtain the appropriate international aid to assist in the search for the truth, justice and most importantly their daughter Natalee.
The government and prosecution officials should offer to take a lie detector test. Assure the world that there is no cover up in the Natalee Holloway case. Help clear Aruba's name.

4018645592 (phone)

On 1-11 the “AP” reported:

Governor Opposes Boycott

Gov. Haley Barbour says he will not encourage Mississippians to boycott travel to Aruba to protest the way officials there have handled the disappearance of missing Alabama teen Natalee Holloway.

Holloway had attended junior high school in Clinton, Miss., and her father lives in Meridian. She disappeared while on a senior trip to the Dutch Caribbean island.
Barbour, speaking to the editorial board of The Meridian Star on Tuesday, said he does not believe a tourist boycott of the island is the right means to an end.

So far, the governors of Alabama, Arkansas and Georgia have urged their citizens not to travel to Aruba until authorities cooperate more fully with the Holloway family.
Dave Holloway, the father of the missing teenager, says he is disappointed in the governor's stand. Barbour says his office is doing what it can to support the Holloway family.

Three men were questioned in Natalee Holloway's disappearance, but they were later released without being charged.

Beth Holloway-Twitty, Natalee's mother and a Birmingham, Ala., resident, is originally from Arkansas. Dave Holloway graduated from high school in Jonesboro, Ark.

On 1-11 “Anonova” reported:

Holland Launches Fun Burials

A Dutch entrepreneur is offering what he hopes will be the latest extreme sport - 'fun burials'.

For 75 euros, people can be buried 5 ft down in a coffin for an hour - under a 3.5 tonne concrete block, reports Nu.nl.

The coffin has an oxygen supply, a panic button and is linked by webcam to a computer which friends and family can watch.

Dutch entertainer Eddy Daams, from Eexterveenschekanaal, is behind the idea which he calls Fun Burials.

He said: "After bunjee jumping, this will become the new extreme kick. It is very safe, nothing can go wrong.

"If the person in the coffin is having a panic attack, he can push the panic button to heave off the block."

Mr. Daams is running the project in his own garden and says it should be up and running commercially this summer.

On 1-11 ARUBAAN's news-source "Bon Dia" reported:

The Superior Court Has Now Given a Reason

Friday Paul van der Sloot and family start case of damages and prejudice

ORANJESTAD – Now that the Superior Court has handed down the judgment in favour of Paul van der Sloot, he and his family are bringing a case of damages and prejudice against the Government.

An investigation Bon Dia Aruba is conducting shows that yesterday the Superior Court in Curacao handed down the judgment in the appeal of Paul van der Sloot which was dealt with on December 19, 2005.


In an exclusive interview Bon Dia Aruba had with attorney Swaen, who represents Paul van der Sloot, he explained that the judgment that the Superior Court gave yesterday is about the appeal which took place December 19, 2005.

Mr. Swaen explained that the appeal was about the decision of the Court of First Instance on the case of Paul van der Sloot to be able to bring a case of damages and prejudice against the government.

In the case, Paul van der Sloot asked for him and his family to bring a case of damages and prejudice.

The Court of First Instance decided that only Paul van der Sloot could bring a case of damages and prejudice, not his family.


Yesterday, the Superior Court handed down the decision on the appeals case, where the three judges declared that they do not share the opinion of the Court of First Instance.

The Superior Court showed that according to article 179 lid 3 Sv, it is possible for the family of Paul van der Sloot to also sue for damages and prejudice.


Friday, January 13 2006, Paul van der Sloot and his family will start a case of damages and prejudice against the government. Paul van der Sloot is represented by Mr. Swaen, who is the attorney who assisted him from the beginning.

As it is known, Swaen was able to get the judge to set Paul van der Sloot free when he was detained related to the Holloway case. Afterwards, Mr. Swaen brought the case where it was noted that Paul van der Sloot has nothing to do with the penal case in what relates to Holloway and that he can now bring the case of damages and prejudice.

Finally, Mr. Swaen achieved that not only Paul van der Sloot, but that also all his family, Joran van der Sloot included, can bring a case of damages and prejudice against the government.

This is how this case will be deal with in the Court here in Aruba for the members of the Justice Court of Aruba. The handling of the case will take place behind closed doors, that is to say that the press will not be able to cover the handling of this case. Given that it is the whole family that is suing, it can be expected that the lawsuit will be very high.

On 1-11 ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reported:

Paul van der Sloot Makes a Request to be Sworn in as an Attorney

ORANJESTAD (AAN) – Paul van der Sloot recently made a request to the Common Court of Justice of the Antilles and Aruba to be sworn in as an attorney. van der Sloot will now work as a lawyer in the law firm of Mr. A.A.D.A. Carlo N.V.

This release was sent to lawyers of Aruba via the association of attorneys of Aruba, Orde van Advocaten. If there is one or more lawyers who could have another reason to go against this petition, for van der Sloot to be sworn in as a lawyer to work in Aruba, then they have to send their reaction before January 11, 2005, according to a copy of the letter from the Orde van Advocaten, but in this case the case should be January 11, 2006, not 2005.

On 1-11 the HOUSTON, TEXAS “NBC-KPRC” TV channel 2 reported:

EquuSearch Founder Heading Back To Aruba To Search For Holloway

Aruban Police commissioner Thinks Missing Teen May Be Inside Fish Trap

HOUSTON -- The founder of Texas EquuSearch said he and a team of divers from Florida will travel to Aruba after Investigators there revealed they might know where to find the body of a missing Alabama teen, KPRC Local 2 reports.

Natalee Holloway disappeared in June while on a high school class trip to Aruba. She has not been seen since.

On Friday, EquuSearch founder Tim Miller and a deepwater search team from Florida will travel back to Aruba to search an area three to five miles off the island's coast that is between 800 to 1,000 feet deep.

Miller told KPRC Local 2 that Aruba's Police commissioner told him that he feels Holloway might be inside a fish trap dropped deep into the water.

"The night she disappeared is the same night a fisherman's hut got broken into and a huge fish trap got stolen. Some big knives got stolen, and none of it has been found since," Miller said.

The cage the commissioner referred to is similar a crab trap people could buy at a hardware store.

"If she is, in fact, in that huge fish-trap like we think there is a possibility, I am optimistic that the equipment we've got will be bringing Natalee back," Miller said.

The founder of the volunteer search-and-rescue organization told KPRC Local 2 that he does not believe Holloway ever left Aruba.

"Our whole goal is none other than to bring Natalee Holloway home," Miller said. "It's too early to just say it's over with. There are still some things to do."

Miller told KPRC Local 2 that the last time he was in Aruba, he was threatened with arrest because he was working without a permit. He said he told authorities that he wasn't working for anyone and that he was a volunteer.

(the article also contains a photo of a square, very close together mesh fish trap that is large enough in size to contain a 5’ 4” body)


On 1-12 “Barnes & Noble Bookstores” provided a webpage from which an advance copy of the March 28, 2006 release book, “Aruba: The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee Holloway and Corruption in Paradise,” can be pre-ordered at http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=1i0UigsCfy&isbn=1595550631&itm=2

The book can be pre-ordered from “Amazon.com” at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1595550631/qid=1137172062/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-9878789-3372634?s=books&v=glance&n=283155


On 1-12 ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reported:

Now Friday

Texas EquuSearch Comes Back to Aruba

ORANJESTAD (AAN): The KPRC-TV channel from Houston reported that the founder of Texas EquuSearch, Tim Miller, is heading to Aruba along with a diving team from Florida after a report from the island reached them, that they could know where the body of Natalee Holloway could be.

The search team will concentrate in an area of 3 to 5 miles off the coast of Aruba, which has a depth of 800 to 1000 feet.

Tim Miller told the Houston TV channel that the Comissioner from Aruba said that the feel that Natalee could be in a fish trap which was thrown very deep in the sea.

“The night she disappeared, is the same night that a theft took place at the fisherman’s huts, and one gigantic trap was stolen, as well as a big knife and none of these were ever found”, Miller said.

If by any chance Natalee is in this trap, the possibility exists that they could find her with the team they are bringing.

Tim Miller also told KPRC-TV that the last time that he was in Aruba he was threatened to be arrested because he was working without a permit. Miller answered to the Aruba authorities that he was not working for anyone, and that he was a volunteer.

On 1-12 MSNBC reported:

RITA COSBY, HOST: And developments in the Natalee Holloway case. Find out why investigators are going back to Aruba. After more than eight months, what do they hope to find? Beth Holloway Twitty is going to join me live.

COSBY: And now to some new developments in another case that we have been following very closely, the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Tomorrow, crews are headed back to Aruba to search the waters off the island‘s southwest coast. It‘s not the first time divers have searched Aruban waters, but a tip from investigators has prompted a return to the island.
LIVE & DIRECT tonight are Tim Miller with Texas EquuSearch, a group that has helped in the search for Natalee since the very beginning. And also here is underwater specialist James Whitaker.
Tim, let me start with you. Why is this search different now?
TIM MILLER, EQUUSEARCH DIRECTOR: Well, we actually got the information—Dave Holloway, Natalee‘s father, and I got the information when we went to Aruba the last time that they felt as though there was a strong possibility that Natalee was actually put in one of them huge fish traps and taken out three to five miles in the water.
COSBY: And this was near the fisherman‘s hut, where all the guys have said that they were and admitted to being there? And that‘s why—it was also broken into, right? There was a knife missing.
When I was down there, I know Art Wood, the private investigator, and I walked around. He said a knife was taken. That hut that was broken into, as we‘re looking at pictures of it from the sky. There was a net that was a missing, a fishing net. And why does the investigators—why do they now say, “Let‘s look again here”? Is there something else leading this, or is it sort of another wild goose chase?
MILLER: No, they actually said that four months ago, Rita, when we was there. And that‘s when we called in Florida State University. And they came with their equipment. And we did everything in the water to 150 foot deep. And that‘s all the deeper they were capable of doing with their equipment.
So we‘ve been spending, like, the last four months talking with Jim Whitaker and stuff, seeing if we can put something together, because Jim has the equipment, he has the knowledge to go as deep as we need to be going. And out that three to five miles out in the sea, we‘re in 800 to 1,000 feet of water.
So I think if Natalee, in fact, possibly was put inside that fish trap and she is out there, I think that the resources we‘re taken there are capable. And it‘s possible that she will be found. But we don‘t want to build up anybody‘s hopes.
But you know what? With that information, I think that we‘ve got to follow that information. I think we‘ve got to use every resource possible to see if we can locate Natalee. And I think that, again, we‘re taking the best of the best over there to see if we can bring little Natalee home.
COSBY: Well, certainly. And you‘ve got to check everything.
Jim, let me bring you in.
COSBY: James Whitaker, you know, in terms of the equipment you have, is it capable? I mean, we just heard, you know, from Tim that we‘re talking three to five miles off the coast. It could be very deep water. Can your equipment still detect something, you know, like a fisherman‘s net, like a cage?
WHITAKER: Yes, it can.
COSBY: It can? Now, why is that? Explain how that sort of works?
WHITAKER: Well, we‘re using two pieces of equipment. One is a side scan sonar, which works on sound, draws a picture of the bottom and all the different anomalies that are there. And something like what we‘re talking about would show up pretty good there.
COSBY: How long could this search take? You know, Jim, based on your experience and based on how big the area is, that‘s a big area.
WHITAKER: Well, it is, but if you look at the topographic map, there‘s basically a trench out there where it drops off. And I‘ve narrowed down an area that we‘re going to search in that‘s reasonable. And we will look in that area first.
COSBY: And, Tim, you know, I know you‘re going down there sort of scouting mission, sort of looking at it. When do you think the actual diving and this actual search will physically begin? How far away are we talking?
WHITAKER: Well, you know what? We just want to make sure that we have everything cleared with the authorities in Aruba, that we don‘t run into any road blocks. This is quite a challenge just getting all the equipment there. And so I believe, when we leave the island Tuesday evening—this coming Tuesday evening is when we‘re planning on leaving—
I think then Jim and I will be able to make that decision, when we‘re going to start packing stuff up and getting over there. But I‘m hoping myself within a week and a half, two weeks we‘ll be over there and be in the waters of Aruba again.
COSBY: Well, we wish you both a lot of luck. Thank you so much for being with us tonight. We certainly hope we can provide some clues.
And just a few moments ago, we learned that the family of Joran van der Sloot will be seeking damages tomorrow related to Paul van der Sloot‘s arrest back in June. This just crossed the wires a little bit ago. We got it from the Aruban newspaper “Amigo.” They are reporting that Paul van der Sloot and his attorney will be in court as early as tomorrow.
And LIVE & DIRECT tonight is Natalee‘s mom, Beth Holloway Twitty. Also back with us is Holloway family attorney and former prosecutor, John Q. Kelly.
Beth, with this news just passing, what do you make of what‘s going to happen in court tomorrow? And how angry are you hearing that now the court sort of cleared the way that they could seek damages?
BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, MOTHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: Well, you know, Rita, just when I think that I cannot be shocked by any news coming out of Aruba, they prove me wrong over and over again. And I think that, you know, with him proceeding forward with this, you know, it—there‘s just no explanation for it, Rita.
COSBY: You must have been stunned. What was your reaction when you first—you just found out about this a little bit ago. What was your reaction, just personally?
TWITTY: Well, I can‘t imagine, first of all, that Paulus van der Sloot could ever be cleared as a suspect in Natalee‘s case. I mean, we have to remember, we still have two innocent black security guards, Mickey John and Abraham Jones, who still remain suspects in Natalee‘s case.
And, you know, I just don‘t want to lose sight that his son and Paulus van der Sloot are the ones that implicated these suspects. And, as far as to the kidnapping, rape, and possibly murder of my daughter, and now he‘s stepping forward to claim damages? You know, Rita—you know, it‘s just not right.
COSBY: It isn‘t—I will tell you, it is stunning. I want to show a comment. This is Jossy Mansur with “El Diario.” Because someone in his paper, as you know, Beth, did a brief interview with Joran not too long ago. And pretty surprising things that he said. And now, again, in light of what‘s happening tomorrow. But I want to play—these are some of the comments of what Joran apparently said to someone at “El Diario,” according to Jossy Mansur.
JOSSY MANSUR, EDITOR, “DIARIO”: He avoided, of course, giving any details on the case itself. But he did admit to the reporter that he had sex with her, that it was consensual sex. He also admitted to him that the girl was going in and out of consciousness at a certain period.
COSBY: You know, when you hear that, Beth, and you hear that tomorrow that the court has cleared the way in Aruba that they could get, you know, damages, when he, himself, apparently is saying these things to reporters, saying a different thing to authorities, you‘ve just got to be shaking your head.
TWITTY: Oh, absolutely, Rita. I mean, we‘ve known as early as, you know, the first couple of weeks in June that Joran was admitting these sexual assaults that he committed against Natalee, as she‘s coming in and out of consciousness. I mean, this is not new information to the authorities or to the family.
COSBY: You know, John Q. Kelly is there anything that you can do to block them from receiving a dime from the Aruban government, you know, for pain and suffering, for Paul van der Sloot being arrested?
KELLY: Not at this time, Rita. Paul van der Sloot is obviously a shameless individual. When Deepak Kalpoe gave one of his first statements to Police, what he said was, “Paul van der Sloot advised us to get our stories straight, to not communicate by e-mail, not to use our cell phones, and to get lawyers.” He also made contradictory statements about when he had picked up his son Joran that night.
It‘s very clear that, at the minimum, Mr. van der Sloot, in all probability, is, you know, part of at least a cover-up after the fact. And it appears he knows a great deal about what happened to Natalee and the three boys‘ activities that night.
And for him to be going at this point, seeking damages is unbelievable. And I‘ll be very closely watching how the Aruban courts handle his claim as opposed to the way they‘ve treated us, our claims, and the three suspects who clearly admitted to wrongdoing in this case.
COSBY: You know, and, John, as I read it, too, it‘s not just Paul who could actually seek damages. It looks like the whole family could seek damages for Paul‘s arrest. That‘s really surprising, isn‘t it?
KELLY: It‘s very surprising. I mean, it‘s almost shocking what‘s going on over there in the court system. And it‘s unbelievable that this man, his family, are shameless enough and, you know, sort of money-hungry enough to, after what they‘ve put the family through and what they‘ve, you know, made a number of people endure, that they‘re seeking compensation for this now.
COSBY: I will say, it is surprising.
You know, Beth, what about the case itself? We just heard from Tim with EquuSearch saying that they planned to be back in maybe in about a week and a half. He still seems confident that they‘ve got to check that area by the fisherman‘s hut. Do you believe there‘s anything there? And where do you think the case stands now?
TWITTY: Well, I think Tim Miller was exactly right. This is not a new lead. This is something that we have discussed with the FBI since as early as September.
And, you know, I think that it was in the—in October, possibly early November, when Tim Miller was trying to finish this search when, of course, the depth of the water exceeded his equipment. And that‘s when he was needing the officials on the island to contact or pick up the phone and make one phone call to the FBI for some additional equipment. And they refused to do that.
So I think, really, now he‘s just trying to do—you know, just finish this search that he was conducting like I said, in October, early November.
COSBY: Well, let‘s hope he gets some answers. And we will be watching what happens in that Aruban court, if that proceeding does take place tomorrow. We‘ll be all over this.
Both of you, thank you very much. We appreciate it.
KELLY: Sure.
TWITTY: Thank you, Rita.
COSBY: Thanks very much. Thanks, Beth, and thanks, John, so much.

On 1-12 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

The van der Sloot Family Can Claim Damages

ARUBA – Paul as well as his family members can claim damages due to the arrest of van der Sloot in connection with the investigation on the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

The Common Court of the Neth.Antilles and Aruba decided this yesterday in the appeal case that was instituted by the family members of van der Sloot. The actual damage claim case serves this Friday. In November, the judge in the court of first instance ruled that only the damages suffered by Paul van der Sloot himself can be considered for compensation. However, the Court of Appeals ruled in favour of the van der Sloot family members that also the damages suffered by the family members, including Joran qualify for compensation. The Court decided that not only the suspects, but everybody that suffered a loss can claim compensation, including his family members.

Only damages that the family have suffered due to the arrest of Paul van der Sloot, not the arrest of Joran; that is a different matter. Lawyer Arie Swaen, who will represent Paul van der Sloot this coming Friday, doesn’t want to tell how much compensation the family is going to claim. “We have not agreed on that yet.”

On 1-12 ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reported:

Plea to the ‘Jogger’ and the ‘Cab driver’ to Contact Police

ORANJESTAD (AAN): The case of Natalee clearly indicates that the Investigators are maintaining the case alive, given that they want to bring clarity to what exactly happened to the young student during her stay on the island.

As it is known, this case has been ongoing since the 30 of May and there is no clue about her disappearance. Police are putting out a plea to the person who was jogging and called Police related to Natalee’s case. The jogger is one of those key persons in the case, and this is why Police are asking him to get in touch with authorities.

In the meantime, there is also a cab driver of initial M. who spoke to the Police related to the case of Natalee, and Investigators also ask if he could get in touch with authorities. The jogger and the cab driver can call 582-9977, commissioner Dompig will deal with them directly.


On 1-13 ARUBAAN's news-source "Bon Dia" reported:

While the family’s case for damages and prejudice takes place this morning

Monday the Superior Court will Deal with Joran v.d. Sloot’s Appeal to Obtain Documents from the Public Prosecutor

ORANJESTAD – While this morning at 9 o’clock the court will deal with the case of damages and prejudice the v.d. Sloot family brought against the government, Monday, members of the Superior Court will deal with Joran v.d. Sloot’s appeal to obtain documents from the Public Prosecutor.


As Bon Dia Aruba has published, this morning Mr. Paul van der Sloot, accompanied by his lawyer, Mr. Swaen, will present himself in court to deal with the case of damages and prejudice against the government.

This week, the Superior Court handed down its judgment in the case of Mr. Paul van der Sloot and decided that not only Mr. Paul van der Sloot, but also his family, among others Joran van der Sloot, can bring a case of damages and prejudice.

It is Bon Dia Aruba’s understanding that this type of case is conducted behind closed doors. However, Bon Dia Aruba will undertake all efforts to obtain information about this case to be able to inform our readers.


Monday at 3.30 in the afternoon, the Superior Court will deal with the case of the appeal that attorney Carlo started against the Judge commissioner’s decision, which rejected Mr. Carlo’s request to obtain documents from the Public Prosecutor related to the Holloway case.

Among the documents, Mr. Carlo wants to obtain the report from the forensic institute of Holland NFI, which observed that there was a manipulation in the recording which aired on the Dr. Phil show in the U.S. It is Bon Dia Aruba’s understanding that members of Curacao Court will deal with this case and that the case will take place behind closed doors.


On 1-14 the “Texas EquuSearch” website wrote “Tim Miller has arrived safely in Aruba with Jim Whitaker. They are in the process of laying the ground work to prepare for an extensive search in the water. Tim has spoken with chief Dompig and anticipates cooperation all the way around to conduct a search in the waters of Aruba.”

On 1-14 a citizen wrote to the MERIDIAN, MISSISSIPPI “Meridian Mississippi News” editorial department:

Natalee Needs Fellow Americans’ Support

Sometimes we just need to stand up for one of our own. Natalee Holloway disappeared on the island of Aruba and is feared murdered. Her mother, Beth Holloway-Twitty, and father, Dave Holloway, have spent endless months and tears trying to find their daughter and maybe even find justice for her.

Yes, many locals on the island of Aruba were supportive with search efforts, kindness, food and even lodging. But not one person there stood up to their own government with the Holloways and simply asked, much less insisted, that the prosecutor’s office or law enforcement give them insight into the investigation or at least take proactive steps to bring even a semblance of justice to their wonderful daughter’s sad plight. Every word from Aruba is, and has been, in support of the country’s system and attempts to educate us to its ways. Always, Arubaans’ first priority has seemed to be merely about their concern for tourism. Arubaans have defended their government entirely.
Beth and Dave aren’t merely working with the antics of a, perhaps, inexperienced Police representative or Investigator. Beth is a distraught American mother, Dave a devastated father, standing in their private grief while facing down a nation.

I have enjoyed cruising and traveling as much as anyone. But there comes a time when we need to stand up for a member of the team. This, I believe, is one of those times. A grassroots effort to boycott the island was launched after all other attempts to find justice or even truth had failed. The family (and we supporters) are asking all Americans to show Aruba, and by extension the world, that we are what they refuse to be. We really are a nation governed by the people, for the people.

Aruban officials have all but jeered at the limited scope the boycott has acquired thus far based on the mere few state representatives who have voiced their support. Americans are so much more; we have individual rights, and we definitely know how to stand up and claim them.

I am a veteran, having served in our U.S. Air Force on three different continents. Not once on those foreign shores, or while stationed here at home, did we have the attitude that we would only don our uniforms or perform our duties if we felt personally violated or at risk. This horrible situation in Aruba might not be war in the traditional sense, but I am certain Beth and Dave feel they have been standing there in the trenches of lies and slander, fighting an unseen battle — against a bureaucratic enemy — for almost eight months now.

Natalee is an American citizen, and she absolutely deserves us, her fellow U.S. citizens, standing strongly behind her parents on her now silenced behalf. This is not a case of Dutch legalities, Aruban law enforcement interpretations or even our contrasting judicial system from right here at home. Aruba has made this a case of a higher forum: the court of basic human decency.

At this point, it is no longer about our individual sense of fun on foreign shores or our individual rights to travel unrestricted. It is simply about being there for someone who needs us. It is about standing up and being on the team.

On 1-14 on FOX News, even though ARUBAN Police chief ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG has confirmed it several times to the media, ELLIS-SCHIPPER (member of the "Aruba Strategic Communications Task Force") tried to claim it is just a rumor that a fish/crab trap was stolen from the fishermen's huts the very same night NATALEE vanished. ELLIS-SCHIPPER, member of the ARUBA “STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS TASK FORCE,” even went so far as to lie again, and claim the ARUBAN Police have not told TIM MILLER a trap was stolen, even though ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG himself has stated to the media several times that a trap was, indeed, stolen the same night, and a fisherman reported it the same morning.

On 1-14 TIM MILLER stated to FOX News that they will be meeting with ARUBAN authorities 1-16 to make sure any permits they need, or not, for their imminent searches are all correctly documented. TIM MILLER stated that ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG told him it is one of ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG and ARUBAN Police Investigators theories that NATALEE was put into a fish/crab trap, the trap was weighted down with rocks, and disposed of in the ocean, possibly in the deeper, 800’+ depths, which is about 3 to 5 miles out from the western ARUBA shoreline.

On 1-14 Dr. BADEN stated that if NATALEE was put into a fish trap that enough of her body/bones would most likely still remain to identify her, probably also with DNA testing, at this point, if/when NATALEE‘s remains are found. If her body was still clothed and was wrapped with fish netting--which was also reported stolen the same night she disappeared--then the fish netting might have also retained her clothing.


On 1-15 the “Texas EquuSearch” website wrote “Tim Miller will be meeting with chief Dompig on Monday to finalize search plans and confirm authorization to utilize the necessary equipment needed to complete the task.”

On 1-15 JOSSY MANSUR stated to FOX News that it is a fact--not a rumor--that a fish/crab trap was stolen from the fishermen’s huts the very same night that NATALEE vanished. JOSSY also stated a large knife was stolen the same night from the same compartment the missing fish/crab trap was stolen, and, the fishermen’s huts were very close to where Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT showed the ARUBAN Police he was last with NATALEE.

On 1-15 TIM MILLER stated to FOX News that the missing, large knife may also be found within the missing fish/crab trap. TIM MILLER stated NATALEE’s Loved Ones and his team have known about the missing fish/crab trap since July 2005.

On 1-15 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to FOX News that in July right after ocean divers first searched off the “Marriott Hotel” beach near the fishermen's huts was when they became aware of the stolen fish/crab trap. BETH reminded everyone that the 2 black security guards are still considered Murder Suspects and have not been able to clear themselves. BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated it will be to ARUBA (and the DUTCH) shame if Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT ’s lawsuit for monetary damages because of his June arrest goes forward.


On 1-16 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA NBC TV station channel 13 reported:

New Tip In Holloway Disappearance Begins New Searches

A new lead in the Natalee Holloway disappearance has started a flurry of activity on the island of Aruba.

Beth Twitty, Holloway's mother, has confirmed reports that Investigators are now acting on a new lead and searching the tip of the island near the lighthouse. The area is not far away from where Holloway was staying the night she disappeared.

Twitty said Investigators began searching the Palm Beach area on the northern side of the island Monday morning and expect to work until Tuesday night.

"They've sectioned off areas of the sand dunes and this is warranted from an individual who has come forward with new information," said Twitty. "They evidently have been able to verify this witness is credible."

This new investigation is going on as members of the Texas-based EquuSearch are negotiating for permission to bring in deep-water diving equipment to the island.
Twitty said EquuSearch wants to explore deeper waters off the Aruban coast.

Since Holloway's disappearance in May, there has been speculation that if she was murdered, someone may have sunk her body.

The night that she disappeared, a fisherman reported his hut had been burglarized and a knife and fish trap were missing.

Holloway's family and friends said they need to rule out the possibility that her body has been hidden on the ocean floor.

This search begins after the Aruban Police commissioner revealed last week that Holloway might be in a fish trap dropped in deep water.

On 1-16 JULIA RENFRO, (the transplanted AMERICAN who has lived in ARUBA for 17+ years and has several business interests there, including an ARUBAAN's news-source) claimed to FOX News that the 50 ARUBAN Police who searched the California lighthouse sand dunes today was comprised mostly of Police academy cadets, “the entire detective team,” and ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG. The search resulted from a tip from someone. RENFRO claimed the same area (and ocean coastline deep caverns) was searched last in October. RENFRO claimed they were using “special rods in their hands” probing into the sand dunes for objects, bones, and/or shoes. RENFRO claimed the search today “was a surprise to us all.”

On 1-16 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY shared with FOX News further entries to her timeline/journal. BETH stated the search today caught NATALEE’s Loved Ones by surprise. No ARUBAN called the family about the search and she only learned of it when FOX News happened to make some phone calls to ARUBA earlier in the day. BETH stated the lighthouse dunes has “always been a suspicious area,” including when DAVE HOLLOWAY observed some suspicious activity in the lighthouse/dunes area on 6-2, just before the DUTCH Marines conducted their first search there. BETH referred to Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT mentioning the lighthouse/sand dunes area in his statements/confessions and “the area of the sand dunes just becomes very suspicious in his statements.” In his first Police statement “When Joran gets to the point where he mentions the sand dunes, there are no more details. It ends abruptly, and then he comes up with the elaborate story of how he drops her off at the ‘Holiday Inn,’ she falls, bumps her head, the two security guards come up, so, it’s always been an area of concern of the family.” BETH stated that NATALEE’s Loved Ones have known “as early as June” about the fishermen's huts being broken into and a large filet knife was stolen, but BETH did not learn until July about the large fish trap also being stolen from the fishermen's huts. BETH stated they know about KOEN GOTTENBOS, who is Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s “really good friend” and GOTTENBOS’s father owning a boat even being mentioned in Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s “first statement he gives to Police.” “Someone else who really concerns us is Steven Croes, who has access.” “For some reason--Steve Croes--he did not just come forward to protect Joran. He has some information. I mean, he came forward as a witness, they determined he was lying, and THEN he became a suspect in Natalee’s case. What information he had? Whether he had access to a boat that night? Yes, it is very, very possible these boys had done something with her body, in the water--absolute,y.” From her detailed journal BETH stated that on 6-10 the F.B.I. told NATALEE’s Loved Ones that it looks like NATALEE may not be alive because the 3 Main Murder Suspects were “beginning to implicate each other, and they were not denying the crime, and they were finger-pointing at each other.” From her detailed journal BETH stated that on 6-12 DAVE HOLLOWAY became aware that ! woman teacher at Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s school had reported on the telephone hotline that a school peer of Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s “had divulged what van der Sloot had done to Natalee. This teacher reportedly called the hotline, and was trying to tell the officials that Joran had confessed to this peer at his school what he had done to Natalee.” BETH does not know if this woman teacher was ever interviewed, or not, by the ARUBAN Police. From her detailed journal BETH stated that on 6-16 NATALEE”s Loved Ones received information from “a spokesperson” about a Murder Suspects time discrepancies--Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT was arrested 6-22 because he had originally told the ARUBAN Police he had picked up Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT from 4:00 AM from “McDonald’s” on 5-30, but later Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT changed the, supposed, “McDonald’s” pickup time of Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT to 11:00 PM on 5-29. When FOX News asked if any explanation has ever been given, by anyone, as to why Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT changed the “McDonald‘s“ pickup time from 4:00 AM to 5 hours earlier at 11:00 PM, BETH stated, “No, but Jan van der Straten knew--he knew--that Paulus van der Sloot had changed this time pickup, and that is why he was arrested. That is solely why Paulus van der Sloot was arrested.” From her detailed journal BETH stated that on 7-11 BETH had a meeting with ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN where ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN said that the ARBAN Police have documented records that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT made a cellular phone call and text-messaged a message to Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE's computer at his home at 3:30 AM on 5-30. Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s 3:30 AM text-message simply was “Thanks. I’m home.” (BETH does not know how Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT was able to return home) ((recall BETH’s 9-15 statements to the NBC TV show, “Dr. Phil.”---On 9-15 BETH stated that in one of Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s statements to ARUBAN Police, Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT claimed, "Well, when I hear them speaking of they're trying to decide whether Natalee has been raped or kidnapped,” Beth says “I have read, I've had translated to me Joran van der Sloot's statements. And one of his statements that I found was huge, and this was the one that he gave on June 13 at 8:30 in the morning, and he now states that this is the truth, quote, this is Joran saying 'Now here's the truth. Now I want to tell you the truth. I drove Natalee — We drove Natalee to my home at 1:40 a.m. I want her to come in. I have sex with her. Next’ — and remember in all his statements she's coming in and out of consciousness — next he says that then he took her to the beach, he took her to the fisherman's hut. And then he calls Deepak at 3:30 a.m. to come pick him up from the fisherman's hut. Deepak comes. And Deepak says, ‘Don't fuck with the bitch. Let's go.’ (BETH actually said "Don't 'f' with the 'b'") Every statement that he gives, like I said, so sexually explicit and graphically detailed of what he does to her. It just is amazing to me that he can even admit to having sex with her. And that's not a crime?")) ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN also told BETH that there was an 8-and-a-half minute call between Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s cellular phone and Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE's cellular phone--the longest cellular phone call ever recorded between the two boys cellular phones. “We were never able to find out what time that phone call took place, or any of the conversations that were disclosed--that they [the ARUBAN Police] knew this was significant because this had never taken place before, and I don’t know what eighteen, or seventeen year-old and twenty-two year-old boy are going to have an eight-and-a-half minute cell phone call, on the very night that they took Natalee.”

On 1-16 the “Texas EquuSearch” website wrote “The meeting with chief Dompig was extremely positive! He has approved all of our requests. The Aruban authorities will help in any way possible and are interested in finding Natalee. The cooperation from the Aruban authorities is great. There is a promise of constant communication between Tim and chief Dompig and Tim expects this level of cooperation to only get better. Please keep Natalee, her family & Aruba in your prayers and that we are blessed with an opportunity to bring her home. Thank you chief Dompig and thank you Aruba.”

On 1-16 ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reported:


Dave Holloway is one of the co-authors

ORANJESTAD (AAN) The prediction of a lot of people in Aruba became reality! From the month of June already, some people on the island began predicting that the intention of the family of the disappeared student, seems to be to make a book and a movie to win money.

Who would have thought that barely 10 months later … already a book would be published?

And just the person who was showing to be the most “reasonable” around the case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, meaning her biological father Dave, who is the one who is coming first with a publication of his story, in the form of a book.

The book already has a title that is “Aruba.” As subtitle there is: “The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee Holloway and Corruption in Paradise.”

In its summary, the book promises to have the most complete story of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba, like her father himself tells, who keeps on going with his painful investigation. Following different mysterious cases in Court that lead to possible violation, murder and even sexual slavery, this book is the first to give an account by somebody very close, on what happened in one of the biggest stories of this decade.

The authors of this book are Dave Holloway, R. Stephanie Good, and Larry Garrison. This last one, meaning Garrison, is the president of an entertainment group in Hollywood, and he has worked as producer for various TV series as well as some TV movies.

The other co-author, meaning Good, is a person who has more knowledge of the law, who has several university degrees in this material.

The book will be sold from 11th of April 2006, at the value of $25.99

Already the Editorial House put on the Internet, all their marketing plans and more ideas how they are going to promote this book, including various magazines who will begin in those months, as well as newspapers around the U.S.

There will also be an intensive radio campaign, and interviews via TV channels. On Monday April 10th, 2006, Dave Holloway already is scheduled to be on the Larry King Show, where a night before it will be published.

There will also be an emphasis on one-hour investigative shows, like Dateline NBC, 48 Hours of CBS News, and 20/20 of ABC News, and more.

This book promises to bring details that were never presented before in the press, as well as new revelations on the corruptions of the Department of Justice in Aruba.

The book will relate the moving story of a father against all obstacles, searching for his daughter.

“Aruba” is a book that will contain many pictures of Natalee that were never before published.

“Aruba: The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee and Corruption in Paradise” will be sold at first in Hardcover with 256 pages, and the editorial house indicates that all earnings of the author will go to a fund to help find Natalee.


On 1-17 FOX News GRETA VAN SUSTEREN reported: “In addition to spending the time going over the notes today (1-16) with Beth, I also spent much of the day making calls to sources on the island of Aruba. In one of my random calls to a source we learned of the new search in the dunes area of Aruba. It was only by accident that we learned that the Police got a new tip yesterday.”
((in other words, the ARUBAN authorities never communicated to BETH nor BETH’s attorneys of the latest--apparently credible-enough-to-react-to--witness tip to search the California lighthouse dunes, nor did the ARUBAN authorities communicate to BETH nor BETH’s attorneys that a large search was being put on))

On 1-17 the “AP” reported:

Police Search Sand Dunes for Holloway

ORANJESTAD, Aruba (AP) -- Police began searching the sand dunes on the northwest coast of Aruba for a missing U.S. teen who vanished from the Dutch Caribbean island seven months ago, authorities said.

More than 50 Police officers began a search Monday of an area roughly the size of eight soccer fields, or about one square mile, said Police chief Gerold Dompig.

"We covered about three soccer fields today," Dompig said Monday.

Authorities were not searching the area Tuesday but were scheduled to scour it again, perhaps as soon as Thursday, Police said.

They intended to search the area one more time afterward.

Natalee Holloway, of Mountain Brook, Alabama, was an 18-year-old high school senior on a graduation trip to Aruba when she disappeared.

She was last seen on May 30 leaving a bar with three young men who were arrested in June and later released.

Authorities have not found Holloway's body. Police said they were using photos and maps to comb through the sand dunes, which they have considered a place of interest since the investigation began.

The dunes had been searched at least once before, Dompig said.

Authorities said they ordered the new search as part of a review of the initial investigation.

On 1-17 JULIA RENFRO (the transplanted AMERICAN who has lived in ARUBA for 17+ years and has several business interests there, including an ARUBAAN's news-source) claims Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT was sworn in as a lawyer today, and will work with ANTHONY CARLO, one of the lawyers who has been representing his son, Prime Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT. RENFRO does not think that Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT will represent Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT if/when Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT is re-arrested. RENFRO claims today another tip was received from someone who claims NATALEE is alive on another Caribbean island. (RENFRO claimed several detectives have left ARUBA for the island, but RENFRO claimed “the Police were not specific as to where they were going”) RENFRO claims that the ARUBAN Police are still interviewing people, and they are now even interviewing persons from the media.

On 1-17 the “Texas EquuSearch” website wrote “Tim Miller has returned from Aruba enthusiastic about future offshore search plans. The task will be very difficult and require high tech equipment and expertise to rule out any objects of interest. Aruban authorities will be involved in all aspects.”

On 1-17 HOUSTON, TEXAS TV NBC channel 2 reported:

EquuSearch Founder To Search Aruba's Coast For Holloway

Prosecutors Think Teen May Have Been Put In Fish Trap, Dropped In Water

HOUSTON -- Texas EquuSearch volunteers in Aruba have not yet started their new search for a missing Alabama teen.

EquuSearch founder Tim Miller said he met with Police on Monday to make final arrangements for the search.

Miller and a deepwater search team from Florida left for Aruba on Friday. They will search an area three to five miles off the island's coast that is between 800 and 1,000 feet deep.

Prosecutors think Holloway might have been put inside a fish trap and dumped off the coast because a fisherman's hut was broken into the same night Holloway disappeared.
A fish trap and chopping tools were stolen from the hut and never recovered.
Holloway disappeared last May during a high school graduation trip.

On 1-17 the “AP” further reported:

Police Search Sand Dunes for Missing Teen Natalee Holloway

ORANJESTAD, Aruba — Police searched sand dunes on the northwest coast of Aruba for Natalee Holloway, the American teen who vanished on this Dutch Caribbean island seven months ago, Police said Tuesday.

More than 50 Police officers began searching a 1-square-mile area on Monday, said Gerold Dompig, Aruba's chief of Police. The search was suspended Tuesday.
"We can't pull 55 people from the Aruba Police force since the island only has about 250 Police," Dompig said. "We do need that many people to do the search."

Dompig [said] almost half the area was searched on Monday, and Police said the search could resume as early as Thursday.

Holloway, of Mountain Brook, Ala., was an 18-year-old high school senior on a graduation trip to Aruba when she disappeared. She was last seen on May 30 leaving a bar with three young men, who were arrested in June and later released after a court ruled there was insufficient evidence to hold them.

Police have considered the dunes a place of interest since the investigation began and have searched them before, Dompig said.

On 1-17 the “BBC Caribbean.com” reported:

Aruba 'close to solving' case

Aruban authorities believe they are close to making a breakthrough in the case of missing American teenager Natalee Holloway.

Spokesman for the Aruban government, former CBS journalist Steve Cohen, is predicting a closure to the case in the next six months.

He says investigators are focusing on proving the case against three young men who had been held as suspects, and who are known to have interacted with the US student.
Mr Cohen expects one or all three suspects - Dutch national Joran van der Sloot and Surinamese brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe - to be charged for rape and murder.

Officials have apparently decide to focus their investigations more closely on the three.

Case to be presented soon

"we're pretty much at the end of the investigation of that scenario all the pieces of that jig-saw puzzle are now infront of us, and we are beginning to see a picture now, that was not a picture that we saw three of four months ago," Mr Cohen told BBC Caribbean.
He says he's optimistic that they'll be able to wrap up their current probe and be able to present a case to the judge "in the next few weeks or a few months".

Aruba police have been searching sand dunes on the northwest coast of the island for Natalee Holloway.

More than fifty police officers began searching a one square mile area on Monday.
The search was suspended Tuesday, but the authorities say they might resume on Thursday.

On 1-17 MSNBC reported:

DAN ABRAMS, HOST: Coming up, Natalee Holloway‘s mother (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Aruban authorities to aggressively look for her daughter. Is George Smith‘s family accomplishing the same thing with the FBI?


On 1-18 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA TV NBC station channel 13 reported:

National Sheriff's Association Joins Holloway Investigation
Texas Company To Send Deep Diving Equipment To Aruba

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- More than 3,000 law enforcement agencies across the United States are volunteering to help find Natalee Holloway.

One of the largest law enforcement groups in the U.S., the National Sheriff's Association, has decided to join the investigation into Holloway's disappearance eight months ago. The association is sending the Aruban government an official letter.

"We would like to see transparency in that investigation and also reach out to offer resources that local law enforcement agencies might have," said Ted Sexton, president of the National Sheriff's Association.

The association can pool the resources of more than 3,000 departments. Sexton said that its members have a collection of some of the best technology in the world. The association is offering to Aruba soil-penetrating sonar, expert dive teams and deep water equipment.

"We want to bring those crimes to a finalized settlement, whether it be a criminal case or whatever it may be," Sexton said.

Aruban leaders have finally signed off on a request from Texas EquuSearch, a company that wants to bring in special diving equipment so it can search the waters near Holloway's hotel by going down as deep as 1,000 feet.

Some have a theory that someone might have sunk Holloway's body to the ocean floor in a heavy crab trap.

After negotiating with Aruban leaders for several days, EquuSearch's Tim Miller said, "The Aruban authorities will help in any way possible and are interested in finding Natalee."

Aruban detectives are continuing to comb an area of sand dunes that is about eight football fields long, NBC 13 reported.

Holloway's mother, Beth Twitty, said Police recently received a tip about a coastal area near the California Lighthouse. Twitty said she is guardedly optimistic.

"Aruba has done things in the past just to look like they're doing something. I hope this search is warranted and credible and not an exercise in futility," Twitty said.

Aruban detectives began searching near the California Lighthouse Monday. Twitty said Investigators did not search Tuesday, but will start again Wednesday.

Texas EquuSearch hopes to get the deep water diving equipment onto the island by late next week.

On 1-18 when FOX News asked TIM MILLER what he knows about the fishermen's huts trap and a knife that were reported stolen from the huts the very same night that NATALEE vanished, TIM MILLER stated to "What we know about it, basically, is what Gerold Dompig told Dave Holloway and myself back in October, was that the night that Natalee disappeared a fishermen's hut was broken into, he thinks this big crab trap/fish trap was taken, and wants us to look three to five miles out in the waters, so, we‘re going to do that.” Knowing about the sand dunes searches the ARUBANS are, apparently, doing this week, TIM MILLER also offered ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG advanced ground-penetration radar equipment “and anything we’ve got, at, absolutely, no cost to the Aruban government.” “We’re going to do the sea, if he wants any help on doing the land, that’s free of cost with our most sophisticated equipment, and, we just want to get Natalee home, so, you know, everybody here can put their life back together, and the island can put their life back together, too.” When asked if the advanced ground-penetration sonar equipment could locate remains/bones at this point, TIM MILLER stated "I am willing to put my reputation on the line, and in the area that they’re searching on the sand dunes--in two days, most, if Natalee is there, she will be found.” When asked about when he offered the ARUBAAN's the advanced ground-penetration sonar equipment if the ARUBAAN's replied with a “’yes,’ ‘no,’ or , ‘we’ll get back to you’?,” TIM MILLER stated the ARUBAN response was “we’ll get back to you.”

On 1-18 FOX News reported that “more than 3,000 ((UNITED STATES)) law enforcement agencies are volunteering to help search for Natalee Holloway.” TED SEXTON, Director of the “National Sheriffs Association” said that about 2 weeks ago the “NSA” Board of Directors drafted and passed 2 resolutions with respect to NATALEE’s disappearance in ARUBA case. The first resolution the “NSA” committed to is to support BETH in a safety program she has initiated and will be widely traveling to share information about with teens and their parents. “The second, is a resolution on behalf of all American citizens that are victims of crimes to continue their cases as well. In Beth Twitty’s case offer the assistance of the “National Sheriff’s Association” to help organize a search, both land, sea, and in the air, if necessary, to try and find the body of Natalee Holloway.” A letter describing the resolutions was signed by the “NSA” and sent to the Counsel General of HOLLAND on 1-9. This letter also directly offered the “NSA‘s” help and equipment to finding NATALEE, but SEXTON stated no response has yet been received. SEXTON also amplified that Sheriff LEEBACKER (ph) of the LOS ANGELES County sheriffs department also sent a letter offering his department’s expertise and equipment in the search for NATALEE.

On 1-18 when MSNBC” asked JOSSY MANSUR about the person who tipped the ARUBAN Police to again search the California lighthouse area, MANSUR stated "The tip hasn't been revealed to us. There is a tip that one witness gave to the Police that started this whole search at the area of the dunes. They have been searching yesterday. I think they were searching today. They still have about 20 more hours of searches to do.” “It's a witness the Police recently interviewed. He gave an alibi, the alibi didn't work out. So, that started the Police on this new search of the sand dunes. In the meantime, Tim and his people, are searching the oceans for a fish trap.” “The Police did talk to quite a range of Joran's friends in the last few weeks. One of them apparently turned out to be of interest to them. They questioned him further. He gave some kind of an inkling or clue that they believe in that the girl was buried or is buried somewhere in the dunes.” “Yes, this is a pretty big area. I think Art Wood has narrowed it down to a place where he did find a belt that was buried there. The belt was given over to the Police. But we haven't heard anything more. The belt, it just simply disappeared.” When MSNBC said that it has learned that ARUBA's attorney general has issued the gag order about the case--including ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG and ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN--and then asked MANSUR “Why are they trying to shut them up, Jossy?,” MANSUR stated "I have no idea, but the gag order is a reality. I've heard about this. I'6e known about this gag order for some time now and they are strictly forbidden to talk to anyone in the media to begin with, and anyone else outside of the investigative team.”

On 1-18 JOHN Q. KELLY stated to MSNBC “I talked Karin Janssen yesterday (1-17) and Gerold Dompig today, and as I understand it this is a new tip that came in within the last week. They felt it was fairly credible and it was very detailed. They would have been remiss not to follow through on it. What they're doing it they're going to search the entire sand dune area with their probes, their metal probes. And hopefully there was some involvement, today we're trying to coordinate getting the F.B.I. in there with cadaver dogs immediately afterwards to go through the turned up sand and soil.” “I mean, some of the information was confidential but there has been some very important information in terms of activity on the sand dunes, both that night when they were up at the lighthouse, which is directly across from the sand dunes there, and some observations that were made immediately afterwards, the next day by certain people involved in the initial search for Natalee. So, it's always been a particular place of interest all along. And I'm glad they're doing a very thorough search now.” When MSNBC asked KELLY “John, have you seen Joran van der Sloot's—it looks like this is sort of his web site, which is what a lot of people believe. On it, there are interesting pictures and I think some troubling things. If you look at his blog, it—one of the pages—there's a picture, on top of it, there's a caption, ‘no body, no case’ making fun of the situation. You can see it there with the picture of him with his family with his mother and father. You know, how disturbing is this? John?,” KELLY stated "It's really disturbing. And as I understand it that's a statement that's originally attributed to his father, when he advised him. The father, Paul van der Sloot, who is now in court looking for monetary damages, which is shameful to say the least. But apparently he got them lawyered up. He told them not to use their e-mails, not to use their cell phones, and to get a consistent story and assured them, that if there was no body found, there'd nobody case. And from all suggestions it appears he was at least complicit in the conspiracy to cover up whatever happened that night.”

On 1-18 when MSNBC asked JIM WHITAKER “What did they [the ARUBAN Police] tell you as sort of what is leading them back to the dunes? Did they tell you a friend of Joran's was giving new clues?,” WHITAKER stated "No, they didn't elaborate on what the clue was. They just said there was good, credible information to lead them there. And we actually found out about it after they were on already there working the area.” When MSNBC asked “I understand that your team offered Aruban authorities your equipment. You've got pretty good state-of-the-art equipment. What was their response? I understand they were a little tepid,” WHITAKER stated "Well, that's true. They never took the offer seriously from my take on it. But we were talking about using ground penetrating radar which is more appropriate for this area, because the cadaver dogs will be somewhat limited with high winds. They have to get their nose right in there.” When MSNBC asked “What do you think, was it because you're an outsider, James? What was the reason?,” WHITAKER stated "Well, I don't have a take on that. I don't know what—why they're standoffish. Maybe they may take our offer up after they're finished doing what they're—what they have planned there with the cadaver dogs, and using all the searching people they have there. Maybe they will use the ground penetrating radar at the end of it, but we have no indication of that at this point.” When MSNBC stated to "Now, separately I know you're looking at the waters. You'll be checking about five miles off the coast there. Why is that area so key? Explain to our viewers—I was there. It's right near the fisherman's hut. Right where the cage was missing, there was a knife, when the hut was broken into that night when Natalee vanished. Describe why that area seems to be key and Dompig, the Police chief is leading you there,” WHITAKER stated "The other story is, as you say, the missing trap, which is a steel crab trap of sufficient size. It's larger than traps we use in this country. And it's big enough for her to be put into and taken out to sea and dumped. And sea has been searched out to 150 feet of water depth. But the equipment they had down there, that's all the deeper they could get. Three to five miles out we're approaching the deepest part of 1,000 feet. I have the equipment to go out and search in that area. That's what the plan is.”

On 1-18 “TravelVideoTV” reported: http://travelvideo.TV/news/more.php?id=7831_0_1_0_M

Aruba stays afloat through Natalee Holloway's investigation

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (eTurboNews) -- Serious sunshiny days and sun-kissed smiles are about to greet the Caribbean island of Aruba sometime soon. Tourism has been shattered by the case of a single incident of an Alabama girl missing since spring break of last year. Closure on the case of Natalee Holloway's disappearance seems imminent. The timeline drawn is about six to seven months from yesterday's announcement.
This, according to SMDG Consulting Team chairman Stephen Cohen, adviser to the Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association (AHATA) and the Aruba Strategic Communications Task Force who spoke at the Caribbean Marketplace being held in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Cohen's team is tasked with bringing out the facts in the case and establishing a more orderly approach in dealing with the media in a crisis situation. A seasoned television news expert from CBS, Cohen has been part of the SMDG team since the beginning of the investigations.

If current findings are true, Cohen said they are going to accelerate their efforts. Extensive search for forensic evidence continues. Yesterday, 50 members of the Aruban Police department searched extensively through the dune by the lighthouse in search for clues. "Anything DNA that is identified to be of Natalee's will allow us to bring a strong case forward against the three boys. We are also getting to finally talk to some of the Alabama teens who left on that plane and did not wait around for interrogation," said Cohen.

Aruba believes it is most important to get a hold of her mental state and most importantly, Natalee's physical state at the time of disappearance. "Two of the boys said they had consensual sex with her. Whether consensual or not, depends on her ability to be conscious and make a choice," said Cohen.

The SMDG is in the process of reviewing all the United States Federal Bureau of Investigations reports. The F.B.I. has been involved in the Holloway case in the first 72 hours of the initial complaint and remained on the island for several months, serving as observers and advisors to the local Police. They have also conducted interviews in the US and processed evidentiary materials.

Six F.B.I. agents from the Miami office flew in after the first night. The family hired their own private Investigators who've worked with the FBI. "In the final interrogation, there were people on the island who had pieces of the timeline they saw. Like the boys on the beach when they said they were; what fishermen were down on the area that night. Because of the influx of outside media on the island, people were fearful of coming forward," said Cohen.

It is just recently when local authorities were able to create a climate they can trust the Investigators where foreign media is not present in that intensity. All these people of Aruba, on the periphery of the case are all significant to solving it.

From the time, Natalee disappeared Aruba has been focused on finding her. From the outset, the island has continuously waged a highly professional extensive and intensive effort to find the teen. It sought and utilized help from the world's experts on missing persons. The people have continued to cooperate and collaborate with private search and investigative efforts by the families and credible groups, according to the tourism association.

Natalee's mom Beth, together with the Governor of Alabama, have jointly called for a boycott against the people of Aruba. This had been elevated to a diplomatic level with which the representative of the Dutch Kingdom in the USA, also the Ambassador of the Dutch Kingdom in Washington, got involved.

Governors of Alabama, Arkansas and Georgia have encouraged residents of their states not to visit Aruba in order to protest the handling of the disappearance of Natalee. However, the boycott has not received support from the US State Department. Neither did it gain the support of Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour who did not think it was appropriate.

On November 2, 2005 during a meeting with the Strategic Communications Task Force, Mrs. Twitty stated that during a conversation on October 5, 2005, with the Governor of Alabama the Governor asked her what she wanted: "Do you want an economic boycott of the island or do you want to find your daughter?," Twitty explicitly said she wanted to find her daughter. She further clarified that such action would not be helpful in finding Natalee.

Cohen said that pieces of American media have fed frenziedly on the story for their own purposes. This case is the continuing interest on such a soap opera level, and not of great significance to the American public and proves little consideration for the Arubaans whose livelihood is based on tourism - contributing seven percent to GDP.

Minister for tourism and transport Edison Briesen said his industry has remained resilient. There has been no impact on economy after the boycott.

Further, massive support from 78 municipalities in the country has seen all the mayors rallying behind the campaign to promote tourism against all odds, through the closure of a case of one American missing in an island whose crime rate low: that is 0 or 1 murder per year.

On 1-18 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

New Search for Holloway in the Dunes

ARUBA – A search for the body of Natalee Holloway started again in the California-dunes near the lighthouse yesterday morning at sunrise. A big group of Policemen search the area for almost the entire morning, but nothing was found.
The Public Prosecutor (OM) didn’t want to say what the reason was for the search, seven months after the disappearance of Holloway. “The search was done based on information from the investigation.” Just part of the area was searched before; now they searched the entire area. The Policemen used sticks with an iron ends to prick the sand, hoping in vain to stumble across something.

On 1-18 ARUBAAN's news-source "Bon Dia" reported:

Beth Twitty pays for search in the sea

Diving Experts Will Assist Texas EquuSearch for ‘fish trap’ Search

O R A N J E S TA D — J a m e s Whitaker, underwater search expert will assist Texas EquuSearch in what the director says is the last attempt to find Natalee Holloway.
An emotional Miller said that he never thought he would stop the search. He continued to look for a way to bring more sophisticated equipment to Aruba, especially after the tip that came in that fishermen lost a fish trap, and that perhaps those who disposed of Natalee Holloway put her body in this ‘crab cage’, along with some rocks, and later threw it at sea, around 3 to 5 miles outside of Aruba. The fish trap is not a verified story, especially given that no one placed a complaint or spoke publicly about losing a fish trap.

According to Miller, it was commissioner Dompig during an interview with America’s Most Wanted, who spoke of the fish trap which disappeared from the fishermen’s hits and that perhaps was used to disposed of the missing teenager. According what Miller said to Bon Dia Aruba yesterday, it was the intention of Dave Holloway, the representative of the state of Kansas Patricia Kilpatrick and Tim Miller to search the dump. “We knew that we didn’t have sufficient equipment to do the work, and out intention was to prepare the work to return, among other things to send equipment from the US to Aruba. At that time, it was Gerold Dompig who told us that he wanted us to do a search some 3 to 5 miles outside of Aruba, because on the night/early morning hours of May 30, there was a theft at the fishermen’s huts. Stole were a knife, some rope and also a fish trap. And it was the commissioner who suggested that there was a possibility that rocks were put in the basket and then thrown into the sea”, Miller said.

Information that Bon Dia Aruba has shows that it was the private Investigator Art Wood who was one of the ones who came up with the fish trap story. And he went to inform Police about this, which in turn advised Texas EquuSearch of the case and that it would be good to search for the ‘crab cage’.
So began the process that with the authorization of the investigative team, began a sophisticated search of the bottom of the sea to determine if this fish trap, in the first place was thrown in the water, and if the body of Natalee was in it. On the other hand, Bon Dia Aruba was the first to report of the theft in one of the stalls at the fishermen’s huts, and the official report was that missing were a machete, a knife and fishing rope. Executives of the Nederlands Forensics Instituut took fingerprints of the hits and the results are known by the Police. Then, there was an agreement between the Police force and the EquuSearch group to undertake the search in the sea. However, the process stalled in October, when the communications between the group and Police broke down.

This time, Miller returned to Aruba with Whitaker, who has equipment that goes more deeply than those that detected the Titanic and met with commissioner Dompig to se if now there is the possibility to be able to perform this search.

According to Miller, commissioner Dompig said that he still believes in the possibility that the fish trap could play a role in solving he case, and also he said to the director of EquuSearch to look for another barrels, to not let anything go.

But Miller is not very optimistic. According to the director of Texas EquuSearch, there is a very small possibility that the fish trap will solve the case or let them find Natalee. “However, even if that chance is 1% and we do not pursue this 1%, it will follow us the rest of our lives”.

Miller is certain that everyone involved in this search is not costing anything to Aruba, only to contribute to show the world that Aruba worked with Whitaker and Texas EquuSearch to find Natalee.

It is good for Aruba to realize who is behind this search, and it is no one other than Beth Twitty, who thanks to big donations in the US, can pay some 60 to 70 thousand dollars that this search will cost. “I asked Beth if she is sure that she wants to do this, given that the possibility that the search will be successful is very small. Her answer was that we must go forward, no matter what the cost”.


James Whitaker is a ‘remote sensor specialist’ and participated in various deep sea searches with his sophisticated equipment. One of these was to recover the body of passengers of a Boeing 747 which fell in the Indian Ocean. More still, he does archeological and commercial work, such as placing large telephone cables at the bottom of the sea.

Miller got in contact with Whitaker for the big work in Aruba. In the first instant, he wasn’t convinced that he could do the work, since finding a body at sea is almost impossible. But the possibility of find a body in a fish trap is bigger, and as such, he agreed.

Contrary to as first thought, Whitaker is not a part of the forensic dive team of Florida State University. This FSU team came to Aruba twice already and dove in the whole area south of Aruba. The difference is that the FSU divers could go only to a depth of 150 ft., while the sonar equipment belonging to Whitaker can detect objects to a depth of 1000 ft. (around 300 meters). And the area where this will be is more or less 5 miles northwest of Aruba. The expert said that one must realize that this is an area where boats pass, and that for decades perhaps many things have been dumped, iIn other words, he believes that there will be many things found at the bottom of the sea. His equipment can detect the fish trap, if it is there. But it is not an easy process given everything that could be at the bottom of the sea.

The reason why they have to get a special boat from Venezuela to do the work, is because it has to be one that is sufficiently big to be able to carry the equipment.

Once something is detected, the Aruba Police force will be advised, at which time they have to give an order to take out the material from the sea. They will not do anything without Police authorization, Whitaker assured Bon Dia Aruba. “It becomes a crime scene and there will be trustworthy witnesses and Police authorities to verify that everything goes well”. And the only way, if it results that there is an object to take out of the sea, is to use a remote operation vehicle, since it is not possible for people to dive to these depths.

There is still not an exact date that they will start. This will be determined once Whitaker has the logistics prepared. The search itself could last a couple of days.
Whitaker believes that if indeed a fish trap was used to dispose of Natalee and that it was thrown in the area, then he will be able to find it. But Whitaker and Miller are aware that the probability of this is very small.


And Miller, how he has said on various occasions, reiterated that after this search, he knows in his heart that he did everything possible to locate the young woman, so that the family can go on with their lives.
Contrary to what he said in the US, he believes that commissioner Dompig and the investigative team is really working hard to solve the case. “I don’t want to have their work, because they have no evidence to work with. The case turned very provocative and the pressure upon the team is immense. I am convinced that they are determined to solve the case, and like her parents, Police want to find Natalee.”

On 1-18 ST. MAARTIN’s “The Daily Herald” reported:

Aruba Says it’s Close to Bringing the Holloway Murder Suspects to Justice

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - Aruba is hoping to bring the three suspects in the Natalee Holloway disappearance case to justice by June this year.

That was the word from Aruba’s spokesperson Steve Cohen at a press conference at Caribbean Marketplace.

Cohen, who addressed the Caribbean and international media together with Aruba’s Tourism Minister Edison Briesen, insisted that Aruba was not considering the boys guilty before they were proven guilty.

“We are not violating their human rights, but theirs is the most realistic scenario. The pieces of the jigsaw puzzle have come together and we’re beginning to see a picture now, a picture that we did not see three months ago. There do not seem to be any pieces missing any longer,” he said.

He continued: “The picture will reveal itself in another two or three months and the prosecution can move ahead. The three boys probably had (involvement in) the foul play. If in fact a forensic piece comes up, this case will come to a very quick conclusion, meaning there will be a trial,” Cohen said.

“At the end of the day Aruba will be exonerated and the three boys will be brought to justice (after which we will be able to) move on with our agenda in terms of moving Aruba forward into one of the best products in the Caribbean,” Cohen said.

He said that with the case out of the way, Aruba would be able to focus on its US $160 million investment in the tourism sector.

Cohen said the case was far from closed. “Fifty members of the Aruba Police searched the Dunes for forensic evidence – for anything, whether it’s DNA, that will allow us to bring a strong case against these boys.”

He said the island’s Investigators had also started interrogations of the Alabama teens who were in Aruba with Natalee when she disappeared.

“These teens left the island without being interrogated. We need to talk to them because they can give us information on her state of mind and on her physical state. Two of the boys have said that they had consensual sex with Natalee and whether it’s consensual or not, we need to know more about her physical abilities. Was she conscious?” he said.

Talking to the girls and other local people who are coming forward now that the international press has left the island is important to put together a timeline. “By doing so we can break apart the timeline of our suspects,” said Cohen.

He also said Aruba authorities were reviewing the F.B.I. files and refuted statements that the F.B.I. had not been involved. “FBI agents were in Aruba within 48 hours after Natalee’s disappearance,” said Cohen. “We have 15,000 pages of testimony and 120 hours of video.”

On 1-18 “TravelVideoTV” reported:

Aruba Tourism Authority Taps Jacky Croes for New Position, Sales Director for North America

Croes Also Named Director for Aruba Convention Bureau Worldwide

The Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA) is proud to announce the appointment of Jacky Croes to a brand new position, sales director for North America effective January 1, 2006. In this capacity, Croes will oversee all of the island’s North American-based regional directors and sales teams, and will head up all ATA sales efforts in the United States and Canada.

Croes was also named the director for the Aruba Convention Bureau (ACB) in fall 2005. She took the lead driving meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibition (MICE) business to Aruba from all markets worldwide. Croes is bringing more than 15 years of MICE, sales and hospitality experience to help her excel as director of the ACB.

Croes’ will play a vital role in Aruba’s growth as a tourism destination in her new post as sales director for North America. Working closely with travel agents, Croes will underscore Aruba’s dedication to travel professionals, as the destination recognizes that agents are the front line in responding to the traveling consumer. Maintaining the island’s close relationship with its Aruba Certified Experts (ACE agents) will also be an essential part of Croes’ role. With well over 3000 ACE agents in North America, part of Croes’ duties will be cultivating relationships with the travel experts who know the island best. She will ensure they are armed with the tools necessary to continue selling the destination effectively. Croes is also planning a complete revamping of the travel agent portion of Aruba’s Web site. The new site promises to offer agents improved user-friendliness and provide the most up-to-date information from the island.

“We were thrilled to name Jacky as Aruba’s first-ever director of sales for North America, as well as head of the ACB. We are confident that she will be an integral part of the team driving business to Aruba and a major player in MICE market development for the island,” said managing director for the Aruba Tourism Authority, Myrna Jansen. “With Jacky’s appointment, the island is looking forward to boosting sales and growing Aruba’s meetings market worldwide.”

Croes was most recently the senior director of sales at the Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino. In addition to Croes’ tenure at the Marriott, she also served as a sales manager for the Latin American and European markets for the "Holiday Inn" SunSpree Resort Aruba.

One of Croes’ first projects in her newly appointed position as director for ACB Worldwide was to further demonstrate Aruba’s commitment to the MICE market by redesigning its meetings Web site. The Web site was updated to make navigation easier and to answer frequently asked questions about the island as a meetings destination. Highlights include the top ten reasons to choose Aruba as an event locale, a quick and easy meeting planner checklist/guide, helpful and convenient tips on local venues, hotels, island tour operators, and other vital information for planning the perfect meeting on island. Croes, who will be integrally involved in the Latin American and European markets, is also making sure that ACB becomes more involved in MICE planner education by attending major industry events.

“I am excited to be involved in developing more projects to ensure significant and consistent spikes in sales from North America to Aruba and eager at the prospect of making the island one of the most coveted meetings locations in the Caribbean,” said Jacky Croes.

For more information on Aruba, please call 1.800.TO.ARUBA. For more information on the ACB, please call 954.767.3395

Aruba, where happiness lives, is truly a vacationer's paradise. Located only two-and-a-half hours by air from Miami and four hours from New York City, the island is ideally situated outside the hurricane belt and boasts year-round cooling trade winds and perfect weather with average annual temperatures of 82 Fahrenheit and less than 20 inches of rainfall per year. Aruba serves up 27 luxurious hotels/resorts, championship golf courses, sumptuous spas, vibrant casinos, extraordinary international cuisine, exclusive shops and boutiques, exciting land and water activities, unique cultural to-dos, world-famous music festivals and events and more. The backdrop of a pristine tropical escape coupled with the unforgettable hospitality of the islands people keep Aruba’s first-time guests delighted and its repeat visitor rate at 40%, the highest of any Caribbean destination. For more information on planning a trip to Aruba, contact the Aruba Tourism Authority at 1-800-TO-ARUBA.

The U.S. State Department and the Department Homeland Security recently announced the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, which will require all U.S. citizens and foreign nationals, to carry a passport or other accepted secure documents to enter or re-enter the U.S. from vacations or business travel anywhere in the Caribbean effective December 31, 2006. This requirement is applied to all air and sea travel. The Aruba Tourism Authority, in an effort to assist its valued visitors, strongly encourages all travelers to apply for their passports and advises all travelers to allow six to eight weeks to process U.S. passport applications in anticipation of their vacations to Aruba, where happiness lives.

For more information on the new U.S. passport initiative, please visit www.travel.state.gov


Summary and quotes of BETH HOLLOWAY, JOHN Q. KELLY, and STEVE COHEN’s January 19, 2006 appearance on NBC’s “Dr. Phil” TV show:


The Search for Natalee

Eighteen-year-old Natalee Holloway disappeared last June during a graduation trip to Aruba. Find out what happened over the holidays that has her mother so upset. Plus, a representative from Aruba defends the island nation.

Where are the three suspects now?


Beth Twitty has been on the show twice to discuss the case of her missing teenage daughter, Natalee Holloway, once in September, and again in November.

Here's what has transpired since.

Beth reveals that since she was last on the show, she sought the help of attorney John Quinlan Kelly.

John describes making a trip to Aruba, where he met with deputy chief Dompig and Karen Janssen, the island's assistant prosecutor. "I spent a lot of time clearing the air," he says.

"Shortly after," Beth recounts, "a man by the name of Steve Cohen announced that the suspect would be re-interrogated. He said this would take place within the next 10 days," which would put the interrogation before Christmas.

An audio tape from that period confirms. Cohen says, "Joran will be arriving back in Aruba in the next 24 to 48 hours. It is expected that he will be re-questioned somewhere in the next 10-day period."


"He then changed it to, 'Well, they really didn't want to spoil anyone's upcoming holiday season, so it would still take place, but it would now be before New Year's,'" says Beth. "And then, as we were getting closer to New Year's a quote from Steve was, 'Well, we just don't want to be too optimistic to the point of being silly that the suspects will be re-interrogated.'" Joran van der Sloot departed for Holland on the 30th or 31st of December, and the interrogations never took place.

"I guess they lost focus of the fact that Beth and David lost a daughter," says John, "that it's their first holiday without their daughter, and the pain, and suffering and anguish they're going through."

John says that after the New Year he spoke to Karen Janssen, the prosecutor. She indicated that her people never had any intention of bringing the three suspects in. What the prosecutors had done was to extend a written invitation to the three boys to come in to answer questions if they were so inclined.

"What wound up happening with the interrogation of the suspects was absolutely nothing," Beth says indignantly.

"The Aruban authorities taunted [Natalee's family], they've teased them, they've raised expectations with absolutely no results ever coming from their investigation, and all it does is cause hurt, frustration, anger and pain to the family," says John.


Dr. Phil is joined in his studio by Beth; her attorney, John; and Special Advisor to Aruba Steve Cohen. He asks Beth how she's doing.

"There are times when we're thinking that we need to continue, and of course we're still searching for answers, but it's this rollercoaster ride. And it makes me so angry, Dr. Phil, when I let myself fall for information coming out of an official who represents the island of Aruba. If somebody presents you with false hope and false information, it's devastating."

Dr. Phil asks John, "What can you tell us about the plans or what we can expect?"

"It doesn't sound like much," he replies. "None of the three are going to be interrogated again. They have no new leads. They have no new evidence. They have no new prospects and nothing's gone forward for seven months now."

"Why is that, in your opinion?" asks Dr. Phil.

John replies, "In the first 48 hours, all three of these three young men had implicated themselves, implicated each other, admitted to serious sexual misconduct, indicated that Natalee had been incapacitated, and the stories they had told were proven within that 48 hours to be a complete fabrication."


John continues. "All three of those three young men should have been picked up and charged with rape, sexual misconduct, perjury, obstruction of justice, at the least. Instead, they were let free, they were allowed to lawyer themselves up, get their stories straight and we have no answers now. They know what happened to Natalee and they're walking free, enjoying their lives, and Beth and the family are just going through hell."

"Now, you have translated a Dutch document. You've had a Dutch document from Joran translated, correct?" Dr. Phil probes. John confirms that he has, and Dr. Phil asks him to talk about it.

"Apparently there was one statement Joran had made as early as June 13th, in the evening as a matter of fact, where he indicated that he had been down at the Fisherman's Hut on the beach, one of the locations that kept coming up, indicated he had been there with Natalee, left, that Deepak Kalpoe, one of the brothers, had returned and that he thought or knew that Deepak had raped Natalee and buried her nearby. And the report indicates they had taken Joran back down there on June 13th to search that area. That's something, depending on who you talk to, the officials say that statement was never made, never occurred, or that it's just not credible."


Steve Cohen, special advisor to Aruba, came on the show hoping for a chance to talk to Beth about where the investigation stands today. Dr. Phil turns to Steve. "So, you're a paid consultant?" he asks.

"That's correct," Steve replies.

"And, who pays you?" Dr. Phil probes.

"I'm actually paid by the tourism industry, which is the Aruban Tourism Authority, and also a group called AHACA, which is an association of hotel owners on the island."

Dr. Phil acknowledges Beth's frustration with Steve and asks Steve what he would like to say to her.

"I regret the rollercoaster of December," says Steve. "I think it was a mistake. I don't think our expectations were that it was going to yield that much, but I really do regret it. The last thing we want to do is be part of any of the emotional trauma that you've experienced up to this point."


Dr. Phil asks Beth if she has something to say in response.

"Well, just what I was saying at the beginning," she says. "As you can see, we're put through enough as it is. And I think that was the problem early on in Aruba. We've had each official who has given us that false hope, and a family doesn't need that. They need facts. They don't need false hope, because we can deal with the truth."

"I know you can," says Steve. "You've dealt with so much already. There's no question that in the early days there were decisions that were made that if we had to make them again, I'm sure we'd make different decisions. But as we go forward now, this case is beginning to come together. There were reports in the last week or so that we were going to give it up. We're not going to give it up. There are so many other things that still have to be explored."

"Did you say to them these boys were going to be brought in within 10 days and re-interrogated?" Dr. Phil asks.

"Yes, I did," he replies. "But I also knew that the prosecutor had a choice to make." He says the choice was whether or not to reveal new evidence right away, if waiting meant a better chance of getting a conviction later.


Steve explains, "Forensic materials continue to be collected. I think we've got our hands on some forensic material now that may actually open up the doors to the final results of this case."

Dr. Phil asks him, "From your opinion, based on what you know, do you believe that these boys are guilty of wrongdoing here?" Steve says that he does. "Do the prosecutors believe they are guilty of wrongdoing?" Steve says that they do. "Do you believe that [the boys] have available, intimate knowledge of what happened to her that night?" Again, Steve confirms that he does.

Dr. Phil directs his next question to John. "Your clear belief is that there is evidence already, just in the boys' own words, that constitutes enough of a confession for them to be prosecuted at least for inappropriate sexual conduct, and/or rape, true?"

"Correct," John confirms.
"This woman is sitting there with her daughter defiled, missing, whatever, and she's wanting answers, and she's getting political responses," Dr. Phil tells Steve. "You said there were things done in December that would have been done differently if it was to do over again. But what I would hope is that a coalition could be formed, and let's get to the bottom of this. This woman needs a break. This woman needs answers. This woman needs to bury her daughter or find her daughter."


Dr. Phil says, "You say that you are a consultant paid by the tourism industry that's also working in conjunction with the government, and in the same breath you say that you are the ones that had to let these boys out of jail?"

"I was the guy who had to let them out," says Steve. "I opened the jail door for all three of them. It was nobody else. It was me. And my feeling was that we had lost. And then we didn't lose because we all sat together and said, 'We can figure this out.'"

"It seems to me that the only point of view that needs to be considered, the point of unity and unification in this whole deal, is to find out what happened to this woman's daughter. And if everybody stops covering their ass, if everybody stops running their own agendas, then maybe we can get to that point. I mean, that's all you want, right? You just want answers," says Dr. Phil, turning to Beth.

John answers for her. "We're not going to sit here and say, 'Mr. Cohen's a nice guy. He told us some nice things. Aruba's a nice country.' No! Their daughter's missing. We don't have answers. The answers are down there. They have the resources, they have the men, they have the answers, they've got the suspects, it's all down there for them to solve this, and they're not doing it. We need that done."


"Well, I wish we had more time. I wish we had more answers," says Dr. Phil. He asks John what his next steps will be.

He tells of his plans to visit Aruba in the next couple weeks to meet with several officials and try to get information. "But the only thing we can do right now is wait and hope and see if we get the answers we need," he explains.

Dr Phil says, "Beth, I told you a long time ago that I wasn't going to let this fade from people's attention and I hope you see that I've been very serious about that, and let me recommit that to you now. Y'all don't want this to just go away, right? You want to know what's going on here, and we'll help in any way that we can."

On 1-19 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Cohen Reveals: ‘Murder Suspects had sex with Holloway’

ARUBA – The spokesperson of the Strategic Communications Task Force, Steve Cohen, said that two of the Holloway-suspects had sex with Natalee Holloway, something that the authorities have not confirmed up till now.

Beth Twitty, mother of the disappeared American teenager has always said that Joran van der Sloot had told the Police on June 13th that he had sex with Holloway in his house. But the authorities have always maintained that there is no such declaration.

On the website of the Task Force, Aruba Truth is an article on Cohen’s speech at a conference of the Caribbean Hotel Association (CHA) in Puerto Rico, in which he said that two of the boys had consensual sex with Holloway. He explained that Natalee must have been conscious in order to consent having sex with the boys. Cohen says that the investigation team will soon get a chance to interrogate the teenagers in Alabama that were in Aruba with Natalee, but that left Aruba without having been interrogated.
Dr. Phil will spend time again on the Holloway-case in his TV-show of this afternoon. This time Cohen will represent Aruba in the show. Also Beth Twitty will be in the show accompanied by her lawyer John Quinlan Kelly. Cohen made a statement that the boys will be interrogated again within 10 days, but the Public Prosecutor (OM) said that the boys can only agree to this on a voluntary basis and the boys have declined.

It is the third time that Dr. Phil spends time on Natalee Holloway in his show. He caused a lot of commotion earlier when he showed a recording of Deepak Kalpoe in prison. It turned out later that this recording was tampered with, which made it look like Kalpoe had said that all three boys had sex with Natalee, which is something that he had been denying all along.

On 1-19 STEVE COHEN, member of the ARUBA “STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS TASK FORCE,” admitted to “Dr. Phil” "I opened the jail door for all three of them. It was nobody else. It was me. And my feeling was that we had lost. And then we didn't lose because we all sat together and said, 'We can figure this out.’" “I'm actually paid by the tourism industry, which is the Aruban Tourism Authority, and also a group called AHACA, which is an association of hotel owners on the island." When Dr. Phil acknowledges Beth's frustration with COHEN and asked what he would like to say to her, COHEN responded "I regret the rollercoaster of December. I think it was a mistake. I don't think our expectations were that it was going to yield that much, but I really do regret it. The last thing we want to do is be part of any of the emotional trauma that you've experienced up to this point.” “Forensic materials continue to be collected. I think we've got our hands on some forensic material now that may actually open up the doors to the final results of this case." Dr. Phil asks him, "From your opinion, based on what you know, do you believe that these boys are guilty of wrongdoing here?" Steve says that he does. "Do the prosecutors believe they are guilty of wrongdoing?" Steve says that they do. "Do you believe that [the boys] have available, intimate knowledge of what happened to her that night?" Again, Steve confirms that he does.

On 1-19 FOX News read parts of a letter from JOHN Q. KELLY written 1-19 to 3 judges from the Common Court of CURACAO presiding in the civil case brought by Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT against ARUBA, his former employer for monetary damages Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT received when he was arrested after NATALEE vanished. (judges names--hard to read--appear to be “L. C. HOEF DREAD, L. J. KERPEL van der POET, H. de DOELDER) In the letter (sent today) KELLEY requested he be allowed to attend Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT ’s hearing scheduled for 1-30-06 along with a court-approved DUTCH interpreter. KELLY stated he was advised by ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN a couple of days ago to make the request. KELLY also said that ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN went to HOLLAND today for NATALEE case “review, and to look into records--see what she may have missed in the investigation. She is coming back on the twenty-ninth, and I will be down there meeting with her on the thirtieth and thirty-first.” “Apparently, a lot of the (NATALEE disappearance investigation) reports are over there.” KELLY also said ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN is going to further study the DUTCH F-16 infra-red photos in a layer-by-layer more detailed review. KELLY stated it is his understanding that Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT is claiming he was illegally detained by the ARUBAN Police when he was arrested 6-22, and, as a result of that, he is seeking monetary damages on two fronts--one for himself--he was turned-down for a University job he had applied for, and, second for emotional trauma damages his family members have incurred during his arrest.

On 1-19 the “Culpepper Star Exponent” reported:

Residents Applaud Homicide Efforts

In addition to discussing current programs and the various divisions of the Sheriff’s Office, (Sheriff H. Lee) Hart mentioned his recent trip to the National Sheriff’s Association.

As one of about 300 sheriffs, Hart listened to Beth Holloway-Twitty discuss the trials of losing her daughter, Natalee Holloway. Natalee disappeared in Aruba this summer. No one has been charged in Natalee’s disappearance and her body has yet to be found.
The association supported and endorsed the “Save Yourself Personal Safety Awareness Program,” which Holloway created after her daughter disappeared.
The program is designed to “educate our nation’s children and their parents on the need to protect their personal safety when traveling on spring breaks and other unofficial or official school trips in our nation and in foreign countries.”

Hart said Holloway discussed her frustrations with traveling on cruiseliners in international waters, where legal ramifications are unclear.

The association also adopted a resolution urging all foreign countries to continue to pursue an active investigation in the disappearance of American citizens.
Since the association has developed nearly 20,000 Neighborhood Watch programs nationwide and 30 community groups internationally, it resolved to assist any foreign governments looking to establish similar programs in their countries.

On 1-19 the “AP” reported:

Alabama Senate Votes to Support Boycott of Aruba

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Gov. Bob Riley's call for a tourism boycott of Aruba has picked up support from the Alabama Senate, which says the investigation into the disappearance of an Alabama teenager has suffered from too many missteps.
On Thursday, the Senate voted 27-0 for a resolution supporting a boycott of the Dutch Caribbean island. Sen. Steve French, R-Birmingham, said he proposed the resolution at the request of the family of Mountain Brook teenager Natalee Holloway.

Holloway disappeared May 30 while on a graduation trip with classmates. She was last seen leaving a bar with a young Dutch national and two Surinamese brothers.

The Senate-passed resolution said a boycott is needed because the investigation into Holloway's disappearance "has been plagued with an unacceptable amount of missteps, miscommunications and inconsistencies."

"It's my hope this will cause the Aruban people to be more demanding that their officials conduct a thorough investigation," French said.

During a special session in July, the Alabama House passed a resolution calling for a boycott of Aruba.

French said the Senate didn't take up the issue in July because the Holloway family wanted to give Aruban authorities more time to conduct their investigation. The family then became concerned about how the investigation was going and joined Riley in November when he called for a boycott. When the Legislature convened for a new session last week, French began a push to get the Senate to act.

Besides Riley, the governors of Georgia and Arkansas have called for a boycott. The governor of Mississippi, where Holloway's father lives, declined to do so.

On 1-19 the “Aruba Strategic Communications Task Force” reported:


There are concerns about the statements regarding the investigations view of whether or not any of the suspects had consensual sex with Natalee Holloway. It was not my intention to suggest that they had admitted any such actions on the official record. The statement was made in regard to why interviewing Alabama teens would be important to the case. However, the Office of the Prosecution believes it is important to determine all details of that night including Ms. Holloway's physical state.

On 1-19 when MSNBC asked BETH what she knew about the current searches starting a few days ago in ARUBA, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "Well, Rita, really nothing more than—that what we have just heard from Mr. Mansur. And, you know, I certainly hope this is a credible witness, although I‘ve become very skeptical of any actions that they‘re taking, just because usually we‘ve been misled all along. But, you know, I‘m just hoping that this really—there really was a witness that came forward. And if it was a friend of Joran‘s, is seems kind of farfetched to me that would happen at this late date, but…” When MSNBC asked BETH if she believes that some of the Main Murder Suspects friends and acquaintances know more about what happened to NATALEE?, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "Oh, absolutely, I do, Rita. There‘s at least three or four of them that—they know exactly what happened that night. And it just amazes me that they have been to—hanging on to this secret this long. I know that at least—like I said, at least three or four of those boys know exactly what happened.” When MSNBC reported it has received a copy of a letter from BETH’s attorney, JOHN Q. KELLY, to the ARUBA/DUTCH court authorities requesting that KELLY be allowed to attend Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT ’s future civil-suit case SLOOT filed against ARUBA suing for monetary damages he and his family, supposedly, received when he was arrested in June, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "Well, you know, they’re very secretive in the criminal proceedings, but surely they’re not going to be so secretive in a civil proceeding as this. And I think it is important that he be there. And I don‘t see why they would have to have this under the lock and key like they do the criminal proceedings. I think he has every right to be there. I think he has more so of a right to be in that courtroom than Paulus van der Sloot does, to be filing this motion. It‘s just reprehensible that Aruba would even hear Paulus van der Sloot in this case.”

On 1-19 the PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND, “Union Leader” reported:

Excelsior Casino Indictment

PROVIDENCE -- Lincoln Park may have to shut down its racing simulcast arrangement with 10 gambling entities across the country that are named in a federal indictment tying them to the Gambino organized crime family.

The Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation will hold a hearing this afternoon demanding that the park, which still has problems of its own stemming from a federal indictment, show cause why its permission to transmit to the 10 entities should not be suspended.

Lincoln Park spokesman Michael Trainor said the track "is going to follow the direction of the DBR."

In January, federal prosecutors in New York issued an 88-count indictment charging 17 defendants with operating an illegal gambling business that, over the last four years, brokered more than $200 million in bets on horse racing and other sporting events.

Among those named in the indictment were Richard Hart, general manager of Lakes Region Greyhound Park in Belmont, N.H., and his assistant, Jonathan Broome. The DBR order for the hearing says Hart and Broome "are alleged to have illegally transferred gambling wagers and proceeds through International Players Association LLC," of which Hart is a principal and Broome is an employee.

Besides the Lakes Region race track, the other entities named in the indictment include Racing and Gaming Services (St. Kitts); Euro Track (Isle of Man); Tonkawa Indian Reservation (Oklahoma); Coeur d’Alene Casino (Idaho); International Racing Corp. (Curacao); Elite Turf Club(Curacao); Excelsior Casino (Aruba); Capital Sports Limited (Australia), and Darwin All Sports (Australia).

Following the indictment, Churchill Downs, Inc., the race track that holds the Kentucky derby, cut off its simulcast races at Lakes Region Greyhound Park. Two tracks in Florida suspended their broadcasts, and racing regulators in New York barred New York tracks from broadcasting their races to the New Hampshire track.

Most of the wagering at Lakes Region is from televised races. Lincoln Park currently has a contract to send simulcasts of its dog races to Lakes Region Greyhound Park. The indictment was brought to DBR’s attention by the greyhound protection group GREY 2K USA.

Not suspending its simulcast signal, said Carey Theil, president of GREY 2K USA, "would leave Lincoln Park out of step with other facilities resolving this difficult problem."

At the time the indictments were handed down, Lincoln Park’s Trainor said, "we checked with the New Hampshire Racing Commission and they (Lakes Region) were still licensed and properly regulated."

Trainor differentiated this case from the track’s ongoing legal problems the U.S. Attorney this week announced he would retry 20 counts of a bribery conspiracy case that a federal jury failed to reach verdicts on.

"In New Hampshire, the integrity of the gaming process is in question," Trainor said. "That is not the case with our pending situation."

The DBR "emergency order" says Lincoln Park’s "relationship to the defendants in the federal indictment and the 10 racing entities may affect the operation and integrity of (Lincoln Park’s) gaming activities and public confidence in (its) operations. It scheduled a hearing at 2p.m. today at its offices at 233 Richmond St. in Providence. Catherine R. Warren was appointed hearing officer.

Jeff Neal, spokesman for Rhode Island Gov. Donald Carcieri, said the governor "believes DBR is making the correct public policy decision to examine whether Lincoln Park should be able to continue to simulcast" races to the New Hampshire track.

On 1-19 the “Hope for Natalee” blog reported:

Mansur Family

Thursday, January 19th, 2006, 7:30 pm [Mafia State of Aruba]

Five members of the Aruban Mansur Family, viz. Mr. Elias F. Mansur, Mrs. Damia M. de Cuba-Mansur, Mr. Luis E. Mansur, Mr. Miguel J. Mansur and Mrs. Sarah E. Arends-Mansur, have raised objections against general references in the following chapter to the Mansurs or the Mansur family. In their opinion these references may be understood as including them and thereby implicating them in alleged wrongdoing they have never committed.

The author is of the opinion that such references to a large family will not be misunderstood as including each and every member of the family. However, in case this opinion should prove incorrect, the author points out that he regrets such misunderstanding and that he did not intend said references to implicate all members of the family.

The Cuntrera-Caruana clan had links with another Aruban bank: the Interbank. The bank granted a credit to the Cuntrera company "Investeringen Tweehonderd en Tien" for 1.8 million Aruban guilders (approximately one million dollars). Why the Cuntreras who own several investment companies in Venezuela needed the loan is unknown. One could speculate, however, this was a 'loan-back' operation to launder money. An amount of money is deposited cash at a bank and the bank lends the money back: now there is a clean and legitimate source of earnings. But there is no proof, no one ever looked really into the relations of the bank with the Sicilian mafiosi. The letter of credit was issued before the mafia connections of the clan became officially known on the island. This did not stop the bank from keeping the Cuntreras as clients. During Operation Wiseguy the undercover D.E.A. agents were asked to wire money for a shipment of hashish on the account of Alfonso Cuntrera at the Interbank.

The Interbank is owned by the Mansur Family. If anybody owns 60 per cent of the island, it is this powerful family. The Mansurs made their fortune as cigarette manufacturers and in the import-export business. With a licence of Philip Morris, they are the major suppliers of Marlboros in the Caribbean basin. The Mansurs sponsor the best baseball team – Aruba's national sport – the Marlboro Red Tigers as well as the AVP party of Prime Minister Henny Eman. They own the biggest hotel and time-sharing complex, La Cabana, with its inevitable casino. And they have a couple of import-export businesses in the Free Trade Zone.

Jossy Mansur is the owner and chief editor of the biggest newspaper on the island, ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario". ""When I read an article in Diario, I know what will be the next action of the government","says Hendrik Croes, adding that the Mansurs create a climate of fear and intimidation on Aruba. Their newspapers force others off the market. Furthermore, ""their annual income is bigger than the yearly budget of the government. And you may guess how they make that kind of money”."""Jossy Mansur is not impressed claiming that accusing people of drug trafficking and money laundering ""has become a political tool to discredit them”." (75) Jossy Mansur acts as the family's mouthpiece, Ruben and the elder Alex are the patriarchs, and Elias 'Don' Mansur is the family's whizz-kid. Elias graduated at Notre Dame University, and was Minister of Economic Affairs in Eman's first cabinet. As representative for the Free Trade Zone entrepreneurs in a mixed Dutch-Aruban commission he has to recommend measures to tighten regulations in the FTZ to prevent money laundering and contraband, together with Dutch government officials. (76)

More and more the name Mansur turns up in money laundering cases. Alex and Eric Mansur were indicted in Puerto Rico in August 1994. (77) President Clinton specifically mentioned the Mansur's when he put Aruba on the list of Major Illicit Drug-transit Countries in December 1996. Although no member of the family was actually indicted in the La Costa case, the name Mansur is frequently is found in the files which were seized at Habibe's home on Aruba. In Venezuela the Mansurs are implicated in money laundering with Santa Lopesierra, the Marlboro Man. Every month Santa 're-invests' 20 million dollar ""with the help of a well-known entrepreneur called Mansur”""." (78) Lopesierra is accused to have financed his election with the proceeds of drug trafficking and a car-theft ring. He is also reputed to be the man behind the Puerto Rico indictment. The activities of Mansur and Lopesierra, however, go well beyond this. They are accused of illegally funding the presidential campaign of Colombian president Ernesto Samper in 1994. Not only did Samper allegedly receive 6 million dollars from the Cali Cartel – an accusation he vehemently denies and ascribes to political machinations – it is said he also pocketed US$ 500,000 in cash offered by ""a group from Philip Morris and Interbank”." (79)

The 'Philip Morris people' are Alex and Eric Mansur and a member of the Lopesierra Family (Santa Lopesierra belongs to the Samper faction in the Liberal Party). Samper tried to ease out of meeting the group, the story goes. He suggested that one of his campaign officials should pick up the cash and bring them to the office later for coffee. ""No one gives that kind of money just for coffee. That's worth at least a breakfast"," the campaign official replied.

The Mansur Family seems to have all the right connections in its corner of the Caribbean. Some Mansur's still have Venezuelan nationality, and they have interests in Maracaibo and Caracas, as well as in Punto Fijo and Coro, where the originally Lebanese Mansur Family had settled before moving to Aruba. Punto Fijo is situated on the Paraguaná peninsula in the North at the Golfo de Venezuela, which separates it from La Guajira. A ferry connects Punto Fijo to Aruba. Some 20 years ago, in 1974, a few Sicilians set up a fishing company in Punto Fijo called "Mediterranea Pesca". Among the shareholders: Leonardo and Giuseppe Caruana and Giuseppe Cuffaro. The company owned a sea-going vessel and Italian Police suspected that ""in view of the background of the owners it is probably a cover for drug trafficking”." (80)

Maybe the Mansurs and the Cuntrera-Caruana clan first met each other in this remote part of the world. Nobody knows. (81) But they certainly have met on Aruba, according to several insiders and law enforcement officers. Venezuelan Police-officer Guillermo JimĂ©nez states: ""I know they are connected. I have sent files about bank transactions between the Mansur's and the Cuntrera's to Aruba. But documents about the Mansur's are kept secret over there"." DEA-officer David Lorino is equally convinced and has connected the Cuntreras with Ruben Mansur. In his judgement, ""Ruben Mansur is a major-league dope-peddler”." The D.E.A. has the toll-records of the Cuntrera phones in Caracas. ""They phoned Mansur's trading company and his place. They certainly talked to each other"." What they said, Lorino doesn't know, since it is not permitted to tap phones in Venezuela.

On 1-19 the ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Free Zone, No Integrity, No Future

Gregory Peterson, at the helm of Aruba’s Free Zone addressed the local business community, last night. His presentation stated unequivocally that Aruba’s Free Zone placed integrity above all, the enemy being money laundering.

The south-American drug cartels, in their efforts to launder cash proceeds, make tireless ingenious attempts to place money back into the economy. Aruba’s Free Zone in the past, accepted financial transactions without questioning the source of the money and how it was made. Those days are over, declared Peterson. The anti-money laundering movement is global, and Aruba opted to join enlightened countries.

The best defense, Peterson explained to his audience gathered in the headquarters of the Aruba Trade & Industry Association is a good offense, placing good regulations in place, getting to know your clients, ca2ing about image and long-term policies.

The dynamic director, who had been at his post for the last five years then went on to describe money laundering, the scale of the problem and spent some time on how it affects business and society at large. You might not realize it, he advised his listeners, but you might be drawn into active complicity without knowing. If we accept money from shady, unchecked sources our ethical standards are weakened. The end result being that our social fabric is destroyed.

So why should Aruba care, asked a businessman from the crowd, we are just merchants, not a Police force, the drug problem isn’t ours. You should care, and you should be very afraid, was the answer. The world is slowly coming together to create rules and legislations. A merchant cannot claim ignorance thus innocence. If you are in business, your eyes and ears should be peeled and clients carefully scrutinized and screened. Ignorance is no longer a defense, Peterson declared. According to him there are at the moment about 100 cases in court of merchants selling goods to south-America and accepting various payments. Lawmakers are now blaming them for aiding in money laundering.

Since the 1970s, the U.S. got involved, also the G-7. According to Peterson a great number of global organization including the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime, UNODCC, and in the Caribbean the Financial Action Task Force, CFATF, are working to increase the numbers of countries involved, improve hi-tech controls, encourage cooperation in short safeguard the word, from the forces that might destroy it. Preventing the drug-lords from using their money legitimately and entering it into the global economy is a universal mission, which Aruba supports.

At the end of the presentation Peterson toured his listeners through the new improved Free Zone, moving shortly into Barcadera. The area where the Free Zone is currently located, at the entrance to town and the cruise ship harbor, is rumored to become residential with condos and apartments on the drawing boards.


On 1-20 the “Texas EquuSearch” website wrote “Tim is flying out to Birmingham, AL Friday morning to meet with Beth, the Gov of AL, and the President of the Sheriff's Association. Hopefully all of the resources and expertise being offered to Aruban LE free of charge will be implemented soon. We anxiously await chief Dompig's search date.”

On 1-20 “TravelWeekly.com” reported:

Aruba officials take steps to move island's tourism industry ahead

SAN JUAN -- Tourism officials in Aruba, while still shattered by the disappearance of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway last summer and the subsequent worldwide media coverage, especially by cable news networks that continue to allege improprieties in the government’s handling of the investigation, announced a number of initiatives designed to propel its tourism industry forward in 2006.

“Our name recognition has never been higher, for better or worse,” said Jorge Pesquera, president and CEO of the Aruba Hotel & Tourism Authority (AHATA). “Despite the publicity surrounding the tragic disappearance of Natalee Holloway and the events that have followed, 2005 was a successful year for Aruba in terms of visitor figures and the launch of new projects on the island. Not all figures are in yet, but we recorded an overall growth of 3% from the U.S. market through October.”

Echoing that sentiment was Edison Briesen, minister of tourism, who addressed the media at the recent Caribbean Marketplace in San Juan.

Briesen outlined several projects in the works on the island:

* The development of a second tourism corridor at Baby Beach on the eastern end of Aruba;
* A $60 million expansion plan at Queen Beatrix International Airport and an expansion of the cruise ship terminal;
* An upgrade and renovation project in downtown Oranjestad;
* The launch of a tourism-training program for locals called The Promise;
* More than $150 million in various hotel renovations;
* The continuation of Aruba’s successful ACE (Aruba Certified Expert) program for agents.

An announcement regarding the purchase of the 152-room Bushiri Hotel, which has been closed and on the market for several years, is expected next month, according to Briesen said. “Several groups are interested in the property, and we expect that negotiations for its purchase will be completed in February. The new property will have 350 rooms and a casino.”

“Aruba had its ups and downs in 2005, but we are looking for a growth of 14% to 15% in tourism numbers and revenues in 2006,” Briesen said. “Safety and hospitality have been the pillars of our tourism industry and will continue to be so.”

Appearing with Briesen at Caribbean Marketplace was Steve Cohen, identified as a crisis manager who has served as an adviser to AHATA and the Aruba Strategic Communications Task Force in the wake of Holloway's disappearance.

Cohen, senior consultant with the Strategic Message Design Group in Los Angeles and a former journalist and broadcaster, predicted an “important” break on the Holloway case within the next six months, based on accelerated search efforts for forensic DNA evidence and the willingness of Aruban locals to come forward and speak with officials “now that the worldwide media, for the most part, are leaving us alone,” he said.

“We also are able to finally talk to some of the Alabama teens who left on that plane and did not wait around for interrogation,” said Cohen.

Despite some reports to the contrary, Cohen said that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been involved in the Holloway case since the first hours of the initial complaint and did remain on Aruba for several months, serving as observers and advisors to the local Police. Six F.B.I. agents from Miami arrived within 24 hours of Holloway's disappearance.

Aruba has been focused on finding Holloway from the outset, Cohen said, citing various government and private search and investigative efforts.

He said that the call for a boycott of Aruba by the governors of Alabama, Arkansas and Georgia has had no effect on the investigation or on tourism to the island, a statement supported by Briesen, who said, “the U.S. South is one of our smaller markets.”

On 1-20 ARUBAAN's news-source “Diario” reported:

Prosecutor asks for 10 years of punishment for rastaman who has said that he didn’t have the intention to kill the person

ORANJESTAD(AAN): The case of C.E.B., who is accused of intentionally taking someone’s life, took place in court on Friday. This happened on May 31, 2005, where a problem arose on the beach, where a Rastafarian man stabbed a person, with fatal consequences.

The accused, C.E.B. admitted that it was he who stabbed the person, however he explained that he went to defend his friend V. His friend lives on the street and another person who lives on the street J. was looking for trouble with him and took away his license plate [placa?]

When C. and V. ran into J. on the street, C. asked J. how he could take advantage of V. According to C. the the person attacked and they started to fight.

When J. was down, J’s friends were saying “stab him”. That is when J. took out a knife and the rastaman (C.) took the arm away from him. The rasta continued to say that they fell on top of each other and after a while he noticed that he had stabbed the person.

He took off his shirt that was soaked with the victim’s blood and walked away. Afterwards, someone came to say that J. had died. After the witness’s declaration, the rasta was detained.

The judge said to the court that there was a witness who declared that they say the rasta standing behind J. and saw that it was in this way that he stabbed [the victim]. According to the prosecutor, the fact that the victim had cuts on his chest [y su banda robez], it couldn’t be that the person fell on top of the rasta and in that way suffered the mortal wound.

According to the prosecutor, C. perhaps stood in front of him, when he stabbed him twice. The rastaman explained to the judge however, that if it were true that he stabbed the person in the way that the prosecutor said, he wouldn’t have had so much blood on his body.

It was said that before J was stabbed he fought back, for this reason there was so much of the victim’s blood on his clothes and body. The prosecutor asked C. about an event that in the past where he was punished for stabbing a person and that it was known that he always carried a knife.

C. explained about this that he was attacked by someone with a pipe and that he defended himself. He also said that at the time he had a knife, because he used [base?] , using a plastic pipe and he needed a knife.

C. explained to the judge that all people who use base with a plastic pipe, have a knife. Now that he uses a metal pipe, he doesn’t carry a knife anymore. According to the judge, in the police report, C. himself stated that he had a knife and that he stabbed the victim with it.

According to C. the police report isn’t correct, since the knife belonged to the victim. The prosecutor asked for an unconditional punishment of 10 years, less time served.


On 1-21 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Spokesperson Blunders: ‘There is no declaration on sex’
Steve Cohen has the feeling that he didn’t do that bad in Dr. Phil’s show

ARUBA -- Steve Cohen, spokesperson of the Strategic Communications Task Force, indicated that he didn’t mean to say that the two main suspects had actually told him that they had consensual sex with Natalee Holloway. “None of the boys have declared that they had consensual sex with her. The official viewpoint on this has not changed.”

Cohen says that he made the statement after questions on the possible interrogation of Holloway's fellow travellers [sic]. He only wanted to give an example of a reason why these young folks have to be interrogated. He says that it has to do with amongst others Holloway's position at the time she got into the car with the boys. “Come to think about it; I should have used the word ‘if’ in front of the statement; that would have made it clear.” Meanwhile, there is a declaration on the website ‘Aruba Truth’ that clarifies Cohen’s words.

Cohen was guest in Dr. Phil’s TV-show of yesterday afternoon. “It was a very difficult experience. I knew that I was going to be the only person to defend Aruba against three other persons, Beth Twitty, her lawyer, and Dr. Phil”, said Cohen, who had a very hard time rectifying the statements he made in December last, about the main suspects being interrogated within 10 days. That was the second time that the spokesperson of the Strategic Communications Task Force had failed big time.

On 1-21 the “Aruba Strategic Communications Task Force” reported:

To The Readers Of ArubaTruth

I have received much positive response to our defense of Aruba’s conduct in the disappearance case of Natalee Holloway. In Boston, this weekend at the Vacation Expo, many consumers offered their support of our stance and booked their vacations to Aruba.

It was a difficult communication forum, but I did carefully offer the official view of the case, and why we had done nothing to halt or hamper the investigation. In my statements regarding the culpability of the suspects, I offered the view that a case against the suspects was progressing and that it was the goal of the investigation to find them guilty of a range of charges.

I have been critiqued for being too strong on this issue. But, there seems to be no doubt that the prosecution seeks to prove this premise. In the United States, prosecutors regularly claim that the accussed [sic] is guilty of the crime, and then they proceed to prove it. Any other language by me on Dr. Phil would have appeared to be a dodge or cover up.

It was a highly charged, negative environment, but we felt that speaking out was better than failing to appear. It seems for most viewers, we presented a reasoned, calm perspective on the case.

It is difficult to speak to the Aruban audience and the American audience at the same time. Still, we were able to make our points:

1. The investigation continues
2. There is an ongoing search for forensic evidence
3. Witnesses in Alabama and Aruba will be questioned
In sum, it was a challenging, but essential opportunity to present the Aruban side of the case. Such efforts to explain our efforts to the American audience will continue, so that charges of corruption, collusion, or apathy in the case will not go unchallenged.

Steve Cohen
Aruba Special Adviser

On 1-21 the “Aruba Strategic Communications Task Force” reported:

Steve Cohen defends Aruba on Dr. Phil

Steve Cohen fielded questions from Dr. Phil, Beth Twitty, and her attorney, John Q. Kelly this past Thursday. The group addressed some of the many issues at hand as the investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway continues.

Simply put, everything depends on one thing, solving this case.

“As we go forward here, the things I just stated are the things I think we are going to attempt to do in the next weeks without a timetable so nobody can come back and say well it didn’t happen in this amount of time.

The only goal, the only reason that I exist or any of this exists is because we have to solve the case. Everything else that is in the best interest of Aruba revolve around that result.

That’s why Beth Holloway-Twitty and her family, and the extended family, are our most important business.

And if we’ve made errors in the past we can be angry about it and as representatives we can argue it out on our own, but we are not going to argue about the central premise is that this case has to be solved. We think we’re doing everything we can to solve it, and if we’re wrong come after us when we’re wrong.

But we’re not going to give up and no amount of pressure is going to say to us that we should take our eye off of this ball.” Steve Cohen on Dr. Phil - January 19, 2006

On 1-21 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Jacky Croes new Sales director ATA

Jacky Croes is appointed Sales director for the North-American market effective January 1st.

ARUBA – Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA) has appointed Jacky Croes as Sales director for the North-American market. This is a new position at ATA. Croes is going to manage all sales activities in the United States and Canada. The first thing she did since her appointment is modernizing the Website, making it easier to surf the web and look for information.

As Sales director, she has to do with all the sales leaders and sales teams that work in North America. Since the fall of 2005, she is also director at the Aruba Convention Bureau (ACB). She has already attracted several MICE-groups (meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions) to Aruba. With the valuable experience that she had gained since, she can now set to work as Sales director.

The Sales director for North America plays an important part in the growth of tourism to Aruba. Croes will have to make sure that the Aruba Certified Experts continue to have the newest means in order to promote Aruba. ATA’s director Myrna Jansen is very satisfied with Croes; she says that Croes can push Aruba in the right direction and help the tourism-figures go up.

Croes was senior manager at the Marriott and the Holyday Inn before she became director at ACB and ATA.

The new modernized website lists ten reasons the choose Aruba as vacation- and business destination. It has tips on hotels and accommodations for business people.
She also wants to modernize the Aruba Website and add information that is of interest to travel agents.

On January 22, 2006 DAVE HOLLOWAY answered questions asked him by “Blogs For Natalee” founder “Debbie”: (DAVE’s answer is in bold)

I presented to Dave Holloway a list of question given to me by some of Blogs for Natalee's Chat Room participants.

Below are the answers to the questions that Dave could answer at this time. Some questions presented could not be answered due to the ongoing investigation.

1. Has it been confirmed that Natalee had lunch or dinner with anyone not in the group, if so.. Who?

Natalee had no other contact with others not in the group.

2. What do they know about Lorenzo Van Rijn? Why is his name Voodoo to the Arubaans?

Lorenzo is believed to be the Ecstasy dealer in Aruba. Detective Jacobs as ruled him out as a suspect.

3. Has the other side of the island been searched near the Natural Bridge and park area?

The public areas have been searched, including the Natural Bridge area.

4. Has Koen Gottenbos been questioned?

Koen was questioned. He refused (attorney represented) to be questioned again.

5. Has the FBI returned any results on the tapes from the Dr. Phil show?

No results from tapes from FBI.

6. Has any results come back from the Hague on any evidence that has been sent there?

Only what we have heard on TV regarding Hague.

7. Any results on form the NFI on the Paulus letter?

Paulus's DNA on the letter. No others. It is a hoax.

8. Any info of the call to Beth's home back in October?

The call in October was most likely a stray call from the phone lines due to Hurricane Katrina. It may have been initiated by my three year old or 7 year old. They have a tendency to get my cell phone a play with it (play games) My 3 year old is constantly calling out "help me momma" Beth's phone did not show a number for this call.

9. Why is there less focus on Satish, doesn't he seem like the one to crack?

Satish is keeping his mouth shut.

10. Have you asked the FBI to set up a decoy to go to Aruba, to go to C&C's, etc...?

The FBI has no authority on the island. It is a foreign country and they have to be "invited in" before they can come.

11. Have you talked to Van der Straten since he retired?

Van der Straten was in the Police station back in October talking with the lead detectives. The PM went ballistic.

12. Since you have hired John Q. Kelly, has he been able to get the Aruban's to cooperate at all?

The Prosecutor is keeping Kelly up to date.

13. Do you know why Lorenzo van Rijn was picked up for questioning early on?

Any name that is mentioned in the interrogation was called in for questioning.

14. Why was the school bus driver called the next morning and told to pick up Joran at Lorenzo's house?

Joran was allegedly dropped off at a bus stop on the main highway. The bus driver had not made it there yet and saved Paulus about 30 minutes. Lorenzo's house was nearby.

On 1-22 the “Birmingham News" reported:

Aruban Police Due in State for Interviews
With FBI, will talk to Holloway friends

Aruban Police may be in Alabama as early as Monday to interview Mountain Brook high school graduates who were with Natalee Holloway when she disappeared in Aruba.
FBI spokesman Raymond Zicarelli said Saturday that Aruban officials told his office they plan to arrive this week.

"The Aruban authorities along with the F.B.I. will be interviewing some of the individuals on the trip," he said.

Gerold Dompig, Aruba's deputy Police commissioner, has said the students may have crucial information in a case that has been open since Holloway, 18, disappeared on the island May 30. The teens returned home the same day and were interviewed soon after by the FBI, but Police say they have more questions about the night Holloway disappeared.

The Aruban public prosecutor's office petitioned the State Department last fall for permission to speak with the students, and last month officials asked Rep. Spencer Bachus to expedite the process.

Zicarelli said he did not know how many students or chaperones would be contacted or where the interviews would take place. Although many of the students have left Mountain Brook to attend college, he believed some are still in the area.

One friend of Holloway's, Katie Henley, said Saturday she hadn't been contacted personally but had heard that other graduates had been called.


On 1-23 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

OM and Defence Not Happy with Statements Cohen

ARUBA – The Public Prosecutor (OM) has called Steve Cohen, spokesperson of the Strategic Communications Task Force in the United States to account his statements in Dr. Phil’s show of last week. During the show in question, Cohen had declared that the OM is of the opinion that the three boys are guilty of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The OM had asked Cohen in a letter where he got the information from and called him to account the fact that he declared the three boys guilty.

“As Public Prosecutor, we are not allowed to comment on the question whether a person is guilty or not, and we will never do that either, neither will we relinquish detailed information from the investigation”, said spokesperson Mariaine Croes of the OM. It upsets the OM that Cohen, as official spokesperson of Aruba, has done this. Also the lawyer of the Kalpoe brothers, David Kock, has indicated not being pleased at all with the firm statements of Cohen. He says that Cohen should have maintained the indication that the three boys are suspects, but Cohen decided to assume the judge’s position by indicating firmly that they are guilty and his statements are considered very important since he is partly being paid by the government.

Cohen explained his certainty by indicating that he was talking before an American public. “There is no doubt about the OM trying to prove this assumption. It is very common in the United States that the OM says that the suspect is guilty and in the mean time continues to try to prove this assumption. If I have acted differently, it would have been interpreted as if I am participating in a cover-up.”

Cohen made his statements in a tense, negative environment. “But we think that we were better off showing up than cancel. For most of the viewers, we were calm and reasonably perspective.” Cohen says being pleased that he could mention the three most important issues: that the investigation is on-going, that we are still looking for forensic evidence, and that the witnesses in Alabama as well as in Aruba will be interrogated. According to the Birmingham News, Aruban officials will go to Alabama today to interrogate Holloway's co-students that were also interrogated in Aruba. There is one problem though; many of these students do no longer live in Mountain Brook since they went off to college somewhere else. The Aruban Police and the F.B.I. will do the interrogation.

On 1-23 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

Oduber Wants the Discrepancies in the Holloway Case be Investigated

ARUBA — After the Holloway-case is closed, Prime Minister Nelson Oduber (MEP) wants a thorough investigation be conducted on the course of everything that had to do with the investigation on the disappeared American teenager, especially the begin phase. He thinks that mistakes were made especially in this phase. “I have already spoken with the Court president, Louis de Lannooy and with former judge Bob Wit.”

Oduber says that the investigation must reveal whether mistakes were made, so we can learn from them. Oduber’s statement is due to the Amigoe-comment of yesterday “Enough, this is it” of yesterday. “We have to figure out which mistakes were made and how to prevent these in the future. We have to come to standing agreements between the Public Prosecutor (OM) and the Police on how to conduct an investigation and how to deal with the local as well as the international media in these cases. There is too much talk about the case and what is said, differs too much. The OM says one thing and the Police say another. That confuses the Americans.”

Oduber disputes the fact that he himself had recently approached a group to come look for the girl in Aruba. “I am sick and tired of the case. I do not talk about this case with people; not with the Attorney General, not with the OM. In the beginning I have discussed the matter with the American FBI, but I do not do that anymore. The OM and the Aruban Police are doing the investigation and they have to try to conclude it right. I think that Aruba can do the investigation right herself, but if the OM and the Police are of the opinion that they need assistance from abroad, they can get that. I am not the one to decide on that.”

On 1-23 the "AP" reported:

Aruban Authorities to Interview Alabama Students About Holloway

Authorities from Aruba will be in the United States this week to question some of the Alabama teenagers who accompanied Natalee Holloway on her graduation trip to the island nation, where she disappeared last year.

The Arubaans plan to interview "a number" of Mountain Brook high school graduates who made the trip, F.B.I. spokesman Ray Zicarelli said Monday. The Aruban Police will be accompanied by F.B.I. agents during the talks, he said.

Holloway's father, Dave Holloway of Meridian, Miss., said the Arubaans are expected to be in the country about one week.

Natalee Holloway was among 125 Mountain Brook graduates and seven chaperones who visited Aruba after graduation last year. She failed to show up for the return flight home on May 30, and the other students returned to Alabama before the investigation began.

In an interview with The Associated Press in November, Aruba's deputy Police chief, Gerold Dompig, said information from the Mountain Brook graduates - most of whom are now in college - could be "crucial" to the investigation.

"We still need to question a couple of the schoolmates because some earlier given statements to the F.B.I. do not match and some students also gave disturbing (new) information about the trip on several television shows and on the Internet," Dompig said.

The U.S. government granted permission for the Arubaans to come question the youths, most of whom have been reluctant to discuss publicly details of their trip and Holloway's disappearance.

A Dutch teenager, Joran van der Sloot, was held for weeks as a suspect, along with Surinamese brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe. van der Sloot has admitted leaving a bar with Holloway, who was 18 at the time, but denied harming her.

All three teens were freed, but Dompig has said they remain suspects.

On 1-23 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" wrote about another ARUBA tourists safety issue:

No Money for Airspace Controlling

ARUBA – An investment of 16 to 18 million florins is needed for Aruba to control her own airspace and Aruba does not have that kind of money at this moment. However, minister Eddie Briesen (MEP) of Tourism and transportation is very optimistic about the improvements that Curacao had promised to make soon.

Minister Briesen is aware of the many delays that departing aircrafts are coping with. He sincerely regrets this, because a lot of work have been done to optimize the airport, especially the presence of the American customs at the airport of Aruba is very important. Flights to and from Aruba are considered to be domestic flights and changing planes is easier due to this. If delays ruin this advantage, then Aruba can loose her position. Briesen is going to discuss the matter with his colleagues during the ministerial deliberation in February.

On 1-23 MSNBC reported:

RITA COSBY, HOST: Aruban authorities are now taking their investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway right to the missing teen‘s hometown. Investigators are on their way to Alabama this week to talk to some of Natalee‘s friends who were with her in Aruba the night that she vanished back in May.
LIVE & DIRECT right now is special adviser to the Aruban government, Steve Cohen. Also with us on the phone is Natalee Holloway‘s father, Dave Holloway.
Steve, why are they doing this now?
STEVE COHEN, SPECIAL ADVISER TO ARUBAN GOVERNMENT, member of the ARUBA “STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS TASK FORCE”: Well, I think it‘s just a matter of a process of elimination. You know, we go through a lot of these scenarios. Finally, we get to the point where we say we need to talk to some of those who were with Natalee the day and then the night that she disappeared.
We have to go through a process through the FBI in Barbados to get access to these individuals. And by the way, the FBI will be questioning them and the Aruban authorities will be the observers in keeping with the covenants that we have with the United States government.
COSBY: What do you think they could provide, though, Steve? Is there a question of Natalee‘s state of mind? Is there a question of something else, speaking to them, maybe they heard or saw? Where do you think it‘s headed?
COHEN: Well, all of those things are important. Let me talk first about just the circumstances surrounding that evening. Anything that investigators can find out about what it was like that evening just generally is important and then specifically, what was Natalee thinking? Was she in a good mood or a bad mood? And then, of course, what was her physical state? All of these things will add into the puzzle of what these teens say versus what the Aruban authorities collected from other witnesses.
COSBY: Dave, what do you make of all of this? Do you think this is going to get any step closer to finding your daughter? Or is this sort of just grasping for straws?
DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY‘S FATHER: Well, I think it‘s going to close some of the holes in the investigation. You know, when I met with Paulus early on in the investigation, he was pointing the finger back towards the Mountain Brook kids. And I think it‘s just a way of just closing that gap and putting that to rest.
COSBY: Is there anything there that was significant to you when—
I‘m sure you‘ve talked to Natalee‘s friends. I‘m sure that they‘ve talked with you immediately after, you know, her disappearance. What did they say her state of mind was? Did they have any idea where she was headed and where she was going with these guys?
HOLLOWAY: Well, I think there was some early confusion on what some of the Mountain Brook kids reported and what they said. I did speak with one individual. And he said that they all came out of the establishment, and they were all talking, and everybody appeared to be OK. And then suddenly they saw Natalee look around as if she was looking for someone and walked back into the establishment and was back in there approximately 15 minutes. And then, when she came out, Deepak had her by the arm, leading her out of the bar.
COSBY: And that was the last thing that they saw?
HOLLOWAY: Well, that was one of the individuals‘ witness statement was, was that Deepak walked her out. Some of the others indicated that she walked out with Joran. So I think that‘s a matter of clearing that issue up.
COSBY: And, Steve, I want to continue. You may hear the car alarm in the background. And we‘re, of course, outside in the thick of it here in Miami. But, Steve, in terms of these students, they‘re probably all over the country, right? A lot of them went off to college. Are they coming back to Alabama? Are investigators going to them?
COHEN: My understanding is that some will be in Alabama. And then there will be a few that they will travel to meet with. I don‘t think we‘re talking about an extensive list. It‘s a fairly limited list that the Aruban authorities and the FBI, as well as with help of the district attorney in Shelby County in Alabama put together.
COSBY: And, Steve, of course, everyone—we‘ve been talking about the sand dunes. Any movement in what‘s happening in the sand dunes? Because there was so much focus that another—we were hearing somebody close to Joran, a friend, insinuated something to point them back towards that area. Have you heard if there‘s any progress, any movement there?
COHEN: Yes. You know, the original information there is part of the
re-look at the investigation, as well as new witnesses that have come
forward. So the investigators felt that they should begin to dig in the area by the sand dunes.
That went on for a few days. It has now ceased for a moment, as they begin to sift through what they‘ve got, figure out where they are. I also understand that they are awaiting something special dogs who also can go out and help them in the search.
COSBY: All right, both of you, thank you very much. We appreciate it.

On 1-23 DAVE HOLLOWAY stated to MSNBC “Well, I think it‘s going to close some of the holes in the investigation. You know, when I met with Paulus early on in the investigation, he was pointing the finger back towards the Mountain Brook kids. And I think it‘s just a way of just closing that gap and putting that to rest.” When MSNBC asked what NATALEE’s friends have told him, DAVE HOLLOWAY stated "Well, I think there was some early confusion on what some of the Mountain Brook kids reported and what they said. I did speak with one individual. And he said that they all came out of the establishment, and they were all talking, and everybody appeared to be OK. And then suddenly they saw Natalee look around as if she was looking for someone and walked back into the establishment and was back in there approximately 15 minutes. And then, when she came out, Deepak had her by the arm, leading her out of the bar.” “Well, that was one of the individuals‘ witness statement was, was that Deepak walked her out. Some of the others indicated that she walked out with Joran. So I think that‘s a matter of clearing that issue up.”


On 1-24 JOHN Q. KELLY told FOX News that 2 ARUBAN Investigators are in the UNITED STATES to try and interview 21 young women who were in ARUBA with NATALEE. All ARUBAN interviews are being recorded. KELLY stated the ARUBAAN's have been wanting to do the interviews for “seven or eight months” and that there has been nothing in the way of the ARUBAAN's doing the interviews before now and no one has impeded the interviews being done. When FOX News asked if he is confident the case will be solved, KELLY simply responded “No.” When asked the odds the case will be solved KELLY stated "I think there is better than 50-50 chance that it will be solved, but, I’m not…I don’t feel that there definitely will be a solution to this. I mean, I just don’t think, you know, there will be re-arrests, I just don’t think there will be a prosecution. I just don’t have that level of confidence--I sure hope it happens, and, I hope I’m wrong.” When FOX News asked if the ARUBAN Police and prosecutor are “doing everything they can,” KELLY stated (after a short sigh) “I think they’re doing things now.” “The best opportunities--the real work--had to have been done the first 10 days, when it wasn’t.” “It’s more difficult now, but I don’t think it’s too late.” KELLY reported that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT is back in HOLLAND. About his 1-19 letter requesting to be present when Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT ’s civil case starts, KELLY stated he received a 1-20 dated reply from the DUTCH court of appeals saying they have forwarded his 1-19 letter to the Judge of Instance in the case, Judge BOSCH (ph), “and he’ll get back to you.” KELLY stated he hopes to get in that hearing, but he is not optimistic.

On 1-24 DAVE HOLLOWAY stated to FOX News that he has spoken with some of the Mountain Brook high school classmates of NATALEE’s who told him about the night NATALEE vanished that “Natalee came out of the bar, and was talking with some of her friends as they were all leaving, and she, suddenly, became confused, as if she was looking for somebody, and then walked back inside the bar, and probably about ten minutes later, Deepak was escorting her out by the arm.” When FOX News asked if there were any descriptions about how intoxicated NATALEE was, DAVE HOLLOWAY stated "Well, the last time I was on the island, we, I talked with a detective, and we talked about the drug called ‘GHB,’ and he indicated to me it could be put into a drink, and it would take effect in approximately fifteen minutes. Whether that happened, or not, we’re not sure, or we don’t know, so… but, we talked about it.” When FOX News asked if the detective spoke about GHB being used in “Carlos 'N Charlie's“ or used in general in ARUBA, DAVE HOLLOWAY stated "The detective told me it (GHB) was very prevalent, and he indicated that gave speeches to the local schools about the risks associated with GHB.” DAVE HOLLOWAY stated he has not heard the ARUBAN Police specifically discussing Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , or Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE using GHB on girls/women. When asked about the ARUBAN Police interviewing NATALEE’s friends, DAVE HOLLOWAY stated "It’s encouraging. They have been mentioning that they wanted to come to the United States for the past six months. I think they would be remiss if they did not come and started the investigation without saying what they are going to do.” “I think it’s pretty much plugging holes. You know, Paul van der Sloot, when I met with him at the prison, he was pointing fingers at possible other suspects, and the Police were aware of some of the individuals he named, but I think they closed those gaps, as well.” When asked about his wife, ROBIN HOLLOWAY, having a conversation with ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN when ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN told ROBIN HOLLOWAY that things would very likely happen by the end of January, DAVE HOLLOWAY stated "She had indicated that possibly something would happen, but we‘ve been on this rollercoaster ride before, and I just don‘t want to get my hopes up.”

On 1-24 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA TV NBC station channel 13 reported “after sending reporters to Aruba several times on the Natalee Holloway case, the investigation, the case itself has now come here to Alabama, as Aruban Investigators have come to Alabama to continue their investigation, and as they say, try to tie up some loose ends. Those Investigators will use Alabama, and specifically Birmingham, as their home base. But they‘re going to travel about, finding students that were with Natalee Holloway on that senior trip to Aruba last summer. The investigators will travel to several universities in our area, some close by—for example, about 40 down the road in Tuscaloosa, at the University of Alabama—interviewing student there that attended or went on that trip to Aruba. They‘ll also go to Auburn University, about two-and-a-half hours down the road. And though they‘ll be in Alabama, they‘ll also travel about four hours to the northeast, to Knoxville, Tennessee, where they‘ll interview students at the University of Tennessee. There are about 18 to 20 interviews scheduled.
The Investigators expect to be here 10 days to two weeks, and they‘ll take all of that information and put it all together and, hopefully, come up with some answers. Of course, the family, the city of Mountain Brook, which is just adjacent here to Birmingham, hoping that possibly closure will come from all of this. Today we talked to some folks in the Mountain Brook area who have been following this case from day one, and the consensus from the folks we talked to today is an attitude that it‘s about time.

C. G., MOUNTAIN BROOK RESIDENT: It‘s about time they came and did something because they haven‘t done anything in Aruba! They need to do something here. It‘s about time, really!

That sound bite, as we call it, from a lady that we talked to today here in Birmingham. Frustration from folks in Mountain Brook, who have wondered all along why this case hasn‘t been solved. And we talked to Beth Twitty, too, and I know you‘ll be talking to her soon, continued hope that the next piece of evidence will be the piece that will finally put something together. Beth Twitty has told us that she‘s hopeful that some arrests will finally be made, and maybe for the family and for the city of Mountain Brook and for everyone that‘s following this case, there‘ll be some closure.

On 1-24 MSNBC reported:

RITA COSBY, HOST: But first, we begin tonight with an interesting twist in the Natalee Holloway case. Aruban authorities are taking now their investigation into Natalee‘s disappearance to her home state of Alabama. Right now, they are talking to some of the students who may have been with Natalee the night that she suddenly vanished back in May.
LIVE AND DIRECT right now is Mike Royer with NBC station WVTM in Birmingham, Alabama. Mike, what‘s happening there?
MIKE ROYER, WVTM-TV: Rita, after sending reporters to Aruba several times on the Natalee Holloway case, the investigation, the case itself has now come here to Alabama, as Aruban investigators have come to Alabama to continue their investigation, and as they say, try to tie up some loose ends. Those investigators will use Alabama, and specifically Birmingham, as their home base. But they‘re going to travel about, finding students that were with Natalee Holloway on that senior trip to Aruba last summer.
The investigators will travel to several universities in our area, some close by—for example, about 40 down the road in Tuscaloosa, at the University of Alabama—interviewing student there that attended or went on that trip to Aruba. They‘ll also go to Auburn University, about two-and-a-half hours down the road. And though they‘ll be in Alabama, they‘ll also travel about four hours to the northeast, to Knoxville, Tennessee, where they‘ll interview students at the University of Tennessee. There are about 18 to 20 interviews scheduled.
The investigators expect to be here 10 days to two weeks, and they‘ll take all of that information and put it all together and, hopefully, come up with some answers. Of course, the family, the city of Mountain Brook, which is just adjacent here to Birmingham, hoping that possibly closure will come from all of this. Today we talked to some folks in the Mountain Brook area who have been following this case from day one, and the consensus from the folks we talked to today, Rita, is an attitude that it‘s about time.
CAROLYN GREEN, MOUNTAIN BROOK RESIDENT: It‘s about time they came and did something because they haven‘t done anything in Aruba! They need to do something here. It‘s about time, really!
ROYER: That sound bite, as we call it, from a lady that we talked to today here in Birmingham. Frustration from folks in Mountain Brook, who have wondered all along why this case hasn‘t been solved. And we talked to Beth Twitty, too, and I know you‘ll be talking to her soon, continued hope that the next piece of evidence will be the piece that will finally put something together. Beth Twitty has told us that she‘s hopeful that some arrests will finally be made, and maybe for the family and for the city of Mountain Brook and for everyone that‘s following this case, there‘ll be some closure.
We‘ll continue to follow this story here, of course, Rita, and follow those investigators around, and we‘ll get back to you and let you know what, if anything, we learn from them as they conduct their interviews here.
COSBY: All right, Mike. Thank you very much.
So why are Aruban investigators coming to Alabama? As you heard from Mike, we have Natalee‘s mom, Beth Holloway Twitty. Beth, what‘s your reaction to what‘s happening now?
BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY‘S MOTHER: Well, you know, I—we‘ve know that they were trying to arrange this for some time now. Looks like they‘ve made it happen. And you know, I think what they‘re trying to do is just close some holes in some of the statements that they‘ve said that some of the students gave.
But you know, Rita, all along, I think they‘ve had all the information that they‘ve needed to go forward and press charges against these individuals. I mean, they knew the condition Natalee was in. They have admissions of the suspects to sexual assaults they committed against her. But you know, if they feel that this is the last necessary step in order to firm up the foundation to proceed forward, then, you know, the students have always been willing to come forward and help.
COSBY: What do you think they could say? Is there something that maybe, you know, talking to them face to face, that they could glean that they didn‘t get? I understand all the other ones, Beth, were done over the phone before.
TWITTY: You know, Rita, I don‘t have any idea. I really think that they‘ve had all the information that they‘ve needed all along. But you know, if they think they need to wrap up two or three more issues concerning that last night at Carlos and Charlie‘s, then so do it and then let‘s move on. And you know, Congressman Bachus is optimistic that once they take these necessary steps that they feel they have to, that they are just laying a firmer foundation to proceed forward in the investigation that could lead to a prosecution. So just going to have to believe that that is what‘s going to happen.
COSBY: Bet, what did these students tell you? I‘m sure you‘ve talked to them, you know, since everything happened with Natalee. What have they said in terms of what her state of mind was, what they saw with Joran, what they saw with Deepak that night?
TWITTY: Well, as far as Natalee‘s state of mind, Rita, I think it‘s been clear since the beginning. We knew that there was a lot—you know, they were drinking, of course, and everyone knew the condition that Natalee was in when these suspects took her. And you know, they‘ve never tried to hide anything like that. And I know it was very chaotic that night when they were leaving Carlos and Charlie‘s.
And secondly, Joran van der Sloot really befriended these kids. I mean, he was among them for a period of two days, you know, in the casinos with them, in Carlos and Charlie‘s with them. So you know, they really have—you know, he really not only took Natalee, but I mean, he took the entire group. And you know, he robbed them of everything that is dear to them, Rita.
COSBY: Where are these investigations going to take place, Beth? I understand different colleges, right, because they‘re in several places.
TWITTY: Right. There are four different universities, I believe, that they will be travelling to. And you know, I think that the interviews are going well with the students. Like I said, they‘ve always been willing to do whatever they can, Rita. They, too, need a resolution in this. And you know, they‘re just ready to do anything the officials ask of them. And hopefully, we can put this to rest and then move forward in the investigation with the suspects.
COSBY: You bet. You know, (INAUDIBLE) you also heard about chaperones, Beth, early on. Do we know some of the adults who were down there? Are they going to be requestioned again?
TWITTY: I have not heard anything about the chaperones being questioned, just some select students that I think were there probably around closing time at Carlos and Charlie‘s.
COSBY: You know, how do you students feel, Beth? I mean, is it—do you feel comfortable that they are being questioned again? Do you think it‘s fair that they have to go through this again? Don‘t you think they should be looking elsewhere?
TWITTY: Well, Rita, what concerns me is I hate to subject these young
these young students to, you know, reopening these wounds again, you know, eight months later. I can‘t imagine the officials not just having—
I mean, they just—I hope this is so warranted to subject them to this again, Rita. I just—you know, I have to believe that. I can‘t imagine dragging them back through this without really knowing that it‘s going to lead towards firming up this investigation and going after the true suspects, Rita. It has to.
COSBY: And do you have any sense that they are closer? I know that they‘re doing these searches at the sand dunes. Do you get any sense that they‘ve got something that they‘re holding onto and that this might be a final little piece of the puzzle, we all pray?
TWITTY: Well, you know, I really—you know, I just have to remain so guarded. I know that Congressman Bachus, though, is—he is very optimistic, though, that, you know, something will come out of this, that they just need to wrap up a few issues in order to proceed further in the investigation. And I believe there were one if not two witnesses that came forward with some information that warranted the search of the sand dunes. So it looks like things are moving and—you know, but again, I just try to remain so guarded, Rita.
COSBY: I can understand why. You know, Beth, are they keeping you informed, Aruban investigators? Are they doing a better job of at least letting you know where things stand?
TWITTY: Well, I‘ve turned all that over to John Quinlan (ph) Kelly. You know, he is the one who receives all the communication now from the prosecuting attorney and the chief of police, and you know, he updates me as necessary. And you know, I am just not, you know, trying to make—I‘m not initiating any of those contacts. I‘m just relying on him to, you know, bridge that communication for us and just keep us aware of what‘s going on.
COSBY: And Beth, are investigators going to be talking to you in the States? And are you going to be sitting in on any of these interviews?
TWITTY: Oh, no, I won‘t be involved in them at all, Rita. And you know, it‘s just not necessary for me to be there. The FBI is there with the students and with the Aruban officials, so I feel good about that. And I know that it‘s being handled through the proper chain of command with the FBI there.
COSBY: I‘m glad to see at least they‘re doing something, Beth. Thank you very much. We appreciate you being on with us and hope that they do get some resolution coming up soon. Thank you.
TWITTY: Thank you.
COSBY: Thanks.
And now that investigators are questioning Natalee‘s friends—these are the Aruban investigators—what should they ask them, and how do they get them to reveal something to help them crack this case? LIVE AND DIRECT tonight is former FBI profiler Clint Van Zandt and also former New York City police detective Pat Brosnan.
Pat, let me start with you. What do you ask these kids? It‘s been eight months.
PATRICK BROSNAN, FORMER NYPD DETECTIVE: Well, you know, Rita, what you want to do is you want to actually walk them through chronologically, from the time that they landed on the island until they left because they may have heard something, they may have saw something that to them is not relevant, but in the totality of the case, it could be extremely pertinent. And that‘s something that could be that they heard themself or they heard through third party hearsay. All these little facts, all these little snippets of data could, when combined together, change the landscape as it relates to the case.
I think it‘s extremely important that these individuals are debriefed. And from a cost-benefit analysis, the cost is traumatizing them after eight months to a horrific event. But the potential benefit, in my view, certainly outstrips that.
COSBY: You know, Clint, what could they say? You know, hitting on what Pat said, maybe there is something...
COSBY: ... that Aruban investigators, now that we know more details of the case, you know, state of mind...
COSBY: ... something somebody was wearing that might be missing...
VAN ZANDT: Sure. Well, you know, first let‘s back up a little bit, Rita. Number one, most, if not all of these young men and women have already been interviewed by the FBI. They‘ve already provided the timeline. They‘ve already been locked in one time on a statement.
So for the Aruban authorities to come over here—you know, I agree with Beth. Do what you got to do to go back at the original suspects. But Rita, the Aruban authorities, the police, they‘re—you know, they‘re are being given a lot more latitude than the FBI ever was. Here we invite them over. They come to the United States. We put an FBI agent with them. They‘re allowed to go out and interview these students who were on the trip. That‘s a lot more than the FBI was allowed to do in Aruba with the original suspects.
COSBY: You bring up a great point. You know, it is amazing that they‘re able to come over here, do all this. Pat, what about the face-to-face opportunity? Because my understand is, at least when the Aruban folks talked to these kids before, it was very brief. Remember, they left the island quickly because it was the end of their trip. And they did it on the phone with them also.
BROSNAN: Absolutely.
COSBY: Is this something different? You can look in their eyes and see something different?
BROSNAN: I think it‘s a very significant investigative tool, the prospect of having a face-to-face debriefing, face-to-face interrogation, interview of these individuals. First of all, they were whisked off the island very quickly, very expeditiously, and in my view, from a situation where one of their own didn‘t travel with them, where it could have been viewed as a potential crime scene. So the face-to-face at this juncture, where many facts have changed, many times the landscape has shifted as it relates to the totality of circumstances, is very critical. I think it‘s awesome. Why wouldn‘t you do it?
COSBY: You know, Pat, where do you think it spins off, off of this? Should they talk to the chaperones also ? Those are the adults who were supposed to be accompanying these kids.
BROSNAN: Absolutely because as we‘ve see with eyewitness and ear witness accounts, even from that night or actually that morning, from individuals who were in the ladies‘ room, where Natalee was last seen when she was sick, and then backtracking to the time that she landed there, and then prior days, where she developed a relationship of sorts, allegedly, with one of the suspects—all these facts or all these conjectural facts have to be examined in the light of eight months later with everything else that has been developed in the interim. I think it‘s extremely important.
COSBY: Pat, thank you very much. Clint, stick with us. And everybody, we‘re going to keep you posted if these interviews shed any light on the Holloway case.

On 1-24 when CNN asked her why are the ARUBAN Police finally coming to Alabama to question all these kids that were there with NATALEE when she disappeared?, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "I wish I could answer that. You know, the best I can tell is -- you know, they’ve always said there’s been some holes in some of the students’ statements that were made early on, and what they want to do is see if they go through here, fill in the holes, and from what I'm hearing is, hopefully, this will lay the foundation that they can proceed further in this investigation and go after these three suspects.” When CNN asked her what NATALEE’s friends on the ARUBA trip have told her about the night NATALEE vanished?, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "They haven’t told me anything different today as they did July the 29th, that first time I came home. I mean, you know, I think they were as forthcoming with information as they could be. I don't think that it’s anything that the students neglected to give. You know, whether it's something authorities neglected to obtain from the students -- now, that might be the answer. But you know, the students have done as well as they could. They’ve always been willing to come forward at any time with additional information.” “Well, we knew it was real chaotic when they were leaving Carlos and Charlies. I mean, it was a mass exodus, and they were all climbing into cars, cabs, trying to get rides back to the "Holiday Inn." And you know, I know they had -- you know, they had been drinking. I mean, we already had -- we already knew full well that -- you know, the condition that Natalee was in when she left Carlos and Charlies. And you know, I think that Deepak and Joran just slipped her right out of Carlos and Charlies into the back of that car, and I truly feel that Natalee felt that she was climbing in the back seat of a cab with Joran van der Sloot. She had no idea she was getting in a car with Deepak and Satish Kalpoe.” When CNN stated that the cabs in ARUBA, do, look just like regular cars, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "Oh, absolutely. I mean, they run the gamut on two doors, four doors, minivans, you know, nice car, you know, older model cars. They're just so unmarked.” When asked about the recent “invitation” by the ARUBAN Police to be re-questioned, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "And can you believe the word ‘invitation‘? I mean, after all, these men are suspects. You know, they can be re-interrogated at any time, and it’s not by invitation. The authorities can re-interrogate these individuals at any given moment. They’ve had new evidence that’s been brought forward, but they have just not chosen to act upon it.” “I think everyone had known when this taped interview came out from Deepak Kalpoe, you know, Aruba was trying to claim it had been manipulated, but it was simply untrue. There was one version, of course, that had been edited for television. And secondly, you know, their timelines had been destroyed through--through various witnesses that had come forward, and Aruba just chose to ignore each time their alibis were destroyed. So they have had reasons to warrant the re-arrest and re-interrogation of the suspects all along.” When CNN asked her about a “new” search of the western end of ARUBA?, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "from what I had understood, that there were one or two witnesses that have come forward with some new information. Supposedly, these are still outside the circle of the suspects, but that there may be friends of Joran van der Sloot. And I think that is what has warranted the search of the sand dunes.” “what we want is, we want justice. And you know -- and we have to recognize the fact that, you know, this crime has been committed on the island of Aruba, and we know the perpetrators. We know it’s these suspects, Deepak and Satish Kalpoe and Joran van der Sloot. And you know, we just have to, though, keep going, Nancy, because the only way we will get justice for Natalee is if we do keep going. I mean, if we give up, absolutely nothing will happen. Nothing.”

On 1-24 when CNN asked what does he think is the “new” evidence is on which the ARUBAN Police are basing the “new” questions?, HAROLD COPUS stated "You know, I don't think there’s any way we can tell that. They’ve had a lot of this information for some time. It just appears to me have failed to act on it, like Beth said. It’s now to say to these guys, We're going to bring you back in, let’s talk to you one more time, and you cannot escape the questions, the hardball questions that need to be asked.” When CNN asked him what good bringing in cadaver dogs almost a year later would do?, HAROLD COPUS stated "the only good that will do now is if they actually find a body or skeletal remains in those dunes, at least the dogs can alert on that. The dogs really weren’t brought in quick enough and weren’t used, probably, from what I understand, properly, initially. Maybe it’ll be done right this time.”

On 1-24 when CNN asked him where Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT is?, DAVE HOLLOWAY stated "I understand he’s in Holland, going to college.” When CNN asked him his reaction to the fact that the Aruban authorities tried to bring the 3 Main Murder Suspects, Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , and Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE back in for questioning, and they refused to come in, and authorities basically said, ‘Oh, OK. Never mind.’?, DAVE HOLLOWAY stated "Well, the prosecutor was told not to talk to the press, and it seemed like Steve Cohen knew all the answers and knew more than -- about the investigation than we did. And we called the prosecutor, and she told us that was all wrong, that they could not bring him in, that it had to be an invitation. So that’s where all the confusion was. Steve Cohen said that they were going to interrogate them, when, in fact, they cannot.” When CNN asked him if he sees the recent developments as a turn-around, and if so, why?, DAVE HOLLOWAY stated "early on in the investigation, I met with Paul van der Sloot, and he had mentioned to me -- he pointed the fingers at a certain Mountain Brook student. And I don't know why or what or what the reason is, and maybe the Police are looking into that. I'm not real sure. I think he was grasping for straws and trying to point the finger somewhere else besides the three suspects. Well, I got news for him. Every time they go out on a limb, it always breaks off and gets right back to the three suspects. Every time.”

On 1-24 experienced F.B.I. criminal profiler CLINT VAN ZANDT stated to MSNBC “Sure. Well, you know, first let‘s back up a little bit, Rita. Number one, most, if not all of these young men and women have already been interviewed by the FBI. They‘ve already provided the timeline. They‘ve already been locked in one time on a statement.
So for the Aruban authorities to come over here—you know, I agree with Beth. Do what you got to do to go back at the original suspects. But Rita, the Aruban authorities, the Police, they‘re—you know, they‘re are being given a lot more latitude than the F.B.I. ever was. Here we invite them over. They come to the United States. We put an F.B.I. agent with them. They‘re allowed to go out and interview these students who were on the trip. That‘s a lot more than the F.B.I. was allowed to do in Aruba with the original suspects.”

On 1-24 CNNHN reported:

NANCY GRACE, HOST: Tonight: Is there finally a break in the Natalee Holloway case? Aruban investigators travel to Alabama to interview 21 friends with Natalee the night she went missing off her high school senior trip to Aruba nearly a year ago. And based on a brand-new tip, police now launch a search of the western tip of the island.
And tonight: Three judges in contempt for letting child molesters walk free, no hard jail time. What can we do to stop them?

Good evening everybody. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us tonight. Tonight: Shame on you! Three judges let convicted child molesters walk free, no hard jail time. Unacceptable!

But first tonight: Can the Natalee Holloway missing girl case be cracked nearly one year later? Aruban investigators finally come to the U.S. to question friends who were there, there in Aruba with the 18-year- old Alabama beauty. And tonight: A new tip leads Aruban police to search the island`s western stretch of dunes.


BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY`S MOTHER: I just know that we have -- we have to have answers.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Natalee was only with Joran towards the end of the night. Everyone was getting in taxis at the same time, and it was really chaotic.

JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , ARRESTED AND RELEASED IN HOLLOWAY CASE: She was drunk. I had stuff to drink, too. She wanted to go with me. I wanted to go with her. It was totally consensual. I had something to drink and she had something to drink.

GEORGE "JUG" TWITTY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY`S STEPFATHER: The reason there`s no evidence is because the people didn`t do the right thing in the beginning. And I want the prosecutor or somebody to step up and say, “Look, we made a mistake.”

ARLENE ELLIS-SCHIPPER, ARUBAN ATTORNEY: God forbid that they cannot determine what criminal offense has been committed. The case remains open.

VAN DER SLOOT: I knew her for one night. I should have just stayed home and this wouldn`t have happened to me.

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: We will not let this go until we take Natalee home. It will never end.


GRACE: Can the case of this girl, Natalee Holloway, be solved nearly one year later? Tiny steps, baby steps, but could they have a giant impact in the investigation or a disappearance of a U.S. girl, Natalee Holloway?

Straight to investigative reporter Pat Lalama. Pat, what`s going on?

PAT LALAMA, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: Boy, I`ll tell you what. The way I characterize it, we`ve got big old jumper cables attached to this case because it`s gotten new life again, and hopefully, some sort of resolution to it. Here`s the bottom line. We`ve got new searches, as you mentioned. They`re going to be bringing in new kind of equipment so that they can go deeper into new areas. They`re going to bring in cadaver dogs. They`ve got new information from a tipster. They`ve come to America to interview 21 people who were with her that night.

Think about it, Nancy. That night, it was probably one big sea of inebriation. Even the cops down there admit there are inconsistencies in the stories of the witnesses. They want to come back, cross the T`s, fill in the gaps. And will all of this put together, perhaps something new and maybe an answered prayer for this poor family.

GRACE: But Pat Lalama, nearly a year has passed. I don`t want to be a naysayer. I want it to be successful. But why are Aruban officials just getting to the U.S. nearly a year later? And please, whatever you do, don`t say red tape. Don`t say it!

LALAMA: No, I won`t say it because from the beginning, it looked like just a lot of bad work to me. I mean, a lot of covering up, a lot of making excuses. There`s some pressure -- I think there`s pressure coming from somewhere, You better get this done, you better -- I mean, you`re telling me after all this time, suddenly, somebody comes forward with new information, I`ve got the thing that`s going to solve this? Baloney! I mean, there`s just -- there`s pressure being put on this government to get it done, and hopefully, it`ll be the answer.

GRACE: I`m hearing in my ear we are now being joined by Natalee`s mother. You know her well, a tireless crusader in the search for her daughter. Beth Twitty is with us tonight. Welcome back, Beth. It`s nice to see you. Beth, let`s get right down to it. Why, finally -- not that I`m kicking a gift horse in the mouth -- forget about it. But why, Beth, are they finally coming to Alabama to question all these kids that were there with Natalee when she disappeared?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Nancy, I wish I could answer that. You know, the best I can tell is -- you know, they`ve always said there`s been some holes in some of the students` statements that were made early on, and what they want to do is see if they go through here, fill in the holes, and from what I`m hearing is, hopefully, this will lay the foundation that they can proceed further in this investigation and go after these three suspects.

GRACE: Now, Beth, when you have spoken with Natalee`s friends, what have they told you about the night she went missing?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Nancy, they haven`t told me anything different today as they did July the 29th, that first time I came home. I mean, you know, I think they were as forthcoming with information as they could be. I don`t think that it`s anything that the students neglected to give. You know, whether it`s something authorities neglected to obtain from the students -- now, that might be the answer. But you know, the students have done as well as they could. They`ve always been willing to come forward at any time with additional information. They have always been...


GRACE: What did they tell you -- for the viewers just joining us, what did they tell you about the night Natalee went missing?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Well, we knew it was real chaotic when they were leaving Carlos and Charlie`s. I mean, it was a mass exodus, and they were all climbing into cars, cabs, trying to get rides back to the Holiday Inn. And you know, I know they had -- you know, they had been drinking. I mean, we already had -- we already knew full well that -- you know, the condition that Natalee was in when she left Carlos and Charlie`s. And you know, I think that Deepak and Joran just slipped her right out of Carlos and Charlie`s into the back of that car, and I truly feel that Natalee felt that she was climbing in the back seat of a cab with Joran van der Sloot. She had no idea she was getting in a car with Deepak and Satish Kalpoe.

GRACE: And On her behalf, Beth, there on the island, the cabs do look just like regular cars. They do.

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Oh, absolutely. I mean, they run the gamut on two doors, four doors, minivans, you know, nice car, you know, older model cars. They`re just so unmarked, Nancy.

GRACE: Here`s what Joran van der Sloot had to say.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you leave a girl on the beach?

VAN DER SLOOT: Well, I told her I had to go home. I had school the next day, and I thought maybe she`d understand. She told me, no, she wanted me to stay there with her because the next day, she was leaving and she wanted to stay that whole night. I told her, no, I had to go. I even -- I even lifted her up to carry her back to her hotel, and she told me put her down. I left her there. I sat down next to her, talked to her a while. And I called Deepak to ask him if he could come pick me up, which Deepak didn`t do, but...


VAN DER SLOOT: She wasn`t -- she wasn`t angry. If it`s anything, she was probably more, you know, upset that I -- that I -- that I was leaving her there and -- I don`t know what reaction she had. I don`t know.

At the time, I didn`t -- I didn`t feel it was a bad idea. At the time, I really didn`t. It didn`t seem wrong. It didn`t seem -- of course, now I look back at it, and I think, Oh, (DELETED) I`m an (DELETED). What did I do? But there`s nothing I can do about it now. If I`d have that moment back, I would have made sure she got back to her hotel safely, but I can`t -- I can`t change that now.


GRACE: Well, actually -- to Natalee`s mother, joining us, Beth Twitty -- there is something he could do now. Haven`t police just invited him and the two Kalpoe brothers back in to speak to them, and the three of them refused to speak to police just recently?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Oh, you`re exactly right, Nancy. And can you believe the word "invitation"? I mean, after all, these men are suspects. You know, they can be reinterrogated at any time, and it`s not by invitation. The authorities can reinterrogate these individuals at any given moment. They`ve had new evidence that`s been brought forward, but they have just not chosen to act upon it.

GRACE: When you say there`s new evidence, Beth, what are you talking about?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Well, I think everyone had known when this taped interview came out from Deepak Kalpoe, you know, Aruba was trying to claim it had been manipulated, but it was simply untrue. There was one version, of course, that had been edited for television. And secondly, you know, their timelines had been destroyed through -- through various witnesses that had come forward, and Aruba just chose to ignore each time their alibis were destroyed. So they have had reasons to warrant the rearrest and reinterrogation of the suspects all along.

GRACE: To Jason Oshins, defense attorney. The Aruban government makes it sound like it`s an engraved invitation, that they invited the three to come back and speak to them again and they refused, and that`s just the end of it?

JASON OSHINS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I don`t know if it`s the end of it. I mean, certainly, from the perspective of the family, we`d certainly like the Aruban government to be, you know, more focused in their investigation and not be so soft on their citizens. I mean, the fact that they`re coming back here is great, to fill some in some background, as we talked about, but if they had suspected from the beginning that it was American citizens involved, they would have aggressively pursued that. And in fact, they should have turned inward to their own citizens in terms of being aggressive.

GRACE: To Harold Copus. He`s a private investigator, former FBI agent. Harold, a lot is being discussed about these three being requestioned, or at least the Aruban authorities trying to requestion them, but they have refused. Explain to me, what do you think the new evidence is on which they`re basing the new questions?

HAROLD COPUS, FORMER FBI AGENT: You know, I don`t think there`s any way we can tell that. They`ve had a lot of this information for some time. It just appears to me have failed to act on it, like Beth said. It`s now to say to these guys, We`re going to bring you back in, let`s talk to you one more time, and you cannot escape the questions, the hardball questions that need to be asked.

GRACE: Well, since they said no, they`re not coming in, I don`t think there`s going to be any hardball questions. Here`s what Joran van der Sloot had to say.


VAN DER SLOOT: She had a lot to drink at Carlos and Charlie`s. She grabbed my hand and took me with her for me to take jelly shots off her. And afterwards, she asked me to buy a shot for her, buy her something to drink, which I did. And that`s all I saw that she drank. I didn`t see her drink anything else. But from the day -- from earlier, when I was with her friends at the Excelsior casino at the Holiday Inn, the whole group was already drinking from 5:00 in the afternoon. And I didn`t really see her at that moment. I didn`t even really notice her at that moment. But I guess they came here to have a good time, to celebrate and (INAUDIBLE) their graduation also, and they might have all gone a little too far. I don`t know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you mean jelly shots with her? You mean off of her body?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How does that work? Can you tell me?

VAN DER SLOOT: I don`t know. I never did it myself before. She grabbed my hand and took me with her and asked me if I wanted to take jelly shots off her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And how does it work? I don`t understand.

VAN DER SLOOT: And she climbed on the bar. She laid down on the bar and she called the bartender by name, and he got a jelly shot for her. And then I took a jelly shot off her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t understand. Is it on her belly? Is it on...

VAN DER SLOOT: On her belly, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: On her belly button?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And then what do you do?

VAN DER SLOOT: And then you basically lick it off.


GRACE: Joining me now by phone, Natalee`s father, Dave Holloway. Welcome, Dave. Thank you for being with us. Dave, where is Joran van der Sloot right now?

DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE`S FATHER: I understand he`s in Holland, going to college.

GRACE: What`s your reaction to the fact that the Aruban authorities tried to bring these three back in for questioning, and they refused to come in, and authorities basically said, Oh, OK. Never mind.

HOLLOWAY: Well the prosecutor was told not to talk to the press, and it seemed like Steve Cohen knew all the answers and knew more than -- about the investigation than we did. And we called the prosecutor, and she told us that that was all wrong, that they could not bring him in, that it had to be an invitation. So that`s where all the confusion was. Steve Cohen said that they were going to interrogate them, when, in fact, they cannot.

GRACE: Well, you know, back to Beth Twitty, Natalee`s mother. It may be like here in the United States, in the sense that once someone is identified as a target or a suspect, they`ve got a 5th Amendment right to remain silent. They don`t have to talk to police if they don`t want to.

Beth, what can you tell us about a new search of the western end of the island?

BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY: Well, from what I had understood, that there were one or two witnesses that have come forward with some new information. Supposedly, these are still outside the circle of the suspects, but that there may be friends of Joran van der Sloot. And I think that that is what has warranted the search of the sand dunes, Nancy.

GRACE: And back to Harold Copus. It`s almost a year later. Bringing in cadaver dogs at this point, what good would that do?

COPUS: Well, the only good that will do now is if they actually find a body or skeletal remains in those dunes, at least the dogs can alert on that. The dogs really weren`t brought in quick enough and weren`t used, probably, from what I understand, properly initially. Maybe it`ll be done right this time.

GRACE: To Pat Lalama, investigative reporter. You said, Pat, that there are going to be additional searches, I understand not with divers because the search is going to be so deep in the water...

LALAMA: Right. Right.

GRACE: ... and divers don`t go 800, 1,000 feet deep.

LALAMA: Right.

GRACE: So what type of equipment is being brought in to search this water? And where is the water?

LALAMA: Well, the water is a couple of miles outside or off the coast. We`re talking about depths of 600 to 800 feet, as you mentioned. And you know, this goes with a rumor -- I hate to give it any more substance than that -- but the rumor that the same night that she went missing, a fisherman later discovered that there was a fishing net, a catch net and a knife missing, that his hut had been broken into, and that led to all kinds of speculation that someone, some people may have, in fact, tried to bury her body at the bottom of the ocean. That`s going to require the deep sea equipment to try to find it, to see if that`s the case.

GRACE: Right. Beth, when you hear the discussion, talking about bodies, talking about being buried deep in the ocean floor, how do you keep going? How do you reconcile with that?

HOLLOWAY: Oh, Nancy, I mean, what we want is, we want justice. And you know -- and we have to recognize the fact that, you know, this crime has been committed on the island of Aruba, and we know the perpetrators. We know it`s these suspects, Deepak and Satish Kalpoe and Joran van der Sloot. And you know, we just have to, though, keep going, Nancy, because the only way we will get justice for Natalee is if we do keep going. I mean, if we give up, absolutely nothing will happen. Nothing.

GRACE: We`ll all be right back, including Natalee`s mother and father. Please stay with us.

To tonight`s "Case Alert." The body of an unidentified little girl has been found in a vacant dumpster now nearly two weeks ago. Please help us. You are looking at a police composite photo. The child`s identity still a mystery. The child believed to be just 2-and-a-half years old. If you have information on this little girl, please help us. Call Crimestoppers, 702-385-5544. There`s a $44,000 reward.



GEORGE "JUG" TWITTY: The reason there`s no evidence is because the people didn`t do the right thing in the beginning. And I want the prosecutor or somebody to step up and say, Look, we made a mistake. We didn`t arrest them the second day, like we should have. We let them go for nine days. We gave them a chance to clean the car. We gave them a chance to hide everything, to set up everything, to set up their stories, point the fingers at the two black security guards. Somebody -- you know, that`s the reason there`s no evidence. Had they gone to the -- and impounded that car that day -- the FBI told us there was blood all in the car. The prosecutor said the FBI said there was blood in the car, but for some reason or another, when they sent it off, they say now it`s all cleaning fluid. Well, who knows. I know they had nine days to clean the car.


GRACE: Tonight, stunning new developments in the search for an American girl, Natalee Holloway. Remember, Natalee went on her high school senior trip to Aruba with all of her classmates. She disappeared after being seen at a bar, Carlos and Charlie`s, never seen again.

In a stunning development, Aruban authorities are now traveling to the U.S. to requestion and question initially many of the young students that were there with Natalee the night she went missing. Why? Why the stunning move now? What is the new evidence? And not only that, based on a tip to police, an extensive search is now planned for the western tip of the island, all sand dunes.

Straight back to Beth Twitty, Natalee`s mother. Are you encouraged? You`ve got to be, Beth. And where do you think this is going? Do you think there are actually new leads on the three suspects?

HOLLOWAY: Nancy, I always have to remain guarded. I mean, after the month of December, it was just horrible, what Steve Cohen put the family through. I mean, we were just...

GRACE: Who is this Steve Cohen person?

HOLLOWAY: Well, he`s basically paid for my Aruba. He`s a spokesman that represents the island of Aruba. I mean, he`s there for their tourism. And I mean, it was just absolute inhumane, how we were treated that month. We were just taunted with the possibility of these reinterrogations. Of course, they never happened. You know, Nancy, we just have to stay so guarded.

GRACE: Beth...

HOLLOWAY: I just can`t do it again.

GRACE: Beth, have you been burned in effigy yet? I think I have.

HOLLOWAY: Yes. Well, I tell you, Nancy, it just -- I don`t know how much they think that we can take.

GRACE: I`ve got in my hand right here a card that is handed out at Carlos and Charlie`s there on the island of Aruba. It says, "Remember, any drink can be served in a yard." A yard is apparently -- what is it, Ellie (ph), a giant, humongo...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s like a big, tall drink.

GRACE: OK. Well, OK. That`s encouraging. To Dave Holloway, Natalee`s father. The atmosphere that night -- all these kids had had something to drink. They were there at this bar, but they all remember her leaving with Joran van der Sloot. And there`s no question that in the back seat were the Kalpoe brothers, correct, Dave Holloway?

HOLLOWAY: It was Joran and Natalee in the back set...


HOLLOWAY: ... and the Kalpoe brothers in the front.


HOLLOWAY: There`s no question about that.

GRACE: So Dave, you and I have talked on other occasions. You and Natalee`s mom, Beth Twitty, feel firmly that there has been a cover-up of sorts. Do you see these developments as a turn-around? If so, why?

HOLLOWAY: Well, early on in the investigation, I met with Paul van der Sloot, and he had mentioned to me -- he pointed the fingers at a certain Mountain Brook student. And I don`t know why or what or what the reason is, and maybe the police are looking into that. I`m not real sure.

GRACE: You mean you think the police are going to try to blame a fellow student? That wasn`t even the last person with Natalee.

HOLLOWAY: I think he was grasping for straws and trying to point the finger somewhere else besides the three suspects. Well, I got news for him. Every time they go out on a limb, it always breaks off and gets right back to the three suspects. Every time.

GRACE: Something has prompted Aruban authorities to renew their efforts to solve the mystery of a missing American girl, Natalee Holloway. We are not giving up! Why is there a new search of the west tip of the island? Why are new facilities being used, new techniques being used to try to find Natalee`s body? And why are all of the classmates now being requestioned?



HOLLOWAY: I want her friends to go on. I don`t want her friends -- you know, her poor little roommate is saving her bed in a her dorm room. I mean, enough is enough, you know?


GRACE: That`s Natalee`s mother, who is with us tonight. The reward for Natalee`s safe return, $1 million, $250,000 for information on her whereabouts.

Beth, do you get the sense that investigators are now trying to tie up loose ends, wrap up the case in order to press charges?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: I have to believe that, Nancy. I just have to hang onto that because why else would you subject 21 of these young adults to this again, Nancy, reopening old wounds for no reason? I cannot accept that, Nancy. I have to believe that they are firming the foundation so they can proceed forward with this investigation and file charges against these suspects. I have to believe that, Nancy.

GRACE: Beth, have they given you any indication that that is the case, or are you just believing because you have to?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Well, I just can`t imagine subjecting these young adults to this, as you say, almost a year later, I mean, or eight months later. You know, why do that to these students? Don`t do this for no reason. This has to be -- this has to be laying the foundation to proceed forward in the investigation, Nancy. It has to.



On 1-25 ARUBAAN's news-source "Amigoe.com" reported:

ATA and Briesen Also Disturbed About Cohen

ARUBA – Also Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA) dissociates herself from the firm statements of Steve Cohen. ATA emphasized in a press release that ATA and Tourism-minister Edison Briesen (MEP) do not agree with the statements of Cohen on the details of the investigation and the guiltiness of the three suspects.

The judgment of Cohen during the Caribbean Marketplace-conference in Puerto Rico last week took the minister and the ATA by surprise. They immediately talked to him afterwards and he was made clear that he is not allowed to speak out like that on behalf of Aruba. They made it clear to him that he is not allowed to give details about the case; he cannot speculate and accuse the three suspects. Unfortunately, Cohen had already made such statements in Dr. Phil’s show that was recorded on January 10th, five days before Caribbean Hotel Association (CHA) conference. Cohen’s statements had been on the Task Force’s website for some time. Cohen had also added an elucidation on the same website. Both articles are meanwhile removed from arubatruth.com (website of the “Aruba Strategic Communications Task Force”).

Even though Cohen is officially the spokesperson of the Task Force, he is not being paid by ATA (government) but by AHATA (private).

According to ATA’s press release, the Task Force and the ATA had already drawn up the document with the name Natalee Holloway Talking Points. This document is a guideline for everybody that talks about the case with the international media. The parties have not discussed deviation from this document. ATA emphasises that speaking about the case to others is very inconvenient and the ATA appreciates the fact that Cohen wants to do this. They also say that Cohen’s presence at the conference had a positive effect on the tour operators.

On 1-25 MERIDIAN, MISSISSIPPI TV ABC station channel 11 reported:

Holloway Family Waits and Hopes

For Meridian insurance agent Dave Holloway, this day is far from the norm. However, every day has been this way since his daughter Natalee disappeared last May in Aruba.
The Mountain Brook, Ala., teenager was last seen May 30, 2005, on the island while there on a graduation trip with some classmates.

For the next week to two weeks Aruban Investigators will be in the U.S. interviewing the other students who were also on that trip.

"What they're doing now is closing some gaps," said Natalee's father, Dave Holloway of Meridian.

"From what I've heard, that there were just some holes in some of the students' statements that they just wanted to fill and from what I'm hearing they're just trying to lay a really solid foundation in order to move forward in this investigation against the three suspects," said Beth Holloway-Twitty of Mountain Brook, just south of Birmingham.

The three suspects are Joran van der Sloot and two brothers, Deepak and Satish Kalpoe. All were arrested in the case and held for several weeks but never officially charged. All were released last year.

Natalee's family members say they are hopeful that this week's interviews in the U.S. will lead to a break in the case.

"Everything points back to the three suspects," said Holloway. "And when you get into a situation, if you finally charge someone, you don't want them to point the finger to someone else. I think that's the reason they're interviewing these kids, to paint the picture, plug the holes and make sure that there are not any more suspects."

"We hope that Aruba will show us they do have enforceable laws, such as perjury and obstruction of justice and rape," Holloway said. "You know, I think that we need to see that."

"Well, they've always given us hints that something would happen and it never did but hopefully something will happen by the end of this month," said Holloway.

On 1-25 MSNBC reported “Top Aruban Police confirm that they do have new information in the case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, new information that now makes them feel strongly, they say, about the area of the lighthouse on the island as a potential burial site. And because of that, they say within the next week or two, they want to have a complete F.B.I. cadaver dog team down there searching, along with Dutch Investigators. And we also know that within the next couple of weeks, volunteer searchers will be down to Aruba. They‘re going to be searching other areas, as well. And Police say they have been getting a lot of new information in this case—surprisingly, since it has been eight months and there‘s been no sign of Natalee. They say they get about 100 tips a week, about 10 percent of which they characterize as ‘interesting.’ Now, some of that new information, not necessarily related to the lighthouse, is part of the reason why they are here in the States. In Alabama and surrounding states, they‘re going to be visiting several colleges where Natalee‘s school friends are now students. They were interviewed already, remember, by the F.B.I. early on in this case, but Aruban Police say, Hey, at that time, the Investigators just didn‘t have the benefit of this new information. They won‘t give us too many details about it, but they say it could be significant to this case. Here in Natalee‘s hometown of Mountain Brook, Alabama, it‘s very close-knit. People seem to know each other. Natalee‘s disappearance has left an emptiness. We talked to a mother of one of her friends who may be one of the ones re-interviewed. She says she has mixed feelings because on the one hand, it could very well help solve this case. But at the same time, it stirs up a lot of bad feelings after these kids have had such a hard year.

LISA ANDERSON, MOTHER OF NATALEE‘S FRIEND: I think if there‘s any way it‘s going to help Beth or closure, it will be great. I think it does stir the girls up a little more. They‘ve had time to settle down, but they do want closure. And they do—you know, anything that will help Beth because she has worked so hard to find her daughter.

The Arubaans say they feel pretty good about this new information that they have gotten, and they feel it may potentially be significant in building a case against those three suspects that have since been released from jail.” “And we have also learned exclusively tonight what questions Aruban Investigators are asking Natalee‘s friends. Take a look at this list that you will not see anywhere else. Investigators asked about Alabama students on the trip and what they were doing at Carlos and Charlie‘s—that‘s the bar—the night that Natalee disappeared. Aruban Police also asked the students if they recognized a new list of Aruban names. In addition, Investigators asked the students if they could describe some of the people at Carlos and Charlie‘s on May 30, that night. Investigators showed students photos of some of the people who were at the bar the night that Natalee disappeared to see if the students recognized those individuals, as well. And we‘re told that they were not Deepak, Satish or Joran.”
On 1-25 JOSSY MANSUR stated to MSNBC “I think that they selected the 20 candidates, more or less 20 candidates, when they went over all the questioning that the F.B.I. had done of them. And these 20 gave some kind of declarations that they found interesting and they want to follow up on.” “Well, in the last month, the Police were very busy talking to many friends of Joran‘s that they found of interest. And one of them apparently gave them some very, very reliable information that they‘ve been acting on. That‘s why they‘ve been searching over at the dunes behind the lighthouse and also on the ocean, searching for a fish net.” When MSNBC asked how did this tipster get that information? Do we get a sense that he came forward or they went to him?, MANSUR stated "No, they went to him. They went to all of these friends of Joran‘s and talked to them, and they found quite a few answers that interested them. One of these witnesses specifically gave them information that they are acting on now.” When MSNBC asked what your understanding is that‘s what‘s leading them also to question these girls—these boys and girls who were there at Carlos and Charlie‘s that night, correct?, MANSUR stated "Yes, because they found—when they read all these declarations that they gave to the FBI, they singled out these 20 or so candidates that (INAUDIBLE) thinks are of interest and are related to what this witness said.” When MSNBC asked are they also looking at other nights, not just the night she went missing, but you told me right before the show that they‘re looking at, what, the Excelsior Hotel and maybe "Holiday Inn" some other nights?, MANSUR stated "Yes, they were looking at, for example, that—it‘s been known out there that the night before Natalee disappeared, she was seen, apparently, at the Excelsior casino and the "Holiday Inn" and that Joran was also present. And they‘re also very interested in finding out what the speculation is, what is fact in the getting into the car of Natalee that night, if she was forced or she went of her own volition.” When MSNBC asked stated that ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN made sort of a pledge that she‘s going to releasing something by the end of January, MANSUR stated "Yes. No, she did make that statement. (INAUDIBLE) and we are aware of that. And she said that she has a lot of important information to release before the end of the month.” “I‘m sure she‘s convinced because she was very disappointed when they released all three of the suspects because she presented a very strong case to the judge.”

On 1-25 JOHN Q. KELLY stated to MSNBC “It appears they‘re trying to eliminate other potential suspects, other than the three main suspects all along, Joran and the Kalpoe brothers. If they‘re giving descriptions, showing photographs or running names by these girls, I think it‘s to try to determine whether there was possibly anybody else that might have potentially been involved in Natalee‘s disappearance.” “Well, I know they‘ve always indicated that they had to run every lead down and that, you know, we shouldn‘t always just be focused on the three young men, which I don‘t agree with. I mean, these are the three boys that took her in the car and were the last ones with her and admitted to it, and the conduct they engaged in. But you know, I—Rita, I want to be very careful here. I‘m supportive of the Aruban government and their investigation. I‘m glad they‘re acting on certain things now. But you know, quite frankly, as of two of months ago, they had already planned to search the sand dunes with the cadaver dogs. And as of a couple months ago or even longer, they were already going to interview the Mountain Brook girls. And I just don‘t want raised expectations here. I don‘t necessarily like hearing that it‘s all new, fresh information that‘s leading to the lighthouse search or the questioning of the Mountain Brook people. These were planned long ago. And you know, I‘m a little bit skeptical. And we‘ve been on roller-coasters before, and I don‘t want raised expectations for the family, at this point.” “Well, they went out there. This has been planned for a while.
They‘re using metal probes to push into the sand and turn the sand over. And once that‘s completed, they want to bring the cadaver dogs in right afterwards, while the sand has been freshly turned over. That way, even if they don‘t locate any objects or a body, the scent would be fresh on the surface there and the dogs might be able to pick it up.” When MSNBC asked when the cadaver dogs are going to arrive?, KELLY stated "I‘m expecting this within the next week. I even heard—I wasn‘t able to confirm this—that a couple days ago, they were even there with the Police helicopter hovering right above the sand, trying to turn it over and churn it a little bit to sort of freshen up and release any potential scents or something that the dogs might be able to pick up.”

On 1-25 MSNBC MICHELLE KOSINSKI correspondent reported “ Today top Aruban Police officials confirmed for us there that is new information in the disappearance case of Natalee Holloway. New information that they say leads them to feel strongly about the lighthouse on the island, which has been looked at many times before, as they put it, a potential burial site. For that reason Police say within the next week or two they expect to see a full F.B.I. cadaver team come to the island, search that area along with Dutch specialists. That area, as we said, has been searched before, but now they have this new information, which they can‘t go into detail about, that leads them right back there.
We also know that volunteer searchers are expected to head to Aruba within the next couple of weeks. They‘ll be looking at other areas as well. Now that new information, they say, comes into the case at a surprising rate. They say they get now about 100 tips a week, about 10 percent of which Police say is interesting to this case. And the information that we mentioned that they‘re really focusing on, they say is potentially significant in building a case against the three suspects who are now all released from jail.” “Nobody is calling this a major development, but Police say they feel good about the new information they‘ve gotten. And new information is also the reason that Aruban Police have now traveled to the United States here in Alabama, as well as surrounding states, to interview some of Natalee‘s friends who were with her that night that she disappeared back in May. Now these kids remember have been interviewed before by the F.B.I. shortly after this happened. But Aruban Police told us today that back then when they were interviewed, Police didn‘t have the benefit of this so-called new information. That‘s why they‘re back here. They‘re interviewing and specifically because of that information, Police say they‘re focusing on a certain group of kids, which they wouldn‘t go into detail about why these kids qualify. But we know that they‘re not necessarily Natalee‘s closest friends. We talked to a parent of one of Natalee‘s good friends and her daughter has not been notified that she would necessarily be interviewed again. So Police are focusing on specific information that they‘re getting and a specific group of kids that they want to re-interview and try to see how this all correlates in a case they say against those same three suspects.” “They said everything takes time. To be specific, when they talked about interviewing these students, they say that idea has come up within the last few months. So that‘s how you know long ago some of this new information was coming in. But they said it was a bureaucracy of getting special clearance to come to the U.S. because they have no jurisdiction here. Special you know clearances from certain officials that they had to get. Now as far as bringing the F.B.I. there, the F.B.I. wouldn‘t comment on that right now. And Aruban Police wouldn‘t give us any more information as to exactly when or how that came to be. But we can only assume that it does take time to gather forces and get out there, as well as you know just the logistics of it all.”
On 1-25 when MSNBC asked DAVE HOLLOWAY if he knew anything about the current “California lighthouse search before now?, DAVE HOLLOWAY stated "I heard that they have been centering around the sand dunes, but as far as a specific location, no.“ “Well you know I searched the sand dunes early on along with a bunch of tourists and of course, I saw on TV a week or so ago that they had approximately 60 Police officers out there looking as well. Keep in mind, Dan, when the search dogs or cadaver dogs went out to this area, you know they have a steady wind blowing 15 to 20 miles per hour. And it‘s very, very difficult for a dog to pick up a good scent. And if they miss something, it is due to the weather conditions and the wind conditions. I‘m hopeful the F.B.I. can go back if they do have something and conclude this case.” When MSNBC asked DAVE if he was pleased that the ARUBAN Police are in Alabama?, DAVE HOLLOWAY stated "Well they‘ve been wanting to come to Alabama for the last six months and I‘m glad that they have finally come. I think what they‘re trying to do is paint the full picture and plug some holes on the state of mind of the students and Natalee at the time that she left with the three guys.”

On 1-25 when MSNBC asked experienced F.B.I. criminal profiler CLINT VAN ZANDT if it usually take months to organize a search of a specific suspected body location?, VAN experienced F.B.I. criminal profiler CLINT VAN ZANDT stated "Well, no, Dan. I mean Michelle is partly right, but the F.B.I. can move pretty quick if they have to. Part of the issue is that these cadaver dogs are not necessarily F.B.I. dogs. They have to get them from Police dog teams, so they have to make them available. The F.B.I. then pays to fly them over there and they work with F.B.I. agents and Arubaans to do the search. But the bureau has always from square one said we will give you everything you need to solve this case. And eight months later, they‘re (the F.B.I. is) still saying, what do you need to solve the case?”

On 1-25 when MSNBC asked what she makes of Aruban authorities asking questions in Alabama?, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "Oh boy, it‘s hard to sort through it all. I mean you know when I‘m listening to the things that have happened over the last eight months and you know when you just hear things as simple as how the F.B.I. is allowing the Aruban officials here in the United States to conduct these interviews and you know they‘re presented even in, you know in English, it‘s just amazing to me, and I think of how difficult it was for the F.B.I. in Aruba when they were not even allowed in the interrogations and they‘re presented in Dutch. I mean you know we were at such a disadvantage from the beginning. It‘s just incredible.” When MSNBC asked if her relationship with the Aruban authorities has gotten better?, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "Well you know Dan, one thing I‘m grateful for is I‘ve elicited the help obviously of John Quinlan Kelly, and I have turned over that to him. And he is the primary source of you know keeping the communication and obtaining the communication from the prosecuting attorney and the chief of Police. You know I just didn‘t do well with that, Dan, so I had to turn that over.”

On 1-25 when MSNBC asked if his relationship with the Aruban authorities has gotten better?, KELLY stated "I think there was a line drawn in the sand from the end of August until you know I went down there at the beginning of December, after I you know agreed to help Beth with that situation. And you know I met with Dompig and Janssen at that point. Janssen has been in constant telephone communication with me. I‘m going back down there Sunday as a matter of fact for a few days. I‘ll be meeting with the key players down there including Dompig and Janssen and at least there‘s some flow of information both ways. You know there are things that I feel are of value that I‘m sharing with them, and they keep me posted on what they‘re doing there too, so that is a plus.”

On 1-25 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA TV station NBC channel 13 reported:

Aruban Investigators Begin Interviews In Alabama

Investigators Will Interview 18 Of Natalee Holloway's Classmates

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Aruban authorities have come to Alabama to the first time since the disappearance of Mountain Brook teen Natalee Holloway last May.

Some of their work will be concentrated in the Mountain Brook area. They will also be visiting several southeastern colleges, including Alabama, Auburn and the University of Tennessee, where former Mountain Brook students are now in school.

Two Investigators will be conducting 18 prearranged interviews with students who were on the senior trip with Holloway.

The 18 students being interviewed are viewed as key witnesses since they were with Holloway at Carlos and Charlies bar the night she disappeared.

Holloway's mother, Beth Twitty, said the local visit by Aruban authorities is encouraging.
"I know the students are more than willing to do this. I mean, they want to see a prosecution as much as the family does," Twitty said.

She hopes it signals a near end to the case, but she's not sure what new information Holloway's friends might have.

"I felt that the officials had the information they needed to proceed forward without reinterviewing the students," Twitty said.

Twitty hopes the Aruban investigation in Alabama is a final step in the case, but nearly eight months after Holloway's disappearance, new questions threaten to raise old emotions.

"It does concern me about reopening these wounds with these classmates of Natalee's and I just only hope it is certainly warranted. I hope it is crucial to the investigation that they're coming here," Twitty said.

Twitty said she believes there is a strong reason for Aruban authorities to be here now and she is confident the Aruban government will come forward with criminal charges.

On 1-25 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA TV station NBC channel 13 reported:

Internet Hoaxter Posts News Of Confession In Holloway Case
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- False information on an Internet blog has caused a stir among those following the Natalee Holloway case.

E-mails were sent to NBC 13 asking for confirmation of information posted on another site's Internet blog about the Natalee Holloway case.

The false information was posted on a blog and claimed it came from the NBC 13's Web site. The false information alleged that a teen had confessed to the murder of Natalee Holloway.

NBC 13 has not reported this information and is working toward dispelling the hoax.

On 1-25 JUG TWITTY stated to FOX News:

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Tonight, the Natalee Holloway investigation is moving beyond Alabama into neighboring states. Aruban Police are talking to the teenagers who were with Natalee the night she disappeared, and they are tracking them down at colleges across the country.
Natalee's stepfather, Jug Twitty, joins us live from Birmingham. Welcome, Jug.
VAN SUSTEREN: Jug, so any idea what states are involved? These students, I suspect, are spread out all over.
TWITTY: I'm not sure. I think there's, like, four states. I know a lot of the Mountain Brook kids go to several different schools.
VAN SUSTEREN: We are told — at least, we have heard, I should say, that there have — 21 students who are being interviewed by the Aruban authorities. Is that what you hear, as well, 21 students?
TWITTY: I think that's correct.
VAN SUSTEREN: Have you had a chance to talk to any of these students, or has Beth talked to them after they've — at least, any of them have spoken to the Aruban Police?
TWITTY: No, I haven't, Greta. But I promise you, you know, whatever, you know, the Aruban authorities are asking, everybody is cooperating. You know, I just think it's overdue for them to come over here and do this investigation. And I guarantee you, every one of the students from Mountain Brook are more than happy to answer any questions they have.
VAN SUSTEREN: When you say it's overdue, did someone drag his or her feet? For instance, were the Aruban Police sort of slow to get here, the students unwilling to talk? I mean, on January 24, or 25, whatever it is today, why are we having this conversation and not having this last July or even June?
TWITTY: That's a great question. I don't know, Greta. I mean, it's a great question. This should have been done eight months ago. I mean, I don't understand why they didn't come two weeks, at least, after, you know, Beth and I went down there and found out what was going on. Why didn't they question them then? I promise you, the Mountain Brook kids were so interested in what happened and trying to help find Natalee that they would have flown back to Aruba to answer questions, if they'd asked them to do that.
VAN SUSTEREN: Did any of the students ever go back to Aruba during the summer and even participate in any of the searches?
VAN SUSTEREN: Not at all?
VAN SUSTEREN: Do you have any questions of these students, I mean, at all? I mean, like, what are questions you would pose to them?
TWITTY: You know, I've have talked to a lot of students and I've talked to a lot of Natalee's friends. They came over to Beth and I and talked to us and told us about it. And they're very open. I mean, they're not trying to hide anything. They want to try to help find Natalee. They will do anything. Anything the F.B.I. asks them, they will answer the questions.
You know, you need to go back and ask the three people that we believe that are involved, four people maybe, ask them the same questions. I think they should be as open as the Mountain Brook kids are. They'll answer any questions. You know, you ask Joran, Satish and Deepak and Paulus van der Sloot, they won't answer any questions. The answers are there, they're not with the students in Mountain Brook.
VAN SUSTEREN: What is your sense, Jug, of this trip over here to the United States? Is it a good faith effort to investigate by the Aruban Police, or is this just show?
TWITTY: No. You know, it's a good faith effort. And I just wish it had been done a lot earlier. I hope they rule out everything. I think they can ask any question they want to ask, the questions will be answered. And then they should go back and they should make the decision, you know, as to what to do over there, arrest the students — or arrest the people we think are involved or, you know, end the case.
VAN SUSTEREN: You know, Jug, I mean, you and I have talked many times on this. I sense increasing frustration, which I can understand, in your voice. Is it at an all-time high now, or do you thin that — do you think it is possible this will be resolved or solved?
TWITTY: Well, I hope it's going to be resolved. I tell you, you know, this week has been unbelievable, Greta. I mean, Beth, bless her heart — the only reason I'm here with you tonight, because I love you to death. You've helped Beth, and I'm here to support Beth. She's a very strong woman. I think every woman in the United States looks at Beth and says, Man, I hope I have the strength and courage that woman has. She's awesome. And she's going to find an answer one way or another.
You know, I think it's great that everybody is talking about this. It's renewed interest. They have a lot of searches going on over there. I know Tim Miller's going over there to help us. John Kelly's helping us. And I'm just thankful that, you know, that there is renewed interest and that, finally, Aruba is, you know, stepping up and, hopefully, trying to help us find out what happened to Natalee.
VAN SUSTEREN: In sort of private moments, though, what do you and Beth say to each other about this investigation?
TWITTY: We pray together. We talk about it. You know, it's been tough. She's traveled all over. And You know, I have my business and continue to try to focus on that. But Beth is a determined woman. I love her to death. And as I say, she gives courage to every woman out there.
And I hope that something's going to come out of this. You know, they can ask any question they want to ask of the Mountain Brook kids, and I hope they get every answer they want and they go back and do something about it because Beth is determined, and I know that she will spend the rest of her life, you know, traveling across the country to every high school and every open forum that will have her, and you know, giving her message. You know, I just hope Aruba does something about it.
VAN SUSTEREN: Jug, just the pain is immeasurable and indescribable, isn't it, on the family, not only missing someone but just what you go through, the hell you go through?
TWITTY: It is. It absolutely is — it's hard to describe, you know, especially — we need some closure. We need the help from Aruba. The answers are there. They're not in the United States, they're in Aruba. So I hope they get everything they want here, and I appreciate them coming here and I know Beth does, too. So get everything you want from here and go back and give us the answer.
VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Jug. Thank you.
TWITTY: You're welcome.

On 1-25 MSNBC reported:

SCARBOROUGH: Major new developments tonight in the Natalee Holloway case.
Eight months after the Alabama teenager vanished on the island of Aruba, NBC News has learned that Aruban authorities are acting on a tip that takes them to Natalee‘s home town and they believe may help crack the case open. They‘re talking to Natalee friends tonight about the night she vanished.
Let‘s go live now to Mountain Brook, Alabama, Natalee‘s home town, and bring in NBC‘s Michelle Kosinski.
Michelle, what‘s going on in Alabama tonight?
Well, top Aruban officials down there confirm for us that the actions they have been taking lately are directly related to new information that they have uncovered in Natalee Holloway‘s disappearance, new information that they say leads them to feel strongly about the lighthouse on the island being a potential burial site.
For that reason, they say within the next or two, they plan to have a full FBI cadaver dog team on the island, as well as Dutch investigators. And they say other new information they have gathered leads them here, to the United States, to Alabama, and surrounding states, where they will be going to several colleges where Natalee‘s friends are now students to talk to them again about the night she disappeared back in May.
Now, they have already been interviewed by the FBI. But Aruban police say, back then, investigators did not have the benefit of this new information.
KOSINSKI (voice-over): It‘s been a long time, nearly eight months since Natalee Holloway disappeared in Aruba on the last night of a graduation trip with her high school classmates and friends. No one knows the excruciating emptiness more than her mother, Beth Holloway Twitty.
KOSINSKI: Investigators from Aruba have now traveled to the states to talk to the students who were there that May night Natalee disappeared.
The witnesses have already said they saw Natalee leave Carlos ‘n Charlie‘s bar with three local boys, never to be seen again. Detectives want to revisit their stories, double-check to see if anything new comes out. But new life in the case also brings new pain.
HOLLOWAY TWITTY: It does concern me about reopening these wounds with these classmates of Natalee‘s.
KOSINSKI: The students on the trip have all graduated from Mountain Brook High School here. And the Aruban investigators will take at least a week to travel across the south to talk to them, visiting schools that include the University of Alabama, Auburn, the University of Tennessee, and Wake Forest.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It‘s about time they came and did something, because they haven‘t done anything in Aruba. They need to do something here.
KOSINSKI: Since Natalee disappeared, the state of Alabama has officially boycotted the island.
REP. SPENCER BACHUS ®, ALABAMA: They will be here in Birmingham.
KOSINSKI: Congressman Spencer Bachus has worked with the State Department to help bring the Aruban investigators here.
BACHUS: They need to tie up loose ends. And they simply need to go over, once again, the final hours that—when Natalee was there.
KOSINSKI: Right now, three Aruban teenagers are the last known people to be seen with Natalee. They have bee arrested, charged and released, two of them were re-arrested and re-released, but still no sign of Natalee.
Now investigators are crossing borders for some new sign to turn this case from cold to closed.
KOSINSKI: Joe, Aruban police wouldn‘t say exactly why these 20 or so students are being singled out.
But we talked to a mother of one girl who may possibly be re-interviewed. She says it‘s tough on them, because it really draws out those emotions again, but great if it will help solve the case.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think anything gives them hope. I think they‘re hanging on by a string and anything will give them hope for Natalee to—closure for Natalee or whatever happened.
KOSINSKI: The Arubans say they feel good about this new information they have gathered, although they wouldn‘t go into detail, but say it could be potentially significant in building their case against those three suspects who have since been released from custody—Joe, back to you.
SCARBOROUGH: Michelle, talk about the atmosphere in Mountain Brook, Alabama.
Obviously I was there this past summer. It‘s an area I know very well. And at the time, there was hope. They had yellow ribbons around the tree. These kid had just gotten out of school and were enjoying their summer vacation and all talking about Natalee. But that seems so long ago. As you have said, they have all now gone off to college, gone on with their own lives, obviously trying to put this terrible, terrible time behind them.
But that‘s really possible, is it, especially with these Aruban authorities coming back and actually going to America? It seems to be an extraordinary step. Can you tell me, what‘s the attitude and what‘s the atmosphere like in Mountain Brook, not only with Natalee‘s parents, but also with the family of these friends?
KOSINSKI: It‘s a close-knit community. Everybody seems to know each other.
And a couple months ago, we saw them very sadly take down those ribbons, as the hope that she might return started to fade. And talking to people, they say they really feel an emptiness in this community, where, really, bad things don‘t happen very oven. Some people we talked to still would start to cry in speaking of what happened here.
And the mother of one of the girls that we talked to that you heard said that it‘s been so hard on these students. Some of them come back here almost every weekend from their college campuses just so they can be together. They say it‘s really tough for them to keep talking about it, so that they will get together in a small group. They will say a prayer. They will think about Natalee.
But it‘s something that they really have a hard time still talking about, in terms of the details. That‘s why it‘s tough to see these investigators want to draw out those details again. But they really do have a sense that it‘s something they need to do for Natalee and for her family.
SCARBOROUGH: Michelle, it seems like an extraordinary gesture to come up to Alabama, after these investigators in Aruba have been dragging their feet so for so long.
And obviously these kids were available all in one spot up until obviously the fall when they all went off to college. Can you tell us anything you have learned from talking to Aruban authorities or talking to American authorities or the family what exactly made this tip so valuable that they would come up and basically fan all across the Southeast?
KOSINSKI: They really wouldn‘t characterize this tip in any way.
And you got a sense that it‘s more of a gathering of information over time. They say they first came up with this idea of re-interviewing the students a couple of months ago in sitting down with the FBI and coming up with a game plan, so something they have been working on. They said it did take a while logistically, politically and investigatively to actually get to the United States to do this, because they don‘t have jurisdiction here, even though they‘re working with the FBI.
But they had to go through Washington, submit the actual questions to get this thing done. But again they said they feel pretty good about this information. Whether that will lead to something, we don‘t know. But you certainly do see them now trying it.
SCARBOROUGH: All right. Thanks so much, NBC‘s Michelle Kosinski. Greatly appreciate it.


On 1-26 the MERIDIAN, MISISSIPPI “Meridian Star” reported:

Holloway Wary of ‘Fireworks' from Aruba

Dave Holloway said some encouraging evidence in the search for his missing daughter, Natalee, may surface by the end of the month - but he isn't getting his hopes up.

“Not like I used to,” Holloway said in a telephone interview Wednesday evening. “After 10 or 12 false leads, you tend to be cautiously optimistic.”
The case's prosecutor has reported that there could be “some fireworks” at the end of the month, Holloway said, but the official did not indicate why. Holloway said it might be related to a new search of the sand dunes around the beach where Natalee was last seen before she disappeared last May.

“They've had dogs search the dunes before, but when the wind is constantly blowing at 15 to 20 miles per hour, it can be hard to pick up a scent. So something could have been missed the first time,” Holloway said.

In addition, Holloway confirmed that two Aruban Investigators and an F.B.I. official are in Alabama questioning classmates who joined Natalee on the senior class trip to Aruba.

Finally, the checkout-line tabloids have had a steady stream of stories on Natalee since her disappearance, but Holloway pays them no mind.

“None of them are true,” he said. “I've read the last three I've seen, and I can tell you I've never talked to a psychic or busted into a club.”

On 1-26 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA TV station NBC channel 13 reported:

Holloway Search To Continue With Radar, Cadaver Dogs
Investigators Continue To Interview Holloway's Friends

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Two Aruban Investigators continue to interview friends of Natalee Holloway this week as teams in Aruba wait for cadaver dogs to arrive on loan from the FBI.

This week, search teams in Aruba are using metal probes to look for Holloway's body near a lighthouse on the island's western edge. Even if that search turns up nothing, Investigators hope to stir the sand enough so that cadaver dogs might be able to find the missing Mountain Brook teenager.

As Aruban Investigators questioned about 20 of Holloway's friends and classmates who went on the Aruba trip last May, Holloway's mother, Beth Twitty, continues working with the founder of Texas EquuSearch. They are finalizing plans for more extensive searches of the sand dunes where Holloway was reportedly last seen and also the ocean off the Aruban coast.

Twitty told NBC 13 News late Wednesday that EquuSearch is trying to obtain deep-ground penetrating radar equipment that might do a better job of locating a body than cadaver dogs, especially along a windy coastline.

Aruba's Police chief has said new leads, possibly from a friend of suspect Joran van der Sloot, are spurring recent activity in Aruba and Alabama, as well, NBC 13 reported.
Representatives for the Twitty family are skeptical that much has changed.

"Quite frankly, as of two months ago, they planned to search sand dunes. As of a couple months ago or even longer, they were going to interview the Mountain Brook girls. I just don't want raised expectations here, 'All new fresh information.' These were planned long ago. We've been on roller coasters before. I don't want raised expectations at this point," said John Q. Kelly, the Twitty family's attorney.

NBC 13 has learned that Aruban Investigators are speaking with Holloway's friends at Alabama, Auburn, Ole Miss and the University of Tennessee, as well as interviewing some at the F.B.I. building downtown.

MSNBC reported that Investigators are asking Holloway's friends if they recognize new Aruban names, giving them descriptions of Carlos 'N' Charlie's patrons, and having them examine pictures of patrons in an attempt to develop new leads.

Twitty said Wednesday evening that she expects the cadaver dog search to begin within a week and the ocean search to begin in two weeks.

Twitty will go to Houston to meet with EquuSearch founder Tim Miller on Friday in order to work on acquiring ground-penetrating radar.

On 1-26 FOX News GRETA VAN SUSTEREN posted the following email she received from an emailer to her “Gretawire” blog:

I just returned from Aruba. I know I should not go, but I have a timeshare and I'm not giving it up. Aruba is the safest island in the Caribbean. I have been to all of them.

Interesting news — I spoke with several taxi drivers and several local people I have come to know through the years (from the island) about the case-the majority of them think the van der Sloot's are very involved and the father is the biggest suspect of them all! Most thought he has money and "power" and could cover this all up for his son and friends. Unfortunately it seems to be true.

The island people feel very embarrassed by their government actions-saying money does not buy the truth. But covers it.

I hope Beth and her family get closure on this I too have a son and daughter of the same age and it must be agonizing, my prayers are with her.

In closing though I would like to say the majority of Arubaans feel very bad for Beth and her family — they want this resolved.

On 1-26 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to FOX News:

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: We have new information about the questions Aruban Police are asking Natalee Holloway's friends. Joining us live from Birmingham, Alabama is Natalee's mother Beth Twitty, welcome Beth.
VAN SUSTEREN: Beth, any idea? We heard earlier in the week there was going to be about 21 students, Natalee's friends, who would be interviewed. Any idea how many of the 21 the Aruban Police have now spoken to?
TWITTY: Oh, Greta, I have absolutely no idea and that's the number that I had heard also were 21 students. So, as far as how many they're doing per day or how many they've already contacted I have no idea.
VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Now you have spoken to some of the parents of the students. What kind of questions are they being asked?
TWITTY: No, it was just reported to me through not some of the parents that I heard some information yesterday too from a reporter some of the questions that the students were being asked and it was my understanding that they were questions pretty much the same ones I heard yesterday on the news as far as names if they sounded familiar or if there were any marked characteristics on individuals.
Some were shown photos it seemed. And, you know, Greta, I just hope that it's not meaningless. I really hope that they are closing in holes in some of the statements and just firming up the investigation to go after the suspects.
VAN SUSTEREN: Who do the photos depict? Are they just one or two — one person alone in each photo or several? Are they bar scenes? I mean what are the photos of?
TWITTY: I'm not certain. It was just reported to me that there may have just been a series of some photos. I don't have any idea if it would be Aruban citizens or not, Greta. I just don't know that.
VAN SUSTEREN: Did they indicate, you know, what relationship anybody in these pictures may have to their investigation?
TWITTY: Oh, I don't have any information on that, I mean not to my knowledge.
VAN SUSTEREN: You know it doesn't sound like you're getting a lot of information. Certainly the Aruban authorities aren't bringing you in on this are they?
TWITTY: Oh, absolutely not. And, you know, I really didn't expect to be brought in the loop on this. Of course, you know, we've been left out of the loop of everything else. But, you know, like I said, Greta, I just hope that it's not meaningless and I hope that they, you know, putting the students, having them relive this that it's really warranted.
VAN SUSTEREN: I suspect, Beth, you know, from conversations that you're enormously weary after all these months with no answers but I mean aren't you, I mean like at least sort of I mean curious and picking up the phone and calling and saying, you know, what's going on? What are they asking? You know how long are they going to be here that kind of question?
TWITTY: Oh, absolutely I am and, you know, I just know that right now that these students probably have a lot on their mind just trying to stay focused and getting ready for the F.B.I. and the Aruban officials and I certainly don't want to become involved in that, Greta.
VAN SUSTEREN: When was the last time you had any conversation with anyone? Outside of your lawyer John Q. Kelly when have you last spoken to someone associated with either the Police or the prosecution team in Aruba?
TWITTY: Ooh, that would have to be in August. That would have to have been the end of August, Greta, was the last time that I received any face-to-face communication with any official coming out of Aruba. You know I tried several times since then.
VAN SUSTEREN: All right now John Q. Kelly, your lawyer, is able to get phone calls returned and he has an ongoing dialog, which is recent is that right?
TWITTY: Yes, absolutely and, you know, I probably, you know, should have been listening to his help earlier but, you know, it just didn't happen and I'm glad that I did it when I did, Greta.
VAN SUSTEREN: Has he said anything to you that sort of turns the corner to you to create sort of a, you know, increased optimism that you'll get answers?
TWITTY: No, Greta. I mean, you know, he's really cautioning me and, you know, I think that he knows the roller coaster ride the family has been on since the beginning. And, you know, December was truly a nightmare and I just don't want to go there again.
And, even though things seem top be headed in a direction towards going after the suspects, I'm just don't think that it's going to happen. I'm just, you know, I just have to be so guarded as we proceed forward with these next couple of weeks.
VAN SUSTEREN: We only have about 30 seconds left, Beth. I understand that the F.B.I. is lending Aruba cadaver dogs is that right to search the beach area?
TWITTY: That's what I'd heard and from what I can tell something was possibly going to be taking place, you know, in the next week as far as that goes.
VAN SUSTEREN: Any tip that's leading them to call in the cadaver dogs to a particular area?
TWITTY: Well, it sounds like the two witnesses that had come forward a couple of weeks ago there may really have been some truth to that because I can't imagine them, you know, now contacting the F.B.I. and trying to arrange the cadaver dogs to come to the sand dunes for absolutely no reason.
I mean the two witnesses that came forward they must have had some information to have warranted this. Otherwise, I can't imagine getting them to react on this all of a sudden almost eight months later, Greta.
VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Beth, thank you.
TWITTY: Thank you, Greta.


On 1-27 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to FOX News that she also heard that 21 was the number of NATALEE‘s friends that the ARUBAN Police wanted to speak to in the UNITED STATES, but BETH does not know how many have thus far been interviewed. BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated that a reporter (not parents) told her about some of the questions the ARUBAN Police are asking NATALEE’s friends about persons names, and being shown photos to see if they are familiar or not. BETH has had no contact with any ARUBAN authorities. BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated she last spoke to ARUBAN Police or ARUBAN prosecutor at “the end of August.” “I’ve tried several, several, times since then.” When asked if JOHN Q. KELLY has said anything to her that has been relayed to the Police that increases her optimism that she will get answers, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "No.” BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated that she does not think the ARUBAAN's “will go after the suspects.” BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated it was 2 witnesses that came forward a couple weeks ago, and these two witnesses must have had some information that is credible enough to--8 months later--warrant the sand dunes, one day search.

On 1-27 the “National Enquirer” reported:


The three main suspects in the Natalee Holloway mystery face a campaign of terror from an ex-con millionaire who is helping the missing teen's mom. Joe Mammana says he has hired seven "associates' to put the fear of God into Dutch teen Joran van der Sloot, and the Kalpoe brothers, Deepak and Satish — the last men seen with Natalee before she vanished in Aruba eight months ago. "We want them to confess — tell us what actually happened to Natalee. Is she dead or alive?" said Mammana's spokesman Jim Merrick.

"If you put enough pressure on them, one of them will break." To emphasize his plan, Mammana, wearing a set of brass knuckles and wielding a baseball bat, posed for a photo in front of a poster that read: "It's not about justice. It's about revenge."

He said: "I want the cowardly punks who hurt Natalee to know they still have me to contend with."

Pick up this week's issue of The ENQUIRER to read the rest of this story!

On 1-27 CNNHN reported:

NANCY GRACE, HOST: Can the case of Natalee Holloway be solved nearly one year later? Tiny steps, baby steps, but could they have a giant impact?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We`ve got some big, old jumper cables attached to this case, because it`s got new life again.

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, MOTHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: There`s been some homes in some of those students` statements. What they want to do is see if they can go through here, fill in the holes.


On 1-28 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to FOX News about the ARUBAN Police interviewing NATALEE’s friends in the UNITED STATES “I think it probably is too little, too late. I just regret that they just--they should have done this-done it months ago--they really should have done it within the first few days of the investigation, and I just don‘t think that the students can really contribute that much more to the statements, or fill in holes--as they say they are looking for, and I just hate that they are just now bringing this up--8 months later.” BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated that the F.B.I. will not be taking cadaver dogs to ARUBA, which makes it even more important that TIM MILLER be allowed to use ground-penetrating radar in the “California lighthouse” area and other areas. When asked about the preliminary talks about the ARUBAAN's interviewing NATALEE’s friends, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "When we first heard that they wanted to do this, they just said that there were some holes in the students statements that they wanted to fill in, and they were really leading us to believe that what they were doing was just firming up the foundation to move forward on Joran van der Sloot, and Deepak and Satish Kalpoe.”


On 1-30 MSNBC reported “And tonight, we‘ve got some late-breaking details in the case of Natalee Holloway's investigation. The Holloway family attorney met with Aruba‘s deputy Police chief and the island‘s prosecutor today. There are also plans for the three to meet again tomorrow. Meanwhile, the F.B.I. is refusing to send cadaver dogs to Aruba to help in the latest search of the sand dunes. The reason why? The Aruban Police won‘t say who tipped them of to start searching the dunes two weeks ago. They won‘t share the information with the FBI.”

On 1-30 when MSNBC asked how outraged she is that ARUBAN Police will not tell the F.B.I. the source for why the “California lighthouse” sand dunes were searched 2 weeks ago?, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "I just don’t get it. Why won’t they seek out their help? I mean, just disclose who these witnesses are that have come forward, and you know, let‘s do a coordinated search effort. I mean, the sand dunes, they started you know, they attempted this search, what—what is now, two weeks ago, Rita, and it’s obvious that they cannot do it without some help. So I don’t—for the life of me, I don‘t have any idea why.” “I just can’t imagine, though, this—there still seems to be a push towards the sand dunes. So I just keep thinking there has to be some credible source. And you know, maybe someone has come forward for the $250,000 reward for information. And you know, but it just—gosh, I just don’t know why they don’t move forward on it.” When MSNBC asked how JOHN Q. KELLY’s meetings today with ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG and ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN went?, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "Well, I think they went well. You know, I don‘t know what information was discussed during these meetings. I think he has a meeting again with the prosecuting attorney in the morning. So—but you know, Rita, I‘m just grateful that, you know, he is able to get in there and at least get a line of communication so at least someone from the United States side knows what‘s going on.” “Oh, I—you know, I just can‘t imagine, you know, a sovereign country acting—behaving this way. I mean, who in their right mind can send a loved one to the island of Aruba with them acting like this? I mean, it just doesn‘t make any sense, Rita, absolutely none.” When MSNBC stated then asked about Paul van der Sloot being in court today for a hearing on damages and that JACK KELLY was not allowed inside. How are you going to feel, Beth, if he gets, you know, one cent for damages?, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated "Well, you know, there‘s another frustrating, you know, part of this. You know, this—in a civil case like this, there should have been no reason for John Kelly to have been denied access in that hearing. And you know, I think that the judge or Paulus van der Sloot had set forward and it‘s probably who was instrumental in not having him in there. So it just—you know, it‘s just everything just seems so underhanded to me. It‘s just—you know, if it was on—you know, up front and they didn‘t have anything to hide or be fearful of, you know, they would have allowed him in that courtroom. There was no reason why he could not have been in there.”
When MSNBC asked how critical are cadaver dogs to the search?, TIM MILLER stated "I don‘t know that they’re that critical, if you want to know the truth. I mean, there‘s other things we can do, that people can do. And we can certainly do them. I mean, we‘ve got proven cadaver dogs our own self, and we don‘t need to know where the lead came from. We can take them there, and we can take the ground penetration units there. And I promise you, in three or four days, we can find something in the sand dunes or clear them.” When MSNBC asked when he is returning to ARUBA?, TIM MILLER stated "Oh, I‘m going to be back in Aruba in two weeks, and we‘re going to be doing stuff in the water. If the sand dunes have not been searched, we‘re taking our ground penetration units and we‘ll go ahead and do the sand dunes. We‘ll take the dogs, too. So they don‘t have to withhold where the information comes from, from us. I mean, we‘re volunteers. We‘ll go over there. You know, we‘ve got some equipment that‘s probably as good as anybody in the nation. So you know, our offer stands. One thing is a promise. We will be back in Aruba in two weeks. And you know, it just upsets me more and more every day, Rita, about not sharing information and different things. And I don‘t even know if we need them people in Aruba anymore. We just need to go over there, do our job, bring Natalee home and then let them make an arrest.” “There‘s always a new excuse…a new excuse every day.” (from the ARUBAN authorities)

On 1-30 the Internet blog "Aruban Boycott Blogspot" wrote “A close and reliable source to the Natalee Holloway case confirmed today that Joran van der Sloot is currently NOT enrolled at school in Holland. He was not accepted back to the University for the second semester and he is in hiding somewhere in Holland.”


On 12-29 JOSSY MANSUR stated to MSNBC of a ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reporter’s [GIOVANNI LANE] recent phone conversation with Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT “Well, Joran said many things. He avoided, of course, giving any details on the case itself, but he did admit to the reporter that he had sex with her, that it was consensual sex. He also admitted to him that the girl was going in and out of consciousness at a certain period. And he added that the girl was coming on to him, and the more that she drank, the more she wanted to have whatever she wanted to have with him.” “According to our laws, he will remain a suspect for the next year-and-a-half, at least, because six months have gone by now. But I think that the Police have the right to question him any time while he remains a suspect in the case.” When asked if he knows what the ARUBAN Police have been doing, MANSUR stated "They are doing many things. I mean, the prosecutor is on top of the case. She's very upbeat with it. I think that she's going to make some revelations by the end of January that will be quite important. I think that the investigating team—not think, I know that the investigating team is on top of the story. They are investigating. They've talked to a whole range of friends of Joran in the past few weeks. I mean, it is moving forward. Maybe it's not coming in publicity that way, but it is moving forward.” “In Aruba, he says that when he walks in the streets, some people wave at him, wave to him, and other peoples come and wish him a happy new year, et cetera. That's just courtesy.” When MSNBC asked JOSSY what he thinks Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT meant when he told the ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reporter that when the case is over SLOOT will reveal the details of what happened on 5-30, JOSSY said “but I think that what he means, what he said to the reporter is that after the case is solved, he will come out and put all the blame on this girl. He's going to come out and say exactly what she did that was wrong with him, and not vice versa.”

On 12-30 ROBIN HOLLOWAY stated to MSNBC that she phoned the ARUBAN prosecutor and ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN told her that THERE ARE NO ARUBAN PLANS TO RE-QUESTION ANY OF THE MAIN SUSPECTS. ROBIN HOLLOWAY stated "She said that was misinformation [that the Main Murder Suspects would be re-interrogated], that the judge, when he released them, it was unconditional that they were unable to re-question them without them being brought in voluntarily, because they were released by the judge and they were unable to interrogate them again.” ROBIN HOLLOWAY said that ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN told her there may be major movement in the case by the end of January 2006.
On 1-25 when MSNBC asked stated that ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN made sort of a pledge that she‘s going to releasing something by the end of January, MANSUR stated "Yes. No, she did make that statement. (INAUDIBLE) and we are aware of that. And she said that she has a lot of important information to release before the end of the month.” “I‘m sure she‘s convinced because she was very disappointed when they released all three of the suspects because she presented a very strong case to the judge.”

On 1-25 MERIDIAN, MISSISSIPPI TV ABC station channel 11 reported:

Holloway Family Waits and Hopes

For Meridian insurance agent Dave Holloway, this day is far from the norm. However, every day has been this way since his daughter Natalee disappeared last May in Aruba.
The Mountain Brook, Ala., teenager was last seen May 30, 2005, on the island while there on a graduation trip with some classmates.

For the next week to two weeks Aruban Investigators will be in the U.S. interviewing the other students who were also on that trip.

"What they're doing now is closing some gaps," said Natalee's father, Dave Holloway of Meridian.

"From what I've heard, that there were just some holes in some of the students' statements that they just wanted to fill and from what I'm hearing they're just trying to lay a really solid foundation in order to move forward in this investigation against the three suspects," said Beth Holloway-Twitty of Mountain Brook, just south of Birmingham.

The three suspects are Joran van der Sloot and two brothers, Deepak and Satish Kalpoe. All were arrested in the case and held for several weeks but never officially charged. All were released last year.

Natalee's family members say they are hopeful that this week's interviews in the U.S. will lead to a break in the case.

"Everything points back to the three suspects," said Holloway. "And when you get into a situation, if you finally charge someone, you don't want them to point the finger to someone else. I think that's the reason they're interviewing these kids, to paint the picture, plug the holes and make sure that there are not any more suspects."

"We hope that Aruba will show us they do have enforceable laws, such as perjury and obstruction of justice and rape," Holloway said. "You know, I think that we need to see that."

"Well, they've always given us hints that something would happen and it never did but hopefully something will happen by the end of this month," said Holloway.

On 1-31 the “AP” reported:

Aruba Police Finish Questioning U.S. Teens in Holloway Case

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — Aruban Police returned home Tuesday after a week of questioning Alabama teenagers who accompanied Natalee Holloway on her graduation trip to the Caribbean island, where she disappeared eight months ago.

FBI spokesman Ray Zicarelli said a federal agent accompanied two Investigators from Aruba during interviews in Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi, where some of Holloway's former classmates from suburban Birmingham now attend college.

"They interviewed numerous people during the time they were here," said Zicarelli.

Holloway was among 125 Mountain Brook graduates and seven chaperones who visited the Dutch protectorate after graduation last year. She failed to show up for the return flight home on May 30, and the other students returned to Alabama before the investigation began.

Aruba's deputy Police chief, Gerold Dompig, has said some of the teens who went on the trip had given conflicting information in media interviews and on the Internet and needed to be questioned in person.

Dutch teenager Joran van der Sloot and two Surinamese brothers were held for weeks as suspects but have since been released. van der Sloot has admitted leaving a bar with Holloway, who was 18 at the time, but denied harming her.


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The Natalee Holloway Timeline Detailing Persons, Outright Lies, & Natalee's Known Kidnapping, Rape, Murder, & Corpse Disposal Suspects in Aruba . . . . http://nataleetimelinedetails.blogspot.com/