June 2, 2005

Detailed Timeline.... June 1 - 2, 2005

The Natalee Holloway Timeline

of her vanishment while in Aruba

detailing persons, places, organizations,
deliberate & accidental actions & in-actions,
events & supposed events, witnesses,
known suspects, outright lies,
corruptions, and crimes

On May 30, 2006 when FOX News interviewed BETH in NATALEE’s bedroom it was pointed out that NATALEE had marked a reminder to herself on her calendar--along with many future events for her next 3+ months--that her college freshman orientation was scheduled for June 1, 2005 VIDEO)

5:45 AM = On June 23, 2005 Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:

To your question what I did on June 1st 2005, I can state the following. That was the day Anita was supposed to come home from the Netherlands. According to me the alarm clock went off as usual at 05.45 hours

5:45 AM = On June 23, 2005 Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:

To your question what I did on June 1st 2005, I can state the following. That was the day Anita was supposed to come home from the Netherlands. According to me the alarm clock went off as usual at 05.45 hours and at 06.00 hours I woke up the boys and they all got onto the bus.

Sometime on 6-1 or after, according to his mommy, Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT speaks at his school so much about being with NATALEE and the escapades Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT claimed happened that a school official contacts Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s mommy, ANITA VAN DER SLOOT --who is also a teacher-- and advises ANITA VAN DER SLOOT that she should tell Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT to quit talking about NATALEE.
ANITA VAN DER SLOOT then contacts Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT and tells him about Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT talking/bragging about NATALEE. Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT then contacts Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT while Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT is on his school bus and tells Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT to quit talking about NATALEE, and he, apparently, does stop talking about NATALEE.
10:00 AM = On October 4, 2005, after being asked if on 5-31 the Police told her they didn’t need her, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to CNN, “Correct. I was not needed on the 31st to give my statement. I went in June 1 approximately 10:00 AM and gave my statement. It was printed in Dutch. It was translated for me in English, and I signed it. The same day on June 1 at 10:00 PM, the same detective [who was JACOBS] brought me two statements, one that I had signed.” At 10:00 PM on 6-1 an ARUBAN Police Investigator had been sent and found BETH, JUG TWITTY and eight “family friends” eating in a restaurant and told BETH that there had been some changes in her statement (supposedly the changes only had to do with only a date), and because of the changes BETH had to sign the revised statement which the DUTCH Investigator shows her, and, the statement was only written in DUTCH. BETH stated the DUTCH Investigator who brought her revised statement said, “I need you to sign this new statement. There was a change that had to have been made.” “Jug spoke with them. You know, Nancy, I was not able to make any type of decisions on what I was signing. I mean, something was presented before me. I’m looking for my daughter in a foreign country. What was I going to do?” “We found out about three weeks later that statement that I signed on June 10 is not my statement. We were given that statement by an Aruban attorney sometime during the month of July and finally had it translated, and it is not my original statement.” “There were a lot of names that were left out, you know, just key elements as far as how Joran asked Jug and -- to leave the group before he admitted the sexual assaults that he committed against Natalee and -- and just a lot of things. You know, Paulus's name -- I didn't know anyone's name. I didn't know Charles Croes's name, which is just ludicrous.” “Well, not only did he know specific details about her underclothing, but also just physical descriptions of her without her clothes on.” “Absolutely. That's what I would love to know. On June 11, he [ODUBER] states on international media in front of me -- I had no idea what he was about to disclose -- that there was blood in the Kalpoes' vehicle, there was DNA, and there was blood. Where is that? Even (INAUDIBLE) went so far to cut interior portions from the car -- the back seat, the ceiling. You know, what happened with that?” “You know, Nancy, the sad part is that's just half of it. I mean I was thinking of all the witnesses, the bogus sightings and the things that we've been on, and all these other persons of interest. I mean we've got people from -- with names from von Rain (ph) and von Loom (ph) and Freddy -- and what happened to all of them? And all of their alibis have been destroyed. I mean I think of Freddy and I think what happened to him? You know what has happened to all of these persons of interest.?” “Oh, yes, we asked. And in his statement he says he took her to his home. He doesn't say his apartment. And I'm thinking I cannot believe that the primary residence was never searched.” “Well, there is a taped confession [recorded by private Investigator SKEETERS] from Deepak Kalpoe that they all had sex with my daughter. And we were told early on that you know new evidence, when it's brought forward that it would warrant the re-incarceration of these suspects. And we felt like even as early as you know 1st of July that we could be headed towards you know kidnapping and rape charges against these young men definitively.” “You know she was not able to choose her will. You know this is -- that constitutes -- that's a gang rape and I don't know who they all are. We know Deepak and Satish Kalpoe and Joran van der Sloot, but who else, who else was at the home that night. Who else was there? We don't know that.”

(From the December “Vanity Fair” article about NATALEE’s disappearance while in ARUBA) From VF article,
Wednesday morning [June 1, 2005; my insertion], as Beth gave her statement to Police, Renfro and Munzenhofer met in the Holiday Inn's lobby to organize the first search teams. After a series of radio announcements, a hundred tourists showed up, along with a smattering of Arubaans and Policemen. Jan van der Straten, the crusty Dutch Police superintendent who would end up working the case was not happy. "Van der Straten walks up and tells me, 'You can't do this,'" Renfro recalls. He told me that she wasn't even considered "missing" for 48 hours. In fact, he told me just go to ladies night at Carlos 'N Charlie's that night, that she would probably show up there.

((((Earth to ARUBAN Police commissioner VAN DER STRATEN,….by sunrise on 6-1 Natalee HAD been missing 48 hours))))

__:__ AM or PM (?) = Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT may or may not have left his office. In his June 18, 2005 statements to ARUBAN Police Detectives he intimated that he normally leaves his office sometime in the middle of the day, supposedly, to go to his home and eat. In his June 18, 2005 statements he gave to ARUBAN Police Detectives he stated “I cannot remember any more if I came home to eat in the middle of the day because that too was different on different days.”
????Did Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT leave his office during mid-day? Do co-workers remember if he left his office or not?
????If Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT did leave his office, what time did he leave his office?
????If Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT did leave his office, has it been confirmed or not confirmed via security video cameras that he took a driving route to his home, or did he drive a route away from his office to some where other than his home?
????If Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT did leave his office, has it been confirmed or not confirmed via security video cameras that he took a driving route back to his office from his home, or a did he drive a route back to his office from some where other than his home?

On June 23, 2005 Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:

According to me that day was a normal day. I cannot remember anything special about that day.

DAVE HOLLOWAY's book states that on 6-1 when DAVE walked into the ALE office, CHARLES CROES was sitting there talking with ARUBAN Police officers.
On November 2, 2005 MSNBC reported, “In a stinging six-page letter, they accused the Aruban authorities of asking for money, ignoring leads, and bungling the investigation.” “In a stinging letter to the Aruban attorney general, Natalee‘s parents say that they have lost all faith in Aruba‘s Investigators because they have ignored leads and bungled the investigation.” “Natalee Holloway's divorced parents who up to now have been proceeding separately, sign a letter. Here it is. You see Dave Holloway, Robin Holloway, Beth Twitty, and Jug Twitty, all signing this letter in agreement with what is in this six-page document. They are demanding that Aruba‘s attorney general pull the team investigating Natalee‘s disappearance. Quote—‘It has become increasingly difficult to hold our tongues. It is our contention that it is in the best interest of everyone concerned to instigate a fresh start in this case. We respectfully request that Dennis Jacobs, Karin Janssen, and Gerold Dompig be removed from the case.’ The letter goes on to say that [on 6-1] when Dave Holloway asked the Police to begin a search for Natalee two days after she went missing, the detective in charge of the investigation answered—quote—‘no, this happens all the time. Just go on down to Carlos N‘ Charlie’s and have a beer. She’ll show up sometime. She probably got drunk or fell in love and ran off with someone for a few days.’ They also had strong words for the deputy chief of Police, Gerold Dompig. Quote—‘It is apparent that Dompig wants to incite anti-Beth Twitty feelings among the Aruban populace in a situation where he should be doing the exact opposite and appealing to the Aruban people for leads to solve Natalee‘s disappearance.’ ” “Quote—‘Dennis Jacobs responded with the following inappropriate question. How much money do you have?’ ” (DAVE responded “there were two witnesses there that can confirm that.” is what JACOBS said to DAVE) “quote—Joran says—quote—‘I think that Deepak killed Natalee and buried her body.’ There is no follow-up question as to why or where.” Also included in the letter to the ARUBAN Attorney General “Jacobs continues to theorize that Natalee is still alive, which may explain his lack of diligence in pursuing the suspects who are responsible for Natalee‘s disappearance.” ” “It says, ‘The investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway has been mishandled and jeopardized by the current investigative and prosecution team. We expressed our total lack of confidence in that team.’ ” “They say, quote, ‘It has become increasingly difficult to hold our tongues. Our only goal is to find Natalee Holloway. It is our contention that it is in the best interest of everyone concerned to instigate a fresh start in this case.’ ” The six page letter is available for viewing here.
On November 4, 2005 DAVE HOLLOWAY stated to FOX News that just before he recently left ARUBA he asked ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG if ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG would, please, interview a specific key witness because DAVE feels the witness was not properly questioned before. DAVE thinks that this witness has information that could be a big help in solving the entire case. When DAVE called ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG early the next day, ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG said he had not interviewed this witness, and as far as DAVE knows, neither ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG nor any other ARUBAN Police "detectives" have interviewed this witness since DAVE’s request. DAVE reported that ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN only met with him very briefly when he was last in ARUBA, and, strangely, she told DAVE that the SKEETER tapes would be obtained by the ARUBAN’s at least a week after DAVE was scheduled to leave ARUBA, but the tapes, in fact, were given to the ARUBAN’s within a couple days after DAVE left ARUBA. DAVE detailed that on 6-1 when he, his brother, and brother-in-law first arrived in ARUBA they rented a vehicle then first went to 2 ARUBAN Police stations, where the ARUBAN Policemen they spoke with at both stations told them that they had received no official Police notification that NATALEE was missing, and DAVE was asked if he wanted to file a complaint. DAVE was directed to the ARUBAN Police NOORD station (close to the Murder Suspects SLOOT’s home) that is responsible for the “Holiday Inn“ area, and when they walked in to the ARUBAN Police NOORD station it was apparent that the Police had been notified that DAVE was coming there. After introducing themselves and inquiring about NATALEE was when ARUBAN detective JACOBS first “grumbled” and asked DAVE how much money he has? JACOBS then took the men into a back room where JACOBS made his comment that DAVE should just go to “Carlos 'N Charlie's" and have a beer and wait for NATALEE to show up. JACOBS then informed DAVE that JACOBS had heard that some of JUG TWITTYS friends who flew down with him had been to some drugs houses and “had been bustin’ up in some of these crack houses” looking for NATALEE. DAVE HOLLOWAY stated that just last week ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG asked him again “How much money do you have?, and how long can you continue searching for your daughter? Most of these cases, we’d have quite searching long ago,’ That’s when I decided ‘We need a change.’ “ DAVE HOLLOWAY stated when he left ARUBA on 10-27 all communication from the ARUBAAN's to the search team stopped.
In DAVE HOLLOWAY’s book, “Aruba; The Untold Story of Natalee Holloway and Corruption in Paradise” (page 9) DAVE wrote of a June 1, 2005 encounter with JACOBS and CHARLES CROES,

"When I went back to turn it in and discuss it with him, I was told that Jacobs was in
with Jan van der Stratten. Later, I went back again and Charles Croes was sitting
there with Jacobs. He is the guy who gets cell phones for tourists on the island. I
wondered if he was there to report to Jacobs about the phones he rents out. What else
would a cell phone guy be doing sitting with the lead detective? He mentioned to me
how dignified I have been through this whole investigation. I think he was trying to
distract me from the fact that I found him there, because I have reason to believe that
the cell phones we use on the island are being monitored."

On November 4, 2005 DAVE HOLLOWAY stated that late today a response to the 11-2 letter from the ARUBAN Department of Foreign Affairs was directed to the ALABAMA Governor RILEY then faxed to DAVE. The basic response was that the ARUBAN prosecuting team, the ARUBAN Police, ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN, ARUBAN Police commissioner GERALD DOMPIG, and JACOBS were supervised by HOLLAND--by the DUTCH--out of the Hague, and the ARUBAAN's have no authority to change them.
In June 2005 a UNITED STATES State Department Report here stated, “Anecdotal reporting suggests that the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, autonomous regions within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, are transit and destination regions for trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation. Curacao and Saint Maarten, in particular, reportedly are destination islands for women trafficked for the sex trade from Columbia, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. In Curacao [and neighboring Aruba] observers estimate that 500 foreign women are in prostitution, some of whom may have been trafficked.”

On 6-1 ARUBAAN’s news-source “Aruba Today” printed a front page article about NATALEE vanishing entitled, “Missing since Monday 1:30am" The article also showed NATALEE’s senior year high school photo.

On 6-1 the BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA “Birmingham Post Herald” reported:

Recent graduate missing in Aruba
Relatives fly to island to help search June 1, 2005By ANDREW NELSONBIRMINGHAM POST-HERALDGraduating students from Mountain Brook High School have traveled to the sunny Caribbean paradise of Aruba on senior trips for many years. But never has one of the excursions come to such a disconcerting end. Natalee Holloway, 18, of Mountain Brook traveled to Aruba with many of her classmates Thursday morning and is now missing. She was last seen on the island at 1 a.m. Monday leaving a Carlos 'n Charlie's club. Her mother and stepfather have flown to Aruba to find her. The rest of the group, about 142 recent graduates of Mountain Brook High School and six of seven chaperones, returned to Alabama Monday afternoon, said Paul Lilly, a chaperone on the trip and a Mountain Brook Junior High social studies teacher. Lilly said the trip, though traditional, is not an official school event. A statement from U.S. Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Vestavia Hills, said his office has been in contact with Holloway's family and the U.S. consulate on the island. Island authorities have requested FBI assistance, according to Bachus' statement. Macia Twitty, Holloway's step-aunt, said she is an excellent student and was on the high school dance team. She is expected to attend the University of Alabama this fall on an academic scholarship. Aruba is part of the Netherland Antilles and is about three-fourths the size of the city of Birmingham. It is off the north coast of Venezuela. Tourism is the primary business of the island, according to the Central Intelligence Agency's Web site. "This has become a very big story in Aruba," Lilly said on Tuesday evening. "It was the big lead story on all their news programs today." Twitty said Holloway's family is optimistic she will be found soon. "We just want all her family and friends and everybody who reads your article, to pray for her safe return," Twitty said. "And we do expect to get her back." NBC 13 contributed to this report.

2:45 PM = According to Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s June 14, 2005 statements he gave ARUBAN Police Interrogators his school day normally ended at 2:45 PM
On June 23, 2005 Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:

To your question whether I picked up Joran during the period between May 30th 2005 and June 9th 2005, I can state the following. It is possible but I cannot remember whether I did. I did pick up Joran from school from time to time but whether it was in that time-period I cannot remember.

__:__ PM (?) = On 6-24 Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:

On Wednesday June 1, 2005 after I had driven round with the Police force I called my brother Deepak and together we went to meet Joran at the Racquet club.

__:__ PM (?) = On 6-24 Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:

On Wednesday June 1, 2005 after I had driven round with the Police force I called my brother Deepak and together we went to meet Joran at the Racquet club.

4:30 PM = On June 23, 2005 Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:

I think I went to work as usual and got home at approximately 16.30 hours, we ate dinner as we normally did,

__:__ PM (?) = Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE and Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE arrive at the “Aruba Racquet Club,” park the car, then walk in and meet with Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT.
????Where did they meet at the racquet club????
????Who else was there????
????What was discussed during their “meeting”????
????What time did the “meeting” end????
????Where did they each/all go after the “meeting????

On June 17, 2005 SANDER GOTTENBOS stated to the ARUBAN Police:
(Thank You and Hat Tip to the “Scared Monkeys blog" and “Debbie”)

On your question if I had contact with Joran on May 31, 2005, I will explain to you the following:I did not have contact with Joran on 31 May 2005. I did, however, have telephone contact with Freddy. The conversation went concerning my telephone that was stolen. The first time that I saw him was on Wednesday, therefore June 1, 2005. I met him at its house. Before I went to its house I called him. That was around 16:00. That was the time when I with Amanda, Flor and Gilayla went to his house.On your question if it is possible I had more contact with Joran, I can explain the following:I last saw him on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday I saw him at the Raquet Club, on the day of the father and son tournament. Wednesday went I with my brother and the above girls to Joran’s house.…On your question if I had contact after the adjournment (detention?) of Joran with the parents of Joran, I will explain to you the following:I myself had no contact with the parents of Joran after its adjournment (detention?), my parents however, had contact with his parents. My parents said that along with Joran’s parents we believe in what Joran said.

On June 23, 2005 Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:

To your question whether I had a talk on June 1st 2005 with Joran, Deepak and Satish about the case of the missing girl. I do not remember if this was on the 1st of June 2005. I did talk a lot with Deepak, Satish and Joran, from the moment they were interviewed as witnesses until they were arrested. We of course read the newspapers, saw the news and talked about it. I also was in almost daily contact with Jan van der STRATEN. I did not doubt the truthfulness of their story for one second. When we talked about the girl, we discussed what could happen if the girl would not re-appear. I was under the impression that the boys assumed that she would re-appear sooner or later. Af course we also discussed what if the girl did not re-appear. From what little information I got from Jan van der STRATEN, I got some hope that the girl was seen after she was dropped off at the Holiday Inn. He did not say this in so many words but I took that as an explanation as to why the boys weren't asked to give further statements to the police. To your question when I had noticed, that boys were asking a lot about what would happen with missing girl would not re-appear or if she would be found dead, what would happen then, whether this did not make me wonder why they were asking this, I can state the following. According to me it was not the boys who brought this up, but I brought this up. I was usually the one who steered the conversation towards the girl. Why did I steer the conversation towards the girl? I did this because I was getting worried. I was getting worried for the girl and also for the boys. Because of the fact that they had been the last to be seen with the girl they would no doubt come back to them. I however did not doubt the validity of their story for one moment. Comment reporting officer: at 20.05 hours the assistent district attorney, inspector first class J.C. SAMBO informed the suspect P.A.P.J. van der SLOOT that he would be held for questioning at the police station in Noord on which the suspect P.A.P.J. van der SLOOT responded that he would resist the incarceration because it was a completely insane and absurd action. Murder Suspect finds it highly questionable that this is only happening to make his son make statements that are beside the truth. Murder Suspect did remark that he is willing to tell us everything he remembers if this somehow gives clarity into the case of Natalee Holloway gone missing, but that this could best be done in the capacity of a witness. To your question whether I spoke to the boys at home on Wednesday June 1st 2005 and about what we talked, I can state the following. I don't exactly remember anymore what days I spoke to the boys. I only know that I talked to the boys a lot. I did not want Joran to be out of the house for as long as the girl was still missing. Because of that a lot of Joran's friends, including Deepak and Satish came over to visit us. We then often talked about the girl. We were following the reports in the newspapers, on the radio and on television. To your question how it happened that I found a lawyer for Joran and the two Kalpoe brothers, I can state the following. Looking at the facts I had to take into consideration that Joran, Deepak and Satish could at some point become suspects. If that was the case I wanted the proces to go as smoothly as possible, in order for them to be released as soon as possible. Again, I still believed their story implicitly. If they already had lawyers no time would be waisted when they were arrested. The lawyer could be there very quickly, so that the questioning could being immediately and no time would be waisted. In reality I was trying to facilitate the process as much as possible. You are telling me that I have stated that I believed the story but still took preparations with regard to a lawyer and I have explained them the entire procedure of being arrested and being detained, why? To this I can say the following. I have previously said that due to the fact that the boys could possibly be the last people who had been seen with the girl, this fact could be sufficient to cause them to be seen as suspects. As said before, I wanted to facilitate this process. Part of that was making sure the boys did not panic because they were unfamiliar with the procedure. I especially wanted to prevent that they would make statements that were untrue. In the situation they found themselves with a police and judicial apparatus that was under enormous pressure that was not unthinkable. To your question why I would think they would panic if they told their story, the one I believed, or whether I had reasons to be suspicious of their story and whether I know more about the case than I, my son Joran, Deepak and Satish did not tell when they made their first witness statements, I can tell you the following. I have told you before that I believed the boys story, that I had no reasons to doubt it, I also did not get any clues that made me doubtful and thus I assumed that the statement they gave to the police were the correct ones. My fear was more in the desire to score of the police force. I was afraid that the boys would be entrapped/tricked into making a statement that was not correct. I have told them on more than one occasion that they should count themselves lucky that they were with the three of them and that the interviews should not be hard because they were telling the truth. To your question as to how good a liar Joran is, I can tell you the following. In the past Joran lied. About money that he had stolen from us. We have talked about this extensively and it was also discussed at the youth psychologist Dr. XXX XXXXXX, with whom he had several talks about his growth into adulthood. I had the feeling he had made a clean breast of it/fresh start. I at least did not assume I had to doubt everything he said. To your question what I now think after it came out that Joran is making untruthful after untruthful statement and what I can state about that, I can state the following. I can not make a judgement about this. What I have understood that Joran is the one who broke open the case. To your question what I mean when I said that Joran broke open the case, I can state the following. Joran's lawyer has told me that it was Joran who changed his statement. Because of that the case is now broken open and now the truth can come out.

__:__ PM (?) = Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT is using his home computer

__:__ PM (?) = Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT and SEBASTIAN VAN DER SLOOT leave their home to pick up ANITA at the ARUBA airport.

8:00 PM = On June 23, 2005 Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:

I was at the computer and at approximately 20.00 hours we picked up Anita. I think that Sebastian came with me to pick up Anita.

10:00 PM = according to “Blogs For Natalee” Identity “GrannyToad,” any ARUBA Police surveillance of a person(s) suspected of a crime(s) must cease at 10:00 PM.

10:00 PM = On October 4, 2005, after being asked if on May 31, 2005 the Police told her they didn’t need her, BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to CNN, “Correct. I was not needed on the 31st to give my statement. I went in June 1 approximately 10:00 AM and gave my statement. It was printed in Dutch. It was translated for me in English, and I signed it. The same day on June 1 at 10:00 PM, the same detective brought me two statements, one that I had signed.” At 10:00 PM on June 1, 2005 an ARUBAN Police Investigator had been sent and found BETH, JUG TWITTY and eight “family friends” eating in a restaurant and told BETH that there had been some changes in her statement (supposedly the changes only had to do with only a date), and because of the changes BETH had to sign the revised statement which the DUTCH Investigator shows her, and, the statement was only written in DUTCH. BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated the DUTCH Investigator who brought her revised statement said, “I need you to sign this new statement. There was a change that had to have been made.” “Jug spoke with them. You know, Nancy, I was not able to make any type of decisions on what I was signing. I mean, something was presented before me. I’m looking for my daughter in a foreign country. What was I going to do?” “We found out about three weeks later that statement that I signed on June 10 is not my statement. We were given that statement by an Aruban attorney sometime during the month of July and finally had it translated, and it is not my original statement.” “There were a lot of names that were left out, you know, just key elements as far as how Joran asked Jug and -- to leave the group before he admitted the sexual assaults that he committed against Natalee and -- and just a lot of things. You know, Paulus's name -- I didn't know anyone's name. I didn't know Charles Croes's name, which is just ludicrous.” “Well, not only did he know specific details about her underclothing, but also just physical descriptions of her without her clothes on.”

On October 15, 2005 JUG TWITTY stated to FOX News that drugs-specialist DENNIS JACOBS is the ARUBAN Police Investigator who approached BETH in the restaurant the evening of 6-1 and told her/demanded that she sign her rewritten “corrected” first statement (rewritten only in DUTCH) because only a date was wrong.
On October 22, 2005 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to FOX News, "I think that Aruba realizes they don’t have any choice but to solve this case. They have to find out what happened to Natalee and where she is. It’s not an option anymore.” When FOX News asked “And they want to talk to you again? They want to take your statement again?,” BETH stated "Correct. Of course my original statement that I gave on June first has been altered. It is not my original statement. We need to have that in place; I think it is the foundation of the investigation. There were so many things that were just blatantly orchestrated wrong in the beginning.” “what is so frustrating to Natalee’s family is when we hear there is no evidence. There is a reason why there is no evidence. When evidence is never gathered or evidence is gathered and then lost that is when you don’t have any evidence.”
JUG and BETH have stated about her June 1, 2005, first, original, statement is that it was written in DUTCH. At the same time she made her original, first statement she was also given an English translation copy of its contents. ....Late the same evening, at about 10 PM, drugs-specialist JACOBS ambled into their public restaurant and told her (in a very nonchalant, "its no big deal" manner, JUG took notice of) that he had made some minor corrections to her DUTCH-only-written "corrected" statement, and, she must also sign his "corrected" statement.... ....JUG and BETH have specifically stated that when they asked what had been changed, drugs-specialist JACOBS told them that some dates were the only content that been changed.... ....No English "corrected" copy was offered nor given to BETH by drugs-specialist JACOBS to BETH in the restaurant. (BETH did sign the "corrected" restaurant statement).... ....A copy of the DUTCH-written copy was later received (probably via HELEN LeJUEZ in late-September/early-October), then, her statement was translated around the first week in October........After everyone read the translated "corrected" statement, BETH & JUG have since stated and emphasized many, many times that the "corrected" statement revealed that its content had been changed alot, unrecognizable, altered greatly, significantly altered, and was very, very different not only in its content, but also in the "corrected" statement's lack of content than was her "original" first-given statement.....When BETH & JUG made her "corrected"/altered statement public in early October 2005 that *someone* (drugs-specialist JACOBS was never, specifically, accused) had greatly altered her original statement, ARUBAN then-case-lead-chief DOMPIG claimed to MSNBC (on the ABRAMS show) that he was not aware that the statement had been significantly altered, then, he later said several times that he wanted BETH to provide another statement when she returned to ARUBA.....When BETH did return to ARUBA in early November 2005 for her most recent trip there, she did provide--directly to DOMPIG--what is now her "official" statement with her attorney, HELEN LeJUEZ, also present.

10:30 PM = On 6-24 Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:

On Wednesday June 1, 2005 after I had driven round with the Police force I called my brother Deepak and together we went to meet Joran at the Racquet club. In the evening hours at around 10:30, I went with my brother Deepak to Joran’s apartment. His father and mother were with him and we told them the invented tale of the Holiday Inn.

On 6-1 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA “NBC” TV channel 13 reported:

June 1: Family Offers Reward For Missing Girl's Return
Mountain Brook Graduate Last Seen Sunday Morning
POSTED: 3:47 pm CDT June 1, 2005
UPDATED: 4:29 pm CDT June 6, 2005
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- The family of a Mountain Brook high school graduate who disappeared in Aruba has offered a reward for her safe return.
Scores of tourists and locals have volunteered to post fliers and help in the search.
Natalee Holloway's family asked Aruba radio and television stations to broadcast the reward offer. That's according to her mother, Beth Holloway Twitty. The family has not specified an amount. But it said it will reward anyone who brings the missing teenager safely to a Police station or hospital.
Holloway (pictured) disappeared during a senior trip early Sunday morning. Holloway's parents -- David Holloway, of Meridian, and Beth Holloway Twitty -- and several family members traveled to Aruba Wednesday to aid in the search.
The 18-year-old was last seen getting in a car leaving a nightclub early Sunday morning in Aruba.
Police questioned and released three Aruban men who say they dropped Holloway off early Monday at her hotel. Police say they're not suspects.
Birmingham FBI representative Special Agent Jeff Fuqua said his agency is coordinating with FBI officials in the Caribbean to search for Holloway. An FBI agent is also currently in Aruba helping with the search. The Coast Guard and the Marines are also helping in the case.
Local media have told NBC13 there have been several reported sightings of Holloway. Local reporters also said that the Coast Guard, the Marines, the FBI and local Police searched the west coast of Aruba Thursday.
According to local media, three men have been taken into custody for a second time by authorities in connection with the case. The men were initially questioned and then released.
Holloway took the five-day trip with more than 130 other graduating seniors and adults after her May 24 graduation. Other students said she never showed up for the group's return flight Monday.
About 150 students attended prayer services for Holloway on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon at Mountain Brook Community Church.
"We prayed she's being protected right now," said Mallory Sylvester, Holloway's friend. "We pray for her family, friends and that everybody else will pray for her, too."
"They're an amazing group of kids," said Marcia Twitty, Holloway's aunt. "They come together in prayer throughout (the) community in the afternoon in a small church just to pray for her safety and quick and immediate return."
"They get a lead, they go chase it," said Frances Ellen Byrd, Holloway's friend. "They are getting leads, but so far nothing's turned up. We still don't have Natalee."
"We just prayed for her safety and to give strength to all those down there and the strength of their family," said Sylvester.
"She's responsible, nice, smart. She has big plans for the future," said Byrd. "Everybody has hope. Everybody has hope that she's coming home."
Holloway was active in many clubs in school, including the dance squad and the Spanish Honor Society. She was also on the honor roll in the 10th through 12th grades. She is expected to attend the University of Alabama on an academic scholarship this fall.

On 6-1 the “AP” reported:

Teen Missing in Aruba
David Holloway of Meridian has traveled to Aruba to aid in the search for his missing daughter.
Natalee Holloway, a graduate of Mountain Brook high school near Birmingham, disappeared during a senior trip.
David Holloway and Beth Holloway-Twitty, Natalee's mother, and several family members were expected to arrive in Aruba Wednesday to aid the search.
Birmingham F.B.I. spokesman, Special Agent Jeff Fuqua, says his agency is coordinating with F.B.I. officials in the Caribbean to search for Holloway. She took the trip with other graduating seniors and adults after her May 24 graduation.
Other students say she never showed up for the group's return flight Monday. Police in Aruba also say they're searching for Holloway.
Other members of her class say about 125 graduating seniors and adults took the five-day trip. It's an annual tradition not sponsored by the school.

On 6-1 DAVE HOLLOWAY said, “The consulate, I guess when she missed the flight, had booked the plane for the following day ... The information I received was she's getting on the plane the next day.”
On October 1, 2006 DAVE HOLLOWAY stated to "C-Band Talk Radio” (audio available when you click here) that shortly after arriving in ARUBA he was asked by someone “not to go search because it would disrupt the tourism.”
On 6-1 the family has a printing business print up a poster entitled “KIDNAPPED” in big, red, capitalized letters at the top.
On 6-1 NATALEE’s Loved Ones asked ARUBA radio and television stations to broadcast a reward offer, though they did not specify an amount, said her mother, Beth Holloway-Twitty. The family promised to reward anyone who brings the missing teenager safely to a Police station or hospital, she said.
About 150 of NATALEE’s friends and classmates attended prayer services for NATALEE on 5-31 and 6-1 afternoon at Mountain Brook Community Church.
On 6-1 “AL.com” reported, “teen was last seen with a local of Aruba, who claimed to be a foreign exchange student.”
On November 9, 2005 JOSSY MANSUR stated to FOX News that the gardener witness man called the ARUBAN Police the same day the jogger called Police (the jogger reportedly phoned the ARUBAN Police 2 or 3 days after NATALEE vanished; June 1st or 2nd, 2005). MANSUR also said that ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" reporters and himself has tried to speak with ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN many times, but ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN does not return any of their phone calls. MANSUR thinks she has been holding back on information because of orders “from higher up”--possible from the ARUBA Attorney General.
On 6-1 the first public ARUBAN media news account of NATALEE being missing was made in the morning edition of the ARUBAAN's news-source "Diario" newspaper. The translated article says who NATALEE is, where NATALEE is from, why NATALEE is here, who NATALEE came with, and that NATALEE was last seen getting into a gray car with a young male who she believed to be a DUTCH tourist, but who turned out to be a drug dealer. The ARUBAN Police have taken him in for questioning. The ARUBAN Police are asking everyone to keep an eye out for NATALEE and call the telephone numbers given in the article as soon as anyone sees NATALEE.
On August 1, 2005 JUG TWITTY stated that on 6-1 several of JUG TWITTY’s friends took some of the “KIDNAPPED” posters to Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s “International School.” The friends had written on the NATALEE “missing” posters something like “ask Joran van der Sloot about Natalee’s whereabouts.” While the friends were still at the school, the school’s headmaster, ROBERT WERNER, came out and asked them what they were doing, and if JUG TWITTY‘s friends were with the F.B.I. The friends told WERNER, who invited the friends into his school office. WERNER told JUG TWITTY’s friends that the day before (5-31), the headmaster had spoken directly to Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT and Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT in the headmaster’s office and that the headmaster told Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , “Joran, you need to come clean on what happened.” JUG TWITTY stated that WERNER told his friends that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT claimed to WERNER on 5-31 that SLOOT and NATALEE engaged in some form of sex, and, he also said that NATALEE may have hit her head while swimming that night. The headmaster also told the friends that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT and Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT claimed to WERNER on 5-31 that the reason that Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE's car could not be seen in the “Holiday Inn” security camera video tapes around 2:00 AM on 5-30 is that “there was a break in the tape.” ((Obviously, the "Holiday Inn dropoff alibi-lies were yet another lie conspiratorially concocted by the Murder Suspects SLOOT’s and KALPOE’s before the early morning of 5-31 because the Murder Suspects never viewed the “Holiday Inn” security cameras recorded video)) JUG TWITTY also said that the ARUBAN Police have interviewed the headmaster.
On August 23, 2005 JOSSY MANSUR stated that his information is that the unknown jogger near the “Marriott Hotel”/drained pond witness telephoned Police with his 5-30 observations 2 or 3 days after NATALEE vanished (6-1 or 6-2), and he phoned from a public pay telephone.
Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , and Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE are again questioned by the ARUBAN Police on 6-1.
On June 23, 2005 MARIAINE CROES, spokesperson for the ARUBA Prosecutors office, told FOX News “Paulus van der Sloot is being held in suspicion of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, not the cover-up.” ((???? A cover-up by which person or persons????))

On September 16, 2005 the “National Enquirer” reported:

COVER-UPLAW OFFICIALS FEAR THAT ONE OF THEIR OWN DISPOSED OF NATALEE'S BODYProsecutors in the Natalee Holloway case are investigating the chilling possibility that a renegade cop may have helped dispose of the 18-year-old honor student's body, The National Enquirer has learned.And, as prime suspect Joran van der Sloot enjoys freedom in Holland, it fuels fears that the case against him and two other suspects in Aruba has been successfully sabotaged. "There are powerful people on the island who don't want this case solved," said a close source.And American Investigator Arthur Wood, a retired U.S. Secret Service agent, said bitterly: "There's no doubt in my mind that the case has been sabotaged from within."Soon after Natalee went missing on May 30, one of the top detectives on the case told me he had a reliable lead that she was being held in a certain house — and asked me to do surveillance there. I was puzzled and I told him, 'Surely that's a job for the Police.' He looked me in the eye and said, 'I can't trust my own officers.'" When Wood searched the house, he found nothing.Joran, 18, and his pals Deepak and Satish Kalpoe were released from prison in early September — despite remaining under suspicion of rape and murder. Two days later Joran was allowed to fly to Holland and enroll in college in Arnhem.Meanwhile in Aruba, the possibility that a cop may have been involved in Natalee's disappearance has been a well-kept secret until now.Wood, who's been on the island since June, said: "It began with a witness who was at the lighthouse area on the beach shortly before a big search for Natalee's body was about to start there. In the distance he saw a Police car on the dunes with its trunk open. When the witness got closer, the man slammed down the trunk and took off."Some time later a woman came forward. She said she'd been told that a Policeman helped to dig up Natalee's body from the sand at the lighthouse where it had been hidden."Everyone agrees that if the body was dumped at sea, as detectives believe, the killers must have had some cool-headed professional help. The cop could have provided that.""I believe the cover-up began from the start. The Police commissioner [STRATEN] then in charge of the case was an old friend of Joran's father Paulus — and sources claim he was overheard agonizing over the case.'""Even Natalee's mother Beth Twitty found evidence of a cover-up. She gave a statement to Police, which she was told had to be typed in Dutch before she signed it. Weeks later she had someone translate the document she had signed — and was shocked to find some things were totally different from what she'd told Police."Significantly, details about her conversations with Joran and the Kalpoes had been changed — to the benefit of 4he boys."Joran's flight to Holland has only deepened the grief of Natalee's mother, who turned detective to find much of the evidence that put Joran behind bars.Said an insider: "When he was released, Beth cried all night. But she won't give up. She said 'I'm going to make sure Natalee's voice will never be silenced.' "

TIM MILLER stated to MSNBC on July 29, 2005 that the landfill witness and TIM MILLER walked and spoke at the landfill. TIM MILLER stated that because of the landfill witness being scared about coming forward and having little English language skills that the landfill witness brother originally contacted “Texas EquuSearch” about his brother seeing 3 men burying a woman’s body in the dump. TIM MILLER stated that they are also using the date of newspapers they are digging up in the landfill has a guide to the spots they are searching in because the landfill witness said he witnessed the 3 men burying the body on 6-1. described to him that the body was that of a woman with long blonde hair. The landfill witness claimed he saw her breasts. He also noticed a jeep-like vehicle sitting close to the white truck. The landfill witness saw the 3 persons bury the blonde woman’s body in a specific spot, after which the 3 men found a blue plastic “kiddie’s pool” in the dump and placed the “kiddie’s pool” over where they buried the blonde woman. TIM MILLER also stated that the ARUBAN Police Investigators have known about the landfill witness “for one-and-a-half weeks” (since 7-19 or 7-20)

On August 1, 2005 JOSSY MANSUR stated that the landfill witness contacted the ARUBAN Police just a couple days after NATALEE vanished and told of seeing 3 men dispose of the body in the landfill. The witness also obtained the license plate number of the truck they were driving and gave it to the Police, but when the Police checked on the license plate number they reported that the car that license plate number was registered to “was not near the landfill.”
(What the HECK does that mean?!!?)
((On August 4, 2005 JOSSY MANSUR stated that the license plate was registered to a “Chevrolet Malibu.”))
On August 2, 2005 "Texas EquuSearch's" JOE HUSTON said he has spoken with the landfill witness who told him he was only 80 yards from the woman’s body when 3 men dumped and buried her in the landfill.
On 8-3 a man whose first name is RAOUL stated to FOX News that he is a good friend of the landfill witness (who wants to remain anonymous), and the two men worked together about 4 years ago. RAOUL stated the landfill witness is married and stable, and is an illegal alien. RAOUL stated the landfill witness is not crazy and believes very strongly what he saw. After RAOUL learned about his friend seeing the woman’s buried body and the landfill witness saying he was only reaching an ARUBAN Police answering machine, RAOUL stated he kept urging the landfill witness to keep phoning the ARUBAN Police, which the landfill witness did. The same day he saw Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , and Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE bury the blonde-haired nude woman in the landfill he also saw all 3 Murder Suspects being shown on TV. When he saw them on TV he phoned the ARUBAN Police and told them he had seen the 3 suspects shown on TV at the landfill burying a woman’s body, but the ARUBAN Police did not go to the landfill and check for a body right away. RAOUL stated when he saw the 3 Murder Suspects they had a shovel, they used the shovel to remove the “sand” in the landfill and they dug the hole. It was windy, and at one point the wind blew open the black garbage bag the woman’s body was in and he could see about half of her nude body and blonde hair. RAOUL stated, "He see the half the body and I told you the hair was muddy and the skin was like purple.” They then buried the woman, and then covered her up with the “sand,” and afterwards they put the blue kiddie pool over where they buried her body. RAOUL stated that on the day Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT , Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE , and Current Murder Suspect SATISH KALPOE buried the woman’s body they did not need a permit to enter the landfill, so the white truck they drove just entered the landfill. The landfill witness even told the landfill manager about the buried body and urged him not to disturb or drive a bulldozer over the area where the body was so the ARUBAN Police could find the body when they came to the landfill.
The Twitty's are staying in Natalee's room at the "Holiday Inn," where Beth Twitty sleeps in one of her daughter's night shirts, People Magazine reported. She is often approached by strangers in the hotel's lobby, people who have seen her on television and want to offer their support. "Beth is kind and patient with them all because that's just the way she is," Standifer said. Each day, Twitty has made time to go to a church on the island, often the picturesque chapel overlooking the sea, where she prays for Natalee, Standifer said. "Her faith in God is really strong," she said. Twitty has kept an optimistic, determined public face, but has been through "the range of emotions," Standifer said. "She's risen to the occasion," she said. "She's done this for Natalee. "Whatever happens, she's prepared for it."
ANITA VAN DER SLOOT returns from HOLLAND sometime on 6-1.
The government’s call for island-wide searches during the first week after NATALEE vanished was performed by Aruban Police, Aruban coast guard, the United States FBI, a contingent reported to be 200 in number of Dutch Marines, and thousands of volunteers (locals and tourists) produced little, if any, evidence of NATALEE‘s whereabouts. (Most hopefully more physical evidence has been secured than has been publicly stated by the secretive investigative and judicial authorities, though) Aruba's government let 4,000 civil servants off work early at 2 p.m. on 6-6 to help hunt for NATALEE.
On 6-1 (and on every day) BETH is among the ARUBA population speaking with people as she and family members searched for NATALEE. Also handed out “KIDNAPPED” flyer bulletins (later changed to “MISSING” bulletins) She spends some of every morning at a tiny, open-air chapel perched on a hill above the rocky coastline, praying for her daughter's return. She spends some of her days walking through neighborhoods, handing out fliers, handmade bracelets and prayer cards, asking everyone she meets to help find her Natalee.

On 6-1 AL.com” reported:

Teens pray for missing friendDozens of Mountain Brook teenagers gathered this afternoon to pray for a classmate who disappeared earlier this week in Aruba. About 85 people gathered at the Mountain Brook Community Church to express their concern for Natalee Ann Holloway, 18, who didn’t return from Mountain Brook High School’s senior class trip to the Caribbean island. Police there say they have no suspects and few leads but are working the case. U.S. authorities also are assisting, and the FBI has joined in. Meanwhile, Holloway’s father arrived today from Meridian, Miss., to aid in the search. Natalee’s mother, Beth Twitty, of Mountain Brook has been in Aruba since late Monday.Hannah Wolfson

**NOTE** WOLFSON is a reporter in BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA for the “Birmingham News”

On 6-1 LEE ASHFORD BROUGHTON, one of NATALEE’s good friends, gave a statement to the FBI which was transcribed on June 3, 2005 (see June 3, 2005 for the complete BROUGHTON statement)

__:__ AM or PM (?) = Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT may or may not have left his office. In his June 18, 2005 statements to ARUBAN Police Detectives he intimated that he normally leaves his office sometime in the middle of the day, supposedly, to go to his home and eat. In his June 18, 2005 statements he gave to ARUBAN Police Detectives he stated “I cannot remember any more if I came home to eat in the middle of the day because that too was different on different days.”
????Did Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT leave his office during mid-day? Do co-workers remember if he left his office or not?
????If Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT did leave his office, what time did he leave his office?
????If Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT did leave his office, has it been confirmed or not confirmed via security video cameras that he took a driving route to his home, or did he drive a route away from his office to some where other than his home?
????If Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT did leave his office, has it been confirmed or not confirmed via security video cameras that he took a driving route back to his office from his home, or a did he drive a route back to his office from some where other than his home?

On June 23, 2005 Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:

I did talk a lot with Deepak, Satish and Joran, from the moment they were interviewed as witnesses until they were arrested. We of course read the newspapers, saw the news and talked about it. I also was in almost daily contact with Jan van der STRATEN. I did not doubt the truthfulness of their story for one second. When we talked about the girl, we discussed what could happen if the girl would not re-appear. I was under the impression that the boys assumed that she would re-appear sooner or later. Af course we also discussed what if the girl did not re-appear. From what little information I got from Jan van der STRATEN, I got some hope that the girl was seen after she was dropped off at the Holiday Inn. He did not say this in so many words but I took that as an explanation as to why the boys weren't asked to give further statements to the police. To your question when I had noticed, that boys were asking a lot about what would happen with missing girl would not re-appear or if she would be found dead, what would happen then, whether this did not make me wonder why they were asking this, I can state the following. According to me it was not the boys who brought this up, but I brought this up. I was usually the one who steered the conversation towards the girl. Why did I steer the conversation towards the girl? I did this because I was getting worried. I was getting worried for the girl and also for the boys. Because of the fact that they had been the last to be seen with the girl they would no doubt come back to them. I however did not doubt the validity of their story for one moment. Comment reporting officer: at 20.05 hours the assistent district attorney, inspector first class J.C. SAMBO informed the suspect P.A.P.J. van der SLOOT that he would be held for questioning at the police station in Noord on which the suspect P.A.P.J. van der SLOOT responded that he would resist the incarceration because it was a completely insane and absurd action. Murder Suspect finds it highly questionable that this is only happening to make his son make statements that are beside the truth. Murder Suspect did remark that he is willing to tell us everything he remembers if this somehow gives clarity into the case of Natalee Holloway gone missing, but that this could best be done in the capacity of a witness. To your question whether I spoke to the boys at home on Wednesday June 1st 2005 and about what we talked, I can state the following. I don't exactly remember anymore what days I spoke to the boys. I only know that I talked to the boys a lot. I did not want Joran to be out of the house for as long as the girl was still missing. Because of that a lot of Joran's friends, including Deepak and Satish came over to visit us. We then often talked about the girl. We were following the reports in the newspapers, on the radio and on television. To your question how it happened that I found a lawyer for Joran and the two Kalpoe brothers, I can state the following. Looking at the facts I had to take into consideration that Joran, Deepak and Satish could at some point become suspects. If that was the case I wanted the proces to go as smoothly as possible, in order for them to be released as soon as possible. Again, I still believed their story implicitly. If they already had lawyers no time would be waisted when they were arrested. The lawyer could be there very quickly, so that the questioning could being immediately and no time would be waisted. In reality I was trying to facilitate the process as much as possible. You are telling me that I have stated that I believed the story but still took preparations with regard to a lawyer and I have explained them the entire procedure of being arrested and being detained, why? To this I can say the following. I have previously said that due to the fact that the boys could possibly be the last people who had been seen with the girl, this fact could be sufficient to cause them to be seen as suspects. As said before, I wanted to facilitate this process. Part of that was making sure the boys did not panic because they were unfamiliar with the procedure. I especially wanted to prevent that they would make statements that were untrue. In the situation they found themselves with a police and judicial apparatus that was under enormous pressure that was not unthinkable. To your question why I would think they would panic if they told their story, the one I believed, or whether I had reasons to be suspicious of their story and whether I know more about the case than I, my son Joran, Deepak and Satish did not tell when they made their first witness statements, I can tell you the following. I have told you before that I believed the boys story, that I had no reasons to doubt it, I also did not get any clues that made me doubtful and thus I assumed that the statement they gave to the police were the correct ones. My fear was more in the desire to score of the police force. I was afraid that the boys would be entrapped/tricked into making a statement that was not correct. I have told them on more than one occasion that they should count themselves lucky that they were with the three of them and that the interviews should not be hard because they were telling the truth. To your question as to how good a liar Joran is, I can tell you the following. In the past Joran lied. About money that he had stolen from us. We have talked about this extensively and it was also discussed at the youth psychologist Dr. XXX XXXXXX, with whom he had several talks about his growth into adulthood. I had the feeling he had made a clean breast of it/fresh start. I at least did not assume I had to doubt everything he said. To your question what I now think after it came out that Joran is making untruthful after untruthful statement and what I can state about that, I can state the following. I can not make a judgement about this. What I have understood that Joran is the one who broke open the case. To your question what I mean when I said that Joran broke open the case, I can state the following. Joran's lawyer has told me that it was Joran who changed his statement. Because of that the case is now broken open and now the truth can come out.

On June 13, 2005 Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:

To your question as to what part Joran's father played in this case, I can say the following. From the story that we had told him, he believed us. To me and my parents he was always polite. When the case of the girl got more serious towards the end of the week, he had asked me whether or not my father had a lawyer. I said to him that he didn't. This was Thursday two weeks ago [6-2; my insertion]. He had asked me if I knew a good attorney. I told him that I did not have a lot of experience with attorneys. He said to me that we shouldn't worry about it and that he would find a lawyer for me and my brother. Joran's father told me that same afternoon that he had hired Antoni Carlo to represent Joran.

It is rumored that JAIME CARRASQUILLO was emailed by some of the MB classmates emailed shortly after the classmates left ARUBA. When the MB kids asked him about NATALEE, CARRASQUILLO emailed back slanderous comments about NATALEE, and said, “She got what she deserved.” The MB classmates passed his emails to the FBI.
2:45 PM = According to Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s June 14, 2005 statements he gave ARUBAN Police Interrogators his school day normally ended at 2:45 PM

10:00 PM = according to “Blogs For Natalee” Identity “GrannyToad,” any ARUBA Police surveillance of a person(s) suspected of a crime(s) must cease at 10:00 PM.

On June 23, 2005 Current Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT gave the following statements to his ARUBAN Police Interrogators:

To your question whether I picked up Joran during the period between May 30th 2005 and June 9th 2005, I can state the following. It is possible but I cannot remember whether I did. I did pick up Joran from school from time to time but whether it was in that time-period I cannot remember.

On 6-2 AL.com” reported:

Search for missing Mtn. Brook teen intensifies
Aruban authorities ramped up their search today for a missing Mountain Brook woman, scouring the shoreline for her. More than 100 people also made up an independent search party, checking the streets for Natalee Ann Holloway. The 18-year-old disappeared early Monday on a trip to the Caribbean island with fellow graduates from Mountain Brook High School. Her family said the search party — and increasing attention from national media outlets, who reported the story today — boosted their hopes of finding Natalee alive. “The more that people know and are praying, the more that’s .¤.¤. going to shake her loose,” said Marcia Twitty, Natalee’s aunt.Hannah Wolfson

**NOTE** WOLFSON is a reporter in BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA for the “Birmingham News”

On 6-2 the “Washington Post” reported, “Her stepmother, Robin Holloway, said Natalee was last seen with a local resident who claimed to be a foreign exchange student. Robin Holloway said the man has been identified and questioned by Police.”
DAVE HOLLOWAY stated that on 6-2 ARUBAN Police drugs detective JACOBS warned DAVE that when DAVE went to “Carlos 'N Charlie's“ to watch his drinks because drinks are known by JACOBS to be drugged.
On 6-2 NATALEE’s good friend FRANCES ELLEN BYRD had the following interview with MSNBC

SCARBOROUGH: Let me ask you, Frances Ellen, when is the last time you saw her?
BYRD: That night.
SCARBOROUGH: Yes, you saw her the night...
BYRD: I was with her that night.
SCARBOROUGH: You were with her that night.
BYRD: Yes. Yes.
SCARBOROUGH: All the friends went back to the hotel. And did you all see her go back to the hotel or not?
BYRD: I am just leaving it that we saw her there.
SCARBOROUGH: Saw her that night.
BYRD: Right.

On 6-2 FOX News reported:

Ala. Teen Vanishes in Aruba
ORANJESTAD, Aruba — Police in helicopters and all-terrain vehicles searched outlying areas of the Caribbean island of Aruba (search) for a missing Alabama high school girl Thursday, while hundreds of local residents and tourists joined the hunt by posting flyers.
Natalee Holloway's (search) family asked Aruba radio and television stations to broadcast a reward offer, though they did not specify an amount, said her mother, Beth Holloway Twitty. The family promised to reward anyone who brings the missing teenager safely to a Police station or hospital, she said.
Holloway, 18, was among 125 seniors from Mountain Brook high school, near Birmingham, Ala., on a five-day trip to the Dutch Caribbean island.
FBI officials, Aruba Police and Dutch authorities have been searching for her since Monday, when she did not show up for her group's return flight. Several family members traveled to Aruba to help in the search.
"Everybody has been quite supportive," Holloway Twitty told The Associated Press. "I am not leaving. I am going to have Natalee with me."
Holloway was last seen by friends getting into a vehicle and leaving the Carlos and Charlie's nightclub in the capital of Oranjestad (search) before dawn Monday.
Police questioned and released three Aruban men who said they dropped Holloway off early Monday at the Holliday Inn, where she had been staying about 3 miles from the capital of Oranjestad, said Police assistant inspector Jules Sambo. The three were not suspects, he said.
"We don't have any indication as to if she is alive," Sambo said. "The whole population is aware that she is missing. The Police are doing everything to find her."
Police, using helicopters and all-terrain vehicles and patrol cars, were combing the Arashi area in the northwestern tip of Aruba, a rugged terrain of sand dunes, craters and beaches. The area is near the Holiday Inn.
More than 100 people, mostly American tourists, offered to help during a gathering Thursday morning at the Holiday Inn, organized by International Friends of Aruba, a group of wives of Americans working on the island. The volunteers were distributing fliers with the teenager's photo in various parts of the island.
"She has a very loving family and is a very happy girl," said Haleigh Uncapher, a classmate who delivered a flier to local Magic radio station.
Aruba, with a population of about 72,000, is off the north coast of Venezuela and is part of the Netherlands Antilles.

On 6-2 “About Crime.com” reported:

Alabama Teen Disappears on Senior Aruba Trip
An 18-year-old Alabama high school graduate on a trip with 125 seniors from Mountain Brook High School to Aruba in the Caribbean has been missing since she failed to turn up Monday for her return flight home.
Natalee Holloway, an honor student, was last seen leaving a nightclub and getting into a vehicle in the early morning hours Monday. "We went to check in for our airplane, and she wasn't there, and she's been missing since then," classmate Jay Weinacker told reporters.
The family has offered a reward for Natalee's safe return and several family members have traveled to the small island off the north coast of Venezuela to help search. The search is being coordinated by the FBI, Aruba Police, and Dutch authorities. Aruba is part of the Netherlands Antilles and is approximately six miles wide and 20 miles long. The population is about 72,000.

On 6-2 the “Aruba Tourism Authority” (ATA) issued the following statement:

Official Statement on the Disappearance of Natalee HollowayIn response to the disappearance of American Natalee Holloway, the Government of Aruba and the Aruba Tourism Authority pledge their full support and cooperation to Ms. Holloway’s family. An investigation is taking place with the support of both local and international authorities.The island extends its sincerest thoughts and prayers to Ms. Holloway’s family and friends for a positive outcome. No additional information is available at this time.

On 6-2 JAY WEINACKER told the “AP,” “We went to check in for our airplane, and she wasn’t there, and she’s been missing since then.”
On 6-2 DAVE HOLLOWAY appeared on ARUBA television at night to appeal to all ARUBAN people for any help to find his daughter.
On 6-2 the “Birmingham News” reported, “‘We've got nothing yet,’ said Detective Angelo Anthony with the Police department in Noord, near where the group was staying. He said no one has been arrested and that Holloway's parents were unable to spot her on a surveillance tape from the Holiday Inn.” “She left the club with three local men who say they dropped her at the hotel, Anthony said.”
On 6-2 Police in helicopters and all-terrain vehicles searched outlying areas of the Caribbean island of Aruba for a missing Alabama high school girl Thursday, while hundreds of local residents and tourists joined the hunt by posting flyers.
On 6-2 NATALEE’s Loved Ones offers a $10,000 reward for her safe return.
On 6-2 SPENCER BACHUS, United States Congressman, Republican-Vestavia Hills, Alabama, stated 6-2, "We have been assured that both State Department and Dutch officials are taking this case very seriously."
DEGNAN offered ARUBAN authorities assistance of UNITED STATES Investigators, including the UNITED STATES F.B.I. during the first day of searches. Stated 6-2, "We've been in communication daily with ARUBAN authorities to encourage them to pursue the investigation to the best of our abilities."
On 6-2 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to the "AP,” “Everybody has been quite supportive. I am not leaving. I am going to have Natalee with me.”
On 6-2 TITO LACLE writing for the “AP” reported, “Police questioned and released three Aruban men who said they dropped Holloway off early Monday at the Holliday Inn, where she had been staying about 3 miles from the capital of Oranjestad, said Police assistant inspector Jules Sambo. The three were not suspects, he said. ‘We don't have any indication as to if she is alive,’ Sambo said. ‘The whole population is aware that she is missing. The Police are doing everything to find her.’”
On 6-2 more than 100 people, mostly American tourists, offered to help during a gathering Thursday morning at the "Holiday Inn," organized by International Friends of Aruba, a group of wives of Americans working on the island. The volunteers were distributing fliers with the teenager's photo in various parts of the island.
"She has a very loving family and is a very happy girl," said Haleigh Uncapher, a classmate who delivered a flier to local Magic radio station.
On 6-2 NBC reported, “She was last seen around 2 a.m. Monday, Attorney General Karin Janssen said Thursday. (6-2)”
On 6-2 the “Birmingham News” reported “Family and friends say she left her passport, cell phone and luggage at the hotel where the group was staying.”
On 6-2 CNN reported, “‘we can’t just sit here and do nothing,’” said Robin Holloway, the girl’s stepmother. “‘We don’t know if she is still in Aruba … or she’s been kidnapped. We just don’t know anything.’”
On 6-2 ARUBAN Police commissioner VAN DER STRATEN told CNN, “And the investigation is going on, too. And I hope you can understand, I can’t tell everything about the investigation. But we are still going on with about 16 Police officers, together with the FBI. They were on the island, too.” He also said they have questioned, then released, the 3 local classmates that NATALEE was last seen with in one of the boys car leaving “Carlos 'N Charlie's.” STRATEN said that the Police were notified the morning of 5-30 that NATALEE was missing. He also said that searches involving the ARUBAN Police, firemen, coast guard, and DUTCH marines have not located any evidence of NATALEE.
(Sometime before Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE's 6-9 arrest, his car was initially searched but the ARUBAN Police claim nothing was found)
On 6-2 Someone, supposedly CHARLES CROES, arubafastphones@hotmail.com , wrote on an ARUBA Internet forum board:

“There are issues in this case that can go beyond the obvious in their implications. It will take time for all the information regarding this lovely child to come out. Some of it will be hard to handle and some of it will be expected. With regards to the family of this missing child, my prayers are with you. I was with them on the first night they arrived to ARuba (looking for their daughter) from midnight until 5:30 AM and have kept in touch. In my opinion, this issue has far reaching implications for all those involved. I wish all of us strengthcharles arubafastphones.com.com

On August 29, 2005 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY stated to CNN, “on June 2nd I reviewed the video footage of the people coming into the "Holiday Inn," and Natalee Holloway -- Natalee never entered the Holiday Inn.”
On January 16, 2006 BETH HOLLOWAY-TWITTY shared with FOX News further entries to her timeline/journal. BETH stated that the search today caught NATALEE’s Loved Ones by surprise. No ARUBAN called the family about the search and she only learned of it when FOX News happened to make some phone calls to ARUBA earlier in the day. BETH stated that the lighthouse dunes has “always been a suspicious area,” including when DAVE HOLLOWAY observed some suspicious activity in the lighthouse/dunes area on June 2, just before the DUTCH Marines conducted their first search there. BETH referred to Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT mentioning the lighthouse/sand dunes area in his statements/confessions and “the area of the sand dunes just becomes very suspicious in his statements.” In his first Police statement “When Joran gets to the point where he mentions the sand dunes, there are no more details. It ends abruptly, and then he comes up with the elaborate story of how he drops her off at the ‘Holiday Inn,’ she falls, bumps her head, the two security guards come up, so, it’s always been an area of concern of the family.” BETH stated that NATALEE’s Loved Ones have known “as early as June” about the fishermen’s huts being broken into and a large filet knife was stolen, but BETH did not learn until July about the large fish trap also being stolen from the fishermen’s huts. BETH stated that they know about KOEN GOTTENBOS, who is Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s “really good friend” and GOTTENBOS’s father owning a boat even being mentioned in Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s “first statement he gives to Police.” “Someone else who really concerns us is Steven Croes, who has access.” “For some reason--Steve Croes--he did not just come forward to protect Joran. He has some information. I mean, he came forward as a witness, they determined he was lying, and THEN he became a suspect in Natalee’s case. What information he had? Whether he had access to a boat that night? Yes, it is very, very possible these boys had done something with her body, in the water--absolutely.” From her detailed journal BETH stated that on 6-10 the F.B.I. told NATALEE’s Loved Ones that it looks like NATALEE may not be alive because the 3 Main Murder Suspects were “beginning to implicate each other, and they were not denying the crime, and they were finger-pointing at each other.” From her detailed journal BETH stated that on 6-12 DAVE HOLLOWAY became aware that a woman teacher at Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s school had reported on the telephone hotline that a school peer of Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s “had divulged what van der Sloot had done to Natalee. This teacher reportedly called the hotline, and was trying to tell the officials that Joran had confessed to this peer at his school what he had done to Natalee.” BETH does not know if this woman teacher was ever interviewed, or not, by the ARUBAN Police. From her detailed journal BETH stated that on 6-16 NATALEE’s Loved Ones received information from “a spokesperson” about a Murder Suspects time discrepancies--Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT was arrested 6-22 because he had originally told the ARUBAN Police he had picked up Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT from 4:00 AM from “McDonald’s” on 5-30, but later Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT changed the, supposed, “McDonald’s” pickup time of Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT to 11:00 PM on 5-29. When FOX News asked if any explanation has ever been given, by anyone, as to why Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT changed the “McDonald‘s“ pickup time from 4:00 AM to 5 hours earlier at 11:00 PM, BETH stated, “No, but Jan van der Straten knew--he knew--that Paulus van der Sloot had changed this time pickup, and that is why he was arrested. That is solely why Paulus van der Sloot was arrested.” From her detailed journal BETH stated that on 7-11 BETH had a meeting with ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN where ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN said that the ARBAN Police have documented records that Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT made a cellular phone call and text-messaged a message to Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE's computer at his home at 3:30 AM on 5-30. Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s 3:30 AM text-message simply was “Thanks. I’m home.” (BETH does not know how Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT was able to return home)
((Recall BETH’s 9-15 statements to the NBC TV show, “Dr. Phil.”---On 9-15 BETH stated that in one of Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s statements to ARUBAN Police, Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT claimed, "Well, when I hear them speaking of they're trying to decide whether Natalee has been raped or kidnapped,” Beth says “I have read, I've had translated to me Joran van der Sloot's statements. And one of his statements that I found was huge, and this was the one that he gave on June 13 at 8:30 in the morning, and he now states that this is the truth, quote, this is Joran saying 'Now here's the truth. Now I want to tell you the truth. I drove Natalee — We drove Natalee to my home at 1:40 a.m. I want her to come in. I have sex with her. Next’ — and remember in all his statements she's coming in and out of consciousness — next he says that then he took her to the beach, he took her to the fisherman's hut. And then he calls Deepak at 3:30 a.m. to come pick him up from the fisherman's hut. Deepak comes. And Deepak says, ‘Don't fuck with the bitch. Let's go.’ (BETH actually said, "Don't 'f' with the 'b'") Every statement that he gives, like I said, so sexually explicit and graphically detailed of what he does to her. It just is amazing to me that he can even admit to having sex with her. And that's not a crime?")) ARUBA Prosecutor KARIN JANSSEN also told BETH that there was an 8-and-a-half minute call between Prime Murder Suspect JORAN VAN DER SLOOT ’s cellular phone and Current Murder Suspect DEEPAK KALPOE ’s cellular phone--the longest cellular phone call ever recorded between the two boys cellular phones. “We were never able to find out what time that phone call took place, or any of the conversations that were disclosed--that they [the ARUBAN Police] knew this was significant because this had never taken place before, and I don’t know what eighteen, or seventeen year-old and twenty-two year-old boy are going to have an eight-and-a-half minute cell phone call, on the very night that they took Natalee.”
On 6-2 CNNHN reported:

NANCY GRACE, HOST: A dangerous alert tonight, for all of you planning a summer vacation. A beautiful teenager on her senior trip destination, Aruba, vanishes into thin air.
But first, an urgent request for your help tonight. This beautiful Alabama girl leaves on her senior trip to Aruba and disappears. Natalee Ann Holloway, last seen driving away from a local nightclub. FBI and local Police have questioned a man she befriended at the bar. His car is in FBI custody tonight.
Holloway’s family distraught, traveling to Aruba to search for their girl themselves. Tonight, with us on the phone from Aruba, Police commissioner Jan van der Straten; in Santa Maria, California, defense attorney Debra Opri; in New York, defense attorney Richard Herman; and psychologist Dr. Jeff Gardere. But first, let’s go to Birmingham, Alabama. Standing by, WBRC reporter Tiffany Bittner. Tiffany, what happened? TIFFANY BITTNER, WBRC REPORTER COVERING STORY: Well, Nancy, what we’ve learned so far is Natalee’s mother, Beth Twitty, says that her daughter was along with 150 other classmates from Mountain Brook high school on a senior trip to Aruba. When her classmates returned on Monday, Natalee didn’t. Her mother rushed down to Aruba on a jet and says that she’s been searching countless hours looking for her daughter. Now, we understand that her mom says that her daughter was last seen leaving a local nightclub around 1:30 a.m. Monday morning with three locals and has not been seen since. GRACE: Let me go to Aruba Police chief Jan van der Straten. Welcome, commissioner. Thank you for being with us. Sir...JAN VAN DER STRATEN, ARUBA POLICE CHIEF: Good evening. GRACE: ... could you tell me about the men that were seen with Natalee last? What has become of them? I understand they have been questioned and released.DER STRATEN: No, no, that’s not the question. The Police started an investigation. And the Police have to do investigation and has a search Tuesday morning, a search with helicopters. And we started -- today, we did a big search with a lot of people with the Dutch marine, too, and with the coast guard, tried to find the girl.And the family was here, too. We talked with the mother. Everyday we talk with the mother. And we talk -- it was true that the young girl was in a nightclub together with other young people, young boys, local boys. And they were together. And the investigation team (UNINTELLIGIBLE) as witnesses, and that’s the reason why we talked with them. That’s the law in Aruba, that if you talk with witnesses, they are not suspects. GRACE: commissioner Jan van der Straten with us. Commissioner, what did the men tell you that Natalee left the club with? DER STRATEN: No, they left the club about 2 o’clock, 1 o’clock, 1:30, and they were together in a car. And the girl met the other boys of the school who are in the "Holiday Inn." And the girl said, "I go to take a trip over to Aruba," and the boys were together. And the boys told us that they bring the girl back about 2 o’clock in the morning to the hotel. GRACE: Back to Tiffany Bittner, WBRC reporter. Her parents are now in Aruba. You mentioned her mother. What about her father? BITTNER: Well, we understand that both her mother and her stepfather are in Aruba, as well as her father, who we believe is from Mississippi. They’re all down there, of course, in the search. And I wanted to tell you, Nancy, I talked to Natalee’s uncle, Paul Reynolds (ph), today by phone. He, too, is in Aruba searching for Natalee. He says that the locals there have been amazing, pouring out their support in helping to search for Natalee. He says they’ve even got the military involved in looking for her. They’re going about putting posters up, asking anyone if they have seen 18- year-old Natalee Holloway. GRACE: Tiffany Bittner, it’s my understanding there are only about 70,000 people that live on the entire island. How big is it? BITTNER: Say this one more time. I’m sorry. GRACE: I understand that there are only about 70,000 people that live on the island of Aruba. How big is the island? BITTNER: Well, I’m not exactly -- I’ve been there once. I don’t know the dimensions of the island. It’s not very big. You can cover it, I know, in a day by car. So it’s not very large. GRACE: We’re looking at a picture right now. It’s almost 20 miles long, six miles across. Back to commissioner Jan van der Straten. Commissioner, are you looking, searching in any particular area? DER STRATEN: Yes, we are looking on the west point by the lighthouse. You can see that maybe on the map. But other than that we are searching today with the marine and with the coast guard, too. And yes, we are looking the last three days. The family brought a lot of flyers to gasoline stations and other buildings (UNINTELLIGIBLE) and they give tips to the investigation team. And the investigation, up until now, we don’t find the girl. GRACE: Are you convinced that she ever made it to her hotel, commissioner? DER STRATEN: Yes, that’s part of the investigation. I hope you can understand that, because the impact on the island is very great, big for us, because, yes, you know, we are a happy island, but we are a safety island. And we have a low crime rate. So everyone is in force now to look and to search for the girl. GRACE: Take a listen to this. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) MARCIA TWITTY, AUNT OF MISSING GIRL: ... that there is just this outpour of support up here for her, and that’s keeping her going down there.(END VIDEO CLIP) GRACE: commissioner Jan van der Straten is with us from Aruba. Commissioner, when exactly was she reported missing?DER STRATEN: She was reported missing on Monday morning. GRACE: Monday morning. Let me go back to Tiffany...DER STRATEN: Yes (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Police. GRACE: Tiffany Bittner with us, WBRC reporter. She was reported missing on Monday. When was she at the nightclub, Tiffany? BITTNER: Well, we were understanding that she was reported missing -- or the last seen -- place where she was last seen was around 1:30 a.m. at a club called Carlos & Charlies. And of course, this is according to her mom, she was seen there leaving with three locals. GRACE: OK. I’m sorry, Tiffany, what night was that? BITTNER: That was Monday night, early Memorial Day. GRACE: OK, back to commissioner Jan van der Straten. Commissioner, about these young men that you interviewed, they are not suspects at this juncture? DER STRATEN: Until now. Until now they are not suspects, no. GRACE: They had told they dropped her off at her hotel. I believe it was the "Holiday Inn" there in Aruba. Do either of them have a criminal record? DER STRATEN: No, there are no criminal records for them. Young people -- they are going to school. And young people on the same -- from the same age, yes, certainly. GRACE: And to Tiffany Bittner. Tiffany, what can you tell us about this young girl? BITTNER: Well, everyone that we have talked to say that this is totally out of character for her, that Natalee was very responsible. She had big plans. She was expected to go to -- or is expected to go to the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa in the fall. So this is totally out of character for her to just up and go missing. Now, I wanted to tell you, also, that we have talked to another person who says today that her mom, Beth Twitty, made a public appearance today at the hotel where she was seen -- or at the hotel where she was believed to be staying, at the "Holiday Inn." And we understand that her mom made a public appeal asking for the public to help in searching for her young daughter. And we also understand that there is a special task force that has been formed to help in the search for Natalee. GRACE: Who is on the task force, Tiffany? BITTNER: I’m not sure who actually has made up of that task force. We understanding -- I’m thinking that it’s local authorities that are there, that are just coming together for one sole purpose, to find the 18- year-old. GRACE: Tiffany, I understand that Natalee was an honor student. She made great grades. She was heading off to college. She has never disappeared in the past. What are the other kids that went along on the trip saying, Tiffany? BITTNER: Well, again, they just say that this is totally out of character for her, that they are looking for answers because this is not the person that they know to just up and disappear. I talked to her school principal today at Mountain Brook high school, and he says that she was a great student, that he could go on and on for days talking about her and her character. So all of this comes, of course, as a surprise. GRACE: As we go to break, take a listen to this. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) MARK YODER, YOUTH PASTOR, MOUNTAIN BROOK COMMUNITY CHURCH: Not knowing exactly what’s going on right now, we pray that Natalee senses God’s protection over her in whatever is going on right now.(END VIDEO CLIP) (COMMERCIAL BREAK)GRACE: For those of you planning a summer vacation, this girl, Natalee Holloway, went on a class trip, her high school senior class trip, to Aruba. She has never been seen again. Welcome back, I’m Nancy Grace. Joining us from Aruba, the Aruba district Police commissioner, Jan van der Straten. commissioner, as of tonight, what is the latest? What are your people doing to try to find Natalee? DER STRATEN: Yes. We have a lot of Police. We went to the TV. We let see the portrait and asked for tips. We checked all the tips we get. But until now, we have nothing on this small island. And the investigation is going on, too. And I hope you can understand, I can’t tell everything about the investigation. But we are still going on with about 16 Police officers, together with the FBI. They were on the island, too. GRACE: So the FBI is there? DER STRATEN: Yes, we are working close together. He arrived yesterday, and we picked him up at the airport. And...GRACE: commissioner, are you convinced in your heart and in your mind that this girl made it back to her hotel that night? DER STRATEN: Yes, but that’s the point. That’s under investigation now. And on the first day, you hope that you can find the girl together with other girls and other boys on the beach or somewhere else. The second day, you hope that again. And after three or four days, you are thinking about other things. And the investigation is...GRACE: I have got a question for you, commissioner. I know that the young men she was with, that she left at a disco with, say they dropped her off there at the hotel. I believe the "Holiday Inn." DER STRATEN: Yes. GRACE: The desk clerk did not see her come in. Could you...DER STRATEN: That’s correct, yes.GRACE: Could you give me the configuration of the hotel? Would she have to walk past the desk clerk to get to her room? DER STRATEN: No, that’s not necessary. She can go another way, too, because she was sleeping in the third building of the hotel. She can go outside. She can go via the casinos. She can go all the way to the sleeping rooms. So that’s the point. But she did not arrive in the sleeping room. But it’s not necessary, especially necessary that she had to see her at the lobby.GRACE: Right, right. Back to WBRC reporter Tiffany Bittner. Tiffany, there were about, what, 150 high schoolers on the trip along with her? Were any of them with her at the bar that night at the disco? BITTNER: I am not certain. I have to tell you that it’s been very difficult to actually talk to some of the family and friends here. Of course, it’s a very serious matter, and it’s heartbreaking for this family. So they really haven’t had a lot of students that have wanted to talk to us. They’re sort of keeping tight-lipped a little bit on this because of the investigation. Of course, they say they do not want to botch it in any way, or disturb it, or give out information that may hurt the investigation. So I have talked to, again, one of her friends, a student. I‘m not clear on whether or not she was at the club with her. But she was down on the trip with her, and says this whole ordeal doesn’t make any sense. GRACE: Elizabeth, can you show me the configuration of the island, the size of the island again? I understand that there are hundreds of tourists and Police look for her. It’s six miles across, under 20 miles long. Tiffany, where are they searching? It’s a very small area. BITTNER: Exactly. Talking to her uncle again, he says that they are just going door-to-door, handing out posters, asking people if they have seen Natalee, showing them pictures of her. Of course, her pictures all over the local newspaper there, from what we understand. He says that they are just going to anybody and everybody that they can talk to, to see if they have seen this young lady. He also said today that he believes that they may have started searching in the water. So that’s something that we’re looking into, as well. GRACE: Speaking of her family, Natalee Holloway’s family, take a listen to this. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BETH TWITTY, MOTHER OF MISSING GIRL: She was here on a senior trip. And there are approximately, I don’t know, could have been 22, 40 of her classmates in Carlos and Charlies periodically. But at least 10 of them saw her leave in a small four-door car, not sure of the make, blueish gray color. And there were three locals in the car with her. This was her senior trip. There were 150 American students here from Mountain Brook, Alabama. There’s something I would like to comment on. Natalee’s hair is blond and straight, but here it might be curly. It could be curly; it could be straight. She’s approximately 5'5", she weighs about 110 pounds. She has blue eyes, and she’s very petite, very petite. (END VIDEO CLIP) GRACE: You know, Tiffany, she looks like a beauty queen. Elizabeth, could you show that picture again of Natalee Ann Holloway? Just 18-years-old, went on her high school trip to Aruba. The day before she was to leave, she went to a local disco and has never been seen again. Thank you to my guests, Tiffany Bittner, WBRC reporter joining me out of Alabama. And to Aruba, the district Police commissioner, Jan van der Straten. Quick break.

On 6-2 MSNBC reported:

JOE SCARBOROUGH, HOST: Tonight, lost in paradise, as a desperate search for an American high school senior named Natalee Holloway ramps up. The 18-year-old from Birmingham, Alabama, vanished on her high school trip in the Caribbean island of Aruba.
Welcome to SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY, no passport required, only common sense allowed.
It should have been a dream vacation, celebrating her graduation from high school, but Natalee Holloway is missing, and now her parents and the FBI are desperately searching for the young girl.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We are going to find her. We are going to find her. We just haven‘t found her yet.
SCARBOROUGH: The latest from her family, as they search for a beautiful teen lost in paradise.

Now, in a few minutes, I am going to be talking about the search for Natalee Holloway. She‘s, of course, a high school student who has been missing since the early hours of Monday morning on the island of Aruba.

SCARBOROUGH: Coming up next, we are going to be talking about the girl who has vanished in Aruba. We first brought the story to you last night. She vanished. Now there‘s a frantic search on. The FBI is down there. Her entire family is down there. The question is, will they find this girl in time? We‘ll give you this remarkable story about a girl being lost in paradise when SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY returns.

SCARBOROUGH: Now, when we come back, we are going to go live to Birmingham, Alabama, of course, a remarkable story that we are going to get the very latest on. We‘re going to get the situation regarding missing teenager, Natalee Holloway. And we‘re going to be talking to one girl who was with Natalee on that trip and also to people in her community who know her best and who are praying for her safe return tonight.

SCARBOROUGH: A beautiful young girl vanishes in paradise on her senior high school trip. What happened to Natalee? We are going to be talking live to someone who was on that trip with her and knows her well. That‘s next.
But, first, here‘s the latest news you and your family need to know.
BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, MOTHER OF NATALEE: One thing I would like to comment on, Natalee‘s hair is blonde and straight, but here it might be curly. It could be curly. It could be straight. She is approximately 5‘5“. She weighs about 110 pounds. She has blue eyes. And she is very petite, very petite, maybe a size two.
SCARBOROUGH: A heartbroken mother searches for her daughter, Natalee Holloway, 18 years old, just graduated from high school and getting ready to head to the University of Alabama on a scholarship.
Natalee was last seen Sunday night in Aruba leaving a nightclub. And we first told you about Natalee last night. And she just had graduated from a high school in Birmingham and went on a trip with 125 of her friends. She never showed up for her return flight on Monday, which, of course, started the search.
With me now to talk about Natalee and the search are Natalee‘s good friend, Frances Ellen Byrd, and also Pastor Mark Yoder, who is the youth minister at Natalee‘s church.
Let‘s start with you, Frances.
Tell us about your friend. Tell us about—about what we can do to help out.
FRANCES ELLEN BYRD, FRIEND OF NATALEE: Well, I first met Natalee in eighth grade when we had a welcoming party for her. She moved here from Mississippi.
And, ever since then, I have just been closest friends with her, as well as a few other of all of our good friends. Everybody in the school loves Natalee. Nobody can say anything bad about her. She is a straight-A student, 25 in a class out of 300 students in a very—school where we studied very hard. She is very—has very many honors. She is in dance team, Bible study.
Basically, she is a very responsible, well-loved child to everyone here.
SCARBOROUGH: And, Frances—you were actually with her, Frances, that night. Tell me when you and the rest of your friends first figured out that something was just not right.
BYRD: I figured out something was wrong when my friends came to knock on my door in the morning asking where she was, because Natalee was the first one up. She is the most responsible out of all of my friends. And we all—Natalee is the leader of our friends.
And when she wasn‘t there, we went straight—straight to the chaperons because something—we knew something was wrong.
SCARBOROUGH: And, Frances Ellen, you all are from Mountain Brook.
That‘s a part of Birmingham, correct?
BYRD: Right.
SCARBOROUGH: Yes. That‘s an area that I know well, because I went to the University of Alabama and have a lot of friends there.
Pastor, let me bring you in. I want to ask you about the prayer vigils that you are holding for this young lady. Obviously, a lot of people in your community have been touched by her. Tell us about it.
BYRD: Yes.
We—the interesting thing, Natalee and her family really don‘t go even to our church. We were asked by some parents of students that went on the trip as well when they got back, hey, can we just have a spot where students and parents and anybody interested can gather and pray? And, you know, that‘s a no-brainer, so, absolutely.
So, every day for the last three days, that‘s exactly what we have done. And it has been a—it‘s not at all surprising because of the community that we are in, but it has been an outpouring of support and love and...
SCARBOROUGH: What are you hearing about this—what are you hearing about this young girl that is missing tonight?
YODER: Absolutely everything positive. You know, as everyone is talking about her and friendships and relationships and her future and what lies ahead, nothing but good things.
SCARBOROUGH: Let me ask you, Frances Ellen, when is the last time you saw her?
BYRD: That night.
SCARBOROUGH: Yes, you saw her the night...
BYRD: I was with her that night.
SCARBOROUGH: You were with her that night.
BYRD: Yes. Yes.
SCARBOROUGH: All the friends went back to the hotel. And did you all see her go back to the hotel or not?
BYRD: I am just leaving it that we saw her there.
SCARBOROUGH: Saw her that night.
BYRD: Right.
YODER: Yes. Absolutely.
Well, Frances Ellen, thank you so much for being with us tonight.
Mark, thank you. And, of course, our prayers are going to be with you, with Natalee and with Natalee‘s family on this very important search.
BYRD: Thank you. Thank you so much.
YODER: We really encourage everyone to pray. Thank you.
BYRD: Pray for Natalee. She is coming home.
SCARBOROUGH: All right. Thank you so much.
Now let‘s turn to the investigation.
With me now is Candice DeLong, former FBI profiler.
Candice, we have got a special situation here. You got—I guess the good news is, it‘s a search in a contained area on an island.
SCARBOROUGH: The bad news is that it‘s outside the United States. What does that mean for the FBI and authorities trying to find this young girl tonight?
DELONG: Well, the FBI has an office in the Virgin Islands. They probably have sent that—that covers Aruba. They have probably sent agents there. It‘s my understanding that they have. The FBI is involved, and they are used to working with local authorities on things like that.
SCARBOROUGH: So what do you do in a case like this? The last time they saw her, she was in a nightclub. Apparently, she left with three men.
DELONG: Right.
SCARBOROUGH: Three men on the island, and yet...
DELONG: Right.
SCARBOROUGH: They have questioned those men, but they released them today. What do you make of it?
DELONG: Well, questioning and releasing them may simply mean they are not necessarily off the hook, but they don‘t have any reason to hold them. As you know, that happens in our system of justice also.
It very, very much worries me that she got—she went away with these men. Apparently, 10 witnesses, friends of hers, whatever, said that they saw her get in the vehicle or she was with these local men. They know the island. That very much worries me. And, apparently, those men said, yes, we were with her and we brought her back here. We dropped her off.
So, they have admitted that she was with them. And yet, there‘s no—apparently, no evidence that she was up in her room. I haven‘t heard whether or not her bed was slept in, but you just interviewed her best friend that said, she was always the one that was up first. And she knew something was wrong when Leslie (ph) wasn‘t knocking on the doors early in the morning getting people up. So, it‘s possible she never made it to her room at the hotel that night.
SCARBOROUGH: All right, Candice DeLong, thank you so much.
And, of course, friends, we have heard that the security cameras did not—in the hotel did not show Natalee coming back in the hotel as the three men who lived in Aruba claimed; they dropped her off and she went back inside the hotel.
Certainly very, very difficult case, but our thoughts and prayers, again, remain with her and her family and the FBI agents that are searching desperately for her tonight. We will stay on the story and keep you updated.

On 6-2 a person claiming to be “Nilton Lacle” who works for the ARUBAAN's news-source “Diario” reported on the “Freedom of Blog”:

Thu Jun 02, 2005 3:31 pm Post subject: Hello folks, sorry for my late reply regarding the Natalee Missing issue. We've been very busy at the Newspaper this week, and HELPING the local authorities with information. You can not imagine how many phone calls the Diario newspaper receives, with people giving information. Somehow, the local community like to give information first to the newspaper, and then to police. We have a constant contact with the Police. In my 19 years working for the press, I've never seen the Aruban Police Force so involved in this case. If they do not know something, they call us up to verify something. Even the FBI Officer came by our office.
A special Investigation Team has been put together to work 24 hrs. per day on finding Natalee. It seems that now, a Reward is being offered for her safe return.What happened during these last days/hours? Police went to check on a Catamaran to check a girl fitting the description, but she was not Natalee. Police searched a home in the Malmok area, after receiving a tip. But it was a false alarm. Police also searched another home, but it turned out to be false too. Tourists themselves are helping out posting flyers. Some locals and cab-drivers are on the lookout everywhere for her. Police checking with Windjammer Barefoot Cruises, because their ship left the Oranjestad dock on Monday evening 10:00 pm. Could she have slipped unnoticed on board? A couple of tourist, rented a couple of Quadracers and searched around the 'desert area', and other parts of the island. Her mother went on some Radio Stations, and pleaded for the safe return of Natalee. (Natalee's nick-name is "Tootee"). Her mother denied on air, that her relationship with her daughter is on rocky waters. This eliminates some rumors. It seems that authorities are somehow focusing more on the "northwest corner" of Aruba. The Police Helicopter is doing some air searches too. I must say that the Press in Aruba did not "hide" this information!! It is not true! It was already broadcasted Monday afternoon and early Monday evening at the TV Stations. (Their newscast here begins at 7:30 pm). It was even printed on the front-page of the english language "The News" on Monday afternoon!!! Heck, we do not know why the editor of "Aruba Today" received notifications until Monday at 11:00 pm. Didn't she watch any TV or listen to radio that day, or read The News?

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The Natalee Holloway Timeline Detailing Persons, Outright Lies, & Natalee's Known Kidnapping, Rape, Murder, & Corpse Disposal Suspects in Aruba . . . . http://nataleetimelinedetails.blogspot.com/